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[ERROR] No.19205673 [Reply] [Original]

>It's a fact...that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.
Any recommendations for books that further explore this topic? I'd like to learn more about how premodern societies dealt with/treated incels.

>> No.19205678

Cool it with the anti-semitic caricatures.

>> No.19205703
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What should a person do after they are 100% sure they will not reproduce?
What should such a resigned person do?

>> No.19205720
File: 167 KB, 583x792, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R06610,_Oswald_Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the ordinary thought of a highly cultivated people begins to regard "having children" as a question of pro's and con's, the great turning-point has come. For Nature knows nothing of pro and con. Everywhere, wherever life is actual, reigns an inward organic logic, an "it," a drive, that is utterly independent of waking-being, with its causal linkages, and indeed not even observed by it. The abundant proliferation of primitive peoples is a natural phenomenon, which is not even thought about, still less judged as to its utility or the reverse. When reasons have to be put forward at all in a question of life, life itself has become questionable. At that point begins prudent limitation of the number of births. In the Classical world the practice was deplored by Polybius as the ruin of Greece, and yet even at his date it had long been established in great cities; in subsequent Roman times it became appallingly general. At first explained by the economic misery of the times, very soon it ceased to explain itself at all. And at that point, too, in Buddhist India as in Babylon, in Rome as in our own cities, a man's choice of the woman who is to be, not mother of his children as amongst peasants and primitives, but his own "companion for life," becomes a problem of mentalities. The Ibsen marriage appears, the "higher spiritual affinity" in which both parties are "free"--free, that is, as intelligences, free from the plantlike urge of the blood to continue itself, and it becomes possible for a Shaw to say "that unless Woman repudiates her womanliness, her duty to her husband, to her children, to society, to the law, and to everyone but herself, she cannot emancipate herself." The primary woman, the peasant woman, is mother. The whole vocation towards which she has yearned from childhood is included in that one word. But now emerges the Ibsen woman, the comrade, the heroine of a whole megalopolitan literature from Northern drama to Parisian novel. Instead of children, she has soul-conflicts; marriage is a craft-art for the achievement of "mutual understanding". It is all the same whether the case against children is the American lady's who would not miss a season for anything, or the Parisienne's who fears that her lover would leave her, or an Ibsen heroine's who "belongs to herself"--they all belong to themselves and they are all unfruitful.

>> No.19205723

Make a mark by banning people in minecraft, but irl in a cool way. Since you cannot make a genetic one, might as well do something that will give you some measure of immortality rather than being rando #2020220300432321

>> No.19205728

It isn't an analysis or technically involved but Houellebecq's work is always considered pretty on the point for the incel theme.

>> No.19205730

I'm not a nazi

>> No.19205734

Then kys, biomass

>> No.19205739


>> No.19205754

Keith Woods did a really good video on


>> No.19205757

There are only 2 feasible options to stop this.

1. go Nazi and cull them and send them to camps

2. Go commie and give them federally mandated gf.

This later one might sound humane, but remember that this will cause them to enter into the genpool, polluting it more than it already is. However, you might not care about this. But then of course, you will probably get more of them.

>> No.19205766

that's fucking good

>> No.19205773

This is exactly what I said I am not interested in discussing.
I don't want to change society to make up for my own shortcomings like some idealistic idiot.
Forcing women to marry me won't solve the problem. The women think that I'm a fine life form, no point in me propagating though. This was their choice along with the chads that will fight to preserve the system.

I just have to cope somehow and enjoy the life I've been given.

>> No.19205780

but you will never know if you are a chad or not until you try. the fitness is a test. one you might keep failing, but not necessarily.

>> No.19205781

What's he saying? Explain it to me like my iq is only 115

>> No.19205783

im a honest to god incel, a sperg, a kissless, handholdless virgin, a NEET, i am fat and ugly as sin, If I wanted to i could dedicate myself to collect the initials ASD, ADHD, BPD, like condecorations from the british empire. i can't even pity myself so much because im so much of a shit, i deserve every last of it, and even derive abject enjoyment from my own degradation,what i regret i that no matter how much i try i cannot be fully brought down to the level of the animal. lack even solidarity with the other marginals, the people who are almost like mee but not quite, who are almost like me except for the fact that they are guilty of some nebulous yet unforgivable sin. being somewhat less mentally ill or having more sex than i do, not particularly high standards, but still...'

>> No.19205784

you can have a big schnoze and have a gf, just not with that attitude

>> No.19205786

I have tried. Women think I'm a really nice guy but I don't deserve to reproduce.

>> No.19205795

THere are some butt ugly self conscious girls out there that are ready to fuck anything.

Its the initial social block is the main thing. if you get a decent freinds relationship going on and both get drunk that tends to break that barriers pretty easy.

>> No.19205796

Take comfort in the fact that I've reproduced and it was a huge, life-ruining mistake

>> No.19205799

contemporary wahmen = Bad

>> No.19205803

>Women think I'm nice
you are miles ahead of retards that demorlize you here, just stop comsooming black pills and political retardness and live your life and one day you will have and chance and you will seize it

>> No.19205804

You guys have nothing of worth to contribute to this thread.

>> No.19205806

Women seeing motherhood as a simple possibility, something that they may or may not do(Spengler here says weigh the "pros and cons" of motherhood) and not the task they were raised for life to take upon themselves is a sign of the end of whichever culture they exist in. A woman that "emancipates" herself from herself, her biology, lives an empty life.

>> No.19205808

Spengler? more like Sperger

>> No.19205814

>some measure of immortality
Take any significant man and really consider how little is known about them shortly after their death. Then consider how our veneration of them benefits them (none). Then consider the likelihood of human survival in the face of existential threats, and the inhumanity of whatever could leave this solar system. In short, nothing we could ever do well ever grant us immortality or meaning. George Washington is nothing but a symbol. His person is forgotten, distorted, and never known, except to maybe a few loved-ones also long-dead

>> No.19205815
File: 44 KB, 511x554, tumblr_pgylxqLBvW1wik2aeo1_640r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm bad looking. Women always thought I was decent enough, chased me at parties, took me back to their apartment. But I have some kind of brain problem where the moment I feel like I'm being tested I try to get out of it. It fills me with disgust. It's like the person I'm interacting with suddenly starts screeching like a chimp, and I'm supposed to be interested in spending my life with them. So I try to test them back. The test being, whether or not they'll stay with me if I ignore the test and even fail the test after they've expressed interest. I'm aware of it every time. But I have an uncontrollable hate for it. Animal fitness is something to be tested for in animals, not people.

>> No.19205817

She emancipates herself and thus also emancipates all the incels from fatherhood.
I don't really blame the women, they're agreeable so they just follow the lead of the alpha males that control them.
The alpha males want to control all the women and they've succeeded.

>> No.19205821

>chased me at parties, took me back to their apartment.
Never happened to me. Btw I know of this guy who is a tranny, who this also happened to. He was "forced" to have sex with a girl against his will for a year at college and he tells me that was the worst year of his life. He calls it sexual assault.
All I could do was laugh.

>> No.19205822

explain the test because we never interacted with wamen

>> No.19205828

you can force people to have sex with you, it's called rape

>> No.19205845

He says it was hot but still calls it sexual assault. And the girl was his best friend.
I don't think that's rape.

>> No.19205852

>get called a virgin on 4chan (pseudoanonymous space)
>take it personally for some reason
>become a misogynistic social darwinist and/or intelligence asset in retaliation
why do people want to study this serious question

>> No.19205856

I know what you mean. The posturing mating rituals, the vetting. It's like looking into the maw of a demon. The lure of a flower to a bee. You're getting hints of the material hell we inhabit and reacting to it. Every curve on a female's body evolved to manipulate our preferences and every intuition we have is meant to bring us to reproduce. When you catch a glimpse of what it is and refuse to play it isn't completely crazy of you. The problem is you want there to be real love and unfortunately I think that concept is another biological mechanism with a singular purpose for you

>> No.19205857

Basically this >>19205806 but as this was written in the early 1900's Spengler probably never saw the possibility that this sterility of a woman's virtue would also transgress to a man's own desire to question his own ethos. You see; the advent of liberal capitalism, for better or for worse, was the driving force of the emancipation of natural orders such as slavery, women's traditional duties and property 'rights' by means of violence. The idea of progress or constant growth being the driving factor of liberal capitalism, merely by chance and not favor, led to these conclusions to the ultimate goal of acquiring profit. You see a persons identity, let alone man or woman, has been exchanged for a transient consumer identity, one that can change and vary such as the market requires it to for maximum efficiency. The problem is western man, or as Spengler refers to this particular civilization; The Faustian man, was not based in this artificial reality, he was a man who sought to create beauty and practice tempered reason. Liberalism basically checks all our boxes on an empirical level, proving to only itself of its efficiency and greater goodness, yet lacks any sort of contingency for our own natural and 'human' desires and desperately tries to erase and rewrite or purposes so what your left with is this repundant idealist form of degeneracy, sexualization, and emancipation from the physical form (transgenderism).

>> No.19205865

trauma can cause that, whether you enjoy it or not, it's still traumatizing and can fuck you up

>> No.19205867

yet we still strive for it. even when it will only be a warped parody and may only be very much aive for a short time.

>> No.19205872

Kek have a (You)

>> No.19205880

That's what the book The Denial of Death says but I think it can be sabotaged relatively quickly if you have an interest in doing so. My opinion is that the book didn't go far enough and is a strong argument for part of the truth. My opinion is that this existence has no meaning and any attempt at immortality is only helpful as a delusional crutch

>> No.19205904

>Take any significant man and really consider how little is known about them shortly after their death.

This is just a modern take, liberalism exchanges the appollonian view of deifying the past for one that endlessly promises utopia through progress. Symbols in that era had more value than actual history, this is what gave birth to poetry and contemporary western civilization. The nihilistic viewpoint of today's society seeks to destroy culture and tradition, while promising a future that will never come to be.

>> No.19205909

get your racks up

>> No.19205950

Why is the incel in this cartoon depicted as ugly?

>> No.19205951

It’s only your projection.

In fact incels become incels because they can’t get laid and eventually they think that happened because of biological reason.

They are believing in biological determinism.

>> No.19205969

your dairy will you post it for us op

>> No.19206045

I know this feel. The social ritual is fake and i can't be fake. Therefore, i don't fuck. Simple as.

t. 6'4 Volcel Chad

>> No.19206046

It is because of biological reasons.
It's no different from being unable to land the perfect job at McKinsey or BCG.

>> No.19206353

I want out. I don't want to be khv anymore. I'm in my mid-20s and have less experience with women than most high schoolers. What should I do? How can I find love? I know that if I just complain about it enough online, eventually a beautiful girl will appear in my room and ask to marry me but how much longer do I have to wait?

>> No.19206359

Do you have a job?
Do you groom yourself?
Can you provide for a wife and children?
If the answer to these is yes, then just go to Church.

>> No.19206408

>Do you have a job?
Yes, I work as a cashier.
>Do you groom yourself?
Yes. I shave, shower, and semi-frequently get compliments on my hair and shirts.
>Can you provide for a wife and children?
No, I make 10 dollars an hour.
>If the answer to these is yes, then just go to Church.
But I'm an atheist. Also, aren't churchs mostly just filled with old people? I don't think there are many eligible women attending church.

>> No.19206504

if you're white just find a nice quiet and timid asian girl.

>> No.19206530

I'm not racist or anything but I only find Europeans attractive

>> No.19206538

You don't have to be, you can become an antifa and punch some nazis to death (in minecraft)

>> No.19206547

K. Kill yourself then fag