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19180804 No.19180804 [Reply] [Original]

Write What's On Your Mind


Previous thread >>19173562

>> No.19180852

Well i got wasted drunk last night, puked all over the bathroom and dumped bleach everywhere. My dad came into my room and opened my window, and I was so passed out i didnt notice. I'm gravely worried because I was naked and had fetish items laying around. I am going to sleep in as long as I can and desperately hope this doesn't come up...

>> No.19180861

i am literally piskaryov

>> No.19180900

So apparently both of my brothers were molested as children. Now I am a very perverted and depraved person. But I don't remember ever being molested. I'm kind of scared someone got all of us

>> No.19180929
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>thinking about all the rapes during the fall of Berlin again

>> No.19180931
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they're piping the sadness chemicals into my house again

>> No.19180942
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I have to go to work soon.
I have been drafting my novel on my breaks, and it's been going quite well, but I really need to allocate more time, 30 minutes a day just isn't enough time to get much substantial down, especially when I start redrafting.
Good thing my job is fun though.

>> No.19180954

I am the anon that was close to be homeless a month ago, now I'm working cooking at a coffee shop 10hrs a day inside a kitchen reminescent of a bunker. I fucking hate it, at least when being unemployed I got time to write and record my music. No one at this place has been for longer than 3 months, thats a clear sign that I am experiencing a hellscape. 90% of the people working there are females, either naive 19-22 content and happy of being a bee worker for cheap pay or 35+ resentful bitches. To add to that, my "boss" is infringing huge amounts of violence upon me, not by giving me orders, but above that, trying to be a "bro".

I'm on my third week here and I already not only succumbed to cigs and coffee but I also feel that I'm losing some of my individuality by dealing with the masses, effectively, theres almost nothing to learn from a peasant. Its either a life pretending to enjoy the meaningless grind or killing your soul drowning your hatred on dumb escapism. Now I'm questioning all my life again, I thought that my persuit of beauty was noble and that kept me going on, but now I feel that I wasted my life and theres nothing besides this new commoner routine. I won't succumb to this feeling tho and I will kill myself before dropping aesthetic inner life, it's all I have left. I just want a box to live and escape into my pathetic creations, is it that hard?

>some of my music to set the melancholic mood, I can't listen to it since it reminds me of my ex. but you may enjoy it.

have a nice week anons, my shift starts in 5 mins.

>> No.19180960


>> No.19181038

You sound like a faggot

>> No.19181061

>getting that drunk while still living with your parents
You're just asking for trouble, man

>> No.19181082

i busted a fat nut in my sleep goddamn

>> No.19181085

Work sucks, everyone knows it. But if you had actually ended up homeless, you would have experienced how much worse that can be than having a job you hate.

>> No.19181091

You can handle this job until you find a better one. Have you tried working on internet making small tasks?

>> No.19181097

>my persuit of beauty
>music is generic sad film soundtrack stuff
I mean it's nice and all, but don't puff yourself up too much. If you can, find a job with better hours.

>> No.19181113
File: 31 KB, 500x763, unforgiven-1992-004-clint-eastwood-firing-rifle-00m-u3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are fewer more beautiful and noble deeds one can commit than the rendering unto justice and forthright destruction of that which deserves it, to fill them with the fear of god.

I have taken it upon myself to condemn my foe to their fate, to bring ruin to all their houses, to drive them asunder and annihilate and buttblast them utterly . This vendetta fills me with a higher purpose, the certitude of my conviction glints in my eyes like a sharpened spearpoint in the sun. I go inexorably to my task with the sure foreknowledge of its predestined fulfillment.

(Note to FBI. I'm not plotting a crime. Quite the contrary. Indeed, maybe if you have the time you could help me bring these suckers down as the legal system is notoriously ponderous and unresponsive for the not rich.)

>> No.19181128

kitchen jobs are soul destroying but preferable to being homeless, hold on until you can find something better (scars as souvenirs is kino btw)

(you) broke the first rule: never get drunk close to your family

same, what a waste

>> No.19181130

I am sick of the internet

>> No.19181228

thinking of just burning some books instead of bothering to haul them to thrift stores/book stores/etc

>> No.19181255
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finished my pitch for my novella (for class).

>> No.19181281

I don't think it's ever a good idea to directly compare your work to the works of others in a summary

>> No.19181414

I am so, so grateful that the last thing I said to you was good.

>> No.19181466

>drink coffee
>speak like a corporate drone at work
>don’t drink coffee
>don’t speak like a corporate drone at work
There’s some sort of link here.

>> No.19181477
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capitalist bros.... we got too cocky.............

>> No.19181479

Is Knausgaard actually any good?

>> No.19181480

Jesus Christ you really fucked up man. You cant sleep forever.
I was so drunk once i passed out eating a bagel and my parents found me with half a bagel hanging out of my mouth. like imagine passing out in the middle of chewing food. that's the state they found me in

>> No.19181510

You could think about Weimar Berlin instead where the prostitutes filed themselves into lines on different streets dependent on their specialist market. In typical Prussian fashion, the street for pregnant women ordered them by gestational stage.

>> No.19181527

Was Weimar truly the end times?

>> No.19181536
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>after reading some Schopenhauer and using marijuana at a party
My depersonalization was triggered by Marijuana as well :(. Took some edibles (very low dose, 10mg I think), had a meltdown, completely lost control of my body, convinced myself I had died in the "real" world and was having a stroke, also every second felt like an hour. Luckily I got out of it okay, and after 2 or 3 days the depersonalization went away and I went back to normal. But then a couple weeks later I was thinking about my memory, then I thought: What is my experience like without utilizing memory, without looking back on a moment, but what is it like for me right now, then I noticed that I only focus on one particular thing, so particular that you can't even say anything about it without consulting your memory of the experience. Then I was thinking about well Descartes cogito ergo sum (I haven't read any philosophy other than the Greeks and Romans so I'm probably fucking him up) and at least I exist, but then I realized my experience of the present moment doesn't contain myself, I only attain the notion of myself through consulting my memory of a past moment. Feels bad when you realize you are almost entirely unconscious and pretty much a literal npc. This shit has completely and utterly fucked my sense of time also. Every hour feels like 4. Any books to help me out with this bros? I've heard of Bergson's idea of duration and qualitative multiplicity, but it kinda seems like a cope. I don't think that I experience any sort of qualitative multiplicity. I'll read him soon anyway, I suppose.

>> No.19181572

probably a physiological brain chemistry thing that was exacerbated by the bad trip. might need to see a doctor about vitamin deficiencies or whatnot; cognitive behavioural therapy maybe too

>> No.19181625
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Thankfully there is the diary thread.
I was friendzoned by my pious, philosophy-loving, drawing, poet and musician Classics student in June, because she is considering taking the veil, as if if when you are not ugly you have the right to marry God. However I know that her mind is a spirit of indecision and that she has a lot of esteem for me and a bit of closeness since we allow ourselves to tease each other, so that I am not sure that I don't have any chance anymore, she introduced me to her parents during the summer and in September she told me that she was not planning to get married soon, so that I imagine that it would take a few years for her to be completely sure in one way or the other. However, not knowing the psychology of women, I don't know how to tip the balance in my favor. I see her weekly on weekends and I try to be nice to her without becoming her cicisbeo. She enjoys my conversation and finds me eloquent. Does anyone have any relevant advice?

>> No.19181634

This. If Marijuana sends you into a psychotic episode, you clearly have some undiagnosed mental condition that will rear its ugly head later down the road even if you never partake in DUDEWEED again. Seek Medical attention, and G-D help you if you live in burgerland like me :)

>> No.19181650

Its cool he didnt say anything. My dad is real good at pretending things didnt happen

>> No.19181657

And dumb ass stoners will say weed is harmless.

>> No.19181668

Pick her up, throw her over your shoulder, toss her onto a bed, and fuck her like an animal

>> No.19181688

No, I'm religious, so it goes against my moral duty and I don't want to destroy my future.

>> No.19181711

>If Marijuana sends you into a psychotic episode, you clearly have some undiagnosed mental condition that will rear its ugly head later down the road
Both pretty extreme paranoia and depersonalization are actually a shockingly common side effect of weed. They can also last quite a long time after stopping, but they don't usually last forever. I know many people who have had mental breakdowns due to marijuana. Schizobros symptoms just sound like severe anxiety combined with reading about hegelian sense-certainty lol

>> No.19181842

we have to, its for class. i didnt get to chose it.

>> No.19181873

I want to call my mom, but i have no idea what we would talk about.

>> No.19181881

>grandma cleaning my room
>she found the notebooks that were behind my computer monitor
>all of them were filled with info I found about selonding
What do I do bros

>> No.19181902

Now that your dilema is over. What were the sex toys?

>> No.19181909

I’m having a hard time getting into poetry

>> No.19182038

Talked to my mom. It was nice.

>> No.19182106

I don't know where it went wrong bros, but i'm ngmi.

>> No.19182156

about what now? is that a word?

>> No.19182192

Oh not sex toys. I have a fetish for a very particular fabric and most clothes made in that fabric are womens winter jackets. I had like three of them laying around and yes they are covered in cum stains

>> No.19182204

I wish I had learned to forgive.

>> No.19182235
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I'm conflicted between spending my 24th year porking as many twinks as possible or finding a bf to settle down with.

>> No.19182280

you can do metta meditation. you sit and focus, first on yourself, and concentrate and think
"May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I be safe and feel safe
May I have peace within and without
May it be easy for me to give and to receive love"

You do that with yourself for a while, then focus on someone else. Eventually you work your way to the person you are having a problem with. The goal is to focus on all life. Buddha taught this as the cure for anger.

>> No.19182303

I know what you want and I've been honest with you.

>> No.19182316

You know, I don't hate you. On the contnary I care about you. You've helped me through some weird time and I've learned a lot from you.

>> No.19182330

Women like that are more trouble than they're worth

>> No.19182336

Find someone else instead of spending the next few years agonizing over this girl. Find a woman you can own, you'll be happy.

>> No.19182348
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What are the implications of one currency over a large and socially heterogeneous area?

>> No.19182351


>> No.19182354

The Euro has been in use for decades now, you tell me

>> No.19182387

Try epic poetry. They're closer to novels than short poems.

>> No.19182412

> love Japanese language
> learn the Japanese language
> think this is a bit cringe

>> No.19182480


>> No.19182503

how can you love a language you don't know

>> No.19182507

Lol well she'll go with the guy who will

>> No.19182515

I’ll give it some thought. But if I let go of the hate I’ll have nothing left.

>> No.19182522
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>feel sick as shit
>force myself to go in monday/tuesday because taking a day off means a pile of work orders when you get back, in addition to all the ones that come in the next day
>decide to take wednesday off because i can barely get out of bed
>a mountain of work orders already waiting for me tomorrow

>> No.19182562

I keep asking myself “what I’d the most rebellious thing I could do with my life right now?” and I never have an answer. Why? Nothing at all seems rebellious.

>> No.19182574

I do know the language.

>> No.19182591
File: 187 KB, 1080x1792, 90fdfbbc17b711517b25f9534a0ab400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still obsessed with the Chinese ex, anons. I'm still writing the novel about her. I'm still thinking about her when I see John Lennon singing Oh My Love to Yoko on TV. I'm considering taking truffles in Amsterdam as my first drug experience soon, mostly to cope. Where do I go from here? I'll never see her again while she sleeps with whoever whenever. Save me anons, save me

>> No.19182600

Get over it pussy. You're infatuated with this stupid fucking chink you orbited, you never shared any kind of connection that approximates love.

>> No.19182604

Dont get vaccinated, deny the holocaust, and say nigger

>> No.19182606

I feel like we did or I wouldn't be such a spaz over it

>> No.19182613

You're such a spaz over it because you don't know any better.

>> No.19182618

your post implies you first loved it and then learned it

>> No.19182620

I haven't read anything in like three weeks. I just feel exhausted after work and can't bring myself to do anything. I hate this job and my life.

>> No.19182627

I am tired of /lit/ making cheap jokes about my favourite authors :(

>> No.19182668

I already got vaccinated, which I regret. As for the other day, I’m not shy regarding them.

>> No.19182675

feeling wholesome, blessed. it seems I will be allowed to grow.

>> No.19182677

Although that’s not what I meant to imply, there’s some truth in that also. I thought it was a beautiful language ever since I first encountered it.

>> No.19182682

it just looks like that now, it will look very different. if there's one thing anger really does it's distort things

>> No.19182875

I regret my career a lot.

>> No.19182897

Thank you.

>> No.19182900

every fucking thought, every fucking idea, every fucking idea that comes out of my head is shit. I wish I could kill myself without hurting my family

>> No.19182904


>> No.19182919

such a fucking failure I can't even type correctly. fuck

>> No.19182949

I just really despise it and I think it’s taken me further from the person I want to be and/or should be.

>> No.19183002

I heard this was the "write what's on your mind" thread.

>> No.19183034
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Another day.

>> No.19183070
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submitting all my coursework late and drinking alcohol and having sex and sleeping 10 hours a day

>> No.19183111

I have become so schizo I can no longer really believe anything. For a long time I gravitated towards "forbidden" things because I reasoned that they must be forbidden for a reason and therefore maybe true, but this has turned out to be a specious line of reasoning. You cant actually trust anything at all, everything I have ever been told is part of the same curated panopticon, I cannot get out of it.

>> No.19183118

What is the career?

>> No.19183153

what is the literary equivalent of that awful feeling you get when you flush the toilet and watch your shit slowly smear all around the sides of bowl and then you have to clean it with a brush?

>> No.19183160

why did he paint/draw himself so much

>> No.19183164

University staff/admin, but I work in budgeting specifically.

>> No.19183188

I hate my life, I hate my job, I hate how women flirt with me a lot, but I can't respond. I hate my co-workers. I hate my parents, my siblings, my friends, I hate 4chan. I hate everything except reading, writing, yet I never do it. I hate my fucking job so much I want to quit, but if I quit I'll be unemployed and have to go back to a job barely above minimum wage, even though my miserable wagecuck job is barely more than the job I'd go back to. Life fucking sucks. It is hell. I want to die everyday, but I'd never commit suicide, and probably would be sad if I died.

>> No.19183201

Just stop caring.

>> No.19183224

I regret not joining the millitary and dying in combat. I have this complex with authority figures, like I want to be used and be useful. I want their approval. But I know they are the absolute scum of the earth. I don't seem to accept myself or validate my own choices. So the regret comes everytime. Why can't I be like the others?

>> No.19183239

Do you have to answer that question for homework?

>> No.19183241

Somehow these eyes really speak to me. I feel bad for what happened to Rembrandt, but I always think about how interesting it is the way his life went. This is also the first drawing I've seen of him with a hat. Life back then wasn't all that different from today it seems.

>> No.19183249

How is your relationship with your parents?

>> No.19183252 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 320x480, really makes you tink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the demiurge fucking with me?
Or am I fucking with her?

>> No.19183284

I have nothing to gain from being alive and offer nothing of value to anyone who's not emotionally invested in my existence

>> No.19183292

Im working on something how does this sound anons

She told me that whenever she got sad or lonely she thought about me. New person in a new country late at night laying in the dino sheets I always made fun of, she thought about me. It's what you expect someone to say. I don't want to tell her how I really felt. It's changed by this point though. At first it was this uncontrollable urge. I couldn't understand its will. All I could think about was setting it free. Cracking open my sternum pulling each side apart until my ribs broke back through hoping I could spear that thing on their way out. Instead i starved it out. I never had the stomach for gore. Late nights and cigarettes waiting. Eventually it worked. Now it lays there gaining enough stretch for another death rattle. Barely strange enough to feel but it's there. Sending weak ripples dulled before they can even reach the skin. What I can't tell her is that sometimes I do feed him. Just enough so he can send another blunted pulse.

>> No.19183314

Well my mom is dead, she died when I was a child. My dad, perhaps I want to please him, because he always drilled into my head that I had to be like him, forget my friends, go around my own business, it was all about repressing my desires and becoming a numbed respectful person. It was my survival strategy, as he was strict, and forced me to do things I didn't want to when I was a teenager, such as moving cities, never going out, he was an helicopter father. I think that I wished to be like him, without friends, caring only for his own family, and going along the dominant power. But I couldn't you know? if I had been like him, perhaps I could have had some power and respect, but after moving out of his house, I went to my heart content, living a mediocre life, and I don't know, sometimes I regret that, sometimes I am glad. When I was a teenager, I thought adults were wise and always right, but now they seem like really troublesome people, going along what they where taught. And I am the same, deep down I want to be dominated, controlled, to be told what to do. I should go to theraphy.

>> No.19183320
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>I should go to theraphy.
Or maybe just find a good dominatrix, it probably costs about as much.

>> No.19183325

I quit smoking weed months ago but I'm still lazy

>> No.19183340

Do meth

>> No.19183341
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I would prefer a cute chorogon.

>> No.19183343

I might have a disease

>> No.19183348

Too many short sentences tbqh, has an odd rhythm. The second sentence is also awkward in general

It does make me curious as to what you're talking about however so that is good i suppose

>> No.19183351

Stop worrying about awkward situations and consider your depravity.

>> No.19183356

I would like to go to sleep on her large breasts.

>> No.19183365

A little based

>> No.19183376

Your marxist tranny lit collection?

>> No.19183388

it was two loads i think when i looked at my underwear weird

>> No.19183472

I can try to bury it under escapism and philosophy and work, but deep down I'm really just very lonely and want someone to hold me and tell me everything will be okay. I haven't had a conversation with a female outside my family that wasn't work-related in years, nor can I remember the last time I hugged anyone.
I can't even feel sad or depressed about it anymore. It would feel good to cry and let it out once in a while but I just feel numbness too stony to produce any tears all the time.

>> No.19183498

I appreciate the critique brother. I wanted to get that sense of intrigue but i definitely need to work on the flow. I'll workshop it and see if it can go anywhere.

>> No.19183571

Why do you take it to heart? People parrot things and fuck around all the time on here. I bet most people that make fun haven’t even read some of their works. Regardless, it isn’t a good idea to like something that has no connection or correlation with you to the point of asshurt when someone questions you.

>> No.19183642

I need to stop being a contrarian, I have nothing to talk about with people
I'll torrent some netflix shows, I give up

>> No.19183724

Poo always comes out of my ass. That's most of entire of what my ass does.

>> No.19183748

That's what itd for. I recently learned that people who stick stuff their asses eventually wear out the asshole and some even have to wear diapers. This has severely changed my opinion of sodomy which I used to regard as more or less benign degeneracy

>> No.19183775

Men lie to women and tell them it's harmless aside from whatever hangups they have. Not true. Ruins your asshole and makes you sneed wet shit into your pants when you're just sitting there. That's supposed to only happen to ancient geezers but there are 30 year old women walking around with cranky ass and wet shit dribbles because the "love of their live" between ages 23-26 had a porn addiction and could only get off from anal because he ruined his ability to see sex as real unless it's violation and slightly painful. Gay men have totally blown out ass holes like they just hang open like a coral's mouth.

>> No.19183809

I tried to warn my brother but he wouldnt listen. He gets plowed in the ass regularly now

>> No.19183817

anal in porn is godawful and not like it's done in real life at all

>> No.19183818

porn is fucking disgusting

>> No.19183982

no im just curious. the guy really liked to paint himself. do you know why?

>> No.19184012

why do you know so much about assholes? specifically gay mens assholes?

>> No.19184020

all sex in porn isn't like actual sex.

>> No.19184022

Hey you don't know that. Love is without definition because love is infinite, like the Tao. There is room there for this to have been love

>> No.19184356

Why can't that stupid butterfly just fuck off already.

>> No.19184359
File: 361 KB, 1952x1960, 3883D774-03FD-4F11-81A7-AF58206F3D22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying to get the dumb fucks like you to leave

>> No.19184366

Whatever attention whore.

>> No.19184385

Random thought popped up just now, knew a girl in highschool. Very beautiful probably the most beautiful I've ever seen but she was very quiet (used to look like quiet too), used to sit in front of me in class. Everyone used to hit on her never had a bf from what I know.
Ended up in the same college as her, we never talked apart from studies but we did exchange a lot of glances what's weird about her was she never looked away it was always a staredown with her. Which I thought was kinda cute. Back when we were freshers we had a little party where she was announced Mrs fresher. I sat in a corner drinking my drink when we exchanged glances again.
I never really intended to be in a relationship and I know it's too far fetched but I wonder what could've been. Anyways I hope she's having a great life.

>> No.19184406
File: 607 KB, 600x600, Ron-Howard-se-le-escapa-una-sorpresa-al-mostrar-a-Chewbacca-en-la-pelicula-de-Han-Solo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other day I remembered my first crush. I haven't thought about her in 20 years. She was Chinese, had big glasses, and really liked science fiction. I remember being so excited that I made a Chinese friend. She came over to my house a few times, and we played Lego, talked about the International Space Station and how new things like Google were. Also a drew her a picture of Chewbacca from Star Wars, ripping somebody's arms off, and she really loved it. At the end of that school year, my family moved to another state and I never heard from her or even really thought about her since then.

thanks for listening to my blog

>> No.19184562
File: 653 KB, 500x738, 1600125902884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you are seasonal anime watchers, i'd like to alert you to Heike Monogatari. Not many people seem to be watching it, but it is great so far and i think it has great potential. Four episodes out already. And it's based on real Japanese /lit/ too, so check it out.

>> No.19184566

is it about the Heike crabs?

>> No.19184588

Indirectly, in that Heike crabs are named after the events which is the focus of the show.

>> No.19184612

naked lunch

>> No.19184632

I hope you meet her again anon

>> No.19184652

i barely use /lit/ but i'm in love with a fictional 11 year old girl and i don't know how i should feel about that. worst of all i can't tell anybody because i'll either be fucking crucified or doped by a therapist and castrated or something

>> No.19184656
File: 187 KB, 1024x928, 1618833502729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i had spent more time riding bikes and surfing rather then playing video games.

>> No.19184680

Didn't happen
red scare propaganda

>> No.19184694

Why. I’ve spent plenty of time surfing and fucking around in nature, and it always seemed little different from hanging around at home on the porch.

>> No.19184725

That would be nice. But would we even recognize each other? I remember her parents were really lovely.

>> No.19184730
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>> No.19184732

Holy shit go outside and talk to a real woman. I'm serious. It's for your own good.

>> No.19184741

i regularly go outside although i don't talk to women (or anyone for that matter)

>> No.19184745

Talk to someone

>> No.19184750

i dont think walking up to random strangers and fucking starting a conversation is something that you're supposed to do but then again i know very little about interacting with other human beings

>> No.19184751

I'm retarded and dying to ebola is pretty horrifying.

>> No.19184854

i think it's the artistic element of it. I don't create any art but in someway there is an artistry in riding. playing and consuming video games isn't art, it's just a mechanical game that rewards robotic precision. It's using your body in a machine like way, drumming in inputs rather then surfing which utilizes the entire body in a more natural way.

>> No.19184977
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PSA: Young women (college freshman for example) ARE LOW STATUS, so the status differential is to your advantage, as long as you're not a complete fuck up.

Now I get why guys in their 30s date really young women. Even if you were a fuck up in your teens and 20s, if you're halfway smart and not a completely retarded degenerate, you'll have a decent job, a car, some money, and hopefully learn how to groom and present yourself by the time you're in your 30s.

There are plenty of naïve 19 year old girls that you might come across that WILL compare you to the pothead bums in their community college class whose moms drop them off at school, for whom the only thing they know is video games.
So don't forget that as much as we might lament our relatively low status for our peer groups, maturity IS status to women.

>> No.19185193

>calls someone an attention whore
>repeatedly feeds it attention
good job retard

>> No.19185205

that thing is extremely poisonous

>> No.19185216

>sneed folds, chucking

>> No.19185217

it's actually venomous, i think you would know this considering it's a literature board :)

>> No.19185379

I did actually know that as it happens, I'm fucking tired ok

>> No.19185706

This isn't /sci/

>> No.19185729
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Was anyone else too dumb to figure out the puzzle?

>> No.19185793
File: 126 KB, 922x1280, 5C7AD3AA-3843-4D83-81B5-2595CB12E256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://youtu.be/2lwn73QH-WY brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.19185826

I believe I was actually, is this the temple on top of the hill? I got stuck trying to get in

>> No.19185836

nikita always seemed based. i watched this enormous fucking docu series on the cold war by some american tv-house, like 24 1 hour episodes or something, maybe even more. I think it was just called "the Cold War". Either way it was phenomenal, they'd interview people like presidential interpreters and shit like that, people who were in the room. I think it's from there my good impressoin of him came, he just seems decent and relatively caring

>> No.19185838

>presidential interpreters and shit like that
from both sides mind you

>> No.19185860

on days like this i'm glad i never got a "real job" because i can sit around debating the merits of the latest literature nobel winner with a bunch of autistic dudes all morning instead of sitting in some meeting or whatever

>> No.19185888
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he was a chonker

>> No.19185958

Why did they boot him off ?

>> No.19185972

I forget, I want to say it’s located near the tree but that doesn’t seem right

>> No.19186003

don't remember

>> No.19186046

Just wanna say I could beat the shit out of every single person in this thread. It wouldn't even be a fight, I'd just pummel the absolute shit out of any of you.
Think about that the next time you're having your fancy little discussion. Think about how it'd feel to have me beat the absolute shit out of you.

>> No.19186107

I'm bigger and stronger than you and I would protect all my /lit/ psuedo-friends

>> No.19186181

He was tall, strong, bold. Dark brown skin covering every inch of his sun tanned body, glistening like black marble in the sun, a slight film of sweat on him, breathing heavily through big nostrils.
He was ready, his blood was boiling, and he let the spirits in.

>> No.19186200

I’m come to believe that most modern occupations are severely counterproductive to art and poetry. This is a complete disaster.

>> No.19186229

He’s an attention whore. What'd you expect

Sure sure, jellybelly

Most modern occupations are for state-capitalist support. Not just the bullshit jobs Graeber points out, but a lot of regular shit jobs. Fuck, I hate Christmas

>> No.19186254

I’m just so tired. I need to get more sleep and meditate more regularly.

>> No.19186259

I could beat the piss out of you without even blinking bud, pipe down.

>> No.19186263

fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19186273

It’s not even funny.

>> No.19186303

fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19186448

I'd submit you in 30 seconds

>> No.19186457

calm down autismo, did you give up on your fantasy of raping her or what

>> No.19186474

im a cocksuckerrr

>> No.19186484

I have multiple nightmares every night.

>> No.19186500

I’m giving up.

>> No.19186659

> realize how important personal life is to informing the writing of the writer
> realize how terribly boring, dull, flat, inert, and disappointing my life has been, probably will be

>> No.19186682
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An unsuccessful strategy for all occasions!

>> No.19186692

fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19186722

>Its either a life pretending to enjoy the meaningless grind or killing your soul drowning your hatred on dumb escapism
It's best to learn meditation on your feet when working sysyphean tasks. I've work a few menial jobs in the past, but done some of my best thinking while doing so. Go into a trance and cogitate on things you've been reading or studying.

>> No.19186731

it's funny watching you seethe. imagine being this upset by a tripfag lol

>> No.19186745

> want to move to a new city
> really don’t want to do same job in new city
> don’t have degree or skills that lend themselves to anything else

>> No.19186842 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just read in the wsj about a "small presence of americans secretly training local forces" in taiwan. yeah, stay away from that, that's bad, that's trouble. No, that's not good.

>> No.19186919

I'm training to become a handyman. i know women like guys who are handy, but as a career I'm kind of fucked with regards to status

>> No.19187062

The eternal Jannie pruned a thread where I was going to submit a good post, and so I will submit it here.
The post I was responding to:

>Nah, liberals have been far more effective than conservatives ever were for corporate causes.
Could you please expand upon this topic?

I’m speaking in general terms here, but Conservatives valued things like family, religion, ethnic/religious homogeneity, etc. This creates problems for corporations. Things like using mass immigration to keep wages low are impossible if conservatives choose not to have mass immigration. The disapproval of sexual imagery hampers things like advertising, the sex industry, etc. And the sort of society a conservative society creates is one where the only real difference between people is class. If everyone is of the same race and religion and has a stable family (at least outwardly), the only thing left to divide people is class, increasing the risk of class consciousness, a major risk for corporations.

A liberal society removes all those issues. As many people as possible can immigrate, ensuring a cheap labor force. Sexual imagery becomes acceptable and celebrated, opening up vast and profitable industries. And identity politics ensures whites will hate blacks, blacks will hate whites, men and women will hate each other, different religions will fight, etc. Class consciousness dies, and the corporation wins. I’m not saying this society is a worse or better place to live than a conservative one, but it is a better one for corporations.

Somewhere along the line, corporations in America realized the right posed a greater threat than liberals and here we are.

>> No.19187089

Pessoa's life was exactly like that

>> No.19187108

Conservatives love to give out tax breaks to those same corporations though. Woke imagery literally means nothing.

>> No.19187250

>Conservatives love to give out tax breaks to those same corporations though.
Sure, and so do liberals. If you think Democratic “green energy” plans, for example, don’t involve helping out corporations with money, you are wrong. But I believe that even if liberals did not directly help corporations, the societal shifts they cause make corporations far wealthier than they would be in a conservative society, even one with tax breaks and subsidies.

>Woke imagery literally means nothing.
This is simply not true. Woke imagery with the power of corporations behind it has the power to reshape society. Look around you. It’s already happening. We should consider corporate work imagery as an investment on their part, an investment into creating the society which will make them the most money.

>> No.19187262

How do I stop being a degenerate? How do I stop being lazy? I do nothing. I am nothing. But I know I can be something. Please help. And don't just tell me to read Epictetus or some bullshit. I've tried all that. I want actual advice from anons.

>> No.19187278

Cultural conservatism no longer exists. Most conservatives today are secular libertarians. The only socially conservative issue that has any political capital today is the abortion issue. Everything else has fallen to the wayside. Gays, divorce, porn, public decency, etc etc are all totally lost. The new social dynamic is 2000s social liberalism vs Critical Race Theory/ "Wokeism"

>> No.19187304

Literally just act. Get off your ass and move

>> No.19187383

When I first started reading Gass, I was in love with him. The more and more of his work (specifically, his non-fiction) I read, the more I dislike him; Take this section on his essay about Borges:
>Emerson? Many of Borges’s other enthusiasms are equally dismaying, like the Russians’ for Jack London, or the symbolist poets’ for Poe; on the whole they tend to be directed toward obscure or marginal figures, to stand for somewhat cranky, wayward, even decadent choices: works at once immature or exotic, thin though mannered, clever rather than profound, neat instead of daring, too often the products of learning, fancy, and contrivance to make us comfortable; they exhibit a taste that is still in its teens, one becalmed in backwater, and a mind that is seriously intrigued by certain dubious or jejune forms, forms which have to be overcome, not simply exploited: fantastic tales and wild romances, science fiction, detective stories, and other, similar modes which, with a terrible theological energy and zeal, impose upon implausible premises a rigorous gamelike reasoning; thus for this minutely careful essayist and poet it’s not Aristotle, but Zeno, it’s not Kant, but Schopenhauer; it’s not even Hobbes, but Berkeley, not Mill or Bradley, but—may philosophy forgive him—Spencer; it’s Dunne, Beckford, Bloy, the Cabbalists; it’s Stevenson, Chesterton, Kipling, Wells and William Morris, Browne and De Quincey Borges turns and returns to, while admitting no such similar debt to James, Melville, Joyce, and so on, about whom, indeed, in these Conversations, he passes a few mildly unflattering remarks.
I don't even like Borges or many of those authors he listed but to me this just comes off as condescending, as if he's almost upset that, among other things, Borges liked genre fiction and adventure stories instead of those works that are considered "profound and daring," whatever the fuck that means. In another essay he argues that the well-educated, well-read mind "cannot afford" to not like the classics, and that, if you dislike the classics, you are simply not well-read or not educated enough to understand them.

>> No.19187390

Don't even need to be high status to scoop these girls up when you're young either. Keeping one is the hard part and is just a bit unlikely when your life is still so in flux.

>> No.19187496

>mfw I find 30-40s women most attractive
It was over before it even began

>> No.19187507

as a fool who knows his plqce, I am tired of fools who do not know their place

>> No.19187522

Thats right bitch, now kneel

>> No.19187574

desu this just makes it seem more pathetic. I have an acquaintance who is in his 30s with a 16 year old girlfriend. They are perfect for each other in that he is a mentally and emotionally stunted manchild, and she's a literal teenage girl. Nobody thinks he's cool, nobody is jealous of him

>> No.19187904

I don’t know what to do for work or where to go. I’m tired of being a technician in this economy. I’ve wasted my education and my career.

>> No.19188056
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Should I try getting a CC gf?
want to make a throwaway Discord account and spam it there

>> No.19188076

what's a CC gf?

>> No.19188081

a gf from CC

>> No.19188090

I wish I grew up poor. I wish id gotten beaten up or suffered some horrible upbringing.
Probably would have done me some good. Probably would have given me more purpose and drive.

>> No.19188122

Creative Commons?

>> No.19188139

Is there really some secret bond of brotherhood that holds people from declining invitations? Is it so wrong to abandon the homies for one night because you know you'd not only not enjoy yourself but lessen the enjoyment of others as well? It's perfectly reasonable to be your own person away from the homies imo

>> No.19188254
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>> No.19188432

Sooner or later I'll just get bored of this shit and really try to make my own type of thing. At least that's what I keep telling myself. The online training they make me take is easy as shit, and I wouldn't have a problem with it if it didn't cost over a day's pay. I've only really got around to it since I've been sick, and they don't pay sick days here. At this point, I'm barely coughing but I still haven't got test results back so there's nothing they can do to let me in; they need that proof they love so much. They need that sweet sense of empirical comfort confirmed by the gods of science, and only then is it worth it to give someone pay. At least these trainings are supposed to make my pay go up, but it's a long way til they even get certified. Even then it'll be a long way til I actually get a salary so I'm not sure if it's even worth it at this point. It's probably more worth it to just get a degree but I wouldn't be able to start til next year and then I'd have to think about loans. Whatever. I got this place and I can write shit like this that no one will read. Other than that all I'm good for is getting high and giving a shitty reading of some book I bought to fill something that I know can't be filled.
Most of the bullshit here and elsewhere online provoke a sense of cynicism. It wants to keep us down and all the other things people typically say about how much it sucks to read the news and take in modern culture. If I don't have something outside of myself to blame I'm not sure what I'd have in the first place. Only by understanding this outside can I understand the division within myself; the part of myself I can't access. There's just going to be more and more of this sentiment until something happens, or maybe nothing will happen and we'll be reduced to imagining what it means for something to even happen in the first place.
What tips do you guys have for writing, and what money schemes can you help me with?

>> No.19188466

Is The Silence of the Lambs not an eerily prophetic film? The famous "would you fuck me" scene interrupting the film just as many identical pieces of media interrupt otherwise continuous social media feeds, the "would you fuck me?" as a pretext for "I'd fuck me", the woman in the pit as symbolic of many thing including but not limited to: the woman whose gaze Buffalo Bill's travesty is for, the feminine that is unattainable after being debased and murdered by the "transition", the monstrous transsexual misunderstanding of the yonic as an inversion of the phallic whereby a metaphoric bottom of a pit must contain a totally, phallicly, sexually, accessible feminine, etc.

>> No.19188501

i selfinsert as the girl in porn but i am not remotely attracted to men sexually. what is wrong with me?

>> No.19188505

why is the modern definition of liberal so contrived ? you have separate parts denoting to its origin liberty, some of it relates to being progressive or liberal in a literal sense. but another part specifies it is for free enterprise. its so contradicting like its a statement of i want to be whatever my opinion leads me to believe is fashionable. it is a fashion statement to call oneself liberal. and then the whole political spectrum is askew because when we know far left means central authority, and far right means free anarchy, yet we call liberals far left when conservatives would be far left because they are authority, or those who want to instate a republic. yet liberals would infact be far right following this logic, but we use feeling to arbitrarily put national socialism as extreme far left, or is it right? and communism is far left or where is it? ridiculous

>> No.19188515

The woman is the one being pleasured. Porn has never worked for me because I learned that I enjoy sex because of the enjoyment I give the other person moreso than making my willy feel good.

>> No.19188602

I can come kick your ass if you'd like

>> No.19188611

never wanted to admit it but having no friends is definitely messing up my brain somehow, I've been friendless for most of my life I don't know what it's like to be truly close to someone.
this need for companionship that I have been trying to keep hidden forever has broken from it's cage and is seeping into every aspect of my being forcing me to do something(there is more on this such as examples and experience but I am too ashamed to write them, even here) but I am absolutely clueless and partly not a very good person to be around, even if I were to make friends I feel I'd be desperately holding on all the time to not be let behind while constantly having to change aspects of myself to not be kicked off.
I'm not entirely incompatible with people, i can find similarities or get along with people based on certain personalty traits or experiences that I imagine they might have had because I project it on them as I see that they behave in a way that says this person most likely experienced this event, but never any real, lasting friendships

>> No.19188612

Stop thinking of politics in one dimension and it will stop being so confusing

>> No.19188659

what do you think a spectrum means? do you think it would be better if we don't use a spectrum to define politics?

>> No.19188706

My pillow smells like vinegar

>> No.19188759

I think I need to accept that I am not an artist. I always fantasize about being a writer or a painter but my attraction to drawing is superficial and I don't even really like reading fiction and poetry. I just can't stop myself from naturally gravitating towards science and philosophy.

>> No.19188774


>> No.19188881

>and then the whole political spectrum is askew because when we know far left means central authority, and far right means free anarchy, yet we call liberals far left when conservatives would be far left because they are authority, or those who want to instate a republic. yet liberals would infact be far right following this logic, but we use feeling to arbitrarily put national socialism as extreme far left, or is it right? and communism is far left or where is it?
you sound insane go for a walk

>> No.19189000
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I'm trying desperately not to write erotica and jerk off to it, that and trying not to just jerk off to the idea I have. I've done it before, it never ends well, I don't want to do it now but the compulsion is very powerful.

>> No.19189106

it wouldnt be the same

>> No.19189196

I've been writing this story for a while and now that I'm at the halfway mark, things feel slow. I'm thinking about self-publishing but the thought of having my own book feels kind of exciting and kind of scary. Maybe this chapter I'm writing is coming off as slow because I'm just trying to develop the secondary character a bit more, idk.

>> No.19189293

I'll be your full time bully. Give me your lunch money nerd

>> No.19189377 [DELETED] 


tradbois get ready duels are back on the menu in chicago!

>> No.19189406

My soul is calloused. I hold it over the flame of despair and feel muffled emotions, distant pain.

>> No.19189455

I'm drifting away. Each day another league. Not fighting the current. Watching my family recede, not yet beyond the horizon. Furtive hope of finding new land. Skin cracking in the sun, mind numbed by still water. whatever

>> No.19189488

I cant shake the desire to cut contact with the few people in my life. I don't want anyone to evaluate me. I want to be alone. I dont want to leave a trace. I dont want to report my progress to anyone. I dont want expectations. I dont want to be watched. I dont want to be anything. I dont want to succeed. I dont want to fail. I dont care. I dont want them to know I dont care. I dont want to prove I dont care. I dont want to be derivative. I dont want to go through the motions. I dont want to be alone. I dont want to be happy. I dont want to talk. I dont want to explain. I dont want to be here.

>> No.19189496
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>I cant shake the desire to cut contact with the few people in my life.
same. people are fucking annoying. having friends is too much work and I'd rather just work, come home, eat dinner, read, meditate, maybe bang a hooker, then go to sleep. too many people in your life overcomplicates things significantly.

>> No.19189535 [DELETED] 

do you dudes know any christian techniques for clearing your mind and regaining focus after something stressful or distributive?

>> No.19189544

stop caring. not caring brings immediate relief. I just stared at myself in the mirror for 5 minutes. I was caring too much. Every second my savings account depreciates. I can see myself aging. I feel stress and anxiety building work family death money passion time time time. Then I stop caring and it all fades away. It is as easy as not caring.

>> No.19189628

I care about you. That's right, you, the person reading this. I care about you.

>> No.19189639
File: 31 KB, 735x346, D6ADB839-5BCD-4033-9304-50AF5711A82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books can I read that go against this. And believe tyranny is ideal.

>> No.19189640

max headroom was way ahead of its time

>> No.19189644

irrelevant and insulting.

>> No.19189654


Also, Aristotle is wrong there, yet again.

20 minutes ahead.

>> No.19189665

im weird

>> No.19189666

Anymore books?
>Aristotle is wrong there, yet again
How do you see it?

>> No.19189712
File: 1.01 MB, 770x882, ggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loves me, loves me not, loves me, loves me NOT

>> No.19189715

Embedded energy and Leontief inverse matrices. Adjust from the current dollar amount and find the levelized cost of energy for the sustainable resources. Minimize waste and maximize efficiency. Project the population growth for the next one hundered years using migration patterns, fertility rates and mortality rates. Greenhouse gases are those molecules which absorb infrared radiation from the surface of the earth and change their dipole moment. Asymmetrical vibrations. Global energy production: 14421 Mtoe in 2018. Energy returned on energy invested.

>> No.19189728
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Why do I have to be the bad guy?

>> No.19189757

States of any kind are zombie like machines and they fall apart because the majority eventually wear it down and then abandon it. Unfortunately history is full of nitwits putting them back together again so we can see the whole horror show unfold all over again. Tyranny or duplicitous republics/democracies are not ideal modes life.
(Athens wasn’t fully democratic of course)

>> No.19189783

EPA and CASAC have already acknowledged that there is
strong evidence linking coarse PM with serious morbidity endpoints and
some evidence of an association with mortality. Size- and compositionresolved PM measurements dating back to the 1970’s show that toxic
components are present in the PM10-2.5 that is found in rural as well as
urban areas. CASAC and EPA must avoid over generalizing about rural
particles. We urge you recommend a PM10-2.5 standard that protects all
Americans, regardless of where they live.

>> No.19189825

I think you're inflating the intelligence of /sci/

>> No.19189836

I have lost touch with my family and it doesn't feel so bad. I am alone now.

>> No.19189843

here's a bit of schitzo babbling for you

does anyone ever feel a profound psychological effect upon settling in to a new season? it doesn't always happen immediately but eventually i feel like i get hit with waves of nostalgia for events and ideas and even simple feelings that are all associated with that season, and it rips me from the headspace ive become trapped in and it feels like momentarily waking from a bad/strange dream and suddenly being grounded in reality, though with time as the season progresses the effect diminishes.

for some reason i was hit with such a feeling tonight and it has all sorts of effects, like for some reason it has me longing for things i havnt bothered with in years like videogames, i suddenly feel a great urge to play and care about them like i havnt in a long time, and for some reason this is associated with october and fall in general. it feels like some sort of switch has been flipped in my mind that has changed my mindset completely and brought me back to old memories and times when things were different and i cared about different things

>> No.19189854

You perfectly embody Aristotle's warnings

>> No.19189859

No because I literally dont get seasons. It was over 90 degrees and sunny this week

>> No.19189860

You perfectly embalm your brain before it had a chance to learn

>> No.19189871

good night, butterfly

>> No.19189895

So…. there’s no solution?

>> No.19189933

Should I minor in Eurasian studies, classics, or philosophy? I go to a UC school btw.

>> No.19189936

Living on Vancouver Island I feel this very acutely during Autumn and Spring.
Nothing makes me feel young and innocent again, as if that that strange wonder and vibrancy I felt only in childhood has returned, like walking through the forest during the early weeks of those seasons.

>> No.19189938

If you want a job, none of them

>> No.19189951
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There is. I’ve mentioned some of it before.

>> No.19189957


>> No.19189965

I cant imagine living without seasons, it has such a prominent effect on how i perceive the passage of time, and like i said, it seems to disrupt my thoughts and ground me for a little while before i sink back into things

i guess it may be because i live in such an extreme fluctuating place where the change of the season means the difference between +40 degrees or -50 so everything is very distinctly burned into my mind

>> No.19189978

yea, i live relatively north/central in alberta so spring and fall are like transitions between completely different worlds

>> No.19189982

If Gen-X parents weren't so ungodly retarded (these are the people who thought Multigrain Cheerios were a "health food" and that sending your wife to work for Shekelburg so that she can pay a daycare specialist to raise her kids instead of being a mother was "progress") this wouldn't be a bad thing at all.
The individual should be embedded in the family unit. Forcing your kids to move out, or making them pay rent when they turn 18 to teach them "independence", just benefits the real-estate industry while weakening traditional social bonds.

>> No.19189988

>a very particular fabric
Let's hear it.

>> No.19189999

I often wonder if this accounts for my crippling social anxiety and multitude of perversions.
I have a strange memory of being in my room with this boy who lived next door who was about eight years older than me. The only detail I remember was that he said to me, "if you ever tell anyone what happened, a man will come and kill you in your sleep".
I also have this strange suspicion that a babysitter did something to me which might be why I've had a fascination with cross dressing since I was young.

>> No.19190011

What a post to get quads in. I also have a strange early memory, but not as bad as yours. I think I would just rather continue blocking it out and keep working on NoFap. Can't really control me if I don't let it, right

>> No.19190012
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>tfw no homo-fascist bf
Why even live?

>> No.19190025

That's what I've been working on as well. Nofap is hard when I get hit daily by these intense waves of hornyness that can last for hours. I'll go for a walk in the woods and be popping chub the whole time.

>> No.19190028

At least you have the woods. I'll try to exercise it away but I only have my suburb. I'll go walking around the park with a boner. Its not good

>> No.19190034

Are the flags ironic?

Fucking cereal brands wanna force multigrains or cholesterol stopping oats, that’s on them, not the worker drones that need a bowl of cereal to eat.

>> No.19190035

My brother attempted suicide 5 days ago. I've yet to tell my dad. I dont really know how. I dont really want to.

>> No.19190046

Damn thats pretty fucked up. Im sorry you're going through that anon :(

>> No.19190053

>not the worker drones that need a bowl of cereal to eat.
They don't. It's really easy to eat better shit.
It's because these people were fucking retards who let corporate interests brainwash them into accepting an artificial, technological hellscape as "normal" and "natural" and believe that anyone who dares to think and live otherwise "always just has to be different" as if everyone is obligated to consoom products.

>> No.19190059

I dont feel bad or anything. I just feel awkward. Like have you ever been in a room where someone starts to like cry or something and you just feel really awkward? Thats how I feel about the suicide attempt. I just feel really really awkward. i dont really know what to say. Like how do you break the ice on that

>> No.19190064

settle down, kid.

>> No.19190073

I hear micro dosing Psilocybin helps

>> No.19190075

>more democracy is the answer

>> No.19190079

I'll do what I want butters; you can't stop meeeeeeee!!!!

>> No.19190080

Will it make me feel less awkward or what

>> No.19190086

that wasn't nice

>> No.19190087

How are you awkward and not in tears while having a heart to heart with your bro? Psycho.

>> No.19190096

I dont man like how do you even bring that up?
>So, that suicide attempt, huh?

>> No.19190101

Actual democracy is the answer.

You almost lost a brother. Don’t let him go. Maybe you don’t get along with him? Maybe you don’t communicate at all. Yeah. Trying to be helpful might spark an emotion out of you. You sound like you need some too.

>> No.19190131

No I mean i gues I get along with him. It just feels like one of those really sensitive kind of personal subjects. I dont really like to pry into those kinds of things. Makes me feel really awkward

>> No.19190134

It’s your fucking brother man. It’s not some coworker or some shit. How are you afraid of speaking to your own brother?

>> No.19190136

Suffering usually makes people bitter and unpleasant, it's a myth that suffering turns you into a Dostoyevsky character

>> No.19190140
File: 144 KB, 1400x1050, 1606747919168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else have the fear that the short stories and notes they keep on their phone will be discovered by a loved one? I think if anyone discovered the embarassing shit I keep on my phone I would walk into the ocean. I borrowed an uncle's phone to order pizza or something one time as a kid and found an entire "My Promise to myself to be an alphamale" diatribe that read like those current sigma grindset memes and went on for several paragraphs in his notes app. I don't think I will read anything published for an author posthumously anymor, I don't want to make them cringe in the afterlife

>> No.19190149

I'm pretty afraid that I will die suddenly leaving my family to read my notes on things I've read and come to the horrific realization that I was a midwit

>> No.19190152

I guess I've never really been that close to my brothers. To me they're kind of like casual acquaintances. Doesnt really help that both of them have attempted suicide like a few times each. There's been a lot of distance between myself and them for quite a few years now and I don't really feel like I know them.
I dont know. For a brief moment when I heard how he ran off into the night i felt this panic because I knew he was going to do it. But it only lasted a moment and then suddenly it just felt awkward.

>> No.19190194

Wish I could be honest with people I talk to about my depression so they know why I act so weird, but then again, we're not ever close enough that I have any reason to bring it up. So I basically just look like a creep to everybody and it's all out of my hands

>> No.19190203

You and me both, man.

>> No.19190219

i have people in my life who are all about being open about mental illness and "removing the stigma" and whatever, but i still cant talk about it with them because if i even hint at the fact that after years of careful contemplation and reflection, everything points to my problems stemming from my old beliefs and subsequent lifestyle, i would be shunned, because they are all into that stuff still and of course all suffer all sorts of problems too

>> No.19190221

I do understand, but it is important that you show him, and yourself, how you feel. You should be blubbering in an embrace.

>> No.19190250

And the holocaust was brown scare propaganda, I'm glad we're in agreement.

>> No.19190251

>You should be blubbering in an embrace
No this won't happen. I dont do that

>> No.19190256

I have a brown scare turtlenecking out me arse

>> No.19190308
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I suppose he can’t feel either.
Suggest the mushrooms at the very least. For both of you

>> No.19190340

More like white scare. Whites flagellate themselves for the Holocaust 24/7 and most of the time their ancestors had literally nothing to do with it. Brown people either don’t care too deeply about it or celebrate it if they’re Muslims.

>> No.19190382

I'm afraid I might become legitimately insane in the future. I've been thinking a lot recently about the nature of existence and how weird it is that there is something instead of nothing, and I feel like it's done nothing but make me increasingly detached from reality.
I'm not religious but I think I may have to become so for the sole purpose of coping and preserving my mental health.

>> No.19190487

despair is no flame, it's the absence of flame

>> No.19190511

>living with your parents is bad
>you must hate your parents and destroy your family
Why are americans like this?

>> No.19190524

I started writing a diary recently and I realized that I don't have actual ideas. I write about philosophical subjects and the random thoughts I have. I read all of the entries today and almost all of them contradict with each other. Is this normal?

>> No.19190555
File: 14 KB, 80x80, m00nstp3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean to have a broken spirit? how can you know?

>> No.19190592

My parents know I'm suicidal now I think. I just can't bite the bullet and do it. I'm supposed to be going on a two month holiday today and they were so excited for me. I'm not sure I can get out of bed. Everything feels awful and each thing makes the others worse

>> No.19190601

Learned helplessness

>> No.19190767

it appears more and more plausible that I have a lot of the issues, but I am realizing now that I probably have pretty fucking severe abandonment issues

>> No.19190788

don't listen to these morons, sentimental shit isn't gonna work
just brace yourself for whatever reaction and then simply let your family know what happened

>> No.19190882

I feel like everyone hates me. I know this is probably temporary and most likely just an over exaggerated feeling. but in all honesty I don't even if that's the case anymore. Even when I know that others generally enjoy my company and give thanks for me being alongside them I have this strange feeling that they don't really like me. Those feeling and thoughts come out towards everyone; friends, family, strangers, no matter what I feel a sense that they all dislike me for simply existing.

It's probably just short-term and again I have yet to really understand why these thoughts live on but in any case I just hope that these thoughts don't cloud my mind.

>> No.19190897 [DELETED] 


I'm jealous. I wish I could meet a single twink where I live. Let alone one that's single.

>> No.19190904 [DELETED] 

>Not getting vaccinated is rebellious
Stop this.

>> No.19191365
File: 53 KB, 686x1024, 20210816_165210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no one to share this to so I'll just write here, regardless of whether or not anyone will care to read:
I've been excercising and practicing my art for the past month now. I'm slowly getting better and more fit. Now I gotta find time or have a method to practice my writing now. If I can keep this up for till first quarter of next year I'll improve exponentially.

>> No.19191454

Good work anon. You can make it.

>> No.19191613

Thou I see in a nightmare; gate of death,
I pass beyond the realms of living breath,
Where deeper darkness has its icy sphere,
The fear of men, the end of years of years. 

Beyond the gate I saw the garrison,
Abaddon lead the hosts of the prison,
Woe, black winged sorrow and laments useless,
I saw them circle Caesar and Brutus.

All the great men of earth, I saw them weep,
Their thunderous voices, but bleating sheep,
Among the sons of man, who has power?
Man is but a flower for hell’s bower.

In the bowels I saw a chasm bright,
Above the abyss, paradisal light,
Faces made vast; Stephen and Lazarus,
I saw them robed in glory by Jesus.

>> No.19191632

It's not a spectrum, more of a set of ven diagrams. One dimensional political thinking inevitably leads to a mobius strip that circles back on itself. There are left wing anarchists, right wing authoritarians, and some people are left economically while being right socially, and visa versa, along with everything in-between, and almost no one has a consistent lean for every issue.

In addition to too much 4chan and constant exposure to two party systems that create the illusion there are only two extremes, you've got the mental poisoning of American double speak that rises out of that, where the conservative party is decidedly neo-liberal in its economic policy (deregulation, smaller government, etc), creating a scenario where the terms "liberal" and "conservative" mean just about exactly the opposite in the US, compared to the rest of the world.

So yeah, it's pretty ridiculous, but becomes a lot more so when you try to treat it as a two ended spectrum rather than at least some graphs.

>> No.19191786

Been feeling tired recently even after getting 8 hours of sleep.

>> No.19191789

Is it weird that I don't drink any alcohol outside of social occasions?

>> No.19191797


>> No.19191812

I feel like I'm being pressured though.

>> No.19191817

New thread

>> No.19191825
File: 330 KB, 1296x730, Jake 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women
I hate niggers
I hate Jews
But I also hate... myself

>> No.19191902

Ne…. New thread with link


>> No.19191907

You’re an idiot who hates himself. Just cut to the chase next time.

>> No.19191924

No. Drinking alone is boring. It’s best in social occasions

>> No.19191925

>New thread up for almost 14 minutes
>Makes a second thread
For what purpose.

>> No.19191935

You forgot how to do it AGAIN

>> No.19191940

Not even him, but linking the old thread isn’t even important