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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 325 KB, 680x680, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19186223 No.19186223 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, I've read both her novels (which are thankfully short, it took only 2 afternoons) and while the girl undoubtedly possesses talent, she's still quite green.

Very well drawn, this is where she shines. She's clearly a smart girl with an excellent emotional IQ, she can dive deep into the psychology of her characters and paint a compelling and tridimensional picture. 8.5/10

A bit too simplistic at times, maybe. Lots of very short sentences a là Palahniuk, but without his verve. Some wacky metaphors that really don't work, but overall not an unpleasant read. 5/10

>caring about plot.

Holy shit, the cringe.
Her characters (all young, lefty, pretty women that she describes as being blindingly bright) constantly go on endless tirades about how capitalism is le bad, the patriarchy is le bad, monogamy is le bad, communism is unironically good (!) and rich people are cunts... while they live like rich people.
And all the male characters are always obliterated in whatever debate they participate in and are eventually forced to admit the unreachable intellectual superiority of the girls. This is the kind of masturbatory self-insertion you expect in fanfictions, and in bad ones at that.
Jesus fuck. The arguments these "amazingly smart" characters use are unironically the shit a 14 year old might say. Here the author wastes whatever talent she might have and proves herself to be pure, unadulterated Reddit. Holy shit, in several occasions I physically cringed. Jesus fucking Christ it was so bad. Such a toxic mixture of smugness and ignorance. Holy fuck.

Overall, a decent airport read, if you don't have anything better, but until Sally Rooney manages to mature a bit intellectually and/or learns to resist the impulse to shoehorn her juvenile political ideas into her work in such a hamfisted way, her books will be unintentionally hilarious.


>> No.19186240

she can read her cringe smug dialogue to me while i massage her ass and thighs

>> No.19186246

By and large I agree with you, but she's written three novels, not two, and I suspect you haven't read the third one ("Beautiful World, Where Are You?"), in which the men by and large come of better than the women.

>> No.19186251

She's not nearly hot enough to compensate for cringe of that caliber. It's unironically r/im14andthisisdeep material. I'm ASTOUNDED that somebody like this is being hailed as the voice of her generation or an amazing writer. What the fuck?

>> No.19186257

Really? I didn't know. I'm going to try downloading it, thanks.

>> No.19186271

I wouldn't worry about it, anon. She's only famous because she has the right politics and her parents are in the industry. You don't write for the New Yorker at 26/27 without being the beneficiary of some serious nepotism.

>> No.19186283

Sure, no problem anon. It's interesting because it still has her general aura of pseud-intellectualism (that seems mainly based on her reading a few wikipedia articles), but there's an almost Spenglerian/Houellbecquian quality to it, because her two woman protagonists frequently email eachother about the inevitable decline/end of civilization, and seem pathologically unable to accept love until the end of the book where they happily pair up with their male counterparts and one of them even frankly admits that she's happy because she's pregnant and expecting a baby and is basically living out a very trad lifestyle with her catholic fiance.

>> No.19186289
File: 59 KB, 989x647, rooney-cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I'd forgotten to lower her score by a point for her cringeworthy use of chat logs as a narrative tool. Because it's so le young, right?

And look at the shit they say during those chats. Pure, hilarious cringe. I swear I've listened to 15 year olds saying shit like this in real life.

>> No.19186294

>her parents are in the industry
I strongly suspected that.

>> No.19186302

Damn, could she be healing from her retarded 20-something tankie phase? She's 30 now, right? It's time for her conservative phase.

>> No.19186312

That reads like utter shit. The western world is in a really sorry state right now to be validating someone like her.

>> No.19186314

I remember reading an interview where Rooney said something like "If you're good, you can slyther in your novels a lot of your political ideas", and then winked coyly at the interviewer. I remember my brain wanting to escape from my tear ducts for the cringe. She seemed to think it was a very smart, very novel idea to stuff your fiction writings with your politics.

>> No.19186339

She has all the subtlety of a neutron bomb.

>> No.19186357

I don't get this. If I wanted to read twitter I'd just log onto twitter, not buy a book.

>> No.19186378

yeah this is painful...

>> No.19186384

>emotional IQ
doesn't exist
nice bait post though

>> No.19186398

Does she mock her generation or does she think her characters are smart?

>> No.19186411
File: 45 KB, 529x831, 0_out_of_10_Guy_4fedc1ee562aa_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the dialogue of the character doesn't ring true then her 'characterisation' should be diminished by that. (Unless the dialogue is satirical, which you seem to think it isn't.) If she doesn't know what they'd say, she can't know much better who they are/what they think (presuming her characterisation is done from the third person omniscient.)

>> No.19186463
File: 358 KB, 1337x2645, rooney-cringe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand, it gets much worse than that. Pic related is one of her most cringe dialogues, commentated for your pleasure.

>> No.19186471


Their arrogance, ignorance and intellectual immaturity is NEVER addressed as a problem or even acknowledged. She criticizes their emotional immaturity, their inability to form healthy relationships, yes, but when it comes to their intellectual maturity she seems to think they're amazing. Even better, she acts as if her characters have trouble with relationships BECAUSE they're so impossibly smart and well-read.

>> No.19186475

Why is /lit/ even wasting time with this whore? Read one of her books and move on. She isn’t worth discussing. Her prose is shit, and she manages to write a lot without saying anything at all in all of her books.

>> No.19186477

>If the dialogue of the character doesn't ring true
Oh but it does ring true: it's exactly like Rooney herself (and every other young moron who fancies herself a sophisticated marxist theorist) talks. It's not that they don't ring true, it's that they're cringeworthy.

>> No.19186495

The females constantly tell the men that they're smarter than them in a completely serious way, and the men actually agree with them!

The men in her books are really just talking straw puppets. They're scene props, there only to show us how amazingly superior the women are.

>> No.19186502

>being intentionally obtuse is le cool way to act on the hacker known as 4channel
Some people are better able than others to discern the emotional work behind words and actions. She's better than average in that endeavor. That's what it meant.

>> No.19186506

Well, I was curious when I read that even good authors seem to consider her remarkable. Must've been just a marketing ploy.

>> No.19186536

I hate Bobbie so much it's unreal

>> No.19186539

Talk about the plot, you idiot

>> No.19186544

>Lots of very short sentences a là Palahniuk

Dear God please stop trying to sound intelligent my man

>> No.19186549

I have read very little from the last 40 years; is prose style no longer something authors care about?
Just to consider the trio of meme novels, there is something interesting in almost every sentence or at least each paragraph. They are dense to the point of gratuity and so reward re-reading.
This is just banal. Maybe it is an accurate recounting of a real conversation, but I don't care. I can't imagine enjoying reading this once let alone twice.

>> No.19186580

>The men in her books are really just talking straw puppets. They're scene props
This is how it actually is in these cosmopolitan leftist circles and academia (non-STEM) though. I myself was adjacent to one for awhile (girlfriend). You are not expected or allowed to voice an opinion and if you do you will be ostracized. Hence why I am no longer dating that woman. I am a Christian but it is hard for me to say that I don't hate these people.

>> No.19186604

4 people. MC's love interest is already married. they fuck.
>Normal People
2 people. MC's love interest is the cool kid in school, but she is an outcast. in the university their roles are reversed. they fuck.
>Beautiful World
4 people. MC's love interest is a cool dude. they marry.

>> No.19186634

I don't like the sex scenes.

I'd forgive the smug girls if they were cute and pretty and good a heart, but they aren't.

>> No.19186637

?? What the hell are you talking about? Palahniuk is not a pretentious author, and he's known to use short sentences. Except that his style actually has an impact.

It's not really relevant to judge the merits of the book. Basically 2 young twats (21 year old marxists, bisexual, anti-monogamy, anti-patriarchy, anti-everything as long as it makes them sound cool) meet an older married couple. The wife is a 37 year old photographer who tries to look sophisticated and cool but is actually a cheating cunt. The husband is a failed actor described as incredibly handsome but weak and stupid. The two 21 year old marxist geniuses decide to have sexual relationships with both of them to pass the time or to break up the marriage or whatever. They fail.

>is prose style no longer something authors care about?
The thing is that they're convinced they have a great style! It's maddening.
>the trio of meme novels, there is something interesting in almost every sentence
Yes. That's what makes me think readers have gone insane. In these new books you can go 400 pages without encountering a single beautiful sentence. Not one in an entire novel. Everything feels so cookie cutter, so forgettable. It feels useless to re-read this stuff. And people praise it lavishingly. I don't get it.

>> No.19186647

>You are not expected or allowed to voice an opinion
We all know that the most tolerant way to behave is to silence white males for their race and gender, shitlord.

>> No.19186679

We can only hope. It would be funny to see her go through an evolution similar to what Waugh went through a century ago (from an irony-loving degenerate youth to a full conversion to read pre-vatican-2 catholicism).

And yes, she turned 30 in February.

>> No.19186681

Pretentious 21 year old marxist twat detected.

>> No.19186702

>she turned 30 in February
If we didn't get any pics of her feet before that it's now too late.

>> No.19186726
File: 67 KB, 976x549, SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts blurry picture
Post the real one

>> No.19186734



>> No.19186758

You can't delete someone else's post, but you can hide it.

I feel kind of bad for Rooney desu senpai because she is in actuality an average not-particularly-atttactive Irish girl, but her publishers and publicists have taken like 4 photos from very particular angles that make her look cute. Most people who meet her are therefore disappointed from the start that she doesn't actually look like she's made out to look.

>> No.19186760

Why are you reading chick lit, you fucking faggot?

>> No.19186779

This is just awful. Its like the journal of an autistic girl in her first year of philosophy class.

>> No.19186800
File: 49 KB, 993x448, rooney-cringe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahaha what the fuck is this shit? I'm having a giggle, m8.

The hilarious part is that Rooney is clearly very proud of insights like these, and this is why she pushes them into the narrative any chance she gets.

>> No.19186812

>she is in actuality an average not-particularly-atttactive Irish girl
Fucking Christ, you should feel bad for irish men.

Your sister raised her blowjob rates.

You don't get it, she's a genius marxist intersectional-feminist thinker and this is why boys didn't like her in high school!
Her entire literary production can be summed up this way.

>> No.19186818

This might sound clever to faggots and women who only read instagram posts.

>> No.19186827

>Your sister raised her blowjob rates
So you're taking all the customers who can't pay, you faggot?

>> No.19186830

>she has the right politics
more like she has the left politics, amirite, lads?

>> No.19186832

>this is why boys didn't like her in high school
In that essay about her professional debater career (kek) she actually admits that when she was younger she was desperate for attention and approval and would do anything to be accepted and admired.

Can you imagine how many glans she has grated with her deformed beaver teeth?

>> No.19186837

This sounds like it came from a video essay about why instagram is probelmatic

>> No.19186843





>> No.19186851

Holy fuck how is this real. I haven't read her but I've seen people ("smart people") talk about her and her works on twitter and link articles about them and discuss her as if she were a serious novelist and important voice in the zeitgeist. This is fucking laughable, I guess when our standards have fallen to such ridiculously low standards this is what we're left with.

>> No.19186858
File: 72 KB, 640x637, rooney in high school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19186870

>without encountering a single beautiful sentence
I read Ulysses a couple months ago and a lot of it went over my head and I think that Gaddis made Ulysses-only-better, but there were some sentences in there that just blew me away. Stuff like Rooney and other contemporary stuff seems as if it's intended to be speedread. There isn't much nuance and the style of the prose is so straightforward and boring. This is a problem I have in my own writing and I'm not saying it's easy to be the next Gaddis or Joyce or McCarthy—someone with a distinct and interesting understanding of what prose can be—but surely there can be more than 1 or 2 writers of English in each generation that can craft something worthwhile. Even someone like DeLillo whose style is considered by many to be boring or dry is still unique.

>> No.19186884

>a serious novelist and important voice in the zeitgeist
For how the literary landscape is right now, she might as well be.

Any other historical period, she'd be considered juvenile hyper-biased garbage.

>> No.19186908

>there were some sentences in there that just blew me away
And this is how you distinguish the good writers from the mediocre ones.
Rooney is mediocre. Her stuff is very quick and easy to read, maybe for her lack of ability, maybe because she wants to tailor it to a generation with the attention span of a puppy on cocaine, but whatever the reason, the result is bland, forgettable shit.

You can re-read good books once a year and discover something different every time. It's pointless to ever re-read her books, you understand everything at first glance, and there isn't much to understand anyway.

>> No.19186943

surely she's ironizing?

>> No.19186947

I do re-read books I like, Moby-Dick every year but other than that maybe every 2 years or so as I like to read new stuff as well. I have never really considered re-readability as something to aim for in my own writing until now

>> No.19186973

She's dead serious. Her female characters are all glorified self-inserts. Young, hot, "brilliant", communists, not constrained by the patriarchal chains of monogamy or heterosexuality. They all pretend to be rebels that want to destroy capitalism but then do nothing but having sex and babble about how capitalism is bad mmkay and the patriarchy is bad mmkay and rich people deserve the rope mmkay, and do NOTHING to actually smash capitalism or the patriarchy.

I'd love to airdrop Rooney in some actual communist country and just leave her there for 6 months or 1 year.

>> No.19186980

>I have never really considered re-readability as something to aim for in my own writing until now
Dude, dense books that have multiple avenues of interpretation and multiple layers that only become visible as the reader ages and gains experience are REAL works of art. The rest is just waiting room literature.

>> No.19186985

Based. I'm adapting that into my ethos

>> No.19186999
File: 10 KB, 225x225, rich pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/: shaping the current literary landscape one faggot joke at a time.

>> No.19187009

This passage is actually by far the worst and I don't even mean the content itself just the structure. The way this flows is insanely stiff and robotic.

>> No.19187019
File: 511 KB, 2760x2228, E_bnxRIWQAoSo4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the sex scenes

>> No.19187025

>For how the literary landscape is right now, she might as well be.

If that's the case then it's better to just dismiss novels outright then pretend that an author like Rooney is worthwhile simply because she stands out at the moment. I've never understood why people feel the need to care for contemporary fiction so much. For example all the people reading Rooney's novels to write articles about her work and what it says about our world today. i abhor that mindset that you need to relate it to current events but even if that's your goal you can do it with far better literary works. Look to some literature of the past and see what you can learn from that to help you today. I'd be far more interested in somebody who could for example take an author from the first industrial revolution and find interesting comparisons of that era of globalization and ours. Rather then be forced to pretend that Rooney is worthwhile.

>> No.19187031

It flows unnaturally because Rooney's goal is not to write beautiful prose but to indoctrinate readers with her retarded ideology and to show off how "brilliant" she is with her retarded insights.

No, they're lewd.

>> No.19187032

It's true that good novels are like that desu

>> No.19187035

I might have to read this then. What's it called?

>> No.19187043

Dude, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

The "people" who read shit like Rooney and discuss how amazing and insightful it is do it because they're soulless, empty husks of humanoid shape, and they use books (like they use everything else) as an accessory, to appear in a certain way to the other soulless husks around them. They are not capable nor interested in appreciating the actual quality of a novel. The point is not the novel, the point is how that novel appears in their mouths.

>> No.19187045
File: 1.98 MB, 2347x3544, meroe_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People rightfully think of this sort of milieu as cringe but I can't help but be a little envious of them. Think of being one of such trust fund kids, of how gratifying the feeling of doubt-free righteous indignation and rebellion must be, how it must feel like to both be a rebel and enjoy the implicit support of society and institutions, the sheer carefreeness of it all, the feeling of both being enlightened by your own intelligence and having nothing and no one to knock you down a peg or two. I envy the ignorant joy of their retardation and that society, institutions, and their milieu enables them to indulge in it without repercussions. I never had that, I never got to take part in this bourgeois disneyland bubble that they live in, and I never will. I know that their lifestyle is shallow and hollow as hell, but still, it's not like most of our existence isn't shallow and hollow as well (on top of being much poorer than them in general), it's only that we don't even get to indulge in the painkiller of bourgeois existence like they do.

Thank you for reading my blogpost.

>> No.19187050

>houses are more poetic [than nature] because they have people in them

>> No.19187055

Conversations with Friends.

But don't do this to yourself. The excerpts in this thread should be more than enough to gauge the overall quality. The entire goddamn book is like that.

>> No.19187063

What clunky, juvenile prose

>> No.19187066

Don't strain yourself thinking about it. Read the last sentence in that pic and rest assured you are not missing anything important being said.

>> No.19187068

It's retardation, she ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.19187077

My friend, did you never meet that kind of pretentious person who uses needlessly complex and technical expressions in order to appear wise/deep/poetic even though they're mediocre at best? That paragraph is that in literary format.

>> No.19187084

Rooney's work cleverly highlights just how pervasive Capital is. We admire the wit and insight of her bright young radicals, but lament their terrifying predicament: knowing the true state of the world and knowing also how to fix it but having no way of doing so. In a socialist society, they'd blossom, under neoliberal they wither away in unfulfilling frivolity.

>> No.19187090
File: 142 KB, 360x346, laughing pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. If Rooney had ever participated in a "critique my writing" thread on /lit/ she'd have missed out on wealth and success, because she'd have killed herself.

Goes to show that dodging bullets can be more important than shooting well.

>> No.19187092

This is terrible. Is this really the kind of literature that is praised in the UK or whatever these days??

>> No.19187099

Yup, houses, I seen a lot of people in houses real poetic like. I ain't never seen no people in no fields.

>> No.19187107

>We admire the wit and insight of her bright young radicals
Who's "we"?

Her "bright" radicals are so radical that in Conversations, one is rich and spends lavishly while criticising rich people and capitalism, and the other gets housed and fed with her parents' money, even though they're not wealthy at all.

Admire this dick.

>> No.19187116

This retarded fake marxist is praised in the entire literary world. They've decided to market her as the "sensational young genius that will amaze you", and people are drinking all the kool-aid.

>> No.19187135

Have you never hate-read a book? It's the perfect fuel for my superiority complex.

>> No.19187152

>cleverly highlights
You don't understand the meaning of either word. Her characters bash the reader on the face with their idle babble about le capitalism bad, but then they're never shown to actually interact with the capitalist system, never have to grapple with its shortcomings. They TELL us that capitalism is le bad, but they never SHOW it to us. All they do is fuck, buy shit, hang around in rich people's mansions, take advantage of their hospitality, and babble with their equally retarded friends, that look at them in amazement as they dispense their superior marxist wisdom.

>> No.19187204
File: 48 KB, 458x390, 1618768325989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was bait

>> No.19187221

M-mine was bait too!

>> No.19187237
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 63131335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shocking twist

>> No.19187291
File: 98 KB, 400x400, 1633632117556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a twisting shock

>> No.19187324

Oh right. Well then, after you're done with Rooney read some Tartt or that mongoloid who wrote The Truth about the Harry Quebert's Case. My God, what a retarded book that was. I felt like I was being pranked.

>> No.19187364

I don't think she's ugly but she (or her photographers) shouldn't force the arthoe-esque aesthetic when it doesn't suit her.

>> No.19187458

pretty cringeworthy but also very reflective of some of the conversations i've had with lovers and friends when I was too young to know better. So she gets points for realism

>> No.19187466

Holy irish genetics

>> No.19187479

I've known these types and they are ultimately pretty cringe. Better to be a self-made man, you can have more self-respect that way.

>> No.19187493

>read some Tartt
Hold your horses there pal. The Secret History is all right.

>> No.19187747

Her appearance has no bearing on her work... but come on, yes, she's ugly. That mouse-grey hair, that yellowish skin, as if she was sickly, those crooked yellow teeth. Yikes.

You know what? She's ugly in an ostentatious way. As if she's saying "I'm not like the other girls, I don't need to make myself pretty in any way, even in the quickest and easiest ones, because I'm an aaaaartist".

You know Daria, that cartoon with the depressed edgy teenager? In one episode she refuses to wear contacts because she thinks that her reputation as the "cool, deep girl who doesn't care about her looks" would take a hit. Sally gives me the same impression.

>> No.19187753

Keep in mind that her characters are 21. And she herself was 25-26 when she wrote it, and fully believed it (and prolly still does, unless she radically changed her worldview in recent years).
That shit would be acceptable in someone 10 years younger.

>> No.19187765

Anon... do you need a hug?

>> No.19187795

I keep hearing that. I've only read The Goldfinch, but it was of such infuriating mediocrity that I swore off Tartt forever.

I can't fathom how somebody capable of vomiting something like The Goldfinch could be able to produce something good. Are you trying to bamboozle me?
I'm tired of wasting days reading huge books that turn out to be garbage.

>> No.19187813

I wonder, is Marie Calloway still "marxist"...
far more interesting writer

>> No.19187891

No. But I do need cash. I wasn't damned to success like those people, as some alibi-worker middle manager due to the connections of my parents. Even though I probably wouldn't amount to anything resembling greatness in their position either I can't help but feel annoyed when I see the privilege of not having to worry about one's material lot in life wasted on people who won't ever make good use of such a rare privilege.

>> No.19187896

all those fucking words, wasted on a brainless, ugly roastie

Do you have a crush on a girl who reads this garbage? No other reason for you to waste all your time like this.

>> No.19187920
File: 270 KB, 684x700, 1614056945903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I don't have a crush on Megan. Shut up.

>> No.19187923

holy projection

>> No.19187928

Agree. It's severely aggravating to watch some young moron with a trust fund worth millions wasting it on the usual party-drugs-more parties way. Money truly does reveal what we always were, and those people were born mediocre.
Same reason why all those ball-throwing niggers who strike it rich often end up going bankrupt within a few years.

>> No.19187929

>le drab and detached recounting of whor—sorry ”sex work”
what’s interesting about her

>> No.19187935

What am I projecting, exactly? I'm not a marxist theorist / cultural critic wannabe who stuffs his "novels" with his retarded juvenile ideas about society.

>> No.19188018

She is living proof that mediocre white women benefit exclusively from affirmative action

>> No.19188040

I've read that her parents are in the industry. This is a nepotism issue, not a gender or racial one.

>> No.19188096

Why do you hate rich, privileged people so much? You sound like a idiot communist

>> No.19188099

Notwithstanding the nepotism, she’s a mediocre white woman lauded by similarly unremarkable and mediocre white women

>> No.19188110

she is covertly based and redpilled

>> No.19188119


>> No.19188132

Looked at her most popular books on Goodreads and it's all romance with "normal people" sounding like the most generic teen love story drivel ever put to the page.
I want to give current female authors a chance I really do but it just seems like they only write romance, ya, and fantasy, these being the genres I have absolutely no interest in.

>> No.19188136

It's better than The Goldfinch, which I read and was disappointed by, but it isn't something extraordinary. It's the type of book you either love or hate – I find it charming. You probably shouldn't waste your time with it.

>> No.19188144

Thanks, anon, I appreciate it.

>> No.19188164

Normal People is more of the same. Characters that have problems with relationships because they're too le smart, all ultra leftists, occasional jabs at capitalism and at the patriarchy and even at "nazis" and holocaust deniers, utterly gratuitous in the context of the novel but Sally just loves sticking this shit everywhere, and the female lead is ravaged by one misfortune after another, to the point where it gets comical after a while. I remember bursting out in laughter at one point, it was just too much.

Sally tries too hard to write le deep tragedy, but pretty much all their problems could be solved by not being fucking morons, so it ends up feeling hilarious.

>> No.19188198

Don't really mind a bit of virtue signaling if the storys good and not generic.
Got any suggestions for good contemporary female authors who don't write romance?

>> No.19188209

Also not donna Tartt or Margret Atwood.

>> No.19188213

Contemporary? No, honestly I never found a decent one.
Of past female authors I like Jane Austen (yes, fuck off), Virginia Woolf, and some Octavia Butler's novels (but they're sci-fi).

>> No.19188223

Don't worry, they're both trash. Tried to read that Handmaiden Tale bullshit years ago to see what the fuss was about and dropped after 40 or 50 pages. Shit writing, shit story, shit characterization, shit worldbuilding, retarded and obvious anti-men agenda.

Ayn Rand is unironically a cool read, if you abandon all hope of realism before entering her warm, moist, massive novels.

>> No.19188234

love Woolf and don't mind the Brontes but probably won't bother with Austen.
I'll check out butler tho, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.19188262

>good contemporary female authors who don't write romance
Has anyone here read Marilynne Robinson? If so, is she as good as they say?

>> No.19188264

You're welcome.

I find Austen comfy (you know that it will end with a marriage and that the good guys will win, it's not the kind of female author who revels in horrific tragedies) and delightfully funny. Also, a fascinating window into a disappeared past.

Butler's novels are either great or terrible, there's no inbetween. I especially liked Wild Seed, Mind of my mind, Patternmaster and Kindred. The short story Bloodchild was also quite good.
Avoid at all cost Survivor and Clay's Ark. I have no idea what she was thinking when she wrote those.

>> No.19188296

>Marilynne Robinson
Never heard of her, but her essays look interesting.

>> No.19188316

I once argued with an undergrad who tried to convince me that studying STEM makes you emotionally smarter, that all Philosophy is speculative nonsense since all knowledge is scientific or not knowledge at all, and that he could deduce that the biggest supporter of the Catholic church is fascism from something (he was unable to explain what) he had read in a book by Pinker about the animal nature of mankind.
It was pretty much like this but stretched over the course of 6 hours so he'd probably love this, I should let him know.

>> No.19188321

Are rands storys actually entertaining?
I see almost exclusively negative talk about here online (including 4chan).
I get the impression that they're just thinly veiled metaphors for her political philosophy.

>> No.19188328

Why is /pol/ ALWAYS right? Why??

>> No.19188335

It's because they outlawed slavery. Their used to be people in those fields. They were so poetic.

>> No.19188345

>they're just thinly veiled metaphors for her political philosophy
They absolutely are. Her characters are hugely unrealistic and exaggerated. The good guys are hyper smart, honorable, strong, etc., and the villains are stupid mediocre thieves that want to steal or ruin what the heroes produce.
You must approach her work with the mindset that you're not about to read the tales of men but of superhumans, of gods, like a modern epic poem. Good VS Evil.

I personally really liked both Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. But I realize that it's a niche taste. Her books are also really long. I'd download Atlas Shrugged, which is her best work by her own admission, and try to read a couple of chapters of that to see if you like it.

>> No.19188362

>Are rands storys actually entertaining?
2000 amphetamine-induced pages of her political and sexual fantasies, you tell me Anon...

>> No.19188371


>> No.19188372

I liked the prose in The Fountainhead when I was 14. I considered it my favorite book up to that time. And then I tried reading Atlus Shrugged and I couldn't get through the first five pages. It was rough

>> No.19188376

I've read Atlas Shrugged 5 times. It took me a combined 53 days to do so, and I never stopping masturbating for the entire reading time.

>> No.19188380

Objectivism. Based or cringe?

>> No.19188383
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>a tripfag trying to give his 2 cents on anything

>> No.19188416

This is essentially the leftoid equivalent of Johnstone's Trigger Warning.

>> No.19189487

pretty cringe desu senpai.

>> No.19189567

Why envy the damned because they enjoy their foolishness?

>> No.19189678
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>> No.19189811

>The Truth about the Harry Quebert's Case
Wasn't it extremely bugman? Can't even remember half of it.

>> No.19189822
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What are Rooney's theological views on Christ?

>> No.19189830

Nobody said it was a smart generation.

>> No.19189868

She's got such a cute face. I just want to ejaculate all over that adorable face after she sucks my dick with that pretty mouth.

Btw, look at her Wikipedia entry where it says how she was discovered. Apparently an agent contacted her first because of how impressive she was in her debate team in college. And the agent just asked her if she had done any writing. Just like that. Doesn't that origin story seem a little suspicious.

>> No.19190069
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Can confirm. The only thing you are allowed to do is to constantly cut your dick off as a man in front of these people. I didnt and got constantly attacked, which made me stronger and stronger. It was funny to see them reee when they realized they could not control me through their emotional blackmailing. They never stopped trying though and it got quite tiresome. They will ruin whats left of the west, which is exactly what they have been prigrammed for in the first place.
>die frau is ein vehikel des satans

>> No.19190884

having a bit of a critical conundrum here. on the one hand, obviously this is cringe and it was painful to read just a few lines. on the other hand, this is exactly how pseuds talk. so, we have to make a judgement- can the author be separated from the character? or is this character a self-insert for the author's own deeply held politcal views? Based on what I've seen in interviews, this is absolutely something she would actually think/believe, so I'm inclined to rule against her here. But she could be taking the piss, in which case, there's nothing wrong with this and it's actually quite good.

>> No.19191096

Cause they're enjoying themselves, at least?

Bugman? What do you mean? The author is some scandinavian mongoloid. God, that book was so shit...

>> No.19191098

She's 30. I'm 34. I feel personally insulted that somebody like Rooney is being called the voice of my goddamn generation.

>> No.19191102


Then write a skillful parody of her style. I would read it.

>> No.19191104

The short bob doesn't do her any favours

>> No.19191116

Please be sure to update your final grade upon reading the third book.

>> No.19191118

>can the author be separated from the character
If you read some interview, you realize that she unironically thinks and talks like that in real life. So, no.

>is this character a self-insert for the author's own deeply held politcal views?

>she could be taking the piss
See, that would actually make it a good book. If the arrogance and ignorance of her characters was actually addressed at some point during the novel and they were made to realize that they're stupid little shits indoctrinated by deathly masochistic propaganda. That could've been good, her generation forced to face its flaws, forced to grow up, to cross the threshold between "stupid ultralefty 20-something" and "actual adult with real world experience". Her book would've become a critique of her own generation. But no, to the last word, it stays a glorification of its smug, biased ignorance.

>> No.19191130

>It was funny to see them reee when they realized they could not control me through their emotional blackmailing
Yeah, they always remain flabbergasted. In the very rare occasions I argue with people like that sometimes I call myself islamophobic or racist and then proceed to state my case anyway, just to fuck with them. They remain flabbergasted. Their entire worldview, their central dogmas are being contradicted in front of them with no repercussion. They react like ancient believers would do if they saw somebody shit on the altar of their wrathful god and challenge it to smite them. And then nothing happens.

>> No.19191142

No but you see, she's not like the other girls, she doesn't care about her hair or her appearance, she's a whip-smart lefty radical who would love to smash capitalism and usher in an actual communist revolution, because somehow she thinks she'd be allowed to keep her current lifestyle with no downgrades.

She'd be real surprised when Commissar O'Malley and Commissar Cletus knocked on her door to explain that having that much money in the bank and a big, nice house all for herself is against the Glorious Revolution, and so The People are taking it away from her and redistributing it to other less fortunate.
She'd be even more surprised when, after complaining, she'd be thrown into a reeducation camp and forced to perform manual labor 14 hours a day.

>> No.19191169

>unironically thinks a literary work should be judged on what le author meant
I'm sure Sally Rooney is a retard, but so is every single one of her critics ITT.
Tell me, if a journal entry came to light written by Dostoyevsky, saying he actually agreed with all what the Underground Man said rather than presenting a despicable character for our evaluation, would that make the book worse?

>> No.19191176

>Philosophy is speculative nonsense since all knowledge is scientific or not knowledge at all,

>> No.19191217

Nigger, the fact that she actually agrees with her characters leftoid drivel is only one of the elements that make her books shit.

Another is that she feels the uncontrollable impulse to stick her retarded "theories" everywhere, even when they don't belong, thereby making the narration and the dialogues clunky and unnatural, actually unpleasant to read. That's because she cares more about indoctrinating than about writing beautiful literature.

Yet another, like it has been said in this thread, is that her style is bland, flavorless, forgettable. In her entire body of work she hasn't written a single beautiful sentence. Not one. That's a problem, for someone who fancies herself a writer.

We're not judging her work by only one limited metric. It's bad by all accounts.

>> No.19191275

I see you anons judging her work because of her politics. Dishonest little bitches.
Everybody is overating this woman desu. /Lit/, critics, publishers and herself.
I have not read her work but from I've seen from posts on here, gr, the press, its all too overrated.
People are claiming she's innovative but the subject, the themes of her work are very trad. It doesnt matter her references to marxism or whatever, her work seems very classic, novelistic; a prose dealing with feelings, passions, the private life, the constrast between public and private, said and unsaid. These are all classic themes. Her linguistic quirks does not matter.
I am personally not in the mood for this prose, specially when its wrapped up in autobiographical and "voice of generation" intent. After the postmodern, you really want to claim to speak for a whole generation? How old fashion of you.

>> No.19191292

>I see you anons judging her work because of her politics.
You didn't see this then: >>19191217
Her work is shit because of many reasons, not only because she uses it as a tool to bash us in the head with her retarded politics. (Which is already a very serious flaw, for a writer.)

>> No.19191355
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I don't have the energy to metabolize 270 more pages of this shit. I'm tapping out, guys.

Her final grade is 3/10.

>> No.19191430

Her face looks like it’s designed to take a drink infused beating.

>> No.19191436

Irish women evolved their teeth to accomodate the shape of a fist.

>> No.19191452

Does her butterface explain the quality of her writing? Ever since swallowing the physiognomy pill I cannot look at people the same way.

>> No.19191470
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This face screams low-self esteem nerdy slut to me. Is that wrong?

>> No.19191477
File: 296 KB, 1516x720, THE VIRGIN DUNE POSTER VS THE CHAD DUNE READER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's prolly the literary equivalent of the Virgin Dune Poster: since she was ugly, she convinced herself when she was little that she must therefore be really bright. Only, she's not. She's ugly and dull witted.

>> No.19191485

>Capitalism harvests love for profit
>Therefore I am anti love
First of all, this is utterly retarded, then wouldn't the logical outcome be to become anti capitalist?
But I guess I am asking too much of her

>> No.19191486

No, this is exactly how she describes herself in that essay about her "professional debater career" (kek). Desperate for attention and approval.

>> No.19191492

Link? LMAO

>> No.19191506

Her "reasonings" are so stupid it's hilarious. Mothers love their kids and birth and raise them for free, and capitalism then turns them into workers when they're grown up, and that means that love is bad, because it gives capitalism a free supply of workers... Except this shit happens in every society, even in hunter gatherer ones, so you cannot blame capitalism for it and you cannot trace a causal link between love and capitalism, as if the one produces the other. The entire dialogue is cringeworthy bullshit without any sense, and the final "I'm anti-love" bit is just hysterical.

She's the pretentious kind of stupid. Insufferable.

>> No.19191517

I guess google is banned in your country.

>> No.19191535

>he doesn't enjoy al dente fellatio

>> No.19191555

I wonder if irish men's dicks have evolved to accomodate the shape of irish women's teeth.
I feel like such an anatomical change would bring an immense reproductive advantage.

>> No.19191692

I like how much attention she pays to body language. I don't know that I'd ever read her works, but it is nice to see at least someone is having success writing. I wouldn't mind being 'the voice of a generation'.
I'm not even the voice of myself.

>> No.19191699

Freedom itself is false, since everyone is subject to death.
Isn’t cherry-picking contexts fun?

>> No.19191822

You can keep doing it to the death, but most people stop doing this little game of playing philosopher after they turn 18 or so because they realize how pointless it is. Rooney never did.

>> No.19191829

See, that's the infuriating part. She's not without talent. If she focused on telling a good story instead of on crafting some kind of stilted narrative functional to pushing her inane politics, she'd actually be able to write something decent.

>> No.19191841

If you keep going you'll find that the book ends in a surprising way (at least for a Rooney novel).

>> No.19191847

See >>19186283

>> No.19191856

she's a girl, man. she's gonna write about girl shit. it's always going to be that way. you want boy shit? read boy authors. seems pretty easy.
she'll mature besides. you want to see the next great work filled with shit YOU like? write it. you're a writer aren't you? of course you are.

>> No.19191865

How Protestant.

>> No.19191875

>she'd actually be able to write something decent
that's not even true lol, she's just one dumb angl*id millenial w*man.

>> No.19191880

No-one fucking talks like this. I don't mean the cadence or the subject matter; I mean what they're actually saying. It's nothing but a series of banal comments that don't even begin to approach their subject matter. And none of the characters aside from Bobbi even begin to exist other than as ancillaries to Bobbi's admittedly already absurdly simplistic thought process. This reads like it was written by a badly made AI.

>> No.19191895

>No-one fucking talks like this.
You've clearly never listened to some pretentious 20-something polsci major talking among their friends, and for that I really envy you.

>> No.19192292

I have and even they go a bit deeper than, "as you know, I am a feminist, and I therefore consider the patriarchy to be bad, therefore the patriarchy is bad."

>> No.19192293

Yeah, they told me so, but before the ending there are 268 more pages of THAT.
I just don't have the energy. I'm spent.

>> No.19192339

>pushing her inane politics
not him but this is true, and is distinct from girl things. 2 seconds of looking at that and it's insufferable, clearly writing this thinking it to be more valuable than it is. it is banal

>> No.19192363

Fair enough. Hope that you can get some rest and then replenish your soul with reading the classics.

>> No.19192366

I want good shit, not boy shit. Other female authors could resist the temptation of inserting their inane juvenile "theories" in narrations that don't call for it, Balooney should learn how to do it as well. I'm not gonna give her a pass just because she's a girl.

>> No.19192458

write your own work, do what's necessary to publish, and grow the fuck up. despite how inane you might think her work is, she's done it. she's sacrificed and worked to get where she is, and your envy isn't fooling anyone.
>her politics!
she's a woman, a liberal woman. so what!
her works are going to reflect her perspective, and you're complaining about her talents not being used to suit YOUR impotent demands. You want to read 'good' authors? read them! there's an established canon. stop bitching.
you look asinine, you're not going to convince anyone with your complaints, so save your energy and put it into that novel you're never going to finish.

>> No.19192548

>write your own work
Dude why do you want nice movies? Just make your own. Why do you want good food? Just make your own ingredients. Why do you want nice houses? Just build your own.

>do what's necessary to publish
Which is to bend over to the current year propaganda and therefore excludes the possibility of just writing your own good stuff.

>grow up
Oh, the usual bullshit spouted by little shits that don't really have anything intelligent to say but still want to feel superior. How about you grow up, little shit?

>your envy
I also think that current movies are almost universally shit. Am I envious of the soulless kikes who produce them?
Criticizing someone isn't envy, little shit. Some times they just deserve to be criticized. I clearly stated my reasons to criticize her shit work, and they're sound reasons, and you can't say ANYTHING against them, so you resort to this posturing, posing as le cool mature man on 4channel. No wonder you're still a virgin at 26.

>she's sacrificed and worked to get where she is
She regurgitated her blog posts in novel format and used her parents' connections to get published. What sacrifice did she make? What work? She started publishing at 24, she didn't even have time to work hard.

>you're not going to convince anyone with your complaints
The entire thread apart from one butthurt little bitch (you) agreed with my complaints, but ok. You're starting to sound like a 20 something cunt with literary ambitions yourself, so maybe that's where the butthurt comes from.

What a mongoloid take, jesus christ. All that angst in defense of what? Fucking teenage level drivel. Go gargle on that, since you love it so much.

>> No.19192550

>and rich people are cunts... while they live like rich people.
Nice, so she reveals the entire essence and core of modern women AND modern leftism.

>> No.19192567

>she's sacrificed and worked to get where she is
What do you know?
For all you know, she's using ghost writers. Or her parents used their influence to ger her published.
Her work isn't at all at the level where it signals that the author has worked hard.
If you don't see the problem in having talentless, indoctrinating, mediocre writers being hailed as geniuses and taken as role models by the literary industry, that's a problem with you and your lack of brains. Go take a walk instead of pounding on the keyboard.

>> No.19192574

he hoped to look cool with all that spiel lmao.

>> No.19192583
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Yeah it's like every art hoe wannabe girl at 19, that characteristic female lack of self-awareness and shame because life is more innocent for them and they've never experienced someone going "hahahaha FAAAAG!" for being le special precocious literary girl.

Is this dark academia: the book?

What confuses me is how shit like this gets published, because surely there are millions of equally clueless broads out there churning out shit like this, or capable of churning it out if they were contracted with a publisher. Why Sally? Why not some other dime a dozen girl I dated when I was 21, I mean, pampered midwit?

>> No.19192588

>Why Sally?
Her parents are in the industry. Just good ole nepotism.

>> No.19192620

I know what this is, I know the formula for a Sally Rooney book. This is that feeling you get after you have a lecture in your "Cultural Approaches to Environmental Studies" or "The Geography of Poverty" class or something like that, one of those post-postmodernist classes that takes a basically left-deconstructionist approach to some social phenomenon, and what is still bumping around in your brain after you leave that day's lecture is "so wow, the entire concept of 'nature' is a construction of the 19th century concern for ... [etc.]," and you feel like you're in the know about it.

But this feeling is usually accompanied by "yeah, so is everybody else in the class. I 'get' it but I'm not an expert on it or anything. I guess this is one possible path of what I could study for the next 4 years while I'm here at college."

Sally Rooney doesn't have this. Instead she saved up all those feelings, because she felt important and in the know when she was in university, and she wove an entire book out of them. "Did you know something something the Protestant ethic?" "Did you know something something was actually run by MEN?"

She has no additional depth to it, she never explored it further. She specifically saved up all the introductory undergraduate soundbites and she thinks she's a critical theorist cum litterateur because of it. And the entire twittersphere is composed of people like this, whose only aspiration is to have the connections of Rooney celebrity so they could be the Rooney instead of the Rooney-retweeter in the relationship, so they don't realize it's puerile and embarrassing.

This is like what made Broom of the System cringe and embarrassing, dialed up to 20x.

>> No.19192662

>meme novel trio
What are they? Finnegans Wake, Gravity's Rainbow, and what else?

>> No.19192664

Ulysses, Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19192686
File: 322 KB, 557x587, rooney_sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she always look so sad, bros?

And why does she look 15 and 51 at the same time?

>> No.19192699

>she's sacrificed and worked to get where she is
No. This is the delusion you engage in to comfort yourself. See >>19186271

>> No.19192704

Fucking hell, she was 27 at the time of that picture. 27.
What do they put in the water in Ireland?

>> No.19192740

well said

>> No.19192771

Yes, she only has the first voice in her head, constantly telling her that she's amazing and a genius and that she understands the world better than anyone else, but she lacks the second voice, the one that would give her a bit of self awareness.

>> No.19192779

>they've never experienced someone going "hahahaha FAAAAG!"
Women and self-important men will never experience the joy of bants

>> No.19192802

shes pretty cute. never heard of her though

>> No.19192845

Which part? The heavy, fleshy folds on her yellowish skin, as if she was 20 years older than she is? The deformed yellowish teeth that look like they're trying to escape in different directions?
I mean, look at this shit:

>> No.19193031

who knew /lit/ was so full of whinging faggots who can't see beyond their hugbox.
>but the rest of the elitist thread agrees with me!
>muh politics!
>i bet he thinks he looked cool!
>lol what a virgin!
a sad assembly of fools who make up endless excuses and demean others for accomplishing what they can't.

>> No.19193346
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>> No.19193411

is she related to wayne rooney the footballer

>> No.19193417

>cope cope cope
What even is the point of trying to posture on 4channel if you end up looking this stupid?

>> No.19193424

She's related to balooney, the pasta sauce.

>> No.19193434

>accomplishing what they can't
Give me her nepotistic connections and a literary (and cultural) environment very receptive and even servile towards my particular brand of political propaganda, and I guarantee you I'll be able to get published at 25 too.

>> No.19193457

>The fetishisation of untouched nature is nationalistic
Unironically what did she mean by this? I'm kinda low IQ so maybe I just don't understand but I really don't get where she's coming from in the slightest.

>> No.19193500
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>you look stupid! please stop!
>of course i can't accomplish that, anon! it's too hard! i'm too incompetent! women have too much power in society! my politics aren't supported! IT'S THE JEWS!

>> No.19193503

First rule of marketing: lie

>> No.19193652

It's unironically the kikes. The women, as usual, are just useful idiots.

You sound like a kike or a woman yourself, with your little bitch fit.

>> No.19193661

How do you lie when the abysmal quality of your work is right in front of everyone?

>> No.19193673

>not benefiting from nepotism
>being incompetent
Yep, same thing.
Seriously, what's the point? You're not even a good troll. How do you not have anything better to do?

>> No.19193699

most people are dumb

>> No.19194391

>conservatism = to conserve
>conservatism = liberalism
Anglo-understanding of politics.

>> No.19194586
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I swear to God this bitch is like the Seinfeld chick who is hot sometimes ugly other times. In some photos she is plain but cute, but then in others she looks like an old sock.

>> No.19194686
File: 230 KB, 900x1200, -- fa-Shinji Watanabe-j-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. 215 posts roasting the flavour of the month. I've enjoyed her first two novels (2nd is better) while being amused at the numerous contradictions between her characters stated beliefs and their circumstances and behaviour. (Could this be intentional?) I understand why she is being praised - part of which is the hope for relevance with a younger non-reading demographic - and those reasons are no worse than at anytime. (Anons, of course, will remember when Bulwer-Lytton - he who originated "it was a dark and stormy night", but also "the pen is mightier than the sword" - was considered England's greatest living writer, better than Dickens).

I look forward to reading her new book.

>> No.19194773

Not them, but maybe they got fucked over once or twice, hmm? A decent amount of them are fine but there are also quite a few bad apples.

>> No.19194781

>Octavia Butler
I can't stand her writing, personally, but to each their own.