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19175920 No.19175920 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related a good place to start with evola?

>> No.19176633
File: 197 KB, 426x648, revolt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, start with Revolt

>> No.19176913
File: 262 KB, 364x466, download3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, start with Arte astratta

>> No.19176984

this or mask and face

>> No.19177674

holy lemon meringue pie! its a julius evola thread!

>> No.19178962

I think Mask and Face works better after Revolt, if someone starts reading it without a proper grasp on Tradition, they might wonder about Evola's reasoning.

>> No.19178977

yes, if you are interested in buddhism, i prefer his "side-books" to his main books

>> No.19178989

Which other books of his would you recommend?

>> No.19179025
File: 9 KB, 178x283, PLATO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, start with Plato, then do some Aristotle and move onwards from there up until Nietzsche. When you get there, avoid Evola completely and read some novels and poetry.

>> No.19179050

fuck off

>> No.19179052

doctrine of awakening is good but i may prefer it because it's a very dry path, you can try The Hermetic Tradition if you want something more colorful and less oriental.

The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism is also interesting if you want gossip and dunking about different spiritual currents and characters. Mystery of the Grail is interesting but is a bit cryptic and he alludes to some things but doesn't elaborate much, so maybe you'll take more from it if you have read some other books first and have read some of the Arthurian cycle

if you just want to read 1 book for the political memes Revolt is probably the one

>> No.19179060

>moralfag telling people to avoid Evola
All that philosophy and noy an ounce of spirituality. Pathetic

>> No.19179175

Revolt is not a political book though

>> No.19179210

well, none of Evola's books are political in some sense, but his trilogy of revolt / men among the ruins / ride the tiger, are the books of his that get more often interpreted in a more political or action at the society level, and get more mixed with political memes of the day. Mystery of the Grail could be also interpreted in a very political way, but rarely does by anybody.

Meditations on the Peaks is a very comfy book too, could be a good start if you like mountains

>> No.19179262

I thought moralfagging was when you believe the world is degenerating and you are one of the few superior spiritual warriors left, but maybe I was wrong

>> No.19179314

>Meditations on the Peaks is a very comfy book too, could be a good start if you like mountains
>I know a young man, a classical example of the puer aeternus, who did a tremendous amount of mountaineering but so much hated carrying a rucksack that he preferred to train himself even to sleep in the rain or snow and wrap himself up in a silk raincoat and, with a kind of Yoga breathing, was able to sleep out of doors. He also trained himself to go practically without food, simply in order not to have to carry any weight. He roamed about for years all over the mountains of Europe and other continents, sleeping under trees or in the snow. In a way he led a very heroic existence, just in order not to be bound to go to a hut or carry a rucksack. You might say that this was symbolic, for such a young man in real life does not want to be burdened with any kind of weight. The one thing he absolutely refuses is responsibility for anything, or to carry the weight of a situation.

>> No.19179338

Why would you want to read fascist and anti-Semitic garbage?

>> No.19181031

Sounds interesting. What are you quoting there?


>> No.19181062

>implying moralfags read N
Another election tourist who only reads /pol/ charts

>> No.19181163
File: 200 KB, 1414x608, jemdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can recommend me good self-help/relationships authors like Evola?

>> No.19181174
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>> No.19181189
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>> No.19181197

Because not everyone is a coward like you

>> No.19181204

Moralfagging in our current era is crying about muh racism or muh anti-tranny hatespeech

>> No.19181210

mystery of the grail is based

>> No.19181349

Yes and I think it's the subject he was personally most interested in

>> No.19181360

I'm building a strong and dark character so I'll get all the pussy. Chicks dig character.

>> No.19181482
File: 344 KB, 1400x2072, 173028374019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you read these?

>> No.19181506

Rent free

>> No.19181515 [DELETED] 
File: 774 KB, 2970x1980, average leftists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your chubby brown hand

>> No.19181925

The Problem of the Puer Aeternus by von Franz.

>> No.19181932

You don't read. Why are you here?

>> No.19182034
File: 11 KB, 300x300, mentally retarded nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your shit-coloured hands, downie

>> No.19182081
File: 79 KB, 746x418, 1615547487023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting a white hand doesn't make you less of a mutt

>> No.19182092

the funny part is even the most degenerate mutt trash is racially superior to you

>> No.19182105

Yes I suppose that sicilian swarthoid you love so much represents the best features of Carthage and Syracuse

>> No.19182123
File: 60 KB, 1337x556, aryo-romans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no, keep coping with being brown

>> No.19182130

sounds totally different from crying about muh degeneracy and muh anti-white hatespeech

>> No.19182141

do you think the north pole is the same as the south pole?

>> No.19182161

Why does a list of Roman emperors matter? Evola was born two thousand years later. Africa begins in the Rhineland. Cope all you like

>> No.19182171

No, but you will admit that they have many striking similarities, and that very few sane people willingly decide to rot there

>> No.19182185

I'm wasn't talking about Evola, you're the one who brought him up presumably because he triggers you so much. Are you stupid? Evola was more white than you though lmao like I said, even the most orc-ish amerimutt is more white than you.

>> No.19182187

>election tourists can't even read the threads they post in, let alone anything else

>> No.19182200

The subject was the alleged racial hierarchy and you started talking about Evola. You're so fucking stupid, now post your shit-coloured hand so we can laugh harder.

>> No.19182240

That's a topic (You) brought up as a slur because you were called out for being an illiterate election tourist, who couldn't follow more than a single sentence to save his life. Where is your cherished IQ now?

>> No.19182253
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 6183015544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you diverted from it because you got BTFO and now you're crying about muh trump supporters (?) on 4chan

>> No.19182264

kek dude just admit you're a dumb nigger and move on