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/lit/ - Literature

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19180177 No.19180177 [Reply] [Original]

What book(s) significantly changed your view on a topic or your outlook on life more than anything else you'd encountered?

It can be a book that changed your personal or social views, your views on politics, your views on economics, your view on ethics or morality, your views on the arts, or just something inconsequential. It can be something that changed you as a person, for better or worse, positive or negative (or neutral but different.) It can be something that didn't necessarily change you as a person, but completely changed your opinion on a specific issue. Feel free to explain what your view(s) was in the past and, even if you still hold that view to some degree, how the book changed your view and what your view on the topic is now.

Cliche answers are fine as long as you explain what it meant to you, but please, only post books you've actually read, not just books you've never read but think say what you agree with. (We can tell.)

>> No.19180192

Hegel made me realise that I am indeed retarded

>> No.19180195

I had a feeling Hegel was going to be mentioned but I didn't expect it to be literally the first post, lol

>> No.19180198

right off the bat I feel like I have to say that every book I have ever read in some way changed me. Things like Struwwelpeter still have an impact on me, even though it's been ages since I read it.

My answer would be Game of Life by Tim Leary. He likens the major arcana tarot cards to different stages of biological and intellectual evolution of humans, connects it to his 8-circuit consciousness model, and does it pretty well. One thing that stuck the most with me is the phrase
>Confidence is the neuro-technology of success.
It made me more optimistic about myself and mankind all in all.

>> No.19180294

Gravity's Rainbow particularly after contemplating it on shrooms

>> No.19180302
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>> No.19181104
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>> No.19181208
File: 305 KB, 551x591, antifa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debt: the first 5000 years is the first book I read that was leftist but not stupid. I'm used to anarchists being some version of pic related.

The author rags on capitalism, corporations and points out the evils of our current monetary system but he sticks to facts.