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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 325 KB, 680x680, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19174502 No.19174502 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 1/3 of the way through Normal People and I gotta say she's better than I expected.

What does /lit/ think about Sally Rooney? Overrated because publishers want to push le young woman writer trope, or actually talented?

>> No.19174507

Why are Irish women so fugly?

>> No.19174511

You leave my irish-fu alone!

>> No.19174558

Post something you like from it

>> No.19174565

She's ugly in a cute way. Girlfriend material.

>> No.19174568
File: 308 KB, 1200x1445, FF9D3839-BD6C-4CB6-888A-9DF7522BBEC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a homely beauty . better than the porn-y sex appeal of british women covering themselves in spray tan

>> No.19174581

Is that Judith with Holofernes or Salome with John the Baptist?

>> No.19174587

she's cute i'd let her sit on my face and read her book to me

>> No.19174660
File: 67 KB, 976x549, SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ugly, honestly. Definitely below average (obese women excluded)

>> No.19174673

That's obviously Judith. Salome didn't do her own dirty work.

>> No.19174676
File: 26 KB, 890x534, F9CDCB1F-FA8B-4FBD-8DB5-07EC5E819C5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i think she’s cute

>> No.19174677

How are you 1/3 if the way through? It takes like 2 hours to read. Maximum.

>> No.19174678

What I like from it is the keen attention to the psychology of the characters, pretty much every paragraph contains a golden nugget. It's impossible to pick something specific.

>> No.19174682

And I started 40 minutes ago.

>> No.19174685

Even in that blurry pictutre she looks ugly desu.
Just above George Eliot tier (although she could actually write).

Every excerpt I've read from it looked terrible desu, just from a prose point of view.

>> No.19174695
File: 106 KB, 1080x675, 56EAEA8C-6163-4978-AFD2-73FC5DB60457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

george eliot is also cute

>> No.19174719

the ultimate boner killer isn't her big ugly irish face but the fact that she used to be a competitive debater

>> No.19174741

Bet she was hiding giant ears too.

>> No.19174761

I don’t think all of them are, it’s just that dorks are ugly no matter their nationality.
This kind of behaviour of overvaluing a woman’s attractiveness is the reason why so many unattractive women are so entitled.

>> No.19174776

Maybe I should have finished it, but so far I’ve left it half read. It’s not bad, the little awkward social details are well done and the quirky conversations sometimes have real life to them. But I feel like it throws most of its themes at you too hard within the email exchanges. There’s a tad bit of subtlety in trying to distinguish the writers thoughts from the characters thoughts. Even if it’s ironic it’s still a bit whiny. There are some good “What is life?” moments.
Even though she’s a Marxist she does have a good perspective on rich whinny leftists. So far there isn't too much of a movement to the narrative so it feels like once you’ve read the first chapter you’ve read the rest.

>> No.19174786
File: 2.61 MB, 2690x3440, 3274654738238475483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure bud

>> No.19174793

Not overvaluing her, saying I could be happy and secure with a 5. You're a fag if you couldn't.

>> No.19174797

her beauty doesn't matter what matters is how she sounds while she reads to me

>> No.19174803

man fuck u it

>> No.19174817

Calling her a 5 absolutely is overvaluing her attractiveness and having standards doesn’t make me a fag.
If you’re unattractive this is fine but if you’re handsome you should think better of yourself

>> No.19174823


>> No.19174939

I always imagine people who speak like this on anonymous Lizard Tail Cutting forum as ugly, fat, greasy 20 something neckbeards.

>> No.19175111

what do you like about it? i read it on vacation a few weeks ago and would be hard-pressed to name any redeeming quality other than it being a quick and mostly engaging read. i particularly disliked how almost all of the character and relationship development (e.g. most of their break-ups) happened between the chapters instead of during them, seemed lazy and spineless to me

>> No.19175841

Kek painted portraits where the equivalent of instagram filters

>> No.19175884


>> No.19177056

>tranny Stephen Fry

>> No.19177086

Is she wearing a bra or not in that pic?

>> No.19177125
File: 273 KB, 1154x1200, A6F0EA0A-FFD8-48E6-8EAA-8E75BF88AE6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m saying yes

>> No.19177134
File: 434 KB, 1171x1200, 97692F71-DD63-4687-A680-1D65E9A80195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe just a halter top

>> No.19177156

Don't project too much, pal.
Oh and btw, Reddit is the next tab over.

>> No.19177159


>> No.19177165

Because if you have any contact with females, you'd know they are all reading this cunt.

>> No.19177168

I’m actually a qt twink, though I’m admittedly very dyel
I’ve posted my photo on /lit/ before a few months ago and got plenty of compliments.
My point isn’t that Sally Rooney (or any other person on an average to below average level of physical attractiveness) should feel bad about how attractive she is, she shouldn’t have a problem with it, my point is that we should be realistic about attractiveness and that putting average-below average looking girls on a pedestal is unhealthy.

>> No.19177170

>you have to have the exact same taste and grading criteria as I do
Not even saying i agree with the other anons, but you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.19177176

Probably had some glowing review in the LRB

>> No.19177180

I enjoyed the book. I don't think it's great literature but it's interesting as a chronicle of the times. I was amused by pop culture references, e.g. to Vampire Weekend, and to the woke agenda. The characters are strongly drawn though I was less convinced by the motivations of the boy. It all ends up with safe consensual bdsm that doesn't harm anyone. Sweet.

One scene left me disatisfied, which spills into other disatisfactions. In order to protect his waifu from future harassment by the sadistic brother the male protagonist threatens him with extreme physical violence. Given that he is bigger than the brother this is effective. At a time when male violence, particularly to women, is under acute examination this is an old-fashioned solution which doesn't chime with the general wokeness of the characters. It's more in the vein of the knight on a white horse rescuing the damsel from distress.

Very few, or none, of the peripheral characters have any depth. Instead they are almost cardboard cut-outs of a few good people (his mother, the lesbian friend) and more bad people (most) who are presented as irredeemable. The authors compassion does not extend to people who may be equally damaged and in need if they are mean to her characters.

I suspect that this novel will date rapidly, partly because the technology used to communicate is already dated, and partly because the novel doesn't really step outside the boys saves girl trope. On the other hand, I look forward to reading her new novel.

>> No.19177419

this is a coom thread not a discussion of literature. you wasted your words.

>> No.19177427

>tfw no insufferable potato faced irish world-citizen gf to sit on my face