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19170166 No.19170166 [Reply] [Original]

I literally can't stop buying books. I have a problem. I own like 1000 books by now. A lot of them are unread because I buy faster than I read. I have the greatest literature (some rare collectibles), the greatest minds, filling up my entire room. I need more. There is so much more that I want. I have 1000 more books on my amazon wishlist. The thing is though I am an inploy (involuntarily unemployed) neet. I graduated a year ago and can't find a job still. I did a bunch of interviews and no one wants to take me. I can't even get a retail wageslave job. I don't have my own money so I use money from my family members' banks to buy books. I am an addict. What do I do?

>> No.19170201

Abide by the rule: I only buy a new one if I read what I already have. It's an immortal rule of every great book collector. You don't really own it until it has passed through your mind.

>> No.19170240

post pictures anon

>> No.19170416

If you can't get retail, then go lower, swallow your pride, wash dishes or flip burgers. Move out, pay your family back, you know, be an adult. Have you ever had a job?

>> No.19170424

Keep going. Soon the classics and western canon will be deleted from the internet and banned from being sold in used or new bookstores.

You will be glad you have them in physical form once they are quietly edited or deleted from peoples’ kindles.

>> No.19170428

i recently made the bold decision to try to read what i have before buying more, but it's such bullshit because what i *need* to read next is invariably that which i don't yet have

>> No.19170447

I applied for those those jobs too and never got a response other than an interview where I got rejected.
I have never had a job.

>> No.19170452

This is why I am writing done the Greek myth myself. Granted, I am making changes to the stories to fit my own tastes, but still.

>> No.19170468

down*, may Zeus forgive this phoneposter

>> No.19170511

>I have never had a job.
That is why you can not get a job. This is not an issue for the bottom rung jobs like dishwashing, but you need to follow up, stop back in during off hours a week or two after you applied, speak to the manager and tell them you applied a couple weeks ago and were just checking in to see if anything opened up. Stop in occasionally and do it again, you need to show them that you actually are serious about getting a job, your age, degree and lack of work history suggest you have no interest in working, show them that you do. This is standard procedure for first jobs, people with a work history or those that demonstrate they actually want to work have precedence over those that only do the bare minimum.

>> No.19170581

wow that sucks

>> No.19170626

Why does that suck? Takes almost no effort, just the willingness to stop by and follow up. People who are unwilling to take any real initiative generally do not make good employees, simple way to filter the applications. Show them you actually want to work, you will get a job.

>> No.19170679

Keep going. Buy all the books. Fill hard drives with epubs and pdfs. Never ever stop.

>> No.19170683
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 29044109-B267-4B42-B4B0-D56338592A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am an inploy (involuntarily unemployed) neet.
Inploy, that’s a good one

>> No.19170699

whats your degree in OP?

>> No.19170783


>> No.19170787

was it worth it

>> No.19170829

oh, makes sense. what have you been applying to? why dont you shave your face, take a shower, suck it up, and apply to barnes and nobles?
of course it wasnt.

>> No.19170836

Yeah it was nice. I had good profs.
Any wage slave job near me and "assistant" jobs. I just use indeed and apply to anything entry level.

>> No.19170913

kek. hoping this catches on.

>> No.19170942

Have you gone out in these last months ? Hiring signs everywhere you could walk in and get a job hell amazon trying to get people as we speak.

>> No.19171022

I used to have a problem with buying lots of books, so I decided to stop buying books. Now I don't have that problem anymore.

>> No.19171168

Honest opinion:
I had the same problem, I used to bouy lots and lots of books, until two things helped me a lot:
1: MEMENTO MORI - You will never read more than 1500 books in your life. Do the math. If you live 50 more years and you read a book biweekly, you'll get to read 1300 books. It helped me get rid of books I will never read and to focus on my must-read.
2. GET A KINDLE: It will help you to save money (just pirate anything u want kek) or be a cuc k and pay prime, whatevs

Remember: it's more important to have read 1 book than having 9999 and not read any.

>> No.19171324

>You will never read more than 1500 books in your life
I am 40 and have read more than 1500 books. Some of us do actually read. 50 books a year is not difficult to achieve, most books are under 500 pages, 50 pages a day will get you there.

>> No.19171346

Funkopops but books

>> No.19171413

Being an old virgin kissless hugless seenless faggot neet, sure.
But some of us have a fucking life, you insufferable bitch.
Post a screenshot of your Goodreads and I'll believe you

>> No.19171526

Reading for 30 minutes to an hour a day will not harm your social life. I read after breakfast as I drink my coffee, in those odd 15-20 minutes of freetime that crop up through the day that most pull out their phone for, and for about 30 minutes to an hour before bed. The weekend post breakfast reading sometimes stretches out for a few hours, but I will still be done with that by 9 or 10, so a good 12+ hours left in the day for other activities. I have never had a goodreads or any social media account, probably part of the reason I read more than most. Not sure how posting a goodreads would prove anything, it is on the honor system. Nor do I play video games or watch tv/youtube/etc and only watch maybe one movie a month, so even with working 40 hours a week and my reading, I can easily manage to have ~5 hours of freetime for socialization in any given day. You sound like you are terrible at managing your time.

>> No.19171580

Kek goddamn this anon >>19171526 absolutely btfo'd you.
Now log off and start reading some books, you fucking degenerate adhd zoomer
>Post a screenshot of your Goodreads and I'll believe you
Lmao are you gonna upvote my epic YA list bro?
You have to go back.

>> No.19171598

not him but its very undignified, I worked hard on my degree and there should be some sort of reward at the end I shouldnt have to beg for minimum wage jobs washing dishes but thats how things are right now and it really sucks.

>> No.19171643

Let me guess: you're a "libertarian."

>> No.19171754

I hate to get all boomer on you but the world doesn't owe you rewards for anything. If heckling others to ensure you get a job is undignified, then you need to get the chip off your shoulder.

>> No.19171769

You're retarded. You can read 1500 books in 30 years by just reading 50 a year, and that's just assuming you read novel sized works. You can finish a novella in a day and a short story in an hour. You sound like you just suck at reading

>> No.19171825

You dont need to beg, but I suppose you can if you want to play the pity card, but a simple follow up is all you need to do. I guarantee that any perspective employer in your field of choice is going to pick the person who flipped burgers after college while waiting for their career to start, over the person who leeched off their parents because flipping burgers was "beneath them.," even if you had a better GPA. Following up with an employer is standard even in the business world, my employer does not even glance at someones resume unless they follow up within a reasonable amount of time. The desire to work goes a long ways with most employers.

Amazes me how naive this place can be.

no, but i am very interested in how you pol rotted mind came to that conclusion.

>> No.19171840

Books don't expire, anon. Keep reading.

>> No.19172429

You're dummy. Find a library and feed your addiction.

>> No.19172435

What happened now?

>> No.19172439

Mail them to me. You can add my kik. I'll take some of them off your hands.

>> No.19172501

The librarian hurt his feelings.

>> No.19174118
