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19136008 No.19136008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recommended reading about dystopian societies?

>> No.19136015

Nice bait. sage

>> No.19136037
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t. vax cuck

>> No.19136045
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There's nothing new about this

>> No.19136049

This is going to backfire in 5 years and then Salon and the New York Times and their friends are going to write stuff like “We Need to Talk About Forced Medical Procedures” and “Mandatory Vaccinations are Racist. That’s not okay.” I can see it already. Truly I despise liberals. At least socialists are honest about their authoritarian ambitions.

>> No.19136082

And before you idiots go “get vaxxed chud”, I am vaccinated. I think people should get vaccinated. What I don’t like is this authoritarian “punish them until they are cowed into submission and then they’ll get vaccinated”. A ton of people are using this whole thing as a way to act out their power fantasies. The way people react to anti-vaxxers dying with glee instead of compassion is so sick.

>> No.19136083
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>schizos refuse to take their meds
A story as old as time.

>> No.19136091

Why would you watch CNN?

>> No.19136104

Nigga your body is a subscription service don't talk to me about meds

>> No.19136113
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>nooo not the heckin mean articlerinos in new york timerinos
>god I wish I were executed by a firing squad instead of having to read this
There is really not a soul more pathetic than "muh liberal tyranny" shartistanis.

>> No.19136130
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>he doesn't get windows update notifications in his dreams
the absolute STATE of you

>> No.19136147

I already got my 2 shots of Sputnik, why do I have to keep wearing the mask, especially outdoors?
Fortunately I’m rebelling in my own way now, whenever I go out for walks on weekends I literally just take off my mask on the middle of the street and keep walking. No one has called me out yet (cops have seen my without my mask on in public) and I’ve seen other people do the same.
I’m slowly gathering courage to eventually stop wearing it outside.

>> No.19136152

holy shit that's so badass

>> No.19136179

>not a single retarded /pol/ack has considered that the constant anti-vax posts on /pol/ is the real psyop

>> No.19136231

No, you are the only special one who did bro, not a single other person ever posted that in there, just you.

>> No.19136238
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Psyops arent about things you agree with silly

>> No.19136241

Wow, you got the Trump vax? That's untested wtf!!

>> No.19136356

Shut up, sarcastic little shit.

>> No.19136371

Here’s the actual elite plan
>make up fake story about deadly virus
>tell people to get the vaxx
>those who comply are identified as sheep, those who resist are identified as threats
>release the actual virus, killing anyone who didn’t get vaxxed thereby getting rid of any rebels
The Covid response is a ploy to root out dissidents because they know they won’t trust the authorities

>> No.19136391

If this were the case the vax would've stopped being pushed about 6 months ago.

>> No.19136401

he's right.
you mofos gonna bring the smallpox back

>> No.19136406

why the fuck would you wear it outside?
as long as you're in open air risks of infection is almost zero, I only wear it in closed buildings when there are people near me.

>> No.19136487

If you don’t think this is headed in the direction of authoritarianism, you are braindead. We’ll get the firing squads too, don’t you worry.

>> No.19136498

I agree with them.
My mom is a restaurant owner, she's old and has frail health, yet one of her employees refuses to take the vaccine.
I mean, take it or go fuck yourself. Seriously.

>> No.19136501

>the elite are desperately afraid of a bunch of permanently online turboincels
I think the entire world saw that /pol/fags are all bark and no bite on january 6th.

>> No.19136505
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>OMG this is JUST like the book "1984" by George Orwel!

>> No.19136511

>yet one of her employees refuses to take the vaccine
So what? The vaccine doesn't keep you from catching or spreading it. Any vaccinated person could give it to her just the same.

>> No.19136553

Just get your mom the vaccine? That's literally the purpose of it. I dont understand how one unvaccinated employee is different from random strangers she encounters on the street, it isnt anything safer

>> No.19136568

She is old and has a frails health. What gives?

>> No.19136572

I usaed to hate leftists for their hypocrisy until I got promoted at work and got several people working under me. It took no time for me to turn into a ruthless tyrant. I started bossing the same people who I used to pal around with, more importantly, I started thinking of them as less than people. I just couldn't see them as my equals anymore. It made me realise that power is all there is. If you are given power, you want to smite those who you perceive as less than you. Leftists, rightists, centermassists, anyone, in positions of power, would oppress and destroy their enemies with a euphoric look on their faces.

>> No.19136580

Vaccination significantly reduces infection and transmission without eliminating it, just like every vaccine for every virus. Viral load has also been shown to dissipate more quickly in vaccinated people. The other guy's mother would be in objectively less danger if her employee got vaccinated.

>> No.19136629

>four years of demonrat screeching about heckin alt-russian fakenews two scoops media leading DIRECTLY TO LITERAL HITLER
>now years of recucklican screeching about heckin alt-chinese coronahoax two shots media leading DIRECTLY TO LITERAL HITLER
>four years of purplehaired stubbled troonfaces pissing and shidding themselves in public over make america great again signs
>now years of skinnyfat bespectacled polfaces pissing and shidding themselves in public over please wear masks signs
>four years of ACKSHUALLY science sez cutting of your genitalia and crossdressing is the best thing since sliced bread
>now years of ACKSHUALLY science sez horse dewormers and bleach injections give your skin a nice healthy glow
the day your country-sized Walmart parking lot implodes is the day humanity wins

>> No.19136653

>The other guy's mother would be in objectively less danger if her employee got vaccinated.
That's not necessarily true, many vaccinated people act like the virus doesn't exist and take no precautions anywhere, while an unvaccinated person may take every precaution to not catch it and spread it by wearing real n95 masks, gloves, using hand sanitizer, etc.

>> No.19136655

Weirdly authoritarian.

>> No.19136662

This is tame. In an ideal society all trump voters would be lined up against a wall and shot.

>> No.19136669

>using hand sanitizer
You should be doing that anyway.

>> No.19136670

That's so stupid I can't believe I am reading it on /lit/, even though I read a lot of stupid shit here daily.
Looks like we really do have a bunch of /pol/ tourists.

She's taken it.
They work with her everyday in closed spaces. They should take the vaccine.
Also, it's her restaurant. She should be able to determine that she doesn't want to work around people who haven't taken the vaccine.
If you pay attention to the Salon headline, this is exactly what they're saying. They're not saying employers should forced employees to take the vaccine, they're saying they should fire them if they don't. It's own their own business.
Again, the anti-vaxxer argument is so stupid that it's hard to take seriously. What a shit analogy. Fucking hell.

>> No.19136697

>That's so stupid I can't believe I am reading it on /lit/
But you're worried she is going to catch it even though she is vaccinated, are you calling yourself stupid?

>> No.19136707 [DELETED] 

I genuinely hope you get sick and die.

>> No.19136717

>still not vaxxed
>never wore a mask
>don't even remember the last time I was sick
>no restrictions no vaxxpass
imagine being a vaxxcuck lmao enjoy your permanent damage from your fuckin mrna vax

>> No.19136719

Why take a vaccine that doesnt even protect you?

>> No.19136742

you can have a vector vax, based infographic scientist

>> No.19136761

>But you're worried she is going to catch it even though she is vaccinated, are you calling yourself stupid?

Do you even know anything about risk, you dumbfuck?
Why are you on /lit/? What do you read? Genre fiction?


>> No.19136763

Why would you watch Jimmy Dore?

>> No.19136802

>Also, it's her restaurant. She should be able to determine that she doesn't want to work around people who haven't taken the vaccine.
No she shouldn't. This was a huge deal during the AIDs crisis that led to a shitload of litigation which eventually ended with HIPPA determining that medical information is a protected class and NOBODY, not even medical professionals themselves, has a right to private medical information.
After working in healthcare and not being able to know if the people who's body fluids I'm being drenched in have HIV or not, it pisses me off to no end that suddenly the rules get thrown out the window just because a couple boomer shopkeepers are scared of the cough. Fuck this stupid clown world.

>> No.19136806

>Do you even know anything about risk, you dumbfuck?
I know that vaccinated people can catch and spread the virus, your mother can get sick from them and will never be safe.

>> No.19136809

why would you pretend to be a dyke tranny who left /lit/ a year ago?

>> No.19136822

The issue is obviously not about being 100% safe. The issue is her dumbfuck employ is a higher risk unlike the other ones. By a large margin.

>> No.19136836

>wearing a mask outside
I live in a dystopian hellhole and even we never had to do this, wtf

>> No.19136845

For the truth, Sam Seder fag

>> No.19136850

*brooks fag actually.

>> No.19136892

Im an idiot for not taking 5 shots of a vaccine that barely protects me? I dont trust the holly word of big pharma. Doctors are human and they can be bought, easily. I dont hate them, were all human and are flawed, even if their flaws cost lives.

>> No.19137051

>The issue is obviously not about being 100% safe.
That obviously is the issue or there wouldn't be these witch hunts.

>The issue is her dumbfuck employ is a higher risk unlike the other ones. By a large margin.
That's just an assumption, not a fact. Why don't you monitor her employees' social media for people that go to parties or crowded shops unmasked and tell her to fire them if you want her to be safe? If they come into work after a big party they could murder your poor old mother.

>> No.19137080
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why get vaxed when you can just boost your immune system by playing in the dirt and picking your nose

>> No.19137124

Are you retarded? There's posts about vaxfags pleading hospitals to give their rooms to the vaxxers who get COVID. Just imagine the fucking mental gymnastics you have to make to say such a statement

>> No.19137141

>The other guy's mother would be in objectively less danger if her employee got vaccinated.
Not true. And even if that's the case, what the fuck is the point of the vaccine in the first place? You can still get infected and you can still die. I don't know much about the scientific method but I think that's what they call a "shitty conclusion"

>> No.19137147

I can't handle this level of autism. Try to at least not insult our intelligence

>> No.19137148
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you don't have to make mental gymnastics to follow mandates. they are orders to follow and so no mental gymnastics are necessary. the justifications come in the form of a loud speaker box blaring every which way telling them what to think and how to feel, what to follow and how to behave; its a community. no gymnastics required.

>> No.19137155

>She should be able to determine that she doesn't want to work around people who haven't taken the vaccine.
>They're not saying employers should forced employees to take the vaccine, they're saying they should fire them if they don't.
This is textbook illegal discrimination.

>> No.19137161

What about rate do you not understand?

>> No.19137190
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I don't want a vaccine because I don't want it and because it makes faggots like you absolutely buttblasted, not because of some autist pollack's post. Seethe and cope. I'll see you when they cancel all the vax requirements, then your precious little vax would've been for nothing

>> No.19137199

>cancel all the vax requirements
Anon... You lost you have to get over it.

>> No.19137216

You're not understanding what I'm saying.

Vaccines are supposed to keep us safe from COVID, right? Right. If a large percentage of vaccinated people are getting sent to hospital beds, tell me WHO the fuck is it helping?

Therefore, asking hospitals to be "fair" and to give their rooms to people who followed mandates and got vaxxed don't seem to understand the irony of what they're saying

>> No.19137221

Third booster shot got rejected. Keep coping

>> No.19137224

You understand that there are more unvaccinated people clogging the system? You aren't this dumb? You understand there are much less vaxed people going there? Right?

>> No.19137226

Somehow 2% of the population accounts for 99% of people who think people should be forced into a medical procedure

>> No.19137238

Not where I live. I'm not a pig America so I don't know what is going on in your 3rd world hell hole.

>> No.19137242

>there are much less vaxed people going there
No, there aren't. That's the problem. The experimental gene therapy doesn't provide immunity to the one variant that it's supposed to work against after two weeks, let alone other variants.

It does give 1/25 kids a heart defect after the second booster, though.

>> No.19137250

How are you not aware of what you're saying?

If I even have a chance of contracting the infection even after getting vaxxed, the vaccine is FUCKING USELESS. I'd rather get covid head-on and suffer the consequences than still getting covid along with the side effects + blood clots. No thanks

>> No.19137255

Congratulations on being forced to get an unnecessary third shot of experimental drugs, you must live in paradise.

>> No.19137256

>he's actually proud of more vax cucking
Fucking kek. Can't make this up

>> No.19137259

Cite your data that more vaxed are going than unvaxed.

>> No.19137262

The system is not clogged

>> No.19137269

youre not understanding what I am saying. those that have followed to the letter this mass propaganda do not care about logic. they are unable to see contradictions in their actions and statements.

>> No.19137274

The report that Pfizer just put out. You know, the one that prevented the OSHA mandates. You are keeping up with this stuff, right?

>> No.19137296

>our intelligence
Who are you exactly?

>> No.19137321

I am Legion

>> No.19137338

Eventually I took the cuck jab. I wouldn't be surprised if this shit revealed itself to do something nasty 3-4 years from now but frankly I don't care about my life anymore. I might even be dead. If I had anything at stake I wouldn't have done it.

>> No.19137346

Yeah those things that usually determine long term effects are still ongoing. What are they called again? Ah, thats right, trials.

>> No.19137354

>I wouldn't be surprised if this shit revealed itself to do something nasty 3-4 years from now
Why? Did you start feeling bad after taking it?

>> No.19137395

>my obese, chainsmoking, geriatric relative is at risk that means you lose your rights
Your employer doesnt need to know what meds you're on

>> No.19137400

It's gonna be funny. Lots and lots of crying but people will not be able to sue or do anything because they signed that right away, so they'll just bitch on twitter and eventually accept to get cucked by whatever side effects will ruin their lives.
I just had arm pain. Frankly the way I see it is this: governments laundered a shitton of money over these vaccines and the med companies released this shit that is most likely a useless placebo. I genuinely believe they're mostly a psychological pacifier and I'm sure that this is yet another training drill to make people hate those who disobey the system.
I don't believe it's some wacky thing like microchips although somehow on TV they always seem to find these people to represent "anti-vaxxers" which is already a loaded term on its own. The only thing that aggravates me is that if you are a EU citizen you are treated like a criminal if you don't want to take the jab or use the mask when it's 40C degrees outside but at the same time you have wild packs of 20 rapefugees who hang around without masks doing their little street shitter act and nobody does anything to them. If I want to go somewhere as a EU citizen I need to be probed up my ass but a no papers literal who from Africa somehow manages to pass. But then again I can't complain about double standards because excepting rules to be enforced is racist. It's all so fucking stupid and deep down I genuinely hope it's some kind of extermination plan and everyone taking it will get fucked up as divine retribution for being so fucking cucked.

>> No.19137462

I handle roadkill, doubt Corona will be the thing that gets me sick.

>> No.19137479

its time to start banning abortion. sociopathic women are overdue for a lesson in consequences

>> No.19137570
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>I don't believe it's some wacky thing like microchips
That actually comes from a logical place, believe it or not, microneedle vaccine patches and microfluid chips were among the very first Covid-19 detection and vaccination avenues explored by NIH. It looks like they are still developing it as well:

>Microneedle Patch Vaccine Outperforms Needle Jab

>> No.19137577

Um, those are white people laws you racist. Why should noble blackmen be subjected to the racist laws you invented?

>> No.19137583

No I was talking about the theories where a microchip small enough to fit the syringe's needle is implanted in your body, not this other thing you brought up. What you posted looks like something they're already doing for insulin.

>> No.19137598
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I don't understand how you can say the unvaccicnated are responsible for infections and death, and worse to have no compassion and take pleasure in their deaths, which is inhumane, sick, and evil. What you don't understand is that sickness is a fact of life, and no one has any control over who gets sick and who doesn't. If my grandmother died from the flu and I knew who gave it to her, I would not be angry at the person, because he did not mean to give the flu to her and couldn't stop it if he wished. And we can never really tell who gave us a viral infection in the first place, so if your mother does get sick, how would you know it was her employee and not someone else? Have you also considered that people asymptomatic people can still spread the virus? Or that animals can also be carriers and vectors of infection? Or the fact that covid is as mutable as the common cold, which makes creating a vaccine for it a fool's errand in the first place? Or the fact that there are no published long term testing done for any of the vaccines? Or the fact that the media has done a 180 on the narrative ever since Trump left office and now all the big wigs are praising it after months of criticism and skepticism (see pic)? With these concerns and considerations in mind, the moral argument of taking the vaccine falls flat on its face.

>> No.19137634

Well it looks like the implanted microchips are still coming except they are implanted in the skin and not the veins.

>> No.19137643
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i got my 2 doses of moderna and thinking of getting a third jab for funsies. seethe more, chuds.

>> No.19137668

>no one has any control over who gets sick and who doesn't
Yes we do. If everyone were vaccinated the pandemic would be over. Large numbers of people refusing to be vaccinated are also the reason why we had the situation we had in August and most of September, where ICU beds filling up in many parts of the country led to some being unable to get care for mundane/treatable illness; Orlando asking its residents to limit water consumption so as to conserve oxygen for the hospitals; etc.

>> No.19137704

Theyre doing it on purpose right?
They cant be unaware of how demonic their vaccine shilling seems
Whats the problem with taking it slow and letting people get vaxxed after time has helped dispel most people's worries about any side effects?

>> No.19137716

facebook and twitter

>> No.19137729

Blame CCP

>> No.19137737

One anon said there are plans in his country to tie your vaccine ID to your bank account, though honestly I don't know why they would do that since you are already identified when you use a card.
It's a shitshow and even assuming this covid meme isn't complete bullshit they definitely took the chance to encroach even more into people's rights and privacy.
Maybe the impoverished West will turn into Asia's sweatshop and the roles will reverse. I don't know. I can't just say it was mismanagement because too much weird shit happened, rapefugees were completely excluded from the vaccination plans AFAIK and TV now all of a sudden has like 70% black people in it.

>> No.19137755

>Whats the problem with taking it slow and letting people get vaxxed after time has helped dispel most people's worries about any side effects?
>after time has helped dispel most people's worries about any side effects
Yeah, good luck with that.
They're going full steam ahead for a reason, Anon.
The mutagen is the bioweapon, and as soon as it becomes obvious enough, it won't be usable anymore.
>b-b-but with would they kill the braindeadcattle that are obedient
Because hey can only kill the braindeadcattle that are obedient.

>> No.19137804

>If everyone were vaccinated the pandemic would be over.
Fucking Christ, can you say anything besides parroting one-liners, and have you even read the rest of my post? I bring up the best non-schizo points for not taking the vaccine and its ineffectiveness which taken together, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would come to the conclusion that ridding the world of covid once and for all is an impossibility, yet you STILL ignore addressing these considerations and go on about "vax good, nonvaxed bad". I am starting to think you're either a bot or a paid shill.

>> No.19137828

>If everyone were vaccinated the pandemic would be over.
You should not let shit like this slip cause it really gives you away. Where can I file a resume to shill the cuck vax? Getting paid to be a retard sounds like a good deal

>> No.19137834


>> No.19137845
File: 3 KB, 259x194, B6467A2D-CBFD-4DEA-A642-7C17A3647875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the more you comply the more power the Sovereign will seize.