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/lit/ - Literature

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19119154 No.19119154 [Reply] [Original]

Post your current read. Simple as that.

>> No.19119165

I'm reading that too. I'm at the part where Julien starts at the seminary. I like it.

>> No.19119201

I just started it, read first few chapters. Not super into it but hey, only few chapters.

>> No.19119381
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Read like 100 pages today, might finish it tonight we'll see.

>> No.19119388
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illuminating read, dont agree or feel the same way jung does about everything but its helping me to understand systems inside myself.

>> No.19119392

This thread

>> No.19119398

Have you seen the Kubrick film? Is so is it worth reading the book?

>> No.19119410

Fathers and sons

>> No.19119419

Reading a collection of Ezra Pound's poetry. He's pretty fucking good.

>> No.19119428

20k leagues under the sea

>> No.19119515
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>> No.19119568

I read it first, I liked the movie but Peter Sellers character isn't really like that in the books.

>> No.19119622

Crime and Punishment

>> No.19119689

Lord of the Flies.
I'm on the 4 chapter, but I feel uninterested. Is it worth finishing? Will there be any plot twist or something tragic?

>> No.19119808

Short Stories

>> No.19119986
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Augustine and Kant are for school. The rest is a vibe. It's all a vibe

>> No.19120001

The movies and the book are too different to compare. The book is fucking amazing.

>> No.19120015
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How come this isn’t talked about here more. Very political and existential and a pretty good page-Turner as well

>> No.19120024

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.19120151
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>> No.19120182
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Reading this in between jtteotn/death on credit

>> No.19120199

call of the crocodile

>> No.19120216

I got this to read but haven't started it yet. Are you enjoying it?

>> No.19120245

I'm at chapter 10 of la-bas
its supposed to be a dark novel about old sacrificial paganism, but the past several chapters have been about the protag having secret love cadoodle with some bitch. I'm coming close to dropping it

>> No.19120858
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Le Boys Club by Martine Delvaux. I'm halfway through, it's not bad. Next up is maybe the latest Thomas Piketty.

>> No.19121375

Sea Garden by HD
The Ode Less Traveled by Stephen Fry
Trying to into poetry in general

>> No.19121438

It gets tragic and you may as well finish it. Personally I found it boring.

>> No.19121442
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>> No.19121447

ah, you know. this and that

>> No.19121458
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reading Hamsun in order, got this and the sequel before Growth of the Soil. It's fun watching how his writing develops.

>> No.19121477
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I was finding it pretty dull at first, all domestic scenes with no incident, I don't just mean action, there was hardly any emotional incident either, the characters all seemed to be milling around repeating the same things. But halfway through it gets really good. Now that it's got my interest I'm reading a lot faster.

>> No.19121568
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On a history kick

>> No.19121732
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Pic related. I have read the main part, now I'm doing the exercises in the appendix.

>> No.19121768


>> No.19121776

Is it actually beneficial?

>> No.19121778

The Penguin Edition of «Early Writings»? Or another one? I've thinking of reading some of his poetry, but don't want to start with his «Cantos». Any recs?

>> No.19121798
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>> No.19121879
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I love the need of different civilizations to show that they are descendants of the Trojans

>> No.19121891

Ok, thanks. I will finish it.

>> No.19121893

Herman Hesse - Siddhartha. The eceleb making a video about it made it really easy to get a free ass copy kek.

>> No.19121895
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Finished reading today

>> No.19121913

I just finished reading Naomi by Junichiro Tanizaki. I keep hearing that it's similar to Lolita. Is this true? If so, I want to start another book so I won't get bored of the same themes

>> No.19121918
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Not that good

>> No.19121943
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>> No.19121950 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.19121955 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.19121965
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>> No.19121974 [DELETED] 


>> No.19122437

It's the 2010 New Directions edition. It has a little bit of everything in it, including selections from Cathay and the Cantos, but it's mostly his earlier work.

>> No.19122467

Dream of the Red Chamber, Book 1. I don't know who the fuck is who.

>> No.19122540
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Reading out of order reading the Algernon Blackwood story first

>> No.19122542

Thank you!

>> No.19122567

Flame and Shadow by SaraTeasdale
Nice life affirming poems, pretty ironic that she an heroed

>> No.19122575
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>> No.19122647
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Pic related currently. It's okay so far, an is fitting since I was just in Sicily on vacation and I generally like books about aristocrats.

Finished Turgenev's Fathers and Sons on my trip, recommend it.

>> No.19122670
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It's amazing wtf

>> No.19122684
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>> No.19122687
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The first third of this doorstopper is an absolute page turner. I'm in the very middle, where the Count is visiting Paris, and all the set-up going on is a bit of a slog.
Luckily Dumas knows how to write a good drama.
I'm also reading Morrison's translation of Chaucer.

>> No.19122948
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>> No.19123186
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Pic related. Got about 50 pages left but thinking about dropping it as I get through maybe 15 pages in an hour. Haven't touched it in a few days and I can't remember anything that happened after the long descriptions of hell, which were great. Does it get better or should I drop it and read The Red And The Black instead?

>> No.19123254

That book has one of the best endings maybe ever

>> No.19123378
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It's even better than his finished works bros.

>> No.19123863
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It has been an interesting read since I mainly read classics, but PoMo /lit/ has interested me. Also, since I'm religious, being exposed to foreign interpretive methods has been rather fun and has benefitted me in discussion and such.

>> No.19123936
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Read about a hundred pages.

>> No.19123962

earlier I finished reading Gilda Trillim, it was very good. Now I'm reading The Ice Palace by Vesaas.

>> No.19124102

It really is.

Just finish it. What I got from it was more the emotional and mental impressions of Stephen rather than the plot.

>> No.19124105

You would have to decide for yourself. Personally, I found it useful.

>> No.19124226

I didn't like it either. I think you should trust your gut and drop it and try it again in the distant future. Have you ever read something that you mostly hated for 50 pages or so and suddenly found yourself enjoying immensely soon after? I doubt it. Drop it.

>> No.19124581
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For my Victorian Novels class

>> No.19124598

How come translation of Chaucer?

>> No.19124685

The foundation.

>> No.19124748
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>> No.19124801
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>> No.19124810

read it in Russian. And how can anyone not like the Pilate and Ga-Nozri chapters..?

>> No.19124835

I just ordered this. How is it?

>> No.19125048

I hated this. Dropped it after a few chapters. Won't bother with Asimov again now.

>> No.19125075
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Finnish translation

>> No.19125416
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Actually just finished it.

>> No.19125449
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Just recently finished War and Peace edition pic related. I cried for a moment after finishing this piece.

>> No.19125674

talk with my Goodreads


>> No.19125682


>> No.19125698

Bolano's The Savage Detectives

>> No.19125901

I read other books from him before, I robot, Caves of steel and The naked sun. I liked these 3.
I finished the foundation just now and I didn't like it as much, maybe because I expected mucho more since a lot of people say it's amazing.
Im gonna start the Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley now. Hope it's good.

>> No.19126393
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>> No.19126638

Do people dislike those chapters? I loved them.

>> No.19126642

Is this worth starting?
This is the copy I own, and my group starts it in a few weeks. Was this edition an enjoyable read?

>> No.19126652

Madame Bovary

>> No.19127086


>> No.19127098
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ate my image lets try again

>> No.19127144

Principles - ray dalio

>> No.19127157

What has your favorite Hamsun been so far? I really loved Mysteries and Pan when I studied him in undergrad

>> No.19127167

tale of two cities

is any other dickens worth checking out?

>> No.19127192

Divine Comedy, just finished Purgatorio about to start Paradiso.

>> No.19127205

surprisingly a very good translation, too bad the other volumes have different translators, Penguin fucked up on that one.

>> No.19127231

wuthering heights. Doesn't REALLY live up to the hype but hey

>> No.19127451
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they're called poems but they're more like surreal short stories. i'm enjoying a lot

>> No.19127589

Celine's Death on Credit

>> No.19127690

the testament of mary

>> No.19127692

How fo you like it? I found it a bit meandering at some parts, but very good overall

>> No.19127695

Bleeding edge by Thomas Pynchon. The most tedious book I have read this entire year. It's so boring, so much worse than Against the Day and V.

>> No.19127699

All of his novels worth it really except maybe Hard times and Barnaby rudge. From his novellas, just read a christmas carol

>> No.19128095

child of god. but i am tired as fuck right now and i'm not really enjoying it.

>> No.19128160

First chapter is the slowest because it follows that XIX century french naturalistic description. After that it becomes a censored MILF and Tsundere fest.

>> No.19128167

The Wes Anderson of literature. Bulgakhov wrote far better stuff.

>> No.19128247

Blood Meridian.

>> No.19128281
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Decent enough look on changing social/sexual norms and evolution of marriage.

>> No.19128426
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not sure if I like it yet. not that far in yet, just started it a few days ago.

>> No.19128808

still reading this. it's boring as fuck.

i downloaded this. it could either be good or really gay going by the reviews.

>> No.19129010

Infinite Jest
The Managerial Revolution (audiobook)

>> No.19129071

I plan to read the charterhouse of parmesan soonish, any thoughts on it if you've read it?

>> No.19129076
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reading this

>> No.19129106

Loved that book. Are you reading it in conjunction with Burckhardt's book on the Renaissance for their antipodal points of view?

>> No.19129140

Inherent Vice

>> No.19129147

Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse. Medizinische Monatsschrift für Seelenkunde II. Jahrgang 1912 Heft 12 September

>> No.19129157

The Master and Margarita. Just finished Heart of a Dog

>> No.19129587

in the land of pain - daudet

it sucks. the introduction by barnes was good though.

>> No.19129684

I really don't get what anybody sees in Foundation. It was such a slog. I kept waiting for something, anything, significant to happen. Instead it was just a bunch of scenes that set up... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Then the book just ends. What the fuck? I can't believe I finished it.

>> No.19129690
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>> No.19129847

lmao I dropped if after a few chapters. All the chapters felt like the same thing and the characters were cardboard cutouts. I'd just finished the trilogy of The Three Body Problem, which I enjoyed, and it mentions Foundation a few times so I thought okay let's go. But it was shit.

This is on my list and his other one, The Ninth...something.

>> No.19129870

The Ninth Configuration. That’s next for me. Apparently an underrated book and movie. Part of Blatty’s faith trilogy (Exorcist/Ninth/Exorcist 3).

>> No.19130561

brother of sleep - robert schneider

it's supposed to be like perfume. it does have similarities.

>> No.19130738
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>> No.19130751

I read this 4 years ago and struggled through it. The last two chapters are really formidable. At the time I didn’t like it but I appreciated how it made Ulysses more readable (which is a way more enjoyable book). I’m currently reread portrait of the artist and I’m blown away by how much easier it is on second reading, plus all the depth that I missed originally. The other anon was right about it being more of an emotional impression than a story per se, but I would recommend sticking it out to the end unless you’re certain you’ll never revisit any of Joyce’s work

>> No.19130756

hellenica by xenophon

>> No.19130762
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Halfway through this, very easy read. Like a Japanese Lolita. Though was written before Lolita

>> No.19130779

I read this ten years ago and felt so stupid at the end of it I was miserable for some time. It felt completely beyond me. I never revisited it.

>> No.19130798

this one was unexpectedly good. way over what you'd expect from a genre horror book, essentially. the movie is a classic, but it doesn't do the book good in all its subtleties and tight-boiling degradation of characters.

>> No.19130813
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Pretty sure this was the peak of the Western Canon and its all been downhill since

>> No.19130841

Capitalist Realism. Yes, the shilling worked.

>> No.19130849

Animal Farm

>> No.19130858

Is that any good? I’m thinking of reading Homo Faber next but wanted to wait until I got more practice on graded readers.

>> No.19130867

>post the book I'm reading
>anon (you)s me with spoilers
not falling for this again

>> No.19130874

Homo faber is amazing. I read that in school (in Germany). My favorite book I read in school by far. I've only read about 20 pages of Stiller so far, so I can't say a lot, but it seems promising.

>> No.19130881
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>> No.19130898


>> No.19130899

you die at the end

>> No.19130908
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>> No.19130911

read Killing Commendatore last week, not read Murakami in years. as usual the writing itself was addictively great, and certainly there were things i loved. but overall on completion it felt a bit... unsatisfying as a whole?
it was smart how as soon as i finished it i went back and reread the prologue and skimmed the first chapter with a new understanding, but "smart" doesn't mean good or satisfying. ended up feeling like i was missing another 300 pages or something. the end with the protagonist leaving the mountain and returning to his wife felt rushed and out of nowhere.

a lot of personal interpretation i took from it was the male midlife crisis. being able to look back on a productive adult life/career and forward to comfortable retirement - or not. having a stable family of your own, a wife and child - or not. and the death of the father, becoming a man on your own. but in the end thats mostly an internal struggle and you go right back to living, all the same.

>> No.19131002
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>> No.19131211
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I read a bit past part 2 of Notes from the Underground by Dostoevsky until dropping it out of annoyance at the rambling. Are his other books like this too?

>> No.19132229

movies never do the book justice.

>> No.19132237
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>> No.19132246

Faust, 70 pages so far

>> No.19132265
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Strangely took me an entire year to finally make the plunge. I’m lovin’ it.

>> No.19132301
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The Odyssey translated by T.E. Lawrence (Shaw)

>> No.19132306
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Just finished.

>> No.19132309


>> No.19132319
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>> No.19132335

I read it a few months back. I didn’t expect it to go in the direction it did. I was kind of mislead about it thinking it was abnormal horror book. More like Lovecraft than anything.

>> No.19132337

*Correction* “a normal”

Abnormal is a pretty good way of putting it though

>> No.19132828

only shit books can be spoiled

>> No.19132852
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Not really enjoying it. It seems to lack something that is in even the least impressive of his novels.

The film is a fundamentally different experience. Nabokov himself had some problems with how it differed and wrote his own screenplay as a response. That is worth a read while the film is still fresh in your mind.

>> No.19133908
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Reading pic related and another one of his books along with Kapital, and after those I have 16 fiction books all lined up to read.

>> No.19133927
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I only read genre fiction

>> No.19134101
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moonchild by A. Crowley
fun read tbqh

>> No.19134145
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about half way through this. blindsight is definitely more competently written but this is still really enjoyable

>> No.19134628
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>> No.19134728

I’m reading Memories, Dreams, Reflections

>> No.19134807

i got distracted by this and read crow with no mouth by ikkyu, barn owl by jim crumley, and several books of illustrations by gustave doré. they were all excellent. i'll finish brother tonight.

>> No.19134818

John's gospel

>> No.19134836

>Starting with the Greeks but not starting in Greek.

>> No.19134842
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>> No.19134843

Golden ass
The road into the open
The netenyahus

I'll be honest, the golden ass is more entertaining than the other books. Based Romans.

>> No.19134844
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This shit made me not want to eat sugar or drink caffeine

>> No.19134863

Idk, I finished the Idiot and I'm currently reading The Brothers Karamazov. I can say for sure that both books had their boring parts where I wanted to drop them both, but after finishing (The Idiot for example) I said to myself: "No regrets finishing this." With TBK I actually stopped reading it for 3 weeks but I picked it up again and can't stop reading. These ARE philosophical novels/short stores after all...

>> No.19135075
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Im maybe like 80 pages into it right now. His style is taking some time to get used to,

>> No.19135093
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Just started with this. I need to research lyric ballads and long form poetry of the like so I'd love some suggestions.

>> No.19135325
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Just bought this, what is even this size? Is this version good because I read in public sometimes I might get self conscious

>> No.19135332
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I swear I'll read a real book next, I promise!

>> No.19135361

My trash Japanese Light Novels

>> No.19135381
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For the longest time I couldn't get into this book and left it unread. This time around I'm starting to enjoy it. Funny how things change.

>> No.19135481
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About 40% through this. Enjoying it, though it seems to be even more entrenched in Russian soap-opera drama than even Dosto's other books (which I don't mind but can be tiring at times).

How do you like it? BK is currently my favorite book of all time though I'll confess to not being very well-read yet.

Part 1 of Notes has a lot of philosophical ramblings from the Underground Man. Part 2 begins dealing with more actual events/actions in the UM's life, and is easier for most to get through.
It's a short book and Part 2 is very good imo, I'd recommend sticking through it.

>> No.19135525

It's good, it was pretty boring at the beginning but it got so much better. Also, The Idiot is great. Especially Part 1.

>> No.19135551

I'd get the multi volume editions.

>> No.19135826

lol anon. I get it. I was reading Hyouka translation last week. Good stuff.

>> No.19135857

I mean the little guy not the big one, I want books that can be used as weapons or at least to stop a bullet

>> No.19135903

I’ve mostly been rereading books this year. Right now I’m on a major Kafka kick despite hating him a few years ago and being unable to finish his books. Right now I’m reading The Trial for the 3rd time this year as it’s become one of my favorites

>> No.19135986
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>> No.19135989
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>> No.19136302

the branch will not break - james wright

i'll read books of poetry that gets lots of praise and awards and i feel fuck all and hate reading them and then every so often one just speaks to me, like this one

>> No.19136310

So am I, found the first couple chapters a bit of a slog but now I'm up to where he's working with Freud and it's getting better

>> No.19136318

no, notes being a sort of rambling stream of consciousness is somewhat unique and not really something you will find in his novels

>> No.19136392

Elementary particles
dunno how I'm supposed to like it

>> No.19136414
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Fans of Bruno Schulz and Nabokov should look into Kis.

>> No.19136427
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>> No.19136428

more like kys, if you can't write Kiš

>> No.19136488
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It's a book about dream exploration and symbolism that I randomly found at my school library. I don't know how they'd even get this book, it seems like the type of thing you'd get out of an ad in the back of a new-age magazine from 1975. It's the most hippie thing I've ever read. Only about 30 pages of it are an actual dream handbook, the rest is a very long annotated bibliography about different books concerning dreams with brief summaries and excerpts.

>> No.19136494
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Calm down, you nerd.

>> No.19136795
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>> No.19137912
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Re-reading Pynchon's V.
Mondaugen's Story might be my favourite bit of Pinecone's writing.

>> No.19137934
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My copy of Bleak House just arrived in the mail and this bitch is HUGE, the same size as my hardcover edition of Mason & Dixon (another doorstopper currently on my list; I wasn't going to read it at first but then somebody got me a hardcover as a gift), pic rel isn't my picture but gives an idea of how fucking thick this book is, a literal paperback brick
I've never read a doorstopper before, the only book I've read of similar length is Lonesome Dove and it doesn't have a shit ton of characters or overlapping complicated plots or deep themes, so I'm excited to jump right in

>> No.19137969
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>> No.19137975
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This is great plus rereading book of disquiet.

>> No.19138003
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>> No.19138062

Is it good so far?

>> No.19138065
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This is still my favorite work of fiction apart from Moby Dick. Currently reading pic rel.

>> No.19138069

Just quit 550 pages into edgar Allan poes collection. Shit was boring

>> No.19138081

That's a beautiful cover, where did you get it?

>> No.19138140

Read the gospels recently. On chapter 10 of Acts but taking a break to read Origen On Prayer.

>> No.19138190
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>> No.19138239
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Interesting and depressing

>> No.19138264
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>> No.19138328

Keats, especially The Eve of St. Agnes
The ancient mariner from your pic related is phenomenal as well.
The prelude if you'd like to see something in blank verse

>> No.19138769
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Someone on /lit/ recommended me this the other day and it just arrived in the mail. Going to start tonight after I finish Dovlatov's "The Suitcase"

>> No.19138826


>> No.19138900
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vous êtes ou mes nègres

>> No.19138952

>the two books (barely) worth reading are 'for school'
>the two midwit meme books are a 'vibe'
oh, this is all a 'vibe', I'd say

>> No.19138959
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It's so fucking funny

>> No.19138974
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I am alternating between the Gospel of John and knocking off this pillar of the Meme Trilogy. Just got through the first chapter tonight, and read six chapters of John on top of that.

>> No.19139104

Thanks alot anon, I'll check em out

>> No.19139230

you should also read LTZ, it's even better

>> No.19139800
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>> No.19140280

now go listen to Amused to Death by Roger Waters

>> No.19140299
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>> No.19140412
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picrel, peak comfy
More than 100 replies without shilling this nigger. Well, there's still hope for this board
Basado hermano argiebro que quiere tetas

>> No.19140475
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I'm doing it bros, I'm reading a woman!

>> No.19140486
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currently at canto 27 in french
been reading a canto a day

>> No.19140493
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>> No.19140511

I would read your cantos if you know what I mean

>> No.19140573

I'm finishing How to Read A Book by Adler and I just started Dandelion WIne.

>> No.19142190
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its turning me gay, but i'm into it.

>> No.19142206

This thread desu

>> No.19142223

I just started Quarantine by Greg Egan.

>> No.19142258

wtf really?

>> No.19142295

why no caffeine?

>> No.19142327
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Why were Joseph’s brothers such cunts?

>> No.19142343

About to start This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, it's a pretty short book so after that I'm reading The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu. I've been meaning to read that one for a while now and since I have all the other books I can finally give it a go.

>> No.19142360

Ask the Dust, by John Fante.

>> No.19142382
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This one is particularly good

>> No.19142442

Reading tropic of cancer and 20k leagues under the sea

>> No.19142511

the journey was great. the ending was meh.

>> No.19142685

>(barely) worth reading
What books are (really) worth reading in your mind?

>> No.19142706

Every thread everyone posts the same dozen books. Do you guys actually fucking read?

>> No.19142711

I don't read a thing by women

>> No.19142737

>popular books are read often

>> No.19142764

you're probably only noticing the morw popular ones, there's plenty that's been posted you don't see that often
when's the last time you saw >>19127451
discussed for example

>> No.19142807

just finished moby dick

>> No.19142830

Who's moby?

>> No.19142833

he made a couple songs

>> No.19142861

how is it so far?

>> No.19142874

Hegel, by Charles Taylor.

>> No.19142899

did you know he named himself that because he claims to be a descendant of Melville?

pretty shit so far and I'm over 100 pages in. waiting for it to get good or I might DNF.

>> No.19142904

some guy who fucked natalie portman

>> No.19142906

thought Melville liked men desu

>> No.19142908

probably fathered a child with Queequeg.

>> No.19142911
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>> No.19142918

light skin cannibal based af

>> No.19142943
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>> No.19142969
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>> No.19142989

Not his best work, true

>> No.19143341

I'm at Canto 10. Makes you think about where you are in hell. For me, it's the vestibule or 2nd circle, Lust.

>> No.19143369

Lord of flies, started today and I'm chap 2

>> No.19143383

It drags

>> No.19143387

Comparing a translated japanese novel to something written by Nabokov is pretty retarded, that comparison is made far too commonly.
You should definitely read Lolita, you'll soon forget about Naomi.

>> No.19143401
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10 chapters in, it's as good as the first book, I look forward to the rest of the series

>> No.19143456

Just finished Cloud Atlas.

>> No.19144850

Funny desu

>> No.19145104

Sense and Sensibility, La Sombra del Viento, Maitreyi

>> No.19145159

Nietzsche is fucking awful. He just spits hot takes one after another, not bothering to elaborate or prove anything.
Was very excited to read Genealogy of Morality and it ended up taking me like a month because of how annoying it was.

>> No.19145174

Birth of Tragedy. Really makes Neech seem like a Goethe wannabe compared to his other works

>> No.19145197
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I find the absurdity of the book really comical.

>> No.19145242

what algernon story is it? Im reading the willows currently and im loving it so far

>> No.19145374
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>t. christian
pray for my soul anons, it compels me...

>> No.19145683
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>> No.19145977


>> No.19146000

I found this on a used book store and I thought it was about the magician LMAO I'm fucking retarded

>> No.19146002

I'm also reading it now, I'm about 140 pages in now and it does grow on you. I found early on the landscape description would drag a tad, but now, after presenting a greater variety of landscapes I started to enjoy them.

>> No.19146014

Same, but I'm only a small way in.
I should go back and finish the Illiad. Probably before I start my greek binge

>> No.19146067
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>> No.19146090
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>> No.19146111

What about starting your greek binge now?

>> No.19146124

I wanna finish TBK and dive a bit more into my south american binge