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19080358 No.19080358 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books talking about real shit glowing ones have done?

>> No.19080373

Anything by Pynchon

>> No.19080377

Harlot’s Ghost

>> No.19080386
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>> No.19080392
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>> No.19080402
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>> No.19080434
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>> No.19080445

Anything Gardner and Ma

>> No.19080498

The Falcon and the Snow Man
Just a little teaser about CIA meddling in Australian politics.

>> No.19080523
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>> No.19080542
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>> No.19080547

>terry davis was the indirect catalyst for everyone doubting the CIA and calling them glowniggers
>not decades of FOIAs and tl;dr books on the subject

schizobros we can't stop winning

>> No.19081599
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>> No.19081610

Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder
by David McGowan

>> No.19081637

There is unironically a lot of interesting material available on cia.gov

>> No.19081642

I've been wanting to read this. What do you think?

>> No.19081671

>terry davis was the indirect catalyst for everyone doubting the CIA and calling them glowniggers
I'm pretty sure it was MKUltra documents being declassified and all of the wikileaks/snowden controversy that came out back in the 2000s. It's fairly mainstream for the average American to know that the CIA glows. It's not a particularly esoteric concept.

>> No.19081726

Crime and punishment in part.
Also the late Mattia Pascal.

>> No.19081759

>terry davis was the indirect catalyst for everyone doubting the CIA
schizo indeed

>> No.19081767

I have trouble believing the CIA is remotely competent when the internet is stuffed with American communists who are posting with impunity.

>> No.19081856

many american "communists" online are spooks

>> No.19082397

I would unironically like to join them. I can LARP as every religion and ideology. I could advance their interests for sufficient pay.

>> No.19082409

Where do I apply for this job? Seems low effort and I'm shitposting on 4chan all day anyway

>> No.19083268
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>> No.19083959

>>terry davis was the indirect catalyst for everyone doubting the CIA
The most zoomer post I’ve seen today

>> No.19084108
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Read this first

>> No.19085057
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read: Philip Agee, David Talbot, Douglas Valentine, Seymour Hersh, Peter Dale Scott, Fletcher Prouty, Stephen Kinzer, Lance DeHaven-Smith, Michael Parenti

>> No.19085063
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>> No.19085073
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>> No.19085080
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>> No.19085085
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>> No.19085093
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>> No.19085102
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>> No.19085105
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Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper

This is a psyop and this poster is likely a glownigger himself the cia is only outwardly incompetent to make it implausible that they could have ufos or pull shit like 9/11 its all a cover up

>> No.19085108
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>> No.19085117
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>> No.19085128
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>> No.19085240

Will be interested to see how much the deep state sabotaged Trump’s presidency

>> No.19085713

go to university and do a bunch of language studies, they'll eventually find you

>> No.19085721

You can just apply online

>> No.19085752

that's all just bureaucratic and IT stuff, not being an actual agent

>> No.19085788

>the cia is only outwardly incompetent
The US intelligence community is so incompetent that back in the Cold War the KGB was frequently left in awe at how easy America was to infiltrate. The CIA is not very intelligent, as intelligence agencies go. I’ll put it this way. On Reddit there’s an extremely pro-CCP subreddit called r/genzedong whose audience is mostly American communists. Why are those people not being tracked 24/7 when they openly fantasize about destabilizing the USA? A competent intelligence agency, like the Chinese or Soviet ones, would have such dissidents under close watch, and their statements censored. Instead we let them roam around under no surveillance, free to plan attacks on America in the name of the CCP.

>> No.19085816


>> No.19085828

Probably not much. Trumps team were completely incompetent, especially for the first 18 months

>> No.19085881

Are you retarded? For one, these subreddits are tracked, that’s why they are allowed to exist (like this Mongolian throat singing honeypot right here); two, this isn’t the Cold War anymore, dipshit: The red scare is not relevant anymore.

>> No.19085909

Because a bunch of neckbeard Redditors quite obviously do not pose a threat to the existing power structure. The only thing that does is reactionary right-wing populism, which is where a lot of intelligence agency resources are being directed.

>> No.19085919

>these subreddits are tracked
One can hope but I doubt it

>The red scare is not relevant anymore.
It may interest you to know that the Ted biggest threat to America is a communist superpower in East Asia.

>> No.19085930


A good thing too. Right wing extremists are the 2nd biggest threat to America in my eyes.

>> No.19085935
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Most people on reddit are shills paid by (((them))) to promote instability and miscegenation, it is in their interest to let those freaks run wild because as long as people are arguing on reddit they are not questioning real issues. The CIA are only incompetent in places they want to be, when it really counts, with stuff like UFO's, mind control (MK Ultra likely succeeded but they were incompetent in leaking its initial failure) and secret weapons, they are extremely secretive because those are the real thing they don't want you knowing.

>> No.19085983

Simple Sabotage Field Manual

>> No.19086555


>> No.19086985

Martin A Lee, The Beast reawakens
Frances Stoner Saunders

>> No.19088411

>only thing
>right-wing populism

>> No.19088580

the chilean cia-coup unveiled was the start

>> No.19088853

At least on 4chan, before Terry Davis you would get called a retarded commie for bringing up the CIA and thinking of them as anything but completely incompetent or at least not that bad, "muh cia boogeyman" etc. I think it goes to show how smooth brain most posters are and how amenable to propaganda they can be, if a message is packaged in a way that appeals to them like the phrase "CIA niggers glow in the dark" then it's of course true, but go back to 2015 and bring up any historical event regarding the CIA and then it's leftist noise.

>> No.19088885

You are overcomplicating this. The real answer is that saying nigger is fun and good. Adding nigger to CIA made it cool and exciting so everybody started giving it a chance.

>> No.19089620

No, be he did create a beautiful memeable name for them.

>> No.19089628

I'd prefer they put me in immersion programs or just subsidize my language efforts at home. University language learning moves at a snails pace and costs money.

>> No.19089802
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>> No.19090279

>A good thing too. Right wing extremists are the 2nd biggest threat to America in my eyes.
You mean the American government; not America itself.

>> No.19091081
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What do they read?

>> No.19091086

What is this glow meme?

>> No.19091108

not telling u silly glownigger

>> No.19091116

Holy based

>> No.19092364

Holy cringe

>> No.19092474



>> No.19092494
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Killing Hope is the most important book on the subject

>> No.19092621

na, people don't mind being brainwashed.
But they love Terry Davis (Praise be unto him) and typing glownigger, I know I do!