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/lit/ - Literature

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19072032 No.19072032 [Reply] [Original]

Request book recommendations or discuss why you're suggesting a certain book to someone ITT.

Previous thread >>19059032

>> No.19072039

Everyday, I wake up to find a new shitty general being made. Why do you fags do this shit?

>> No.19072041

because without shitty generals the entire board fills up with politicalbaitposts and coomerposts

>> No.19072042
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Mapping the college curriculum across 7,292,573 syllabi.

>> No.19072057

because there are like 30 people asking for book recommendations everyday and its ruining the board

>> No.19072158

Call of the Crocodile. Just jump in blind. Seriously your not going to believe how batshit insane it is

>> No.19072166

alright anons i need some ufo books
>preferably non fiction
>studies of ufo cases
>why they might be/might not be fake
>evidence for and against
as well as
>why haven't aliens visited earth?/the great silence (aliens use earth as zoo, their tech is too primitive etc. think that lemmino video)

>> No.19072194

>ask for recs
>ruin the board
Pick one

>> No.19072210

thats the point of having a general. when there are 40 threads asking for recs why not just have a dedicated general instead of having to mire through all the threads on the main board.

>> No.19072214

I recommend a Jack Reacher novel.

>> No.19072234
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>> No.19072282
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I would like to request

A book.

>> No.19072301
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Nabokov likes Butterflies, so this book is perfect for you.

>> No.19072303
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Well, you've come to the right place. Please proceed.

>> No.19072520

This board is already slow enough. We don't need to start getting uppity about what threads are made, outside the coomerbait and off-topic posts

>> No.19072553
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Okay, I'll bite.
Recommend me a book -- both fiction and non-fiction are fine -- by a successful contemporary academic who is also /ourguy/.
Can't think of any.

>> No.19072554
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Lol @ OP, stop shilling your dogshit thread

>> No.19072567

stop making rec threads pleb

>> No.19072577

Everything is a rec bro

>> No.19072748
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Would anyone happen to have a pdf link for Marguerite Yourcenar essay collections, either The Dark Brain of Piranesi, or That Mighty Sculptor, Time?

>> No.19072778

recommend me something melancholy and bleak, maybe about passage of time

>> No.19072934

look for them on worldcat
also, what are your thoughts on this?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsqy1HhOpR8

>> No.19072941
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>> No.19073110
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>> No.19073116
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>> No.19073118

Worksafe requests belong in >>/r/

>> No.19073296

I do not believe in right or wrong i only believe in my own actions/ideas

What books can you recommend which explores this aspect from inside and out to find out more about this feeling inside me?

>> No.19073386

Any books giving good info on how to start your own buisness? Know nothing about it but I do know I want to start one.

>> No.19073390

are there any good epic poems aside from the standard ones (iliad, odyssey, aeneid, divine comedy, paradise lost)

>> No.19073430

thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.19073431

manchette is fucking great
incredibly taut, violent, cynical crime stories

>> No.19073432
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>> No.19073439


>> No.19073514

build up good credit. that's literally all.

>> No.19073540

I prefer 30 recommendation threads to 30:
>book? Book? Banana book? How book? Monke
>lit boston meetup
>frog + retarded bait question
>offtopic rambling + 'books for this feel?'

>> No.19073651 [SPOILER] 
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This is a nsfw request thread.

>> No.19073693

"Orlando Innamorato" and "Orlando Furioso"

>> No.19073736

oh, here they are btw ;3
(u have to sign up and then borrow for a limited time tho)

>> No.19073737

Bronze age pervert


>> No.19073748
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>> No.19073903
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>> No.19074600

So uh.., he likes to criticize christian religion. Doesn't say anything about right or wrong. I do believe in God though, whoops should have mentioned it beforehand

Those who seek power are weak people in search of a coping mechanism

>> No.19074616 [DELETED] 


>> No.19074623
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>> No.19074745

Now this is just getting silly

>> No.19075627

Anyone have a reading order/list for Chekov?

>> No.19075724

Marai - Embers
It should tick your boxes.

>> No.19076017


>> No.19076091

Any mysteries you guys like? I want stuff that is considered the best, or something you find under appreciated.
Already read Chandler, Inherent Vice, some Fr. Brown and some Holmes.

>> No.19076094

The Athenian Mysteries is a nice historical fiction mystery series

>> No.19077581

I got tons of recommendations if anyone wants a decent book, I pick out pretty good stuff. I haven't dropped a book in ages. I read mostly fiction though, but I'm always reading a few nonfiction books as well. Reading a good action/thriller(Bullet Train) now along with some different fantasy(David Mogo. Godhunter & Son of the Storm) novels and after that I have some other stuff lined up for me. I hate not having anything to read so I make sure I always have a few books to read after I finish the book I'm on.

>> No.19077704
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borrow for 1 hour
borrow for 14 days
download "any ebook converter" (thats the program name)

open digital editon in 'any ebook converter' and remove the remove Digital rights management (DRM) now you essentially own the pdf. best thing about it you can do it as many times as you want

>> No.19077776

Detective novel with elements of paranormal/supernatural.
Looking for something similar to true detective season 1.

>> No.19077849

Cyberpunk poetry
Poetry heavy on biological terminology
And just good contemporary poetry (last decade) in general

>> No.19078256

Mean Business on North Ganson Street by S. Craig Zahler is pretty good. Detective tries to find out what's behind a string of cop killings.

>> No.19078277

Try Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) by William Gibson. LMN if you want something else instead.

>> No.19078281

Anybody got any late 20th century-21st century world history?

>> No.19078426

Not bleak, but very melancholic, The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann is basically exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.19078433

The Prelude by Wordsworth is amazing and better than all of them (except Homer).

>> No.19078457

Rec me something that will cure my pessimism

>> No.19078623
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>> No.19078689

I heard G. K. Chesterton hated the Jews and now I'm intrigued. Gimme a good one.

>> No.19078697

>I heard G. K. Chesterton hated the Jews
A lie that's been for years now.

>> No.19078699

Hi I'm looking for books on aesthetics mainly on music, architecture and poetry.

>> No.19078922

Dan simmons - Flashback

>> No.19079088
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Books for becoming picture related? are there any bloomerpill charts?

>> No.19079681

>Poetry heavy on biological terminology
Hmmm, Gottfried Benn was a medic during WWI, one of his poetry book is called "Brains" and another "Morgue"

The mouth of the girl who had lain long in the rushes
looked so nibbled.
When they opened her chest, her esophagus was so holey.
Finally in a bower under the diaphragm
they found a nest of young rats.
One little thing lay dead.
The others were living off kidneys and liver
drinking the cold blood and had
had themselves a beautiful youth.
And just as beautiful and quick was their death:
the lot of them were thrown into the water.
Ah, will you hearken at the little muzzles’ oinks!

>> No.19079725

The Tartar Steppe
The Rings of Saturn