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/lit/ - Literature

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19061440 No.19061440 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some regular anons that you recognize on /lit/?
I recognize Jamesanon.

>> No.19061649

the marxist that shows up in and overtakes every marx thread. they type in all lowercase, rail against NEETs, dismiss all marx scholarship as "autistic marxology", and aggressively uses marx quotes while not really understanding them as if they rote memorized them as part of some school curriculum

>> No.19061660

>and aggressively uses marx quotes while not really understanding them as if they rote memorized them as part of some school curriculum
oh yeah, and the important part is they're often taken out if context, as if said marxist memorized some talking points they got off leftypol

>> No.19061695

Fantômas poster. Haven't seen him in a while but he was based

>> No.19061750

That Jünger guy who had a website, always interesting to read his thoughts

>> No.19061788


>> No.19061818

Could be more than one, but:
Then the eternal shill trio:
>Mike Ma
And some guesses:
>That one schizo shilling Donnelly and atlantis
>The guy posting lyrics
>horsegirls lover
>the 100-lit-annotated-moby-dick anon
Finally, the unbearable niggers:
>boston lit meetup anon
>benatar antinatalist shill

>> No.19061821

That stupid loser that tried to install a different ereader on his kindle. He was am*rican

>> No.19061855

There are maybe two Faulkneranons that show up whenever he is mentioned, there's also several seething anti-Nabokov niggers

>> No.19061863

>That stupid loser
whew for a moment I thought I was being recognised

>> No.19061868

oh yeah and that one autist that writes those six-paragraph long essays about "fantasy literature" that got kicked out of the /sffg/ awhile back, haven't seen him in awhile

>> No.19061879

There are, at the least, two or more Jamesanons, because not all of them are me

>> No.19061888

Found the nabokov shill

>> No.19061905

Anons of yesteryear I recall
>the Harrisite determined not to understand how the is/ought gap works
>the Randroid who would autistically respond to every single post in his thread
Not seen them for a while

>> No.19061917

My "shit"-posting days are over /lit/.

I've spent too much time, expended too much energy, wasted too much potential posting countless "shit"-posts on this board. The (you)s no longer cut it, the brief jolt of contentment knowing I've hit another ball out of the figurative park is no longer worth it. I've been banned at least 50 times from /lit/ along in the past three years.

In that time my mental health has deteriorated to the point where suicide is no longer just a potential but unlikely reaction to a world in which I do not fit but a very likely conclusion to what should not really qualify as a life. My being itself has fractured into a Pessoan crowd of misfits and idiots (all me) who have plagued this board for too long now.

I am NOT a Husserl scholar working at a Wendy's in Louisiana and playing Pharoah (1999) in his spare time.

I am NOT a hard-up writer whose mommy bought three copies of his novel about a leper's colony and published by a small-time scam artist.

I am NOT a 19-year-old who will live a good life at your expense.

I am NOT a 26-year-old NEET writing his million-plus word debut six-part memoir on a computer at the local public library.

I am NOT an Oxford graduate who literally can't express how much an Oxbridge education has benefited my life.

I am NOT a world-traveler and soon-to-be MFA student with a USB of short stories dangling from his keychain.

I am NOT a Norwegian aspiring author spending a year in his grandparents' cabin while writing his soon-to-be published debut novel.

I am NOT a young man living in New York and living a lifestyle that could not get any more contemporary.

Some may understand these references, some may not, most probably won't care either way.

On Friday I will be travelling to live full-time at a Trappist monastery where I have spent the past three weeks after something of an existential breakdown. I will try as hard as I can to develop a sincere belief in God and dedicate myself to the culture of the monastery where I will probably spend the rest of my life. I should have known my ironic self-detachment from Real Life (TM) couldn't go on forever. Something had to give eventually, and now I guess it finally has.

Thanks for the memories /lit/

>> No.19062155

C ya tomorrow

>> No.19062201

When the &Amp threads go up Editoranon, Prussianon and some of the contributors like K-anon pop up regularly. None of them tripfag though.

>> No.19062411

I'm so glad they don't

>> No.19062504

The attention seeking faggot
The relentlessly obnoxious moron
The confused and angry ESL
The eternally butthurt oldfag

>> No.19062521

That one guy with the collection of Clark Ashton Smith volumes who posts in horror threads

>> No.19062551

there's an anon in /sffg/ right now who wants to spend $700 to get those hardcovers

>> No.19063244

No, none.

>> No.19063273

There was a manic Stirner poster I have not seen in a long time

>> No.19063287

green dragon anon, a rare but welcome sight

>> No.19063292

>t. Butters

>> No.19063313

Did Ossianfag get taken out by the SNP for calling them Irish yet?

>> No.19063406

McCarthy fag. He is a good resource but it is embarrassing when he tries to think for himself, should just stick to playing librarian and quit the samefaging.

>> No.19063421

>anti-Nabokov niggers
what about the retards that always pretend that lolita is deep and that there is an entire "second story" instead of humbert just not graphically describing the rape

>> No.19063429

see what I mean? Just saying his name makes them appear out of thin air

>> No.19063450

Like a second story where he does describe the rape? The Enchanter is more straightforward but there isn't a graphic rape scene in it. I think people just like the idea there's a rape in there and assume things without reading it. It's a pretty big book and /lit/ not reading gives bullshit a lot of latitude here. I've never heard of such a second story, unless they're bullshitting about The Enchanter?

>> No.19063469
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>horsegirls lover
i hope thats not me.
t. horseanon

>> No.19063492

imagine if there were a jamesanon but for every other writer. there are several faulknergfags and mccarthy fanboys but wheres the melvilleanon? wheres the updikeanon? are there any nabokovanons? we need more anons who just autistically dedicate their reading lives to one author, they usually generate good discussion too (can you imagine a dedicated faulkneranon getting into a serious debate with a dedicated nabokovanon?)

>> No.19063504

this board..

>> No.19063508
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>> No.19063686 [DELETED] 

I like bookshelf anon who has an ever growing collection of classics and controversial books who also printed a few books himself. He started with a single shelf and now has a couple of bookcases. He has good taste.
There's also translator-anon who's working on several "forbidden" books such as Bramwell and Serrano. I admire the hard work.
>That one schizo shilling Donnelly and atlantis
I have never seen him but now I want to know more.

>> No.19063695

>>19061440 (OP)
I like bookshelf anon who has an ever growing collection of classics and controversial books who also printed a few books himself. He started with a single shelf and now has a couple of bookcases. He has good taste.
There's also translator-anon who's working on several "forbidden" books such as Darre and Serrano. I admire the hard work.
>That one schizo shilling Donnelly and atlantis
I have never seen him but now I want to know more.

>> No.19064061


>> No.19064084

You're fine horse anon, horse girls are a different story.

>> No.19064088

I was shilling Melville awhile, I just don't post that much, nor have much insight other than I love him and read just about everything he wrote.

>Updike anon
I'll probably become an Updike and Bellow anon at some point since I find them comfy and listen to them on audiobook, but think neither is great.

>> No.19064100

The Greeks posters

Also posters who talk about Gravity’s Rainbow. But that book is nowhere near the meme level of Call of the Crocodile, Infinite Jest or The Greeks.

>> No.19064469

The one that posts pictures of cats and that incel elephant poster

>> No.19064521

Being a tripfag isn't really that great
I've gone anon a lot in the past few days
When it comes down to it I like to troll but even that gets tiring
I blame my lapse in mental health on my loud ass neighbors playing Bachata at 7 in the morning. Fuck the Bronx

>> No.19064553
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don't forget antitocquevillefag

>> No.19064577

You are a piece yourself eternally butthurt fag. Quite recognizable too.

>> No.19064597

The Tolstoy tranny. But he has quieted down recently.

>> No.19064611
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Not me.

>> No.19065070

I'm pretty sure he's still around.

>> No.19065082
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See you next week

>> No.19065098

I try fairly hard to be a Maughamanon whenever the opportunity presents itself

>> No.19065106

S-stop that

>> No.19065115

That loser who blogposts in the write whats on your mind threads

>> No.19065569

>girardfag is gone for good
Feels bad man. Hope he found a wife or something and is living a happy life.

>> No.19066673


>> No.19066753

I'm very glad Londonfrog has finally fucked off. I hated his daily blog post more than cumgenius' MSN tryhard post "formatting".

>> No.19067237

Lovecraft poster

>> No.19067267

Oh Flash Anthology anon. Though havent seen him in a while.

>> No.19067280

I think there are more than 2 Faulkner guys. Every time I’ve made a thread on him, there are good responses. He’s one of the rare novelists who generates good discussions here

>> No.19067366

>>girardfag is gone for good
Thank God.

>> No.19067725
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>> No.19067804

Wait for a Flood/Atlantis/Younger Dryas thread, he'll be there in no time

>> No.19067820

Some anon often pastes a manifesto on why we should go back to matriarchy and goddess worship, with ple ty of pics of female figurines

>> No.19067843

I think I may have run across him on /sci/ lmao

>> No.19068277

Where did that Vocaroo guy go?

>> No.19068282


>> No.19068304
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Are you talking about me?

>> No.19068307

There’s about 6 other lawyers and 4 law students that come out of the woodwork for law threads. None of us care anymore and a bunch of Neets come out of the woodwork and that one faggot that always argues originalism but has never practiced law a day in his life.

>> No.19068380

I need him as well, he's an uplifting chap

>> No.19068547

Bump for interest

>> No.19068554

:3 hasn’t posted in a while

>> No.19068562


>> No.19068575
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I realised this recently its similar to what another anon said. I was the original Lord of the flies poster in the space of about 2 weeks i saw about 10 further lord of the flies discussions.

It really does feel like if you bring something into a discussion enough people will then further bring it up too others.

>> No.19069812

I thought he was baned for harassing butterfly

>> No.19070038

He has a thread up right now about floppy sandtrouts

>> No.19070517

I made an Atlantis thread once but he wasn't there

>> No.19071202

Are you the girl who studies Biology?

>> No.19071867

>i am forgotten
feels bad man

>> No.19071967

Nabokov is one of the best authors despite never writing a good book.

>> No.19071978

Are you the fucker who went to the American author thread and sabotaged it by pretending to like Nabokov and insulting the other posters and derailing the thread? Fuck you

>> No.19071990

Yep, I think so! How did you like Jerusalem?

>> No.19072000

I am not. I actually enjoy Nabokov's prose, but he is a weak storyteller in my opinion. Pale Fire may be the exception.

>> No.19072017

The Gatsby guy ruined the thread. We were discussing Mellville, Hawthorne, James, and others, then the guy got pissed Gatsby wasn't discussed and seethed about Nabokov.

>> No.19072028

What sorts of cats.

>> No.19072029

Basically this >>19072017 he mentioned Gatsby and got upset (we were talking about authors anyways, he didn't even mentioned Fitzgerald's other work, he just had to bring up Gatsby) and started screeching at the anon that was talking about Nabokov (the other anon was just actually trying to discuss Nabokov and was participating in the discussion) and pissed him off, and then started arguing with *another anon* and then the wojacks came out and I left.

>> No.19072048

So we conveniently leave out the underaged faggot who got really triggered about those books and started fanboying for Nabokov despite not being a "Nabokovfag"? You didn't notice that one dumbass?

>> No.19072063

who do you think the *other anon* was idiot? There were two Nabokov shills, the one was was writing the paragraph long arguments, and the one who wrote with no punctuation who was just make other anons seethe? Unless it was the same guy who just sabotaged himself, which doesn't make sense, there were definitely two (or maybe three) even. The Gatsby guy got upset when all the other anons told him Gatsby wasn't exactly at the level they were discussing, and specifically attacked the Nabokovanons, and so now he's got the Nabokovanons attacking him, on top of all the other anons attacking him because he called them (who were originally discussing Faulkner and James) idiots, and the thread fell apart.

>> No.19072074

Didn't notice the *another anon* in your post. Sorry.
That retard derailed desu. He got angry at the mere mention of the books and then shithousery began.

>> No.19072107

It's alright, I'm probably just a little upset because the thread was actually pretty OK up until the shitposting started; some actual discussion instead of just memes was nice, but we can't always have nice things.

>> No.19072203

I am that young man in New York living a contemporary lifestyle, feelsgood

>> No.19072255

Another instance of a Nabokov cocksucker, neat

>> No.19072829

Fuck, I need to raise my profile

>> No.19073150

I was a law student who posted a law thread a while ago. I quit because I don't want to be a lawyer. I'm writing a novel.

>> No.19074542

i miss guenonfag, and also everyone who used to talk with him but those i don't think i would recognize

>> No.19075797

Were his essays good?

>> No.19075804

I think The Sound and the Fury makes a good impression, so anons are more prone to read him.

>> No.19075823

guenonfag is still here, just not posting about guenon as much

>> No.19076083

Thats not what they mean when they say theres a second story

>> No.19076093

I never read most of them, he just went on an on about structure and prose and why fantasy is such shit nowadays and eventually they told him nobody cares and he left.

>> No.19077371

poor guy