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19037240 No.19037240 [Reply] [Original]

Post funniest elliot rodger excerpts

>> No.19037255

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO He probably became a fun story for that group of normies to laugh about

>> No.19037261

lol, literally:


>> No.19037266

Imagine the timeline where this satisfied his destructive urges and Elliot Rodger just became a serial prankster

>> No.19037268

Is this what New Sincerity was supposed to be?

>> No.19037295

Don't you ever compare anon to this guy again.
What awful "proses".

>> No.19037297

He's so self aware yet completely delusional, maintaining his resentment just to spite himself. Could anything have saved his fag?

>> No.19037380
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>> No.19037395

Is it possible to get a physical copy of My Twisted World?

>> No.19037452

wait 20 yrs till it becomes a cult classic

>> No.19037456

Wordsworth will probably do it eventually as they publish anything they don't have to actually pay for the rights to. I can imagine the cover already.

>> No.19037505

What do you think the cover would be

>> No.19037543

>He's so self aware yet completely delusional

That's what is so confusing about certain insane people. They obviously are smart enough to think themselves out of the corner they're in, but they refuse to. Elliot seems like he was performing a parody of a villain until he murdered his roommates.

I think what's really going on is brain damage, probably in the womb or during development. You have functioning parts of a brain that appear reasonable, but some things just aren't firing correctly. He was doomed from the start, murder or otherwise. In another life he's just a depressed gamer and porn addict

>> No.19038119
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>nobody posted an exerpt

tumbloid but he has good insight

>> No.19038198

He should've been a writer instead

>> No.19038223 [DELETED] 

You're retarded. Nearly everyone, save for literal sub-80 IQ individuals, can recognize that some of their actions have negative consequences, yet do them anyway. People aren't logical, calculating organisms.

>> No.19038269

I found reading this profoundly funny. His proclamation of rage at seeing these people having fun is just so bizarre and out of left field it comes across as a bit.

>> No.19038291

>His proclamation of rage at seeing these people having fun is just so bizarre and out of left field it comes across as a bit.
Why? Dude was autistic, most likely bullied irl for it, and had to suffer knowing that his Asian mom got with a rich white guy for vanity reasons.

>> No.19038321

the problem was the stress and loneliness got to him and he developed schizophrenia and formed a harmful ideology.

What could have saved him is his parents getting better or taking more advice on dealing with a child with autism from before he started growing up, and did more to stop him from being lonely and having stress from their collapsing marriage.

He might have still developed schizophrenia, but he wouldn't take it out on everyone else if he didn't feel lonely and that he couldn't get girls.

>> No.19038383

I know the backstory, but putting it in the back of your mind an just reading it in a vacuum, its absurd. It's like some kind of joke.

>> No.19039352

Hi! It's an Elliot thread so I post to bump it up. Now I go to read the contents of it.

Posting about Elliot is really the only reason for me to hang on chans. When there is shortage of threads about him I lose my interest in posting about anything else. I am an unsociable person. I need to have a favorite topic that causes me to have strong prime emotions, to go and search for an opportunity to discuss about it. A mere favorite topic is not enough, not matter how fascinated I am about it. So yeah, nice that you had an Elliot thread. Once they are gone on chans I will vanish from the internet. As I can not post on any other forums for their fucked up rules. I mean, it is perfectly okay to humiliate and degrade, or cause pain to other people on them, as long as you do it the way that you do not use any cursing words or derogatory terms. In other words it is okay to be a completely sadistic piece of shit to other people on them, but if they call you what you are, a sadistic piece of shit, THEY will be banned.

Can't recall if the spoilers work here.

>> No.19039387

This one came up to my mind first. It made me laugh while reading the text.

"Towards the end of the month, my mother invited Maddy and Mo Humpreys over for dinner. Mother had recently been reconnecting with her old friend Mo. Maddy had just graduated from USC, a university renowned for its abundance of spoiled, bratty students who partied all the time, very similar to UCSB. I often call USC the “University of Spoiled Cunts”, just like I call UCSB the “University of California’s Spoiled Brats”. Brilliant, fitting nicknames!" MTW. p.25

>> No.19039406
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>> No.19039425

>I think what's really going on is brain damage, probably in the womb or during development.
It was a developmental disorder (different from what had been diagnosed) that made him unable to control his impulses caused by external stimulus. For example, when he saw a loving couple or a girl did not respond to his smile or a greeting, he felt the same amount of pain as a normal person feels when they get dumped by their lover. Living was constant pain for him and his therapists could not treat it the right way. This also explains his desire to hurt other people, although he was a bit lost with assessing how much pain physical violence causes to a person. For example, he thought that skinning someone alive would be about as painful as the feeling he had when being rejected by a woman.

>> No.19039454

Narcissist cunt.

>> No.19039461

How do you know he developed schizophrenia? Did he have hallucinations or delusions?

>> No.19039466

>jus be more empathic

>> No.19039507

There you go. You're a prime example of the kind of sadistic piece of shit I just described. I mean, I just typed down how I feel about posting on the internet forums, and what I need to be able to post on them, because I have no one else in my life to dissect that with and I do not have a blog yet, and you present AN OBVIOUS LIE, that I am a narcissistic cunt, just to cause me pain. This time only the way that includes derogatory terms as it is allowed here. It makes you feel good inside, or may even make you hard. Thank God we are on chans, and I can call you what you are, a sadistic piece of filth. If you were doing the same irl, I might hack your head off, as that is what your kind deserves, and should be allowed to be done. I mean, if you are a sadistic piece of filth who gets their joy out of causing pain to other people, those other people should be allowed to kill you with no punishment or with only a very little of punishment.

Although I am guessing that you may have wanted to cause me pain, because the only reason for me to post on chans is Elliot, which makes you think, in your retarded little head, that I must be a real die hard fan, an incel terrorist who wants to kill innocent people instead of your kind of sadistic pieces of filth. People are completely fucking retarded in that sense, having their ability to think straight severely distorted by their need of social belonging. We can see this in the way the unvaccinated are being hunted down today, no matter what is the reason for them to not get the shot, as well as we could see it in the way the lonely women were being hunted down as witches in the Middle Ages. People go several steps back in their evolutionary stage, when they need to defend their own pack,

>> No.19040609


I'd find a nice video to bump this up, but I am too busy to post this before the thread drops into oblivion.

>> No.19040681

This part was kinda humorous too, for the sake of his roommate. He must've been feeling pretty baffled about this.

"Brittany Story should have been mine, and if can’t have her, no one should! I fantasized about capturing the two of them and stripping the skin off her boyfriend’s flesh while making her watch. Why must my life be so full of torment and hatred? I questioned to the universe with turmoil roiling inside me. I screamed and cried with anguish that day. My housemate Spencer heard it all, but I didn’t care." MTW. p. 100.

Oh, the bump up song from the 80s.


>> No.19041122

That was a great read
Very underground man vibes

captcha: kkksk
Laughing like a normie zoomer in an elliot thread

>> No.19041455

I went to school with Eliot. He gave off serious serial killer vibes. That's why no one really talked to him. He would just sit in the corner brooding all the time. Many of us also thought he was gay or something.

>> No.19041876

i bought this for a laugh a few years ago, its honestly quite a disgusting read, especially towards the end

>> No.19042074

lmao he didn't get girls because he was objectively an insect looking bitch boy

>> No.19042081

always chuckle at this part. kino

>> No.19042084

He didn't get girls because he never approached any

>> No.19042100
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fucking kek

>> No.19042115
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>roasties don't give guy any attention
>surprised and upset when he decides to kill people because of it
wtf is wrong with women?

>> No.19042127

this is what robots actually believe

>> No.19042135

On YouTube Somebody said elliot couldn’t have possibly remembered all this which I thought was completely stupid. Do normies not remember certain parts of their lives and the emotions that came with it. I remember shit from third grade and I remember the gist of what I was thinking when I was in those situations.

>> No.19042140

You didn't get it

>> No.19042149

Jung and lifting. If elliot got a blonde gf he’d probably still kill himself.

>> No.19042150
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>> No.19042207


You can tell from body language if a women is truly interested. And women will interact with you if they find you attractive, they're just unlikely to initiate anything romantically.

>> No.19042241

Yeah and he never knew because he didn't talk to women

>> No.19042250

>And women will interact with you if they find you attractive
If a woman found him attractive, they would've interacted with him

>> No.19042279

That's just not how it usually works anon. You have to give your sales pitch, and viceversa really.

>> No.19042363
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If you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.19043282

A good couple thousand ass whoopings.

>> No.19043789

You can’t date them if you don’t talk to them. Elly was never rejected, he never asked anybody out. If he asked 100 girls and they ALL rejected him that would be tragic. But he never did.

>> No.19043868

>He's so self aware yet completely delusional, maintaining his resentment just to spite himself
What you are describing is standard Jewish neurosis, reminder that Elliot was half-Jew.

>> No.19043910
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>> No.19043918

I think I'm autistic or something because I never know if that's the case for a woman I know.

>> No.19043983
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Are normies really like this?
The way normies talk about non-reproductive sex when they haven't received it in a little while makes it sounds like such a weird and arbitrary thing to desire.
If we were to remove the desire to have sex that normies feel and pain they experience when they go without it, and rewire their brains so that they receive all the "stress reducing pleasure" that they seem to crave from volunteering or something, would we be worse off?
We could leave in place the desire to have children, but given our current living circumstances in the West, it seems like hornyness is useless and vestigial.
Why do normies place so much importance on cooming into little balloons?
Don't think I don't feel sexual desire. I'm a man. I get just as horny as any other guy, but since going on nofap, I've seen how pointless and silly non-reproductive sex is.

>> No.19044034
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>There are many privileges to being male in America, but there is also a price: you are stuck playing a game you can never win. There is always someone better then you; anything you can do, someone else can do better; you see it on the news, you see it on TV, you see it in the movies, you see it every time you go outside; in fact, there’s probably a guy you know, maybe his name’s Christopher, and Christopher is better than you not just in one way but at LITERALLY EVERYTHING, and sometimes even when you’re cuddling with your girlfriend there’s a nagging in the back of your skull that if Christopher was here she’d jump into his arms and leave you in an instant, and since that’s the case, you can never, ever feel secure.

>> No.19044105

I didn’t know he was half Jewish but it makes more sense that he was considering his pathological narcissism and rage full hate towards other people’s success, classic Jewish traits

>> No.19044721

It's okay, man. Everything is gonna be alright. You are normal. Just ignore all the people who tell you these things. Walk away from them. Cut them out of your life. I know what you are feeling, and I know why you are feeling it. If you start staying away from those people and find some people who do not make you feel this way, you will get better. Get up and go to another country if you have to. Just get away from them. Your life depends on it.

>> No.19045052

I didn't take intimate interaction to mean sex
You sound young and rather naive desu

>> No.19045336

>reading body language
Come on, anon.

>> No.19045353

>Rodger had been seeing therapists since he was 8 years old. Just last year, his psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Sophy, prescribed him Risperidone, an anti-psychotic. But after looking up what Risperidone was for — schizophrenia

>> No.19045373


god, this is unironically based. such simple petty honesty.

>> No.19045485
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>I think what's really going on is brain damage, probably in the womb or during development
He was mixed-race hapa dude

>> No.19046297

I have already decided to cut them off. That is, as far as I can. I mean, it is kind of difficult to make any kind of choice, when it is someone who has taken care of you(r basic needs) all of your life and even helps you at the moment, but wants and always has wanted to cause you mental pain to get some joy from it. But, the others, I have already decided to cut off, such as some of my colleagues, who ruthlessly strike any of their rivals whenever they can, for example when they find a rival who is in a weak position, for example being an outsider. Although when it comes to them, it's more like sociopathic indifference of others' feelings and needs, not that much sadism. But, I have decided to cut them off, aside from the necessary interaction, the way that I WILL NOT FEEL LIKE I AM A BAD PERSON, no matter how hard they try to convince everyone of it, to strike one of their rivals down. Also, I have decided to cut off the dicks in the internet, who like to cause pain to others just for the joy of it, I just need to reveal them to everyone when they are at present, so that people learn to recognize them and act against them.

>> No.19046322


A genuine life change probably. The thing is that he's self-aware of it, but also spites that he has to put in more effort for things that others enjoy without putting effort (as in some are blessed by good genes and he is not for example, so he has to make up). In this way of thinking, you feel so frustrated with the cards you're dealt that in spite of fate you decide to not do what you're dictated to you, but instead channel your anger and hate towards the people have got lucky. It stems from a deep feeling of injustice and people bantering and bragging / signalling their good life enhances this even more with the social media where everyone seems to have a good and interesting life.

T. person that had 1:1 same thoughts as Elliot, but I gradually learned to distance myself and stop caring unless someone tries to step on my toes. I've also stopped sugar coating my thoughts and words and give them directly to anyone that confronts me about anything ever.

>> No.19046400

Wew. I have now went for 27 YEARS without a single intimate connection, BUT I still feel that my life is worth living. That is because there is SO much other things to do in life, such as work I have a calling for, studying, hobbies, making the world a better place. And possibly also because I have never been fully out of chances to have an intimate connection, it's just that I have some standards. I can't comprehend these normies. Six months? Makes me laugh.

>> No.19046430

I read this when I was 16. It was a fucking amazing piece of literature. Its honesty and frankness is refreshing. It's a LA story through and through. The people, the places the posturing. Its all there. The people put sex and fun above everything. Even Eliot. And its funny as fuck to see the results. Is he in a self made prison? Is he just defective? Does god have something against him? Race, Violence, Sex, Money and Class. Its all there. its a manifesto and a autobiography. While also being a tragedy and a comedy. Is the narrator trustworthy? you tell me. it even comes with supplemental media in the form of pictures and video. Which act as unofficial footnotes of sorts(Beat that DFW). It will be remembered as one of the key 21st century texts.

>> No.19046461

>He's so self aware yet completely delusional, maintaining his resentment just to spite himself
I'm sure there's a Dostoyevsky character like that out there somewhere

>> No.19046536

it read a bit like a Celine novel, except its completely autobiographical

>> No.19046685

Life is more complex than just saying becaus someone isn’t white that’s the reason they’re crazy

>> No.19047071
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Incels really should have learned an important lesson from the Rodger case- the guy was not terminally unattractive in a physical sense, but he clearly had a repulsive attitude towards the people around him. Most people can sense if someone is literally boiling with anger and resentment and of course it is a major turn off to everyone. Yes it is hard to change your fundamental attitude towards self and others but clearly much easier than changing height or jawline or whatever else they cry about. It is sad to see this kid lifted up as some kind of incel messiah when his malfunction was so obviously his mind and not his face. I wonder how many incels actually had an epiphany moment towards sanity because of Rodger, rather than digging their stupid heels in like so many clearly did.

>> No.19047110

This shit is so weird to me.
He didn't have the courage to approach women yet he had enough balls to do bizarrely confrontational shit like this.

>> No.19047143

Interesting. And since you all treated him like this is it such a shock that he went crazy and started shooting people? At least try to be a little self-aware.

>> No.19047388 [DELETED] 
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As a 35 year old virgin myself elliot rodger was so fucking cringe. i refuse to call myself an incel because i don't want to be associated with him
imagine wanting some naggy white wife. gross

>> No.19047440

He did approach women but always abnormally, in ways that would obviously not be successful.

>> No.19047656

Tell me more about it. Which school you went with him? Were you in his class? How was he like with teachers?

>> No.19047678

Meant for >>19047110
>>19037266 is an underrated post though. Checked

>> No.19047691

how many great who here /devilish/ threads could he have made?

>> No.19047769

>an incel terrorist who wants to kill innocent people instead of your kind of sadistic pieces of filth
The sadistic pieces of shit you want to kill are just people being slightly mean to you on a forum. There's no much difference.

One could even say that you come to the butthole of the internet to reinforce that idea that some people are sadistic shits

>> No.19048104

>The sadistic pieces of shit you want to kill are just people being slightly mean to you on a forum.
You are lying. You know it as well as anyone that this reply >>19039454 I got for this post of mine >>19039352, is not just someone being slightly mean. If you tell someone that they are "narcissistic cunt" just for typing up what I posted, telling about my difficulties to find any place to post and expressing my justified opinion about the rules of various discussion forums, then you are lying, and also being more than just slightly mean. As calling someone "narcissistic cunt" is a serious accusation, especially when there is NO basis for it at all. Also you have no idea about what I mean with people who humiliate and degrade and cause pain to other people on discussion forums, as I did not specify it. Because of this you can not say that those people are being just slightly mean either.
>One could even say that you come to the butthole of the internet to reinforce that idea that some people are sadistic shits
I do not really know what you mean by this. If you mean that I am being sadistic piece of shit letting a sadistic piece of filth eat their own shit, then you are gasslighting. If someone tries to cause you pain for sadistic pleasure, and you try to cause them the same pain back, it is not you who is a sadist but the one who made you feel pain first. You are defending yourself. But this is very common thing to do what you do (if you do): first you are being a sadistic piece of filth to someone else, then if they call you what you are, you put up a lie that they are being sadistic piece of filth or some other lie that makes them look bad people. It's become pretty obvious to me that a lot of people do this kind of shit in this world. When I was a kid and young though, I was completely lost with this shit, totally blind to this type of manipulation and gasslighting, even if it was constantly happening to me every day.

I'm pretty tired with this shit now. It makes my stomach twist how some people behave. Behaving like described they could as well kill their own mother for money. They won't, as they do not wish to rot in jail, but they would, if there wasn't jail.

>> No.19049116

I was in a Diablo II forum once, some dude got called a dumbass. That was considered an event. Maybe forums that regularly discuss Elliot Rodger have different standards.
>As calling someone "narcissistic cunt" is a serious accusation, especially when there is NO basis for it at all.
It's not, though. It's rude and uncalled for, but it's not serious. Their post won't get you sent to the psych ward or anything.

>I do not really know what you mean by this.
That you go on chans so you can feel justified in your belief that some people are irredeemable sadists that deserve the axe when some teenager idly calls you a faggot.

>> No.19050274

>it read a bit like a Celine novel
Yea kind of. But My twisted world is quite a bit more linier. There are no flashbacks and things don't jump around.

>> No.19050282
