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19008198 No.19008198 [Reply] [Original]

How do we deal with the progressive scourge in literary academia?

>> No.19008208

By not making off-topic threads about it on /lit/, for one. Take it to /pol/.

>> No.19008220

Leave academia and ignore them

>> No.19008230

>capitalizing black but not white
truly a cucked society

>> No.19008234

These changes are coming from HR, who have limited budgets and ultimately want to transform the university into a seminary for capitalism.

>> No.19008609

Move to China, they don't care about this stuff, and when the US falls apart which it certainly will you can be the man who saved your country's lit from oblivion.

>> No.19008654

>Let's just take our politics everywhere
>And nag at people halfway to death
>And then when people get fed up with them
>And talk about them in one of the few places that's left
>We'll accuse them of being political
It's effective, but rather dishonest.

>> No.19008675

>just move to this other dystopia
I think I just wanna kill myself at this point
I will never be able to live for another 20 years (at best) without getting subjected to this shit. Moving off the grid is impossible, it's all a cope fantasy. The only way to live is through slavery to this system then you come home and you watch more of your world fall apart. I don't even think about the future, wife, kids, it feels like something unattainable unless you want some butchered up surrogate where you coexist with strangers. Culture is dead, unless one isolates himself and tunes the entire world out of his senses there's only the past and the past is being disintegrated. Work is dead. There's no more work that can be done with dignity. You cannot spend your day working on something pleasurable an natural for a human being at your own pace until you are pleasantly tired, there's only horrible horrible horrible shit that is useless and breaks you mentally and spiritually. Nothing has a purpose, nothing makes sense. I genuinely don't have a wish to live anymore.

>> No.19008779

Bomb academia, and I don't mean in minecraft either.

>> No.19008801

Move to Russia maybe. It is very much not le based trad country some Westerners think but at least it doesnt have the prog stuff, it's not commie, and they're European(sort of).

>> No.19008841

I've been thinking about Poland for a while.

>> No.19008855

it's the same thing as how God and Him is capitalized in the bible, americans literally worship blacks

>> No.19008872

Ride the tiger anon. Capitalism is killing itself: no society that encourages its men to castrate themselves, pushes its elders to suicide, prefers having pets to raising children, and so on, can last for long. It wants to kill you, ofc, because you feel its true nature and you endanger its survival. Ride the wave, find joy in it, you are not alone anon

>> No.19008883

Poland is much more likely than Russia to turn into a prog country despite its recent chest puffing about borders and whatnot. The orthodox church in Russia is actually christian and allied with the state. Also they have nukes

Again not to paint rosy picture of Russia, only that it's genuinely not run by progs like the west is and it's not under the shadow of the EU either.

>> No.19008887

i like this word

>> No.19008902

this, it's all going to collapse on itself.

>> No.19008960
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Well the answer is to go to war against the managerial class, e.g start political parties that rally the working class and other actually productive parts of the economy to go to war against administrators and other economic parasites.

It's not a coincidence that the administrative bloat that has occurred the last 40 years has spawned an ideology that necessitates the further existence of these people.

Scratch a progressive/leftist cause and you will find a jobs program, mark my words.

>> No.19008995

Apparently emigrating to Russia is super hard. You have to be married to a Russian citizen. Looks like it's similar to Japan if not more strict.

>> No.19009461

You deal with it by creating a traditionalist scourge. How did the leftist scourge come about? PoMos like Lacan explicitly calling for the humanities to get politically radical and activist. How was this facilitated, via admittedly trite literature and philosophy dressed up in flowery language with charlatanry in the public eye. Consequences are that enfranchised voters (rich honkies like Robin di Angelo) get radical, while disenfranchised voters (working class republicans) have opinions which have no effect on policy.

Those people are self cannibalising anyway

>> No.19009507

I feel this every day

>> No.19009529

thats how we got here in the first place.

>> No.19009530

stop giving money to such places do your own independent thing with like minds you have the internet at your disposal

>> No.19009816

All you and other self-hating, black apologist, leftcuck progressive bitchbois do is prove pol right. You don’t seem to get it. Your fake and gay religion is destructive, anti-science, anti-nature, anti-reality, defeatist, hedonism pushing and can only end in needless suffering and death. Have you ever noticed that leftist ideology doesn’t create anything new or that it only seeks to justify its preconceived ideas and that its end game is not creating a structure or culture that enables more of humanity to reach a greater potential and instead only seeks to spread, like a disease, like a cultural bubonic plague, infecting and indoctrinating as many people as possible?

>> No.19009853

The material world has always been the scourge of man, it's only logical it accelerates in the Kali Yuga. You must base your existence on God and save your soul. Modernity is doomed and seeks to destroy everything noble, true, beatiful and good.

>> No.19009860

This is a normal healthy response to a truly sick and deranged world. I wish I had a solution for you but I don’t. There is hope though. 20 Years ago very few saw this coming and more and more people are waking up to the nightmare everyday. Don’t give up brother. I love you and good luck.

There are others like you out there, find them, and start something new.

>> No.19009867
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>> No.19009874

>Scratch a progressive/leftist cause and you will find a jobs program, mark my words.
You will also find a murder of Jews.

>> No.19009890

The author seems to get a glimpse of consciousness in the end, but will likely continue to make excuses for Inquisition-esque behavior. Remove the humanities and you'll see a massive decrease in infection.

>> No.19009919


>> No.19010017

never read it, how is it?

>> No.19010063

Both an honest bleak look at the current (at the time, things have only gotten worse since) state of the world, but also an inspiring life affirming outlook for people like us. It's one of his more "political" books but I'd definitely recommend it.

>> No.19010156

will this get me on a list if I read it on the kindle

>> No.19010185

You're already on a list for even asking that, nothing to lose now

>> No.19010188

Women would need to be banned from the workplace. I think that would actually fix a lot of things.

>> No.19010220
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>> No.19010268

literary academia is under heavy control of the govt. they do everything the govt tells them to do. if the govt is threatened by people reading some thing, the govt forces the academia to remove it.
if u have a problem with any of these book burning/ historical revisionism or rewriting of facts, then you are a traitor to a state that is out to get you