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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 845 KB, 809x1250, Battle of Gray Bear Castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18973772 No.18973772 [Reply] [Original]

Battle of Gray Bear Castle Edition

Previous Thread:>>18965041

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.18973784

Anime sucks

>> No.18973786

Anime sucks.

>> No.18973793

Fantasy sucks.

>> No.18973802 [DELETED] 

Anime nigger

>> No.18973822

>draw decent fantasy battle
>throw in an anime little girl at the top to ruin it

>> No.18973826

You faggots lied to me, Scott R. Bakker is cringe midwit author. How can you shills even say that he is 'great'?

>> No.18973847

He's good in comparison to other modern fantasy. This is a low bar, however, as modern western fantasy is terrible.

>> No.18973869
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Posted this in the last thread just as it died, so I'm posting it again.
My brother really likes the Foundation series, Dune series and Red Mars series. Dense, technical sci-fi. I want to get him books from other authors. Any suggestions please?

>> No.18973876

oh god, I agree so hard. there's so much good art that is ruined by moe-shit and anime-titties. How is a person so fucking horny that they completely disregard their own art like that?

>> No.18973878

Neuromancer might be up his alley

>> No.18973912

thank you

>> No.18973920


>> No.18973927

Oh shit, I've never heard of that one- I'm definitely going to read that one myself.

>> No.18973966

Anime sucks

>> No.18973991
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has anyone read wildbow’s ward? does the dialogue improve at all? it’s weirdly clinical and everyone talks with the same voice

>> No.18973992

prince of nothing isn't scifi but is heavily inspired by dune.

>> No.18974012

also i scraped it if anyone would like a epub. i don’t think it’s very good though

>> No.18974053

What books feel like Skyrim?

>> No.18974154
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>> No.18974185

I don't get why he is so hyped, his books aren't that good.

>> No.18974224

Anything by Greg Egan, the man's a mathematician and physicist.

>> No.18974265

KJ Parker and Guy Gavriel Kay both use little or no magic in most of their books. Both are very good, with completely different styles.

>> No.18974282

Nordic, with dragons and very PG? Try Joe Abercrombie's YA Shattered Sea trilogy

>> No.18974287


Why don't you like them? I think they are better than most fantasy I've read. Don't get me wrong, they definitely have their faults. If nothing else, his prose and world building are above most others. He's a wordsmith through and through.

>> No.18974291

Who else thinks the third book will be ruined by SJW politics? If it ever comes out at all. I could totally see him taking forever to rewrite the third book just to virtue signal.

The first two definitely had some of his politics in them, but it wasn't too heavy handed.

>> No.18974300

fuck off

>> No.18974323

>reading rothfuss past the first book
you deserve however shit it is

>> No.18974341

>Greg Egan
I tried Orthogonal trilogy once and I got filtered by it before even finishing first book. I never considered myself to be of poor imagination, but I can't properly conceptualize dimensions-related stuff he describes there. Are his other works just as esoteric as well?

>> No.18974375

Are there any based non-sjw authors who also happen to be based? I'm tried of the fedora-m'ladyism that so easily bends to these leftie losers with their limp-wrist/dick artificial ideology.

Give me an author that hates niggers, that is based on women question, that is unapologetically real and owns it to the best of his ability.

Does this kind of author even exist out there at this stage?

>> No.18974397

Bakker's writing is leaps and bounds ahead of any living fantasy author, whether you like/agree with his intellectual insights is irrelevant because he's writing a story about adventures of Lelouch Lamperouge during crusades not a philosophical Tractate of the latter prophet, as long as philosophy serves the narrative and character progression, it does it's job.

>> No.18974416

Her reading voice makes me COOOOOOOM

>> No.18974419

Mostly they are. Diaspora is definitely similar to Orthogonal in that respect. Quite a bit of topology, and having to wrap your mind around how actual sentient beings can exist, hosted in virtual machines.
Permutation City is a less esoteric, maybe start with that one. There's still plenty of quantum mechanics, but little topology from what I remember.

>> No.18974474


Seveneves is utter trash, that anon is either trolling or gatekeeping

>> No.18974478



>> No.18974507

you might be able to find him back on reddit

>> No.18974519

Not reading LeCuck Bakker's cucked book, gave it a shot and it failed to deliver considering all the omega cumstained dick-slurping shilling.

>> No.18974524

In the cradle of 21st centuries masculinity? What could possibly go wrong...

>> No.18974529

>but it wasn't too heavy handed
yes it was
also there's 0% chance he's still writing books

>> No.18974548
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>Read one start reviews of the Codex Alera
>Bunch of women and fat men complaining about women being raped with a magical artifact that makes them enjoy it
Hmmm, yes, I think I will read this book

>> No.18974575

Jack Vance but he's not some walking internet caricature.

>> No.18974584

it's bad

>> No.18974622

This same thing with the thomas covenant series, retards shilled it here because people got mad at the rape scenes but the books themselves are pretty shitty.

>> No.18974633

According to /lit/ every book is shit, if I listened to /lit/ I just wouldn't read books at all.

>> No.18974640

Speaking of Thomas Covenant I picked up a different book by Donaldson because I didn't want to read an isekai but it turns out that's all the fucking hack ever wrote.

>> No.18974647

Chinese webnovelists.

>> No.18974668

Nah Thomas Covenant rules because people think it's an edgy work about rape when it's actually all about how rape is evil and wrong

>> No.18974672

Feels absolutely nothing like Skyrim

>> No.18974683
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>nooooooo you can't just steal the goods and devalue our entire bullshit gynocentric system aaaaaaaahhhh!!!

>> No.18974704

I tried reading it but pretty much everything but a few of the fantasy characters like the giants were just deeply uninteresting.
I barely even remember the rape, what I mostly think of is Lord Foul coming across as childish.

>> No.18974749

>Give me an author ... that is unapologetically real and owns it to the best of his ability.
Narahara Ittetsu

>> No.18974751
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Wait, is this shit a normal thing among normies? Jesus Christ.

>> No.18974790

Classic example of a w*man projecting her behavior on humans (men)

>> No.18974916

If this is the worst you can find, then you haven't seen shit just yet, mate. The amount of bullshit out there makes me sometimes wonder if these people are even real in the first place? Has education failed this badly, or are these individuals shills/brigaders who seek to create an artificial consensus?

Considering that this kind of shit can happen on reddit and 4chan, I'm leaning towards bots and shills.

>> No.18974927

She looks ugly or extremely plain at best.
Not buying the sex party thing.

>> No.18974950

For a woman to have infinite sex all she needs to be is not morbidly obese or grossly disfigured

>> No.18975013

It’s fun.

>> No.18975017

Sure, but sex parties? Really?

>> No.18975025

no, that's not a normie

>> No.18975029

Do you think attractive people would go to sex parties? Of course not. They get to choose; they have no need to attend that kinda shit. It’s the uggos that go to the kinda stuff.

>> No.18975051

Guess that makes sense in a weird way actually. I took my idea of sex parties from some films, where its more like rich swinger sort of thing.
I dont want to imagine uggo orgies in disgusting apartments though what the fuck

>> No.18975115

Fuck E William Brown
Fuck No Releases
Fuck Pay Pigs
Fuck Pay Walls
Fuck Lies
Fuck You.

>> No.18975241

Ugly people too have semi-anonymous sex. It usually involves a lot more substance abuse.

>> No.18975330

Care to elaborate why?
I beg to differ. I think his improved attitude of late means there is an end insight. He talks more about the third book, doesn't shit on people who ask about it. My personal guess is it will be released late 2022 or early 2023.

Why do people hate him? Because he hasn't released his book yet? His SJW politics are annoying, but I think it comes from a place of genuine empathy.

>> No.18975410

FUCK whoever baited me into reading the silo series, this shit is retarded.

>> No.18975566

What to read next?

The Shadow of the Torturer
The Warded/Painted Man
The Trouble with Peace

Or wildcard

Blood Meridian

>> No.18975586
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BM is pretty good

>> No.18975692

his books are shit, even reddit normans are waking up to it

>> No.18975703
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Robert E Howard
HP Lovecraft
John Norman
All that comes to mind right now
Disgusting. Bugmen are a plague on modern sff. Even moreso than the sjw trannies
I envy your naivete. Pic related

>> No.18975778

For all the attention that Bakker receives in internet discussions, the wiki for the second apocalypse series is quite disappointing.

>> No.18975824

imagine the smell

>> No.18976007
File: 164 KB, 811x1049, 917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck E William Brown
>Fuck No Releases
>Fuck Pay Pigs
>Fuck Pay Walls
>Fuck Lies
>Fuck You.

>> No.18976228

>Book Club
now: inhibitor phase https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56072402-inhibitor-phase

sep 15: wisdom of crowds https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40701780-the-wisdom-of-crowds
sep 26: the scar https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68497.The_Scar

>> No.18976365

Any good literary fantasy? I don't really read the genre anymore, and I'm not really in to the popular heavy world-building heavy magic focus stuff that tends to be a focus in fantasy.

>> No.18976507

Not really. I will write some. Give me a few years.

>> No.18976512
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>> No.18976572

Where the... where the femdom novels at?

>> No.18976584

The Sword of Truth series has a dommy torturer. At least in the first few books.

>> No.18976628

i cant recommend one back since it was really gimpish once they were married
but cheers

>> No.18976796

Sffg is the Bakker wiki. Ask any question and a Bakkerchad will fill you in better than any wiki could

>> No.18977044
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What are some fun books?
I'm talking adventures with cool fights, enchanting locations, ridiculous but entertaining plots, waifus, all that good shit.
Genre doesn't matter much either, sci-fi, fantasy, science-fantasy, whatever.

>> No.18977102

Undying Mercenaries is exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.18977113

Sewer, Gas & Electric by Matt Ruff is a good one

>> No.18977131

I hate Fat Rothfuck because he sucks as a writer. (And for the record I'm politically left.)

>> No.18977144

Swingers are pretty much always old and fat

>> No.18977159

It's historical fiction but Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories

>> No.18977161
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The one doesn't exclude the other, see Malazan.

>> No.18977171

You are very retarded.
The Wizard Knight.

>> No.18977185

Guy Gavriel Kay

>> No.18977207

You are confusing sffg with the internet. Darkness that comes before only has 18k ratings.

>> No.18977224

Coiling Dragon.
Stellar Transformations.
I Shall Seal The Heavens.

>> No.18977324

>Coiling Dragon.
>Stellar Transformations
Yeah, no. I eat tomatoes is the worst author. There are incompetent authors, lazy authors, authors who don't research, asshole authors but I eat tomatoes is none of those, in fact he has a rare talent to churn out worst stories, worst character development, worst pace, worst dialogue/monologue, worst world building all in a single novel. How he does it I don't understand, how he is so well received I also don't understand because his writing is genuinely and objectively bad.

>> No.18977348

>all of this effort because of so much mad
All Chinkshit "books" are bad, all chinkshit "books" are repetitive. Yet their fans read them and tell you to "ignore" grammar, spelling, bad editing, and a host of other things because "his work is good".

These fuckers are literally reading someone's stream of consciousness that is unedited, and call it giid.

>> No.18977390

Fuck the anime faggot OP.

Because weebs jerk off to anime girls and have the same fixation as furries and footfags of wanting to expose everyone to their fetish and turn it into a lifestyle.

>> No.18977418
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>Fuck the anime faggot OP.

>> No.18977419

How do I write a bisexual female character that was abused by a nun as a child? Would it be too problematic to suggest that that's why she grew to be bisexual? Would I get cancelled for the implication?

>> No.18977442


>> No.18977472

how do i write a molestation victim? it's in a fantasy world, but its so rooted in reality i don't wanna fuck it up

>> No.18977482

It is relative. Bad grammar or poor editing isn't that much an issue for some people, repetitiveness is also can be considered bad or not bad. I personally consider elements that carry a leftist progressive agenda to be bad for the story, I simply cannot read such books, they are the worst of the worst. But others seem to like it and enjoy

>> No.18977483

Please take your jewish garbage to outer /lit/.

>> No.18977499


>> No.18977515

You looking fora man? Your bussy sounds fat.

>> No.18977549

Kill yourself you tranny faggot

>> No.18977574


>> No.18977778
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The last book I read before coming to faith and belief was Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Specifically, it was due to the murderous rage I had against Alice and all she represented, for tempting, distracting me and leading me astray all the time. Then it clicked with the Temptation of Jesus wandering around in the desert - for Jesus is the Son, the Protagonist, the Self-Inserter of all Inserters, the Absolute Ego, maybe a while after, but around this time nonetheless. It was exceedingly difficult to annotate and criticise Alice, writing in the margins about how I wanted to rape and torture her like Dirlewanger and Beria. I only managed vulgar profanity and invective on the level of grafitti. I never managed to rape and strangle Alice, I could not bring myself to any erection fantasy against her. I might have left that sinful bundle of terrible feelings for Jesus to handle - "he took that all on the cross, so he could take that absolute mud and sludge of sin off of me too."

Was Alice also Mary Magdalene/ Artemis/ Madoka Kaname/ Kyouko Sakura/ Tart Magica/ FGO Jeanne/ my childhood friends?

What did He mean by this?

>> No.18977847

Good post

>> No.18977992
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hachi machi

>> No.18978042

I'll rephrase: I think his SJW politics come from a place of genuine empathy and virtue signaling. He can be unbearable with pronouns and writing blogs about knitting with his sons.

Why are his books shit? Because of the politics?

>> No.18978055

>Stations of the Tide is being adapted
>by a bunch of nobodies with no track record

>> No.18978079

His books are shit because they go nowhere and have no payoff, the worldbuilding is shit, the characters are mediocre and are generally just weaker than everything anyone would seek out themselves. Not quoted either. I read both of them and regret wasting the time, as with most recently published western fantasy.
That's not even going into dumb shit beyond that and just talking about the general narratives, there's also specifics like the retarded fetish shit with entire chapters simping over a prostitute, the fetish monks who selectively become 5 iq retards when it comes to biology that even hunter-gatherers grasped because lolnofatherhood, the heavy harry potter fanfiction vibes of the academy or the american romanticization of extremely thinly-veiled Roma standins.

>> No.18978135

Basically everything Glenn Cook wrote after Black Company, but also Black Company to a lesser extent.

>> No.18978155

Black Company + Glenn cook = Black Cook

>> No.18978185

I only read the first part of book one, the inn section, but it was enough to drop it. It didn't grab me at all. Plus he was in hiding? but barely changed his name and then hung his famous sword over the fireplace? Dumb. Then I learned about his incredible cope for oneitis and nixed giving the books a second chance.

>> No.18978193
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>> No.18978202

I never give in to hype but I'm not automatically going to dismiss a small production company.
I'll probably read it again for a third time before the movie comes out

>> No.18978301

gay as a synonym for uncool? get your head checked, hater.

>> No.18978394
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>> No.18978403

How do you pronounce this word? Soju should be an apt pronunciation

>> No.18978415


>> No.18978421
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you say it with seething passion, AEESSS JAAAY DOUBLE UUUUUUU REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.18978441
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>Bakker boi off in this hooooo
>watch me Nietzsche it watch me roll
>watch me black seed and philosophize this hoooo

>> No.18978455

>Guy Gavriel Kay
Sounds interesting. Is The Fionavar Tapestry good place to start? The two that take place in China sound interesting too.

>> No.18978471


>> No.18978490

>implying lesbian stats don't apply to all women
>53% of troon moms have borderline
That's bullshit but I believe it.
>m-t-fs have aids
Where do they get it from, the fucking dentist? Nobody can get hard for science pussy.

>> No.18978550

Can somebody please tell me the name of the short story of the generational ship meeting up with their more tech advanced counterparts that are gay niggers?

>> No.18978553

Why do almost all fantasy books feel like YA fiction, even books ostensibly written for adults? The First Law for example, ore anything by Brandon Sanderson. The only stuff I've read recently that actually feels like it's written for adults is The Prince of Nothing and The Shadow of the Torturer. What else is there along those lines?

>> No.18978623

Sanderson and others employ an incredibly basic vocabulary, often bordering on the colloquial modern. Both Prince of Nothing and Shadow of the Torturer indulge in various degrees of archaism to establish a sense of difference between the world presented on the page and the world of everyday speech. Now this doesn't mean that all you have to do is raid the KJV and Elizabethan works for neat words, or that you necessarily should, but it is one facet of a deficit in fantasy literature.

The problem is that many fantasy books simply fail at the outset to transport the reader from their mundane surroundings to another world because they think this is achieved via "world building" rather than language, they forget that they should be writers first and foremost, with fantasy merely being their inclination. The result is people thinking that the experience of reading a fantasy novel should be similar to reading a lore wiki for Skyrim, and so the art of storytelling suffers for this. Ironically you end up feeling far more 'transported' reading something by Pynchon.

>> No.18978655

last dragon by JM McDermott

>> No.18978671

Are you talking about Orphans of the Helix?

>> No.18978693

Top 5 people I want to fight

>> No.18978705

well said
i'll check it out thanks

>> No.18978708

And drugged up minimum wage losers

>> No.18978712

Donaldson but he’s very depressing to read

>> No.18978714


>> No.18978718

Undying mercenaries is one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Fuck off

>> No.18978722

Fucking retard. Undying mercenaries is a great book.

>> No.18978727 [DELETED] 

You suck nigger dick don’t you

>> No.18978738
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>Undying mercenaries is one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Fuck off

>> No.18978756

How about you just suggest an actual good book then you faggot

>> No.18978757

The Princess Bride
The Gone-Away World

>> No.18978939

Is op pic from a story of some kind

>> No.18978944

Can I ask for /sffg/'s opinion on >>18978893

>> No.18978987

>female protagonist
You lost me

>> No.18979017
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>>female protagonist
>You lost me

>> No.18979037
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>>female protagonist
>You lost me

>> No.18979121
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>You lost me
You lost me.

>> No.18979259

have you ever had a girlfriend

>> No.18979656
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Is it any good?

>> No.18979707

>It will have a female protagonist but I'm not afraid to make her someone worth hating
I doubt you'll have to try very hard to achieve that

>> No.18980067
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This was really good. You have to give it a bit of trust but everything gets paid off and was there for a reason.
After months with one or two books worth reading August has been incredibly good for new releases and I haven't even got to the sequels to books I loved yet.

>> No.18980112

Greatcoats, Poor Man's Flight, Stainless Steel rat, Finder, Sixteen Ways to...
Those are all fun and fast paced
I can't remember it but I think For the Killing of Kings was like this
If you're gonna read Xianxia for "fun" you should read A Will Eternal. It's so much more enjoyable than anything with a serious protagonist.

>> No.18980286

I have enough good boy points saved up to get a brand new book instead of going to the used store. What should I get? Is there any actually good current year sff I could walk into a mainstream store and buy?

>> No.18980296
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>Is there any actually good current year sff

>> No.18980315

Yeah I reread that post as soon as I hit submit and realised it was retarded. I might just get a fresh copy of a book I already like to replace a tattered old one.

>> No.18980383

>Dude gets raped by a priestess with a healing vagina
Sounds neat

>> No.18980540
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Bros can you point me to a book that's similar to the new sun ? just finished Urth and i want more

>> No.18980585

you read Book of the Long Sun?

>> No.18980757

Dhalgren or viriconium :)

>> No.18980773

Knock yourself out

>> No.18981013

It's enjoyable but rough cut. You'll know if you like Glen Cook or not in 100 pages. He doesn't hold out for big surprises.

>> No.18981643

Feersum Endjinn

>> No.18981809
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>> No.18981817

i like it very much

>> No.18981944


>> No.18981976
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What am I in for?

>> No.18981997

Something that you need to read very closely if you want to understand the plot.

>> No.18982190

I got nervous

>> No.18982249

nice one

>> No.18982318
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>> No.18982406

Nine Princes in Amber, or anything by Roger Zelazny really

>> No.18982414

This guy
Is the biggest faggot on sffg, and probably reads every Sanderson book as well

>> No.18982456


>> No.18983055

Because most fantasy written these days is written by people who never read anything above a YA level

>> No.18983186
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>splatterpunk fantasy

>> No.18983252

Why do we hate Sanderson?

>> No.18983266

Not good writer, simple as.

>> No.18983284

Formulaic writer.
Stories centers around detailed magic systems that are just one step above lit-RPG.
They contain absolutely no fodder for the pseuds on this board.

>> No.18983439

100% of space crime is committed by lesbians.

>> No.18983696

The Worm Ouroboros. Nothing else even comes close.

>> No.18983705
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What's /sffg/'s favorite barsoom novel? Mine is Chessmen of Mars.

>> No.18983884

Ugly or extremely plain describes all sex party goers. I used to live on the same street as some of the sick fucks and everyone who went to that house was disgusting. They call it "ugly as sin" for a reason.

>> No.18983919

i don't hate him but he's not compelling. his books are like reading Bleach or Naruto, they're fine for what they are, which is very juvenile and basic action

>> No.18984008

Good description. One thing I just couldn't get past was how codified everything is. I don't mean the much vaunted magic systems, it was how everything in his world ( I was reading Stormlight) is so discreetly parcelled up and labelled and signified, often by colour.
It reminded me of Power Rangers, honestly. Even the wine were colour coded to represent the level of acholic strength.

Felt like it was written by a child who still freaks out if two different kinds of food on his plate are touching.

>> No.18984330

I got bored of it but that series should be perfect for all the losers that are contantly going on about muh tomboy gf. The mc's love interest is that times a thousand

>> No.18984411

>jim butcher waifus
May as well be reading futa doujins at that point. I'm retroactively embarrassed I read as much of the Dresden Files as I did. Dude's a caricature male feminist.

>> No.18984571
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what do you think of this?

>> No.18984667

the guy is mentally ill for sure

>female author
In seriousness though I did own this trilogy at one point and its like a 6/10.
The third book in my opinion is terrible.

>> No.18984848
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Any Harry Harrison enjoyers here? I've read Eden, Bill the galactic hero and Stainless steel rat books, anything else worth reading?

>> No.18984889
File: 66 KB, 386x540, three stigmata palmer eldritch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Ubik today. Both it and 3 stigmata really seer into the recesses of your mind once you finish them

what other PKD novels are good? I've been putting off the big ones that have been adapted into movies/series. I have flow my tears... and I'm thinking about getting valis but it seems very hit or miss

>> No.18984942
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Yes. It's nowhere near as GRIMDARK as you may have heard it described, though. If that's the appeal for you. First book essentially works as standalone with an open ending as Cook was testing the waters to see how well it does, and if you like it definitely read the first trilogy + Silver Spike.

>> No.18984958

I just think world building and writing are two separate disciplines. So many cases of former phoning in latter because they don't really CARE about the story, they just want to pour out all the details about their world.

>> No.18984983

I might finally read the Scar with this. How dead is the group?

>> No.18985025

>The Chad Torturer vs the virgin aspect emperor

>> No.18985048
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>mfw good reads redesign

>> No.18985088
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To be fair it's easier to world-build than do anything else writing wise and, if our own pathetic general is anything to go by, plenty of readers care mostly about world-building first and foremost; though I'm sure that has more to do with modern writers lacking in the departments of storytelling, creating interesting characters, and overall style.

>> No.18985160

>literary fantasy

>> No.18985175


>> No.18985327

best heroic fantasy author of our age
>open to suggestions but seriously doubt any contenders


>> No.18985374

>Who is your hero?
>Currently, it’s Ronald Reagan. After years of politicians seeking to remove morality from the question of East-West relations he had the courage to set out to destroy communism, describing it as an evil empire, and setting in place all the elements that would later smash the Iron Curtain.
Gemmell was BASED.

>> No.18985383
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Is there any hope for literary awards out there? They've all gone to shit.

>> No.18985384

what I like is that main protagonist had sex like 3 times in the entire series? There is some romance and other very sexually active characters but the mc is mostly focused on his "detective" work.

>> No.18985418

thanks for the recommend, he sounds interesting

>> No.18985446
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Anyone read this (and the following books in the series)? What did you think?

>> No.18985477

I read the first three or four. It's.. interesting? Prose is very bare bones, characters are thin, then plot happens and you actually get a reason why the protagonist has become such an emotionless void.
If you're looking for something to waste some time on give it a shot, just don't go into it with great expectations. In it's credit, it did manage to subvert my expectations in the good sense.

>> No.18985609
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>On the other hand the act of procreation, being of a will and desire shared and indeed controlled by the fëa, was achieved at the speed of other conscious and willful acts of delight or of making. It was one of the acts of chief delight, in process and in memory, in an Elvish life, but its intensity alone provided its importance, not its time or length: it could not have been endured for a great length of time, without disastrous “expense”.

>But the act of procreation not being one of growth until the union of the seed and being under full control of the will does not take long -- though it is longer and of more intense delight in Elves than in Men: too intense to be long endured.

-The Nature of Middle Earth

>> No.18985628

Heavenly Court = Capitalism + Academia

>> No.18985800
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> Give me an author that hates niggers, that is based on women question, that is unapologetically real and owns it to the best of his ability

How can I tell you haven’t had sex

>> No.18985871
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>based on women question
how can I tell you are a nick fuentes retard

>> No.18985899

I mean, you'd know best about not having sex.


>> No.18985903
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>> No.18986456

This general really has gone to shit ever since that one faggot started spamming wojaks.

>> No.18986463

shit spam predates the specific wojack spam

>> No.18986595
File: 24 KB, 288x511, 525732C5-27BF-47D2-A9C3-42513A470174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropped wildbows ward. worm was a bit clumsy and amateur but it was enjoyable. i was hoping he’d improve on it but ward was just irredeemably bad. wtf man. it was so shit

>> No.18986599

I think they're beyond pozzed at this point. Ffs they stripped John w Campbell's name from his own award thanks to kvetching

I think awards are good as references for past works, but i wouldn't trust anything beyond the 00's at best- they seem to base awards on the identity of the author and various socjus topics rather than any literary value

It could very well be that modern works all suck too, it seems at least as far as American works go that trump was the death knell in a heavily infiltrated and pozzed industry

Hopefully we'll see a resurgence in quality entertainment but I'm not very optimistic about it

>> No.18986616
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I just finished this, pretty bad desu. Good premise wasted by a poor execution, the ending sucked too. Any good sci-fi horror recommendations?

>> No.18986623

Anathem, Snow Crash, Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

>> No.18986639

I think these awards are just unnecessary in an age when we have people constantly talking and sharing opinions online. After all, awards themselves are merely another set of opinion and I'd much rather trust autistic anons.

>> No.18986699
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Yeah, the few times a "world builder" manages to get just slightly competent enough to actually put out a book it's terrible, whole thing reads like some dudes private wiki that just connects one group/town/whatever to another usually with no actually decent reason to be there, many times just bring what little "story" there actually is to a complete halt to just show off another aspect of this dudes world that have basically nothing to do with the story.
I think the worst example of these I've seen is the Echoes of The Fall series, especially the first book, just dozens of instances of "and our heroes were going to do this... But then this super cool faction scooped them up so now we're gonna spend a couple chapter talking about how cool this tribe is. Alright, now back to the story, no you'll never see that group again."

>> No.18987055

We have 3-4 who regularly join discussions, with at least 2 for any book. It's on discord btw:

>> No.18987075

Is this one of the reviews for Hell House? I love how much people cry about it on Goodreads, definitely enticed me to read it.

>> No.18987359
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Warrior-Prophet reading log
Chapter 13

>mfw Then I resign as Marshal of Attrempus
>mfw first Cnaiur chapter in the book right after that
shit just got real

>> No.18987394
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>mfw when Cnaiur

>> No.18987560

in the past awards were handy for distinguishing works that were worth reading-nowadays not only are things overly saturated but awards have become such a joke that it seems near impossible to find something that judges based on the quality of a work-then again current year favors hitting all the diversity buttons instead of making a work that has quality/is interesting to read

>> No.18987571

this is a wordsalad trying to get mad over books you haven't even read

>> No.18987605

And then the sexy vampire brother...yeah. Makes Garrett and Strafa seem well adjusted in comparison.

>> No.18987607

Succinctly put

Dumb, fuck you

>> No.18987670


>> No.18987696

esl here, if a series i liked is not finished in my language is it worth to read it in english?
any other esl faced this problem?

>> No.18987766

Anyone here a fan of the amtrak wars series? I have the first 2 books, I heard that the ending is disappointing/cliffhanger but I'm enjoying it so far. Should I bother getting the rest of the series?

>> No.18987775

I read Hyperion in three languages, you can enjoy good books regardless.

>> No.18987794
File: 38 KB, 356x594, gettyimages-1143374728-594x594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interview with Gene Wolfe conducted by Larry McCaffery, dated to 1985. They talk about all sorts of things, very interesting to hear the master himself talk about science fiction and fantasy and his own writing career and his influences and such, definitely worth a listen IMO

>> No.18987868

So do you have any other new books to recommend? I want to stockpile some

>> No.18987929

2021: Blacktongue Thief, She Who Became the Sun, The Coward, The Parriah, Black Sun Daughter.
First 3 I really liked, final 2 were fun enough
2021 sequels: Finder book 3, Sidewinders, Rainhorn
(Amazing, Amazing, fun)
Haven't read much of yet but promising:
Notes from a burning age, Hollow (Brian Catling), Brother Red
(all great authors I'd trust with anything)

>> No.18987951

did you read it first on your native lang? im confident in my english but im still worried, never had read entire books in other than my native language before

>> No.18987979
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People bitch about "purple prose" but fuck them, I'm reading a fantasy book, I want shit to feel poetic.
If I wanted to just read about a bunch of assholes yelling "fuck" at each other while everything is described as barebones as possible I'd just come to /sffg/

>> No.18987998

if you can shitpost on 4chins you can read most genre literature in english

>> No.18988030

Good answer, especially
>they forget that they should be writers first and foremost, with fantasy merely being their inclination
This; if you look at all the best fantasy/science fiction writers that ever lived, you'll notice that first and foremost they were good 'writers' in every sense of the word, and they just wrote fantasy books, and they brought that literary skill into their books, which is why their books were so well done. Nowadays, all the focus in fantasy is on the worldbuilding and the characters, and almost every other part of the book (style, structure, themes and images and allusions, etc) is either ignored or given very little thought at all.

>> No.18988136
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How much flak would you get for writing a book without a single woman in it? Like the book takes place on a ship or whatever and not a single character is female (and none of the male characters are gay so there just isn't any romance at all)?

>> No.18988237

a scanner darkly is great

>> No.18988243

I'm not sure why is it supposed to generate any flak if it describes realistic situation. But then, I'm just a third worlder.

>> No.18988314

Probably not at all. You just won't win any Nebulas or Hugos.

>> No.18988518

how many "points of view" is too much for you?

>> No.18988525

Anything over 3 and your book better be really fucking good
But even 2 can be 1 too many

>> No.18988526

Malazan many.

But seriously, my problem isn't the number it is more when it is used as an excuse to create little mini cliff hangers, by switching to another POV as soon as something interesting happens.

>> No.18988680

You would have to write a very good story considering you will be omitting a large potential buyer base who would normally digest the most inane drivel put to paper as long as they can larp as a way to escape their normally empty and unhappy lives.

>> No.18988743

Nice projection fatty

>> No.18988754

David Gemmell awards were valid but they ran out of money or some shit and aren’t doing them anymore

>> No.18988765

Guys in here love asking questions like "I'm gonna write a book, all I know so far is that I want it to have as little commercial appeal as possible. Will the SJWs let me get away with it?"

>> No.18988838

>is it worth to read it in english?
Why won't you? It is a great way to improve your English in first place, and it shouldn't be hard unless it's something with super special elaborate language like Book of the New Sun. Also even if translation is high quality, you will still be better off with original.

>> No.18989159

>none of the male characters are gay
lmao. if they're not gay at the start they will be by the end

>> No.18989168

Yeah people here just want to circlejerk about being writers without worrying about actually writing.

>> No.18989206

The only good series by a female author. Gerald Tarrant is /ourguy/. I give it 8 rutting sranc out of 10

>> No.18989480

Alright bros, need a rec of questing knight literature.

>> No.18989536

Is it possible to download the audio from this website?

>> No.18989553

So you want to write the greatest novel of all time?

>> No.18989579


>> No.18989983

>Steampunk Necromancy With Noir Milieu- Weird Fiction For The Literary Horror Reader
Hmmm I really don't care for Steampunk at all, but I am still interdasted.

>> No.18990074

The Red Knight by Miles Cameron

>> No.18990106

I'm sure he meant GOOD questing knight literature; like The Wizard Knight. Not your terrible rec.

>> No.18990197

There's a huge market for homoerotic fiction

>> No.18990245 [DELETED] 

You know know jejejejejeje

>> No.18990388

Pretty much >>18988526

I love Malazan, but after reading all of the prince of nothing I came out with a great appreciation for reducing POVs.

>> No.18990711

Went ahead and purchased it, bros. I like reading these weird, unknown books that barely have any reviews over the mainstream garbage shat out these days.

>> No.18990732

Does he realize how revolting he looks?

>> No.18990775

And smells.

>> No.18990787
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Probably Sir Nigel. Less questing and more participating in a war, though. If you liked that historic take there's also The White Company.

>> No.18990848

Add John C. Wright and Gene Wolfe to that as well. They’re not interested in nibbas though.

>> No.18990864


What’s so appealing about this series? I know almost nothing about it apart from the memes and that its Dark Fantasy.

>> No.18990877

It's grimderp; not Dark Fantasy. Yes there's a difference. And the only appealing thing about it IS the memes.

>> No.18991028
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>sep 26: the scar https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68497.The_Scar
Is there actually any relation between Perdido Street Station and The Scar, though? Or was it just the second book he wrote?

>> No.18991037

>Is there actually any relation between Perdido Street Station and The Scar, though?
Yes; they're both lame.

>> No.18991043

For what he did to Wheel of Time's ending.

>> No.18991125

They're in the same universe. I've heard that they're standalone, haven't read PSS.

>> No.18991136

But Jordan wrote that.

>> No.18991249

Not answering your question but the PKD biography I AM ALIVE AND YOU ARE DEAD is a rewarding read.

>> No.18991270

Jordan wrote the notes, Sanderson stepped in for the prose and the work suffered for it.

>> No.18991300
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>> No.18991347

Nice recommendations.

>> No.18991364

Good luck on your self-publish. God knows this ain’t getting traditionally published.

>> No.18991383

You know, there's a market for homoerotic fantasy on Amazon, you should check it out.

>> No.18991387

I will never understand the irrational hatred for women in this place.

>> No.18991389


>> No.18991391

Just repressed fags, ignore them.

>> No.18991392

It's Berserk in literary form. The main narrative concerns a huge religious war between notchristians and notsaracens, which is secretly used by a bunch of cosmic rapealie- demons to summon death god Rapeus Maximus and end the world. The main characters Kellhus and Cnaiur are very much Griffith and Guts. Kellhus is an ubermensch sociopath who manipulates entire nations by being cute, while Cnaiur is a perpetually butthurt berserker who worships war but falls in love and becomes a simp. There's a lot of grimdark, rape, and gore, the books do not go 5 pages without somebody's anus getting torn asunder, and some of the villians literally fap to violence. Also very detailed worldbuilding and cool magic system based on philosophy (author is an academic libkek undergrad so instead of Fire Magic you get Gnostic Abstraction lmao).

>> No.18991394

Yes, irrational.

>> No.18991398

>It's Berserk in literary form.
No, its not, and to imply that it is, is an insult to Kentaro Miura

>> No.18991430

>Kentaro Miura
We will never get the ending of Berserk, christ.

>> No.18991439

What an ending that would have been. But, perhaps it’s for the best. Any ending, no matter what, would have been divisive.

>> No.18991461

I still would have wanted closure.

>> No.18991472
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>> No.18991476

God, your life must be absolutely pathetic if al you do is derail the thread with basedjack pictures.

>> No.18991478

>If I had thought no one would get it I wouldn't have put it in there!
Wolfe bros... am I just dumb for not getting a lot of what he writes?

>> No.18991479

stay mad

>> No.18991483

Ain’t mad, just astound at the fact how much you try to derail the thread.

>> No.18991485

Some people just don't have lives outside of 4chan. Simple fact of life.

>> No.18991490

Tranny hours.

>> No.18991492

Still, though. Never expected it to be so pathetic.

>> No.18991494

>rent free.

>> No.18991497

Berserk is not literature.

Simple as.

>> No.18991500

Yes, you have shit opinions, I get it.

>> No.18991501

I'm the king of /lit/ because I have read every book, and I say they can talk about their tranime if they want

>> No.18991502

>Berserk is not literature.
Neither is the shit we discuss here, but we don't mind.

>> No.18991504
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>> No.18991506

How does it feel to be so wrong?

>> No.18991507

Non sequitur.

>> No.18991510

He is right though, you have a shit opinion.

>> No.18991512

>you have a shit opinion.
You have shit writing, though.

>> No.18991516
File: 34 KB, 574x534, 1620271097164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm telling you guys, Berserk is Nobel prize tier literature! Don't listen to these people!

>> No.18991517

>Caring about perfect grammar
Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.18991526

Tell us something, do you just wait around the thread until someone post something you don't like to post those images?

>> No.18991528

Yes, I know that your comic books don't have a particularly high level of literacy.

>> No.18991533
File: 485 KB, 799x1010, 1615124336362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it trouble you?

>> No.18991534

No, not really. Kinda pathetic actually

>> No.18991536

I accept your defeat.

>> No.18991537

New thread

>> No.18992343

>Never going to be created.
It’s the Speculative Fiction one, though.

>> No.18993194

I'm tried rightclicking it but there's no save option

>> No.18993223

Nevermind. It was save page as to save the media. I am a doofus