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18983535 No.18983535 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Wikipedia over the last few years? I can easily spot leftist bias and tone in every article nowadays.

>> No.18983542


>> No.18983549

propaganda war.
they literally infect everything

>> No.18983550

Wikipedia is Cathedral'd. DL an old version.

>> No.18983557
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>> No.18983558

As a former wikipedia editor, it's bullshit pettiness and politics. I will create an article and then someone with 100,000 edits will start fucking up my shit and yelling at me to justify why I included that a certain iraqi official gave a comment on his government's involvement in war crimes

>> No.18983584

The people who edit Wikipedia have always been mentally off. Mostly extremely autistic people and control freaks. This was great before the culture war really heated up, because they wrote really detailed and accurate articles. But this personality type is extremely susceptible to becoming an SJW or troon. I assume anyone who wasn't leftist was cancelled leaving only the most insane people writing today

>> No.18983623

Wikipedia has always been fucking shit, exactly what >>18983584 says, it attracts the weirdest kind of terminally online busybody subhuman. The same kinds of people who want to moderate forums.

That was already the case in 2012, but since then it has been colonized by every political group, every lobby, every "marketing agency" (dystopian online consensus generation and viral marketing) pushing the messages of particular groups and lobbies, every useful idiot tranny and liberal with nothing better to do than fight online culture wars all day, and also, unironically, the deep state (in a boring, non-exciting, non-conspiracy sense most of the time).

Because of its fame and ubiquity it was seen as an ideal consensus control/generation tool by all the post-2012 subhuman scum of the earth who live only to bicker with their family members about whatever MSNBC told them recently, and behind all these tranny busybodies are the aforementioned groups and actors who have an interest in using the busybodies as unwitting soldiers. Think of how much damage you can do to the credibility of alternate narratives when the four default information sources - wikipedia, google, social media, and news media - are controlled by you, and can algorithmically massage (hiding or signal boosting) messages as you desire, suppress or simply fail to report on what you like, ban people you don't like or make them live in constant fear of banning, and label anything you don't like as a "conspiracy theory."

It's sad because the original goal was beautiful, and when it was only overrun by busybody faggots, it actually worked okay in spite of itself.

>> No.18983630

For every three 100,000 edits nolife trannies on wikipedia, one is being paid, another is a psycho who only edits wikipedia to push their niche worldview, and the third is just an idiot who lives for online forum drama and power trips.

>> No.18983648

Larry sanger is just as biased
Read his Twitter and you will see constant retweets of conservative talking heads

>> No.18983855


>> No.18983861
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>> No.18983874
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>noooo! stop accurately summarizing this ideologue, you're making us look bad :(

>> No.18983940

The most blatant propaganda I have seen is Olavo de Carvalho's page. But now anything COVID related is just as bad.

>> No.18983951

I can't find it, but there was a good write-up by some long-time Wikipedia user and lesswrong guy documenting what went wrong with. To make a long story short, English Wikipedia became philosophically dominated by an ideology called deletionism. The deletionists think Wikipedia should have the absolute least amount of information possible, and to get there, set up a Byzantine notability system that was excessively punishing for everyone that wasn't living and breathing on Wikipedia. These notability rules give the highest power to coverage in mainstream journalism, which made it hard for niche topics to survive deletion and enforced a social liberal bias on the website.
Part of the reason why hard deletionism became the ideology of English Wikipedia is because the founder of Wikipedia had a conflict of interest. He wanted the content there to be shallow so that you would have to use his ad-filled Fandom service instead if you wanted to have articles for things that lacked mainstream journalist coverage (which resulted in the infamous Pokemon purge).
Finally, Wikipedia, being one of the most famous free resources on the internet, has several users whose full time job it is to edit articles to fit a narrative or activist movement (some, like LGBT and feminist activism, are officially endorsed by Wikipedia). The deletionist ideology + notability rules that always defer to things like the NYT + poweruser cliques and paid editors created the mess that is English wikipedia today.

>> No.18983961

very interesting

>> No.18983979

>Still calling the Synagogue a "cathedral"
Moldbug is one of them and is deliberately running cover for the rest of them.

>> No.18984034


>> No.18984063

Why are libtards/SJWs/whoever obsessed with
1. Fitting all of human history into the twenty terms that makes up all of political discourse as of 10 years ago
2. Leading with the fact that X is popular with bad people, rather than describing X

>> No.18984124

because they don't critically examine people.
They're like ants that use pheromones for directions, food, and recognizing each other, except they use words.
good label -> good guy & ally
bad label -> bad guy & enemy
Using these labels when first introducing someone tells the antmen whether to spread-eagle and accept this person's ideas or to be overly critical and shut off form them

>> No.18984234

Everything in the bottom article is true.

>> No.18984241

So is the upper article.

>> No.18984249

I like how they cite some random woman for Evola's definition of suprafascist rather than use Evola's definition top kek

>> No.18984320

>an old version
which one you recommend?
like, 2014? I got a download from like 2020.

>> No.18984328

I feel there was definitly a point though where most wiki articlues were generally ok, even political ones, and you could easily figure out which ones were not by the change in how things were written from a non judgmental recording tone, to a more passionate/sensationalist one. as well as other indicators.

>> No.18984385

The one thing to be said for Twitter is how it prompts impulsive exposure like that. Stranger still is how oblivious its users often remain to the fact that they're doing something almost like publishing their diaries, when they wouldn't dream of doing that in book or pamphlet form.

>> No.18984542

Wikipedia is the American gov.

>> No.18984609

Even if you think the bottom one is more accurate it is written so poorly that it deserves to be removed.

>> No.18984614

Communist subversion funded by qui

>> No.18984643
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>Olavo de Carvalho's page
You win

>> No.18984651

This kek, as they say, better to remain silent etc. Sanger would just seem like a principled man of ideas if he didn't have a twitter account that outed him as a butthurt reactionary chudcel. Many such cases.

>> No.18984656

Obvious political bias should be banned from wikipedia yet it appears to be a part of every article. Wikipedia started as something that couldn't be trusted because anyone can edit it, ot being something that could be trusted because anyone can edit it, to something that cannot be trusted because only a small group of power users dictate what edits actually get published.

>> No.18984671

I only use Wikipedia for inane stuff and things which are apolitical, like mathematics. Anything vaguely political will be useless. Maybe a language like Arabic is different, but the English wikipedia cannot be trusted on politically contentious topics.

>> No.18984703

far left communists/satanists have consolidated admin powers among themselves. it sounds like a joke but it really is not. go look at the user pages of active admins, they'll confirm it for you themselves.

tldr: dont bother reading wikipedia for anything that isn't hard science or history unrelated to current politics.

>> No.18984711

His Wikipedia article is even more aggressive now, that 2018 revision is nothing

>> No.18984712

I dont get your butthurt, the recent page seems less "ideologue" and more neutral about describing the guy

>> No.18984752
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“Neutral” alright dude

>> No.18984823

What part do you disagree with? Seems fine other than maybe the last quote.

>> No.18984866

t. leftist

>> No.18984887

Mathematics Wikipedia is really good. You can feel the original Wikipedia autism dripping from every article and that's wonderful for mathematics. Just pure true things, bias is obliterated from orbit.

>> No.18984890

In what frame of mind would you think Julius is more important for his antisemitism than for his occult?

>> No.18984915

Why are you so worried about what people think of Julius? He's dead. What do you gain from defending him?

>> No.18984926

The noble spiritual legacy of Evola is guys bitching about snoy edits to his Wikipedia article

>> No.18984927

A person is allowed to be biased retard

>> No.18984928

The difference is people don’t consult his Twitter for information, faggot

>> No.18984931
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>> No.18984933

Why are you changing the subject subhuman?

>> No.18984936

You are disingenuous.

>> No.18984940

>antisemitic conspiracy theories
yeah, this certainly wasn't written without the intention to filter normies out

>> No.18984955 [DELETED] 

OP is bitching about wikipedia, Evola was just an example.

>> No.18984962

See, this poster is a perfect example of an indoctrinated simpleton.
The language games and propaganda employed is immediately obvious based on this reason: the vaguely neutral article describes what he actually proffered or believed, the propaganda first describes things he was "against" (anti) by a secondary source. The propaganda describes exclusively what is relevant to the polemic propagandist, such as him being "racist." This reductionism is antithetical to knowledge. All that matters is the party, and all that matters of its enemies is how they're against the party.

>> No.18984969
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This thread is fascinating.

Someone should write a novel about the history of Wikipedia and it's related drama.

>> No.18984979

Probably before the culture wars, so pre-gamergate. 2010 should do the trick.

I remember those days. Nowadays all political articles are garbage fires.

>> No.18984980

You don't have any authority to determine what we discuss - I do. So, again, why are you obsessed with his image? You certainly aren't pursuing people to treat him better either.
Why are you so mad? You came to 4chan to vent about some dead sophist you're obsessed with - like people are suppose care.

>> No.18984986

There's a giant difference between a Wikipedia article and a personal twitter account. If he started shoving his opinion in unrelated articles, it would be an issue.

>> No.18984987
File: 172 KB, 986x509, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to /lit/ over the last few years? I can easily spot the poltard bias and tone in every thread nowadays.

>> No.18984988

You give too much importance to Wikipedia and twitter. That probably explains why you care so much about the ramblings of some idiot like Evola.

>> No.18985004

People are discussing Wikipedia bias and you're too dumb to understand the topic so fuck off

>> No.18985005

It's not about Julius, you autist. It's about spastics using an aggressive tone and biased information in their articles instead of sticking to dry facts.

When I read "Julius was an antisemitic conspiracy theorist" I hear "the editor is a seething transgender jew editing the page to score some imaginary internet points against those nasty Nazis".

>> No.18985007

We're reacting to the wider leftist bias that is forcefully shoved down everyone's throats but what you need to know is that you will never be a woman

>> No.18985010

I couldn't care less about Evola. I care about Wikipedian social dynamics and the mental landscape of average editors.

>> No.18985017

>Retard uses buzzwords and platitudes to "describe" his feelings
You don't deserve anyone's time, you're not interested in actual conversation, nor have you read Evola.

>> No.18985026

I don't read Evola because I find him worthless; just like this thread. I would never read an idiot like him.
I'm not leaving - its my thread.
No, its really about you, an autist, freaking out about a wikipedia page. How much of life do you really have to care about such things? I can't imagine being so pathetic in life that caring about something as frivolous, as this, would take up so much time.

>> No.18985029

Bait or single digit iq + mentally ill

>> No.18985036

I swear to God, in every lit thread there's actual discussion until, at some point, there appears some faggot (probably from discord?) that just completely ruins any engagement; this creature(s) then uses every logical fallacy and fucks off to another thread.
I will never comprehend what pleasure these people take from doing this.

>> No.18985040

Leftist admins and veteran editors that gladly jumped on the culturewar train. You can edit all you want, but you are dirt compared to an admin.

>> No.18985041

Blame people replying to it

>> No.18985042

>ugh why do you even care if we're rewriting the single greatest source of knowledge in the modern world to fit our narrative bro don't you have a life bro ugh

>> No.18985050

I can't imagine a retard actually coming to 4chan for a serious conversation. You really think too highly of yourself to believe people here ought to respect you, your opinions and your threads.

>> No.18985059

Everyone has a narrative, retard. So do you. t. Why are so angry at that? Besides the fact that Evola, much like you, is a nobody. What do you care ?

>> No.18985060 [DELETED] 

Is there a psychological term for the kind of person who edits Wikipedia articles or moderates sunreddits? You know, the tranny janny archetype. Why are they all like that?

>> No.18985062

Not him, but I think you are giving Wikipedia too much credit. There is a reason many don't consider it a reliable source.

>> No.18985066

Is there a psychological term for the kind of person who edits Wikipedia articles or moderates subreddits? You know, the tranny janny archetype. Why are they all like that? What happened during the past decade to make them go from being awkward geeks to what they are now?

>> No.18985076

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny

>> No.18985077

It's the most important contemporary encyclopedia and resource for general information, don't gaslight or people will assume bad faith like for that other retard.

>> No.18985079

I will not respond to that faggot. You know who you are.
I've known a psychological term for them but I've forgotten... As for the reason they're like this, is because the current neo-lib establishment is the only one who give them power. I'm not a fan of Nrx, but they did nail the term "Biological Leninism" for these sorts of people.

>> No.18985090
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The poltard bias is everywhere, and it is only a consequence of the obvious leftist propaganda shoved down our throats left and right, this thread is testimony to that, Wikipedia is testimony to that.
Your problem is that you are convinced that the user base of /lit/ changed, that it was invaded by poltard. When in reality, the user base remained pretty much the same, it just became radicalised by numerous examples of blatant anti-intellectualism, propaganda, cancel culture (modern autodafes) from the modern left.
If you are truly an advocate of truth, if you respect other people's opinion, you can only feel genuine rage at what the American left is collectively doing.
They are quite literally brainwashing millions upon millions, you'd be blind not to see it. I mean, Trump is banned from Twitter while the Taliban's spokesman is free to speak there (and does daily). That's a single example, a mere symptom, if you want, of what is truly going on.
If you cannot see the illogical bias, the lies, the disinformation, the dishonesty in the modern American left, then you cannot understand why so many people turned to the radical right, and your only explaination of the phenomenon will be "just 2016 election retards invading our beloved board" as if those people spontaneously spawned from below the earth with all the 4Chan codes and lingo and started invading boards. You couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.18985101
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You really have no life. Imagine caring this much about life.

>> No.18985103


>> No.18985109


>> No.18985110

This. Been coming on this board on an off since 2011 and I used to be a what was considered a leftist then. I'm still pretty much the same but now I'm what's considered a fascist.

>> No.18985114

If you don't care stop posting and let people who care discuss things.

>> No.18985117

>me on the right
People have too much free time.

>> No.18985123

One employs ethos, and the other doesn't. You tell me if ethos is appropriate anywhere in an encyclopedia.

>> No.18985143

Wow, le epic based man that doesn't care xDDD

>> No.18985147

hahaha le epic armchair philosopher

>> No.18985168

I knew very early on how terrible the site was because I watched how Rotten Tomatoes got their start by manipulating every movie page into including their ratings.

>> No.18985170

What I don't understand is why do people not resist... They just swallow it all, I don't fucking understand...
They could literally, idk, decide to remove the Coliseum because it's a fascist reminder of the slaver Roman empire and people would be eh... such a shame... ok... the only backlash would be from people in the yourism biz who'd be damaged economically
how, HOW are people so passive?

>> No.18985178

>I'm so woke and awake!!! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND ME?
Leftists do the same shit. You guys are retards who think people do not have agency unless they agree with you 100%. Its narcissism.

>> No.18985182


I tried to alter the wiki page for that trans unicorn ranch, describing them as a compound rather than a community and anarcho communist. No matter how many different sources you provide they’ll reject anything ideologically out of line.

>> No.18985186

but when I tell them about it they agree with me, they just go "ehh but what can you do" you disgusting tranny monstrosity

>> No.18985187

Congrats loser, you can die happy. You rustled the jimmies of idiots for a couple hours. Amazing work friend. Cheers.

>> No.18985189

Imagine thinking the trannies you hang out with on Discord are a representative sample size of the real world. Nobody cares about this shit besides stupid 20 something year old cuckholds like yourself.

>> No.18985192
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>terminally online busybody subhuman.
This. People think the Scots wikipedia fiasco was an isolated incident, it's really the norm for the site, just a little more productive and not as terminally retarded.

>> No.18985202

Is this an actual article? In what world is telepathy considered extreme or metaphysical?

>> No.18985205

Blessed post

>> No.18985214

I hate these niggers so much. What can be done about them? These autists have ruined the internet.

>> No.18985215

If you read Evola, his anti-semitism pretty much never comes up in any of his works, and you could say that he was quite sympathetic towards them compared to his contemporaries.

>> No.18985218


>> No.18985223

because Americans are terminally shrill subhumans

>> No.18985225
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>> No.18985226


>> No.18985229
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>I can easily spot leftist bias and tone in every article nowadays.

>> No.18985231

>Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola (/ɛˈvoʊlə/; Italian: [ˈɛːvola];[1] 19 May 1898 – 11 June 1974), better known as Julius Evola, was an Italian philosopher, poet, and painter whose esoteric worldview featured antisemitic conspiracy theories[2][3] and the occult.

>Goodrick-Clarke wrote that Evola's "rigorous New Age spirituality speaks directly to those who reject absolutely the leveling world of democracy, capitalism, multi-racialism and technology at the outset of the twenty-first century. Their acute sense of cultural chaos can find powerful relief in his ideal of total renewal."[48] Thomas Sheehan wrote that to "read Evola is to take a trip through a weird and fascinating jungle of ancient mythologies, pseudo-ethnology, and transcendental mysticism that is enough to make any southern California consciousness-tripper feel quite at home."[61]

Boy you weren't kidding lmao. What the fuck s this garbage?

>> No.18985232

Same thing that is happening in education, peer-reviewing etc etc

It's an organized effort to ruin society, fake made up shit over truth.

>> No.18985234 [DELETED] 
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Literal jew. Weasel faggots like you are why people are anti-semitic.

>> No.18985235

Wow, you're actually retarded enough to fall for the basic us vs them thinking and actually vapid enough to think it's only sjws the do it. Wow. What a mongoloid.

>> No.18985242

>le 4chan is just for le silly shitposting dont le think so le hard
Kill yourself. I mean it. You faggots are brain poison.

>> No.18985247

Friedrich Nietzsche, better known as Neetch, was a German philosopher, philologist and pianist whose esoteric worldview featured eugenics theories and the support of slavery.

>> No.18985249

>nobody cares bro just stop caring bro like just stop caring let those in power do what they want unimpeded caring is for squares bro
When the time comes, you and They will have to flip a coin for who gets lined up against the wall first.

>> No.18985251

>Imagine thinking the trannies you hang out with on Discord are a representative sample size of the real world.

>> No.18985265

It is us vs them (you) tranny

>> No.18985266

Does a SWAT team need to come visit you? It doesn't take a coin flip for that. The police only need three digits, and an itchy trigger finger,
>Going outside
>Having friends
Thanks for the kek, anon.

>> No.18985271

Stop replying to this subhuman retards >>18985266

>> No.18985275

>4chan is for serious business
You're clearly new. You might want to go back to ebaumsworld my friend.

>> No.18985284

For being such a statist cuck you might want to look up the laws in burgerland before you make threats, tranny.

>> No.18985287

>le serious business
>le ebaumsworld
What is this, 2004 Maddox? Go home, tranny.

>> No.18985289

Would make an interesting psychology article, that's for sure. Is it something inherent in the types attracted to those jobs or is it a power corrupts absolutely kind of thing?

>> No.18985292

It's American in origin, it's basically digital puritanism.

>> No.18985293

It's narcissism and psychopathy or some combination. Maybe a bit of histrionic PD as well.

>> No.18985298
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Do you want the casket open or closed
>Cries about statists
>Defends and utilizes their laws
I'm guessing you want it closed. Gotcha.

>> No.18985300

It's funny because talking about a desired revolution is legal, whereas threatening to "swat" someone isn't.

>> No.18985303

I hope you're gonna pay for their plane ticket, tranny, cause I don't live in burgerland. Maybe dip into your HRT budget.

>> No.18985304

Weird how Europe basically embodies it then...

>> No.18985310

Because Europe has done nothing but inhale America's trash culture for decades. The tide is shifting.

>> No.18985312

Nah it's Jewish

>> No.18985313

The only tide I see shifting is america getting fed up with the metropolitans running the show. Euros are fully submerged in their misanthropic authoritarianism.

>> No.18985323

Burgers just bought what the Jews are selling (burgers). Stop blaming the parasite for your cucked immune system, trannynigger.

If there's one thing I've learned lately, it's that if you don't live there, you're just talking out of your ass. I've read enough mutt fan fiction about the CCP (... any day now...) that I don't care for the rest.

>> No.18985335

Stop deflecting. The issue is with the parasite and should be eliminated. Pretending it doesn't exist and you just need better "immune system" is coping.

>> No.18985336

The antithesis of the plethora of leftist propaganda (rw "extremism") should be fueled to counterbalance the main narrative. The cuckservative, apolitical nondualist diplomats sniff there own farts for criticising the right fighting back. Being a passiv critic of both sides just for the sake of not "taking sides" is cuck behaviour and is not helping at all. /lit/ is sadly full of these types because they want to seem intellectual and "above" identity politics. They will let truth be smeared with shit and the world burn

>> No.18985338

>if you don't live there
Where is there, we're talking about two different continents.

>> No.18985341
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>> No.18985344

>if the central banks were run by gentiles everything would be heckin based!!!
Stop breathing.

>> No.18985345


>> No.18985347

>Constantly whine about problems and self viticimize
>Point out you constantly whine and do nothing to help yourself
Meds. Take them.

>> No.18985350

Try harder

>> No.18985352

I will never stop being mad.

>> No.18985353

>caring enough about not caring to post that you don't care
Midwit hypocrite nihilism in full throttle

>> No.18985359

>Politics is one Manichaeist struggle against "good" vs. "bad" dood - you MUST take a side
What's it like having such a smooth brain? You spend way too much time on social media. Go outside. Have sex.

>> No.18985360

That was my only post in the entire thread. I simply recognise that anyone telling me to "not care", to roll over and die, is my enemy. The tranny cries out in pain as he deletes your article.

>> No.18985364

Dilate, tranny

>> No.18985365

You don't have enemies. You just invent them. Its a part of your mental illness.

>> No.18985369

>in it's former state

>> No.18985370

>there's no Manichaean struggle against Evil bro, it's all shades of gray bro, haven't you watched Game of Thrones?
End your life.

>> No.18985375

Most of the retards who can't see the importance of changing Wikipedia articles to fit their narrative are either neo-libs who are a part of the system; or just braindeads who just shill for it.

>> No.18985380

>Thinks "good and "evil" exists
Those are just moral superstitions. You need to grow up, and get off the kid shit.

>> No.18985381

I have an enemy destroying my civilisation. Whether you are one of them or not is irrelevant, you say the exact same things my enemy would say, and therefore I shall treat you as one. You can try to gaslight me, whatever, but everyone watching the thread sees the way you behave "your enemies arent real", "just dont care", "take meds", "go outside". You and your ilk bring people to my side through your repugnance, in appearance and personality.

Beauty wins.

>> No.18985389

Whatever you say, golem.

>> No.18985391

Good bait, almost fell for it. Almost.

>> No.18985394

You are exactly the midwit intellectual passive cuck I was talking about. I turned nihilist apolitical to rw extremist after going outdide and meeting my wife. There's shootings, rapes and murders nearly every day in my based scandinsvian country because of mass immigration thanks to leftist politics and propaganda. My wife can't even walk outside past 8PM without feeling unsafe. I have a family to protect from the modern left. Fuck off back to discord, tranny. You see totally dilussional if you don't see the world is going to shit

>> No.18985395
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>Fit their narrative
>He thinks there's a conspiracy against them because of someone editing a wikipedia page

>> No.18985398

We're in a political situation. Read Schmitt, you illiterate nigger.

>> No.18985399

You don't own a civilization though. If you did - you could control what happens to it. Truth is - no one owns anything here. You're just a temporary visitor. Its just that your narcissism doesn't allow you to see that. Its a part of your mental illness. I recommend you see a doctor.

>> No.18985400

Fuck phone posting

>> No.18985402

Fuck off with the gaslight. I will not further respond to your comments.

>> No.18985404

Words, words, words. I'm not reading all that. Post hidden. Don't reply back to me. I won't respond. I'm not reading all that seething

>> No.18985406

Where did that anon say he owns civilization. He is clearly speaking as a member of the civilization that's under assault.
>just let thing happen bro, don't try to stop bad changes
Don't be that guy

>> No.18985407

>stop noticing things bro

>> No.18985408

>go to wikipedia about something you're very knowledgeable in
>see how wrong it is, and how many liberties it takes
>disregard wikipedia as a source forever

>> No.18985410

Eh, nah, I don't waste my time reading anything recommended on /lit/. I don't really care about your favorite sophist, psued.

>> No.18985412


>> No.18985414

Go read the discussion of the articles in question, you retarded ESL nigger.

>> No.18985421

>more platitudes and stupidity
Let's just let the thread die, lads.

>> No.18985422
File: 19 KB, 170x328, 1568090009910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't own a civilization though

>> No.18985424

I was literally at war with people who kept changing articles. Wikipedia is dead. Go to anything these days and it has huge sections on racism/collonialism, or any remotely controversial figure is TRANSPHOBIC (2)(3)(4), ALT-RIGHT (5)(6)(7)

and the sources are all fucking CNN articles.

>> No.18985426

>you'll own nothing and you will be happy
That wasn't even related to the previous post.

>> No.18985427

One of the sure signs of schizophrenia is lamenting about things that aren't actually there. You need to be on medication.
>Under assault
You just don't go outside much. You don't have friends or anything.

>> No.18985430

I'm a share holder, I have a vested interest in civilization. Maybe when you get a fucking job you'll feel the same way.

>> No.18985432

>>just let thing happen bro, don't try to stop bad changes
God I hate this LARP. Especially since knowing the people in here are literally never going to leave their rooms and impact anything. The most you're going to do to stop these changes is shit up more threads on here. And this has nothing to do with you being right or wrong.

>> No.18985434
File: 294 KB, 1462x1462, 1629555302363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't have any authority to determine what we discuss - I do.
holy shit what a sad life you must lead

>> No.18985435

You don't own anything already. You're just too afraid to accept your fate. Death is coming for you soon, and you need to come to terms with that. None of these political vanities you larp as will matter in the end.

>> No.18985440

>You just don't go outside much
What part of
>There's shootings, rapes and murders nearly every day in my based scandinsvian country because of mass immigration
Are you having trouble understanding

>> No.18985444

>several users whose full time job it is to edit articles to fit a narrative or activist movement (some, like LGBT and feminist activism, are officially endorsed by Wikipedia).
So basically it all circles back to trannies?

>> No.18985447

It's literal schizophrenia.
He's been doing this for hours now.
Leave him alone.

>> No.18985450

> And this has nothing to do with you being right or wrong.
That's cool, I feel like we could actually have a discussion about whether or not you should just ignore shit if you aren't going to have a significant impact on the problem. Most of humanity agrees that you should take a stance, why do you disagree.

>> No.18985451

>i propagate the system even though I think it's bad
Truly amazing cognitive dissonance. Thanks for your service o7. I smell an American response, so I can safely assume you'll be screeching about how much money you make and how many things you can buy.

>> No.18985452
File: 32 KB, 504x503, You haven't unlocked this character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl, what are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.18985459

He's a shill for neo-libs, mate, we should all stop responding to him since he's not interested in presenting a coherent point without resorting to buzzwords (i.e. incel, friendless basement dweller, etc.). If you continue talking with the creature it'll just continue gaslighting.

>> No.18985461

you sound like a third-world poorfag who doesn't go outside

>> No.18985462

What the fuck are you talking about. I'm trying to maintain a status quo in the face of aggressive alteration. Where the fuck did I say I think it's bad, I think it's good that's why I'm trying to keep it good. You dumbass.

>> No.18985464


Any halfwit can see the false equivalence you made to me being a member of civilisation, to some nonsense claim about me owning civilisation. What you ignore from my comment is more important.

You ignore that there is an enemy waging war. You ignore that you (who claim my enemy does not exist), act in the same way that my enemy does. You ignore how I point out all your arguments are the same shitty bait pointed at someone who is probably insecure. You ignore that you are ugly, and that ugliness drives people to people like me, who love life, liberty and beauty.

I will add you and yours to my prayers tonight Swedebro <3

>> No.18985466

>Being a worker
They see me neeting, they seethin & copin'
They Can't do anything about it, they cucking 9 to 5
Tryna catch me wage cucking
Tyrna catch me wage cucking

>> No.18985468

>why do you care about the truth?

>> No.18985473

>Writes a paragraph
Post hidden

>> No.18985474

I'm starting to see that, thank you.
Oh, he's not even a shill he's just a failure who wants to destroy the system that rejects him, gross >>18985466

>> No.18985481

What do you mean? I don't do anything. I just ride the tiger bro. My life is great. I don't work, I get benefits, I bully people on 4chan who have to go to work tomorrow - my life is amazing. You seethin' while I'm fappin'

>> No.18985488

Why are people who make politics their entire world view so boring and pathetic. Imagine being such a loser you spend your days on /lit/ seething about politics.

>> No.18985489

You would be amazed how damaging apathy is to a living system.

>> No.18985505

If the problem was some minor shift in civilization that's gonna take decades to take hold, the whole discussion becomes way more interesting. But there are many many anons in this very thread who are screaming about an immediate threat to their safety. This isn't something you should be discussing with international strangers on the internet. This is something that should be met with physical organization and protests of different forms. That's all I'm saying. I'm down for calmly discussing the problems and threats of modern ideologies. But then again I live in almost full isolation from the world and decent independence from the system, I can safely take on an apathetic outlook.
>haha u are poor
lmfao. Why is this the sole American comeback, ever? What's next, you're gonna tell me I am irrelevant on the world's stage? Is that your source of pride? Propagating this system you yourself find toxic? Glad I was correct in my assessment entirely. Enjoy your coca cola, amerilard. A country built on materialism then has a mass of people screeching about its side effects. Maybe being poor was the key to not suffer from your problems.
>le 56% face
Maybe a 10% face in 2 generations, idk
>doesn't go outside
Retard. I go outside, stop using these Twitter comebacks when you have no arguments. I just live in a poor country where I won't get stabbed for going outside, I know that's hard to believe.
This IS the status quo, what the fuck are YOU talking about. It started in early 2010s, so you either failed at keeping THAT status quo, or you're fine with propagating the current one.
kek. I enjoy the seethe coming from you here though. It's funny when you see yourself as above the NEETs while it does seem you're just as impotent as they are at exerting your will upon the world.
>inb4 u are NEET
I'm not. I make decent money, and I got land, more than most of you soulless urbanites can hope for. So I'm safe for all sort of shit you guys get up to.

>> No.18985506

Life would be so boring without destruction. I don't know why you would reject it - that's like rejecting nature. Its foolish.

>> No.18985515

You've been doing for 3 hours. You're a sad example of a "human" (if you can be considered that) being.

>> No.18985517

> But there are many many anons in this very thread who are screaming about an immediate threat to their safety
increasing crime rates is objectively an immediate threat to your safety.

>This IS the status quo, what the fuck are YOU talking about. It started in early 2010s
>It started in the early 2012s
>status quo

>It's funny when you see yourself as above the NEETs while it does seem you're just as impotent as they are at exerting your will upon the world.
Congrats, you let the mask slip retard. Nobody cares how important anyone is here, it's literally irrelevant. Your the only one whose so obsessed with his own lack of import that he lashes out like a fucking child.
>hurr i make mone!
your descendants won't care about how much money you made if you sold their souls to make it...

>> No.18985521
File: 66 KB, 586x380, +_5aad2d0baeb65ff12a05d6a8e74a1b14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanton destruction of a working structure is the same as decay in nature
You're vile

>> No.18985523

Same, been here since 2012 and I was always part leftist and part right wing. Got more fascist over time as things went to shit.

I don't understand how you can live at a time when TRANNIES were forcibly mainstreamed within a few years, and think it's the right that is invasive.

>> No.18985529

Imagine thinking you're above NEETs. Regardless of how long you work - everything you own will perish when you die. Me, I just enjoy myself at your expense. You don't know how much it means to me to see that you waste so much of your precious time on me, on your day off, to seethe about to your importance of your "noble causes."
>increasing crime rates is objectively an immediate threat to your safety.
Life live dangerously, you pussy. Stop being so afraid. You're a keyboard warrior, my friend. You're not some enlightened revolutionary. You're a kid who thinks too highly of yourself. Its people like myself, on 4chan, to set you straight.

>> No.18985536
File: 193 KB, 557x305, XJUFTtG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On my 4chan

>> No.18985537

If you don't let trannies molest your child you must be some sort of evil bigot racist. You're not an evil bigot racist are you? Who am I kidding, you're white

>> No.18985540

>says the moralfag
I liked you better when you tried

>> No.18985543
File: 422 KB, 871x716, wikiedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18985544

>You've been doing for 3 hours
? I joined the thread 10 mins ago. Are you conflating me with other anons to win an argument? What a strange thing to do when you've lost an argument.
>increasing crime rates is objectively an immediate threat to your safety.
Yes, so leave your room retard.
Not an argument. Just really really believing you're right doesn't make you right. Please do consider fucking off.
>Congrats, you let the mask slip retard. Nobody cares how important anyone is here, it's literally irrelevant. Your the only one whose so obsessed with his own lack of import that he lashes out like a fucking child.
What does this mean? You're the one that's discrediting people for being NEETs, while functionally having the same power as them. Seems pathetic.
>your descendants won't care about how much money you made if you sold their souls to make it...
Yes. Agreed. But they will care about the safety and fertile land that's here.

>> No.18985546

>Life live dangerously, you pussy. Stop being so afraid.
Step one, identify the threat.
Now fuck off and leave us to our threat identification.

>> No.18985547

>Children getting raped
That's hilarious -why are you so hurt by that?

>> No.18985550

Thank you for outing yourself as irredeemably evil. Now face the wall.

>> No.18985553

>waste so much of your precious time
Why do people say this, it takes max 30 seconds to read and respond to a 4chan post.

>> No.18985556

you can spend 5 seconds and he'll seethe and actually spend time on replying
I don't even feel bad for playing with the retard

>> No.18985559

>But they will care about the safety and fertile land that's here.
What exactly is safe and fertile about a pillaged land and a raped people?

>> No.18985563

>Crying about children being raped and dying
Why are you so sensitive? Children get raped and killed all the time - who fucking cares

>> No.18985564
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1618938459835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its people like myself, on 4chan, to set you straight.
You are a loser who can't even speak English properly and most likely lives in his parents.

>> No.18985567

Woah, this is some 4d chess my friend

>> No.18985574

Not to anyone unfortunate enough to open this thread: the people who say that the subversion of wikipedia is not happening, and that you shouldn't care that your society is under attack, are the people saying that you shouldn't care about child rape.

>> No.18985575
File: 82 KB, 663x715, 9ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I proudly live with my parents and live off the system. Is there a problem, officer?

>> No.18985577

To have a worldview is to have a politic because politics is applied morality. To refrain from politics is to be an unthinking slave.

>> No.18985581

boomer moment

>> No.18985585

>What exactly is safe and fertile about a pillaged land and a raped people?
Huh? All dangerous groups of people are terminally urban materialists, unable to function a day in the rural lands, which they realistically wouldn't even find.

>> No.18985587

Worrying about politics means you're a slave to some political party or cause. You're basically free propaganda for them. You make great cannon fodder.

>> No.18985592

leftist, fascist, idk u just seem like a fuckin herb to me pal

>> No.18985602

>participation is slavery
I mean... Only if you think being alive is suffering. I bet you would be that kind of faggot.

>> No.18985610

>Be a useful idiot for politicians because you're brainwashed by the electric jew
>Call everyone else a slave because they won't follow you into the abyss
Whatever you say , m8

>> No.18985618

>Call everyone else a slave because they won't follow you into the abyss
That is literally what you're doing

>> No.18985621

>Dude, the jew on the television screen says you need to be mad about X!
>You fucking slave, why don't you listen to such an open minded thinker like me!

>> No.18985629
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1547004597371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, you were more fun when you were trying.

>> No.18985631

How does that follow? Why don't you start by telling me what politics is.

>> No.18985633

I refuse to believe people like you exist. Cattle and proud.

>> No.18985636

Dilate your pus-filled cloaca

>> No.18985641

The fact that you try so hard makes it, and you, so unfun to be around and talk to. Nobody who takes politics seriously is someone worth engaging with seriously. You're just a clown in a madhouse.

>> No.18985645
File: 39 KB, 680x635, e84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have an enemy destroying my civilisation. Whether you are one of them or not is irrelevant, you say the exact same things my enemy would say, and therefore I shall treat you as one. You can try to gaslight me, whatever, but everyone watching the thread sees the way you behave "your enemies arent real", "just dont care", "take meds", "go outside". You and your ilk bring people to my side through your repugnance, in appearance and personality.
>Beauty wins.

>> No.18985651
File: 72 KB, 850x400, quote-i-have-never-voted-in-my-life-i-have-always-known-and-understood-that-the-idiots-are-louis-ferdinand-celine-35-81-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doood consume politic!

>> No.18985652

great thread guys. /lit/ really got a whole lot better once its users became based and redpilled. it’s so cool fighting the culture war here in dozens of threads every day, i almost feel like ernst junger (who was based and redpilled)

>> No.18985657

Praise kek, my friend. The jews, the left are so close to defeat - we're just one thread away from it.

>> No.18985658

>The fact that you try so hard makes it, and you, so unfun to be around and talk to. Nobody who takes politics seriously is someone worth engaging with seriously.
He says, continually choosing to
>talk to
>be around
>and engage

>> No.18985669

Autistic people, like yourself, don't seem to get when people are bullying you for their entertainment. Just like you didn't get it when you were shoved into lockers in school - they weren't doing it to you because they wanted to be friends with you.

>> No.18985676

the bottom one clearly has a massive right wing bias. maybe you should get more adept at spotting that

>> No.18985684

>r, but everyone watching the thread
Imagine having such low esteem you have to seek validity on 4chan. You unironically typed this shit out too with a straight face. Holy shit.

>> No.18985685
File: 41 KB, 512x564, 1614560047861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im heckin bullying you!
bullying is a dynamic, nearly impossible to reliable perform on an image board like this.
you gonna go back to trying? if you're just gonna fling shit without even pretending to have a point, i'll just leave you to fester.

>> No.18985694

b-but right wingery is simple human nature! the normalest state of existence!! sam hyde told me this on one of his self help vlogs!

>> No.18985703
File: 22 KB, 1669x108, frugality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18985711
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>> No.18985724
File: 60 KB, 600x800, BC809724-B987-43C7-9875-97F3ED22C1EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18985726

>even the deformed have value in a well functioning society that's well defended from degeneration

>> No.18985730


>> No.18985735
File: 206 KB, 771x804, 4685116561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18985737

holy cope

>> No.18985739


>> No.18985740

>Implying I care

>> No.18985744

>even the deformed have value
yeah, as ground beef

>> No.18985745
File: 95 KB, 1024x1002, 1546893661398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18985767

My goodness, I had no idea it was this bad. I recently read Evolas Wikipedia because I like doing research on authors before I read them and I was puzzled by the information put on his interactions during WW2, Im no fan of any of these modern ideologies and the dichotomies they put forth so to see it write how involved he was made me wonder. It was describing his actions but very little on hus actual thoughts about fascism rampaging through the west, it just made him sound like an elitist which just didnt line up with who he is and the types of books he wrote. Ill exclusively do research elsewhere, I knew Wikipedia was horrid but I cant even get basic information anymore, before I could at least do that if I was aware of the deception

>> No.18985790

All my articles have been deleted because they werent note worthy or some shit about being a stub. Most of them existed on Japanese wikipedia so idk, they were well referenced and all.

>> No.18985799

You’ll own nothing anD be happy

>> No.18985801

encyclopedia dramatica is better than wikipedia

>> No.18985837

Just imagine the right wing death squads we will have in a couple of decades. History is cyclical my friends.

>> No.18985855

hella f*ckin epic. whats ur discord senpai?

>> No.18985867

Guys wtf, my screen just when really bright all of a sudden?

>> No.18985870

haha dont worry dude it means you just got whitepilled!

>> No.18985926

It's kinda funny how many people get trolled by literal leftypol trannies

>> No.18985992

>argument lost
>goalposts moved
>shaming engaged
Typical leftynigger.

>> No.18986005

>Conspiracies made
>Assertions called
>Meds not taken
Typical poltard

>> No.18986046

>micropenis caged
>anus gaped
>pozzed gaydick inserted

>> No.18986064

>Fantasies - engaged
>Homosexuality - repressed
>In the closet - obvious

>> No.18986167

Democracy was a mistake

>> No.18986215
File: 205 KB, 573x409, 1630188486509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another great and constructive /lit/ thread. Keep it up, boys.

>> No.18986615

Damn.. so that is why Muslims love goats

>> No.18986720

>My wife can't even walk outside past 8PM without feeling unsafe.
Who sexually harasses, rapes and murders more, anon, nonwhite women or white men? Why is the common denominator immigrants and not men?

>> No.18986729

>Who sexually harasses, rapes and murders more, anon, nonwhite women or white men? Why is the common denominator immigrants and not men?
what's more plausible: society without men or without immigrants?

>> No.18986737

Don't you remember when Manning got 'a sex change' and was basically universally referred to as Chelsea and she after? That was years before Jenner and the 2016 election

>> No.18986772

>the language games
But the 2015 article has more language games and reads as if it was written by a 16 year old (or ESL).

>> No.18986794

Whether you're on the right or left, it should be obvious that the west has reached Weimar levels of degeneracy. Once there is a major crisis like an economic crash or a world war, there will be a major resurgence in nationalism and fascism. You can already see this rising in European countries in general today. Pointing out this obvious fact doesn't make someone a glownigger.

>> No.18986825

society that actually punishes rapists and doesn't instil values which subtly lead to rape
I believe men are capable, why don't you?

>> No.18986908


>> No.18986933

Its pretty obvious that the right and left are just depots with different shades. Both rely on an infantile alarming to frighten people to waste their time their pathetic causes.

>> No.18986959

men are only overwhelmingly overrepresented in cases of sexual and violent assault because the criminal justice system is biased against men ;)

>> No.18987015

That is very racist. Do you think the societies the immigrant come from instil values that encourage rape ? Have you ever travelled and enjoyed the benefits of multiculturalism ?

>> No.18987053

It´s so cringe, the worst is when you go on the wikipage of some cuckservative and it says that they are a far-right notse in the first paragraph. It´s so obvious that libtards are editing it.

>> No.18987060

Yikes, seems like you BTFOd him.

>> No.18987066

>What happened to Wikipedia over the last few years? I can easily spot leftist bias and tone in every article nowadays.

I suspect you have spent "the last few years" on /pol/ etc

>> No.18987087

Maybe, but the top one is written as such that a libshit would just copy paste it to some other right wing thinker and then change some names. I wouldn´t actually be surprised if some organizations approached the spergs that edit Wikipedia and told them that if they push their shit they´ll get paid for it.

>> No.18987102

Because it´s obviously written by someone with bad intentions which can be seen from the venomous language involved. I can almost see the person who wrote it sneering through my screen.

>> No.18987112

>You give too much importance to Wikipedia

>> No.18987122

Yes, you are an idiot.

>> No.18987177

better than the 1000000000000000000000th lolita thread

>> No.18987428

Yes, metacontextual threads like this are far more interesting than the daily book circlejerk.

>> No.18987459

What a fucking garbage take. The state of the modern west should alarm you and will lead to a major reaction just like it has in the past. The greatest war in the history of the world happened less than a century ago and similar conditions are arising today. Trying to downplay this and accuse people of being “alarmist” is absurd. We will see serious shit go down in our lifetime (assuming you’re not a boomer).

>> No.18987566

He's right, though, sick of seeing Dosto and Lolita threads.

>> No.18987733

Our society also instils values which subtly lead to rape. Not the same values as in the Muslim world, but they still exist. How is it controversial that viewing sex as a conquest over the boundaries and airs of modesty from a subject leads to poor attitudes to sex and rape?

>> No.18987893

This is genuinely depressing and I think Evola's writings are nonsense. I hate how sanitized the internet has become after Trump's win.

>> No.18987934

Take a bullet to the head.

>> No.18988360

That was almost certainly edited by an ADL jew. lmao.

>> No.18988384

Yeah and then you open the references and the sources are literally the most retarded retorts of some of his claims. The ''philosophers'' who rejected his views were Dunker (a psychoanalyst) and some unknown professors from a brazilian university.

>> No.18988385

this, end of thread

>> No.18988468

that goat is gigantic, and not just in the arse department

>> No.18988694

Not gonna lie, that top pic of him is kino as fuck

>> No.18988846
File: 93 KB, 1080x365, Screenshot_20210905_231719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone who believes pic rel deserves to have their wiki page flaunt all of their retardation for the world to see.

>> No.18988865

Whats wrong with the top?

>> No.18988869

>believe this literal who instead because it fits my agenda

>> No.18988887

They aren't wrong

>> No.18989034

>Using an encyclopedia for emotional validation

>> No.18989052


>> No.18989078

Childhood is being mad at your teachers because they won't let you use wiki as a source
Adulthood is realizing why wiki is a bad source

>> No.18989364

A bit but it is still better than the 2015 one. The 2015 one reads like it was written by a high schooler that just discovered Evola. The 2018 one at least sounds like it has been written by an adult that speaks English.

>> No.18989483

No it doesn't, like at all. Are you fucking insane?

>> No.18989486
File: 55 KB, 1654x217, Kubrick Infobox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite wikipedia autism page is always the semi-regular arguments over whether Stanley Kubrick's page requires an infobox or not.

>> No.18989508

Expand on this?

>> No.18989533

Look at the talk page of the article on circumcision.

>> No.18989542

You honestly can’t be older than 16 if you haven’t noticed the change in politics and deepening cultural divide of the last ten years
Yes you are not crazy, you can’t just “edit wikipedia” anymore, you have to be on its council of troons

>> No.18989550
File: 13 KB, 1456x75, Screenshot_159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fake right? There's no way this isn't some kind of sarcastic remark.

>> No.18989581

Wikipedia allows you to cite Salon.com as a source

>> No.18989595

And he has a point. This is something even Wolfgang Smith addressed (with reference to other sources), this has even phenomenological implications.

>> No.18989598
File: 79 KB, 1546x250, Dont be bigoted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially, the infobox is the little thing on the right side of an article that gives you a basic overview of a person or thing, right? Most pages have it. Except, for Stanley Kubrick and a few other individuals, there is no such infobox. A group of power editors/admins have undertaken a crusade against 'idiotboxes' because individuals like Stanley Kubrick are too good to have them and such illustrious career's are constrained by such things. This argument has been going on for over half a decade at this point, with endless arguments over whether or not it should be included. Last time it came up discussion got banned for 2 years and it's only recently been lifted. I'm really underselling it here, the whole thing is an autism rabbithole of powertripping cliques and wikipedia politics.

>> No.18989738

Jesus has one

>> No.18989744

What the fuck? What is even the controversy?

>> No.18989781

>an encyclopedia shouldn't be easy to navigate
That's fucking insane.

>> No.18989786
File: 64 KB, 1236x258, stop being so fucking disruptive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you. Infoboxes and autism. The infoboxes themselves are the controversy. Have a look for yourself:


>> No.18989821
File: 46 KB, 1689x867, Note the scrollbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it absolutely is. The people opposing the infobox are, unsurprisingly, the people who also wrote Kubrick's article, which is massively overwrought and overlong. It's honestly a mess.

>> No.18989826


>> No.18989827

often true

>> No.18989833

There's a joke here about Stan writing the article himself

>> No.18989898

what the fuck are you talking about. the 2015 is arguably worse

>> No.18989936

Then argue it retard. Argue it so we can laugh at you.

>> No.18991380

Unironically get help.