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File: 28 KB, 735x414, Based_Department_Thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18980435 No.18980435 [Reply] [Original]

You guys know a lot about words right? What's the etymology of the word "based" as it is used in online communities? How come the word which means roughly "founded upon" and comes from the Latin "basis" today means "anything that I approve of"?

>> No.18980441

>You guys know a lot about words right?
based on what?

>> No.18980457

Dude, its from Lil B

>> No.18980463

I’ve heard it comes from rap, some idiot who referred to himself as “based god”
I’ve heard more plausibly in my opinion that it comes from arabic teens in english speaking european countries translating a phrase that roughly means “based on what allah says” into english: so the word “based” as it’s used roughly means that something is as good as the word of god
A lot of popular parlance comes, apparently, from lodges too. Referring to something as “Goat”, the phrase “take it easy” ... I know there’s others but I haven’t had my coffee. Anyway “based” may also be a similar thing.

>> No.18980487

viper tier meme rapper Lil B used the word based. it was actually an insult, as in base (crack) head, I guess people called Lil B based because he was weird. he started using it to describe himself positively as the based god. in like 2012ish, Lil B was a big meme, people would use TYBG and based and it spread to 4chan. Lil B became irrelevant but the term based stuck around on 4chan for some reason and now zoomers don’t know where it came from.

>> No.18980675

I read the other day that there is an ancient Greek word that we haven't been able to translate until 'based' came around. I don't remember the Greek word but it means something along the lines of holding steadfast to your beliefs with no regard for detractors

>> No.18980756

>more plausibly in my opinion
on the contrary, you've just presented the most ridiculous explanation of the word ever
>arabic teens in english speaking european countries
there's literally one such country
fucking americans, jesus christ

>> No.18980761

Who knows, based could be based upon.

>> No.18980794

Anybody who doesn't know lil b and free base smoking of crack is a zoomer. Lil b is the nigger representative of the new sincerity movement. In an era where rap was getting a little too bougoueisie and wordsmith obsessed lil b took a stand. He was the reaction to someone like donald glover being venerated as a "respected" rapper. Lil b was a self avowed retard crack head that dared to release hundreds of audio shitposts. He took the approach of sheer quantity over quality and released multiple "tracks" a day. Based came to mean a combination of retarded, sincere, and distilled to purest essence. Lil b possessed not one iota of irony or depth in an era where everything was disappearing behind the fogged mirror of irony. His raw retardation earned him the respect of many as a reminder of what the true human condition stripped of the artifice of irony and social media posturing boiled down to.

>> No.18980866

Newfags, I swear.

This is the real explanation. To go further, the reason it has its meaning and connotations today is that Lil B’s whole thing was being completely open, honest, and unapologetic about who you are. So being “based” basically started to mean doing and saying whatever the fuck you want and not caring what anyone thinks. So for 4chan types, especially after gamer gate, 2016 election, etc. this correlates pretty heavily with one’s willingness to openly hate women and say nigger and the like. But it all depends on context. Ironically, the word is so mainstream and widespread in online discourse that you can get called based for regurgitating mainstream news media talking points, so long as you’re doing it to the right audience.

>> No.18980883

It is obviously from Lil B, he used it frequently before it was popular here.

>> No.18981569

I been on 4chan since 2010 and i didn't know this. I thought it was just another word to say "cool" or "awesome"

>> No.18981575

It's the opposite of DEbased like your mum.

>> No.18981579

I know plenty of europeans who speak english as a second language, and there are plenty of muzzies in european countries.

>> No.18981846

the best explanation in the tread

>> No.18981867

great post anon thanks

>> No.18981934


>> No.18982162

Because funny

>> No.18982167


>> No.18982174
File: 21 KB, 300x211, baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't say?

>> No.18982184
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>all these zoomers that use "based" with no knowledge of Lil B
Absolutely disgusting and embarrassing.

>> No.18982291

Thank you based god

>> No.18982306

People knowing a second language doesn't make the country one that speaks the second language. English is secondary everywhere outside of UK and Ireland (which practically doesn't have muslims).
Muslims are generally nonexistent outside of big cities in the northern parts of the continent. Usually they have difficulties adapting even to the actual local language, so thinking that they would use English much and that somehow their word usage would seep into the internationally-spoken English is objectively idiotic.

>> No.18983434

Dare I say, based?

>> No.18983445
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>> No.18983468
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Good post, it's been way too long since I've seen one of those macros.

>> No.18983494

it's ebonics and it comes from a term used about cutting crack with a base (?) therefore based

>> No.18983880

>His raw retardation earned him the respect of many as a reminder of what the true human condition stripped of the artifice of irony and social media posturing boiled down to.

how do i channel this energy? how do i become a lil-b-ist?

>> No.18983896

Listen through the entirety of "848 Song Based Freestyle Mixtape" (his defining work) and then the entire rest of his discography in chronological order.

>> No.18984006


>> No.18984119

Reminder that Kevin Durant is still cursed. Lil B temporarily retracted the curse when KD played for his team, but it never truly went away.

>> No.18984137
File: 547 KB, 800x800, bladee-6592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based is too happy. i want to start replying to doomer posts with

>> No.18984236
File: 25 KB, 255x429, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read the other day that there is an ancient Greek word that we haven't been able to translate until 'based' came around.

"Arete" which loosely means "excellence"

But it's untrue there was no popular understanding of it in the English language. Robert M Pirsig's hippie classic "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" was na exploration of the term, written as autobiography. He literally spends 300+ pages discussing its philosophical implications using character dialog and anecdotes, and tells the story of his mental breakdown triggered by the loss of concept in Western modernity.

>> No.18984839

based LGBT-baiting meme rap enjoyer

>> No.18984852

How the fuck do you not know this?

>> No.18984856 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18985176
File: 104 KB, 818x1005, BEAMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey latinfags, I need help.

Can I use femininus and masculinus in the sense of the feminine or the masculine. So for example:

Femininus - that is x and y, while masculinus is this or that.

In the sense of the words femininus and masculinus encompasing the feminine and the male spirit.

>> No.18985900

didnt read the thread, but being based is the same as keeping it real

>> No.18986095
