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18950683 No.18950683 [Reply] [Original]

How to understand and accept the randomness of the cards we are dealt with? How does /lit/ accept the limitations on their lives, preferably education?

>> No.18950693

Another is still possible, we just don't have the courage to do it.

>> No.18950734


>> No.18950751

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18950830


>> No.18950836

Another what?

>> No.18951004

>How does /lit/ accept the limitations on their lives, preferably education?
The limitations on my life is nothing compared to what other lifeforms here on Earth have to deal with, or what people in previous eras had to deal with. You are limiting yourself

>> No.18951016

Great Expectations.

>> No.18951124
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>> No.18951212

true but this doesn't discount the fact that there are in fact, limitations, right?

>> No.18951224

>How does /lit/ accept the limitations on their lives?
Don't. Read Edward Abbey and Jack London and Mark Twain.

>> No.18951227

Doesn't Rawls go over this on the topic of Fairness?

>> No.18951238

Another Domino... i.e. another step in evolution... and "not having the courage to do it" implying eugenics and genocide... remember to read, don't be a pseud.

>> No.18951370

So what? I imagine life would be boring with no limitations. Consider art. Working around your limitations is where I get to apply my creativity, and that's what gives me happiness in life.

>> No.18951396

Consider art? Art is a damn huge privilege.

>> No.18951511

>Art is a damn huge privilege
No, it's not. Where does blues come from?

>> No.18951524

>Where does blues come from?
last century

>> No.18951531

stop. it's IQ.
there is no soul lottery before birth. if you're born intelligent, it's probably in a country full of intelligent people, and it's a better country because of it.
the country exists because more capable people created it. this was effort, not luck.
blank slate theory really distorts your perception of reality, get rid of it. you are in genetic competition with 7 billion other apes

>> No.18951537

And now I have to learn Calculus. Fuck you monkey

>> No.18951551

IQ is much higher today than in the Renaissance but our culture is collapsing. IQ is a very good measure of logical problem solving which is very useful for the industrial system, but it says nothing about many other key factors of humanity.

>> No.18951556

>IQ is much higher today
flynn effect isn't real
>than in the Renaissance but our culture is collapsing
that's your opinion and I disagree (my opinion)

>> No.18951613

Well then I only hope that dilating goes well for you today, disgusting nigger loving tranny cocksucker

>> No.18951706

Picture an earthworm being dragged by ants to their colony.

Now explain your problem to it, imagine it perfectly understands your words, but realise the earthworm only has its own perspective, and some concepts will need to be explained.

Hurry, once it is dragged in the ant hill it will die, and your time is up.

>> No.18952612

yeah that didnt make any sense

>> No.18952620

>flynn effect isn't real
it's real though, but it is in reversal today

>> No.18952624

>implying eugenics and genocide
We tried this. Didn't go over well.

>> No.18952635

'privilege' is just a tumblr invention, it doesn't exist

>> No.18952646

because it was based on retarded ideals

>> No.18952674

>>implying eugenics and genocide
>We tried this. Didn't go over well
you haven't seen anything yet

>> No.18952696

Oh was it? What are the new enlightened ideals you suggest, brainiac?
Literally. Where are the graves? The smokestacks? Didn't happen.

>> No.18952757

the Holocaust has nothing on the never-ending meat grinder that is Darwinian selection. once we master the human genome, all hell breaks loose. most will die

>> No.18952782

>What are the new enlightened ideals you suggest, brainiac?
there are some problems that will inevitably necessitate some kind of eugenics. For example the loss of general, mostly hereditary iq that is happening primarily due to smart people procreating less often in our times than before (Michael A. Woodley - Historical Variability in Heritable General Intelligence_ Its Evolutionary Origins and Socio-Cultural Consequences). These topic are still not articulated well enough, so they avoid public attention, but they are out there.

>> No.18952786
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you don't

>> No.18952795

There's nothing to understand. Shit happens.

>> No.18952812

>How to understand and accept the randomness of the cards we are dealt with?


>How does /lit/ accept the limitations on their lives, preferably education?

I live in a time (21st century) and place (first world country) where this is not necessary

>> No.18952824

>How to understand and accept the randomness of the cards we are dealt with?
What is there to understand?

Everyone is born different, there is literally nothing you can do about nature. Deal with it and stop being a faggot.

>> No.18953854

The Hindu explanation is quite elegant because you deserve you current lot due to actions made in previous lives. Even the Christian "count your blessings" is preferable to the negative and secular "check your privilege".

>> No.18953871

wow you sound like an indian supremacist, you racist. check YOUR privilege!

>> No.18953874

spend some time at the end of each day thinking about all the good stuff i enjoyed in that day and thanking god for it.

>> No.18954943

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done unto you"- Sartre

of course, that's easier to think and feel and do that way when you're not starving or dying slowly

>> No.18955072

Fuck off

>> No.18956265

what about the bad things?

>> No.18956350
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Just what I was going to say. The Buddhist explanation, too, of course, since these traditions are so closely intertwined and much about karma and reincarnation perfectly matches between the two, except what Hinduism views as a reincarnating self (Atman, Purusha, or what-you-will), Buddhism views as just a Humean bundle or flux, like water in a river.

Everyone gets what they deserve and gets born into the exact station in life they deserve. Does this sound strange? Fatalistic? I recommend the Bhagavad Gita and Dhammapada.

>> No.18956370

Don't need to set aside time for those, they come up on their own