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18934121 No.18934121 [Reply] [Original]

>It would have been objectively better if you, the person reading this right now, had not existed at all

What the FUCK was his problem?

>> No.18934164


If everyone made the world a better place it'd be perfect by now.

>> No.18934174

Perfect for who?

>> No.18934212


>> No.18934227

My idea of a perfect world has you being tortured every day. I mean this with full sincerity, I want you to be physically tortured until the day you die.

Is that a perfect world for you?

>> No.18934260

>What the FUCK was his problem?
He was a hylic

>> No.18934262

I could heem you faggot, how about that?

>> No.18934271

Fucking bring it, queer

Today’s the day we start your torture regimen and it starts with my fist in your ass

>> No.18934277

Death is a consequence of birth.

>> No.18934286

>life sucks
>so you should kill yourself
>but reincarnation happens
>so you need my special teachings to kill yourself properly
wtf is this shit

>> No.18934287

>I have no idea what modern medicine is

The first person who will live forever has already been born

>> No.18934291
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He was a wrong man, in a wrong place, at a wrong time.

>> No.18934294

Buddhism and Buddha himself were extremely anti-suicide. It’s not about ending your life, it’s about living your life properly.

>> No.18934335

>The first person who will live forever
No such thing. Probability alone prevents it.

>> No.18934347

Wow, so no knowledge of medicine NOR statistics!

We’ve got a qualified retard here folks!

>> No.18934353

Wow, a perfect case of Dunning-Kruger here. A midwit retard.

>> No.18934374


Better than being a life denying Buddhist like yourself

>> No.18934379

Illness of any kind is objectively bad and some illnesses are bad enough that even if taking your own life is wrong, dying from an accident is good. There's a moment in Plato, I think, about a dying man at sea who resents being saved after nearly drowning. But I'm sure that there's more to it than "suicide bad," since arguably suicide bombings are the good/purposive kind of death, which is absurd. Autistic incels committing mass shootings aren't enlightened beings... aren't they?

>> No.18934386

What could you know about Buddhism, if you denied even knowledge of basic stats and causality in previous posts?

>> No.18934411

everyone is the same. you don't actually want other people to suffer, if you do you're ignorant because that means you will suffer. your experience is objectively better if my experience is objectively better, and my experience is objectively better if your experience is objectively better.
stop playing the dishonest game of "what everyone wants is different". it's not different. we are all the same.

>> No.18934439

>you don't actually want other people to suffer
I do, do not pretend I am like you. I want other people to suffer.

>> No.18934446

If you stubbed your toe, my life would be made better.

>> No.18934450

No you don't, you just think you do. if you could fully experience making another suffer and everything that comes with it you would not enjoy the experience and would desire for it to change. you are completely ignorant.

>> No.18934459


>> No.18934464

I completely enjoyed the torture I made my younger siblings and my mother endure.

I would enjoy making you suffer.

>> No.18934505
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No dummy, it's just ignorance. You will eventually experience something because of your actions and you will not enjoy the experience, you will desire for it to change just as you desired to cause whatever suffering against others that you have.
Ignorance, anger, giving in to emotion, this is weakness and regression. Confidence, stability, control, patience, compassion, wisdom, this is strength. You are very naive.
You are weak and ignorant. You will eventually change. Your suffering will force you to change. you know that deep down you have a lot of love inside you.

>> No.18934512

Put yourself into my hands and we’ll see who is crying out for change first

>> No.18934520
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lol dummy. Good luck buddy, you clearly need it.

>> No.18934544

You’ll be wishing for that luck for yourself when I have my hand one foot up your colon

>> No.18934574

>>It would have been objectively better if you, the person reading this right now, had not existed at all
Honestly, yes.

>> No.18934586

So why haven’t you ended it all?

>> No.18934598
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I'll be screaming "harder daddy"

>> No.18934604

Where do I start with Pajeet literature bros? The Vedas?

>> No.18934609

I am trying to become a buddha. But obviously not a very fast process.

>> No.18934611

The Bhagavad-Gita

>> No.18934612

For the first perhaps, until you learn that the pain won’t end until I finish you off.

>> No.18934719

>he thinks that there is a person reading this
Puggalavadans are pathetic

>> No.18934731

Upanishads are superior.

>> No.18934751
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Wrong. Cause I was born into this world

>> No.18934758
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Based UpaniChad

>> No.18934957

You chose to not kill yourself

>> No.18934958
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What would be the point of such rigorous training and codified practices if it all had the same effect as a bullet through the head? And for that matter, how could "proper suicide" cause the Buddha to glow, levitate, teleport, etc?

>> No.18934990

Because I was born into this world!

>> No.18935216

But you chose not to be born out of it

>> No.18935226

Buddhism is so unnatural. Like Christianity, it really is a shitty religion seeking to tame animals.

>> No.18935232

>so unnatural

So Thailand is just an unnatural country?

>> No.18935239

We were perfect the moment we were born. Sin is a spook

>> No.18935249
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>he hasn't even meditated himself into the schizo bootloading of multiple lifetimes of random people
You need to get past at least an eon of lifetimes if you're going to reincarnate as the nothingness of God himself.

The oracle foretold my birth OP to my mother who gave birth to me standing up. Get on my level you fucking greedy deluded hateful dumb bitch. I have over 300 confirmed ego deaths and optics maxxing meritorious past lives.

>> No.18935263

All countries are unnatural, and Asian are mongoloids without a vibrant, active culture. They're only good at being slaves without a shred of individualism within in them. They can only either copy the West, or be sterile ascetics who can only take orders from others.

>> No.18935285

Yep. Ascetecism is a tool and taming women is the final goal of a Hellenic Vedic Pythagorean religion of eternally thriving within being as is instead of trying to out the system. Pythagoras in his miracles just taught to live a good life. That's it. That is enough. Life is good. Goethe too is on the same page. Natural is super and supernatural is just distraction from the super of natural.

>> No.18935289

Buddhism is very unnatural because psychologically it sublimates our natural egoism into a cult of altruism and quietism. That's really no way to live. Its popularity just means its a more pernicious disease, if anything, because it shows how much of a shirk it is for facing the difficulties of life.

>> No.18935292

>All countries are unnatural
This is why white people will lose their country to my nation

>> No.18935295

The Oera Linda categorizes Asians the same way. The Findas folk (Fingolians) are decietful and poisoned their Frya neighbors (Frisian huwhite).

>> No.18935311

Israel? Yeah it's going to suck for us to be China 2.0

>> No.18935319

>Their country
Case in point. Lemming mentality is so boring to me. I think I will avoid Buddhist balderdash.

>> No.18935321

Thus Spoke Zarathustra: I love him who scattereth golden words in advance of his deeds, and always doeth more than he promiseth: for he seeketh his own down-going.

I love him who justifieth the future ones, and redeemeth the past ones: for he is willing to succumb through the present ones.

I love him who chasteneth his God, because he loveth his God: for he must succumb through the wrath of his God.

I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may succumb through a small matter: thus goeth he willingly over the bridge.

I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgetteth himself, and all things are in him: thus all things become his down-going.

I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his head only the bowels of his heart; his heart, however, causeth his down-going.

I love all who are like heavy drops falling one by one out of the dark cloud that lowereth over man: they herald the coming of the lightning, and succumb as heralds.

Lo, I am a herald of the lightning, and a heavy drop out of the cloud: the lightning, however, is the SUPERMAN

>> No.18935332


>he thinks the world stage of 2030 will be at all similar to now

I feel sorry for you white people

>> No.18935340

The USA of 2030 is going to be far far behind the world stage. It's creeping now but it will slide into the shitter. El Salvador is going to be nice next year I bet.

>> No.18935353

Buddhism speaks of love and acceptance of others. Its so interesting how quick its followers are in abandoning those principles when you refuse to conform to their ideals. It just goes to show its utter bullshit, and like every other religion, is a cult that is frightened of independent thought. Nihilism is already persuasive in the West; China replacing us would make no difference besides add even more mongolism unto the melting pot petri disk we've been for quite some time.

>> No.18935370


Thanks for showing me that you have no ideas what you’re talking about and that you have a repensionist mindset

>> No.18935372
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Extinguishing desire and thus consciousness kills the will with Anhedonia. However the Buddha understood the will and its significance in relation to cognition of impressions better than anyone else. However to what end is this understanding? Look at those who followed Buddha and those who followed Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer's devotees harnessed the will better than anyone with their religious deovtion to desire itself as part of their national identity in furthest extension. This is the path of greatest resistance. Only the Jews and Germans have ever cognized this triumph of the will of the man knowing himself. This is now beyond good and evil.

>> No.18935379

My friend, when I speak of "us" - it is only for linguistic purposes. I, for one, know there could never be an "us." And I'd be happy for nothing more.

>> No.18935394

My people will have personal ownership over you whites.

>> No.18935401
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You've had too much meditations
Sir can you spell "ego death" backwards to me?

>> No.18935408

You already to the Chinese I might add.

>> No.18935416

I am the Chinese, slave.

>> No.18935429

Post your hand chink larper. I know you're not a real chink, they're not this arrogant even if they will own the world by 2050

>> No.18935431


>> No.18935436

Lmao, look at how afraid the white is. He knows he is being replaced. His offspring (if he ever has any) will be slaves to my own.

>> No.18935449
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>> No.18935469


>was rich and was having orgies on a daily basis because he was supposedly a prince
>realized it wasn't bringing him happpiness(banging all those 10/10 indian girls)
>became a poor monk who never ate anything and just lay around all day

>> No.18935471

Oh my goodness, what a cope

>> No.18935485

>"forgive me if I take the floor again, perhaps this is the last time. Gradually, I cut off almost all of my human connections - out of disgust at the fact that I am mistaken for something other than what I am. Now you are on the waiting list. For years I've been sending you my works, so that you finally, once and honestly and naively, say: "Every word terrifies me." And here you would be right. Because you are an "idealist", I also go about with idealism, as with dishonesty rooted in instincts, as with the desire for nothing in the world not to see reality; every phrase of my works contains contempt for idealism. In the whole history of mankind there was no worse misfortune than this intellectual dishonesty; all the realities were taken away from their value by inventing an "ideal world" ... Do not you understand my task? And what do I call the words "revaluation of all values"? Why does Zarathustra look at the virtuous as the most dangerous breed of people? Why should he be a destroyer of morality? You forgot that he says: "Crush, break the good and the righteous"?"

>> No.18935492

>"Almost every one of you have been building illusions all your life. Many troubles, including in my life, result from the fact that you are trusted - while your judgments are completely untrustworthy."

>> No.18935504

Lmao. Pot calling the kettle black, nigger.

>> No.18935511 [DELETED] 

buddha was the typical rich person who became lie and rot neet
that's because what being an ascetic entails

comtemplation doesn't even do anything. it was just an excuse to sit around and lie and rot

>> No.18935521

Correct and based

>> No.18935539
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Contemplation doesn't actually do anything. Ascetics made it up so the normal fags of their society wouldn't criticize them for being worthless (ie not working)
it was just an excuse to lie and rot

all hermits, monks and ascetics are just stealth neets who use spirituality as an excuse or justification for their lifestyle

>> No.18935543

Only if you were begotten by vitruvian parents for serene and perfect 9 months. Defects are inherited otherwise and things get worse as you're raised by significantly shitty parents you're not supposed to resist and have no ability to improve. This necessitates Divinity to correct this problem. Even as a reduced concept to soothe pain it is going to follow man anywhere he goes no matter what he is taught. If he hurts he wants to pray. He wants there to be someone and something beyond the suffering with promise.

>> No.18935559
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More like masterful grift. I went to a B*ddhist temple full of Thai grandmas feeding the monks and the landlord introduced herself to me. She is a businesswoman who is very buddhist. She evangelized her own Buddhist canon to me. It was wish fulfillment motivational self help nonsense that was the exact opposite of everything Buddha has ever said. She said that desire is the most important thing and that all your wishes come true if you drop a coin at the feet of the holy buddha statues. I dont know any NEET who gets free buffet every day and all he has to do is babble sutras as if he's just thinking them. But the choice to tell people what they want to hear is BRILLIANT. To have their pulse on the layman's heart and keep him coming back with more grand donations BRAVO!

>> No.18935595

There aren't any "defects" in life besides your idealism. Looking for "divinity" outside of this corporal world will never treat the causes of your problems; it only seeks to avoid the effects which are futile acts bound to fail. Look inward, not outward.

>> No.18935613

When Buddhism became ordained by the state; it degenerated into a tool to serve it - just like Christianity in Rome. Those people aren't interested in genuine principles, but nihilistic consumerism.

>> No.18935622

>all hermits, monks and ascetics are just stealth neets who use spirituality as an excuse or justification for their lifestyle
What philosophy is not inherently self serving? Spirituality is not unique to religion either; this type of idealism runs rampant in the social sciences too, and other secular philosophies.

>> No.18936026

>What philosophy is not inherently self serving?
Why does this question apply if you do not consider for your very own post?

>> No.18936065

The most worthless are those who work, though. That's how ancient societies thought.

>> No.18936108

The problem is literally you being too retarded to understand the teachings. Try looking for a copy of buddhism for retarded brainlet dolts and start there.

>> No.18936186

you guys are retards

>> No.18936219

You just got your own name added to the torture list, retard

>> No.18936233
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Another thread about what people haven't read or didn't understand

>> No.18936257

It would be interesting to find out what, if anything they've read because I struggle to think about how they get to some of their conclusions.

>> No.18936275

Yeah I'm not sure what sutra advises you to just kill yourself as opposed to be cognizant of your volition for ephemeral things that leads to further craving and from that realization exercise a greater degree of equanimity. It's not as if the only alternative to being a slavish automaton is death

>> No.18936283
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Accursed and sovereignty pilled

>> No.18936369

>It would have been objectively better
this already goes against all of buddhas teachings
the notion of a better world or circumstance is what cause suffering in the first place

>> No.18936630

Suicide would be one of the worst ways to go as a Buddhist, if the last thoughts you have are very negative I doubt you'll be able to break free of samsara. The Noble Eightfold Path definitely isn't easy but it beats the alternative by a long shot

>> No.18936646

Why does it seem like nobody here has read Buddhist literature?
>It would have been objectively better if you, the person reading this right now, had not existed at all
That's aversion you cuck.

>> No.18936674

hahah it happens faster than a blink of an eye. can't grind your way to enlightenment

>> No.18936808

Most people here only read nu-Buddhism Schopenhauer or Hesse commentary.

>> No.18937134

I've read most of Thich Nhat Hanh's work, after I finish the one I'm on now I'm going to have to find someone else to read. I've heard good things about B. Alan Walace and have a copy of Choosing Reality: A Buddhist View of Physics and the Mind.

>> No.18937156

he's right tho

>> No.18937303

The divinity instinct is the simple urge to not accept squalor and bring about better nobler character and thus work on pure desires from wholesome states of mind. It is dangerous to claim divinity to a copyrighted monopoly metaphysic rabbi who insists you believe him alone and that there is only one way and all other information is evil. You have a divine instinct as you do hunger. You have a psyche aware of virtues it could bring about. You feel uncomfortable around people less virtuous than you and you learn around people more virtuous than you. Divinity is in practice not in preaching because you would rather live around well behaved atheists than in prostitute street Christian little Somalia "suburb".

>> No.18938145

I have never seen a Western poet as individualistic as Han Shan.
Stop reducing everything to the present.

>> No.18938376

>t. Kevin from We Need to Talk About Kevin
KYS, faggot.

>> No.18938383

Brainlet bugman religion!
Just kidding I like buddhism hehe :)

>> No.18938387

He was based

>> No.18938879

In the world you feel suffering.
In heaven you do not feel suffering.
Therefore the world should be rejected for heaven.

>> No.18938883

Based Kevin

>> No.18939464


>> No.18939496

Not before I kill you

>> No.18939520

I'm just your reflection in the mirror. Punching the mirror is enough to kill me. Use a shard of the mirror to slit your throat, you psychopathic bastard.

>> No.18940907

You won’t get away that easy, cunt

>> No.18942689

indeed,. most people that criticise the buddhist notion of desire as a poisson of the mind, don't even know that the other poison of the mind is aversion, you can't just force yourself to stop desire because that's falling into aversion
that just shows you how little this kinda guys know about buddhism

>> No.18943092

You say he is a queer and then you are going to fist his ass? how is that torture? sounds counterproductive. How about we all just get along.

>> No.18943100
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In a fist fight between gnostics and buddhists – who would be victorious?

>> No.18943130

I prefer Gnosticism, but Buddhists would win hands down
When the hoarded of Buddhists fighter monks are caving my head in like they have done to many external threats through history, I would have my victory
>seems like you care more than I do, fags