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18897472 No.18897472 [Reply] [Original]

Interesting article regarding the declining notability of Shakespeare

>> No.18897554

fuck this gay earth

>> No.18897569
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>Too male, too pale

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

>> No.18897576

>too pale, too stale
Thank G-d we still have Dante & Cervantes

>> No.18897582

>The minstrels of diversity

>> No.18897585

He'll always be notable just in terms of immediately apparent genius though, it simply sounds good

>> No.18897618

So much for timeless...

>> No.18897625
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>Josh Glancy

>> No.18897635

Not surprising. We’ve already started to move beyond humanism into sub-humanism. Being a largely humanistic author, this makes sense.

>> No.18897640

>“Over the last three years, it’s increasingly the case that the racial prism is the only way one ought to teach Shakespeare,” they said. “This has become hampering, and worrying for the future.”

>The scholar views America as the source of this shift, and worries that the change in attitude to Shakespeare across the Atlantic is filtering into Britain too. “What’s happening there is that Shakespeare studies have come to be seen as a leftover sign of colonisation or even white supremacy. Now we’re also having endless meetings about how we can decolonise Shakespeare.

>“You can and should diversify, of course, set diverse readings, use diverse casts. But you can’t stop him being a 400-year-old dead white man. If you don’t want to be an apologist for your own subject, then you’re in a difficult position.” The net result of this shift in America appears to be less Shakespeare. “We’re worried that will be the case here,” the scholar said.

>America, which traces its modern origins back to the imperial projects of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan era, has had a long affair with the Bard, who was beloved by its founding fathers. Yet relations have cooled of late, at least on campuses, where the author of Hamlet and King Lear competes with classes on “Lady Gaga and the sociology of fame” and “The linguistics of Game of Thrones”.

>Yet Farah Karim-Cooper, head of research and higher education at the Globe and the brains behind the theatre’s anti-racism seminars, which launched earlier this year, believes this is all much ado about nothing, and wonders why her reinterpretations of Shakespeare have caused a furore.
>“I’m not trying to cancel Shakespeare,” she says. “I’d be out of a job for one thing. I absolutely love Shakespeare.” Instead, Karim-Cooper says she is seeking to make his work “accessible for all”, rather than simply viewing him as “the epitome of white genius”, as many have done since he was first canonised in the 18th century. In her view, the critics ought to simmer down. “Why is it that talking about race and Shakespeare is somehow making people frightened? He’s not fragile.

>“I take a long view,” says James Shapiro, one of the world’s leading Shakespeare scholars. “Shakespeare is not being cancelled, he’s really being embraced. What’s happening is exciting. Yes, senior white scholars like myself have to take a back seat, but it’s time for that. I might feel a twinge for some very talented middle-aged white male directors, but there are good reasons why.”

>In his 40-year career, Shapiro has been through many waves of Shakespeare controversy. This may just be one more. “I’ve lived long enough to hear complaints about second-wave feminism, deconstruction, new historicism,” he says. “Right now we’re going through a period where race matters. To those who are complaining and are disturbed by the current focus, I’d say give it 10 years.”

>> No.18897648
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>James Shapiro
>"white scholars like myself"

>> No.18897703

>Right now we’re going through a period where race matters.
I thought race always mattered and what differed this period from the past is that it was the White race that mattered and now the BIPOC races matter. Why can't these people get their stories straight?

>> No.18898193

I wonder what schools are like in Israel. Do they teach this stuff or are jews just naturally like this? Feels like both.

>> No.18898231

>Farah Karim-Cooper
So she's who has ruined the Globe. Huge decline in quality after 2016.

>> No.18898267

I think if one cares about the arts this is the right time to buy a nice hardcover of whatever you hold dear. And maybe a bluray of movies you hold dear too. It's only a matter of time before they'll start decommissioning or revising entire chunks of Western culture. When it will happen, it will be sudden. They won't search your house or anything but you might look for that something one day and it will be lost.

>> No.18898323

I think they're too Nationalistic to really care in Israel. There's a real difference between the almost fascist ultra-conservative Israeli and the globohomo wandering diasporic Jew that's embedded in an unfortunate host nation. Or maybe Israel just practices the same parasitic strategy on a geopolitical scale so it's less easy to notice, I don't really know.

>> No.18898348

It's both. The ground level nationalistic Israelis are indeed just fascists, it's an ethnostate. The democratic government only exists at the pleasure of the nationalist majority who would destroy it if it tried any of the liberal social engineering crap Jews run 90% of in every other country.

International Jews don't see themselves as nationalistic, they see themselves as culturally or ethnically Jewish and they have a "fondness" for Israel that systemically makes them go easy on it and avoid "stoking antisemitism." Jews have a deep cultural instinct to circle the wagons when Jews are attacked. Especially Jews who call themselves white and blather about how they are barely Jewish and don't observe the faith etc. Those Jews will be the first to sign a petition or write a smear piece or let someone else write a smear piece in their magazine when "Jews" as a whole are attacked, although this may be in defense of "liberal tolerance" or something nebulous like that.

The international Jews hide their chauvinism under a variety of essentially similar covers like these. The way the hypocrisy works is that they have close ties to other Jews who ultimately have close ties to ordinary nationalistic chauvinistic Jews. Insult the Jews or talk about Jewish-Zionist influence or the Israel lobby, and you will suddenly have a liberal Jewish journalist conspiring with his contacts in media to destroy you from your left, and a nationalist Jew making sure you'll never work in conservative media from your right. They night not know eachother directly but they know eachother through their network of connections.

Politics of Nonassimilation is a good book.

>> No.18898573

>The Jews themselves are victims of the Jews

>> No.18898610

>Yet Farah Karim-Cooper, head of research and higher education at the Globe and the brains behind the theatre’s anti-racism seminars,
They pay people for this. How many of these "anti-racist" are just Whites gaming the system with low-hanging fruit in the same way trans athletes do?

>> No.18899015

What's scarier is that someone higher up in the institution has decided that they need an "anti-racism" seminar in the first place, and probably a whole committee approved of this so they could hire this Satan's helper.

>> No.18899090

I've been saying this for a while now, save the old versions, hold to it, cause they will rewrite everything in the coming decades to the point where whites and whatever they did never existed. Shame for the very few white kids still being born now, won't ever know what their culture was like.

>> No.18899136

There's still some edgy countries in eastern europe like russia, hungary and so on who may kept those alive though.

>> No.18899275

I'm too poor to have physical books, I have tons of books on a hard drive though.

>> No.18899277

Look at the cast of the Globe's plays prior to around 2017. Blacks were inserted in all major roles. Targetted take over to effect ethnic replacement in a cultural high ground.

>> No.18899313

Digital data is more perishable than you think. One or two hardcovers aren't an impossible commitment.

>> No.18899325

“I sit with Shakespeare, and he winces not. Across the color line I move arm and arm with Balzac and Dumas, where smiling men and welcoming women glide in gilded halls. From out of the caves of evening that swing between the strong-limbed Earth and the tracery of stars, I summon Aristotle and Aurelius and what soul I will, and they come all graciously with no scorn nor condescension. So, wed with Truth, I dwell above the veil."
What's up with the obsession with "decolonizing" literature and the like instead of working towards achieving some sort of socioeconomic equality?

>> No.18899359

"Decolonizing" is a thinly veiled euphemism for "white people removal"
Sometimes I think this is all a ploy to finally get white people to snap and go Nazi again and commit for real to totalitarianism. It can't be this overt and on the nose.

>> No.18899367
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>> No.18899405
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>“I’m not trying to cancel Shakespeare,” she says. “I’d be out of a job for one thing. I absolutely love Shakespeare.”
These people manage to do something to my bowels in a way nothing else can

>> No.18899485

> the Globe Theatre in London, Shakespeare’s home turf, anti-racism seminars are being held on decolonising his work and illuminating his problematic views on whiteness and empire
stopped reading right here. i suppose seminars on plato also aren't allowed to point out that our eyes don't shoot out beams of light? all of academia should just be one big jerk off session where we pretend the 18th century never ended?
what on earth is wrong with discussing race in shakespeare?

>> No.18899543
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>i suppose seminars on plato also aren't allowed to point out that our eyes don't shoot out beams of light?
Be honest, did this sound like a good argument when you were writing it?

>> No.18899563

It's all so tiresome

>> No.18899566


>> No.18899569

A true discussion on race in Shakespeare would be one of European excellence and and advancement in a hostile world of racial threats, of heading the warning againt race mixing in the Tempest, of driving out the race of Calibans from London, of the Shylocks of the City, eariness of villian Aaron Moors etc.

Instead it's about how to replace English people in a cultural high ground, executing a war of movement within the superstructure now that the war of manoeuvre has been won and an institution captured by the same hostile enemies Shakespeared warned against.

>> No.18899600

Good post

>> No.18899623

takes one to know one fgt

>> No.18899736

More /pol/ white genocide bs, just stop being an incel and make some babies you lazy fuck, now go back to your board with you fake outrage.

>> No.18899803


>> No.18900164

Not my problem

>> No.18900239

Ohnonono anglobros we got too cocky

>> No.18900675
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>> No.18901738

You've never read a line of the Bard in your life, Cletus.

>> No.18901807


>> No.18902091

Decolonization is just communist word games. It's merely cultural demolition.

>> No.18902096

>lol they're just exterminating all your great cultural artifacts and preaching your removal from life. Stop believing conspiracy theories.

>> No.18902106
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>>The scholar views America as the source of this shift, and worries that the change in attitude to Shakespeare across the Atlantic is filtering into Britain too. “What’s happening there is that Shakespeare studies have come to be seen as a leftover sign of colonisation or even white supremacy. Now we’re also having endless meetings about how we can decolonise Shakespeare.

I am an American and I long for the end of America as we know it. Can we have a coup or a civil war or something? Kill this dogshit country. Kill America dead. Burn the Constitution and burn the Declaration. Stab America to death. The world would be better off without it.

>> No.18902108
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>> No.18902120
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>> No.18902128

They decry colonialism while simultaneously embarking on neo-colonial projects. Anyone can notice this so my only conclusion is that they must be malicious.

>> No.18902137

>America, which traces its modern origins back to the imperial projects of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan era, has had a long affair with the Bard, who was beloved by its founding fathers. Yet relations have cooled of late, at least on campuses, where the author of Hamlet and King Lear competes with classes on “Lady Gaga and the sociology of fame” and “The linguistics of Game of Thrones”.

That's the perfect mindset of contemporary lefties, substituting the Bard for two soulless mass products of late capitalism.

>b-b-but they're not real lefties!!!

Yes, they are. That's your movement now. That's what it looks now. Adorno is dead, rotten, and is barely even read today, so what you have now is Lady Gaga, feminism, and BLM. Your so-called movement been played upon by corporations and it's too stupid to even notice. This is what you get when you try to make a movement for the ''masses'', whose average IQ must be in the 90's, at best. Nothing easier than to manipulate them in another direction, and big media and intelligence services are very good at manipulation.

>> No.18902148

dilate your wound

>> No.18902205

SJWism is the biggest colonialism event of all time. Traditional colonialism was never this effective, not even Christian catechism here in South America converted people out of their natural culture and into the colonizer's culture in such a short amount of time. Nowadays, however, we are all forced to be tree-loving puritanical American feminists. Sheer colonialism of the most unashamed kind.

>> No.18902248

I think one of the starkest differences is that traditional colonialism as you call it should be most accurately viewed as an inevitability. It was more of a technological event than a deliberate choice and its aims and destructiveness were largely material.
But neo-colonialism seems to be an intentionally engineered retribution which is directed at the very soul of a people.
It seems to have taken the evils of colonialism and not rebuked them, but learned from them and augmented them into something even more sinister, and that's really what is so repulsive about it.