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/lit/ - Literature

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18893348 No.18893348 [Reply] [Original]

Post words you’ve stopped using because of anons shaming you

>> No.18893355

Imagine letting a mexican bully you out of using the word though

>> No.18893360
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I tend to pick up more vocabulary than drop

>> No.18893364
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>> No.18893367

You should literally use those words ironically. Unironically not even joking though. Pretty comfy if you ask me.

>> No.18893533

they shit on the word "though" because people use it unnecessarily...though

>> No.18893672

i-is that a puffy vulva

>> No.18893684
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what the FUCK is she a fucking vampire

>> No.18893698

based retard

>> No.18893720

>>>>Literally allowing these shit-smeared mongoloids to "bully" you into unironically avoiding certain words

That's pretty fucking pathetic though OP, ngl. Not comfy at ALL. Quit being a weak-willed pussy JFC.

>> No.18893721

>Ashamed of using though
Stop browsing /int/

>> No.18893785

none cause i'm not a bitch lmao

>> No.18894020

none, but i realized (on my own) that the word "redundant" is very reddit-esque, so i don't use it as much anymore.

>> No.18894043


>> No.18894234

Dis nigga be spittin nuttin buh fax tho

>> No.18894249

This fucking board is really gonna basedjak shame anons into abandoning the entire English language

>> No.18894771
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>based retard

>> No.18894777


>> No.18894928

One time I used the phrase "It's almost like" and then I realized I was being a snarky faggot vowed to never use it again

>> No.18894933
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>> No.18894945


I literally and unironically don't care what any of you failures think, and neither should you. Nobody here is healthy.

>> No.18894959

Stop using "though"

>> No.18894964

though I haven't literally stopped I am ironically unironically doing it just to be comfy lazy.

>> No.18894969

I'm using these words shamelessly, mostly ironically but not always though

>> No.18894977

That's true for all people.

>> No.18894997

I am unironically literally comfy using any words I want, though

>> No.18894998

I haven't stopped using any of those words but those words tend to be used by midwit and cretins quite occasionally. So it's become associated with poverty of style and taste.
A thing I've noticed about literature is that sentences and paragraphs have become shorter. Why do you think this is so? Is it a case of dumbing down of literature or just an evolution of style?

>> No.18895000

y tho?

>> No.18895010

using "like" in writing as one does in speech is unacceptable. it's what cretins and yokels do.

>> No.18895071

“Trite.” I used it on a forum as a teenager and someone said it was one of those words people pick up from a word-a-day calendar.

>> No.18895128

Actually meaningless, annoying words and phrases official list:
>Don't get me wrong
fuck you, put more effort in making your initial point then
based on what?
completely lost its meaning and is a sign of illiterate zoomer speak

>> No.18895151

literally just give me the name

>> No.18895176

Though I unironically agree that the word is overused today and we should strive for more variation in the adversative conjunctions, it is literally a common word in classical texts and quite comfy to use.

>> No.18895269

I do say "though" quite often. At times it seems as though I have a particular fondness for the word--as though I go out of my way just to say it. That's just silly, though.

>> No.18895559

I can't imagine myself changing my writing because of stupid snarky rudeness from a place like this. Of course, if someone tells me I've made a mistake, and I'm even slightly unsure, I check it. Then if it IS a mistake, I try to avoid it in future. That rarely happens, though.


Using this with less than mathematical accuracy is generally pretty bad. The anons shaming you were probably right.

This has its place, but the place is small and the word must be kept there.

Tricky one. If someone's trying too hard to fit in, that's a bit cringeworthy, although it's also a bit mean-spirited to bite his head off about it. "What is most human? — To spare someone shame." A separate issue: can/should you use "comfy" in the 4chan way in a piece of real writing intended for the outside world? Maybe. The 4chan meaning isn't so far from the real meaning.

>> No.18895633

>referencing Minecraft when callung someone else a brainlet

>> No.18895638

Minecraft is the greatest video game of all time.

>> No.18895644

literally just give me the name,
comfy thread though,

>> No.18895649
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Friendly reminder.

>> No.18895650

fucking hell; i fucking love big tits. I dont' like black people either, but those tits are wondergul. (I'm not american btw)

>> No.18895690

What you need to understand is that the anons shaming you for using the word though aren't native English speakers and don't understand the subtleties of the word. They're right to shame you for using those other words, though, especially unironically.

>> No.18895714

Isn't this the chick who has 'white boys' tattooed just above her pubis?

>> No.18896467

alright alright i'll bite...who the fuck is this?

>> No.18896495

ravieloso, the only tattoo she has above her pubis is Arabic

>> No.18896729

Not sure why anyone would have an issue with those, though.

>> No.18896835


>> No.18897140

This is what our ancestors fucked.

>> No.18897247

I love to use that word

>> No.18897312

fucking retard
that's insignificant

I use "like" a lot less now.

>> No.18897349

Somehow I doubt primitive man had brazilian butt lifts.

>> No.18897369
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That's where you're wrong.