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File: 61 KB, 1200x628, kidney stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18889123 No.18889123 [Reply] [Original]

What do i read if i want to get over my fear of diseases and physical pain in general? Death itself does not frighten me, but the probability of being bedridden at a hospital, unable to do anything due to agony, while being a burden to anyone who had the unfortunate luck to be associated with me, really messes me up every day. I am grateful for being in relatively good health in this moment, but the more i read about how common each horrible disease is, the more i find myself dreading the close future where i am cursed with it. Even something like pic related (kidney stones) scares me. Let alone anything that has to do with nerves or the spinal cord.

So, what books are helpful in regards to facing that reality? It's a very necessary skill that has to do be developed, and i don't really know how to go about doing it.

>> No.18889203

I would say read up on Buddhism and it's teachings, since it's focus is on dealing with human suffering

>> No.18889205

Just go volunteer at a hospital.

>> No.18889212
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just buy a gun so you can kill yourself quick when the time comes

>> No.18889214

Books on cognitive behavioural therapy
The White Pages (psychologist section)

>> No.18890292


>> No.18890339
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I like C. S. Lewis on this. For a non-Christian perspective, Marcus Aurelius or Epictetus would probably help.

>> No.18890342

lol fuckin' same.

>> No.18890352

Research assisted suicide. Not for right now of course, but just in case something happens, it would help to be prepared. I don't know where you live, and what the laws are, but it's something to look into. Usually you have to jump through a lot of hoops and that can take a long time.

>> No.18890680

does cbt really work?

>> No.18891909

giving up isn't the way

>> No.18892079

Yes. My nuts are still sore from a week ago.

>> No.18893470

wouldn't that just amplify the dread?