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/lit/ - Literature

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18886182 No.18886182 [Reply] [Original]

Pour a fresh cuppa joe and get comfy as we discuss this monumental work.

>The QRD
Set in the authoritarian Hunger 1984 Divergent Games universe, "L'Academie" is a story about a man named Eddington whose daily life is dictated by The Regime. Six days a week he leaves his home for L'Académie, a four-year education program where the subjects, upon completion, are allowed to go beyond The Wall.

Wherever he goes, he is constantly reminded of the tenants of The Regime:
> Knowledge is Power
> Report any signs of Double-Rods to Prefects.

This truly is Waldun at his best. Mark my words, Wulden-esque is the next movement, classified by choppy and awkward English juxtaposed by westophilic pretentiousness. It's a post-ironic statement about our information rich yet poorly educated superficial society, where we look east but listen west; where we scorn the learned for the mistakes of the ignorant. Right now, we live in a Wulden-esque society, where sitting on a train not on your phone with earphones in is weird; where free thoughts are criminal and academia is dark.

Here is Waldun’s story of his 2-year journey writing this masterpiece: https://tube.incognet.io/watch?v=cW1ja7PC2Vc

>> No.18886191

Previous Discussion Threads:

>> No.18886192

great thread analysing the first sentence here >>18885086
maybe someday, once we fully uncover the genius of waldun's proses, we may proceed onto the second sentence.

>> No.18886197
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and of course here's the work in question


>> No.18886215

>L'Academie" is a story about a man named Eddington whose daily life is dictated by The Regime. Six days a week he leaves his home for L'Académie, a four-year education program where the subjects, upon completion, are allowed to go beyond The Wall.
What is the point of reading such story?

>> No.18886222
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It looks like comfy.png has stopped his countdown. As the guy who would post
in all of his threads, I'd like to thank him for the good times he gave us, shame it had to end this way.

>> No.18886244

Thanks for all the effort, anon.

>> No.18886248

>first sentence is 'as' bullshit

>> No.18886252
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>That's when he realized, Academia was rather dark here in L'adademie.
He can't be fucking serious.

>> No.18886256
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In his latest video Waldun disowned his first book, saying to "Take it off the shelves," and talking about how it makes him want to vomit. Most likely he'll be taking it out of print, so currently-existing physical copies are likely to become very rare. Scholarship regarding The Learned Disguise has been slim so far and it is important that scholars and researchers have access to it, as it provides very valuable information regarding Waldun's early years as a writer, as well as possible insight into interpretation and analysis of his later works.

>> No.18886271

He admitted that he just copied Fahrenheit 451

>> No.18886295

Based and checked. I was the guy who would post
>Will (You) 4chan goons give it a rest?
I looked up to you, Sneed, and Emma Poster.

>> No.18886297

and...? He modernized it with blazers and now the story will reach millions of young readers who are perhaps not interested in older literature.

>> No.18886319

Where can I read the works of Waldun, Social Critic? I'm already familiar with Waldun, Dark Academician.

>> No.18886323

Soon to follow the James Purdy route of Waldun, Gay Prostitute...

>> No.18886373
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Waldun is a repressed homosexual. His books must be read with this subtext in mind and most of his videos make more sense once this fact is known.

>> No.18886377

u idiot. It's an exquisite and subtle metaphor for the fragility of life, but also that life is full of fluctuations and that if you really work hard enough, you can be somewhere different then you were before

>> No.18886405

why would anyone read something like that? Did you read it? Why? What did get from reading it?

>> No.18886484
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Use this comment to pay respects towards the diligent anons who made the waiting period for L'Academie's release that much easier and whose efforts were curtailed by Waldun's poor management over his own books release.

>> No.18886519

So that's why he's so popular here

>> No.18886532

>chinks aren't subhuma-

>> No.18886615

whos got the WaldunChad pic

>> No.18886628
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>> No.18886631


unironically based

>> No.18886643

>the Beatnik Generation
okay that made me kek

>> No.18886652

I know you all are giving this little poser faggot a pass cos he's young but remind yourselves that BEE wrote Less Than Zero at the same age.

>> No.18886653

Lmao. Gardner is unironically a really funny guy.

>> No.18886654

that's when you realized, the disguise was rather learned for waldun

>> No.18886661

holy based

>> No.18886666 [DELETED] 

Race war waldun is a total ass hat!

>> No.18886675
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What a bunch of bumbling retards. "DFW of our generation" because he wrote a shitty YA dystopia rip-off of Fahrenheit 451? Western society is fucking doomed.

>> No.18886684

the suicide joke seems a bit edgy for valdun

>> No.18886692

Obv a /lit/ poster, dummy

>> No.18886701
File: 23 KB, 390x264, devestated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you're right

>> No.18886702

It's honestly kind of hard to tell sometimes whose some fag trolling from /lit/ or who's actually being sincere reading his comment section.

>> No.18886705

Retard that comment was obviously left by a /lit/izen as a troll

>> No.18886707


Tell me it's real

>> No.18886709

a pass? we've been shitting on him for three days straight lad

>> No.18886733

How man ESLs are in these threads not realising that we're being ironic and sarcastic when we're "praising" Waldun. Despite what it may seem, when we say "Waldunchads" and call Learned Disguise a masterpiece, we're not being serious.

>> No.18886735

Holy shit, I didn't even read it like that. I doubt he meant it like that but it would be funny as fuck if someone scared the shit out of him by acting offended or something. The emoji makes it doubly edgy lmao.

>> No.18886742

I was being serious ...

>> No.18886749

gtfo, waldunchads are the only ones allowed in this thread you facetious faggot

>> No.18886750
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>he thinks we're joking
anon, i...

>> No.18886789
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You retards, I was being ironic. Everyone knows true Waldunchads are ESLs. I've been trying to forget English in order to be more like Waldun. Or, as Waldun would say. "Meself have been forget English in ordered tobe less dissimilar to the beige man." I suppose it's my fault, subtlety is not the Waldun-way. Read on brothers

>> No.18886792

Lmao that cheeky Waldun comment actually made me laugh
>The Virgin DFW vs. The Chad RC Waldun

>> No.18886821


>> No.18886829

lol what a poncey faggot

>> No.18886838

I would also like to thank comfypepe for his countdown series, for keeping the momentum of L'Academie going and creating a consistent space for us Waldunbros to discuss his work

>> No.18886840

Just got word that the animation rights to L'académie have been sold to a Polish studio. Five figure deal. All this ahead of street date. Not bad for a self-published author.

>> No.18886859

Love this cianigger

>> No.18886874

It's about the movement. Jaidyn is the beating heart. Jay is the body. Waldun is the mind.

It all runs painfully deep.

Start your adventure here:
Introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1ZpAiw3vio
Familiarization: https://youtu.be/tzAqf00sFII

Getting to know Jaidyn (HEART):

Getting to know Jay (BODY):

Getting to know Waldun (MIND):
The lack of self-awareness. The repressed homosexuality His early masterpiece, The Learned Disguise, is the only way in. However, you can start your journey into this young man via his fashion advice as inspired by his daddy issues (trying to please him but realizing he must make his own path to self-discovery): https://youtu.be/TyTh_F0rc-A

>> No.18886888

>A ravingly positive review that doubles as an ironic shitpost.
>Written by the author of Call of the Crocodile

You can’t make this shit up. This is ridiculous and the best timeline.

>> No.18886897
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deep down you know he's seething inside; Gardener wishes he was what Waldun is to /lit/. Gardener still spends all of his time and half of his income on shilling his garbo book here, and Waldun gets his garbo book shilled here for free without him doing a single thing. Gardener and Waldun are two sides of the /lit/ coin. A Ying and Yang if you would

>> No.18886911

You’ve got the guy figured wrong. I know Gardner on Discord and he super positive.

>> No.18886923

Fuck off Garner.

>> No.18886925

Waldun is probably the only one who is actually a nerd. The other two are just normalfags who were so boring they needed to spice themselves up with larping as the "smart guy from TV shows". Waldun was a stembug and somehow made himself LESS autistic by larping as an intellectual. I can't imagine the other two keeping up the charade for long, maybe one will pump out a shit book about effing a girl but Waldun will probably stick with it because he's probably got the most benefit from it all.

>> No.18886934

>discord butt buddy with gardener thinks anyone will believe him
Yeah okay, and what else? Everyone in the discord agree that Call of the Reptile or whatever is the next Moby Dick?

>> No.18886947
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>> No.18886951

the way jaidyn holds a pen is alarming. if it's not part of his '2021 beat' pose he's gonna end up killing someone one day

>> No.18886965

/lit/anon who allegedly fucked Waldun's gf, Ila Rose, needs to post evidence


>> No.18886984

They are all clearly dorky.
The one of the short hair is the most normie-looking, but he still clearly isn't a chad. He seems rather short, mayb that is his problem.

>> No.18886991

Literally and figuratively sophomoric tripe

>> No.18886992

Well considering he got the city she lives in wrong I'd say it's looking dire

>> No.18887003

Take your meds. (I fucked her too btw, no I wont post evidence just trust me bro off this one sentence post)

>> No.18887009

Waldun's beard. Not gf. Beard.

>> No.18887061
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We know you're the original guy. You just want a reason to bring up your larp. If you're gonna lie at least make it fun. Don't go "heh I was just in this thread out of boredom but I fucked that girl. God I'm such disinterested chad"

I can't be the only one who notices that total red flag for larps. You can tell someone's larping when they feel the need to make this character above the whole situation yet completely involved in it, right? It's just too serendipitous. This is the same for other stories, when people go too far with the fantasy that they make it obvious, kills the fun. Oh yeah this guy who's never entered a Waldun thread decided to read this one, read all of it, click on the links and confirmed it was this that and the other. Most people would omit the detail if it were true, because if it were true why would they feel the need to distance themselves from it. Bad larpers are self inserters (pun not intended) and when they create this fiction they project how THEY want it to be, not what's logical or more believably. The guy who cucks Waldun and gets the babe can't be a guy who goes into Waldun threads because that's "uncool" but then there's a contradiction that requires some out of the way explanation for the events transpiring
>oh my friend should be this board
>someone sent me this link, barely figured out how to post heh
>oh I barely go on here after getting that 6 figure job lol, anyways here's a story that requires tons of knowledge only found in these threads
It's pathetic that even a few of you bought that nonsense.

>> No.18887090

Jay? He looks tall, like 6'4"

>> No.18887093

>It's pathetic that even a few of you bought that nonsense.
nobody bought it you retard. Mr. Larp Whisperer you didn't realize we were all LARPing in return.

>> No.18887096

>It's pathetic that even a few of you bought that nonsense.
It's pathetic that you wrote a novel instead of ignoring it like the majority of us.

We're here for The Beatnik Boys. Robin and the Jays. Please see yourself to the door.

>> No.18887099

You idiot, Walden is on Gardner's payroll

>> No.18887103

How long until Waldun realizes that L'Academie isn't the good novel that he thinks it is? :(

>> No.18887121

>he didn't realise I was just larping about being a person who's annoyed about larping
Nice larp
A novel is at least 40,000—my post was no where near that long. Maybe brush up if you're going to be posting on /lit/ (which encourages longer posts btw(by the way)).
Honestly, probably when he reads these threads. We know for an actual fact he's come across these threads and I do believe it was us shitting all over him that made him hate his own book.

>> No.18887124

Honest question, does Waldun have a speech impediment or is it just his gook accent breaking through?
Lol it's incredibly obvious it's the original guy. Every cross-thread link he posted has no replies

>> No.18887154

Waldun is constantly growing as a person AND therefore as a writer. He's already wise beyond his years. However, I think his work will one day be divided into at least 2 periods. We're currently in the Repressed Genius period...soon Waldun will realize his homosexuality (my guess is after a rejection from Jay and finding his way into Jaidyn's arms).


>> No.18887163

He probably already went through the old threads
I bet he lost some sleep over the Milton misquote

>> No.18887173

>me me me me
Sir, this is a Waldun thread.

>> No.18887182

He's desperately hiding his hong Kong accent . he's recently got plurals down which is good

>> No.18887196

so it's Rupi Kaur for boys

>> No.18887197

I wasn't even larping about that stop larping

>> No.18887199

If I were Waldun, I'd not come here because it would be a net negative on my mental health. He seems like he'd be sensible enough to stay off 4chan.

I had a theory that Waldun had deliberately leaked L'Academie early, knowing that we'd give free critiques in the threads, and then he'd use our criticism to improve the book for its real release in September. I was surprised to see his video telling us that the early release WAS the real release

>> No.18887218
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I think it's a combination. It's him fighting against his original accent but also trying not to sound regular Australian but sound more refined (You know he does tons of retakes to make sure he doesn't sound too foreign). I also think he might have a dead muscle or two or a bit of facial palsy, nothing extreme just hurts lip dexterity a bit. You notice it by how is lips when rest aren't in line (I've got a dead muscle I think so that's how I know because one side of my mouth droops just a tiny bit more) and that causes words to form out of one side habitually which does not lend it self to the accent Waldun is trying to force. Also yeah, the guy is posting about that story every thread, it's a common larper high. You get a couple (You)s from something you said in passing you want to relive that magic by samefagging it up again hoping people bite
I genuinely believe that him coming here will be beneficial for his writing. Before he popped in he so up himself he was eating dinner twice. After we shit on him he started with the whole "living life shit". Everyone knows poor mental health is a boon for the creative process. I don't hate Waldun but I hope his gf leaves, he gets expelled and has to live on the street and schizoposts here from public libraries because damn you just know he'll release an actually good book after that.

>> No.18887266
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Waldun will find love. They will make each other M E N.

>> No.18887270

It's true. /lit/, despite it's unrelenting vulgarity, was the first place to offer true criticism and it broke him. Everyone else blows smoke up his ass except his poor father who has done his best to prevent Elliot roger 2.0. He was deleting videos as we posted them here. Post-/lit/ He started the "living life" shit, focused more on cinematography, and so on.

Waldun owes us every success. If he had any balls whatsoever he would have come here for critique instead of paying fortunes for a "team" of editors

>> No.18887286
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Robin and the Jays. Beatnik Boys.

>> No.18887287

Say what you want about John David Card, at least he doesn't fear death.

>> No.18887294

No joke. If Waldun suddenly started post here, interacting with us and viewing us as a legitimate part of his fanbase I would welcome him with open arms.

>> No.18887312
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Waldun fucks Jaidyn. Calling it now.

>> No.18887434

I honestly don't like Jaidyn. Something about his face looks off, he didn't develop correctly, like his mother smoked cigarettes while she was pregnant

>> No.18887442

Am I the only one who doesn't think Waldun's gay? He's asexual. That's how he has so much time to write instead of masturbating like the rest of us.

>> No.18887451

The whole celibate thing is just a cope for his small dick insecurities

>> No.18887452

he anally masturbates while he writes

>> No.18887470

Do you think his father knows that his son wrote a novel where he is the villain? I don't want to make racial stereotypes but I don't think he knows enough English to read his son's novel. Maybe Waldun's sister or mother would tell him about the book

>> No.18887488

tbf, you don't need to know much English to read Waldun's novel.

>> No.18887496


this video makes strayans seem worse than niggers

>> No.18887498

That's a good one man. You're on fire today

>> No.18887513

I don't like these videos. I think to think that in Australia, people wear safari clothes like Steve Irving, surf on the beach, and are friends with the kangaroos and the koalas and on weekends that visit the Aboriginals and play the dijereedoo.

>> No.18887683

>I suffer in Australia

Not possible

>> No.18887995
File: 11 KB, 256x197, waldun .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, y'all ready for this?
Uhh, yeah, yeah!
Haha, mic check, mic check!
Yeah, mic check, mic check!
Yeah, My name is....
The mic rula,
The old schoola,
You want a trip, I'll bring it to ya!

Jay lock
And I'm on top,
Rock you like a cop,
Jaidyn, you're up next with your knock-knock...
Jaidyn make the money, see,
Jaidyn get the honeys, G,
Drivin in my car,
Livin like a star,
Ice on my fingers
And my toes,
And I'm a Beatnik!
Haha, check it!
Uhh, check-check it, yeah!
Cause we are the Beatnik Boys,
Make the homies say ho,
And the girlies wanna scream!
Cause we are the Beatnik Boys,
Make the homies say ho,
And the girlies wanna scream!
Beatnik Boys Proses Force,
Numba 1 in the Naarm, G!

>> No.18888022


Broadmeadows bahhahahahahahahahhaah fuuuuuuuuck this is unreal

for anyone who doesnt know its basically just a shithole full of arabs and turks and shit all concentrated in one SUBURB. Notice I emphasise SUBURB because Broadie is a SUBURB and not a 'town' that can be a 'hometown' like ???

>> No.18888149

Can an Australian anon enlighten me on a question I have about their education system? I don't know anything about Waldun's super competitive science math engineering high school, but does such a school exist in the suburbs of Melbourne? It sounds like something out of a fucking anime, not real life, at least not in real life Australia
> students not only try to get A's, but they jostle for #1 ranking in their class
> stem teachers are strict and only teach to the test, no fun allowed
> no one's allowed to have extracurricular activities, or if they do, it's seen as a waste of time that they could be using to study
> GPA is everything

>> No.18888167

nah mate that's an anime.

>> No.18888178
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>> No.18888196

1,000 deep dive complete analysis of The Learned Disguse when???

>> No.18888212

Fuck all of you.

>> No.18888214


its real and i personally know multiple people who went there. None had the pleasure of being in the same grade as Waldun though.

>> No.18888229

Is it as intense as Waldun describes?

>> No.18888258


No. Not at all. It has a lot of """""prestige"""" attached to it by dint of its connexion to Monash University (which is one of the best in the country) but it is no different from a regular highschool in any manner other than its science focus and its exclusive entry. The exclusive entry however is just to give the most talented of the poor population access to a private school level of education. This is not saying all that much though, because in this country, probably half of all people go to private school. Perhaps 40 percent at the least.

Everyone who goes to that school is insufferable with some precious exceptions. Just disgustingly nerdy I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE types of all races. There is an enormous culture of arrogance there at having got in. Funny, since its definitely not the best of the exclusive schools in melbourne by a long shot. Probably the general culture of self-satisfaction contributed to the aggrandising narcissism we can observe in him today. Let me repeat; all students at that school are like him, just with science rather than literature.

>> No.18888281

Oh the Australian fascist general who organised an illegal army? (Cathcart. _Defending the National Tuckshop_)

Nice 1 nazi cunt

>> No.18888286

> Just disgustingly nerdy I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE types of all races
I couldn't find a chart of the student demographics, but it looks like the school is 50% white and 50% Asian/poo in loo. I didn't see any blacks, Hispanics, or even abos

>> No.18888336


Of all races that would ever stoop to the low of the i fucking love science meme. There are functionally no hispanics in melbourne or aboriginals and black people are not capable of being lame enough to go in for this shit.

>> No.18888438

The school definitely exists and I was mates with a couple of people who went there several years ago (pre-Waldun I'm assuming because when I asked about him they had no idea), but it's not nearly as intense as what Waldun describes. Sure it's competitive especially amongst the Asians trying to do well in science/maths, but the school is extremely liberal and the teachers promote that reddit-esque I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE mentality that this anon mentioned >>18888258
Also, they heavily promote extracurricular activities, so much so that it's mandated and they often pay former students to run them. For instance, a competitive chess player alumnus would run the chess extracurricular or a state volleyball player would run that extracurricular etc. In some old videos where Waldun said he taught a creative writing class at his old high school, I imagine he conned them into letting him run one of these extracurricular classes using his youtube clout and status as a 'published' author lmao

>> No.18888450

new theory boys, robin is an anglicised version of rui cheng

>> No.18888539

How do we know he browses the threads?

>> No.18888551
File: 8 KB, 236x280, 61C3E203-B5FA-4781-82D8-2E52E67153CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-bros, i don’t think it’s ironic… i think gardner is trying to clout chase and get views off of waldun’s success. it’s the most probable intent given his relentless self-promotional behaviors. in fact that makes me wonder if the faggot gardner has been behind a lot of the waldun spamming. what an absolute mongoloid.

>> No.18888599

based cia spook

>> No.18888602

>I rather stay alrive
what a hack

>> No.18888605
File: 272 KB, 1774x2048, 1625925494501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW of our generation as in "No discernible talent"

>> No.18888609

Why do people say this? QRD?

>> No.18888636
File: 126 KB, 545x439, Screen Shot 2021-08-21 at 4.01.54 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any true Waldunchad share this video? It's been my holy grail Waldun video for some time, I can only imagine how poor his understanding of Pynchon can be.

>> No.18888651

because he is a literal cia psyop operative.

>> No.18888660

explain. Isn't he just a self published author?

>> No.18888704


he was a chad and he destroyed the krauts there is no such thing as a "war crime"

>> No.18888792

Did Eddington's father send him to L'Academie for the sole purpose of headphoning him into forgetting about his perfect tradho girlfriend? And that's why he kidnapped and maybe tortured and killed Ed's new friends Ada, Joe, Frank, so they wouldn't get him to remember Amelia? someone please tell me this was the entire motivation of the antagonist

>> No.18888799

* tell me this WASN'T the entire motivation of the antagonist

>> No.18888806

you can't be this dense, son.

>> No.18888836

amazon global sales rank:
L'Academie: #38,760
Call of the Crocodile: #553,641

>> No.18888923

No, either the father wanted for him to be a functional member of society, a rather grim meta-commentary on the current life choices of the author seen by the authoritative father figure lurking in the shadows.
Or it's just a cheap distillation of Fahrenheit 1984 and he thought it was either necessary to add this element because it's a trope, for this dipshit thinks he wrote /lit/ instead of YA.
But maybe it's even worse, what if he thought that ripping of dystopian novels wouldn't be a problem, because no one reads anything but my works and they only do that because of weird para-social relationships... he he he he.
What if he's aware that his audience is just mostly "audiencepussy (or -bussy)" and he played into their demands, YA but with the darkest of all of academia.

Anyway, Waldun didn't give a shit about the plot and just wanted muh vibes, you can clearly hear this in his latest video when he presents the book to his audience, when he talks about reading other
dystopian lit and how he realizes everything around him is already a dystopia! He wanted a twist, because you have to have a twist and his was just lifted straight out of 1984, but also added his own daddy into
the mix.

>> No.18888941

pattern charges at the start of the month. sign up, download the vid, the delete your account. it’ll be free that way

>> No.18888957

ok but I'm confused. How could Eddington or anyone be trained as a functional member of society, when the path after graduation from L'Academie is Beyond The Wall, ie, sent out to a barren wasteland to .... languish and slowly die???? what was the point of headphoning history and chemistry and math and shit into these kids brains then?

or Eddington could get a job at the Plant like his mom, but I don't know what criteria you have to fulfill to get a job at the Plant

>> No.18888961

>expecting waldun kino to make sense
its all symbolic bro

>> No.18888965

and what kind of logic is that
> hey guys remember that ending in 1984, when the kind old owner of the bookstore turned out to be the bad guy in disguise?
> of course you don't, no one has read Orwell's 1984, that's a very obscure book :^)
> in my book ending, the kind old father figure guy is also the bad guy
> DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMMM!!!! such twist

>> No.18888972

I can imagine the little retard with a glass of wine and a smug face writing this

>> No.18888974

This book sounds gay af

>> No.18889002

>getting roasted by a fucking vtuber
can't my boy get a break

>> No.18889131
File: 35 KB, 680x510, 1629375597028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call your first book dogshit
>say that you are now better than then

How hard will the fall be when he realizes that L'Academie is shit?

>> No.18889184
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 1623246287657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's really good

>> No.18889189

link it

>> No.18889244

go to bed Waldun..
or if you're seriously simping this hard for Waldun just fuckin end it ay

>> No.18889248

DFW had his mimicry skills and autistic eye for detail for grammar.
RC Ballcum is just a dilettante with delusions of grandeur

>> No.18889251

>"truly, [X] of our generation"
it's obviously a joke

>> No.18889285
File: 945 KB, 1024x1024, 30B1197B-6D83-47A4-A505-8EEE8A05E1AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you we go from here waldunchads?

>> No.18889309

I expect any cult success of this book to usher in a whole new stream of dilettante garbage by money hungry losers on /lit/ and the unswept corners of dark academia. Don't worry, there will be vermin a plenty here on out.

>> No.18889311
File: 2.79 MB, 700x392, dark_academia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read parts of Learned Disguise review? I can't believe it, but Learned Disguise turned out to be the superior work

> Typewriters
Arthur’s high school literature teacher, Mr. Morton, owns a Royal typewriter, which Arthur used to write the bulk of his early work. Throughout the book, he thinks fondly upon his old mentor’s typewriter, but he doesn’t see it again until the end of the book, when he visits Gretel and her inherited apartment. While looking through Mr. Morton’s old possessions, Arthur finds his beloved old typewriter and is overcome with nostalgia. This is not explicitly said, but I believe Arthur tries to keep Mr. Morton’s memory alive by creating a similar relationship with Timur: Arthur becomes the English literature mentor and Timur his apprentice. As Timur starts tapping away at the keys, Arthur renews his writing journey. The book ends with the implication that Arthur eventually writes The Learned Disguise, the novel we just read.

Personally, I think Waldun created a very romantic story arc and he’s not given enough credit for it. Louisa May Alcott used a similar framing device in Little Women, as well as J. R. R. Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings. When Jo returns home to Concord, Massachusetts, she sits down and writes about her adventures in a novel she titles Little Women. When Frodo returns home to the Shire, he writes down his adventures in a novel called The Lord of the Rings.

In real life, Waldun has not experienced anything quite so literary, but he does really, really, really like typewriters …

>> No.18889320

the best minds of their generation gather and discuss for hours on how to get their "literary movement" going and the best they could do was "i dunno, publish a book"?

>> No.18889374

>he does really, really, really like typewriters …
just like warm apple pie...

>> No.18889442

Has anyone read the book Waldun co-wrote with Jay and Jaidyn? I'm surprised he hasn't even mentioned it on any of his social media.

>> No.18889452

Is it out?

>> No.18889458

It's on Jay's Instagram. I think it's mainly Jay's book and he got Jaidyn and Waldun to contribute a little as co-authors. If Waldun makes a video taking ownership of the book, I'll read it, otherwise I'll pass

>> No.18889461

On the back cover, you can see that they got 3 esteemed men to review their book

>> No.18889464

Fucking Kek

>> No.18889467
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>> No.18889468

>'Kind of a horror story. There's a skull in here somewhere.'
>-- R C Waldun

High praise indeed.

>> No.18889473

holy kek

>> No.18889474

ugh i hate that fucking ironical reddit style of quote
it doesnt even fit with his mr. serious literary figure persona

>> No.18889476

one of Waldun's shitty little stories that he posts on his website is about him buying a skull. there's no way he just lifted that, and put it in this book... right?

>> No.18889486

God damn it, that's most likely exactly what it is

>> No.18889502

Is he actually referring to his shitty "buying a skull" story like >>18889476 said or is he trying to say that the stories in the book are edgy in a roundabout way that he thinks is witty but actually makes very little fucking sense?

>> No.18889504

i think youve both put considerably more thought into this than he did

>> No.18889545

that review seems like sarcasm but there are many who speak/write like that and are sincere so idk

>> No.18889560

Damn I was just praising your joke in a awkward way. It was funny

>> No.18889569

Oh ok. You should be aware though that no person unironically says "you're on fire" and that your comment comes across as extremely sarcastic

>> No.18889570

Waldun-fags make Guenon-tards look like saints

>> No.18889583

Why does it feel like he fakes his voice?

>> No.18889592

Kind of a funny statement. There's a fire in here somewhere.

>> No.18889595

when i speak chinese i put on an accent, he might do the same as an ESL with English

>> No.18889605

How did he get so many subs? Seriously asking.

>> No.18889606

Do you think that with his new confidence as a person with a girlfriend, he will feel more comfortable with his ethnicity and maybe even speak Mandarin or Cantonese on video?

>> No.18889610

He only has 5-10 popular videos, most of them from his polymath Dark Academia period in 2019

>> No.18889615

No, he wants to be white so bad.

>> No.18889627

I thought white girlfriend was the end goal and once you got a white gf, you are confirmed white. What the fuck else does he need to do to be finally white

>> No.18889631

dye his hair blonde and wear blue eye contacts, maybe a rhinoplasty to fix his mongoloid nose.

>> No.18889638

I really hope it doesn't come to that

>> No.18889651

In two months, Waldun will drop the dark academia shit, renounce L'Académie and go full beatnik. Calling it now.

>> No.18889673

Let me guess, this vtuber has 20 subs and it's just you with a png avatar

>> No.18889687

beatnik doesnt make you money or status. he's already left that behind.

>> No.18889715

The Learned disguise was funny because it seemed kind of low effort (not even employing an editor etc) and a reflection of Waldun's arrogance. But L'Academia really gets you thinking. How one can put so much effort into writing a good book and having it turn out shit anyways. What seperates people like Waldun from competent writers? Is it perserverance and more hard work or does it come down to natural talent? I'm afraid it is the latter but I'd honestly love to see Waldun write the great Australian novel and prove me wrong.

>> No.18889726

it is about hard work in a lot of ways, but the fact this dickhead has been writing for 2 years and starts his book off with an 'as' sentence tells me he has no talent or is just surrounded by too many asskissers to improve.

>> No.18889731

I've never used a professional editor, but I want to know how none of them noticed the big plot holes. At least Learned Disguise made sense conceptually. After reading L'Academie, I don't even know why the school even exists since apparently after graduation, all its students are left for dead in the desert like Simba in the Lion King

>> No.18889745

>it was us shitting all over him that made him hate his own book
I think it is more likely because of that fat kyke who reviewed it on YouTube
Can't wait for his review of l'academie desu

>> No.18889767

The more I get into the Waldun situation the more I realize that writing is probably something comes to you naturally through knowledge and experience.

You have Waldun literally chasing his only dream of being an intellectual (more like wanting to look like one) and failing at it miserably. And it couldn't have gone any other way. The lack of talent and experience in life cannot allow him to write anything good.

Inironically,I truly believe that if he realized how pretentious and untalented he is for what he is trying to achieve THEN he could actually become much better.

He lives in fantasy land.The pathetic attempts at trying to look like an intellectual flood every single one of his videos. If he realized how much miserable is that,maybe he could make something out of it.

>> No.18889772

L'Academie is a purely metaphysical text that you're reading as literal silly. The "plothole" is actually a genius metaphor for how the australian education system leaves it's students out to fight for themselves in whats seems to be a dystopian wasteland. With nothing to fend with but the worthless information they've learned from school.

>> No.18889799


I take it back Waldun. You are a GENIUS

>> No.18889808

Harry Potter meets Mad Max, is probably how he will promote this to Hollywood.

>> No.18889846
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>fat kyke
NOTICE, if you will, the complete lack of pretension--the shoddy placement of books on their shelves--the ugly reflection of his Ikea lampshade in the window, which undoubtably looks out on a small council plot crammed with wheelie bins and dogshit.
NOTICE ALSO, the look of pure serenity in KDB's eyes, the sheer joy for literature emanating from him like flies from the turds in his yard, his passion for reading writhing within him like the maggots in said turds.
NOTICE, IF YOU WILL, the non-descript Tesco Essentials T-Shirt, Grey Large, and how it rests shoddily upon his portly frame. Notice too the Primark beanie hat (RRP 7.99 GBP) which barely wraps around his fat head--brimming with knowledge about classics old and modern both.
Notice how, in spite of these austere conditions, KDB is completely in his element. He does not need to aspire to anything more than what he is--a lover of books.
Do you think, even if Waldun reached mainstream success, that he would share even a fraction of KDB's natural charisma and joie de vivre?
I would say, not so.

>> No.18889861


>> No.18889865

Holy shit... KDBros, I kneel.

>> No.18889950

based. this nigga doesn't try to portray that he enjoys a cheeky book, HE JUST DOES.

>> No.18889968

What's wrong with starting a book with an "as" sentence?

>> No.18889974

top kek

>> No.18889976

knowers know. see you in 2 years.

>> No.18889987

Its literally on this thread

>> No.18890008

As Allah is my witness, your parents will die in a car crash in 17 days.

>> No.18890014

not a very nice thing to say just because you're an amateur writer.

>> No.18890060

How can I become this based

>> No.18890072

I'm not even an amateur writer. I asked a simple question and you were a dick about it. Your parents are still going to die in 17 days, I can't change that, but you could answer my question. Are you just being pedantic about grammar?

>> No.18890080

He's just some schizo who was in another thread complaining about the word "as" ignore him

>> No.18890091
File: 88 KB, 773x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the answer you ignorant little shit--it's the number one sin committed by dilettante writers online whose diet consists of YA. as-structure sentences already look like shit, and Waldun's opening sentence not only uses it but has a grammatical error.
Not that you deserve any help with the atrocious thing you said to me.

>> No.18890095
File: 276 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20210821-082129_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a chad

>> No.18890117

Damn you are a complete retard

>> No.18890125

That's your gripe? The fact that Eddington jaywalked?
In light of your deigning to explain, Allah has agreed to allow your parents to die crossing the road in 20 days.

>> No.18890137
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>> No.18890148

أيها الوغد الكافر ، بصقت على شفير والدتك ، كيف تجرؤ على تشويه سمعة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم هكذا؟

>> No.18890171

>reading reviews
>reading negative reviews
>responding to negative reviews
>responding to negative reviews like a little dog that’s been kicked around instead of telling them to go fuck themselves
god robin is such a little bitch

>> No.18890194

but not my little bitch :(

>> No.18890260


>> No.18890271

Is kdebooks a fag or are al irish that effeminate

>> No.18890308

What's up with the whipping scene in L'Academie? Is this Waldun's fetish or is it an Australian thing? Waldun might be from Singapore or Malaysia, I know that they sometimes hit people with sticks over there instead of giving out fines or jail time

>> No.18890312

his accent is norf engulund not irish

>> No.18890321

he's welsh

>> No.18890324

oh, i guess he is gay then

>> No.18890362

He is closeted submissive chinaman
what do you think

>> No.18890397

I retract everything I said.
The bulk of KD Book's review of Waldun is a total crying bitch fit about him making women overly 'two dimensional.' The rest of his criticisms you can tell are just afterthoughts on top of that.
Fuck that fat sjw prick.

>> No.18890400

I think it might be cultural, like maybe the brits whipped the original criminals/convicts. Didn't Pip's benefactor get whipped when he was in Australia?

>> No.18890498

How can we reach KD a lesson and put him in the right mindset for his review of L'Academie?

>> No.18890515

what do you call it when a book is kino but it's a book and it is written by a dark academician

>> No.18890520

Defeat him with facts and logic in the comments section. It's the only way.

>> No.18890542


>> No.18890575

thanks i already suspected that

>> No.18890797


I submit... thats actually a good plot...

>> No.18890812

he already did that, he just had to go through with l'académie because he started working on it before he adopted his new gimmick and he had already publicly announced its release date and everything

>> No.18890868

Gives me an error

>> No.18890908

try this URL, it's the same file but on Google Drive


>> No.18890963

>A woman farts.
What's the point of reading Joyce?

>> No.18891033

based. waldun haters destroyed

>> No.18891255

>last year i was paranoid. i had to sleep with the door locked three times. i would lay there in bed and just know there was someone on the other side watching, plotting. i would hear disruption on my suburban streets and freeze, hoping if i didn’t move an inch i would be safe, meek, unnoticed. everyone who looked at me wanted to hurt me, kill me, ruin me in some way. it didn’t help that we spent most of the year in lockdown.

>when lockdown ended, i took a train to the city and tried something new. i stuck one of my poems on the wall. i looked over my shoulder, sweating, freaking out that someone would tell me to take it down, or that someone would mug me, nudge me, even kidnap me. i did it anyway. another poem, another day. the more poems i posted and the more people i met, the more my fears melted away. there was no one outside my window. i could still sleep if i hadn’t locked the door three times. i didn’t see ghostly reflections of myself in every pool and mirror. no one told me to stop. paranoia became, for the most part, a thing of the past.

>now i head onto the streets as an observer. i don’t get goosebumps. i don’t worry about being mugged. i just walk, and post, and meet interesting characters from other neighbourhoods or living rough. people who have taught me about optimism—about the shared experience of being human. we all have stories to tell. hearing them, learning from them, writing about them … it makes life one grand story.
Melbourne, everyone

>> No.18891266
File: 328 KB, 1366x768, 1629398985530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman at a cafe--the archetypal object of desire causes our man to become self-aware. But what is he aware of? That he should desire but doesn't desire--she moves him from a light drink to a heavy drink. A call to adventure that the feminine has forced upon him.

This excerpt is a brilliant example of the complexity of Waldun--as a writer AND a figure of the larger Melbourne movement. Notice the deep symbolism Waldun is using to code repressed homosexuality. The winking phallic language in "long black." The resonance of moving from tea to coffee as the symbolic object. The sweet repression of emotion Waldun gives us via a delicate use of irony, the archetypal structuring at an inverse. It is simply--simply masterful.

Decades from now, when dark academia has won the day—nay, the century, scholars will be mulling over the Jungian synchronicity of evoking the image of Jay. The shade of character—an email without formatting. Will Jay teach our Robin to soar above the constraints his repressed sexuality has imposed upon him? Understanding this, partaking of this journey, is our call to adventure my frens.

>> No.18891269

That's fine and good until he does end up getting mugged by a tweaker and he gets paranoid again

>> No.18891303

kek. many such cases

>> No.18891592

Is Waldun aware of these threads?
I know in the past he saw the threads, and referred to us as "goons" (very hurtful). But is he aware that there was a guy counting down every day for 2 months the release of his book? Or that these threads are literally the most popular posts on the entire board? Or that there are people who have folders of his old, deleted videos and are in the process of making 30+ minute long review of his old book? Or that there are threads autistically dissecting the first sentence of his book? Or any amount of the sheer dedication that his board has to his entire youtube history?
Is he aware of any of what some people have been referring to as the "Waldunian Renaissance"?

>> No.18891607

confusing us with SA trolls is pretty hurtful.
as a matter of fact that assertion is a fecal, and he oughta wash that down with some rice krispies and milk

>> No.18891628
File: 17 KB, 428x600, No longer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>18886373
And >>18891266
The end of christory is upon us. It's time for the Melbourne Renassance to take things to a more intellectual level.

>> No.18891639

>confusing us with SA trolls
he is a zoomer he don't know what it means.
CWC was Ideon, and Waldun is our Evangelion.

>> No.18891723

Do you hear that sound? It's every dark academic in the world whispering a reverent “Thud!” under their breath.

>> No.18891800

Kek these threads are the best lit has been in years

>> No.18891823

fuck this guy, i'm not ironically shilling his shit anymore

>> No.18891824

>Is Waldun aware of these threads?
I hope not.

>> No.18891833

garden boy is clearly asssore that waldun has way longer legs in terms of meme potential

>> No.18891859
File: 588 KB, 1406x417, Waldun Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LearnED Disguise. EDdington.

Goons. You fail to note the level of intertextuality at play within Waldun's growing corpus. In this age of social media--we see an evolving portrait of the artist as a young man. By unifying the autobiographical stylings of the Beat Generation and new media tools such as YouTube and Instagram--our man Waldun gives us a running commentary on art as life. Such is The Melbourne Manifesto!

LARPers. Ha. Their art imitates their lives because they live their lives artfully. Finding the magnificent in the banal. Wanting for the unwanted while wanting us to want them by bearing witness to their real want for connection.

You may call them pretentious. However, their pretensions are like that of a great presidential speech. The audacity of youthful idealism. The glory unfolding before themselves. Living for art, wanting for nothing, allowing all to bear witness. It's bravery, not naivete.

One of our man Waldun's latest pieces: https://rcwaldun.com/blog/we-are-not-a-couple

>> No.18891868

Or: the suspiciously boyish looking woman

>> No.18891884

Indeed. >>18891266

>> No.18891903

How much do you think Waldun spent on editing?
I'm pretty sure Waldun used this www.writemywrongsediting.com website to edit his book - it's taken him like two years and he's mentioned before the extensive back and forth he had with his editing "team".
Anyone know how much this sort of stuff would cost. It's seems quite plausible that he might actually lose money publishing this book.

>> No.18891921
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>> No.18891928

the fact they didnt catch the first sentence is astounding. either it's a conjob ran from bangladore or waldun willfully ignored their feedback.

>> No.18892132

Will (You) 4chan goons give it a rest? Are these Waldun threads really gonna become a daily thing here?

>> No.18892244


>> No.18892252

No. Yes.

>> No.18892254


>> No.18892531

Read the analysis linked in the thread, there is a strong case for this being one of the greatest opening lines in literature.

>> No.18892559

i admit if that was intentional it's neat
but theres way better ways of saying it:
"He was already half-way across the road when the walk sign came on." etc.

>> No.18892561


>> No.18892592

How pedestrian. This is exactly what Waldun wanted to avoid

>> No.18892606

>how pedestrian

>> No.18892723

Thanks bud

>> No.18892752


>> No.18892754
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>> No.18892758

holy KINO

>> No.18892761

I still can’t believe he swore to do better the second time around and then wrote a dystopian YA fiction novel where teenagers are separated by a government by some overly simple symbol like a color

>> No.18892779

wait whats that third one?

>> No.18892793
File: 1.64 MB, 1160x773, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where teenagers are separated by a government by some overly simple symbol like a color
yeah haha that's so dumb it'd never happen...

>> No.18892796
File: 52 KB, 680x544, 1617193557113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waldun's collection of flash fiction/short stories that came out earlier this summer

>> No.18892801

It has literally been done in every YA Fiction

>> No.18892826

were they all about passing trannies?

>> No.18892832

no, they're about absurd encounters and hearty chuckles

>> No.18892848
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I wouldn't know.

>> No.18892892


>> No.18892918

Of the Melbournians only Waldun has the poetry to make such a joke.

>> No.18893174

why would Waldun use that site and not Reedsy, or Barnes and Noble's editing service, or any other more established editor agency? Plus he is majoring in literature at a top university in Australia, he could've found a local editor there

>> No.18893261

its the fault of the editor just as it was for Learned Disguise. the former being a too exact strict editing process and the latter, not strict enough. What Waldun needs is a team outside of his inner circle which he can depend upon.

>> No.18893311

let me guess, this theoretical team would recruit from random goons from waldunfap threads on /lit

>> No.18893327
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>> No.18893328

I may wrong about the company. All I know is that he said that the editing company he used edited the first 2000 words for free, and that's the only one I could find that matched the description.
I doubt any respectable editing company would offer such a scuffed service but I don't know much about the field so maybe I'm wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.18893413

Waldun has followers that will love anything that he puts out, is a psued(both good and bad), and has a passion for lit being really young. He can be good and well known in higher circles of lit but has to stop putting out garbage immediately and just work on a book/his writing for a few years. Were he to catch the attention of somebody outside this booktube sphere, an actual critic, they would set aflame the book and take a shit on it. Yea, for now people are going to eat it up that are his fans but if someone with credentials disassembled so too would his fans follow and agree and he will be labeled amateurish and juvenile forever

>> No.18893422

stay mad

>> No.18893431

>his gf spent 3 hours in a cafe reading the first 4 chapters
>the first 4 chapters combine to less than 80 pages total
3 fucking hours? is he dating a child?

>> No.18893435

>is he dating a child?

>> No.18893440

Of course he lost money it's a vanity project

>> No.18893442

think of it as an investment

>> No.18893450
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>> No.18893451

She was having trouble parsing Waldun's complex sentences. This isn't an easy read

>> No.18893457

kek true

>> No.18893484

>his gf

>> No.18893712

Legend has it she spent two of those hours on the first sentence alone

>> No.18893892

Jay Attard? More like Gay Retard!

Attard is Maltese which has made me ashamed

>> No.18893974

that fucking drawing man
l m a o

>> No.18893979

It's probably <40 if they were regular page length. But yes, there's infinite depth to the prose.

>> No.18893986

ending your answers with :) i such an passive agressive bitch move kek

>> No.18894009

Waldun is a passive aggressive bitch in general

>> No.18894041

>The Regime
>The Wall
>The Dementors
>The Corner
>The Box

what the FUCK did he mean by this?

>> No.18894044

shut up. you don’t know him

>> No.18894059

Am I missing out on a fun time with /lit/ by not reading this right now?

>> No.18894063
File: 292 KB, 1131x559, 1629370572583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he didn't think any of his fans would notice this

>> No.18894064

I do
If you enjoy cringing at shit sure

>> No.18894073
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>> No.18894078
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>> No.18894090

where can one procure a copy of L'earned D'isquise

>> No.18894096
File: 141 KB, 1703x600, 1619971916456189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're beautiful together. Painfully erotic.

>> No.18894107

The ebook is on Barnes and Noble for $5 but if one were a scoundrel it's also on Libgen and here

> Legit ebook

> Pdf

> Epub

>> No.18894153
File: 26 KB, 522x138, p79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like there's some reason for it. Some day there will be dissertations on this word choice.

>> No.18894203
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has anyone studied the sexual innuendo in this work?

>> No.18894241

Yes. >>18886874 >>18891266 >>18886373

>> No.18894421
File: 1.69 MB, 3024x3024, 20210821_230150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of good that flock of editors did

>> No.18894429

>he has a copy of L'Académie
cum on it.

>> No.18894435

they don't know how to use latex

>> No.18894514

A book I self-published over a year ago is selling better than Waldun’s new release. He needs to leverage his social media for a trad book deal. Self-pub isn’t working for him. I honestly wish I could talk to him for an hour and explain the publishing industry. It would save him from years of futile struggle.

>> No.18894520
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>not knowing that the proper reply to How do you do? Is to repeat How do you do?

>> No.18894526
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Fresh video


Our boy Jaidyn is leaving home forever. You can't say he isn't serious about it. If there was any doubt about the zoomer neo beat movement, it ends now.

>> No.18894561

It's very obvious he's trying to create an interesting back story for himself. Really holding on to that "named after a murdered baby thing" and as can be seen in this and Jay's video about his home town, his most harrowing experiences in his supposedly rough neighborhood is him hearing rumors about someone who might have once gotten stabbed or something.

Dude is pretty shtered.

>> No.18894595

"The Robin has to leave the nest." -- Jay

Are you listening Robin? The Jays are calling you.

>> No.18894601

he's getting meme'd by waldun into living in the city without the support of daddy's hongkong dollars. thsi wont end well

>> No.18894606

The video description says he's moving in with his partner? Do we know who his gf (male) is?

>> No.18894608


>> No.18894616

Jaidyn and Jay need to rape Waldun immediately it would do wonders for his prose

>> No.18894620


no cap, broad meadows is such a shit hole, I can actually see it informing some good work from Jaidyn.

>> No.18894631
File: 28 KB, 1131x281, howtotakeascreenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hearts the comment but doesn't respond
what a prick

>> No.18894639

Maybe he's saving it for his next video(!!!)

>> No.18894720

There are almost no Hispanics in Australia and barely any Abos in Victoria.
Meanwhile the average African in Australia is white, no joke.

>> No.18894738

My I offer some honest thoughts.

>> No.18894757

>There, under the white cloth, lied a machine that soon determined my fate. I was a little intimidated by the sheer size and intricacies of the instrument... soon elegant proses materialized under those noisy strokes. I stood there, wide eyed.

>> No.18894773


Same man. So strange though. Normally you never catch a brother acting like that.

>> No.18894856

You my

>> No.18894884

He tried several real publishing houses, but they all rejected him. He even went in person to the editor's office in some Melbourne publishing house and the editor said. He called it storming the office

>> No.18894892

*the editor said no

>> No.18894920
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I agree with everyone else here. Learned disguise actually had some genuine attempts at being literary within it, this book is nothing but consumer friendly YA slop.I’d rather take his autofiction short stories over this slop.

>> No.18894927

/lit knew he was gay before he did

>> No.18895004

>He even went in person to the editor's office in some Melbourne publishing house
kek. did this really happen? please tell me there is some video record of it, or at least him talking about his experiences "storming the office"

>> No.18895022

I remember it was on an Instagram story and one of his friends, probably Clark or Cody, also supported him in the endeavor. It's gone now, but he did try. That's actually why he made his own "publishing imprint" aka bought some ISBNs off the Australian equivalent of Bowker and then contacted the printing and distribution to Amazon. The self publishing route wasn't his original choice

>> No.18895073

Could you read 80 pages of Finnegan Wake in 3 hours? I mean really read and understand? No? Then Waldun isn't for you.

>> No.18895126

This needs an edit with waldun's novels

>> No.18895205

Does anyone have the link to rc waldun's old video 'watch this before you enter another library'? Either he deleted it because of my snarky comment or it was an incubus

>> No.18895287

I have it, but I downloaded after he cut out the part where he says libwerry. You can still see one frame of the part he cut out in the first second of the video. I wonder why he deleted it. It seems in line with his image of a serious academian, nothing about Learned Disguise in it


>> No.18895361

kek I remember the thread about that video. makes me believe that Waldun actually does read these threads.

>> No.18895370
File: 2.75 MB, 730x410, dark_academia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have his now deleted Fahrenheit 451 video from 2019, where he did a "review" of Bradbury's book. I believe he deleted this video because he talks about Learned Disguise briefly in the beginning. As for Fahrenheit 451, He didn't talk about the content of the book itself, but he did say that he really liked it and it inspired him to write a new dystopian novel. The important part is starts at 5:20


>> No.18895412

in b4 he and his girlfriend have a baby or some shit and he turns normie
...UNLESS he ends up going full Cassady...

>> No.18895533

>I honestly wish I could talk to him for an hour and explain the publishing industry. It would save him from years of futile struggle.
Greentext some advice pls

>> No.18895552


>> No.18895558

what a mad lad
genuinely starting to like this character.

>> No.18895591

don't worry, L'Academie plot summarizer anon will make a new thread

>> No.18895655

WHERE IS It???!!??!!

>> No.18895693

fucking jannies increase the bump limit

>> No.18895758

Can someone make discussion thread #4? I have some notes on his video I'd like to share with fellow Waldun scholars.

>> No.18895781

New bread