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18885086 No.18885086 [Reply] [Original]

>The indicator turned green as Eddington crossed the road in a straight line.
Is this the greatest opening line in all of literature? Its use of syntax and characterization is simply masterful.
For instance, a lesser writer would have conjoined the sentence's two clauses with the versatile if pedestrian 'and', employing the resulting paratactic sentence structure as a mimesis of the temporal sequence of events to imply that the light's turning green was temporally as well as causally prior to Eddington's crossing. However, RCW opts for the subordinating conjunction 'as' carrying as it does the implication that its subordinate clause describes a process already in progress as part of the context in which the event described by the preceding independent clause takes place -- i.e. Eddington was already crossing the road when the light engreened. Note how this resonates far more deeply with the novel's theme of creative polymathy and its role in freeing Mankind from social conformity. Eddington is too free a spirit to walk at the whim of a mere machine; even at this early stage something in his soul yearns for the freedom of a self-led life. Crossing the road in a straight line, here is a man who goes where he will with determination and purpose, and the blind machine society in which he lives blinks its lights unawares.

>> No.18885090

kill yourself

>> No.18885098

apt analysis

>> No.18885107

is it all written like this? seems quite sterile.

>> No.18885129


>> No.18885135

yes, that's why I asked. is it a stylistic choice at the beginning or does it continue throughout the work.

>> No.18885169

Brilliant analysis. Waldun scholars will work for years to excavate all the layers of meaning and little nuggets that R.C. weaved into this work.

>> No.18885186

I don't read in English but I hate when I see
>x happened AS y did z

>> No.18885203

Do you think it's objectivley bad or is it just something that bothers you?

>> No.18885232

I think it should also be noted that "crossing the road" can refer to Eddington's journey throughout the text. In his journey of self-discovery (a very Waldunian concept), our hero must cross from the monotony of l'academie to the free thinking sphere of reading books. This crossing of the road can only come as a result of the straight line that he walks, of a confident and determined mind choosing his own path of free thought.
Waldun's ability to pack such an immense amount of meaning into merely the first line truly is far beyond my comprehension.

>> No.18885251

I think it's bad, it looks bad, is lazy, horrible to read. You could lead this in so many different and better ways.
X happened as Y did Z.
I hate this fucking as.

>> No.18885276

What the fuck kind of name is Eddington?

>> No.18885307

I followed your advice on my latest edit of The Shitkickers, thanks for pointing this out multiple times. Once people really point it out, you can see it better in your work and the work of other writers.

>> No.18885323

It's also worth noting that the French for road is "route" which is pronounced as the English "root". Yes, Eddington is crossing the road, but it's much more that that, he's crossing (as in oppose) the very root of the society he's living in. You can see this by the very fact that Eddington was jay walking; he doesn't cross WHEN the light turned green, the light turned green as HE was crossing.

>> No.18885405


okay this reads verbatim like 1984.

>> No.18885413
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>> No.18885437

I read this post as I took a shit

>> No.18885444

True to Waldun's literary fondness, he evokes Ahab's determination:
>The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run. Over unsounded gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents' beds, unerringly I rush! Naught's an obstacle, naught's an angle to the iron way!
Of course many assume the indicator is some form of pedestrian traffic light, but it cannot be, for if Eddington jaywalked he would have been confronted by the prefects. So what is it? What does the indicator indicate? Does it serve a physical function in L'Academie or is it something more? Something ethereal?
And notice how the indicator turns green. Not red or amber or blue. Green. Why is that? Again, "Go" is the most obvious answer, or perhaps "Hope" akin to Daisy Buchanan's light. But I believe Waldun is playing with metaphors on a deeper level.
It "turned green." It was not green before. But now it becomes new. Fresh. A rebirth, if you will. I think you see where I'm going with this: Waldun was broken and depleted after the failure of The Learned Disguise but he has been revivified with this novel. He has become green again -- shedding the fears instilled since his last failure. This is a new, more powerful Waldun and he is not indicating that to Eddington, but to us!
This rebirth is all but confirmed in the final moments of the novel when Eddington (i.e Waldun) is baptized in the waters. He is born again. He bares The Cross which he has been carrying far longer than when he reads Nausea. No, as we see here Eddington has bared the cross since the very first sentence!
>Eddington crossed the road
He has made the road more than what it is. It is now metaphor. It is now his journey.
Walk with Eddington, walk with the reborn Waldun -- do not stray from the path, keep straight! -- and you will see the light beyond all indicators.

>> No.18885462

Someone send Ivan the book

>> No.18885554

>the indicator turned
In what way can an indicator turn. It can't turn left or right, up or down, in or out. No, indicators can only turn on and off. How does it turn green? What color was it before? I believe this is the central thesis to the work. A glimpse of this previous true color awaits, before Eddington took that fated crossing, but first is to understand the green in Eddington and the Eddington in green.

>> No.18885576

Refers to the famous inventer: Thomas Alva Eddington -- means he's creative

>> No.18885590

This is a masterclass in "show, don't tell"

Life in The Regime is so strictly regimented that Eddington need not even pay attention to the traffic light, he can sense on a subconscious level that it is time to cross.

>> No.18885619

>as Eddington crossed the road in a straight line.
What? In what other way would you cross a road? In a curved line? This is completely unnecessary. You might as well tell us that he was walking by alternating his left and right legs to move his feet.

>> No.18885646
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Meaning he didn't, like, stop to pick up a penny or read one of those Toynbee tiles in the middle of the street.

>> No.18885648

As you said Eddington is jay walking in this opening line. Without directly mentioning him, Waldun manages to subtly reference his close friend and occasional lover Jay here. Jay is known for living an unconventional lifestyle and not adhering to societal norms and rules. On top of that Jay also happened to embark on an unusual journey by foot, as chronicled in his work "1200KM: Walking from Barcelona to Portugal". So by letting Eddington jay walk, Waldun manages to foreshadows that the character will follow into the footsteps of Jay, with an unusual path ahead of him.

>> No.18885652

It's to emphasize that the regime is strict and orderly. I have no problem with it. Ignore that Eddington jaywalked though

>> No.18885670

How did I not that connection myself...

>> No.18885671

It's clearly a subtle "indicator" of the character's sexuality (get it - indicator?). He walks in a "straight" line, but he wants to deviate from his path to "clear some of the trash cluttering the street" even as his heart yearns for a "warm drink" at a "cafe." And notice the character's preoccupation with fashion; one can immediately sense his yearning to break free from the heteronormative, and explore bold and dazzling displays of the homoerotic. Immediately, we know this character is somehow "different," even as society forces him to conform to its standards.


>> No.18885677
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Said this in the other thread, he should've marketed to children and he would've been quite successful. His problem is that he unironically think this is worth being taken seriously in literally any regard.

>> No.18885946

Fuck you. This actually made me laugh. I hope you burn in hell.

>> No.18885977


>> No.18886046

checked. brilliant stuff. i'd also like to add: the indicator (the very symbol of the regime and its oppressive nature) "turns green" (with envy -- here comes a man who would not take it anymore)

>> No.18886678

This thread transcends a joke