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[ERROR] No.18875646 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18863868
Waldunchads, let's continue our in-depth, informative and substantive discussion of the latest piece of literature from up-and-coming literary genius "R.C. Waldun".

>> No.18875653
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>That's when he realized, Academia was rather dark here in L'adademie.
He can't be fucking serious.

>> No.18875662

I still can't get over the fake Milton quote

>> No.18875692

just starting chapter 17. plot was chugging along rather nicely, but the meandering turn this took after rogues started getting arrested is shit. the endless flashbacks about his tradwife by the lake suck too

>> No.18875753

This isn't actually in the book.

>> No.18875967

I'm so pissed that Waldun fucked up the release. Now comfy.png's hard work was all for nothing.

>> No.18875999

im on 12 and theyre already tedious enough im not looking forwards to them getting worse

>> No.18876018
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this anon made the pdf of L'Academie smalled and added findable text


>> No.18876062
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still disappointed that these are coincidences, a product of lack of imagination, not that Eddington is the canon reincarnation of Arthur or Learned Disguise is a real book in the L'Academie universe

>> No.18876174

This can't be a coincidence...

How can someone be so unoriginal that they construct almost exactly the same pretentious greeting in both books?? It has to be a Learned Disguise reference

>> No.18876194

>How can someone be so unoriginal that they construct almost exactly the same pretentious greeting in both books??

Come on. You know it's entirely possible. His characters are self-inserts so they're near-guaranteed to talk and behave in the same way, because they're just him.

>> No.18876304

Did he really take 2 years writing this pile of shit like he said in his Instagram post?

>> No.18876314
File: 272 KB, 1611x928, kill your (self).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pinnacle of literature, jaidyen l. retard

>> No.18876320

>and does Cohen want it darker
>or do i?
This was pretty good though, not gonna lie

>> No.18876387

That’s because you have an IQ or 76

>> No.18876435

Does anyone care to summarise the plot in 5 sentences or so?

>> No.18876446

This guy greentexted the plot summary

>> No.18876451

I have a question for the brave anons who are reading this: if the facts are uploaded in the users via headphones, how come there's literacy in the world? How cand they read books if all they get is Audible?

>> No.18876457

fahrenheit 1984

>> No.18876460

Waldun is so rapeable

>> No.18876514
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>How cand they read books if all they get is Audible?
from what i understand they can’t. i have not finished it yet but it’s not quite clear how the actual learning occurs at l’académie, nor how books and reading were suppressed so quickly among the general public. it appears that everyone *can* read, since there are memories of a time before the regime clamped down on books (even though the city is staffed with prefects who watch over, scrutinize and crack down on everything, you can apparently just waltz a few blocks away from main street and end up on skid row, or even a rogue’s house), and relearning to read takes time but is possible. if you can write, however, you’re basically pic related

again, not finished yet, and i’m at a part where i expect the man in the long black coat to flick away his cigarette and say ”you still don’t get it, do ya kid?” and explain all of the above

>> No.18876541

I have a question. Does everyone go to L'Academie or is it maybe the top 5% or 10% percentile of intelligence, the rest of the population is simply uneducated? I know that its supposed to mirror Waldun's own high school experience and he went to a fancy, admissions-only, exclusive science school

>> No.18876551

Why do you need to go to a school to learn, if the headset technology makes teachers obsolete?

>> No.18876561
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entire book debunked with simple logic

>> No.18876571

it is quite telling that for a main character who extolls the virtues of reading over and over, waldunton does not once mention or even think about libraries being closed down, which i assume is the first and most crucial step for a regime bent on banning books, but weeps for entire chapters over a bookshop being emptied

>> No.18876580
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>start with the greeks...
Analysis bros...

>> No.18876615

Having read Waldun's PDF, I can say now that John David Card's tumblr stuff is better imo

>> No.18876644
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there's a similar passage in Learned Disguise where Arthur meets a hunchback wagie who is so poor that he can only afford one book. No poories allowed in the libraries

>> No.18876692
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goddammit lol

>> No.18876728

kek, like clockwork

>> No.18876758

waldunsexuals can look forward to a rather incoherent torture/interrogation scene where robin’s self-insert gets whipped with a belt to the point of passing out

>> No.18876771

He really, really wants to be white, doesn't he

>> No.18876785

>how'ju know?

fuck sakes waldo

>> No.18876861

Finally, a /lit/izen with some fucking taste around here.

>> No.18876868

the gay kind of white

>> No.18876887

the only kind

>> No.18876913

the entire book is a shitshow but chapter 21 gets really lazy with the back-and-forth between café and hideout, which appear to be almost side by side

>> No.18877094

Eddington can read books because of his life before L'Academie. Ada, Joe, and Fred just learned over time. Tom... I don' know.
Also apparently they can read some words because there's signs and stuff.

>> No.18877144

It's not really a school. It's just a place where you get plugged into new into. As for why students need to learn history, that's more unclear. Apparently it's to input data into L'Academie but that makes no sense.
Libraries come up 3 times. practically synonymous with bookstores though.
Waldun has 7 characters in a 300 page book and he still can't diversify their language. Both his chums and his old dad call him "kid" and the "I'll have to report you" joke is used by 3 people.

>> No.18877151

Come on Papa Waldun, give your approval to your son


>> No.18877280

Jaidyn is from the streets: https://youtu.be/b3ub5pnKzlE

Who did it better:
Kerouac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dywFHScNecI
Jay The Author: https://youtu.be/EO4xBXhwOi8 [Embed]

>> No.18877522
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Thanks for the appreciation, fren :). It really ended up on an anti climax note, huh? Still, gonna keep making waldun ocs and post them whenvet I can

>> No.18877532
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it doesn't seem like Waldun fits in with the other two, like he's trying his best to live as a beatnik and suck the marrow of life, but he is shy even about screaming in a park

>> No.18877634

the cringe

>> No.18877659

It's about the movement. Waldun is the reserved mastermind. Jaidyn is the beating heart. Jay is the arms.

It all runs painfully deep.

Start here
Introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1ZpAiw3vio
Familiarization: https://youtu.be/tzAqf00sFII

Getting to know Jaidyn:

Getting to know Jay:

Getting to know Waldun:
Sorry, this is your journey.

>> No.18877678

Used up writer who's twenty
boozed up anon who's too angsty
Waldun well done
condom cum cum

>> No.18877682

Anon, you've taken your obsession too far.

>> No.18877696

You should turn this into a chart and post it in the next chart thread

>> No.18877698

I'm sorry but the "Planning a Literary Movement" video HAS to be a joke

>> No.18877702

What are the chances that Waldun is going to take his book off of Amazon and memoryhole L'Academie, like he did Learned Disguise? I can't believe he put himself in that ridiculous whipping scene. It was like watching Peter O'Toole get aroused while the Arab did bdsm stuff in Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.18877748

Is this even worth pushing through? At best its boring, and Waldun isn't even capable of clearly writing a scene. I never get a sense of basic stuff e.g., where people are situated, how much time has passed, who is speaking etc.

Learned Disguise at least was so bad it was charming. I wish Waldun never hired an editor.

>> No.18877827

I skipped to the end when Eddington went crazy and started flopping around in a puddle of water. Despite the near perfect English, L'Academie is far worse than Learned Disguise. It has less of Waldun's honest thoughts, none of the characteristic love for old European culture, none of the silly characters who are probably Waldun's real life imaginary friends. I was excited for Waldun's father, Archer, and what he would do, but he basically ended up being the evil antagonist without ever explainimg why he's evil or why he memory wiped Waldun or without even having good dialogue or characterization. The entire book of L'Academie is Waldun whining about how much he didn't like his old high school and noooo not the bookerinos. Even as his friends got kidnapped, I thought Ed would spring into action and try to rescue them, but he instead made plans to save a couple of paperback books. Even the plot had none of Waldun's charm, it was just standard low budget TV thriller drama

>> No.18877838

All three of them look pretty larpy doing this shit. They probably saw people doing this in movies and decided to do the same thing, too much self-consciousness on display.

>> No.18877840

>none of the silly characters who are probably Waldun's real life imaginary friends

>> No.18877885

Oh god, it's only a matter of time before the Waldun charts appear...

>> No.18877919

Yeah, that's how it seems. Learned Disguise was an earnest attempt at literary fiction from a substandard, yet fascinating, mind. This is just mundane YA sludge.

Part of me wonders whether he retreated to a more (using these terms very loosely) imaginative & fantastical work because he poured so much of his actual self into The Learned Disguise only to be mocked by socially maladjusted /lit/cels.

>> No.18877955

That's definitely the case. I also believe this is why Learned Disguise is very special. The openness about who he aspired to be and how he wished his life was like is something that will never be replicated. Waldun will never again let himself become as vulnerable as he did with Learned Disguise. It was before he had his feelings hurt from mockery, before people laughed at him for simping for a white girl and pretending to be a white man. It's sad that now the best we get are diary entries about his plumber and his phone buddy telling him about this bird that once flew into his shop

>> No.18877980

I mostly agree with >>18877827 but there are some funny moments. The build-up to Eddington stealing the prefects car is genuinely hilarious.
>"Give The Regime a good blow." Eddington
looked at Tom with the rod in his hand.
>He gripped the metal rod tighter
>Eddington clenched the metal rod in his
>"I've got a plan." Eddington looked at his metal rod.
>Eddington tested the strength of the rod by pressing it against his shin
>Eddington tightened his grip on the rod.
>Eddington clenched his teeth and gripped the rod tighter.
That spans 4 pages and then -- you guessed it -- his brains a couple of guards. Nothing clever about it. Oh, and it ends with
>Eddington clenched the rod and gave their heads a few more blows

>> No.18877994

>It's sad
speak for yourself. Flâneur Waldun is best Waldun

>> No.18878006

Do we ever figure out why escaping the brainwashing is called the Cross and why people who are able to do it are called Double Rods? Waldun is not religious and I don't think he's suddenly gone Christian. Or has he

>> No.18878030

My order of preference are
> 1. modern Renaissance polymath Waldun
> 2. I fucking love science Waldun
> gap
> 3. modern continental philosopher Waldun
> yuge gap
> 4. man of the streets flaneur Waldun

>> No.18878057

>A Physicist once told Eddington, "In a physical experiment, Double-Rods tend to conform to a nonuniform range of motions."
>"But what does that have to do with The Regime?"
>"Well, they introduce patterns of chaos."
>"What does that mean?"
>"Maybe Double-Rods will mess with our knowledge?" The man in the brown blazer scratched his head.
As for The Cross, we never get a reason but I assume it comes from "cross-referencing" different knowledge. His religious motifs are almost certainly unintentional.

>> No.18878062

4 1 3 2

>> No.18878078

Sorry I didn't study physics, what experiment with double rods is he talking about

>> No.18878081

>Eddington clenched his teeth and gripped the rod tighter, then, gave another two blows.
suppressed homo-eroticism?

>> No.18878097

there were two rods. I wonder if they were big white rods but he truly only liked one of the white rods, the other white rod thinks they're living on stolen aboriginal land

>> No.18878106

Must be this?

>> No.18878122

Even in a fictional setting Robin can't quite summon the courage to kiss the girl, he lands one on the cheek and the forehead but never the lips. The girl in turn shows her affection by ruffling his hair. Such chasteness is genuinely endearing imo. Anyway I hope Waldun bounces back from this stinker and writes a brutally honest Knausgaardian novel about his own life. 1000+ pages about Waldun and pals, no editor, boom!

>> No.18878143

> In physics and mathematics, in the area of dynamical systems, a double pendulum is a pendulum with another pendulum attached to its end, is a simple physical system that exhibits rich dynamic behavior with a strong sensitivity to initial conditions.[1] The motion of a double pendulum is governed by a set of coupled ordinary differential equations and is chaotic.

I must say that I'm too small brain understand the significance of this physics experiment but I get where the term double rod comes from now


>> No.18878150

>up-and-coming literary genius
lol waldun cuck shilling trash

>> No.18878156

abandon ship. free yourself. escape the matrix.

>> No.18878163

this is truly the evangelion of our era

>> No.18878210

Lmao this reads like a parody of a bad thriller novel. Waldun should pull a Tommy Wiseau and start marketing his stuff as a comedy.
Agree with 100% of what you said. The Learned Disguise is an interesting read because it is a shockingly juvenile and revealing book. It's someone's entire conscious and subconscious laid bare -- a great work of outsider art.

>> No.18878215

> Even in a fictional setting Robin can't quite summon the courage to kiss the girl, he lands one on the cheek and the forehead but never the lips. The girl in turn shows her affection by ruffling his hair.
Waldun should write about courting his imaginary girlfriend. It would be pure cuteWaldunkino

>> No.18878261

>I must say that I'm too small brain understand the significance of this physics experiment
It is just an example of the sensitivity of a simple dynamic system. Chaos theory deals with these systems where slight variations on some initial parameters lead to very different outcomes.
The old butterfly effect shit, banal pop science honestly.

>> No.18878319
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Gentlemen. Notice the pathetic pseud take of >>18878122.
WRONG! Wrong wrong wrong...wrong. WRONG.

This excerpt (pic) is a brilliant example of the complexity of Waldun--as a writer AND a figure of the movement. Notice the deep symbolism Waldun is using to code his repressed homosexuality?

A woman at a cafe--the archetypal object of desire causes our man to become self-aware. But what is he aware of? That he should desire but doesn't desire--she moves him from a light drink to a heavy drink. A call to adventure that the feminine has forced upon him. Notice the resonance of moving from tea to coffee as the symbolic object? The coded phallic language of "long black?" What does he really want and what has he accepted? The object of desire's friendship, full stop because that is all.

The sweet repression of emotion Waldun gives us via a delicate use of irony, the archetypical structuring at an inverse, is masterful. Fade into Jay.

The real object of desire is Jay (The Author). On the level of authorial biographical analysis--scholars a century from now will be talking of the tension represented in the line openly criticizing the friend and confidant. Using shade to shade in character--delightfully playful is our man Waldun (or 'Robin' as he is known to his Jay).

Jay is freedom; he cannot be constrained by formatting. We all know, deep down, that Robin will never convince Jay to share a cage. However, the Jay is teaching the Robin to soar--all gas, no breaks.

>> No.18878352

He gay.

>> No.18878368

what the fuck is with this guy and coffee shops?

>> No.18878581

This is why I believe There's A Tale To This City will be Waldun's most complex book yet. The sexual tension is ever present in Waldun's videos and book, but now he will share the page with Jay, not only as his character Rick Walkow, but in the physical world as well. Shoulder-to-shoulder, whiskey in hand, will he allow his self insert to make the first move? Jaidyn watches... a gentle caress... a hearty chuckle...

>> No.18878619

If he wrote and advertised the book as if its for kids he might actually be fine, the problem is waldun unironically expects to be taken seriously in the literature scene.

>> No.18878671

>Intro/Getting to know Jay:

>> No.18878674

Is Waldun a top or a bottom by nature?

>> No.18878690

Is this some zoomer thing? I do not get it.

>> No.18878696

Waldun fans are zoomers. I expect most Waldunchads are millennials

>> No.18878713

60 year old waldunchad, checking in

>> No.18878732
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Will L'Académie become part of the new /lit/ trilogy?

>> No.18878773

IDK. We'll have to see if it stands the test of time like Croc. Gothic Violence hasn't been out too long so it might be premature for that one.

>> No.18878779

Mike Ma is a twatter fag he isn't from /lit/
The trilogy is Croc, Lacademie, and [&amp, The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, coronameron, /lit/ annotated Moby-Dick, or My Diary Desu] (pick one)

>> No.18878792

is gardner a lolcow as well? Mike Ma is not a lolcow as much as he's an OK writer that appeals to 4chan culture

>> No.18878798

I’ve always wondered. Why is Croc so much more popular than the other books Gardner has written? Why did that specific book become so memeable? Is it really that much better than the rest of his books?

>> No.18878806

Only 2 people on this board have read any of Gardner's books

>> No.18878820

Newfriend detected. I actually read Arcade back when his books were being given away for free on this site. There were constant threads about them when that was going on. So, it seems like a good amount of this board has read at least that one and Croc.

>> No.18878835

This also explains why those two books have so many more ratings than his other ones. Gardner is a two hit wonder.

>> No.18879161

Waldun isn't from lit either, he's a mall YouTuber with a good Instagram following

>> No.18879198

Why are you posting in the Lacademie discussion thread when you clearly know so little about waldun? /lit/ made this man what he is today

>> No.18879209

why do all the cringey little forced meme faggots always come into these threads trying to associate themselves with waldun?

>> No.18879222

Kek, this is pretty bad.

>> No.18879223

Hi Robin.

>> No.18879304

fuck off mike

>> No.18879342

(Repressed Homosexual) Virgin Waldun
(Homo-Cult Leader) Chad Mishima

Virgin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyTh_F0rc-A
Chad: https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w491276854

>> No.18879403

Fashion sense video where he talks about his daddy issues. All of his work must be placed in context according to biographical criticism (i.e. developing homosexual awareness) given how autobiographical any textual analysis must be.

>> No.18879521

just finished it. pretty bleak ending. so the purpose of the regime’s harshness was to maintain order after the never-expanded-upon event that i presume birthed it? and l’académie was merely a method of coping in a hopeless, post-apocalyptic world (briefly glimpsed outside the wall)? on the other hand, any big societal decline goes unmentioned, and in flashbacks the regime creeps up when everything seems normal; my generous guess is that ed’s memories of the catastrophe were deeply repressed

>> No.18879632

I was surprised he went with the 1984 ending instead of having Eddington redistribute all the books.
It's actually bleaker than 1984 because the people of L'Academie (AKA modern academia, man) have become so brainwashed/stupid that even reading a book causes them to die. The emphasis is put on human incapability which if anything supports such a tyrannical regime operated by the few who bare The Cross.

>> No.18879661
File: 401 KB, 614x980, waldun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fucking real

>> No.18879693

only someone who knows aspects of semantic patterning will *get* this allusion

>> No.18879699

low effort

>> No.18879712

this is what's so rewarding about reading waldun. you follow him for years, begin to understand his references and he sneaks these little nuggets

>> No.18879722

Can anyone decipher this? I read the book and I don't know what that bottle is supposed to be

>> No.18879726

>he didn't get the bottle reference

>> No.18879745

this anon is right >>18878261
i has a degree in control theory. there is nothing to be small brained about here. chaotic systems (a system is any multiple of things that interact) are just a special kind of system, still deterministic, but any arbitrarily small change in them can cause an arbitrarily large change over a time. turbulent flow is chaotic, which is every fluid, so the weather and blood flow and so on.

as for the writing >>18878057 literally no fucking idea what is being said here. by non-uniform i think he just means non-periodic

>> No.18879784

damn…waldun is like the le wrong generationers who haunt this board, crapping their briefs about the decline and fall of western civ, loudly proclaiming that everything after the french revolution has been a mistake and that art, philosophy and literature should be practiced and enjoyed exclusviely by a select few among the aristocratic class like in the good old days when certified classics dropped by the dozen every week

but at least waldun did more than a vague shitpost with a statue image attached

>> No.18879812

This could be the Rosetta stone that blows L'Acadamie wide open. If you're going to joke around and spread misinformation like >>18879661 please do it in another thread.

>> No.18879822

This is all so funny. Waldun is a swollen nerd without any interesting qualities or emotions. What little he has he's distancing himself by setting it in a dystopia shamelessly ripped from 1984 (hardly a clever conceit in the first place). Both his books are about studying. And he doesn't even redeem this with good prose, which he could probably wring from all the books he harps on about reading. Yet the amazon sample of lacademie shows a deeply uninspired stringing-together of literary clichés. There isn't anything here at all. How do you shit out 300 pages without pausing and questioning whether it's at all worth it?
Hahaha as if libraries don't exist nowadays exclusively for homeless people to masturbate

>> No.18879825

the final line is the least offensive piece of prose on that page

>> No.18879839

He is what all /lit/bros should aspire to

>> No.18879842

speaking of bottles, i can’t recall or be bothered to look if the cafe had anyone at the counter fixing people’s drinks. from what i gathered it was all automated. if there were people working there, surely they would have reacted during the shootout with fred toward the end

but then if there are no employees, why the bottles behind/on the counter? who administers the liquid?

>> No.18879868

>Hahaha as if libraries don't exist nowadays exclusively for homeless people to masturbate
you need to go back

>> No.18879878

Don't get bogged down in neckbeard world-building thoughts like "how does the economy and social system work?" or "what's the point of L'Academie?" Let Waldun's prose wash over you. Be transported to another world and enjoy the characters. Turn off your thinky thinky

>> No.18879971

there is one stray mention of ’dollars’ in this book. do students at l’académie get loans*? are they charged for rent, food** and utilities at the complex? are they supposed to pay those loans back when they get sent beyond the wall and start earning real money, as in real life, when everything we learn about ’beyond the wall’ implies something sinister, like death and disappearance? how would that work for historians anyway when all learning is automated and held at l’académie; do all ’men of history’ sit at cafes and spout random trivia all day long? are they soft prefects, keeping students in line? this was my first impression of tom, but as we get to know him he seems like the most naive character of all so that theory doesn’t float

*from one prefect’s comment in a flashback, as l’regime consolidates power, it appears as if all young people are forced to attend l’académie. i’m not even gonna begin to consider how this economy functions

**the band of rogues heads out to scavenge for bread, but who goes out to buy a loaf of bread when hot meals are delivered straight into your fucking mouth at home?

waldun is wrecking my head

>> No.18880002

You're probably putting more tough into this than Waldun ever put in the 3 years he spent writing it, not only Waldun is unimaginative, but also careless and clearly gives no attention to what he's writing

>> No.18880061

only true dark academians will get this

>> No.18880096

It's funny that in making his mundane (and also downright wrong) point of "contemporary academia is just regurgitating facts and trivia without critical thought," Waldun exposed his own lack of critical faculties.

Between that and the misattributed epigraph pulled from Goodreads, this whole book is one great irony.

>> No.18880098

When Archer says "I have to go" do you think he REALLY has to go?

>> No.18880160
File: 955 KB, 1670x2560, 6212AAF9-7729-4AD4-A4AD-414AE86357CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even funnier is that when eddington finally gets to immerse himself in a book, he doesn’t approach it with a critical eye anyway. he is simply enamored with how all the stuff pumped into him at l’académie is finally being presented as a story. and we all know how much waldun loves a good story, don’t we folks

btw, based on the opening line, pic related is what ed finds and devours at the hideout. so we know for a fact that a 2018 cheeky angloid pop-history paperback is part of l’académieverse

>> No.18880244

Yeah, he made a video about that. You can see him with the book at 3:25. He deleted this video from Youtube because he talks about Learned Disguise in the last minute of the video and that's persona non grata


>> No.18880251

excellent work

>> No.18880262

I'm actually surprised that he is STILL using the same book that he read in 2019, and moreover, referencing it so extensively in L'Academie. He's now minoring in the French language at Melbourne University, I thought he would've read some more books about le reign of terror or literally any other historical period of France.

>> No.18880264

What's up with him avoiding his first book? I don't keep up with him, so I missed the Learned Disguise arc.

>> No.18880280

It was critically panned, but mostly it was because Learned Disguise was truly him laying his heart out to the world. When we rejected his work, it was like rejecting the core of his being

>> No.18880325

You guys are so mean.

>> No.18880340

waldun, your barely released book is getting more attention and analysis than any other new novel since infinite jest. you should thank us

>> No.18880386

It's beautiful to witness, but honestly, where are the parties and the cakes?

I'm going to release my own 2nd book soon, got to at least bake a cake. Did Waldun even throw a launch party?

>> No.18880488

Officially, whatever that means, his book isn't launched yet. Maybe there will be cake on September 1. I'm betting on there being a few edition of L'Academie, with a different quote on the first page. I wonder what Waldun is going to do with all these copies though?


>> No.18880521

Where can I pre-order?
I will buy one right meow.

>> No.18880531

I just noticed that Waldun said in a comment that his book is available though Amazon. So this launch does at least have his blessing


>> No.18880547

Damn, on a $14 book he's getting what, like $8, if that? Need to sell like 20+ books a day to survive

>> No.18880553

survive? he gets an allowance from his mom and dad

>> No.18880555

How do you know?

>> No.18880561

his dad is a top CPC official and pig iron magnate

>> No.18880563

There was a Jay/Jayden/Waldun video on the last thread where Waldun got a money order from his parents that was supposed to cover his rent. You can do a ctrl+f for "money order"

>> No.18880594
File: 243 KB, 720x1119, IMG_20210820_111105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, which one of you cheeky faggots did this

>> No.18880627

why does Waldun have a picture of a giant nigger head in his room

>> No.18880632

It isn't grooming if you're gay.

>> No.18880646

You need to kill yourself

>> No.18880657

Homosexual subtext in Waldun is vastly understudied.

>> No.18880697

you need to go back

>> No.18880719

you need to suck my dick

>> No.18880723

> day to survive
Waldun has always been a rich boy being enabled by his parents. He self published his first novel in 2019 when he was in hist last year of high school. What kind of kid has money to self publish his own novel? His parents paid for him as they pay for his rent and clothes, and probably everything else. He quit his day job (in a bookstor) to do youtube full time and I'm sure 10k views per video don't generate enough money to live in one of Australia's most expensive cities

>> No.18880763

>A cold wind blew through The Regime, whirling rubbish along the ground. There weren't many people out, but someone would
pick it up eventually. Eddington crossed the road as the street light turned green. He walked straight and tall with a blank expression, but beneath the facade he felt anxious. Pausing for a moment, Eddington felt for his earpieces. They were still in place, but not working as well as they used to. Others walked past him straight, tall, and expressionless – all with the same earpieces.

>Eddington’s gray blazer didn't do much against the cold winds, but if he walked a little faster he felt fine. He was distracted by a rolling coffee cup on the sidewalk and wanted to pick it up. It would be nice to clear some rubbish from the street, but a warm ale mattered more. Eddington could see the ale dispensary from where he was standing. He passed denizens of The Regime along the now crowded streets. Must be Swarm Time. All denizens of The Regime wore the same style blazer but in different colors. One in navy, another in white, and so on, going about their business. Militant figures in black suits lurked in the shadows tall, straight and expressionless like everyone else.

It's honestly not that bad

>> No.18880886

> What kind of kid has money to self publish his own novel?
It's free to self-publish on Amazon. Waldun did spend money on a cheapie editor from Fiverr. At the time, it seemed foolish to get try to save money that way, but in hindsight, it was the best thing that could've happened

>> No.18880890

but it was published by Literary Publication, a legit press

>> No.18880901

Learned Disguise was not picked up by LITERARY. Publication

>> No.18880906

But he had physical copies of his book, or does Amazon takes care of that too?

>> No.18880910

that guy made a pretty good VN I reckon

>> No.18881069

Amazon prints and distributes your book for free*, in exchange for taking 40% of your profit for paperback, and between 30%-70% of your profit for ebooks

>> No.18881100

and obviously you can print your own copies and sell them on Amazon, but then you have to make something called an Amazon Seller's account which comes with its own set of requirements and iirc, you need to sell a minimum quota of stuff to keep your account active. It's easier to have Emperor Bezos take care of everything for you

>> No.18881465

Walduns new book is really giving me the itch... If he can do it so can i

>> No.18881566


>> No.18881570
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through Amazon really kills the legitimate artisan writer market.

>> No.18881666

so pathetic seeing other hanger on authors trying to Waldun's coattails

>> No.18881678

>dozens of new posts in the Waldun thread
>it's that crocodile loser trying to meme himself into relevance

>> No.18881691

I marathoned both COTC and L'Academie in the last days and...
Gardner chads... I kneel

>> No.18881692

My copy doesn’t look like that. Are there coffee table versions of these or something?

>> No.18881697

Go on? I’m curious how they were.

>> No.18881734
File: 675 KB, 1908x2046, 2C2283DA-D55C-4F9C-86A0-D65EAC9CCB1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. Mine is normal.

>> No.18882150

You guys are gonna make sure that L'academie is gonna end up on the next /lit/ top 100 list right?

>> No.18882293

Yeah, it's lost the hilarious babble aspect. I've drafted far worse myself.

The only fun is reading it as a response to modern Australian culture as written by a manlet.

>> No.18882419

>Lighcollegebros...this can't be happening...we lost...

>> No.18882430

do there exist any style of jacket BESIDES blazer that is also acceptable for the Dark Acaddemian?

hard mode: no long black/grey coat

>> No.18882449

why was it called l’académie when everything else was in english. to make it sound exotic and enticing?

for a while there i thought this was actually set in future france, because of the title, the references to the revolution, the discovery of nausea, and ”eddington” which sounds like something out of an old french gangster movie. even the way people spoke (joe in particular) sounded like euro caricature of worn american tropes. guess i gave waldun waaay more credit than he deserved

>> No.18882470

the dialogue filters me i have to admit
>What happens to the people when they are taken away?
>No one knows. I don't bother. Banished.

>> No.18882475

> why was it called l’académie
shit that's actually a good question. of course, we know that Waldun is a ouiaboo, but in-universe, there really isn't a good reason for the brainwashing school to be in French

>> No.18882504

What is the headset tech anyways? does it beam frequencies into your head, making it so you absorb entire wiki entries every 5 seconds or are they just listening to audiobooks? if they have the earbuds in even when walking down the street, why do they need to go to L'Academie? Do they get npc script updates there, how does it work?

>> No.18882520

Get in lads.

>> No.18882538


>> No.18882546

the most they ever appeared to do was make people ”go with the program”, perhaps via some signal or something. on the other hand, there were suggestions in archer’s dialogue that they’re actually completely useless and merely a way of enforcing conformity, like a party pin on your lapel, or the blazers

on the OTHER hand, if they beamed knowledge into your head l’académie would be totally useless, which it clearly isn’t since users are plugged in and the system can be hacked. unless fred’s disruptor chip was just another placebo…

>> No.18882558

I'm humble enough to admit it, Waldun's opus is too complex for my small occidental brain.

>> No.18882564


>> No.18882566

waldun sez he’s ”back home” in the burbs; does one of his parents live in straya?

>> No.18882575



>> No.18882581

Melbourne University is probably less than 25 miles from his parent's house. Plus university is all online now, I think, because of covid

>> No.18882589
File: 18 KB, 320x180, 3ADC9544-A0A4-496D-945A-C9CDEACB251C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waldun remains so mortified by the learned disguise that he refuses to name it :-(

>> No.18882598

god what a fucking chud Gary is. Why didn't Gary ever say
> hey Robin, doesn't this plot sound exactly like Fahrenheit 451?
> I dunno man, I don't think you should you write a novel that's only about how much you hate our high school

>> No.18882607
File: 89 KB, 816x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what L'Academie's building looks like

>> No.18882614

i have to wonder: out of all the options available to an authoritarian tyrant setting up his evil regime, why would he pick an ”educational dystopia”? revenge of the nerds on steroids?

>> No.18882619

>"Everything kind of changed when a very special person told me something. So, my partner, who's actually living in Sydney right now."
yes, Waldun has a girlfriend. what's your excuse /lit/?

>> No.18882620



GO TO 7:45


>> No.18882622

hey, i drew this when i was 3. is there an attorney itt? can i claim l’académie royalties?

>> No.18882625


a girlfriend who cucks him with people from /lit/ >>18866936

>> No.18882631

heh heh 9:50, he says beating yourself with a whip. I think I know what Ila-Rose and he do in bed

>> No.18882635

maybe that guy fucked Ila Rose before she started dating Waldun

>> No.18882638

>publishes an acclaimed novel
>fluent in multiple languages
>has a human girlfriend
Anon, how can you even compete?

>> No.18882646

>self-publishing doesn't count, and is only "acclaimed" by literal retards
>clearly not fluent in English
>is a cuck
I kneel...

>> No.18882647

has a human WHITE girlfriend. Even Chad Jay had to settle for a gook

>> No.18882653

oh no, Ila Rose was visiting Waldun a couple months ago in Melbourne, probably

>> No.18882659

why can’t zoomers say ”girlfriend”

also, three hours to read four chapters of focus-grouped prose? hmm

>> No.18882669

language changes, Grampa

>> No.18882684

jay is only a chad looks-wise. the minute he opens his mouth you realize he’d be better off thinning turnips out in the sticks, being the lovable village simpleton he was meant to be

>> No.18882694

this anon
needs to give us the full details on when and where he fucked Ila Rose. Why was she in Melbourne? We have to know if she cheated on our Waldun

>> No.18882715

>waldun’s sponsor is a service that summarizes books so you don’t have to use your thinky-wink
it’s l’académie’s world…we’re just living in it

>> No.18882743
File: 61 KB, 938x450, happy but at what cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this video after reading all the Waldun threads the last weeks feels surreal. The stark contrast between the exposed plot holes, misattributed quotes, rehashed lines, and general critique in these threads, compared to the process he describes in his video is almost too much. Hearing him talk about how he wrote five complete drafts before submitting the story to a team (!) of editors, how his confirmed partner of the female gender couldn't put it down even after hours of reading, his reflections on how naive and overconfident he was in his ability back when he was a young man (kek) compared to today and so on and so on.

It was with a bittersweet smile that I finished watching this video. The whole obsession with Waldun might be one of the funniest online inside jokes I have ever come across, yet a part of me feels sorry for the naive Waldun who only after six months of doubt dared to publish L'Académie. An emotional pyrrhic victory, if you will.

All of this makes me wonder if the L'Académie in itself isn't the complete work, but rather that the entire sphere that surrounds it with youtube videos, /lit/ discussions threads and so on can be seen as what Bourriaud would have called "Relational Art". What do you think, fellow scholars?

>> No.18882759

I'm now way more interested in whether a /lit/itzen fucked Waldun's girlfriend while she was visiting him in Melbourne

>> No.18882772

>"she lives in a different city, you wouldnt know her"
>"oh, haha, no she doesnt really take selfies so I dont have a pic"

>> No.18882782

My man is in love with the idea of writing a novel and not much else
Also, how can he renounce The Learned Disguise and then go on to write something like this shit? How long until he starts pretending L'Académie never existed too?

>> No.18882802


>> No.18882806

It really is perfect isn't it

>> No.18882826

That is just what I mean. On its own L'Académie is just yet another unoriginal dystopian YA novel, but consider the larger narrative of the naive and hopelessly mediocre young writer that unknowingly has a large meta-ironic following that analyses every aspect of his life. I can think of no better word than "surreal".

>> No.18882835

Her Instagram is public

>> No.18882843
File: 796 KB, 800x657, Untitle14d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first novel wasn't very good
>i didn't know how to tell a good story
>all the characters sounded like idiots
>my gosh, i want to physically vomit when i read the first book again
>put that book off the shelves, it is an idiotic piece of work-you don't have to read that

>> No.18882938

Now I know why there were so many fucking flashback scenes to Eddington and his dead gf. I bet Ila Rose loved reading that. It's chapter after chapter of stroking her ego

A thought: you know how Eddington's father, Archer, sent Ed to L'Academie so he would be brainwashed into forgetting about his tradthot gf? What if real life Dad Waldun disapproved of Waldun's white lit student gf and tried to get them to break up?

>> No.18882942

Robin is so based. If he actually writes something good one day, I think we'll all be proud of him lol.

>> No.18882943

> If he actually writes something good one day

>> No.18882948

He just had to sneak that he has a "partner" in there didn't he lmao

>> No.18882977

>that whole self-aggrandizing speech about his friend and gf loving the book
Who are these people?

>> No.18882979

>There's a special deal for Amazon users
That's a nice way for him to say he fucked up and released the paperback early

>> No.18882999

This is a good lesson for Waldun for his next book. Always seek counsel from any person other than who he knows personally otherwise criticisms will be slanted in favor of his work.

>> No.18883004

But he hired a entire panel of people to edit his work, including at least one line editor

>> No.18883022

lmao you can't make this shit up

>> No.18883023

I can't wait for the reviews to begin rolling in. I wonder if he'll ever do an AMA about the book.

>> No.18883058

Learned Disguise was released in June but the reviews didn't come in until November. Maybe the same timeline here? I don't have a Goodreads account but even if I did, I don't have the heart to write an honest review. It would make me too sad

>> No.18883106

Hopefully, KDBooks will be keen on reviewing l'Académie, given how his video on TLD is his most viewed and his offer of free proofreading seems to have been snubbed.

>> No.18883129

How does it feel to know that this is the prime place to go and discuss Waldun and his work? No other place has this many posters actively reading and talking about him.

>> No.18883169

Why even bother drawing concept art that is as vague and nondescript as that? How did that help his writing process? A detailed schematic of the earpiece would have made more sense.

>> No.18883188

Waldubpedia when

>> No.18883194

I'd like to give Waldun the double rod treatment, preferably with one my well equipped /lit/ brethren

>> No.18883196

You're right. Lacademie is merely part of a grand orchestra Walden is leading for us

>> No.18883203


>> No.18883235

He admits he ripped off Fahrenheit 451 lol

>> No.18883247

>and I crap you not

>> No.18883263
File: 244 KB, 1024x619, 1024px-红岭中学_-_红岭路[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right I've read a grand total of one chapter. The wall, I mean Wall, and masked guards with machine guns seems pretty heavy handed dystopian security state. Is this Waldun's scathing critique of America's excessive high school security culture? Or is it a recollection of the typical layout of a Chinese school (when did he emigrate?) with it's little fence and lazy old baoan transformed into the Berlin Wall?

>> No.18883266

He clearly just wanted to make some random L'Académie memorabilia. For Waldun, the book is just a byproduct of the "literary aesthetic". The more things he can show that validate him as a writer, the better.

>> No.18883278

I feel empty bros... its over.

>> No.18883305

It's supposed to be a scathing critique of his high school's rigid pedagogical style. I find that strange honestly. Science and math are very discovery-based fields

>> No.18883364

>so anyway, my *ehem* GIRLFRIEND, very hot, her hairses, they flow, told me to send her the manuscript. I said alright babe and sent it to her. A few hours later my GIRLFRIEND, who I definitely have, told me that she was almost kicked out of the cafe for cumming too loudly over how great the book was.
>this I, of course, met with incredulity because the female orgasm doesn't exist, but then again if anything could make a girl magically come it would be my amazing writing

>> No.18883378


Oh my god where's the guy from the last thread??? Walduns girlfriend fucks lit browsers this is too good to be real

>> No.18883399


>> No.18883404


Why the fuck is he talking about "when i was younger" this little fucker is barely 20 referring to being 18

>> No.18883423

He was so arrogant and thought his writing was good back then. Now he knows his writing is good

>> No.18883430


lmao whats with all his retard entourage shilling his piece of shit book

>> No.18883436

yeah I'm sure that's how it happened

>> No.18883437

I'm pretty sure it wasn't until the fat welsh guy on youtube trashed his first book that he began deleting all traces of it from the internet. I hope he's matured since then and will graciously accept all constructive criticism of the new book.

>> No.18883442

I did that shit too at that age, when looking back at high school. There legitimately is a lot of change in a few years, so it's as understandable and is it embarrassing.

>> No.18883456

but the new book is way shittier than the learned disguse.

>> No.18883458


wouldn't matter. she fucked his bully

>> No.18883462

that almost certainly didn't happen. why are people believing some random /lit/ poster

>> No.18883464

Because the anon who claimed fucking the whore did before Waldun released the video where he speaks about her.

>> No.18883484

When a child tells you about Santa, do you ask them if they left him milk and cookies, or do you say "you really believe in an immortal obese man gave you those presents, you credulous fool, you absolute moron"?

>> No.18883490

the last

>> No.18883491

The timelines match up too. That guy said that he fucked Ila Rose when he visited Melbourne a few months back. Waldun confirmed that Ila Rose, until very recently, was based in Melbourne but now she lives in Sydney.

>> No.18883499

>>18883491 i've seen some of the waldun adjacents on hinge, and their profiles didn't exactly imply a whole host of suitors fighting over them lol.

>> No.18883506


kek'd hard

>> No.18883507

If that is the case, which I'm not saying it isn't--Waldun will have to internalize and grow even stronger in the face of his constant failures. And look, just because he shunned his first novel doesn't mean he didn't reflect on the criticisms. And double look, just because his new novel might be worse than the first novel doesn't mean he won't come out of this stronger.

>> No.18883522

what are waldun adacents? you mean Jaidyn and Clark, or the dark academia girls who fangirl over Waldun?

>> No.18883528

the poet girl in their beat crew

>> No.18883538
File: 49 KB, 586x431, 90fdsh_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at the comments on his videos
>all that female attention and admiration that you would never get

>> No.18883549

ah, the fat one, she's already been unfollowed by Waldun on instagram

>> No.18883666

See >>18877659 (Familiarization). I think that's who you're talking about (Saskia @chaupaemisque).

Anyway, gays usually have a hard time getting along with dykes because they're bossy; even if she isn't a lesbo she displays the personality traits. Waldun, as a gay man, probably clashes with her quite a bit (especially if he becomes jealous over the attention she gets from Jay and Jaidyn).

>> No.18883676

how is Waldun gay when he has a female girl partner

>> No.18883688

>female girl partner

>> No.18883699

Double checked. Waldun is a repressed homosexual man and any scholarship involved with his writing needs to take it into account.

>> No.18883773

Triple checked (confirmed gay).

Anyway, he just posted a video about the writing of L'Academie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW1ja7PC2Vc

>> No.18883786

How old is this bitch? She looks like a 40 yo trying to act cool

>> No.18883830

She's 35

>> No.18883843
File: 945 KB, 1024x1024, D590AB75-8989-4BC6-AA6C-6615AE3082C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros…she is going to break his heart isn’t she

>> No.18883860

What classic novels are about a lying convincing shrew of a cheating bitch taking away the protagonist's innocence? Waldun will need to copy that novel's plot for the third book of his trilogy, or third of ongoing series

>> No.18883879

the bros k

>> No.18883904

imagine the great novels we'll get as a result though. it's worth it.

we need some lit chads actively cucking waldun to make it more paidful

>> No.18883961

I wouldnt be surprised if he’s in an assexual relationship and “his” girl is banging lit weirdos on the side
Didn’t he say he planned on being a celibate for life?

>> No.18883971


my man just called him Louise the XVI

>> No.18883980
File: 106 KB, 1080x1350, waldun l'academie facetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt 3.14 gf to read your published novel to
why live bros

>> No.18883986

Why does he look so insane

>> No.18883994

No I don't want him to be asexual that's a waste of bussy. I headcanon him as gay.

>> No.18883999

where did you get this from lad?

>> No.18884002

>rc waldun’s sentimental education
strap in boys. kino’s back on the menu

>> No.18884010

He needs a haircut

>> No.18884012

We need this... for the next novel

>> No.18884014

The anon who claims to have fucked her needs to post some proof, tinder or instagram DMs or something.

>> No.18884025

he looks so happy bros ... I hope that other anon was kidding about fucking his gf

>> No.18884029

being a nu-beat, a dark academician, an author, a booktuber, a tender lover, a renaissance flaneur and a social critic at the same time takes its toll. luckily are robbo is the lad to shoulder it

>> No.18884057

Nah, he has a good look. When did this "dark academia" become a thing though? I dress similarly, but I'd just call it preppy.

>> No.18884309

> When did this "dark academia" become a thing though?
Probably when teenage girls and young adult women wanted to pretend that they went to Cambridge studying literature pre-WW2

>> No.18884313
File: 36 KB, 423x356, Screenshot_20210820_113705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18884329

>When did this "dark academia" become a thing though?
I blame the Harry potter movies

>> No.18884332

Unironically, yes this.

>> No.18884365

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBf4icQuLuQ
He's a closeted homosexual who probably isn't aware of that aspect of his personality.
He'll probably get better at grooming when he comes out within the next 3 or so years.
He's 100% gay. For example, a lot of people misread all of the female followers he has as if they're just fellow midwits. Well, yeah they are but it's also evidence of the proclivity art-hoes have gravitated toward superficially sensitive gay guys. 'Canary' is to 'gas in cave' as 'shallow art-hoe' is to 'homosexuality closeted in a gay male.'

>> No.18884393

So who’s going to drop him a link to this thread?

>> No.18884399

The faux sensitivity, the lack of development he displays when it comes to talking about relationships, the daddy issues that come up when he describes his fashion sense...it's all there.

I just hope Waldun Scholarship doesn't turn into something akin to Christory.

>> No.18884409

Look at these gets; I can't be wrong.

>> No.18884413

Better to tell KDBooks so he can make an informed review. I wouldn't tell Waldun, it would depress him

>> No.18884421

> the daddy issues that come up when he describes his fashion sense
when does he talk about his dad and fashion?

>> No.18884432

It's already posted above but here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyTh_F0rc-A

>> No.18884466

holy fuck, his father would berate him all the time and metaphorically?? beat him with a stick and that's why he's so uncomfortable in any informal settings. Poor child Waldun, no wonder he's so fucked up

>> No.18884500

"the first step is to discover who you are and the second step is to experiment..."

>> No.18884513

Tfw when you realize Waldun has a nicer life than you. He has friends, a white gf, doesn‘t have to work a 9-5.

>> No.18884525

I knew that Waldun had issues with his father, since 50% of L'Academie consists of
> reeeeeee my father Archer won't let me study literature shut up Dad I am gonna be me I'm gonna be a humanities student I'm gonna date a white girl and you can't stop me!!!!
but I didn't know it was this bad in real life

>> No.18884545

and 95% of the comments on his Youtube channel are supportive and positive

>> No.18884556

This is pretty interesting. It’s clear his dad had some anxiety around assimilating into Australian culture and a lot of that manifested into how he presented himself. This is something interesting and worth writing about, meaning Waldun will probably never write about it.

>> No.18884751

He has that stereotypical chink q-tip hair going on

>> No.18884756

kdbooks should also read the previous thread...some very indepth analysis

>> No.18884803

how did this shit get so popular here?
isn't it just some self-published thing?

>> No.18884827

chris chan with books

>> No.18884851

if I self published a book and shilled it here, would it get traction? or would that be seen as uncouth?

>> No.18884883

As long as Waldun keeps making videos on the subject, L'Academie is not over. L'Academie is a prolonged joke with multiple punchlines. Many of us thought the book itself would be the climax, but no, as watching Waldun's new video with the added context pushes the irony to new, absurd levels.
I don't want Waldun to become /lit/'s Chris Chan or something spiteful like that. Waldun is only funny to me because of how many people fall for his schick. If he didn't have a somewhat successful YouTube channel with dedicated followers it would just be sad. But because we live in a world where his midwittery is enabled the ironies compound so much that it all becomes hilarious. Waldun is the product of a larger problem but he himself is alright. (I mean, his arrogance and obliviousness might be annoying to some, but as long as /lit/ exists to expose him, I don't mind that either.)

>> No.18884902
File: 28 KB, 428x600, 65164164146165161451561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18884907

early threads:


He's a once in a lifetime lolcow

>> No.18884910

thanks doctor

>> No.18884933

Possibly. Depends on how good it is
I think the appeal of Waldun and to a lesser extent of Gardner relies on how bad and at the same time earnest their works are. There's a charm to it
I think it's called naive art

>> No.18884955

Narcissistic sincerity is a better term. Also, he's gay. >>18884902

>> No.18884982

I see. So people are most comfortable when they get to like things ironically.

>> No.18884998

Not me, but >>18884466
The get has spoken again and again. He's gay.

>> No.18884999

>like things
I'd say the consensus on l'academie so far is that it is pretty bad. The fact that Waldun seems to be utterly clueless about it makes it funny

>> No.18885011

that's not actually from the book. these are the first two paragraphs from the book:

The indicator turned green as Eddington crossed the
road in a straight line. A gentle wind blew through The
Regime, and there weren't many people out. Pieces of
rubbish whirled along the ground, but someone would
pick them up eventually. Eddington touched his ears
and made sure the buds were still in place; they weren't
working as well as they used to. Along the street, other
people passed by him, all walking in the same straight
line, all wearing the same earpieces, the same blank

Eddington was wearing a gray blazer issued by The
Regime. It didn't keep him warm against the emerging
cold weather, but if he walked a little faster, he felt fine.
At a road junction, he saw a coffee cup rolling in a
circle. He wanted to pick it up, to clear some of the
trash cluttering the street, but all that mattered was
getting a warm drink. A few more turns, and Eddington
saw the café. Along the way, he passed roamers
crowding the streets, all wearing the exact same style
of blazer in different colors. One in navy, walking
L'acadeinie ahead. Another in white, peeking out of the bakery.
Once in a while, tall, militant figures in black suits
lurked in the shadows, their backs erect and faces

>> No.18885187

Unlike the loser who shills his crappy alligator novel that no one reads or cares about, Waldun is in the strange situation where he actually has a lot of fans who regard him as intelligent and talented. It's only a small minority on an anime forum who criticize his work. Yet those weirdos are the only ones, including the crooks who edited his novel, who care enough to analyze his writing and give feedback. The YouTube fans might as well be bots. Most amateur novelists will never receive the adulation Waldun gets from subscribers, nor the critical attention he gets from people here.

>> No.18885278


>> No.18885334

Has there ever been an upstart writer who was genuinely liked on /lit/?

>> No.18885338

I can see Waldun dropping the dark academia posturing soon. Criticism of L'Académie will get him hard, dude has to realize he isn't the intellectual he thinks himself to be. I bet he will go further into the neo-beat schtick to cope.

>> No.18885346

ugh god please tell me this isnt a thing

>> No.18885398

See >>18877659 (Introduction)

>> No.18885453

It's impossible for me to what he even postures as at this juncture. Since January, he was a Sedaris and Lebowitz clone, unless when he was with Jay and Jaidyn, then he was a neo-beat. Recently, however, his "book notes" seem to be a return to his dark academia rogue scholar persona, which is reinforced by L'Academie. Dude doesn't know what his style is.

>> No.18885456

jesus christ that poetry is /wg/ tier cringe

>> No.18885496

Same >>18877659 (Getting to know Jay: Jazz Prose (first video)).

>> No.18885499

I honestly don't think I'm particularly smarter than him, and I definitely have less of a go-getter attitude. I doubt that many people on /lit/ are either.
Not saying he's brilliant, but being a mid-wit is still better than all the people who are below the mid-point

>> No.18885506

they want to be free.. like a bird on a tree...

powerful stuff here folks. truly the next ginsberg.

>> No.18885515

Jay looks like he is more well put together than the other two, but he's as much of a dork lmao
I'm starting to like these guys

>> No.18885563
File: 81 KB, 1180x663, _methode_sundaytimes_prod_web_bin_d38f928a-d93d-11e9-b3b4-45ac47bac696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit rewrites Waldun's book
>Dark L'Academie

>> No.18885636

He's plagiarising this: https://youtu.be/dywFHScNecI?t=2210

His bad Keuroac inspired accent adds to the cringe.
He doesn't seem like a bad guy. Just cringe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLBzJkDfhgU

Sometimes it seems like they're ignorant to the suffering of others (e.g. how they write about homeless/crazy people as if they're objects) but it's more naive LARPing than it is narcissism (i.e. they think they're mad & crazy but they're just hanging out in front of an H&M).

>> No.18885649

Jaiden actually seems pretty based although a bit lost in the poetry shit

>> No.18885672

>write like nobody is watching
>their whole identity rests upon social media views
>pasting his shit poems on street walls
what a little faggot.

>> No.18885679

none of them are bad ppl they are just very stupid

>> No.18885703

Seems cool, I expect him to be the most successful. He actually reads and gets some work as an editor.

>> No.18885708

>"Nothing matches the overweening pride of the abject failure"
-Mark Leyner

>> No.18885731

These: >>18884998 (Waldun is gay but isn't conscious of it yet).

>> No.18885749

His channel doesn't have content.


>> No.18885755

Pretty active on twitter though: https://twitter.com/jlattard

>> No.18885759

He appeals to a lot of midwit/redditors.

>> No.18885769

what the heck?? delete this post immediately

>> No.18885772
File: 38 KB, 754x247, 65656565656565656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might be gay too. Do you think Waldun and him are going to write a book about coming out to each other?

>> No.18885780

yeah. 'out and all over' they'll call it

>> No.18885794

Waldun will read Dazai and write >>18884902

>> No.18885807

He ironically has the external tools to become a good writer. Although, I think he lacks a basic mastery of English. For example, he says in the beginning of his most recent video that he wants to, "straighten his bearings", I know he meant get his bearings, but there a bunch of instances, where he misunderstands an idiom or inserts a word where it doesn't belong. I noticed that Jay did this also. I think maybe they just need to earnestly read more. Like 4-5 hours a day.

>> No.18885818

maybe it's a coded message and you need a gaydar to pick up its hidden frequencies
STRAIGHTen his BEARings? hmmmm?

>> No.18885822

no. /lit/ largely (more than any other board) has to be told who and what to like, preferably by some old ass nigga like harold bloom. a thousand bonus points if it's "reactionary" (riles up normies) or "schizo" (inaccessible to normies)

>> No.18885831

He's going to explode when he becomes self-aware. >>18878319

>> No.18885839

Wow, a meta-contrarian.

>> No.18885850

just calling it as i see it bud

>> No.18885884
File: 756 KB, 2048x2048, EqXfGnOVQAEGQRe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate Jaidyn's stack.

>> No.18885886

not a single one looks like it's ever been opened

>> No.18885891

Midwit take. You sound like a teenager.

>> No.18885894

i'll fuck any arthoe that moves / 10

>> No.18885901


>> No.18885903

The tweet claims those are his 2020 reads. He looks like he grew up poor--he might just take good care of his shit.

>> No.18885909

heh heh

>> No.18885920

"midwit" is honestly too good a word for these nimrods (and most /lit/ users for that matter), it should be used for people who get their cold porridge published in the atlantic and the new yorker. robin and the jays are just plain stupid

>> No.18885961

Nimrod doesn't mean stupid anon...

>> No.18885972

the people defending jaidyn itt have either been him at one point in their lives or want to be his friend

>> No.18885980
File: 301 KB, 1160x1002, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18885988

I just want to sodomize waldun bruh

>> No.18886001

Nimrod is mentioned in the Bible as a great hunter. Bugs Bunny ironically called Elmer Fudd Nimrod, but this joke went over the average viewers head, and they thought he was just calling Fudd stupid. Hence, incorrect connotation of the word Nimrod. The fact that you cropped out the 1st (primary) definition of the word tells me that you are being purposefully misleading.

>> No.18886016

Kek even the example sentence is used in the context of ironically calling someone a great hunter

>> No.18886020

well, thanks for the rundown but the second definition is still a definition. i'm not 'misleading' you anywhere you paranoid midwit, you're the one making a big fuss out of absolutely nothing

>> No.18886025

what an ultra maroon.

>> No.18886031

>still a definition
>clearly marked as slang

>> No.18886038

well if it bothers you so much i suggest you head back and right-click my initial post and select "inspect element", that way you can edit and substitute my use of nimrod for any of the synonyms in >>18885980

>> No.18886086

Holy Chud our Walduns all grown up

>> No.18886090

Thank you for the suggestion I have done that and feel much better

>> No.18886102

way to go, nimrod.

>> No.18886187



>> No.18886219



>> No.18886237
File: 40 KB, 540x540, Hmm Lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just copied Fahrenheit 451, but with blazers