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18866948 No.18866948 [Reply] [Original]

books that literally changed your life

>> No.18867061
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>> No.18867163

Gravity's Rainbow convinced me not to join an officer program in college. I regretted being so affected by that book until Biden put in all his faggot military guys. If we start a big war I'll probably try to be a tank commander or something idk.

>> No.18867181

tank commander!?!?
that's a pretty small space. how many guys can you squeeze in one of those things anyway?
when you're in the desert don't they go commando in those things?

>> No.18867265


>> No.18867375

Fear and loathing, i now have a crippling coke, speed and heroin addiction.

>> No.18867479
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I didn't know anything about Fear and Loathing, but two or three months ago I have read it and now it's one of my favourite titles

>> No.18867503

It's a really great book. I really love the way Thompson tackles the failures of the hippie movement. The wave speech is one of my favourite parts of any book.

>> No.18867556
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I read it pretty recently so maybe I’m just still hyped up on it but I feel like Don Quixote will have some lasting effect on me. Specifically I found it very joyous and uplifting and now I want to seek out more works that inspire me in that way instead of doomer shit.

>> No.18867557

good lad!

>> No.18867566

The Twelve Ceasars because it convinced me to actually read the Greeks and Romans. In Search of Lost Time because it permanently removed any fear of longer books that I had.

>> No.18867575

>calls generals faggy
>wants to drive around in a big armored vehicle that'll probably be deployed against african peasantsin some proxy war with china over rare earth metals

you should've done the officer program. you'd get more money and a better pension. instead you let old ruggles get in your head, and now you're calling generals fags in order to cope with your regret. lol damn. i'd hate to be you

>> No.18867723

Damn I can't believe I'll never get that sweet 40k salary and VA healthcare.

>> No.18868377

Based Quixote bro, funniest fucking book I've ever read

>> No.18868403

Introduction to Magic, Julius Evola and the Ur Group
Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy

>> No.18868538

Hero of 10000 faces by Joseph Campbell

Got me thinking about spirituality and symbols intrinsic to human consciousness/biology and separate from ideological/psychological environments

Been meaning to read jung more because of it

>> No.18868558

'Tales of Butterfly loving me'


Doesn't it feel good? Doesn't life feel good once you're honest Butterfly?

>> No.18868629

Shamefully, Atlas Shrugged.
More recently, The Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.18868631

Brothers K

>> No.18868662
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>> No.18868792
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>> No.18868806

Infinite Jest. I wouldn't say it "changed" my life, but it did get me through a pretty rough patch in life a few years ago.

>> No.18868810


>> No.18868816

None. Every time I read a great book a powerful energy wells up within me and I feel changed in some way, like I'm a new person who will go on to live a new life away from all this quotidian drudgery. But then, within days, the energy dissipates and I go back to being an autistic mongrel.

>> No.18868828

I've just started reading "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious." I don't have anything particularly insightful to say about it other than to encourage you to read it. If Campbell was interesting to you, Jung will be as well.

>> No.18868845
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>> No.18868846

check out Suttree

>> No.18868963
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Balding by May Hedovitch

>> No.18869015

>tank commander
You would just get bombed by a cheap Turkish drone.

>> No.18869035
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Unironically I read this book after technological slavery about 3 years ago and it changed my life. They prompted me to give up on 4 years study and a cushy career as a radiographer in the city for a job in a gov funded green initiative restoring native forests. I live on state property alone when planting so it's Tedpilled a cabin in the woods with no one else for miles. I am still planting trees but I was trained and work as a biosecurity officer and I am part of an emergency team to stop exotic agricultural pest and virus and such outbreaks too.

Currently awaiting the collapse of liberal capitalist democracy while planting trees.

>> No.18869059

based and future-pilled

>> No.18869074

Try Rabelais if you haven't already bro. He's the definition of joyful literature.

>> No.18869100

Brothers Karamazov made me turn to religion

>> No.18869162

Orthodoxy - GK Chesterton

>> No.18869262

how the hell did you land such a sweet gig

>> No.18869281

Is it the best practical guide on western esotericism there is? Also heard good things about Bardon, Regardie and Stavish

>> No.18869292

Sometimes I’m glad that I’m too much of a weirdo to have access to drugs,

>> No.18869295

On a scale from masterpiece theater to the cat in the hat, how similar is the movie to the book?

>> No.18869299

i dunno wtf this scale means but it’s extremely similar

>> No.18869301


>> No.18869306

I really liked Eternal Golden Braid, got me to think about how everything connects

>> No.18869315

Its excellent, anon-kun. They paraphrased many lines from the book with excellent delivery (by Depp especially) and it is insanely funny. I'd give it a 9/10, desu.

>> No.18870549

Schopenhauer The World as Will and Representation's

Stopped languishing in optimism, if I didn't, I think I would be dead right now

>> No.18870557

It would be an honor to die by the superior Turkish race

>> No.18871000
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>> No.18871386

What did you get out of it?

>> No.18872471

Read the quran

>> No.18872537

complete works of plato

>> No.18872676
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The process is the punishment
Granted it is related to my studies, but it changed the way that I view lower level justice. ~80-90% of all cases are handled here, at the "bullshit" level. These are cases handled quickly, generally in a few minutes, and can have long term consequences for people. From convictions that can result in losing a job to financial loss. The feeling really is "if there is no jailtime and no victime, lets be sloppy" It really does show how little the prosecutors and general public cares about low level justice because the stakes are so low.

>> No.18872771

Unironically, The Autumn of the Patriarch, by Gabriel García Márquez, made me avoid turning into a communist when I was 15 yo.

Before that, I thought that simply putting in power a philosopher-king type of guy would be enough to save the world (or at least my country), and I was clearly in the way of becoming a stupid teenager communist. The picture of the clueless dictator of Autumn unintentionally made me realise that being the leader meant shit in itself. I could not take politics seriously after that book.

And I'm pretty sure that this wasn't the outcome GGM wanted.

>> No.18872790
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changed how i look at drugs in a pretty positive way, i take it easy now and enjoy small dosages rather than taking them at festivals

>> No.18872862

Definitely wasn't, man was a committed socialist. Even worse, seems you've all your political definitions misconstrued. Communism isn't a state headed by a philosopher king, in fact it is quite, quite far from that.
Don't want to be cunty but you sound terrible misinformed.

>> No.18872901

I know and I get it. I was 15 at the time, pretty clueless about politics in general and communism in particular. It changed my life way of thinking. I 100% wouldn't get to the same conclusion now. Nevertheless, this cynicism about politics never went away.

>> No.18872914

>It changed my way of thinking
I forgot to edit out "life"

>> No.18872924

Bronze Age Mindset. Now i actively take part in a pederastic sexual relationship.

>> No.18872931

Oh I see, then ye it sounds like what a fifteen year old would take away from it all. A dose or so of scepticism regarding politics is always sensible.

>> No.18873027

Just to explain a bit better what I took out of Autumn of the Patriarch at 15: take my philosopher-king as a general term, it easily could be a "philosopher-party". The point is that it doesn't matter how much power you hold, if people simply lie to you, you are completely impotent. Take the Soviet Union as an example: planed economy wasn't in itself so much of a problem as people lying about the fulfillment of their quotas were.
In short: "putting the right people in power" is in itself meaningless. This, in turn, made me extremely skeptical of top-down politics in general. In particular, of communism (take into account that old-school marxism-leninism, and even maoism or stalinism are still pretty popular where I live, way more than some blend Bernie-like socialist shit, among highschoolers and college students. You unironically could find about 10 stalinist kids in any school 10 years ago. Today, things are probably worst.)

>> No.18873253

Best modern one that I'm familiar with.
What makes it so good is that it's orientation is towards an attainment of a higher transcendence, which is the objective and correct goal.
This is opposed to the common vulgar occultist goal of "creating your own reality" and other vain, delusional, and frankly demonic bullshit that will drive you insane and cause you to lose your soul. You do that shit then you will end up like the people on /x/.
All "lunar" illusory so-called magic will literally turn you into a medium/give you schizophrenia and you will be possessed by demons and it's not a joke.
This pertains to ALL alt-religions: new age cults, chaos magic, whatever. So be extremely wary and don't listen to anyone involved in that shit, they are probably very mentally ill and malicious as well.
Stay frosty.

(The evolian stuff may not have the same hidden goal of destroying you metaphysically, but it is still extremely dangerous so be careful)

>> No.18873839

None. A book cannot fundamentally alter your moral core.

>> No.18874123

do you mean Gödel, Escher, Bach?

>> No.18874153

there's no such thing as fundamental, unchangeable "cores", moral or otherwise, outside of genetic predispositions.

take the no-self pill, anon. you'll be better for it

>> No.18874165

>there's no such thing as fundamental, unchangeable "cores", moral or otherwise, outside of genetic predispositions
>outside of genetic predispositions
nice job invalidating yourself anon ;)

>> No.18874195

if you are genetically predisposed to be addicted to things, you can simply not become addicted to things. We have free will.

Boom, "core" shattered

>> No.18874202
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>> No.18874206

> t. midwit

>> No.18874209

>you can simply not become addicted to things

>> No.18874223
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Brave new world, had a few chats with mike ma about it, Fordism is a hell of a thing.

>> No.18874295

none, i dont read books.

>> No.18874489

he's right

>> No.18874562

No one wants to do it because planting trees will eventually screw up your back. Depending on your country you can easily find tree planting and restoration jobs, having a 4wd and being willing to sleep in a tent for awhile with no running water will help.

>> No.18875523


>> No.18875541


>> No.18875543

Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima.

>> No.18875553

les miserables

very beautiful

>> No.18875670

Not really the content of the books for me the process of reading them, the ASOIAF books. I spent 3 months sitting quietly and reading wherever I went. Before I was quite an annoying person and selfaware of it. I feel like since then I've been a lot calmer and chiller.

>> No.18875833

I listened to the audiobook on a 12 hr drive and I'm pretty sure it made me retarded

>> No.18875964

I don't like it as much as the book but it does the book justice visually and acting wise