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[ERROR] No.18857016 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever been able to prove him wrong?

>> No.18857030

dying drug addics on the streets

>> No.18857032

Read a book, nigger.

>> No.18857033

>Post lit that refutes hedonism
Every philosophy that does not consider pleasure to be the object of desire: Spinoza, Deleuze, etc.

>> No.18857044


>> No.18857045

>Spinoza, Deleuze
Could you reference specific works?

>> No.18857049

Growing up usually takes care of that

>> No.18857052

Philebus by Plato.

>> No.18857098

Holy based. Enjoy yourself, live for yourself. Cuck slaves enjoy your cuck slave ideologies.

>> No.18857101

This and hookers

>> No.18857125

The servant who made him brekkie shoulda just killed him and stole his things. It would be more enjoyable than working, I think

>> No.18857128

Pain doesnt exist in the afterlife, so I need to experience as much pain as I can...

>> No.18857176

In the Ethics, Spinoza claims that desire is the nature of men, and ---before or after that, don't remember--- he says that desire, as potency, is always efectuated ---ergo, at its whole. Deleuze repeats the same in almost every book, and explicitly on Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus.

>> No.18857186
File: 142 KB, 570x712, plato_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato in general refutes hedonism. You can view the Republic as a kind of refutation of hedonism, because Plato says that justice is good for its own sake even if you can get more easy pleasures and benefits by being unjust.

>> No.18857219

justice is hedonism

>> No.18857235

Aristotle sort of refutes this in his Ethics, if I understood him, by asserting that happiness is the ultimate aim of a human life and a person achieves happiness by exercising virtue, such as temperance; whereas exercising vice, such as indulgence in carnal pleasure, entails the opposite- unhappiness.

>> No.18857583

Then the cops would stick him in jail and he'd be executed. You're too stupid to be a hedonist.

>> No.18857585
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the refutation is that avoiding hedonism brings more pleasure than living hedonistically, in my experience

>> No.18858876

Mishima: vice and virtue both get boring after some time. But boring vice is a million times worse than boring virtue.

>> No.18858885

Pleasure is inferior to beauty, which includes a subset of ethics. Even if you're totally godless aesthetic instinct precludes certain forms of behavior

>> No.18859012

Philebus is pretty weak to be honest. Maybe I'm just missing something? Can you type out in short Plato's refutation to hedonism in Philebus?

>> No.18859063

Society couldn't function if everyone sought to maximize their pleasures. Not that Sade really cared about that, but still.

>> No.18859074

There is no absence of pain or pleasure in beauty.

>> No.18859080

The two conflict eg gluttony or petty malice

>> No.18859085

How so? When we observe beauty, there is either the internalization of pain (prostration) and/or the subconscious devouring of it (pleasure).

>> No.18859095

It's a separate faculty though, it's not pain or pleasure even if it coincides with them, and I mean that the pursuit of it will conflict with hedonism

>> No.18859104

tldr if pleasure (or aesthetic satisfaction) was the key to happinness, the best form of living would be like that of a sea sponge. However, this doesn't look like a happy life for a human, a human needs mostly to do what's right (rational satisfaction), to be happy, not be drowned in pleasure. No need to necessarily abstain from pleasure though, it's not a bad thing by itself, it's also important, but thought is more important.

>> No.18859106

>It's a separate faculty
No, it's just an internalization of either pleasure or pain.

>> No.18859108

We will agree to disagree, I see it as a separate faculty

>> No.18859116

This. Just take no fap for example, Assuming you consumer a lot of porn every day if you do it you start to enjoy everything more instead of having a dull sense of nothing ness you get when you masturbate nonstop, and if you do fap or have sex after it it's a lot more pleasurable.

>> No.18859591

So many books refute hedonism that I’m actually more interested in looking for things that support hedonism.

Epicurius obviously promoted the idea of indulging in hedonism in moderation, and the Fin de Seicle movement obviously promoted all manner of debauchery, but I’m wondering if anyone else has really put forward a compelling philosophical argument for why hedonism is a good thing.

>> No.18859725

This and AIDS

>> No.18859726

They're just trying to escape the pain of existence and return back to the void.

>> No.18859731

120 days of sodom
>or the digital jew

>> No.18859958

>However, this doesn't look like a happy life for a human