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[ERROR] No.18814022 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best aboriginal literature?

>> No.18814072

I’m willing to bet Walt Dysney had abo blood since these outback niggers successfully copyrighted their own culture (which should be in the public domain) and are holding onto the rights indefinitely much like Disney has successfully copyrighted European fairy tales and will sue you if you try to use “their” characters.

>> No.18814081

Ooga Booga: Lizard Spearing Memoirs under the Boeing Fuel Lid

>> No.18814130

So they’re keeping an oral tradition of it?
inB4 dirty joke

>> No.18814146

Wow I didn’t know that. That’s what happens when white people teach you about property rights lmbo

>> No.18814164

Carpentaria by Alexis Wright is unironically a great book.

>> No.18814213

Actually I was mistaken.
They haven’t been successful in copyrighting their culture but there’s a persistent abo lobby to copyright their culture so white people cant make profit off of it (seriously, this is why they’re lobbying).
This is why you don’t see abo mythology motifs in media compared to classical, Norse, Buddhist, Christian, etc. because they throw a shitfit whenever they do.

>> No.18814307

go up to any petrol huffing brown hobo on the streets of redfern for the peak of aboriginal story telling

>> No.18814369

>there’s a persistent abo lobby
>so white people cant make profit off of it
heres the hot take anon: The abos who are lobbying or politically involved at all are never actually abos themselves and are just whites with some abo heritage who use abos who are abos in order to push their own agenda and make money but not actually care about actual abos at all.

People only pretend to care about abos or do things like throw money into their decrepit wasteland communities that are funded entirely by white people and breed crime and neglect. No one will stand up and try to actually help aboriginals as to do that they need to admit that a lot of their issues stem from them being abos itself and shitty culture etc

>> No.18814480

Anything by Thomas King

>> No.18814762

No Sugar

>> No.18815257

I am sure Jews will invent a literary tradition for abbos out of whole cloth.

>> No.18815696
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Ignore the racists and /pol/ users, they wouldn't understand "culture" or "nuance" if it jumped up and but them in the scrote;

Gurrumul by Robert Hillman is a fairly good auto-biography of Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu, a blind indigenous singer who's music I would definitely recommend you have a listen to. Here, have a listen:

Fire Country by Victor Steffensen is a good look into the connection between indigenous peoples and the environment and how the loss of indigenous culture has had a direct affect on the environment as a whole.

Whisper Songs by Tony Birch is a set of good poetry (indigenous poetry is amongst my favorite genres)

Drop Bear by Evelyn Araluen, more poetry

Stan Grant is a fairly good author, he usually sticks to cultural books, concerning the place of indigenous peoples in modern society

Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe discusses some basic anthropology and agricultural practices of indigenous peoples i.e. how they lived prior to colonial times.

Too much Lip by Melissa Lucashenko, I actually haven't read this one but I hear its okay.

Tell Me Why by Archie Roach talks about the affects of government policies on Indigenous people, pretty depressing read.

Almost anything from the Jindyworobak literary movement is pretty good although it can sometimes appear quite abstract unless your familiar with Anglo-Australian/Indigenous culture.

And don't forget, there is also a HUGE amount of indigenous cinema to enjoy as well, '12 Canoes', 'The Nightingale', 'Yolngu Boy' and 'High Ground' are all fantastic films.

>> No.18815758

>good look into the connection between indigenous peoples and the environment and how the loss of indigenous culture has had a direct affect on the environment as a whole.
lmao who do you think profits from allowing mining companies to rip the guts out of aboriginal land? abos themselves retard

>'12 Canoes'
good film I agree.

>> No.18815769

there isnt any
most aboriginal languages dont have a translation of even the new testament
and its also racist to characterise them as one group

>> No.18815827

>lmao who do you think profits from allowing mining companies to rip the guts out of aboriginal land? abos themselves retard

what are you on about? the VAST majority (close to 99%) of indigenous people oppose the mining sector's environmental destruction. very little to none of the 'profits' from mining finds its way to indigenous folks, it gets held up in government programs.

>> No.18815876


most indigenous languages (beyond the big ones like Yolngu Matha and Warlpiri) don't yet have a script developed for them sadly.

But come back in a couple of decades and we might have a couple more, lots of people are working on linguistic revival.

>> No.18816311

You kid, but I think an Aboriginal slice-of-life novel would be kino

>> No.18816315

Thomas King is solid

>> No.18816357

>I'm going to come and ask a board with no abos in the first place what the best aboriginal literature is so I can confirm my biases

Good? Why do you care, faggot? Look at the popular, modern-day Western versions of Norse, Buddhist, Christian cultures, mythos, and so on, and tell me they're a valuable and accurate depiction worth exploring. What good do you think would come from releasing the IP anyway? An already butchered culture being butchered more for some money.

>> No.18816467

I do not wish anyone to copyright cultural heritage and also, there can always be a couple of gems in the rough man.

>> No.18817600

abbos should have just been exterminated. wh*Toids are so weak.

>> No.18817649

Yeah this is a bait thread but Carpentaria is genuinely good

>> No.18817673

Good list. I almost didn't click on this thread because you know what to expect.
If you're interested in Dark Emu there is a book that responds to that one called "Farmers or Hunter Gatherers" by Sutton and Walshe.

>> No.18817708

>Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe discusses some basic anthropology and agricultural practices of indigenous peoples i.e. how they lived prior to colonial times.

Good list but not this one desu
It has been pretty well refuted at this point. Pascoe is a fake

>> No.18817712

Good post

>> No.18817935

An educated effort post? On my /lit/? Fuck outta here.

>> No.18817967

Why are they so ugly?

>> No.18818044
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Huff the Magic Abo

>> No.18818057

>Whats the best aboriginal literature?
when you are walking down the street and one of them calls you cunt, then asks for money, then a cigarette, then a lighter. It's an important part of their oral tradition

>> No.18818102

Is that Ron Perlman

>> No.18818108


pick one

>> No.18818118

>pick one

>> No.18818125

Would you swallow my cum? Honest question :3 (I hope you say something like yes)

>> No.18818126

i mean it has literally never been done before so i actually could be. i think it is an untapped culture, and would be interesting if their stories and history could be brought into the global spotlight, like they have lived in australia for 60 thousand years there must have been some kino during that time.

>> No.18818132

Read "Nazi Dreamtime: Australian Enthusiasts for Hitler's Germany"

Aboriginal Australians empathised with the nazis and in particular their "blood and soil" mantra.

>> No.18818223

lmao bro you dont see abo mythological myth in the media because it is buttfuck retarded savagery while european mythological motifs are actually meaningful

>> No.18818236

So they want to commit cultural suicide?

>> No.18818242

>like they have lived in australia for 60 thousand years there must have been some kino during that time.
it was basically just a lot of caveman tier violence dude, the average life for an abo was just fear and death. there is very little to be gained from researching abo culture compared to other ancient cultures.

one mantra leftoids like to preach is that we can 'learn a lot from aboriginals about how to manage the land' as if the practices that a race of people perpetually stuck in the stone age employe are in any way relevant to modern civilisation and a country of 25 million.

i would bet that every fag in this thread lamenting the absense of abo culture in the spotlight is from the city and has never had to associate with one of these primitive humans in real life. i do not dislike them, i just do not care for them and they should probably have been erased for their own good

>> No.18818381

hey man im not saying that had a any semblance of civilisation for like 99% of the time they existed before the english arrived but im am saying there must be something you could turn into a movie, like the dreamtime stories and all that spiritual stuff. could have some superhero who's powers are references to abo stories and rainbow serpent and shit like that. i never visit this board and i just saw a thread about abos and thought it would be funny. i dont hate them and i have had a few good friends who were at least half abo so i got to see and hear about at least some of the culture and history of the tribes located in the local area which gave some interesting insight on the land i lived on my whole life. most of the actual culture we see today probably only formed in the last like 2 thousand years, also interesting is the dot paintings they make are 100% fake and only started in the 80s.

>> No.18818415

>Aboriginal Australians empathised with the nazis
actual aboriginals do not even know what germany is. You talk like there is some consensus and aboriginals were reading nazi /lit/ when that is not the case and if it happened at all it was just some mixed blood educated by whites who made the claims.
>i would bet that every fag in this thread lamenting the absense of abo culture in the spotlight is from the city and has never had to associate with one of these primitive humans in real life.
Spend some time in a community and you realize that while they know some cool land facts and have tradition they are extremely backwards and savage. Sad thing is that they do not even know any of their own culture as there is no need to know any of it when you can just get hand outs and be a NEET.

Abos are the NEET race.
>i have had a few good friends who were at least half abo
not real abos city boy.

>> No.18818521

>3pm: wake up on the road
>3:02pm: stmble into government house, shit in hole you smashed in the drywall
>3:10pm: panhandle for smokes and liquor which you consume immediately
>8:pm: sneak into farmer vic's shed and huff petrol fumes directly from his tractor's gas intake
>8:35pm: sleep in the road

Yeah that would be fascinating.

>> No.18818527

Aussie here. Indigenous Australian culture is largely a modern invention. They didn't keep written records and everything we know about them is at best distorted and at worst fabricated or wildly extrapolated. Aboriginal dot painting, for example, was invented in the 70s by an Anglo. The absurdity of these extrapolations is only compounded when they're inevitably passed through the lens of political correctness to purify them of any vestiges of colonialism and whiteness. See the recent Dark Emu fiasco for example.

>> No.18818529

Non homosapien hominid.>>18818521

>> No.18818539

Just read the wiki article. Seems like boiler plate neolib noble savage stuff.

What's the fiasco?

>> No.18818555

>What's the fiasco?
Just the confusion it's caused many progressive types and the accompanying media circus.

>> No.18818562


>> No.18818579

This is so fucking perfect.

Either the Nazis will win or the Chinese will, but neoliberalism is more doomed than the People's Temple.

>> No.18818591

>Neoliberalism will collapse
I've believe it when I see it. It's the most robust system ever created.

>> No.18818621


>> No.18818640

I meant pre-contact
Tribal conflicts, the day-to-day of hunting and gathering, rituals and ceremonies, etc.

>> No.18818641


>> No.18818662

throwing boomerangs at koalas would be fun

>> No.18818695
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Oh that? Yeah. That actually would be.

>> No.18818886

They have warnings on TV not to sleep on the road.
Animals know not to sleep on the road but abos never picked it up and become speed bumps.
They still rape and kill and if you mention how horrible their culture is which perpetuates said rape and killing then you are seen as a racist.

>> No.18818918

Shitlibs correctly understand what conservatives do not: the problem is in fact racial.

>> No.18818934

Race plays a huge part but aboriginals who have been removed from their shit culture behave like humans. It does not take much to be able to participate as a cog in modern society.

>> No.18818990

This. There is genuinely abo culture, though not to be found in any media and not suitable for the tastes of so-called progressives and activists, and it is unrelated to this fake shit. Also, a lot of the same (clearly Anglo) notions are recycled and put upon many indigenous or otherwise primitive peoples in the world.

>> No.18818995

No. They fully assimilate outside of using their abo status to profit and generally just be held to lower standards. Real abos are totally different.

>> No.18819054

Not like white australians are any better.

>> No.18819133

Their culture doesn't seem to be a role in what many people are describing >>18818521 just basic poverty trap caused by misgovernance
It's the same thing with Amerindians here in the U.S once you get them off the rez and off the dole they're just regular humans with adjusted average lifestyles. It seems that white trash Australians (the only Australians that actually use this goddamned site) created an dirty abo meme that stuck and people can't stop repeating it because they're retarded. Look at the posts in this thread.

>> No.18819149

let's talk about YOUR oral traditions

>> No.18819175

>city boy.
i live like 3 hours from the city. spent my whole life living on a mountain. most of the houses i have lived in were surrounded by bush.

>> No.18819186

>created an dirty abo meme
You have no idea about abos if you do not know that by their very nature tehy are filthy people.
You know they often have bugs crawling through their skin leaving huge trails and scars right? it's called scabies.

You obviously have never interacted with real abos.
>poverty trap
How? what trap? they get given so many opportunities and choose to sit in the dirt drinking and beating their wives.
Their culture contributes to their trap because as soon as anyone has anything like money, everyone else in their family (read extended) come around to fleece them of it.
They literally do not bother getting high paying jobs created just for them because they do not end up with any more money as they have to share it with all the other abos .

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about and seem to think that the dirty abo meme is not real. WOW.
what are you meaning by real abos? I am talking about full bloods.
They are held to lower standards and babied

>> No.18819194

You sound unhinged mate

>> No.18819204

awesome post and Australiapilled
/pol/ chuds GTFO

>> No.18819208

And you just so happen to comment calling me unhinged as if to indicate that I am schizophrenic or whatever other buzzword you people use upon numerous occasions when talking to me (read to me and not anonymous).

>> No.18819227

Scuttle away again back into the woodwork you maggot.

>> No.18819238

>Tony Birch
Shit, but what can I expect from someone who thinks that poetry written by indigenous people constitutes a genre.

>Dark Emu

Right lol, even the leftoids in Melbourne aren't falling for this one anymore

>> No.18819274

Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe discusses some basic anthropology and agricultural practices of indigenous peoples i.e. how they lived prior to colonial times.

>Aborigines had sophisticated agriculture for all of their history, obliterating 19th century anthropology.

Pasco is based and flood-pilled

>> No.18819349

They make some good tunes.

>> No.18819366

Good post, I hate racists

>> No.18819465

I read The Swan Book in school and hated it. How does it compare?

>> No.18819479

based post, i wish this was the norm on /lit/

>> No.18819488
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The aboriginal flag is copyrighted and the people who own the rights constantly try to sue people for using it

>> No.18819508

hell yeah bret have a (you) on me

>> No.18819621

samefag suck my digeridoo

>> No.18819806

Non-Aussie hands typed this post.

>> No.18819825

4chanx sucks but is it the only way to filter tripcodes?

>> No.18819830

I like the story by Frank Moorhouse about a liberal woman academic getting gang raped by Aboriginals.

>> No.18820353


>> No.18820460
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Actually I live in Brisbane, you probably wont believe me but im actually just an anglo fella who likes to read anthropology and philosophy. I don't really know why but Indigenous culture fascinates me far more than most other topics, I think it might have a lot to do with spending lots of time out west past Cunnamulla and up near Birdsville.

I don't really understand why there is so much vitriolic hate for Indigenous Australians, Ive spent heaps of time with them and have never had any issues.

Okay technically that's not entirely true, I fought one at Fred Brophy's boxing tent at the races and things got a bit heated; but we squared it over a beer later.

cheers lads, remember, /lit/ is only as good as you allow it to be.

>> No.18820469

>The Nightingale
This movie is abysmal.

>> No.18820482

So anonymous sucks so bad to scare away people from using the name field, which is still there after all these years?

The only, well best, way to filter away name users is to go back to /b/

>> No.18820503

I like Aboriginals but Bruce Pascoe's Dark Emu has been deboonked

>> No.18820516

What didn't you like about it? I think it was a rather good film, it's not often we get to see the darker events of colonialism on the big screen

>> No.18820524

Yeah, from what I can tell, I haven't read the response to it (frankly I wasn't even aware there was one until the anon mentioned it in this thread) but I'm keen to see what it's like.

>> No.18820528

It was a cringey white female power fantasy with her abo sidekick.

>> No.18820543

I mean, how is it a power fantasy? Her child and husband were killed, she was abused multiple times in the film, she didn't even get to kill her abuser and the only person in the world who cares for her ends up dead at the end of the movie. It's depressing as fuck.

>> No.18820577

Thanks for the good response man

>> No.18821098

>The talented tenth of surviving Denisovians can hold down a menial job

Racism BTFO.

>> No.18821186

>They have warnings on TV not to sleep on the road.


>> No.18821199

>Western society is totally gonna collapse you guyz!!!
>Because....because look at this awkward tv show with two drunk abos and a tranny! Isn't it obvious?!

>> No.18821776

Tranny shit has marked the end stage of just about every Imperial civilization.

There is no reason to expect neoliberal capitalism has a technomagical immunity to system collapse.

>> No.18821802

>Tranny shit has marked the end stage of just about every Imperial civilization.
I've heard Camille Paglia say this but I don't really know what primary source evidence there is for it.

>> No.18823005

they wrote those shit in fucking dreamtimes u gotta be an oober to even begin to find their big library

>> No.18823141

Can anyone recommend any good introductory texts into their mythology and religion, I don't know what the "dreaming" is but it seems pretty unique so I want to learn about that.
No, we wuz revisionist bullshit like dark Emu though, reputable enough shit is accepted.

>> No.18823282

Wait until you find out "dreamtime" is mostly made up by whites too.

>> No.18823336

Wait what, please elborate.

>> No.18823529
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I genuinely hope you kill yourself soon

>> No.18823847

A lot of it rests on White interpretation of cave art, which is entirely speculation. We don't even know if the artists were of the same race as modern abos.

The other part of the "dreamtime" meme is just that abo mythology has an idea of an ancient heroic age: a concept indistinguishable from any other human mythos.

>> No.18823850

bring back old redfern

>> No.18823906

it's not the anti-racism that gives it away, idc about abos or australia, it's your cringe activist enthusiasm

>> No.18823916

What do you think about Tyson Yunkaporta Sand Talk? I have never heard of him being discussed here.

>> No.18824006
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If you're actually interested in Abo myth/culture just read primary anthropological sources and Eliade et al.'s takes on it. Don't read garbage revisionist propaganda like this >>18815696

>> No.18824122

Based post.

Ask a quarter ask anything. Happy to answer questions that you anons may have.

>> No.18824128

quarter caste* fuck me dead

>> No.18824213
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>ask a person with majority white genetics about the rich and beautiful culture jews attributed to my 55-IQ Denisovian grandmother

>> No.18824478
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>> No.18824498

Wtf is the dreaming?

>> No.18824527

>aboriginals who have been removed from their shit culture behave like humans.
kek that is actually entirely incorrect

>> No.18824968

>wanting a discussion of the topic at hand without it devolving into nigger this nigger that is cringe activist enthusiasm
close /pol/ and take a walk outside

>> No.18824976

It's honestly kind of true. I know some aboriginals that were raised away from the large groups their families tend to stick to and they turned out to be fairly normal and competent people. It's pretty hard to amount to anything when your family is catastrophically dysfunctional.

>> No.18824984

Can they speak English? I’ve never seen an abo IRL, but I don’t think I’ve even seen a video of them speaking English. I don’t know if it’s possible for them to speak a real language

>> No.18824989

To this day I've still been unable to find a translation for the term "rama rama"

I think a lot of the "words" abos use are just grunts orthographers strung a lot of letters together for to make abo noises appear to be a sophisticated language. I mean. just look at the name "Ngaanyatjarra" used in this video as you listen to those trained hominids say it. Their enunciated word doesn't have nearly that many syllables.

Best part of the video is the cameo from the white producer who wrote, arranged, and edited the whole thing.

>> No.18824995

Yes, aboriginal languages are usually mostly a novelty thing and they all speak english (in cities and towns at least)

>> No.18824998

Literally all of these authors are white, let me see a full blown blackie even hold a pen

>> No.18825002

>ay cunt you got a smoke

Seems about the extent.

>> No.18825005

Yeah. You can find them passed out drunk on the lawn in front of the pub at 1pm in any regional town in Aus.

>> No.18825014

>are white

>> No.18825019

They had tranny shit in Rome already by the 1st century BC. Please explain to me how 1st century BC Rome is "end stage".

>> No.18825025

Please explain to me how they had tranny shit in Rome already by the 1st century BC.

>> No.18825030

God how many more years will this last

>> No.18825039

>In 204 BCE, when the Senate officially adopted Cybele as a state goddess, the cult brought the meteorite by boat to Pergamum and then to the gates of Rome, and it was ceremonially brought into the city.[3] According to Livy, it was brought to the Temple of Victory on the Palatine Hill on the day before the Ides of April,[4] and, from then on, the anniversary was celebrated as the Megalesia on April 4–10 with public games, animal sacrifices, and music performed by the galli. Thus the first galli arrived in Rome.[5] Over a hundred years later (according to Plutarch), when the Roman general Sulla planned to fight Marius, a priest of the galli named Bataces prophesied Roman victory and consequently the Senate voted to build a victory temple to the goddess.[6]

>> No.18825042

>why was removing the current logical system and replacing it with one where one random guy can terrorize the whole country a bad idea

>> No.18825050

Huh. I always thought that was in the later centuries of the empire.

I may have to give up on that cope, then.

>> No.18825214


>> No.18825258

at my high school we had an indigenous rights campaigner (or whoever she was) play this at our school assembly, the year it was made.
my mates and i absolutely pissed ourselves and for the next month or so all we said was "don be rama rama noongar"

>> No.18825348


>> No.18825450

kys 2016igger

>> No.18825490
File: 615 KB, 284x250, 1616554341404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the abo story of tiddalik, the frog that fucking drank all the fresh water in the world (including the clouds) and became gigantic and bloated with water.
Then he saw a platypus and laughed at how retarded looking platypus' are and regurgitated all the water

>> No.18825547

It is basically our creation story that has been passed down orally across a large portion of Indigenous tribes across Australia. Some tribes credit the Rainbow Serpent or Bunjil (eaglehawk) as creating the natural world and is represented through myths and paintings.

>> No.18825788

Aboriginal Men of High Degree is a good read

>> No.18826084

All the most racist anti-abo people I know are half abos or people who lived in abo towns, the least racist are fuckers living in big cities like you. Makes me think.

>> No.18826109

that's not an aboriginal story that's just last Saturday.

>> No.18827440

>just look at the name "Ngaanyatjarra"
It sounds more similar to "Nanagaa" in the video.

>> No.18828811
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>here is a list of white people who wrote about aboriginals because they never even got to the point of written communication in their 12,000 year history basically living as cavemen

>ignore any racists who point this out

>> No.18828837

Transgender is not the same as celibate. Nice try though.

>> No.18828871

all the fields before the post are newfag testers

>> No.18828876

Cope. Did you even read the wiki article?
>They wore make up and womens clothes
>Historians said they literally try to pass as women
>Not only that but they also cut off their dicks
There's literally no way to argue that the Galli weren't trannies.

>> No.18830155
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>> No.18830539

>Wow an educated post on lit wowee woweee oooo weee aboriginals wow!

>> No.18830584

I used to believe the Tsalal cultures from the Green Antarctica books were unrealistic representations of Aboriginals until I read that.

>> No.18830636

>in their 12,000 year history
The Aboriginals have existed for around 40,000 years. Amerindians were the ones who existed for 12,000 years.

>> No.18830675


>> No.18830854

Dar emu is a fucking scam fairy tale. It's hilarious to think people take that shit as fact.
If you are actually interested in how Aboriginals lived read this https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6020641-australia-and-the-origins-of-agriculture

>> No.18830876

>Ignore the racists and /pol/ users, they wouldn't understand "culture" or "nuan
>*huffs petrol*
>*beats his missus*
Nice culture, bro.

>> No.18831101
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>implying their culture(s) have remained untouched and static for 40,000 years

This romantisization of aboriginal cultures, as if they are some ancient untouched, uncorrupted, static people is so out of touch

>> No.18831188
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>be medieval degen
>paint a bunch of gay sex propaganda on pottery

>be medieval tranny cult
>cut off your dick, dress like a women
>worship what amounts to a gypsy goddess whos name translates to "mountain mother"

Fast forward to present

>be modern leftist historian
>"yeah so the Greeks were fags and trannies so it's normal"
Also for the record, the only place in the wiki article it mentions that they called themselves "she" has absolutely no source to it. Non of the cited poems they present ever mention them as she and actually refer to them as "he".
Literally "trust us some poems that we wont link or mention refer to them as she"

>> No.18831200

>being anti-intellectual is epic
wow BTFO

>> No.18831252

Lloyd deMausse and his adherents have an ideological axe to grind. That's obvious. They're not collating that information for any reason which can be construed as neutral.

But the data itself is iornclad. What abos do to each other and their children is abhorrent and if laws were enforced equally amongst the races 90% of them would be serving life sentences in solitary confinement.

>> No.18831257

who here rama rama?

>> No.18831262


>> No.18831376

They speak english as well as any bogan, but have incredibly strong accents.

>> No.18831392

based aboriginal appreciator

>> No.18832028

Based and aussiepilled post

>> No.18832120

try reading the classics before commenting on them

>> No.18832240

Take your racist slogans back to /pol/, chud.

>> No.18832241

If you are not racist then you shouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.18832390

Keep seething on the internet, incel. Intelligent people don't judge others by the color of their skin.

>> No.18832450

Based post. I hate racists.

>> No.18832526

This site was made for freaks and social outcasts. It's now full of racists. What's the connection, i wonder?

>> No.18832795

Why the fuck is this getting samefagged so hard?

>> No.18832869

Go back.

>> No.18832877

Thanks anon

>> No.18832882


Good and educational theread btw

>> No.18832977


>> No.18833046

Waayaa Angaybaa ooola mangyaba ooma mackila