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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18804592 [Reply] [Original]

Can any of you recommend some good collection of short stories that are like an adult version of pic related?

I only ask instead of checking the sticky because I’m sick and tired of all the NPCs that plague the world of literature when it comes to this specific genre. I just got done reading most of The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson, and I’ve never been more pissed off in my life. I understand some stories aren’t for everyone, but the stories on that book are just BAD. They’re literally just fucking stories that don’t go anywhere. I tried reading The Night Shift, but had to stop out of boredom. I don’t need it to be horrifying or even scary, but I do need a good story...which really should not be something I need to point out. I just don’t understand how books like these even get published. If you don’t believe me, just go read any of the short stories from The Lottery.

>> No.18804605
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>> No.18804619


>> No.18804660

Unfortunately no, there is no "adult version" of scary stories to read in the dark. Why? Because nostalgia, and everybody's naive as a kid. Building suck impactful and honestly frightening stories is nigh impossible to do for adults because they don't scare nearly as easily. It's like that movie "season of the witch" I remember being scared of that movie for weeks when I watched it when I was 12, but I rewatched it recently and laughed out loud in some parts.

>> No.18805015

Yeah, I suppose you’re right.

>> No.18805170
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>> No.18805186

I had a little book (as in, 2”x3”x2”) of short stories when I was younger that were so scary they fucked me up for days every time I read it. Trying to see if I can remember or find it.

>> No.18805233
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It was pic related. I’m pretty easily scared though — I kept my lights on every night for a week+ after seeing paranormal activity in theaters.
I’m still spooked really fucking easily desu.

>> No.18805269

I read maybe four pages of this book and dropped it. What the fuck is this book supposed to be?

>> No.18805305
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>> No.18805310
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the end
pretty creepy

>> No.18805329

Ligotti, obviously. poe, lovecraft, blackwood, machen, clark ashton smith, others. Ligotti mostly

>> No.18805353


Anon, how old are you if you don’t mind me asking?

>> No.18805402

Where should one start with ligotti. And by start I mean get a real dank sniff of his horrorpussy

>> No.18806348

A Collapse of Horses

>> No.18806419
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I'm a big fan of Things we Lost in the Fire by Mariana Enríquez. It's literary horror and a decent amount of the 'scary' things are more about social decay in Latin America. But it's viscerally disgusting in places (the description of a heroin addicts rotting teeth stuck with me) and has this super oppressive humid sticky atmosphere throughout that is pretty uncomfortable.

>> No.18806498


>> No.18806570

The penguin edition
His later work is more weirder and more in line with his philosophy. One of the best writers if you are a completionist.

>> No.18806945

the box and the rifle by jack ketchum

some /x/ greentexts really got me the way things used to get me, and nothing gets me anymore. the circumstances have to be right

>> No.18807543

Thanks anon this looks good

>> No.18807987
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got this free on kindle the other day. unironically the most unique horror thing i've ever seen that isn't "canon".

read the review and give it a go. it's like $1 and 20 pages and worth it imo


>> No.18807998
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