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18743779 No.18743779 [Reply] [Original]

What is the actual endgame of philosophy? People who study it don't seem to be better off than the average person. It kind of seems like it's all language games and would be better simply ignored.

>> No.18743811

>What is the actual endgame of philosophy?
Obtaining a solid foundation to all sciences (taking the term to refer to both the classical and modern sense) through the establishment of a phenomenology of the transcendental.

>> No.18743813

Philosophy is literally just logic art

>> No.18743826

Philosophy gets memed as this great end-all of knowledge but at the end of the day it's just people giving their opinions on shit using dressed up words.

>> No.18743969

>What is the actual endgame of philosophy?
Your brain fluctuates between 2 modes:
1) maximum precision of definitions, removal of ambiguities - that's how sciences work
2) creative noise, recombination of weird shit to produce/detect novelty - that's what philosophy and literature are for.

>> No.18743980
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The point is to gain a better understanding. You wouldn't be shitposting on a computer without philosophy and philosophers paving the way. Maybe this thread is bait, you posted two e-celebrity entertainers, but I feel like a lot of you zoomers genuinely classify things in black and white, based or cringe, Chad or virgin, left or right, failing to appreciate nuance or ambiguity.

>> No.18743981

Make youtube videos so people can watch and think that they have learned and say that it is worthless. So Philosophy in practice means hating Philosophy and doing everything to destroy itself.

>> No.18743996

As long as there are questions which cannot be answered there will be philosophy. Every science came from philosophy, meaning that humanity will be truly enlightened once philosophy stops existing.

>> No.18744057

>As long as there are questions which cannot be answered
Why do green ideas sleep furiously?

>> No.18744239

Reminder that the opinions of all Youtubers are invalid, stupid, and wrong.

>> No.18744263

>This is what distinguishes the philosopher from the Christian. The Christian, in spite of logic, has only one incarnation of the Logos; the philosopher has never finished with incarnations. If all that exists, all that lives on land, and under water, can be reduced by abstraction to a logical category – if the whole real world can be drowned thus in a world of abstractions, in the world of logical categories – who need be astonished at it?

>Where speculation ends — in real life — there real, positive science begins: the representation of the practical activity, of the practical process of development of men. Empty talk about consciousness ceases, and real knowledge has to take its place. When reality is depicted, philosophy as an independent branch of knowledge loses its medium of existence. At the best its place can only be taken by a summing-up of the most general results, abstractions which arise from the observation of the historical development of men. Viewed apart from real history, these abstractions have in themselves no value whatsoever.

>> No.18744352

For smart people who had bad childhoods, people just impotently attempting to find something solid to stand on.

>> No.18744420

Reading philosophy is to your brain what lifting weights is to your muscles. The end game of both is the same, figuratively speaking.

>> No.18744543
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The truth of the all. Is there a God or not, is there a purpose or not? I think thats the goal of all philosophy.
Now on the way to that goal you can ask countless questions, and come to the realization that we are small and powerless against the cogs of time, the law of the universe. The world doesnt spin because of our existence, but we exist as we do cause the world spins exactly as it does. Sometimes the best people we had on this world got thrown under the bus, lived a horrible life they didn't deserve.
Some people cope by dressing up as the opposite gender, partaking in exhibitionism, making the rest of society partake in their roleplaying. Not to bash on autogynophiles alone, it is part of a greater problem. Not being able to accept reality..

>> No.18744586
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>People who study it don't seem to be better off than the average person.

You can't just STUDY philosophy, OP. You have to actually put it into practice. What good is it to read phillosophy if you just go about your life afterwards, as if nothing had changed? What good is it to read Plato, or Cicero, or Nietzsche, and then just resume your boring life of fapping to porn and playing video games?

You have to actually put what you read into practice. Put the Republic into practice, and orient your soul properly with reason controlling your appetites. Put Also Sprach Zarathustra into practice, and strive to become the Overman. It's not enough to read philosophy, you must live philosophy, too. Otherwise all your reading WILL indeed be worthless.

>> No.18744592

Wow those are two beautiful women!

>> No.18744615

Individual people who study it aren't necessarily better off than any other average individual. But societies that study it, and thereby have conversations and debates across many generations, are definitely better off than societies that don't.

>> No.18744655
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>> No.18745303

>What is the actual endgame of philosophy?
There two ends of philosophy: to discover by inquiry the best life, and to know the Whole (i.e. to know Being or beings as a whole).

>People who study it don't seem to be better off than the average person. It kind of seems like it's all language games and would be better simply ignored.
This is true for the majority of people; philosophy, insofar as it inquires into the best way of life, is always after the Good of the individual who philosophizes, so it's fundamentally hedonistic and selfish. And insofar as it inquires into the Whole, it's always tempting away from human interests, so it's amoral even when seemingly proposing answers to moral and ethical problems.

Plato's Symposium provides a good image of two types of people who get into philosophy: the main speaker, Apollodorus, who's contemptuous of everyone, himself included, everyone, that is, but Socrates, and Alcibiades, who saw in philosophy tools for his ambitions only to leave it aside when it made him really reflect upon himself and feel bad and inadequate.

>> No.18745368

They both have master's degrees in philosophy.

>> No.18745414

no PhDs (insert chopped-off joke) - ngmi

>> No.18746538

my point exactly

>> No.18746929

There are no answers in philosophy and the quest to find the truth is an infinite road where you'll find the surroundings to be the same regardless of how far you walk, and running too fast leads to insanity.

>> No.18746936

Basically this. If you got into Philosophy and it didn't lead to more questions than answers, then you are doing it wrong or haven't learned it.

>> No.18746989

Philosophy is just religion without redemption.

>> No.18746999

Philosophy's "endgame" should be understanding problems and reasoning them, not necessarily "solving" them -- since not every problem can be solved.

Or, really: once you reach the upper echelon of philosophy, you forget about it and move on to something else.

>> No.18747078

That's where you're wrong. People who study it are better than the average person, even if they are often disgusting messes of a different breed.

Ask yourself if you would rather have a serious discussion with: some youtube tranny who studies philosophy, or a retarded idiot boomer who never reads, gets trolled by grifters and thinks shit like Q is real and Ben Shapiro is the height of intellect. Or if you must be a contrarian and choose the boomer's idiot charm over the exhausting faggotry of the bougie tranny, at least choose which intellectual level you would rather be on. That is the value of philosophy. It is also the value of literature.

Whenever people say
>but what literature do
>but what philosophy do

One simply need examine the types of people who don't read anything, and you have your answer. I learned this the hard way because I am descended from trailer trash and would have been a total moron if I didn't read "useless" philosophy and literature. It may be hard to pin down utility in our cursed world where utility = muh money, and it's easy to see students of philosophy etc. as a bunch of limp wristed navel gazing faglords, but at the end of the day holy fuck I would rather be that then a braindead prole who believes the dumbest shit and is totally ignorant of much of history.

>> No.18747087

>thousands of years of philosophy
>no tangible results

>> No.18747099

>Ask yourself if you would rather have a serious discussion with: some youtube tranny who studies philosophy, or a retarded idiot boomer who never reads, gets trolled by grifters and thinks shit like Q is real and Ben Shapiro is the height of intellect.
I'll take the boomer. The tranny would probably smell horrible.

>> No.18747266

thats a man

>> No.18747502

You're taking a stance on meta-philosophy in this post.
Here's the dirty little secret: philosophy pervades everything.
The difference between philosophers is that they're more honest with themselves than the average Joe about this fact and they're better at doing philosophy as well.
You can't avoid it. Philosophy pervades, underlies, and constitutes everything.

>> No.18747512

>The difference between philosophers
Correction: The difference between philosophers and the average Joe

>> No.18747516

So true

>> No.18747521

This is a joke, I got into Philosophy because of videos and podcasts.

>> No.18747758
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>Philosophy in practice means hating Philosophy and doing everything to destroy itself.

>> No.18747759

When did Contrapoints start to pass?

>> No.18747765

> painted eyebrows
Her gender might as well be "rotten moose carcass" at that point.

>> No.18747821

Left, easy.
>start to pass?
Are you saying this to feel better or are you serious? either way, kys faggot.

>> No.18748641

>What is the actual endgame of philosophy?
Finding the absolute truth.

>> No.18748645

In your opinion.

>> No.18748977

after the so-manieth abject surgical intervention to the face.

>> No.18748986

Because they're tired and angry. Next question.

>> No.18749010

>What is the actual endgame of philosophy? People who study it don't seem to be better off than the average person. It kind of seems like it's all language games and would be better simply ignored.
Most posters here are shut-ins, and most academics are barely one step above that in terms of how restricted their circles are. Especially now the Marxists monitor their every utterance.

If you're not a shut-in and meet a wide variety of people, you will be shocked how much happier people are who take no interest in bullshit that leads nowhere and doesn't affect their lives.

>> No.18749244

I read somewhere that Sophie's World is unironically a good philosophy primer. Is this true? I like to have some context before I study, but googling the philosophy texts just seems wrong.

>> No.18749251

To question knowledge and how we acquire it, for one.

>> No.18749306

i hear it is, but you can also just use the SEP or IEP

>> No.18749317

you missed, my friend

>> No.18749415

What are those?

>> No.18749461

>that's what philosophy and literature are for
Surely all art, not just literature?

>> No.18749465


>> No.18749781

The boomer would Unironically give me a beer and BBQ, and wouldn't take the discussion seriously enough to hold grudges about our disagreements. Meanwhile the sjw would seethe hard and label me a chud for life, possibly going as far as to label me a bigot in my friend group. Far more unpleasant

>> No.18749784

Plato and Kant

>> No.18749791

You are overdosing on memes, kid.

>> No.18749932

This is based on real world experience but i guess everything is memes really innit

>> No.18750236

To know what to do with your life. The people with the best philosophies are the ones who spend enough time to give themselves drive and purpose without becoming sophists.

>> No.18751661
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Philosophy isn't about your own subjective feeling of well-being, but about living the objective good life, which doesn't mean the happier life, it just means the life which is more valuable, like if some sort of God, real or not, looked at your life, they'd say "this person's life was better for what they did." And philosophy is also about recognizing the value of the world around you, paying attention to it, and not taking it for granted. The problem with you non-philosopher pseuds is that you don't know that. The best lives lived are usually not the happiest ones.

>> No.18751662

its only worth reading a few philosophy books like the platonic dialogues, aristotle, plotinus, the stoics, maybe some schopenhauer and nietzsche, after that leave it aside and get on with your life.

>t. philosophy major