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18672025 No.18672025 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the guy that writes the books that btfo the "progress" narrative?

>> No.18672033

John Gray

>> No.18672034

you're going to have to be more specific. progressivism has been btfo numerous times by numerous authors.

>> No.18672043

Pinker is such a faggot, I wish Taleb would put him on blast again.

>> No.18672049

the guy I'm thinking of just released a new book or is soon to release one

>> No.18672051

Christopher Lasch - The True and Only Heaven

>> No.18672062

Cynical Theories - James Lindsay and Helen Fuckrose

>> No.18672076


>> No.18672101

>James Lindsay

>> No.18672109

Qoheleth has eternally BTFO progressives and they can only cope with him by ignoring Ecclesiastes. There is nothing new under the sun, and all human efforts are vanity.

>> No.18672113

>he turned his comments off

>> No.18672127

I think this is the guy j was thinking of

>> No.18672145
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so does history "progress" towards something or does it just move forwards towards nothing in particular?

>> No.18672149
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he is the poster child for retarded blue checkmarks which everyone finds intolerable. trafficking in this stupid garbage where he "flips the narrative on what we feel" constantly he is always trying expose something or someone for being not what we they were.

>> No.18672176
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Or should I say? Abstract and progressive! We truly are in the current year!

>> No.18672190

I would say changes, more than progresses. If it came down to combat, a T-Rex could dumpster everyone else that's been alive since the Cretaceous in a 1 v 1 fight and yet they're extinct and weak ass mammals are not soooo yeah

>> No.18672239

In what world would anyone want this.

>> No.18672263

Keeps the chuds healthy

>> No.18672270

there was a first time?

>> No.18672299


>> No.18672332
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>> No.18672344

i really cannot wait until the civil war when all these stupid yuppies get slaughtered by GED bubba with his budget bin AR-15.

>> No.18672354

Bubba will be podded, bugged, plugged and jabbed. He won't do shit lest he wind up like a person of color

>> No.18672402

it progresses towards overly systematized top heavy bloated bureaucracies as far as I can tell

>> No.18672412

Philip K. Dick

>> No.18672421

“Flip the narrative”
“Conceptual framework”
“Analytical approach”

I hate these corporatist midwits with the heat-value of 10,000 suns. They all write the same, sound the same, having nothing of clarity or passion to say. They speak through a forced filter of lifeless sterility betraying a hopelessly institutionalized mind. Should there be some galloping genius behind the full-body cast that is Pinker’s prose we would never know, and Pinker is too much of a permanent academic outpatient to care to learn to write. I swear, Dante would have put Pinker and his intellectually celibate priesthood in their own layer of hell.

>> No.18672462

>lest he wind up like a person of color
>lest he wind up in the upper caste of American society

>> No.18672477

I made posts about this >>18657156 >>18657242
The future is some kind of pharma-totalitarianism, everyone is drugged into slavery.
Ever since I experienced zombie pills years ago I thought "this is how humanity ends". Even Ted K said exactly the same: that we're modifying human beings to make them endure an unendurable system. Everything will be carried out through pills, including >>18672332, as you can see with depression which is a natural response to modernity, the only issue is turning philosophical issues into medical issues, and then administering a pill.

>> No.18672482
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Make it stop

>> No.18672483

>Why everything you know about oil changes is Wrong
>And Probably Racist Too...

nothing is too banal or trivial for them to hyper scrutinize. its the higher echelon cousin of the pop culture obsessed consoomer who watches streaming television or superhero movies and talks about the characters like they are actual living breathing people. its just people with nothing better to do who are smart enough to conceptualize things but not smart enough to crank out an original thought of their own. or better yet too undisciplined to actually learn something.

so they comment. because if you can't actually do anything for real that's what you eventually settle on. everyone's a fucking critic.

>> No.18672501

In this world, as you can see yourself.

>> No.18672537

Bubba gonna comply, iow

>> No.18672549

PoC demonstrate in their poverty the consequences of not following sufficient rational Americanisms. Bubba don't want that smoke.

>> No.18672651


God, this is too painful to acknowledge but it’s true. This cult of criticism is going to be the end of everything if the forces it has put into motion cannot be stopped and kept at a manageable distance.

These critics are products of a failed system which took inputs that were deadly to it (midwits, cowards, charlatans) and now that they hold sufficient levers of society the walls are starting to buckle and fall over. Enough has given by now that I think we’re in a cascading failure scenario which is generating new complex problems we didn’t have before that are being misdiagnosed. My fear is that precisely for the reason we have arrived at this point we will not be able to to solve these issues; it’s a civilizational checkmate. It’s not like we facing merely an economic crisis or war; we’re facing all of those things alongside the collapse of the will to be human. Is there a precent for this? We have very far to fall.

>> No.18672660


>> No.18672850

most of these people you're referring to have no concept of what holds up this miracle society they've grown up in. none at all. they really do think food just magically appears on the table and that by the time everyone who actually is willing to work and be a part of that process is too old to keep doing it automation will come and save the day.

they just have no clue.

>> No.18672855

>by the time everyone who actually is willing to work and be a part of that process is too old to keep doing it automation will come and save the day.
This is unironically true though

>> No.18672882


I don’t just mean collapse from the stand point of food production (though I agree) but even if the automation problems were to be solved on that front and others, it still says nothing about the kind of human left on the other end. Are we freeing up people to pursue knowledge? Hah. As >>18672483 alludes to, these people are impressed by the mere fact that they can deliver an opinion at this point. What happens when humans completely abdicate all their human qualities on a mass scale? Again, I think in combination with the complex society we live in and all it’s various physical and esoteric dependencies it’s built on, we have no precedent for what’s coming.

>> No.18672899
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>the absolute state of wagies

>> No.18672908

I remember this book where a scientist develops an ai or something then gets fired and has to hid it within his own body where it mutates and starts to take over forgot what it was called anybody know

>> No.18672951

Taleb massacred Pinker's retarded idea that democracy and capitalism have ushered us in an age of perpetual peace.

>> No.18672976
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>> No.18673250

>I cannot wait until someone else does the dirty work, and really all work for me
>said someone will surely be in a group I look down upon because I look down upon all groups, identities, and organizations
>gee I sure do wonder why society is moving away from my imagined desired ends which are obviously correct
>oh well back to masturbating to chinese cartoons all day and spamming impotent sputum on the internet
These threads are genuinely amusing, you are all domesticated and disenfranchised without even knowing it, since the essence of your inertia is your delusions of agent superiority and understanding.

>> No.18673271

>"these people"
you're getting close

>> No.18673274
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>> No.18673275

anyone read the latest (and the last) Graeber yet?

>> No.18673278
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forgot pic

>> No.18673282

I used to be more idealistic but after a certain amount of years you realize that you cannot fight 7 billion people who live on the path of least attrition. Nobody cares. It's over. You accept this future or you kill yourself.

>> No.18673312

The truth is you never cared and your objection was always just a coping mechanism.

>> No.18673344

Yeah that's right, you owned me, anon, BTFO.

>> No.18673784

Isn't my brain already supposed to do this?

>> No.18673803

It would if modern life weren't shit

>> No.18674056

I don't read Semitic literature

>> No.18674095

The "progress" doesn't move towards anything in particular -- or, rather, something idyllic that doesn't or can't manifest. Zapffe outlines this better in The Last Messiah:

>Most “spiritually developed” people demand that these changes have a sort of continuity, direction, or progression. For them, no situation can be ultimately satisfying, they must always go a step further, gathering new information, pursuing a career, and so on.These people suffer from an ineradicable yearning to overstep limits, to demand more and more from life, a restless ambition that is never satisfied. When one’s previous goal is reached, it becomes only a step to some higher goal—the goal itself, in fact, is immaterial; it is the yearning itself that is important. The absolute height of one’s goal is less important than how much higher it is from where one momentarily finds oneself; it is the marginal degree of yearning that counts.

>> No.18674593
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yeah why would anyone want this

>> No.18674615

try reading philosophy of history

>> No.18674623

>this is probably the only job I will be able to have after having tried to succeed in creative venues
hahaha nope death it is

>> No.18674646

Narrativity is a delivery of information organized by communications styled around phonologocentric phenomenon. It is an essentially a progressive design.

>> No.18674701

>bro just dash yourself against the brick wall that is the cumulative inertia of 7 billion people lmao

>> No.18674702

This is unironically good.

>> No.18674723

I would actually enjoy working in a space that has one of those

>> No.18674725
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>> No.18674732

>mighty nihilism
Explain, I’m curious

>> No.18674744

50 cents has been added to your Amazon Prime account

>> No.18674745

He didn't accept this future, and he killed himself.

>> No.18674754
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John Gray

>> No.18674771

>le cult of le body
>le hard mussel
>le gay body worship
Mishima was 5 feet tall.

>> No.18674785
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>> No.18674796

Damn, now that I think about it I want to work in a place that has one of those.

>> No.18674812

>t. resentful weakling

>> No.18674813

>truth is a function of the length of your spine
Oh say can you seeeeeeeeeee

>> No.18674819

You could also call it biological nihilism. Keep in mind Mishima was the 20th century equivalent of a tranny.

>> No.18674825

>everyone is [american culture war political category]
Kill yourself, sincerely

>> No.18674856

What percent of employees are masturbating in that thing do you think?

>> No.18674857

My only intent was to illustrate some of the issues with his writing (as I perceive them, anyways) and his thoughts by comparing them to a contemporary phenomenon, partly for humor and partly because they do actually share some core similarities.
By the way, I know this is hard to imagine for you since you barely leave your bubble of midwit cultural criticism born out of an American-centric worldview, but this narrative is global now.

>> No.18674913

its not. self driving technology was serious oversold, we are still looking at decades until it can be deployed as they envisioned in 2015.

>> No.18674934

progressive vs. traditional is a hoax. traditionalists just want a different type of progress.

>> No.18674942

It's hard to masturbate when you're crying

>> No.18675025
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I don't want to go to work tomorrow

>> No.18675063

what progress? I literally want to live on a farm and make babies

>> No.18675167

I love this. We should all be so lucky.

>> No.18675193

yes, you want to progress to what you view is a better future. modern progressivism is conflated with liberalism because of fucksticks are shit at naming political categories. see: democrat vs republican.

>> No.18675214 [SPOILER] 
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just shit in his mouth

>> No.18675220

>you need a pill to sedate the masses
ever heard of Eugenics?

>> No.18675229

the bottom half is open
so you can see it... they wont even let you wank

>> No.18675249

Unfathomably based.

>> No.18675374

Why the fuck is there a computer inside those?

>> No.18675456

to play "meditation and mindfulness guidance" aka your typical yoga music plus some indian guy telling you to relax

>> No.18675498

I feel really bad for ordering from Amazon. Where the fuck can I order from though? Is it even any different?

>> No.18675513

That is really a thing?

>> No.18675521

This would probably be more useful to people who aren't reliable to take their own meds. What kind of work people would benefit from being drugged while working? Aren't you supposed to be sober to think properly?

>> No.18675532

>What kind of work people would benefit from being drugged while working?

>> No.18675534


That is a fake, OP. This is probably the real thing, which makes way more sense.

>> No.18675539
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>> No.18675545

What book was this in?

>> No.18675549

But why would you need nano-pills? I need aspirines to be a functional person, but it is not like I can't take them myself.

>> No.18675604

So that they can be delivered against your will

>> No.18675625

In order to increase my power? So be it.

>> No.18675635

>Who's the guy that writes the books that btfo the "progress" narrative?
That would be Rene Guenon (P B U H) in his books ‘East and West’ and ‘Crisis of the Modern World’

>> No.18675637


>> No.18675660

Go outside and go to a store, moron

>> No.18675666

It is like turning the an auto-pilot, anon. It is not like I can't quit it. What are you talking about? You would still need to take those pills anyway, but they won't kick in until they are needed.

>> No.18675717

I would have to spend like 15$ in tickets alone to travel to a place that isn't a barren wasteland, and I assure you that bookstores here have nothing but the, say 20 most popular titles you can name. Amazon has completely demolished local stores here.

>> No.18675985

Your brain on buddhism

>> No.18676024

k satan

>> No.18676030

Better show up before or after your shift to use it. Amazon monitors how many orders you pick and your speed at doing certain tasks if you work in the warehouse. If you’re too slow they come and talk to you. Amazon delivery drivers have their cameras turned on and are monitored for how quickly they get from location to location.

Imagine The cruelty of pushing some nonsense about mindfulness Cuckbox while just being the meatbag wage slave that is effectively being a data farm for his robot replacement.

These people want us to suffer.

>> No.18676036


>> No.18676076

my diary desu

>> No.18676101

Change for the better needs effort. Mindless indulgence brings decay.

>> No.18676148

Effort, ok, but I can't take a train and waste a whole day going around bookshops and fail to find the book I'm looking for.
I got ~40 items from Amazon this year and 6 of them were items I could've bought at a hardware store. I'll try to avoid those 6 items next year. Everything else would have meant ordering online just the same and have it delivered by the same guy probably. Do I actually spare the online order logistics slaves any torment if I order from another franchise instead of Amazon?

>> No.18676209

no the concept exists to say bro just wait till we get over the next hill i promise we're nearly here. just do this thing, get rid of this, give me more power, etc. it's a cult.

>> No.18676222

bullshit. no one would have this 'yearning' if it weren't hammered into their heads in school and marketing.

>> No.18676225

Yes, that is a hegelian thing.

>> No.18676258

>waste a whole day going around bookshops
You do "waste" whole days reading don't you? You wouldn't really say it is wasted would you? Even more I hope you would say it a worthy endeavor. Then needing a day to find books, in way that does not compromise your moral standings, is a fine way to spend time. It is not a waste since it is all in the interest of goodness, goodness by the means and goodness through the ends.
You can imagine this trip is pilgrimage of sorts. Back in time, even as close as 50 years ago, people from the countryside took a small handful of days in a year to run errands in a nearby city.

I think this behavior is the birth place of cities, places that were, first of all, markets and were most people did not stay for long periods of time.
In that regard amazon and the likes are the end of cities and of the countryside, it is the path of homogenization toward of a global suburb with no places to go.

>> No.18676277

The stress was on
>fail to find the book I'm looking for
But otherwise yeah. I honestly think this can be done. I do a similarly useless thing every day so why not do two.

>> No.18676289

Spengler, Adorno

>> No.18676297
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Using mindfullness to increase productivity is like using x-ray pictures to decorate your house. Sure you can do it, but it's not what it's meant for.

>> No.18676314

It's literally just a display for the upper class, out of touch people who don't have to work at Amazon. Their "stress" fizzles away when they "meditate" for 20 minutes in the meditation area of their office at Google so obviously this will also work for people who work in Amazon warehouses.

>> No.18676383

Naw man, I'd rather have another cigarette break>>18674593

>> No.18677185

FUN FACT BASADOS! They deleted the announcement of these on YT after they were so obviously recognized as dystopian hell-boxes that did nothing more than give the ILLUSION of quality-of-work-life!


>> No.18677283

Uncle Ted

>> No.18677315
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>> No.18677357

Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto

>> No.18677478

It's important to read the literature of your enemy. If you know not your enemy and know not yourself, you will lose every battle.

>> No.18678811

meme book, kids need coercion

>> No.18679205
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Any good example that I can think of has already been posted ITT.
At this point I can only hope and pray that we receive divine intervention or one properly timed stock market apocalypse and that the horrific future of human insects is averted

>> No.18680765

Soon anon soon. Jesus Christ will comeback our King and destroy his ennemy.