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18664888 No.18664888 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most alarming book I've read in some time.

>> No.18664900

There's nothing wrong with human extinction

>> No.18664911

The sperm count isn't dropping.
People are just cooming a lot.

>> No.18664920

>sperm count dropping
yeah, dropping on her mouth

>> No.18664927

The people at the top are retarded at this point and won't change anything unless it directly affects them.
They have doomed Western civilization to collapse through their ignorance and greed.
If only you knew how bad things are

>> No.18665066

if only you knew the sheer power of perseverance and the strength of community in the face of hardship. soon shall arise a race of men who even in the face of infertility, in microplastic and climate collapse, will bear the strongest T and the most sperm. soon.

this is merely the beginning of hardship, and that is whats beautiful. glory to christ the savior, we shall see it through.

>> No.18665075
File: 41 KB, 223x200, gets it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother.

>> No.18665076

People in 18th century France thought the population was shrinking. It wasn't, but by the end of the century it didn't really matter did it

>> No.18665080

Blessed be the fruit.

>> No.18665084
File: 68 KB, 185x161, ThereMightBeHope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are right anon....
Also, nice dubs.

>> No.18665086

the apotheosis of liberal thought

>> No.18665093

so we go extinct, big deal

>> No.18665111


I bet your house smells like failure.

>> No.18665116

The absolute state

>> No.18665119

of humanity?
look at america, I'd rather we disappear then allow them to continue to exist

>> No.18665138

oh no, you got me!

>> No.18665903

u're going to give birth to fembois retard assuming u even get to have the chance to reproduce that is.the future of humanity is going to be similar to that of spotted hyenas if this problem is not going to get addressed.

>> No.18667081

>Theres nothing wrong with anything
This is life in the age of Kali.

>> No.18667089

Jesus fucking Christ.
How broken of a human being do you have to be to believe this? What circumstances have to happen to arrive at this?

>> No.18667091


>> No.18667096

indeed, how can americans even live with themselves.

>> No.18667097

it's exaggerated

>> No.18667100

it's shoddy science though

nobody knows what optimal sperm counts are, and the previous studies could very likely be misleading

and the most probable factor behind a perceived "lower sperm count/quality" are probably sedentary lifestyles

>> No.18667104

No, I mean it's pathetic in the fact that instead of willing to change yourself for the better and working towards a better future, you would rather see us all die.

>> No.18667109

>glory to christ the savior

>> No.18667110

>instead of willing to change yourself for the better
what are you saying? Are you saying I'm pathetic for not taking up the call to become the next Hitler and genocide americans?

>> No.18667124
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Wow, that reply is the gayest thing I've seen on this board in a while
Now hold on, if you intend that I'm not going to stop you.
Make sure you get the Jews and browns first. The Whites you can (mostly) fix

>> No.18667462

The lifting, hypermascunalized brain due to raging autism, and libido of a caveman have prepared me for this day

>> No.18667483

It's wishful thinking. And more importantly, it's better if our population drops harshly in a few generations. In fact, it kind of needs to (ignoring economic factors, which by the way just show how poor and self-centered our leadership really is).

>> No.18667487

The only population that will drop/is dropping is whites tho

>> No.18667499

You're just being a self-centered retard. Whites don't even have it as bad as pajeets or asians.

>> No.18667510
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>> No.18667515

Shanna be reading a book by a roastie.

>> No.18667539

No! The population number will go down! Think of all the potential consumers we're losing.

>> No.18667589

There is nothing new in the fact that leading Jews are trying to dehumanize humanity (after they’ve desacralized the sacred and offended and trampled on the spirit), and this task will be accomplished by neutralizing the most natural and inherent function of the human, that is to say: reproduction. (The spiritual “function”, which is obviously higher than the reproductive one, has already been annihilated). The new target they’re focusing on right now is the sperm in man and the egg cell in woman. They need wipe out masculinity and femininity for ever. It is clear that the gay agenda serves this purpose among others. Facts show that lesbians or masculine women can’t have children or many children, whereas emasculated men are simply sterile and will never face the joy of having a little creature resembling their traits to raise and hold in their arms. The current power – name it as you like – wants exactly this. Extirpate life, love, tradition, the latter being nothing but the sacred habit, congenital in man, to transmit values and education to the offspring. They will take your babies. Be prepared. They will own them. If you don’t fight they will take them away from you, by force. It’s the end, and although it is a cosmic necessity, they are also intentionally and very rationally causing it.

This. Godspeed all the warriors.

Also this.

>> No.18667652

When were you last in church christcuck?

>> No.18667671

Never said I’m a practicing Christian

>> No.18667675


>> No.18667895
File: 95 KB, 720x719, The Hidden Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh clever insult, can smell the fedora from here

>> No.18667902

It was a simple question
Freemasons are christcucks btw

>> No.18667912
File: 166 KB, 564x452, WOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freemasons are christcucks btw
So worshiping Satan is christcuckery? What universe are you typing this from

>> No.18667943

>pee pee poo poo my single track mind can't stop being a poltard for 5 seconds

>> No.18667952

Masons don't worship Satan, retard. They're Templar larpers.

>> No.18667953

>anything anti-liberal is /pol/
It's all so tiresome

>> No.18668051
File: 129 KB, 500x483, The Goyim can't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the people that worshiped B*phomet, triple retard?

>> No.18668061

popetard propaganda

>> No.18668091

why? you're going to die anyway.

>> No.18668114
File: 34 KB, 474x480, Tasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was Anti-Christ puppet infighting though

>> No.18668123
File: 153 KB, 1293x1293, E6430330-1977-41E4-8F81-FCC553B1AB26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based.
You WILL go outside
You WILL eat fresh food
You WILL marry a qt
You WILL start a big family

>> No.18668261


>> No.18668619
File: 43 KB, 412x481, Burger King Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

_Both_ of you are based