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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18644914 No.18644914 [Reply] [Original]

Kaczynski was right about leftism/liberals. They're literal psychopaths. I was against this type of demonization in the past but this is reaching a point where it's absurdly evident that these people are mad. I'm registered in a leftist forum and they have managed to shut down virtually every news posted today about Cuba from the main page except some article about "debunking fake news on the Cuban protests". The concept itself of "fake news" in the postmodern context they preach is like a dissociative disorder. Those people believe that there are only opinions yet they have the actual factual truth, this is absolute madness. Not to talk about how moral these egomaniacs perceive themselves, it's sickening. What are other books or authors that explain the leftist mindset?

>> No.18644952

worry less about trying to understand leftists and more about trying to understand ideologues.

>> No.18644956

How is the right any better?

>> No.18644960

Kaczynski was pretty crazy himself. Commies are retarded, and their suppression of dissent is nothing new. They did the same thing in the 1950s, 1980s when people were protesting against the Warsaw Pact.

>> No.18644967


worry about your own shithole

>> No.18644969

look at you. there's no downvoting in here. there's no mini-modding. I can talk about uncle ted without having a leftist psycho next to me reporting the post for "X thing I dislike".

>> No.18644972

Welcome to beyond the curtain, anon. Realise that much of what he said applies to many modern right-wing types, as well; especially ever since holding such beliefs has become "counter-culture" in a sense.
Strap in, it's going to be a bumpy road down to misanthropy.

They are by nature of the ideas they tend to promote compared to their leftist counterparts, but only superficially so, since they feed the same system in the end.

>> No.18644983

Whom are (you) quoting?

>> No.18644989

>I'm registered in a leftist forum

What's leftism? like tanky? socdem? trot? fr you /pol/tards need to stop screaming at boogey men and speak to your dad who works at the republican party. Enough of this retarded meme politics.

>> No.18644996

>What's leftism?
Resentment against proprietorship

>> No.18644998

This isn't either a right-wing site, nor is this format even politically affiliated in any way other than with liberalism.
Leftypol is a thing. And sure enough, you'll only be called out as the faggot you are, just as you are here.
Ted wasn't right about a particular ideology. I don't even remember if he talked about bubbles of information twisting truths and making individuals incapable (and unwilling) of reaching out for factual truth in a world as polarized as ours, but if he did, do keep in mind he was also talking about people like you.

>> No.18644999

>What are other books or authors that explain the leftist mindset?
1984 by George Orwell

>> No.18645000

leftists. real leftists. I'm not AMURICAN.

>> No.18645019
File: 176 KB, 984x588, EBjGKgSWwAAk6eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao the leftist psycho spotted...

>> No.18645022

Our particular blend of dystopia has nothing to do with Orwell's. We are slaves not to a higher power, but our own desires conveniently twisted into compromises, responsibilities and fears.
1984 isn't even about dystopian rule as much as it is about far more interesting topics that maddeningly almost never get proper discussion.

>> No.18645024

Leftypol and 4chan are infected with resentful, nihilistic types angry the world doesn't place for them. The average fascist is just as delusional the dengist tankie found on those shitholes. People need to stop thinking these debates matter, and start forming groups for the boogaloo.

>> No.18645037

Not a good recommendation; Orwell was a democratic socialist that despised totalitarianism (communism, nazism, you name it). This becomes clear even in the book itself. Have you read it?

>> No.18645043

Thank you for actually providing a quote and refreshing my memory. You do realize Ted was also fucking insane and was, at the end of the day, nothing more than human, right?
Don't take the entire word of others as gospel. Between the petty, myopic opinions characteristic of our species there's gold that's actually worth taking into account, and finding it -as well as chronicling it- is exactly what we must do.

>> No.18645060

>You do realize Ted was also fucking insane
...by the metrics of the very system he dismantled in his writings. Funny, that. Almost as funny as your non-argument.

>> No.18645071

Morality isn't a metric exclusive to modern society.

>> No.18645090
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the Civil war in Spain is a case of study on the leftist mindset. when Orwel fought there were several leftists groups inside the republican forces, all of them trying to exercise their psychopathic micro- authority over their comrades until the point they ended up killing each other in Barcelona.

>> No.18645098

>bro did you just question a CIA narrative? you must be insane!

>> No.18645101

Read Leo Strauss's On Tyranny. Make sure to read the Strauss-Kojeve correspondence as well. It is quite prescient.

>> No.18645123

>bro did you post some news? downvoted, fake news, irrelevant, reported bc CIA!

>> No.18645129

>Strap in, it's going to be a bumpy road down to misanthropy.
wow. extreme levels of faggotry on your end, i am appalled even as a man that fucks men

>> No.18645148

>Le 1984
GR8 B8 M8

>> No.18645178

I feel like both right and left have their sacred cows they could never renounce. But for most issues talking in person can create a compromise.
The problem I think comes down to modern communication. We no longer test our ideas against our neighbors but jerk off over them on here or lefty sites. We need a resurrection of the “third places” that Lasch talks about. I’m not sure how that’s possible under the current technological lifestyle we live.

>> No.18645828
File: 406 KB, 660x659, Hoppe was Right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommaned resources:
>CULTURAL MARXISM - The Corruption of America
>History of the Frankfurt School
>The United States of Weimar
>Yuri Bezmenov: Full Interview
>1929 Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression Documentary
>Legendary Sin Cities - Weimar Berlin
>Europa: The Last Battle
>Deus Ex

>> No.18645844

Have you read it? When he describes the inner workings of the Ministries he's explaining exactly that.

>> No.18645855
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>> No.18645859

You should learn the meaning of the word psycopath desu

>> No.18645883

>OWS was psychotic
>Not the warmongers.
>Peace activists

So stupid

>> No.18645886
File: 31 KB, 490x736, gug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a real book already

>> No.18645900
File: 946 KB, 3000x2250, Personal Failure Not Societal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mein Kampf
>Twin Peaks
>Democracy: The God That Failed
>The Matrix
>Under The Silver Lake
>Elders of Zion
That should provide a good start ;)

>> No.18645926

>SA? Never heard of them
>José Sanjurjo, Emilio Mola? Literally who
>Austrofascism? Hitler was Austrian, right?
>Chetniks, Ustashe, Domobranci? I can't even read that lmao

>> No.18645927

>the CIA can snap its fingers and mass mobilize the public like this

>> No.18646203

The right are largely not better, I was actually thinking about this recently that if were a right wing coup the guys doing it would probably commit all sorts of atrocities. The one thing the right have going for them is they dont have the pathological need to tear down all social structures but instead they do promote rather rigid hierarchies that lead to different abuses. I feel like that is probably less harmful on the whole but I'm not even sure, maybe the harm is just distributed differently.

Large scale civilization is just a meme. Which I suppose was the point of the guy in op. I wonder if life itself is not something of a meme but that seems overly depressive, probably hunter gatherer life was 'ok' since we were adapted to it, not to say it was some idyllic scenario. Also it is true that for many people civilization is fine, it just fucks over many others.

I am incapable of having beliefs wtf

>> No.18646268

>heh, leftists don't care about the facts. get out of your echo chamber, libcuck!
>facts? well, I have a bunch of nazi conspiracy theories and /pol/ infographs
>the overwhelming majority of ademic sources disagree with my worldview? do you think I'm going to listen to that Jewish garbage?

>> No.18646304

Kaczynski would have been riding about a very certain generation of leftists coming off the heels of the 1960s social revolution. While his psychoanalysis is essentially correct on these people Christopher lash goes far more in depth into their motivations and the actual source of their powers. Kaczynski correctly analyzes technologies effect on society but his political analysis is shoehorned and and doesn't even begin to scrape the source of these problems coming from within the state itself and the states long-term social strategy. What we would call leftism or leftist activism could really just be described as successive 5-year plans of a liberal and capitalist state.

>> No.18646325

No one in the 21st century can really appeal to truth and certainly not institutions. Any pro like ourselves is perfectly aware that numbers will say whatever the people who hold the levers of social control want them to say. Science and data are meaningless as God at this point. Niche pointed out the rotting Divine Corps in the room we need someone eloquent enough and not yet sussed out for suppression by the institutions to do the same for scientism and technocracy. A pole infograph about people with blue eyes being able to see better at night with a Thulean Perspective link is equally as credible as anything coming from the CDC or US state department. Certainly in better faith.

>> No.18646331

Also fuck text to speech kaczynski was right

>> No.18646333

Put your tongue in me arse, Butters!
u right tho

>> No.18646368

Ted's not implying the Right is better. He doesn't really like either side.

>> No.18646436

>replying to a guy that recommends The Matrix and Gintama as anti-left resources
If you don't know your opposition well enough to tell trolling apart from the real thing, you shouldn't be commenting.

>> No.18646453
File: 188 KB, 1080x1082, libtarddoublethink6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaczynski was right about leftism/liberals. They're literal psychopaths. I was against this type of demonization in the past but this is reaching a point where it's absurdly evident that these people are mad.

Libtard double think? You don't say.

>> No.18646465
File: 207 KB, 1200x872, DAC004E1-3E50-480C-84FE-1A4DF9C99A01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted literally nailed it on leftists. It’s only becomes more true since he wrote this

So, in a nutshell, the System's neatest trick is this:

For the sake of its own efficiency and security, the System needs to bring about deep and radical social changes to match the changed conditions resulting from technological progress.

The frustration of life under the circumstances imposed by the System leads to rebellious impulses.

Rebellious impulses are co-opted by the System in the service of the social changes it requires; activists "rebel" against the old and outmoded values that are no longer of use to the System and in favor of the new values that the System needs us to accept.

In this way rebellious impulses, which otherwise might have been dangerous to the System, are given an outlet that is not only harmless to the System, but useful to it.

Much of the public resentment resulting from the imposition of social changes is drawn away from the System and its institutions and is directed instead at the radicals who spearhead the social changes.

>> No.18646494
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 01-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the "far" right is better. The rest of the right fails to understand the left and fears the true right. The true right accounts for every major thinker outside Voltaire and the Jews. Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Tesla, you name a great thinker and you'll see a disciplined gentleman of lofty ideals. This you in your backwards judaized language call to political pigeonhole "right wing" but it is exactly this how is the right any better? The left is bioleninist necessarily so instinctively so a revolt against the biologically superior. You don't give a shit about ideas that wax and wane relevance and drop and grow new facts with the moment. You seethe at the wealthy and austere. You jerk in convulsions about how unfair it is the wise strategize tax avoidance as if it's some impiety. Because they're better. Because they tried. Because they succeed they provide. Whoever better is will necessarily be branded as far right. We, the good and responsible cannot escape your insults for your stupidity itself is the measure of money in debt and coercion. Geographically and demographically this is the pillar of your system built on your blindness. But the logic of violence is changing and you are no longer the stakeholder you once were in Homer Simpson Middle Class Kleptocratic America. The theft has us on equal footing politically now as worthless vassals.

>> No.18646497

The only reason he even brings them up is because he is (probably very rightly) worried about them derailing any attempt of a revolution

>> No.18646535

Jolly Heretic has exhausted the concept for me.

>> No.18646593

oh look, seethespeak here. who's putting kaczynski on a pedestal as a 21st century prophet again? the OP, of course.

>> No.18646602
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>> No.18646611
File: 529 KB, 1080x1707, RightPsychopaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.18647602
File: 232 KB, 530x606, 98C3E1BD-643D-4B3E-87F6-440677C5D563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's leftism
Everything after the French Revolution

>> No.18647622
File: 240 KB, 2258x696, ted k thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18647638

>studies suggest that people who aren't tolerated by modern society are diagnosed with mental illness by that same society
Huh, really activates the almonds.

>> No.18647641

Those people are so ridiculous that their attacks on him make him look good simply because people like that are disagreeing with him. Needs to be a name for this phenomenon.

Ted is already a bastard, he's a murderer and a terrorist, you dont have to make up random stuff or use ad hominem instead of arguing against his ideas, which are also vulnerable at many key points.

>> No.18647652

Damn, why won't society stop picking on the poor old genocide advocates smdh

>> No.18647840

they tell you what they do

>> No.18647885

Human beings bind together by nature into tribes. If you give humans freedom, they will form tribes. And when you have tribes, you have social dynamics, I.E. one person's freedom will often tread on another person's. This requires a structure of authority to govern interpersonal interactions. The only alternative is to have the strong dominate the weak, thus erasing the very concept of freedom for the weak. How is this that hard to comprehend?

>> No.18647902

>Strap in, it's going to be a bumpy road down to misanthropy.

>> No.18647906

4chan was certainly not designed to be a politically sided forum, this isn't the strongest point to make. It's just that contrarians are here and the right survives on less moderated sites (because they aren't the zeitgeist of corp america)

>> No.18647921

Ignore these rumblings, they are only reinforcing the point that the whole "Kaczynski" op. was to just paint anti-leftists in bad light.
The guy is basically saying that "these nasty leftists only want you to be free and prosperous and not some jungle savages". The opposite is true.

>> No.18647925

they are just as bad

>> No.18647932

The mainstream "right" isn't any better at all but it's the left that it's currently in charge so we criticize the rulers whoever they are.

>> No.18647943
File: 34 KB, 468x457, whenbutterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left and Right arr both liberals.
>genocide advocates
>authoritarianism is when genocide
is this you?

>> No.18647962

>if were a right wing coup the guys
these don't happen ever, what happens is an ambitious general purports himself as a civilization-saving apartisan contra to a leftist coup, then gets labeled right-wing in the future. if you go and read the diaries of any "right wing revolutionary" you will find only an opportunist

>> No.18647964

I just want to say I don't give a shit about any of this and I hate each and everyone of you with your shitty eternal left vs. right politic pop culture bullshit rhetoric that never goes anywhere. This is no better or more valuable than observing TV soap operas and pop stars, you aren't players in this at all and you won't change a god damn thing.

>> No.18647973

>you dont have to make up random stuff or use ad hominem
this is quite literally the opening move by any leftist for any opponent. if you have experience talking to them online you will know this for certain. they make up slurs for people against every single one of their policies, these people just try to manipulate you into not fighting them. racist, sexist, homophobe, islamophobe, anti-vaxxer, etc.

>> No.18647981
File: 19 KB, 285x364, dragonthestate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right authoritarians don't necessarily want to kill everyone they despise as subhuman scum, that's a harmful stereotype!

>> No.18647983

I would have turned right-wing ages ago but I can't because every right-wing leader is a fucking retard or psychopath, they don't care about the environment, they're unnecessarily violent and hateful, they speak like they're mentally handicapped or something, their followers are mostly absolute troglodytes or smug upper-class children, and they don't really care about culture, only the facade of it. Everything about it, when materialized, is so repulsive. Why is that?

>> No.18648002

>. Everything about it, when materialized, is so repulsive. Why is that?
because you are a die-hard leftist. lets look at all of the groups you insulted:
>"smug" upper-class children
are probably just anyone rich that disagrees with you about anything. in these four words, you both infantalize and portray them as intolerant
calling the opponent stupid or uneducated is another leftist favorite
>mentally handicapped
again, same thing
>unnecessarily violent and hateful
only leftists use hateful and leftists also like to frame points with adjectives to take advantage of connotations that have nothing to do with the point at hand
>don't care about the environment
another leftist favorite. just screech about climate change while banning nuclear while stifling scientific progress and education.
in conclusion, it is because you are lying like a typical leftist

>> No.18648007
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You tell him, brother.

>> No.18648009
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Eternally based

>> No.18648010

typical leftism again, mocking opponent's appearance to enact social control

>> No.18648016

You're all control freaks yourselves and as whiny as any leftist now society is cracking down on you

>> No.18648023
File: 35 KB, 479x469, whenbutterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arghh nigger,you're not supposed to talk about anything while using that
Just go into every thread,ctrl + f Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ,click all her replies,choose file and post
(You don't need to read them)

>> No.18648027

Here are some of my diary entries on leftism:
Leftists always think and act the same way. They will always support the same activities, even unrelated to politics.
Nothing they say is true, nothing they say do they believe even remotely. Do not entertain their worldview, not even they believe it. If you spend time trying to reason with a group that does not care for reality, you will fail.
It is typical of the leftist to pretend to be an individual when called out for something his group did. The leftist always supports his cause; do not get tricked.
. The issue with leftists is that they do not believe that individuals have any agency; they think that everything is a product of the environment and therefore nothing should be done about it. I honestly believe that they do not have souls, maybe that’s why they don’t think people have agency.
Leftists also sell out their families because of their ideology; this is a recurring action, always disdain egalitarians.
Anyone that argues based on morality and not truth is a bad, not a good, person. I think that there are genetic differences between leftists and others.

>> No.18648040

You appear to be so fucking brainwashed that I don't even know if you are being serious or just shitposting.
Nazis have a fraction of a percent of population support, meanwhile the left is ruling uncontested over the whole Western Civilization while having no more than 30% of all legitimate voters' support. 70% of the populations DO NOT support leftists (just because the current ruling class does not deliver), but they are not Nazis either.

>> No.18648045

except you aren't "talking about uncle ted". you're just using his photo to sandwich in some irrelevant anecdote about an online forum (whilst also somehow not seeing the irony of posting on the exact same type of platform). if you wanted to actually talk about ted, you might lead with some of his writings, instead of using his image to imbue your story with some kind of legitimacy. give up the masquerade.
you do realise that this excerpt is equally if not more applicale to right-wing use of technology? you're literally sitting on an imageboard which is a testament to this. if anything, the modern right relies much more on collective organisation through technology. sure, liberals have dominance over more popular social media, but, im sure you'll agree, the most potent changes do not come from there.
did kaczynski miss literally all major philosophical works of the latter 20th century or just willfully ignore them so as to seem original? others were saying this way before him and in a much more descriptive way. capital S "System" is just code for "i dont have the intellectual wherewithal to coherently describe what the "System" is so im just gonna smack a capital letter on the front to mask my vaguery as perceptiveness"

>> No.18648080

Your numbers are off. At least 60% of Americans support BLM, more diversity and universal healthcare. On the other hand Republicans did control all 3 branches of the government under Trump, a right populist with some far right tendencies (media is enemy of the people etc), so left-liberals don't rule unopposed either.

>> No.18648120

>right authoritarians don't necessarily want to kill everyone they despise as subhuman scum
they don't; they want to enslave the subhuman scum, not kill precious assets (I'm speaking as one of them)
I don't go there, but they do live in your minds, apparently

>> No.18648121

>they don't; they want to enslave the subhuman scum, not kill precious assets (I'm speaking as one of them)
I am also one of them and I disagree. Robots can do the manual labor, get rid of the subhumans.

>> No.18648131

meds + >>>/pol/

>> No.18648136

>At least 60% of Americans support BLM, more diversity and universal healthcare
And 0% supports trannies privileges (trannies themselves and leftist activists don't count). You must buy the whole package in the current system and it sucks - no one wants it.

>> No.18648144

It's like you didn't read the thread at all; one anon has already exposed your kindergarten level of "discussion".

>> No.18648145
File: 805 KB, 1438x810, sigismund-steinhäuser-i-look-nordic-as-fuck-prussian-german-ethnicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they want to enslave the subhuman scum, not kill precious assets (I'm speaking as one of them)

>> No.18648194

I'm actually a MED BVLL
fuck you and your ad hom

>> No.18648265
File: 439 KB, 556x773, 1604614120463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many books go into this topic but The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt and The Tyranny of Guilt by Pascal Bruckner are quite close.

>> No.18648726

>completely forgets about the 6th of january capitol riot

>> No.18648738

>At least 60% of Americans support BLM
How do you know if everyone who thinks otherwise is instantly unpersoned? Does this refer to the ~10% of Americans that actually post on Twitter?

>> No.18648753

>Anyone that argues based on morality and not truth is a bad, not a good, person.
I would say that morality is grounded in truth. To the leftist, no truth exists, only what needs to be said, and no morality exists, only the means of achieving more power. At least this is modern "leftist" aka this weird capitalist communism that has spread from the US all over the world.

>> No.18648844

Lasch provides a very good analysis of the situation but one doesn’t come away from his books with anything actionable. Insight isn’t useful on its own. Kaczynski’s main concern is the result. He’s never been interested in bringing people over to his view, only in helping those who already have the view to achieve the result.

>> No.18648952

Based prepubescent Nordic as fuck young lad

>> No.18649007
File: 858 KB, 1003x1080, 1626007813814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /b/ tier political discussion
Op is also a retard
Everyone should go back,you don't belong here
>inb4 half of that is bait since nobody on this site is insane enough to be liberal
Doesn't matter

Obviously bait
>Deus ex

>> No.18649040

>anime pic
>mass reply, likely retarded post

>> No.18649178
File: 556 KB, 1416x1196, cute!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime posters are almost always right

>> No.18649194

Gintama? Quick rundown?

>> No.18649587

>Twin Peaks
nigga what

>> No.18649719

They'll never acknowledge this. Even if it was kicked off by the "CIA", enough people are clearly fed up with their communist dictators to make these large-scale protests happen. Not something that mere propaganda can do if there is no actual observable hardship to inspire those people to take action. Really smells like desperate cope on the side of sheltered western socialists.

>> No.18649829

anime poster

>> No.18650302

then let there be no freedom for the weak, exactly like we have now.

>> No.18650318

>1984 isn't even about dystopian rule as much as it is about far more interesting topics that maddeningly almost never get proper discussion.

Would you mind elaborating on this? Or at least ponting me to where i could learn more about this?

>> No.18650400

When rightists are supporting a cause/protest that should tell you that it is sketchy

>> No.18650585

You're so far up your own college-age ass you eat everything twice.

>> No.18650640


>> No.18650664

Don't hate liberals, hate the fact that they're so propagandized.

>> No.18650672
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>he's an anime freak
Color me surprised

>> No.18650976

Just to be clear, I (and the moderate left) are in favor of systems to balance the power for the weak, whereas you are fine with them being tyrannized, robbed, and killed at the whim of the strong. Who are the psychopaths again?

>> No.18651502
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>> No.18651569

>the overwhelming majority of ademic sources disagree with my worldview

Unironically, the vast majority of writings I've seen in humanities are asolute garbage, on the level of pol infographs. When you talk about academic source you're trying to get for yourself the level of respect the hard sciences get as a basis for truth. But the hard sciences are only a part of academics writings.

>> No.18651691

What you're describing fits more in line with Relativism. These people are Solipsists and truth only exists as a opinion in their own minds to them.