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18628013 No.18628013 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a name for the literary motif of focusing on the lesser characters while the big guys are away doing something important?

>> No.18628027


>> No.18628028

Also is motif the right word for that?

>> No.18628180

Not quite, as motif refers to a phrase/symbol/event that repeatedy appears throughout the work. Such as flowers in the Picture of Dorian Gray.
The right word I feel would be trope, but I don't know of any. Care to provide an example of a work where this happens?

>> No.18628258

it's a literary device, and it's called a side story or a b-story. "Trope" isn't a real word.

>> No.18628277

>The term trope derives from the Greek τρόπος (tropos), "turn, direction, way", derived from the verb τρέπειν (trepein), "to turn, to direct, to alter, to change".[3] Tropes and their classification were an important field in classical rhetoric.
Sounds like a real word.

>> No.18628283


>> No.18628311

Even if trope wasn't a literary device, side story or b-story still wouldn't be good terms for what OP is speaking about.

>> No.18628319

even if trope wasn't a real word*

>> No.18629326

I think the term for it is "NTR" or cuck literature.

>> No.18629354

In my next book there's going to be a chapter that segue's from the main plot, delves into the history of a random character who lines up before the MC in the groceries to buy milk and corn chips, then it merges back with the original story, to the point in time where they're getting groceries. You'll never see that character again, giving him a backstory is just a pointless troll for future literary critics to ponder over, because I despise literary analysis as a paid profession. It will be a masterpiece, I believe.

>> No.18629387

So heckin subversive and valid

>> No.18629400
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>> No.18629423

His name will be Norm L. Man and that will be a joke for all the erudite critics out there.

>> No.18629448

GRRMing the reader. TPRJ0

>> No.18629458

Kek. I may use this.

>> No.18629492

family guy did this joke

>> No.18629714
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Akira Kurosawa’s film The Hidden Fortress inspired George Lucas’ script for Star Wars. Though the franchise would later focus more on the main characters, the Droids cartoon carried the concept over

>> No.18629763

Is there such thing as an anti-antihero?
Would that just be a buzzkill villain who accidentally saves the day?

>> No.18629772
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If I send that character off, would your plot die?

>> No.18629781

It would be extremely unsatisfying

>> No.18629881

You're a prosaic writer

>> No.18629906

>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead
>Orson Welles's Chimes at Midnight
Why is this a big thing with Shakespeare in particular?

>> No.18629959

Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.

>> No.18629974


>> No.18630033

Shakespeare is presenting two simultaneous plots where the lesser emphasise the greater. In chief kings aren’t kings without serfs.

>> No.18630038

Also they’re the chorus

>> No.18630094
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Maybe just focus on craft.

>> No.18630163

antisemitic conspiracy is the term you're looking for, i believe

>> No.18630357
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Check this shit out, OP.

>> No.18630398

Interesting question. It's a definite thing but I don't know any term for it. Maybe it's because traditional dramatic/literary terminology is classical. Greek theatre didn't do it much (or at all).

>side story or a b-story
This isn't quite it. We want a word for the specific technique of avoiding the main events while they're happening, to add dramatic interest.

>Care to provide an example?
Shakespeare (sort of) does it in Henry V. Before & during the main battle (Agincourt) he focuses on a few minor private soldiers. Partly because (as the Chorus says at the beginning) he can't possibly hope to show the whole thing properly so he just wants to let you imagine it.

William Faulkner did it on a grand scale in The Sound And The Fury and Absalom! Absalom! We never see their central characters (Caddy Compson & Thomas Stupen respectively) directly. We just follow the lives of the people around them and hear their (sometimes irrelevant) musings and reactions. And the key catalysing events happen completely "off-screen". (Caddy having an illegitimate child; Sutpen going to Haiti and having the not-quite-white son.)

TSATF is the better example, I guess. We spend a load of time with Benjy and Luster. All Luster cares about is hunting for his nickel or whatever it is, so he can go to see the show. All Benjy cares about is being a retard. Meanwhile massive drama is unfolding around them (Jason being an SOB, Quentin stealing all his money & running away).

>> No.18630678

Can you clarify? There's at least three different things I can think of that your description applies to.

>> No.18631560
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Half-asleep posting. I left out my point.

>> No.18632271

A story where there are important people out doing something important, but the focus of the story are the lesser characters who are constantly overshadowed by the important guys dispute rarely being in the story.