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[ERROR] No.18612088 [Reply] [Original]

>"Adulthood is hell. In the face of such a trenchant position, “moralists” today will utter vague, opprobrious grumblings while waiting for a chance to strike with their obscene intimations. Perhaps Lovecraft actually could not become an adult; what is certain is that he did not want to. And given the values that govern the adult world, how can you argue with him? The reality principle, the pleasure principle, competitiveness, permanent challenges, sex and status—hardly reasons to rejoice. Lovecraft, for his part, knew he had nothing to do with this world. And at each turn he played a losing hand. In theory and in practice. He lost his childhood; he also lost his faith. The world sickened him and he saw no reason to believe that by looking at things better they might appear differently. He saw religions as so many sugar-coated illusions made obsolete by the progress of science. At times, when in an exceptionally good mood, he would speak of the enchanted circle of religious belief, but it was a circle from which he felt banished, anyway.”

>> No.18612092

he is into interracial porn

>> No.18612111

Spiritually bankrupt hedonist. Coomer and atheist. Cringe nihilist.

Don't pollute my board with this trash, thx.

>> No.18612129

>And at each turn he played a losing hand.
This is me.
>He saw religions as so many sugar-coated illusions made obsolete by the progress of science.
I'm not sure how that's the case.

>> No.18612181

Did Hooleebeck really write this? Where?

>> No.18612184

Against the World; Against Life.

>> No.18612371

>Against the World; Against Life.

Thanks; have you read it perchance? Any thoughts on it?

I've only read one (novel) of Hooleebeck so I don't really feel I understand his wider philosophy beyond a basic: 'it all sucks'.

>> No.18612381

ATW;AL is described by Houellebecq as his first novel, although it is a biography of Lovecraft. H massively self-inserts and essentially details his own perspective, which is later expressed in more detail in his actual novels. It's a very interesting book, if you are into that kind of thing.

>> No.18612424

Where Houllebecq loses me is that he seems to see youth, just youth, like adolescent youth as the eternal ideal when for me, it’s pretty obvious that the state between adolescence and adulthood is the more heroic of the three and offers the most potential for heroism in general. Or at least it would. Anyway, I can’t sympathize with the mere fetishization of youth for sex or whatever.

>> No.18612432

>He saw religions as so many sugar-coated illusions made obsolete by the progress of science. At times, when in an exceptionally good mood, he would speak of the enchanted circle of religious belief, but it was a circle from which he felt banished, anyway.
I thought this was interesting because I think Houllebecq probably feels similarly. He mentioned in an interview once that he tries to believe and has an easier time outside of the city because “people made cities but god made the countryside”.

>> No.18612525


This sucks.

>> No.18612534

I don't remember Ben Linus saying that tho

>> No.18612535

H is projecting hard on Lovecraft. Basically self-insertion, which is why Lovecraft specialists have said the book is not a good Lovecraft book.

>> No.18612651



>> No.18612656

not quite

>> No.18612659

Houellebecq's philosophy is a direct result of his physiognomy.

>> No.18612661
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After the ‘accidental’ death of professor Angell, attacked by a negro sailor in the port of Providence

>> No.18612738

>“one cannot speak calmly about the mongoloid problem of New York”


>> No.18612755

>The return to Providence would not settle anything. Before his time in New York, he hadn’t even suspected that foreign creatures could slither down the streets of this charming little provincial town; in some way, he passed them by without seeing them. But his gaze had now developed a painful acuity; and even in areas that he loved so much, he felt the first pricklings of this “leprosy”: “Emerging from various openings and dragging along the sidewalks, are seen forms undecidable but belonging nevertheless to organic life.” However, little by little, the retreat from the world had its effect. In avoiding all visual contact with foreign races, he succeeded in gently calming down; and his admiration for Hitler yielded.


>In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the niggersoiled subway I felt a peace that can only be known when all niggers are absent. Perhaps this is why niggers are so disgruntled, they never have the chance to leave niggers behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to niggers who must leer with niggerhate in their niggerheads and niggerhearts all the days of their niggardly lives. But now the streets were clean, vacant of all niggers and the cacophony of niggers. I had come out of that nigger-Gehenna where the golems of the niggerloving kikes waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of darkies.

>It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the niggers. Knowing that everywhere else, niggers were muddying everything with their niggerhands and their niggernotions. But for now there was the peace of no niggers.

>> No.18612859

>He saw religions as so many sugar-coated illusions made obsolete by the progress of science.

I think this statement is meant to be more sad than boastful considering that it's probably the result of Lovecraft's disillusionment with the world and his depression/misanthropy, and by proxy, Houellebecq's, I don't get the impression that it's meant to be said with the snark of a fedoralord but rather with a heavy sigh.

>> No.18613249

Someone care to elaborate what's the reality principle? Materialism?

>> No.18613368

Him talking about old roasties who contributed to the cult of youth and sexual revolution in Atomised is kino. Love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.18613847


"the control by the ego of the pleasure-seeking activity of the id in order to meet the demands of the external world."

In other words, "you're an adult now so stop wanting to experience pleasure and instead grow up and focus on your excel spreadsheets and small talk"

>> No.18613859

Perhaps the same could be said of all artists?