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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18596133 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for atheists to even appreciate literature?

>> No.18596140


>> No.18596145


>> No.18596158

Is it possible for christcucks to even appreciate literature since all is vanity other than God and these worldly matters are of little to no concern for them?

>> No.18596161

They can play pretend in their circles, like everybody else.

>> No.18596164


>> No.18596217


>> No.18596279


>> No.18596350


>> No.18596366

Suck a dick about it

>> No.18596381

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.18596384

No, no SOVL to feel anything.

>> No.18596434

When did you guys realize that atheists were self-satisfied midwits and that the proper intellectual position on God is agnosticism?

>> No.18596443

If it's fantasy? Because it's impossible to be interested in it without atleast a subconscious belief in the supernatural.
If it's just a novel? You can't be interested in things that aren't hard facts without any sort of belief.
If it's a historical or scientific book? Because there's no intelligibility in an atheistic universe.

>> No.18596445

What a stupid LARPer you are

>> No.18596446

>implyimg the two are mutually exclusive

>> No.18596466

>If it's fantasy? Because it's impossible to be interested in it without atleast a subconscious belief in the supernatural.
...No? Why do you say that?
>If it's just a novel? You can't be interested in things that aren't hard facts without any sort of belief.
...No?Why do you say that?
>If it's a historical or scientific book? Because there's no intelligibility in an atheistic universe.
See above

So God made some people without souls? Hmmm, interesting concept...Not sure it helps your point btw

>> No.18596620

why are atheists the most insecure religious group ever? they get triggered so easily...

>> No.18596690
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>atheists are a religious group
What an original thought!

>> No.18596744

This is the least self-aware post I have ever read

>> No.18596774

>why are npcs dumb
It's their job

>> No.18596783
File: 43 KB, 498x375, ECEF2FBB-D98E-40B9-B650-25C564988117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheists are cringe but calling it a religious group is also cringe. Atheism can definitely lead people to compensate for their lack of belief in a hire power by subscribing to insane pseudo-religions though.
Pic related. The Anglo nations are currently in the grip of this batshit crazy political religion as a direct result of the decline of the church.

A belief system that transcends the self is a fundamental human psychological need and people will cling onto something. Studying philosophy is a way to meet this need without following an organized religion but the fact is that the majority of people lack the intellectual horsepower and/or willpower to take up philosophy and so they just buy into something that makes them feel good and feel like they’re a part of something bigger than themselves.

>> No.18596794

>hire power
Obviously I meant higher* power

>> No.18596800


>> No.18596811

Theists can't explain why atheists are every bit as happy, well adjusted, moral and so on as them. It's really quite funny.

>> No.18596816

they are. they have faith in science

>> No.18596821

Richard "mild pedophilia" Dawkins

>> No.18596849
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Good post. The evangelical, "preachy" form of "atheism" that OP is thinking of is a combination of scientism and antitheism, which more or less culminated in New Atheism.

This is where the fedora-tipper meme came from, for example. We have to bear in mind that New Atheism, and all the stereotypes that are associated with it are new phenomena. If you went back to the 70's, or even the early 2000's and called an outspoken atheist a "fedora", they would have no idea what you were referring to. Back in those days, there wasn't as much of an evangelical wing to religious-like atheist movements, aside from a few notable states being state atheist, such as the USSR.

>> No.18596875

>A belief system that transcends the self is a fundamental human psychological need
People always say this but they never explain why

>> No.18596894


>> No.18596905

>atheists are every bit as moral as theists
They're not. Here's one reason why.

>> No.18596909

yeah, the church has never defended or covered up pedophilia of all things

>> No.18596962

He makes some interesting point, but I don't agree with him overall.
Btw, this take
>atheists are not moral because of what this dude has said
makes no sense in the slightest.
I've heard bishops saying way worse things than what Dawkins said and, you know, Dawkins is not paid with my taxes and is not part of religious hyerarchy.

>> No.18596973

the irony is that you actually cant appreciate the literary value of religious texts if youre religious

>> No.18596979

Child marriage was condoned by religious authorities until secular morality decided against it. Or God changed his mind somehow. Dawkins is just a flaming retard, he's not king of the atheists and that's a sample size of 1. You can't point to a genuine correlation between atheism and immorality because it doesn't exist.

>> No.18597061
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The mind of a person who cannot see and yet enjoys his blindness and who actively refuse sight, is a queer one.
Art, true art, is about light, widening your understanding, how you see—Atheists by definition cannot do this until they accept spirituality.
The vast majority of Atheists then, delight in art which revels in darkness, art which celebrates degeneracy and curses piety and cleanliness.
The class of atheists who aspire to feel and understand true art though have a most singular experience for when they give themselves to art of high-spirituality they can feel God calling out to them—there in the art of Leonardo, Bernini and Blake, in the music of Bach, Vivaldi, and Hændel, etc.—it frightens them and they know something is missing in their lives, that there is a higher calling they haven't answered; some join, some do not; those who do not join but go on in shallow devotion to most-high art can never feel comfortable or at home basking in the light, they want to open their eyes but they will not, and they perish.

>> No.18597094
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>> No.18597167

*sucks your dick*

>> No.18597200
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>getting this triggered

>> No.18597278
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>pretending to believe in god makes me better than you
Cope, sneed, etc

>> No.18597324

Yes, are they less likely to enjoy literature? Yes. To say otherwise is like claiming the most fortunate black guy has it worst than the least fortuned white guy.

>> No.18597354
File: 268 KB, 1200x946, beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly think that everyone is as spiritually dead as you are? that all the art, music, civilizations, wars, deaths, etc, which happened in our history were a farce? You are not human, you are a dog. Cope, seethe, repent, etc.

>> No.18597371
File: 30 KB, 739x415, barry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this can't be done by atheists

>> No.18597378

You think it was God's plan to be a world devouring maw, an abattoir of flesh, a colossal charnel ground, just so the occassional pretty thing could flower out of the muck? Your faith does nothing to create those things. You yourself are likely devoid of any creative potency, hence your worship of creators. Your haughtiness is entirely unwarranted. You are as bad as a vtuber fan. May Allah have mercy on you.

>> No.18597439

The fedora-tipper meme comes from /r/atheism, earlier on the board its users posted pictures of themselves and they were all neckbeards with fedoras.

>> No.18597626


>> No.18598157

Not without implicitly acknowledging an objective good that cant exist without a higher spiritual reality