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18570035 No.18570035 [Reply] [Original]

I've been told basically every turn "take your meds" "meds now" "oy vey goy off his meds" "schizo" "that's called rape schizo" "you can't rape feds they're still humans" "sweet a schizo thread" etc.
So I think I might be a schizo or somethings, so I want some schizo books.
I already read a bunch of math and piss on soience daily.
need something to cool off my big balls and brain from all the math.

>> No.18570052


>> No.18570054
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OP here
pic related is my favorite book.

>> No.18570064

>The rapy
>get your brain and wallet raped goy
NO go back to r*ddit, kabbal worshipper.

>> No.18570072
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just read a fuckton of poetry to cultivate your sense of the symbolic into a totalizing coherent cosmos that accounts for all possible things

>> No.18570078

Wittgenstein and Joyce, essential schizocore

>> No.18570083

Do you really think you can bootstrap yourself with books? Well, you might as well be into religion. Read the Bible, then.

>> No.18570115

Reading bible already.
I'm a Gnostic Christian.
And actually my intention is to accelerate my ascension.
normie trash is regulatory programming, it will actively reverse my progress and cause sporadic mental conflict.

>> No.18570123

As a note I'd prefer things written pre IR (the introduction of the the synagogue of satan as rulers of the cattle aka the Industrial Revolution)

>> No.18570155


>> No.18570176

literally just read any non-fiction book and the beauty of your mind will intertwine disperate elements

>> No.18570227

how do I learn more about the PIE people and Babylonians?
most people who write modern shit are totally fedcocked.
also how do I learn more about the synagogue of satan and their lies?

>> No.18570256

we don't know anything about PIE people except from language reconstruction
the only reason babylon is brought up in schizo theories is because it's where the Jews wrote the talmud and supposedly it died out due to racial degeneration
>also how do I learn more about the synagogue of satan and their lies?
Culture of Critique Serioes, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Mein Kampf, Gospel of John and Revelations, You Gentiles, On the Jews and their Lies. But really if you just look for Jews everywhere and find them out you will start to realize the patterns of their behavior yourself. I don't really know any books about the fact that they're really edomites.

>> No.18570343


>> No.18571843


>> No.18571944
File: 628 KB, 750x952, BD1F1C08-4D78-40D9-87F2-2F1329C0E15F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this series is about as schizo as it gets.

>> No.18571949
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You need some perspective.

>> No.18571956

Just please don’t read Cather in the Rye damn bro please

>> No.18571986

what's it about?
I've read this book already
>identity, belonging, loss, connection, sex, and depression
glownigger tier control structures.
like corn syrup or soi
fucking classic illusions of choice and freedom/freewill.
any books about raping glow niggers?

>> No.18572002
File: 72 KB, 500x356, tumblr_inline_pdqh3klr5V1qjecr3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've read this book already
Then you are ready for picrel.

>> No.18572005

It’s about too much shit to explain, I mean just take a look at the cover and you’ll get the idea if you’re schizo.

>> No.18572018

all about saturn (magic, esoteric side)
its not exactly schizo or crazy, but should be alright and balanced for u

>> No.18572036

Yeah I see it, it's obviously a glow fag control protocol.
they stick faux theories on schizos to divert their attention from the truth, like how they're actively trying to create the antichrist.

>> No.18572048

>The Tunnel is the work of William Frederick Kohler, a professor of history at an unnamed university in the American Midwest. Kohler's introduction to his major work on World War II, Guilt and Innocence in Hitler's Germany, the culmination of his years studying the aspects of the Nazi regime in the scope of its causes and effects, turns into The Tunnel, a brutally honest and subjective depiction of his own life and history and the opposite of the well-argued, researched and objective book he has just completed. When the harsh reality of his work begins to dawn on him, he fears that his wife, Martha, will stumble onto his papers and read his most personal (and cruel) descriptions of his and their life. Because of this fear, he hides the pages of The Tunnel inside of Guilt and Innocence in Hitler's Germany. During this time, he starts to dig a tunnel underneath the basement of his home, eventually hiding the dirt inside the drawers of his wife's collection of antique furniture.

>> No.18572198

Covers all that shit in the series, but with more interdimensional aliens and the like. The subtitle of that one I posted is ‘The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness’. Author seems way too obscure to be a glownigger operation I think.

>> No.18572231

>I'm a wacky schizo dude
>schizo means I simply repeat /pol/ memes
>we live in a SOCIETY
I think the word you are looking for is "cringe"

>> No.18572565

Shit LARP, I hope you are aware that you are going to hell for this.

>> No.18572584


>> No.18572592

Come to my bastard, you son of a bitch, and fight.
I'll rip all those fucking teeth out of your horrible face and eat them one by one. I'll be waiting for you, you fucking piece of shit. I will rape your mother while you scream: Enough!
But I won't stop until you see yourself dead inside and the worms eating your cold brains.

>> No.18572632

Based, this is the only way to make it

>> No.18572637

read ballard, the atrocity exhibition is his most schizo book

>> No.18572650

That’s pretty schizo, but russell is a ledditor so...