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/lit/ - Literature

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18568443 No.18568443 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take for a generation to turn out some decent literature? Boomers had a decent amount. Gen X had DFW, J.k. Rowling, Fight Club, and American Psycho. Have Millennials written anything of note yet? They’re in their 30s now, compared to previous generations surely there’d be something worth reading there by now right? What about zoomers? I suppose they’re too young to have created a defining masterpiece about their generational experience but do they have any promising writers? Or is the the publishing industry so fucked now that all post-Gen X writers have to play the PC game to get a paycheck so anything worth reading has to be done underground?

>> No.18568472

most of the publicized literature of today is just diversity parroting shit or mass appeal fic/self-help
you need to dig a bit more to find stuff worth reading by active weiters

>> No.18568481

Millennials are the most conformist generation in history, they'll never produce anything besides formulaic mainstream.

Zoomers aren't even human, beyond hope.

>> No.18568483

Millennials are a cultural waste. Whatever they say about “soullessness” of zoomers and music/film they like, you opened an interesting question. They haven’t created shit, their biggest book is probably that White Fragility one.

>> No.18568486

>but do they have any promising writers?
me :)

>> No.18568490

>DFW, J.k. Rowling, Fight Club, and American Psycho
All trash.

>> No.18568492

Tao Lin

>> No.18568495

Zoomers can't take a shit without concealing the sincerity of their need to shit with umpteen layers of irony. The sincerity needed to create actual 'art' (read: deep-fried memes are NOT art, dumb fag) is totally lacking from them - besides, not like they possess the attention span or motivation to produce something of value.

>> No.18568501

The Internet is the zoomers literary burial ground
every post is a potential master piece
every webfic the next classic

but since no one is bothering with archiving the entire internet
nobody is going to bother digging through the piles of shit to find the diamond in the rough

>> No.18568510

You can have your opinions on them but they all were either culturally defining in a broad sense or shed some introspective light on that generation’s psyche.

JK Rowling is nowhere close to Shakespeare but her stuff wasn’t focused on being PC, just good children’s literature, and it continued to be some of the most popular children’s literature since Tolkien.

>> No.18568514

Where is gen X's sensational circus ring master? Literature is a dying medium with dying relevance. As interest wanes so does the potential for anything interesting appearing.

Take the visual novel pill. Growing medium, low standards mimicking the early pulpy sci fi and fantasy movements, and majority male (xy kek) readership. Also self publishing carries zero stigma in this space. It's all very derivative and trashy right now, but the potential is there for masterpieces to emerge with limited competition.

>> No.18568519

Ok but Boomers said literally the same stuff about Gen X and television.

>> No.18568524

we can only find the profound in retrospection

>> No.18568535

Im fucking tired of Generation A shitting on Generation B. Then Generation B grows up and shits on Generation C. Can’t you all see a pattern? You all are fucking retards just shut the fuck up.

>> No.18568542

More like they have less assets than Boomers and Gen X had, so the amount of people who can take enough time off to produce good literature keeps shrinking.

>> No.18568548

Arguably they were right, I'd wager the relative ability of each generation to produce fruitful art diminishes over time.

The internet is also very different to television considering the all-consuming effect it possesses in modern life, far moreso than earlier mediums

>> No.18568559
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> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RoS1suf9WwI
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NcpWk2WKhEM

>> No.18568561

we live in an age where creation is at its most accessible
anyone with internet access can find free resources on it to create art and use it to reach a wide audience

the internet arguably is better than television in fostering creativity
only a retarded fuck senile boomer would argue otherwise

>> No.18568567

In fact this is probably a very good post. How many profoundities are represented as green text?

The difference is, these smaller "snippets" of ideas are necessary to the medium. The age of the 1000 page novel is waning. We need to get to the point NOW NOW NOW. The greentext is concise and piquant. The greentext is about pain and life and love and suffering. We are returning to the limits of stone tablets as mediums.

>> No.18568572

Our generation can’t write about sex because it’s completely taboo - thanks to women being fed feminism and soulless hollywood-shite from the last thirty years - where male sexuality has been reduced to a shell - Only the promise of sex remains, but there’s nothing to explore. Neither male aggression / narcissism nor female as well.

So you can’t write shit because it’s deemed seedy beforehand.

>> No.18568618

Are you the drone I was arguing with about access to millions of PDFs like a few months ago?

YES there is greater availability of materials, resources, etc. HOWEVER 99.9999% of people are utterly incapable of exploiting it positively - Joe Bloggs is Prometheus, the vast stores of data and experience at his stubby stupid fingertips, yet he has never had a real genuine experience that didn't earn him XP. The people he takes inspiration from are fundamentally 'memetic', far moreso than pre-internet personalities at the mercies of the algorithmic entity.

His audience is potentially millions, though they are fluoride-chum and dopamine-fried. They blankly stare at his first paragraph then open up Instagram after 10 seconds. They have never read anything longer than 10 pages. The fruits of your Eden are simply idealistic technocratic-babble.

>> No.18568627

Ok boomer

>> No.18568636

If you aren't a millennial or a zoomer you are too old to be on here

>> No.18568642

the 4chan anthology is our generations greatest literature

>> No.18568644
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You see what I mean, good anons ITT? This pitiful faggot couldn't even come up with a good rebuttal despite 'The Fabulous Wonders of the World Wide Web!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD' available to him. Gay cunt.

>> No.18568645

You are a smart guy unironically.

>> No.18568651

Im not that anon. Im just laughing at your insane ramblings. You are screaming at a cloud, old man.

>> No.18568655

What posts make up the 4chan canon?

>> No.18568661

all of them
it's reedited and told from the perspective of a schizophrenic teen having an argument against himself

>> No.18568664

I'm 21. I have never known a world without internet. I am terminally online. Address my points or suck on my vinegary balls.

>> No.18568674

Im not going to bitch. Im literally not that guy. Im just shitposting why would i argue on the internet? Its pointless. Every argument on the internet is just “let ME indoctrinate YOU with MY bullshit”. No one listens to each other you just try to “win” instead of finding the truth. No one tries to find points of agreements, only weak spots to point at. Shut the fuck up, you are a monkey.

>> No.18568679

Honestly this

>> No.18568696

Not that guy but you're an American nigger who thought-terminates everything that makes him uncomfortable
t. 23 planning to oppress people like you
Yes, I see what you mean.

>> No.18568703

I'm trying to find weak points in my own ideas in contrasting them with dissenting opinions, that's what a dialectic is, no? Although this is /lit/ so of course nobody reads. I'm more than willing to entertain the antithesis of my views if they're presented, not that you're obliged to considering you're some nobody replying to a post not even addressed towards you, rude little oik. You're less than a monkey, some rudimentary slimeball perhaps.

>> No.18568707
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I was gonna say Nick Land or Moldbug but they’re both Gen X too. Shit do millennials really have nothing? Surely there’s one decent author among us.

>> No.18568715

Rupi Kaur

>> No.18568726
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Fuck off

>> No.18568729

Im literally not. You are overrating me. Im literally opened my cards, im shitposting and making people angry.
T. A 22 year old person who annoys people out of boredom.
Bloo bloo peepee poo poo zoomers boomers bloomers goomers booobooo

>> No.18568753

This. I always argue on 4chan about a topic before I ever bring it up irl. At the very least I’ll know what arguments i’ll be up against. If I get btfo’d on 4chan who cares I can just quit the thread and jack off, if that happens irl it’ll be a social humiliation and will weigh on my mind for years.

>> No.18568758

I honestly can’t fathom how she gained fame with those platitudes. Is it because she was quick to exploit the growth of whoregram?

>> No.18568801

Midwit non-white female rhyming about Chad pumping and dumping her, she's the perfect product of millennial zeitgeist.

>> No.18569079

It's less that and more that money buys access to responsibilities and experiences. It literally effects how much of the world and various situations you get to experience which are vital for developing as an author.

>> No.18569501

Intergenerational conflict is a psyop, milennials should remember their real enemies: the greedy and unjust, who exist in every generation, including their own.

>> No.18569678
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>> No.18569706

Very redpilled film.

>> No.18569710

>99.9% of human writing is about men fucking women and wanting to fuck women
>in the past 20 years a handful of people have suggested that's unbalaced/unfair

>> No.18569807

unlike other generations We are buried by giant piles of information, it's hard to highlight

No, being a genius is not enough

>> No.18570734

29 here. I will be the greatest writer of my generation. Give me a few years to get one of my manuscripts into print.

>> No.18570839

White Fragility was written by a boomer

>> No.18570941

Based. Do it faggot.

>> No.18570994
File: 56 KB, 700x410, 1614121915596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would write a story about a team of MK ultra psychic super soldiers traumatized and abused by the CIA and then sent through wormholes in underground bases to explore other realties or distant sections of galaxies beyond the observable galaxy. They lose contant with a team who are assimilated by a biological super intelligence called the All Father. The All Father has no use for mechanical technology as all things are biologically engineered by him. He uses the human test subjects as his generals and experiments having genuine conscious beings under his command.

The first story in the series involves these 12 individuals becoming acclimated to the All-Father's genetic assimilation leaving them mostly human in form but still with alien enhancements. He also sets them free and they are grateful but in return he eventually calls upon them to command his armies and assimilate other planets into his fold and largely obliterating the home species beyond keeping their DNA as he only favours the humans due to their psychic-spiritual connection to the source.

The second book is from a new human perspective where with military and colonization ships invade the All-Father's space unwittingly and realize what they are dealing with and the opportunity from archived CIA footage from 500 years ago. Humanity initially has some victories and captures many of the alien worker and warrior breeds to study along with their grown buildings.
Then the All-Father really steps up brings in his psychic generals and starts fucking up humanity really badly in this colony expansion of the Sol Federation as humanity identifies more with its solar system now.
Humanity is forced to retreat but the all father manages to plant assimilated humans and grown humans on the evacuation fleet that he allows to escape so he can monitor his infiltrators and gain further intelligence.
The war results in a stalemate where there is a giant deadmans land in space where neither side can make progress.

I wont go into further details but ill say that part of the story involves humanity investigating its own government to the point of civil war because the general public find out about the unethical experiments the military and intelligence wings have been hiding from them.

I am undecided if the All-Father is a bad guy or an unfathomable alien intelligence that isnt morally grey but just largely beyond human thinking. I am thinking his plan is to get humanity to see him as a god and willingly give themselves up to him. So the human protagonists ultimately are in a spot where a good portion of their leadership is secretly evil and another somewhat evil force is subverting their questionable galactic society and they have a moral/detective story of figuring out what is going on in their Federation.

Also the All Father commonly indoctrinates humans to his side by giving them genetic enhancements and fucking their brains out with tentacles because if you lay in some good pipe...

>> No.18571051

Ngl sounds pretty badass. I’m not even really into sci-fi but I’d read this psychedelic space opera.

>> No.18571083

Tell us about the good old days grandpa

>> No.18572434

hope you make it anon

>> No.18572449

As populations in developed countries decrease and consoomerism increases, at some point soon there will no longer be any interesting literature

>> No.18572450

also what do you write about

>> No.18572460

Sounds good, write it pls.

>> No.18572491
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>but since no one is bothering with archiving the entire internet
He doesn't know...

>> No.18572518

>what is 50 shades of gray

>> No.18572587
File: 83 KB, 511x511, 73F4FAA0-6B83-40E2-BA8A-F258B4CE6BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots are the biggest drama queens on the planet i swear to god, worse than the epic bipoc sjws you’re impotently flailing against. every generation of artists has its main challenge; all it takes is a couple of more young writers figuring out how to successfully graft the internet onto our currently existing idea of literature and we’ll be good as gold. calm your tits

>> No.18572616

Tai Lin is my favourite Millennial author

>> No.18572640

>just good children’s literature

>> No.18572653

>a couple of more young writers figuring out how to successfully graft the internet onto our currently existing idea of literature
im going to do it

>> No.18572665

good on ya anon

>> No.18572927

Anon she continues to be a favorite alongside Tolkien to this very day, it’s not exactly a simple task.