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18567832 No.18567832 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this book seemingly more widely-censored than Mein Kampf and where can I buy it?

The libtard fears the Orthodox fascist.

>> No.18567872

For My Legionaries is not widely-censored but rather little-read. Look for the one with Saint Michael the Archangel on its cover.

>> No.18568142

Thank you, Anon - I see that it's published by 'Sanctuary Press' which is explicitly a British-Fascist publisher; I'm somewhat concerned with that being a honeypot.

>> No.18568189
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>> No.18568326

>everyone hates me. not bc i'm retarded though, its because I'm too STRONG and TRUTHFUL for everyone, that's it

>> No.18568365

purchase through a redistributor?

>> No.18568421
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>> No.18568520

You're right, there must be *some* reason that the Jews were kicked out of 109 countries - thanks Anon!

>> No.18568546

You'll never have a fraction of power and influence Codreanu had while being imprisoned

>> No.18568619

Kinda true to the extent that a significant force in leftism is fueled by envy and inferiority complex

>> No.18568668

>significant force in leftism is fueled by envy and inferiority complex
Imagine having this understanding of politics

>> No.18568710

I got my copy from Barnes and Noble. I don't think it's more censored than other fascist literature, it's just really niche. Everyone has heard of Hitler and the Nazis, not many Americans could point to Romania on a map much less know about a relatively obscure interwar movement that was all but obliterated by the Soviets.

>> No.18568886

Truth is not a numbers game

>> No.18568910

imagine not hahahah sucks to be you

>> No.18568981

It was banned from Amazon.

>> No.18569001

I have a fuckton of their books and have spoken with their customer service line. They’re based in Britain and have helped me with shipping and inquiries pretty well.

Honeypots wouldn’t care that much, nor would they revive completely out of print and impossible to find books, and then track down unfindable original photographs of these movements and include them for posterity.

Honeypots would slap out badly printed copies and then never ship them out or simply use Amazon

>> No.18569002

Look at Antifa and BLM and tell me that they aren't driven by exactly that.

>> No.18569006

They didn't even teach you the Master/Slave dialectic in HS?
Let me guess... American?

>> No.18569013
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Pic rel

Some of the titles from Sanctuary Press

>> No.18569017

>all my experience of "leftism" is what I saw on media in the last 2 years
Ah, understandable, then. Do you sometimes, like, go out and live your life?

>> No.18569023

The two middle covers are neat. What's the art on Mosley's one? Seems familiar

>> No.18569034

>Do you sometimes, like, go out and live your life?
Are you asking if he speaks to people who couldn't care less about politics or even the future of their country, but think that they ought to have more money and free healthcare just because it would make their life more comfortable?

>> No.18569057

Do you happen, by chance, to not go out much?

>> No.18569061

You're 100% on an MI6 list buddy

>> No.18569069

I go out plenty, and that describes every "leftist" who doesn't fall into the category of "just copying what they saw in the media for the sake of conformity"

>> No.18569116


>> No.18569143
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I consulted my Futurist artbook and found it to be a reversed and flipped painting by Kazimir Malevich. I had a feeling it was Russian Futurism, and not Italian.

>> No.18569167

>The Other Side sure is evil and stupid! Lucky thing My Side is so good and smart.
Wow, what an invigorating perspective.

>> No.18569213

Maybe you should just go out more?
Thanks for the effort you put into answering me, really appreciate it. Didn't the book itself have a "Front Cover is "Kazimir Malevich - Title" ?

>> No.18569219

>Didn't the book itself have a "Front Cover is "Kazimir Malevich - Title" ?
It did not. And no problem.