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/lit/ - Literature

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18530522 No.18530522 [Reply] [Original]

What books are you picking and why?

>> No.18530561

My diary desu, volumes 1-5

>> No.18530569

Textbooks, anon. If it is only /lit/, I think a bunch of fragments of a lot of selected texts and let them pick out of those.

>> No.18530575

GR and Blood Meridian. Hungry Caterpillar. The Bible. That one book about the rainbow scaled fish.

>> No.18530576

For all of disciplines, or just literature?

>> No.18530589

Whatever you think is necessary for people to read.

>> No.18530602

Lolita, 120 Days of Sodom, the Satanist Bible, a guide to cryptocurrency and the complete works of Aristotle.

>> No.18530603

A high-school level physics textbook
A high-school level biology textbook
A high-school level chemistry textbook
An Anglo-American literature anthology (assuming this is for American schools)
A book explaining the American government and the rights of citizens

>> No.18530605

For students an anthology of texts might be better. They should become familiar with many writers. They might grab the books later if they want to.

>> No.18530609 [DELETED] 
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>guide to cryptocurrency

>> No.18530623

1) King Lear
2) Iliad
3) The Gospels
4) Don Quixote
5) Canterbury Tales

>> No.18530626


>> No.18530698

1. Euthyphro
2. Crito
3. Apology
4. Phaedo
5. Republic

>> No.18530711

Why the fuck should students learn the sciences? Most of them dont go into science related fields. Seems like a lot of time wasted

>> No.18530715

>Might is Right
>The Ego and Its Own
That's it. They can then save the time and do something worth while instead of reading more books.

>> No.18530718

Literally only science, the humanities are for retards thinking they are intelligent

>> No.18530721

Literally only the humanities, science for retards thinking they are intelligent

>> No.18530724


>> No.18530735

Dune messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune

Because I like them

>> No.18530736

I would say seethe, but I dont think you stembugs are capable of feeling aything

>> No.18530737

>A poster with a gothic-violence-like figure and the slogan "Might is Right".
>My notes on The Ego and Its Own.
Look no further.

>> No.18530738

Dude le Critical Race Theory reader with West et al x5 xDDD

>> No.18530742

1.) The Holy Bible
2.) The complete works of Plato
3.) The Brothers Karamazov
4.) The Turner Diaries
5.) Oliver Twist

>> No.18530746

>t. fails with anything higher than 6th grade math

>> No.18530755


>> No.18530759

So they can think logically and not just believe every discussion is a 'debate' and 'matter of opinion' that they can argue from two sides equally.

>> No.18530760

Physics at a high-school level is still connected to a person's daily experiences, and learning it then would help develop a person's physical intuition and conceptual understanding of the world. It would also help remove some of the mystique around technology people interact with, as the mechanics of what's going on would be more understandable.

Chemistry is probably the most removed from a person's life out of the sciences, but I include it here because it gives additional understanding of the world and the physical processes within it. Once again, it would help people gain a rudimentary grasp on the technology which runs their world, preventing it from all seeming like magic.

Biology is far and away the most important science for a regular person to have some grasp on. From understanding their bodies to understanding why mass vaccination is important, a knowledge of biology is bound to be of use. Moreover, we are going to have issues of ethics such as cloning, abortion, gene-editing, perhaps even artificial wombs or the like. In democratic societies, the people must have a grasp of the scientific basis of these ethical dilemmas in order to make the choice in the voting booth which truly represents what they think is best for society.

>> No.18530768

>to understanding why mass vaccination is important,
I like how you tried to slip that in their Goldstein. I’m not taking your globohomo vaccine and giving myself cancer to protect your 88 year old grandma. Die mad about it.

>> No.18530771

Case in point on why biology education matters

>> No.18530773

>Might is Right
>The Ego and Its Own
>do something worth while instead of reading more books.
Cringe and bait.

>> No.18530778

>the humanities are all opinion
Great demonstration on how little you know.

>> No.18530779
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>> No.18530783

Maybe we could replace that biology class with an ethics class. Most students dont leave high school with anything more than "mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell" anyway

>> No.18530785
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>trust the experts goyim!!
>vaccine developed and “tested” in 1/20th the time of all other conventionally developed vaccines to date

>> No.18530787

Honestly, if I was going to replace something it would be chemistry in favor of computer science. I do think an ethics class would be good though

>> No.18530797

You certainly cant expect students take facts about biology and be able to input them into ethical systems without knowing ethics. Thats the main reason I think we should prioritize the humanities over science. Science is exceedingly efficient for describing the physical world, but on its own grants no conclusions about what had ought be done or how to live.

>> No.18530808

>Science is exceedingly efficient for describing the physical world, but on its own grants no conclusions about what had ought be done or how to live.
Fair point. I certainly think the ethics classes I took in college were valuable in that aspect.

>> No.18530816

>needs someone to tell him how to live
kek, cute

>> No.18530818

Well i'm glad we agree. I hate the humanities vs science autism around here. They aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.18530824

No. He just wants to instill a system into our education system to brainwash children into believing trannies are actually women and that owning guns is immoral. They love to exact their authoritarian control under the guise of morality.

>> No.18530826

>13 years of schooling
>five books

>> No.18530838 [DELETED] 

I'd mandate them to read my book and they're required to buy at least 1 copy . If i found out they're sharing, I'd expel them from school.

>> No.18531240

1984 and brave new world
and Fahrenheit 451 just as a joke

>> No.18531271

The Bible
Atlas Shrugged
Infinite Jest
Mein Kampf
Ecce Homo

I hate Children.

>> No.18531285


>> No.18531589

1) Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
2) The myth of the 20th century by Alfred Rosenberg
3) The Abolition of Interest Slavery by Gottfried Feder
4) Imperium by Francis Parker Yockley
5) Hellstorm: the death of nazi germany by Thomas Goodrich

>> No.18531596

imagine being this stupid
i took the bait

>> No.18532647

Shoulda thrown in Spengler for some context.

>> No.18532657

Imagine taking to these to be the peak of the western intellectual tradition

>> No.18532696

that should be enough

>> No.18532757

1. "On the Genealogy of Morality" by Nietzsche
2. "Beyond Human Rights" by Alain de Benoist
3. "The Human Condition" by Hannah Arendt
4. "The Concept of the Political" by Carl Schmitt
5. "The Thirst for Annihilation" by Nick Land

>> No.18532787
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Revolt against the modern world
History of central banking
Economics in one lesson
Brothers karamazov
Golden pavillion(by Mishima)

>> No.18532818

1) Silmarillion
2) The Prince of Nothing
3) The Worm Ouroboros
4) Blood Meridian
5) Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.18532824

KJV Bible, the two Homeric epics, Plato's collected, Shakespeare's collected

>> No.18532826

School isnt there to teach kids, thats what universities are for
Schools are just supposed to indoctrinate them the right way

>> No.18532848

Basically, DIY how to substitute Bible

>> No.18532935

You are either on the side of education or philistinism and this applies to both schools and universities. Of course, it is clear where your sympathies lie.

>> No.18532958

1. The Pocket Oracle and The Art of Prudence
2. Aesop
3. Any good science book
4. Any good mathematics book
5. (Maybe simplified) book of their religion.

>> No.18533082
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>You are either on the side of education
Either you are homeschooling/unschooling, or you are outsourcing child's raising to Big Brother.
And that means, that the child is Big Brother's. Not yours.

"That his father and mother produced his body through mutual desire he should regard as his mere coming into existence ... but the birth that a teacher ... produces for him ... is real free from old age and free from death." (c) Laws of Manu

>> No.18533110

1. The Federalist Papers, or perhaps a good companion with excerpts (would improve political discourse by a million percent)
2. A current textbook on world religions (would help solve religious illiteracy). Anything that is secular and doesn't promote perennialism would work.
3. A good textbook on logic which deals with things like validity and soundness, parsimony, explanatory power, etc. (would obviously help with critical thinking)
4. A good textbook on epistemology which isn't biased toward evidentialism or foundationalism (would get students to think about how they know the things they think they know, and hopefully to avoid presupposing whatever naive epistemological stance they currently hold)
5. A textbook on race, gender, sexuality and class issues. (Would be great reading by itself, but combined with the above would be of incalculable benefit).

Just this little would benefit students much more than analyzing the themes and symbolism in Lord of the Flies.

>> No.18533264

You are completely contradicting what you said earlier with the anti-authoritarian rhetoric you are now employing. Do you think Hitler would let you homeschool your kids at home and be content with your description of his educational system as "Big Brother"? All I can gouge from your post is that you seem to be suffering from ideological schizophrenia.
The question is not who gets to indoctrinate, but a question of whether the schools provide indoctrination (like what you suggested earlier with your recommendation of mein kampf into the school curriculum) or actual education and the advance of learning. And it goes without saying that serious Classical Learning cannot be provided by homeschooling.

>> No.18533269

mein kampf
revolt against the modern world
biographies of julius ceasar, napoleon etc

>> No.18533280

didnt know /lit/ had these many fascists. or is it ironic?

>> No.18533320

It's not ironic, they're just that stupid.

>> No.18533341

Bhagavad Gita
Apology (by Plato)
Republic (by Plato)
Politics (by Aristotle)

>> No.18533345

Call of the Crocodile
Call of the Kappa
Call of the Arcade
Call of the Cherokee
Call of the Cradle

>> No.18533365


>> No.18533484
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Given that student hardly ever read the books these days really its got to be either very engaging or at least bring up decent class conversation. I'd roughly guess we are working with 1/4 having read the book, 1/2 spark noting it, 1/4 coming completely unprepared. Honestly the school board has done not completely shit with their selections, besides a few terrible takes for high school students.

uhh my list might look something like this:
1. With the Old Breed by Eugene Sledge
2. 1984 (I know hopefully the teacher isnt complete shit)
3. Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vonnegut
4. Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
5. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Seems a bit too focused on fascism and not enough on fun yet educating books. 5 is really limiting. At least the class won't be wasting their time on Gothic classics, god forsaken written plays instead of watching them, Death of a Salesman and other neo Marxist lit, or 2nd wave feminist lit like The Awakening. And lets all be honest with ourselves books like the Scarlet Letter and The Crucible are reading exercises at best.

>> No.18533547

just going to dump some decent book selections for high school lit some with a bit more light heartedness because high school is hell anyway
Alice in Wonderland
Hitchhiker Series (reddit but come on its we have to appeal to the least common denominator)
Classic Sherlock Selections
The Hobbit
Flowers for Algernon
Treasure Island
The Great Gatsby
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
The Wizard of Oz
Crime and Punishment
Brave New World
Dune (maybe not)

>> No.18533548

>t. Communist

>> No.18533553


>> No.18533626

I'm a liberal.

>> No.18533667
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If I could literally force every kid to sit down and read 5 books and fully understand the concepts it would probably look like
1. Some home-ec like textbook that covers the basics of human life like: basic nutrition, basic fitness, personal finance, taxes, consulting medical help, understanding what resources are available to them, hygiene, basic cooking, life planning etc.
2. Some college level book historical-critical analysis on the most popular religions
3. Some college level sociology textbook that covers a wide range of topics from economics, politics, moral psychology, religion, environmental impact, class, gender, race etc
4. Some textbook that explains how to approach things with a critical mind from: reading a book, reading the news, learning a new topic, etc.
5. Some math-science hybrid that gives everyone some STEM foundation

This is a hypothetical question so I get to make up hypothetical textbooks :^)

I like this

>> No.18533671


They are:

Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the 60s

Reason: the Only Oracle of Man


10,000 Points Under the Median Testosterone Level by P. Nerismal


3. Makes You My Nigga by This Guy Right Here


Getting It: Anon's Biography

>> No.18533698
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The Collected Wisdom of /lit/, The Redpills of /pol/, Min Kamp, Easy Peasy Method of Quitting Porn, Phaedrus

>> No.18533721


/fit/lit/'s Guide to Making It Volumes 1 through 5.

>> No.18533884

Assuming it's not the ONLY five books the students must read:

Bible (Or at least Genesis, Exodus, the poetic books, and the New Testament)
The Consolation of Philosophy
Bhagavad Gita
Tao Te Ching

>> No.18533911


>> No.18533918

Is this the virtue signaling circlejerk thread?

>> No.18533949

>Animal Farm
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Of Mice and Men
>Romeo and Juliet

Fight me, plebs.

>> No.18533990

The Golden Chain
A modern book would be The Abolition of Man. One of the most underrated books of the 20th century

>> No.18534163

1. The Dialogues of Plato
2. Propaganda by Edward Bernays
3. Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
4. Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzche
5. The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand

>> No.18534191
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Unbelievably based

>> No.18534197

so literally just a regular high school reading curriculum? but switch Night with some shit like The Alchemist or Frankenstein

>> No.18534208

most of those are part of the dialogues, except Euthyphro... so read one book..

>> No.18534223

Night was in the Holocaust unit reading list for us in high school. My class read other works, but others did read it in high school.

>> No.18534234

Shite. If you are going to force the same 5 books onto every student, then every student is going to hate these books, no matter how good they are. So i'd pick 5 shite books. And then make it mandatory for them to read 5 other books from a 300 books list. With this illusion of freedom, they will enjoy reading.

>> No.18534242

jesus christ, what do you live in germany? Elie Wiesel is a notorious liar.

>> No.18534248

Those books are contradictory

>> No.18534263

America. Again, I never read it, my class read the Diary of Anne Frank instead. Plenty of friends did though.

>> No.18534268

I'd force them to read five of my books, guaranteeing consistent sales year after year.

>> No.18534338

The holy quran.

>> No.18534362

Personally in going with:
>How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler
It is extremely necessary for everyone to read this book, not only to learn how to properly critique a book, but to know how to cast judgment objectively. Too many people base their existence only on feelings without knowing why they feel that or why they don't like feeling that.
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Hopefully, it will instill patience in these man-children that life won't go their way and not everything is nice. But withstand it and show courage in yourself to avoid feeling bad, rather than to legislate laws around your feelings
>Anything pessimistic or nihilistic, probably by Arthur Schopenhauer or E.M. Cioran
It is necessary to teach these man-children their pointlessness and best them down from their happiness. Happiness stupifies them into an image of grandeur "nobleness". It is a necessity to nip that in the bud than let it fester and think they're fighting a " righteous cause" or something.
>The Stranger by Albert Camus
Baby's first step into the absurd. It should get the point across to most people who read it once.
>Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
It's just a really good book.

>> No.18534460


>> No.18534482 [DELETED] 

Timaeus and Critias - Plato
Critique of Pure Reason - Kant
Behave - Sapolsky
Difference and Repetition - Deleuze

>> No.18534485

Timaeus and Critias - Plato
Critique of Pure Reason - Kant
Behave - Sapolsky
Oraculo - Gracian
Difference and Repetition - Deleuze

>> No.18534487

So people won't believe in retarded shit like astrology and juice detox cleanses.

>> No.18534569

Replace king lear with Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.18534639

Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche
The Setting Sun - Dazai
On the Heights of Despair - Cioran
The Unnamable - Beckett
A Thousand Plateaus - Deleuze

This will be the most powerful generation known to humankind

>> No.18534654

Complete Works of Plato
Complete Works of Shakespeare
The Bible should be read by everyone outside of school in an ideal society. Maybe replace Aeneid with Divine Comedy.

>> No.18534670

Basic Mathematics
Calculus, Spivak
Linear Algebra Done Right
Classical Physics, Taylor
And any old stats book

>> No.18534678

Incredibly based


>> No.18534700

Your society would yield record numbers of schizos

>> No.18534768

The entirety of the dresden files, Because every kid should know what good books are like

>> No.18534770

>Maybe replace Aeneid with Divine Comedy
I'd just add it to the list.

>> No.18534786

duality of man

>> No.18535544


basiert und rotpilliert

1. Culture of Critique
2. White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century
3. At Our Wits' End
4. The Republic
5. The Wealth of Nations

>> No.18535776

imagine using philosophy as a means to reach the same conclusion as some uneducated trailer trash person, absolutely disgusting

>> No.18535848

Uneducated trailer trash are more often correct than "trust the science" bugmen. Correctness follows a bell curve.

>> No.18536023

1. Homer
2. KJV Bible
3. Complete Plato
4. The Divine Comedy
5. Complete Shakespeare

This is the correct list, anything other than this would be an attack on the child’s education.

>> No.18536241


>> No.18536250

the wealth of nations doesn't really fit with that list

>> No.18536305

1.) The Republic by Plato
2.) Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
3.) The Prince by Machiavelli
4.) The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon
5.) The Federalist Papers bundled with the Constitution

I'd also add some American fiction as summer reading:
1.) As I Lay Dying by Faulkner
2.) The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck
3.) The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne
4.) The Red Badge of Courage by Crane
5.) Moby Dick by Melville
6.) Three Soldiers by John Dos Passos

>> No.18536322

What do you mean? Euthyphro is the first dialogue. Set just before Socrates goes to his trial.

>> No.18536329


>> No.18536395

fucking hell, even worse hahaha

>> No.18536398

brave new world
animal farm
farenheit 451
and... my favourite : We >#<

>> No.18536430

1. Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
The way forward is by doing important things that no one else is doing. What important book is no one writing? What important company is no one building? What secret is no one searching?
2a. The Origins of Virtue
The best people you will ever meet are those with high integrity who want to bake a bigger pie and play the game as long as possible.
2b. The 48 Laws of Power
The worst people you will ever meet in life are those who seek power and to dominate you. A friend now, an foe later—a power-hungry man is a betrayal awaiting.
3. MCDP 1 Warfighting
Luck is to be conquered. Human agency is the solution to all human weakness. Conquering luck and human agency requires strategy, conviction, and initiative. (Free pdf online.)
4. Skin in the Game
People who take no risk should have no say in guiding the future; people who outsource risk to others should have no say whatsoever.
5. On the Shortness of Life
"Life is long if you know how to use it."

With these, one has the foundations of getting what they deserve.

>> No.18536449

The Gospel According to Luke
The Odyssey

>> No.18536675


>> No.18536758

the only thing I remember from those is wanting to fuck a fallen angel

>> No.18537319

Why are christcucks shilling for bible? It have no universal value. Most people in the world do not believe in tenets of christianity. The same goes for almost all religious texts. The only religious scripture that might have universal value would be some buddhist texts which have ideas that are not entirely dependent on the religion.

>> No.18537342

It's perfect for creating midwits who would then become reddit consoomers that "trust the science".
Real science is for the elites not the masses.

>> No.18537346

If knowledge of the sciences really saved you that trouble we'd be in a much better place right now

>> No.18537507

Because it’s the most influential piece of literature ever created, impacting modern day media in not being only reading, but in all of the arts. Fedora tipping athiests like (you) will unironically tell people in /lit/ they must “read the Greeks” before tackingly Ulysses but then SEETHE and screech artistically when someone suggests one reads the Bible.

>> No.18537546

*tips fedora*

>> No.18537677

> they must “read the Greeks”
Some fucking Thucydides or Xenophon teach you how to think, with double layers of meanings actually hidden all over the text.
The Bible tells you a coolstories, like, about that guy who murdered people with a donkey jaw and didn't like to shave. And you are supposed to meditate on that acid trip for a revelation.

>> No.18537832

exactly. high school should only teach math and statistics

>> No.18538015

The Blue Lotus
King Ottokar's Sceptre
The Secret of the Unicorn/Red Rackham's Treasure
Destination Moon/Explorers of the Moon
The Calculus Affair

>> No.18538050

Do you not see all the retards on here and elsewhere that still talk about "spirituality"?

>> No.18538157

This is pretty much all nonsense, and I studied biochemistry in college. Am I smarter because I can do some useless physics refraction problems or obscure organic chemistry reactions? No, if anything it made me more stupid because I was forced to study so much useless esoteric garbage instead of more relevant things.

Give high school kids a semester of general chemistry, an introduction to biology so they know what a cell is, and a primer on physics so they can see how gravity works and move on. 90% or more of people will never use anything more advanced anyway. Hell I work in a lab and basically never use physics. It’s all basic chemistry and some molecular biology knowledge.

comes from people who did not actually study it and it’s extremely tiresome. Science is just as cucked as every other modern academic discipline

>> No.18538215

It's like the U.S. constitution in a way... I don't believe for a second that Smith would've condoned mass immigration of non-Europeans (whom he took a rather dim view of), nor the globohomo extremes of today's capitalism; he was thinking in the context of homegenous White civilization (with colonies). The retroactive universalization of these works to the new multi-racial paradigm is a complete farce.

However, given his tolerance for usury and his elevation of the value of profit, you are indeed right. Strike it from the list. Add 'Confessions of an Anti-Feminist' in its stead.

>> No.18538222

Democracy is gay and stupid (and a lie).

>> No.18538658
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>> No.18538683

studying physics will help people understand that life has order and rules. i would teach people how to understand that everything works for a reason. like knowing that something gets hot because of how atoms move. its not crucial to know exactly how to a mathematical certainty but just to understand that something is going on that we cant see on a macro level

>> No.18538691

The worm was amazing, I'm planning to read zimiamvia soon after I clear out my backlog. I'm a little disappointed that when I make worm threads no one responds though.

>> No.18538837

Seneca's Letters
Xenophon's Memorabilia
After Virtue
Industrial Society and its Future
The Outline of Sanity by Chesterton

Those are probably the most influential for my thinking, anyways. Everything I believe is correct so that's what children should learn.

>> No.18538890

Oliver Twist? Why? That was assigned at my HS and I doubt it was very formative to most students.

>> No.18538944


>> No.18539066

The conspiracy against the human race
My struggle (knausgaard)
Gravity's rainbow
The sea, the sea
Obama's latest autobiography (updated each year)

>> No.18539370

1. The Bible
2. Herodotus's History
3. Plato
4. The Silmarillion
5. Aristotle

>> No.18539991

1. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers
2. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers
3. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers
4. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers
5. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers

>> No.18540011

What age group are we talking about here? What level of students? If these are 16 year old kids half of these suggestions would just never get read or just rushed through enough that they can answers some test questions and then promptly forget about what they read. At least make the kids read Lord of the Rings rather than Silmarillion. They will actually care more about what they read then.

>> No.18540092

>At least make the kids read Lord of the Rings rather than Silmarillion.
When I was a school kid, I couldn't bring myself to read LotR. All that hobbit and Bombadil shit was filtering me out.

Silmarillion, on the other hand, felt really fucking epic. I kept re-reading it several times.

>> No.18540236

>Sula, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Heart of Darkness, Monkey, and Symposium

>> No.18540606

Assuming we're talking about American education:

The Federalist Papers
Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Republic of Plato
Moby Dick
The wisdom books of the Old Testament

>> No.18540901

Homeric Epics
Divine Comedy
The Old Man and the Sea
Brave New World
Blood Meridian

>> No.18540947

Oscar Wilde A Woman of No importance
New Cambridge medieval history volume 1
John Milton Paradise Lost
Blood Wedding
Dom Casmurro

>> No.18542562


>> No.18542649

Gay contrarian rationalizes his gayness

>> No.18542978

Why do you care?

>> No.18543026

LSAT prep book. To improve analytical reasoning and reading comprehension. Those two skills are basically non-existent in modern education.

>> No.18543366

Well I suppose there isn't a right answer then. I remember absolutely loving by LOTR as a kid and so did some of my friends

>> No.18543431

The Holy Bible
The Complete William Shakespeare
A history of National Socialist Germany
The Lord of the Rings
Frederick Douglass

>> No.18543433
File: 170 KB, 597x1024, vancestarking-597x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack vance, because I like science fantasy, and need inspiration for my ancient aliens/Hyperborea themed D&D campaign.

>> No.18543442

Literal NPC. I bet you believe genes are real kek.

>> No.18543639

This site has not and will not ever recover from gamergate and the 2016 election.

>> No.18543731

>How to Take Smart Notes
Would you say that's a good book that teaches you how to take good notes?

>> No.18543798
File: 151 KB, 1200x1080, 1624697027084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Douay-Rheims Challoner's - Jesus Christ
De Agri Cultura - Cato the elder
Summa Theologica - St. Thomas Aquinas
The Canterbury Tales - Geoffery Chaucer
The Servile State - Hillaire Belloc

>> No.18543822


>> No.18543837
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outstandingly Based List Anon.
I'm Proud of You

>> No.18543850

It doesn't matter because most students don't read assigned reading anyway

>> No.18543858

>1. Some home-ec like textbook that covers the basics of human life like: basic nutrition, basic fitness, personal finance, taxes, consulting medical help, understanding what resources are available to them, hygiene, basic cooking, life planning etc.
where can I find such a thing hypothetically
my research has failed me, I don't think there's one that covers so many bases

>> No.18544138

This actually pretty funny.

>> No.18545085


>> No.18545108

being and time
process and reality
voynich manuscripts
the hungry caterpillar

>> No.18545145


>> No.18545777

Why do you not care?

>> No.18545835


Nicomachean ethics
De anima

>> No.18545859
File: 3.77 MB, 900x2648, 1602087835491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Communist Manifesto
State and Revolution
Foundations of Leninism (including Dialectical and Historical Materialism)
Ideally they would work through the complete works of Marx and Engles through to Stalin, Lenin and Mao, but if I've got to pick just 5 it would be these.

>> No.18547337

My answer
1) Economics in one lesson
2) Blood Meridian
3) Brave New World
4) 1984
5) The Fountainhead

>My friend's answer
1) The hunger games
2) Of mice and men
3) Rhe singularity is near (Ray Kurzweil)
4) Fallout 3 game of the year edition official game guide
5) Monster girl encyclopedia vol 2 seven seas

>> No.18547353

1) Harry Potter
2) The hunger games
3) Of mice and men
4) Fallout 3 game of the year edition official game guide


>> No.18547427

The irony in this is that most of the people joking about the uselessness in knowing that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell wouldn't remember that at all if not for the meme.