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/lit/ - Literature

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18489871 No.18489871 [Reply] [Original]

Anime was a mistake edition

>> No.18489881

Anime was a success and the defining medium of our generation.

>> No.18489898

Fitting for a failed generation.

>> No.18489909

Stop contributing to low quality threads with mediocre thoughts, go read

>> No.18489913
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Thinking about writing a romantic novel about a hardcore capitalist young man who's a professional gambler, obsessed with money and who believes in a might makes right, survival of the fittest philosophy regarding the capitalist world, disregarding anyone complaining about it as weaklings and incompetents. He would also be a huge Objectivist who believes only in the empirically verifiable truth (telling everyone around him to "embrace reality" at the slightest superstition), and rejects the idea that its is impossible to truly know the truth and that our senses interprete the real world erroneously. One day he falls in love and beings dating this physically plain but above average looking young woman who's a huge cunt to everyone including him, but with episodes of sweetness and tenderness, who also psychologically manipulates him into a mutual unhealthy obsession. As the novel progresses, our hero goes through the highest ups and lowest downs of gambling and investing, realizing that his lover may be a human embodying of Reality, Money or even Luck itself, all of which concepts he is "in love" with, and which treat himself and other people both very well and very poorly, arbitrarily, randomly, without rhyme or reason. The novel would end as the protagonist goes through an extended mental breakdown during its third act, imagining that his lover was never real, but a demon or imaginary projection from his own mind to punish him for his moral sins, only to have the entire world around him suddenly feel extremely concrete and real, sober up at all once, and realize that indeed his lover is real, as she reveals to him she's pregnant. The novel concludes as our hero compares his lover to the sea, in tides that come and go and random bouts of tranquility and destruction, imagining that the child who'll be born from her womb is like the Biblical Beast from Revelations 13: 1, as it would be the spawn of two morally bankrupt people, and accepts his fate as the harbinger of the Beast with a smile, once again, cocky and proud of his philosophy.

>> No.18489944

That it is possible to be saved and destined for heaven but at the same time be momentarily under the wrath of God. I use psalm 39, 73, and Hebrews 12. Surely there is no born again believer here who will say that they are more righteous than king David, Asaph, or the writer to Hebrews. No one can say they are better than the man after Gods own heart. By the blood of Jesus Christ a man is justified, declared righteous before a holy God, but the process of sanctification is a process of fitting into the mold made for us. This may incite God to give to us His wrath for a time. Weeping is for a night but rejoicing in the morning. It’s ok to be depressed and be a Christian, it’s ok to be scared or feel like God is mad at you, pray in the name of Jesus Christ and make peace with Him, beg Him for repentance and trust you are forgiven and cleansed. God disciplines His children, that’s how James can tell us to count it all joy when we come into hardships; hardships are a sign of salvation. God knows the value of this material worlds goods, and He waste them on the sinners who perish. For His children he grants better things

>> No.18490015

Yeah right

>> No.18490022

I miss the real butterfly, and wish i could see her in a sun dress and sandals

>> No.18490023

I got my mind on the money
Jannies actin funny
They take me for a dummy
But I know they trannies

*drops quill*

>> No.18490042


>> No.18490055

I like to imagine she left 4chan, married some lesbian, had a kid (with help from a sperm bank), and moved to some leftist commune in rural Canada.

>> No.18490099

From what I understand of Plato, a well formed individual has reason control his passions. But in my experience, the gulf between my reason and my passion is irreconcilable. I feel very strongly about so many things. I harbor these brooding emotions. I know that my desires are unreasonable and often unethical. Thougts of spite and revenge dominate me. And even though my reason tells me that I migt be overreacting or immoral in such wants, the want persists. I dont want to be an animal driven by pure instinct. I want to be reasonable and well ordered. But it seems as if these two features of myself are entirely incongruent. As much as a person cannot mix oil and water, my emotions and reasons are just as mutually repellent. I dont know what to do about this conflict

>> No.18490101

So is that trip not the real butterfly?

>> No.18490108

Anime's the thing that got me into literature in the first place, though. The anime adaptation of the count of monte cristo is still the best adaptation thus far.

>> No.18490110

No idea, it very well could be

>> No.18490117

Sounds interesting but also a bit schizo

>> No.18490217

Imagine when the CIA finally gets MKULTRA working right...
They could probably reform prisons into a recycling center where they wipe people's minds and reintegrate them into society forever.
Fuck, imagine they get to shrinking that shit down into a gun or something, they could probably just walk people into a room, Men in Black their ass, and then walk them out simple as.
But then there's the problem of if you're still "you" if you get your brain washed -- nature vs nurture and all that shit...

>> No.18490243

Sounds good until you realise the CIA work for the same people spreading things like tranny propaganda

>> No.18490249

I hate feeling weak

>> No.18490258

Its not, you can tell with some of the over the top responses. He almost has her nailed tho.

>> No.18490263

Oh it is extremely schizo,but thanks!

>> No.18490299

>Imagine when the CIA finally gets MKULTRA working right...
Why do you use the future tense?

>> No.18490303

I love you.

>> No.18490335
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As I've increasingly become more and isolated, my thoughts have been turning each day more disturbing, and my fantasies get both more violent and megalomaniac.

>> No.18490358

This post feels like an insult

>> No.18490364
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>Welcome to the Rectum Station, Destination: Uranus

>> No.18490366

How long have you been isolated?

>> No.18490389

You're special.

>> No.18490421

How so

>> No.18490423

It’s her.

>> No.18490429

There's only one of you.

>> No.18490450
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I have to clean my house but I'm too lazy bros.

>> No.18490475

Theres plenty of cynical losers just like me

>> No.18490525

Do you really have to clean your house, or are you just following someone else's expectations?

>> No.18490601

I don't think I will

>> No.18490603

Feeling inspired today. Wrote 3000 words and I like the project I'm working on too. Let's hope it lasts. My biggest problem isn't so much that I dislike what I write, but that I fear that the project itself is stupid and so I peter out. Hoping that doesn't happen this time. I always feel most inspired after reading an author I like. When I'm reading others I'm always thinking about what I would be writing instead. I need to get into the habit of writing as soon as I finish reading. That's when I'm working at my best.

>> No.18490612

I live by myself with my dog. So, in a way I kinda wanna but I'm lazy.

>> No.18490613

>. When I'm reading others I'm always thinking about what I would be writing instead.
I do that as well, and find that it gets in the way of the reading.

>> No.18490644

Apu is an avatar of the demiurge. His bumbling, distorted image reflects the inherent disorder of the universe he created. Entropy, however, is a finite process. If we take the heat death of this universe as an inevitability, then the grand design of Apu starts to come into focus, and we can see him not as a malevolent demiurge but a curious one. He shakes the great cosmic snowglobe and watches as the flakes settle. The flakes themselves don't register as anything to him, and the globe itself serves only as a momentary distraction between more important tasks. When the flakes finally settle and our universe has gone cold and dead, he might shake it again. He might not. Our lot is not to question or influence him. If we have any purpose approaching intent, it is merely to remain in motion as we drift gently downwards. We can create edifices to Apu and court his favor, but nothing from within the snowglobe will ever breach its observatory walls, for our demiurge is characterized by nothing stronger than casual disinterest.

>> No.18490666
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Apu turns out to be more powerful than we expected

>> No.18490670
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>made this post as a joke and rolled a 666

Fucking sick one, Apu

>> No.18490682

Anime is not a medium retard, animation is.

>> No.18490687

Pic or it never happened

>> No.18490689
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>> No.18490693

I don't find you attractive but I'm sure a lot of men would.

>> No.18490705

>small tits
>small ass, relatively narrow hips
>brown eyes
>wide waist
>arms too strong

get the fuck outta here.

>> No.18490716

That's an inst*gr*m thot, not that poster you retards.

>> No.18490718

I tried that game Factorio since everyone has been praising it for months now, but it just feels like boring work to me. Maybe it's because I'm depressed that more unusual, "intellectual" games become less fun, and only the simplest stuff like Grand Theft Auto or whatever still manages to be fun. It's like the most primitive part of your brain loves running people over in virtual cars but sees automating a production plant as nothing other than a chore.

>> No.18490721

No shit faggot, it's called kayfabe

>> No.18490723

Factorio is just overhyped shit. Many have exposed this same opinion.

>> No.18490727

Blood around the wrist, probably fished that beast by shoving her hand into its mouth and pulling it out of water.

>> No.18490728

It's called noodling, and it's the only way to get those beasts out of the water without heavy equipment.

>> No.18490729

I genuinely think that reading novels is a massive colossal waste of time. Poetry and short stories are superior in every way.

>> No.18490731

I was trying to remember that word, that's that. Noodling.

>> No.18490734

Fiction is a massive waste of time. Non-Fiction is the only productive reading, and even then a LOT of it is shit.

>> No.18490736

I'm really sorry for the way you choose to live your life anon

>> No.18490738

I have no problem with anime in particularly, but as someone who who's interested in Japan and is learning the language it gets quite annoying to constantly be lumped in with weebs.

>> No.18490739

Don't be, I've taken the burden of being superior to everyone else with stoic dignity.

>> No.18490743

Ironic, considering the fact that you lower yourself by virtue of the comparison.

>> No.18490744

I have to level the playing field for youse

>> No.18490757
File: 85 KB, 575x536, 1622281990480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transsexual moderators deleted my thread about Genesis (the book not the band) for being off-topic, despite it being one of the most famous works of literature ever written.

>> No.18490765

These faggots will endlessly force the idea that religion is to be discussed in /his/, where only larping faggots discuss "historical" platitudes and devolve all threads into "muh MOTHER EVROPA"

>> No.18490771

Maybe you should work to raise the quality of /his/ instead of lowering the quality of /lit/.

>> No.18490777

Anime is short for animation
アニメーション (Animēshon) -> アニメ (Anime)

>> No.18490784

You think I'm gonna go on /his/? Or any board created this year for that matter? They made like 7 new videogame boards for some reason.

>> No.18490789

>You think I'm gonna post my thread on the correct board? The one where it's actually topical?
One can only hope.

>> No.18490805

I'm the person who posted the Genesis thread, I've no idea why a thread about a famous work of literature belongs on a history board.

>> No.18490809

Tell me how the Bible is not pertinent to literature you retarded subhuman nigger. This forceful segregation of topics that are inherently connected is the highest caliber of pseudo-intellectualism.

Contain your fedora tipping, this is an 18+ site

>> No.18490816

>I'm the person who posted the Why Jews and Trannies Are Bad thread, I've no idea why a thread about a work of literature belongs on a politics board.

>> No.18490830


>> No.18490833

don't even make sense because there's active threads on here right now about the Rig Veda, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads and... the Bible. It's fine to make a boring "can u plz rec book" or "is book good" thread but god forbid if you want to discuss a book's contents.

>> No.18490842

books for this feel? *twitter screencap of an opinion that makes me mad*

>> No.18490844
File: 67 KB, 315x475, the vagina ass of lucifer niggerbastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My recc

>> No.18490848

>but god forbid if you want to discuss a book's contents
Actually being well read is a no-no here. Are you retarded? Stick to the status quo

>> No.18490918

When I was 14 I cut my arm. I left a lot of scars. Sometimes I have a lucid moment, wake up and look at them. All I can do is marvel at them in shock. It feels so long ago and I feel like a different person. They feel like the result of an accident rather than a deliberate act. I'm not sure if i've forgiven myself yet. I was listening to some shicide songs that I liked at that time and they feel so brutal. It really hurts to be reminded. I prefer to forget

>> No.18490919

That was a good thread which I was actively involved in. It was just getting good too. Shame about mods being total retards desu.

>> No.18490946

I really want to cut my wrists again

>> No.18490966

Pseuds don’t write and their inability to do while shitting in those that do is tiresome.

>> No.18491027

this made me wonder if there is porn of somebody shitting into somebody else's asshole. It's gotta exist.

>> No.18491166

We're always gonna be slaves to something. There's no escaping it. Capitalism, the universe, people, disease, money, fitness, nature, the mystical, sustenance, age, philosophy, death, the own mind, physical law. You defeat your reliance on one, another appears. Even the ChristLARPers are ultimately slave to God, though of course they'd use euphemistic words to say it. So why can't we come to terms with our lack of freedom when it's so obvious we can't have any?

>> No.18491173

>having values and interests and desires is like, totally slavery bro
Learn to contain your monkey brain and properly pursue things in non-obsessive ways, fag

>> No.18491192

I made no value judgement one way or the other, it's just statement of fact. Though case in point, you're so obsessed with proving your "freedom" you can't even contemplate your lack of it.

>> No.18491225

If it is a spontaneous action from a conscious desire then it is not a lack of freedom. Only pseuds who want to sound so deep posture and masturbate to such retarded concepts. What is being free? Running in circles with a finger up your ass, being dedicated and invested into nothing? Being free too is the freedom to decide to invest heavily into something, even if obsessively.

>> No.18491240
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Sunday blues.

>> No.18491254
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What is there that is worth living for anyway?

>> No.18491411

as far as I can see: books, sex, drugs, good food

>> No.18491425

You create that.

>> No.18491437

you get it brother

>> No.18491799

52 likes on tinder but they won't FREAKING show up in my deck unless I buy gold fuck OFF

>> No.18491809

>arms too strong

>> No.18491866
File: 105 KB, 880x795, 4043269_smug-pepe-pepe-the-frog-hd-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly gives me joy when someone who's so full on with themselves fall. A historical example would be when Robespierre's own head was chopped off by a guillotine. Surely I'm not a sick fuck?

>> No.18491880

Nah, Robespierre definitely deserved it. I can relate.

>> No.18491913


The future is the present but better.
The same old routine but magnified in its splendor. What once was ordinary and commonplace is there in all its shining originality.

Travel is instantaneous. You can go anywhere you want in the blink of an eye. Take a trip to the alien star systems which are home to many hospitable planets. Vacation in a Gothic-themed, Cyberpunk-themed, Demonic-Themed, or Medieval-Themed city-scape. The cities are beautiful works of architecture, the buildings are fractals rising upwards while blending into their surroundings.
You can be in many places simultaneously. How is this possible? The mind is fragmented into multiple distinct sub-spaces, to allow one to experience parallel realities at one time.
The human mind itself is made nearly omniscient, as it is sharpened, quickened and brightened to utilize the vast wisdom it contains.
There will be wonderous adventure as they enter in virtual reality simulations. Engage in a fantasy realm, a conquest of might and magic. How about a Sci-Fi shoot 'em up to tickle your pickle? There are racing simulations, survival simulations, horror simulations, fighting simulations, etc... there is a simulation for anything you can dream up.
The pleasure is immense and extremely intense. The mental ecstasy is infinitely expansive and the sexual pleasure has boundless depth and radiance. Everyone can take on any appearance they prefer so it will be easy to find love. Enjoy your own personal harem or become a part of someone else's cult your self.
No more pondering the meaning and purpose to life, as all is accomplished.

It's all just a hop skip and jump away, after the resurrection of man.

>> No.18491976

booked an appointment with a shrink tomorrow. i now feel like I'm just being a pussy and my problems aren't real. I feel like I'm not gonna say what needs to be said to make anything better. I thought about doing this for a long time. I think there are real problems a shrink could help with. I certainly don't have the biggest problems in the world. I guess I worry I won't be taken seriously, by her or by me whichever it turns out to be.

>> No.18492068
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What do the African tribal man even find arousing if the women around them are naked all the time?

>> No.18492088
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>> No.18492095

>now feel like I'm just being a pussy and my problems aren't real
Lead with that.

>> No.18492170

Is that Dasha? This red scare?

>> No.18492172

I wish i could be life-affirming and optimistic but im too cynical and sarcastic person.

>> No.18492200

i'm both life-affirming and optimistic AND cynical and sarcastic. try it it's wonderful

>> No.18492220

How does that work?

>> No.18492274


>> No.18492279

clarity and the willingness to accept complex experiences/paradoxical feelings instead of seeing things as black and white. in my personal case, i am cynical and sarcastic because i can rationally observe the state of the world and conjecture that it's fucking horrible but this cynicism saves me from making dumb mistakes, helps me evaluate people and situations objectively, etc, so it's great and needed. however, i have enough belief in myself and i have had enough experience to understand that i have a certain level of agency in my life and i can choose to do things that i regard as "the right thing", make myself happy and create what i want to create in this world, to an extent.

>> No.18492295

>i have enough belief in myself
i found my problem

>> No.18492328
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I think I should try to get a gf again. I've been mostly focused on my studies and life stuff for at least three years now but looking back I spent a lot of time in numerous days just trying to coom or cooming. Maybe if I had someone to fuck with I wouldn't be spending hours going through pages to find the 'right' shit.

>> No.18492342

cooming in a pussy is nice and convenient, but man all the other bullshit that comes with having a gf makes me really not want to pursue it again. I enjoy being alone too much.

>> No.18492359

There's that as well. Unfortunately I'm too much of an autist to hook up with girls for shit like one night stands and all. In fact, that also seems like a bit of work.

>> No.18492506

it's just that you've had shit relationships, bad relationship experience

>> No.18492523

i am unable to suppress my lesbian fantasies

>> No.18492534
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>> No.18492650


>> No.18492771

Jesus Christ is the unironically bridge to control the passion, by his gift of the Holy Spirit a man who sins without the spirit is no surprise because he is a slave to sin and passion but a man who has the spirit and sins is one who made a choice to do it amen

>> No.18492797

>what in the world could humans value about the ones that make the flour and the bread and bring the milk and firewood and berries and do everything except lift the heavy things and get meat
idk bro it's almost like they're not living a wall-e styled skinner box world where there is no species wide threat presented by their death, and being some kind of healthy animal in tune with natural resources local to them

>> No.18492824

nudity is not inherently erotic and when you think about it it's a bit weird that our culture gets so much out of it -- maybe only because we otherwise wear clothes.. many other things could be arousing, like gestures, dances, or other cultural things.

>> No.18492827

I just took out a 35% apr loan to payoff a 25% apr loan.. lmfao

>> No.18492833
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1. I fall in love too easily.

1.1. Never with the right person.

1.1.1. This time it's a woman struggling with her deadend relationship with a psychotic retard who has more tattoos than digits, more children than IQ points. The tattoos are distasteful. The children are all with other women.

2. I spent the last six weeks getting outrageously high pretty much everyday and had a terrifying break with reality where I started harming myself. I'm going clean now. Is this normal (i.e.: this reaction to an extended bender), or am I one of those people for whom psychoactive substances induce, like, schizophrenia?

2.1. It was weed.

2.1.1. Various strains, mostly consumed via digestion.

>> No.18492850

I hope you find your solution. Not solution as in a "final solution" kind of solution, but some kind of peace, or whatever.

>> No.18492876


>> No.18492885


>> No.18492961 [DELETED] 

i dreamed a lot last night for some reason, and in the background of one part there was a dope ghetto tech track playing with one of those sped up vocal sample loops that ghetto tech tracks tend to have that went like:
>this very freaky hoe
>all up in my booty hole
i was like what the fuck was that.

>> No.18492976

>for a failed generation

>> No.18492978
File: 9 KB, 236x232, 6008279c2e4807b4f2d4661a301d2606--the-frog-funny-posts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna die

>> No.18492988
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My dad (currently in the other room) just said the following sentence without a shred of irony:
>It's better to just consume (sic) and do nothing else. Never participate. Let the other people do what they want, I don't care
(Rough translation, btw.)
Why are boomers like this? I know that the grass is always greener on the other side, but some people's parents are professors, scholars, etc. Why are mine like this? All they do is consooome [next shitflix series] every evening, and complain about politics without ever doing anything.

>> No.18493004
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what's the appeal of nonhuman races for nerds who think differences between humand and nonhuman is a no no?
having orks be big and strong but less intelligent than others is as racist as them being evil, without which they are pointless

>> No.18493006

I'm not going outside today

>> No.18493045

I'm talking about erotic arousal, reasons to value those women is obvious.
>nudity is not inherently erotic
interesting, must make sense when animals hang out naked too... (they also get pretty aroused I think)

>> No.18493061

the coomerism of animals puts humans to shame.

>> No.18493088

There is nothing you could do about that. What you can do is making sure your son doesn't say the same thing.

>> No.18493211

You cannot go forward when you can't go back.

>> No.18493263


In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the janniesoiled thread I felt a peace that can only be known when all jannies are absent. Perhaps this is why jannies are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave jannies behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to jannies who must leer with janniehate in their jannieheads and janniehearts all the days of their janissarial lives. But now the board was clean, vacant of all jannies and the cacophony of jannies. I had come out of that jannie-Gehenna where the posts of the jannieloving trannies waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of deleters. It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the jannies. Knowing that everywhere else, jannies were muddying everything with their janniehands and their jannienotions. But for now there was the peace of no jannies.

>> No.18493270

Beauty was maimed. Beauty was dismembered. Beauty was forgotten. Wisdom faltered, lost to the wind, every thought met with contempt. Reason, became totally frank and discourse finally ended through admitting self-defeat. A dispersion of the juxtaposition that surpasses the usual expectations and defies the logic of the past. Meanwhile Passion was a swine, swaddled in power, flourishing in lurches and drunk amongst the pine. Her bliss had become bitter, cold and black as you are dared to drink her unfiltered wine pressed from the blood of nine lives. Beauty hormonal hexagonal strikes like lightning from the sky, peace solidifies in stillness lake-like, equanimity gets ugly open-mouthed consuming all gladly.
The geography of their bodies was cursed from the start, with each node of pain a "keep away" sign ignored with wanton abandon. A small price to pay for something that's esteemed so highly. Let us be free! Let us suffer! May our prayers be answered! Oh, Great Creator of Being, grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives! The abyss looks on vacant and welcoming. White light. White light. White light.
We are the last living buddhas. Walking, talking and swaying to the beat. Good bye, every one! You were great!

>> No.18493560

I've found that praying more decreases the temptation to sin. Thank all merciful God who accepts my worship.

>> No.18493590
File: 45 KB, 800x450, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 21 and I feel like I know considerably more about the world than most people my age. But at the same time there are so many people that know so much more than me that I'm practically retarded in comparison. I don't feel like I am able to logically defend what I believe in and as a result I feel that I believe in nothing. How should I overcome this? I want to become an intellectual but I'm not sure I have the mental capabilities to do so.

>> No.18493608

>erotic arousal
You mean waxed and oiled pussy? Oh wait, that's what people whose major experience of erotic arousal involves a battery powered light box is. Which is also the major demographic for finding nudity arousing and against God. It's like, maybe Christian ideas of sexy are kind of not universally human mating rituals.
That would be weird though if you only found nudity sexy because your society told you nudity which involved heavy filters, surgery, make up, lighting, and a scriptwriter who has never seen a woman with pubes was a risk to your immortal soul thingy which is like a parasite that lives inside you and keeps the batteries going with special pills. I mean, you're not weird like that, right?

>> No.18493610

I now live in an apartment (rented condo desu, kind of relevant because: ) which doesn't feature a central office and the building also keeps a locked door. How the fuck am I supposed to order books now? Anyone have experience with this? Am I just supposed to spend the $300 a year the post office wants for the only non-miniature-sized P.O. boxes?

>> No.18493614

Don't delivery people ring your doorbell?

>> No.18493637

Read Descartes' Error by Antonio Damasio. Very illuminating book on the reason/feeling dichotomy.

>> No.18493638

if they can't fit the package anywhere they will just leave one of those orange slips to go pick it up at the branch post office.

>> No.18493716
File: 108 KB, 653x612, 1615556568009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A young couple sitting beside a fountain at night
Not a care in the world, they're just there completely immersed with each other
A stark reminder of how things could've been...

>> No.18493763

I'm not even certain I have a doorbell. There was some notice about buzzer codes in the lobby but I haven't observed an intercom in my apartment. The one time I saw a FedEx guy delivering anything, he slid through the locked door behind a tenant, and his box was fairly large, too large to fit in the mailbox by far, so he and I got onto the elevator and I was just left wondering if his whole intention was to leave that box sitting outside of its recipient's apartment door. It was so strange.

>> No.18493767

Honestly, do you know for a fact that (at least some) African tribal people don't find the physique of a woman attractive, or are you making shit up?
Also, I don't get why you sound so irritated by that, I'm not a Christian and neither are my parents, if that calms you down a bit.

>> No.18493789

That is true, anon. I will beat the shit out of that kid and force him to read and write every day. He might figure me cruel, but he'll thank me for it later; this is what my parents should have done, too.

>> No.18493794

I find that nothing goods comes out of this line of thinking. Yes, there are people more successful, in terms of career and romance, than you or I. But moping over that just makes you feel worse without fixing anything.

>> No.18493802

That would be good and right, but first make sure he is intellectually oriented. If he isn't, that would be cruel and pointless.

>> No.18493876

>don't find the physique of a woman attractive, or are you making shit up
I'm saying their porn doesn't look like yours because the type of thing you see in your porn only exists in the Christian influenced post90s world. I'm not irritated by it, but it's extraordinarily ignorant to think what you find sexy now is normal when Hollywood waxing was abnormal even in the west til the turn of the millennium, and most of your views on sexiness will have been conditioned by a culture which has in its creation myth nudity and awareness of it and shame in it as a basic element of the cultural myth. Having your tits covered only briefly has been a thing in the west too, as has been being scandalised by nip slips. You only find those things erotic, due concealment in public, something to be groomed towards, because you're consuming media made in a very specific time period.
Go look up Demi Moore's bush from before the 90s boom in waxing, and realize everyone found that sexy af. If vajazzling had taken off instead of just Hollywood waxing, you'd be wondering why they aren't turned on by rhinestones.

>> No.18494031

The only thing about that which sounds strange is the FedEx guy getting it to the door, instead of leaving it somewhere near the building and figuring "good enough". Depending on your area, there's a pick up spot for failed deliveries if they can't get it, or they retry a few times if you're not in to answer. Or you get the lazy guy who throws it in a bush and says "job done".
You probably should have asked about doorbells and intercoms and security and mail when viewing the place, but you could ask whoever you rented from/the landlord if you don't mind looking retarded. You could also ask someone else in the building.

>> No.18494068


>> No.18494081

The only thing white people should do is work on themselves and prepare for war. Do you want your grandchildren to be minorities in your own country? Do you think majority muslims would treat minorities the way whites do? The time for posting online arguments against marxist theory has long passed. Either fight for your country or be a coward and a traitor to everything that Europe gave you.

>> No.18494104 [DELETED] 

instead of preparing for war wouldn't a better strategy be to have sex?

>> No.18494381

I graduated from a very good university, with good grades, in a highly regarded field with good career prospects. Currently I am free with no job, but I could get one in probably a week or two. I don't have any money issues. I live in one of the best countries in the world. And yet I have never been so miserable. Currently 24. Why am I so miserable with all this freedom lit?

>> No.18494390

On a similar note, do you think that Preists are akin to Platos philosopher king?

>> No.18494400

Boomers were the first domesticated generation.

>> No.18494416

Happiness is found in duty

>> No.18494475

Maybe your just thinking your miserable, but your misery does not really exist.

>> No.18494521

What duty? To work an office job 40 hours a week?

I am not running away from some duties I do recognize though. Like taking care of my parents and contributing back to society via voluntary labor. And besides that I have my own personal project I want to do.

So other than those, I'd like to know what duty I am missing, making me miserable.
I am worried this unhappiness is the result of me not conforming to what people expect me to, i.e. get a 40 hour office job.

>> No.18494566

No I am starting to think more frequently how nice it would be if I could just die peacefully. Of course I would never commit suicide, it's against my believes and I would hurt too many people. But a peacefull quiet end would be nice, I am tired.

>> No.18494581
File: 187 KB, 775x738, 1601608332467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino time!

>> No.18494582

I'm too dumb to elaborate. You should look into telos and artistoleian ethics

>> No.18494587

I don’t if this is the the thread for it since I didn’t check the catalogue and I didn’t want to make a new thread but,
Some time ago I had described to me a book along the lines of “humans fight a long war against race of sentient spiders because their language is so alien that neither side can even tell that the other has a language,” and I was wondering if anyone had heard of such a thing that fits the bill, even vaguely.

>> No.18494592

You're probably letting your thoughts get the best of you. In your mind you manufactured a problem because you don't have any problems. The Ego uses some kind of struggle to perpetuate itself.

>> No.18494600

Starship Troopers?

>> No.18494610

Lies from a schizo fascist right from the first minute.

>> No.18494618

I suppose it might’ve been. Is Starship Troopers much about the aliens or are they just sort of a thing in the background?

>> No.18494643

You are a disgusting pervert and a marxist.

>> No.18494644

I only watched the movie. Couldnt tell you anything else. I did read the unabridged Stranger In A Strange Land which was a trip

>> No.18494661
File: 613 KB, 4134x2035, 1602156954749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, Asha Logos is right and he is much smarter than you, and secondly his videos are artistic kino even if he were wrong (but he isn't wrong, he is absolutely right).

>> No.18494666

So I should just try to stop thinking I have a problem? I dont know, the reason I thought I had a problem in the first place was because I felt this bad lately.

>> No.18494668

sidenote: the only place on a woman where I don't like hair is the legs (quite a big surface though, I know)

>inb4 haha what about the back, you like it hairy?
I'm talking about places where visible hair usually grows on normal women.

>> No.18494669

All you rancid commie freaks do is lie and gaslight and subvert.

>> No.18494679

never thought COVID was a big deal but apparently this opinion is not really accepted among other people

>> No.18494688

>never thought COVID was a big deal
It's not even real.

>> No.18494689

Not a Marxist, fashy.

No. He has a degenerate perspective. A head full of hallucinations isn’t intellect. I might find a kernel of truth in there somewhere, sure, but from the first fucking minute he vomits lies to make the bully statists swoon. It’s bile.

>> No.18494697

Then you are some type of putrid liberal, classical liberal, neoliberal, libertarian, whatever. Your type is just marxism with your foot on the brakes.

>> No.18494701

Just realize that you don't have a problem. You seem to be in a very good position in life, a position that many in the world would love to have. Maybe you should give yourself a bigger goal, a master plan.

>> No.18494702 [DELETED] 

i like to believe they're just pretending it's a big deal in an effort to keep work from home going, but yes, best to play along.

>> No.18494704

>Bill Gates didn’t even invest in gain of function research.
>There’s no such place as Wuhan
>India alway burns that many bodies this time of year
>This was all the lizard people’s trick

Go away.

>> No.18494712

Bill Gates bought all the farmland in America and the number of his mind control """vaccine""" is 060606.

>> No.18494715

Nope. Not any of that either.

>> No.18494724
File: 47 KB, 800x900, illustration-green-frog-sad-face-isolated-white-background-frog-big-sad-eyes-cartoon-168171015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could've been isekaied into a cute anime girl body.

>> No.18494728

He own Monsanto and DuPont too? Because they have quite a lot of farmland.
Yeah, “gain of function” is just a money making scheme and he wants to beat Bezos at being the first trillionaire

>> No.18494731

>he wants to beat Bezos at being the first trillionaire
The Rothschilds already beat both of them.

>> No.18494735

my room has a delicious book smell from all the books I have. it's great.

>> No.18494799

I'm sick and tired of this stagnation. I've come to hate every moment I wake up, especially since I've been dreaming of my first love recently.

>> No.18494810

Did you think this was a mind blowing little factoid?

>> No.18494814

They aren’t one person

>> No.18494839

Reminder that all of the communist revolutions were funded by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
Reminder that the cold war was a false dialectic with both sides controlled by the same people.

>> No.18494900
File: 288 KB, 1440x960, 1604339762025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I estimate that approximately 98.5% of the population are NPCs.

>> No.18494942

what makes someone an NPC?

>> No.18494944

what would nietszche think of all this...

>> No.18494960

It's not a good path, anon

>> No.18494970

He'd think your fruit bowl was skimping

>> No.18494980

he would be correct...

>> No.18494982

iktf bro

>> No.18494989

Get on that and go dancing, brother, you never know when he's coming back

>> No.18495043
File: 140 KB, 800x1067, 800px-Palm_IIIe_Special_Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when electronic devices looked cool?
Now everything is boring and it all looks the same.

>> No.18495145

Very wholesome account I found.


>> No.18495650

Do you remember how blown away everybody was by the iPad? I can't imagine even a brand new technology inspiring the same sense of awe these days. I think we've all become a lot more cynical.

>> No.18495662

Everything changed in 2007. Nothing is cool anymore. 2006 was the last nice, normal year.

>> No.18495704
File: 672 KB, 828x1000, 1601611191281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The media throws blatant satanic imagery in your face with all their pop stars, music videos, the news, the movies, even on the US currency. And yet, people STILL call you crazy and paranoid when you notice it. It is absolutely ridiculous.
It's all right there in plain sight, but when you talk about it all you hear is
>le take your le meds XD

>> No.18495712

Animation broadly yeah

>> No.18495714


>> No.18495719

But Satan isn't real so who cares?

>> No.18495743
File: 597 KB, 714x528, 1510450565445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'm not really a fan of the older stuff unless it functioned very well. Old Nintendo handhelds were great feeling and felt responsive. They are great. A while back I was working IT for a school and I was cleaning up tech trash from 1995 to 2010, and almost all of gadgets were terrible to handle. Even strait out of the pack the controls were gummy and not fun to use, the UI really unintuitive, and generally poor designs.

I think a lot of stuff today is made with the design principle that content is king. A phone is only as good as the amount of content that can appear on the screen of highest quality, highest speeds, for the longest time. The less buttons and physical distractions, the better. And that's fine for what it is. However, I think it would be interesting to see new products release that are limited done in functionality and just do one thing in the best way possible.

Don't forget that cool non screen things are coming out. The PlayStation controllers are great for what they are. Go pros were really cool when they came out. Airpods are awesome. Bluetooth speakers and sound bars are great. The switch was a neat idea. IOT are getting more popular and fun. Arduinos are a blast to fuck around with. 3D printing is fun. There are all kinds of neat "modern" tech that I think people forget about because they look at their phones and laptops all day. You have to branch out to catch the modern tech enthusiast aesthetic.

>> No.18495744


>> No.18495755

Yeah I don't know why Shiva is using Satan as a false flag when obviously nobody even noticed. I guess it's like dabbing on dwarves, it's just a Shiva thing.

>> No.18495769

>telling me those 11 in 1 knock off Tetris and snake handsets were not the shiznit
You know nothing of addictive design

>> No.18495771

why are people so fascinated by cat assholes? the Japanese are the worst at this. It's gross.

>> No.18495780

You got me, the handheld 1 game consoles were pretty based

>> No.18495790

Chrysanthemums used be a euphemism for an asshole, around the same point they made it the imperial seal. They just like asses.

>> No.18495802

Every technological advance is just an attempt to design a better Tetris knock off and there isn't one.

>> No.18495812
File: 52 KB, 480x455, 1623291962254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I really hate women but I don't really want to do it desu

Books to stop hating women?

>> No.18495818

I want to write a manifesto for a guild like movement in my profession for which I have good metaphysical arguments.
But I'm both busy with actual work and definitely not charismatic enough to make it stick.

Is it futile?

>> No.18495823

Thanks, just ordered it

>> No.18495831

Any good religion is usually about a synthesis between the masculine and the feminine.
Try not to focus on toxic femininity so much, and don't expect women to behave like men with vaginas.

>> No.18495834

You can never stop hating women.

>> No.18495849
File: 8 KB, 240x210, 1556795743118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made 2 very bad songs, but they helped me get all those negative thoughts out of my heaf

>> No.18495854

Some redpills are too hard to swallow.

>> No.18495863

Satan wants you to think that.

>> No.18495871
File: 48 KB, 308x475, theguildstate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

>> No.18495926


>> No.18495928

Will do anon.

>> No.18495937

i'm like dante i'm the next dante but gay

>> No.18495940
File: 142 KB, 750x1329, 448EE037-14C1-4A12-AA84-08FBC5F9D888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about sending this to my ex, a few weeks after we got in a fight. Or should I just stay contactless with her in the hopes she’ll come crawling back to me?

>> No.18495946


>> No.18495953

stupid jokes won't work at all after a breakup, what response you hoping for exactly?
if you want her back tell her earnestly

>> No.18495957

>like dante

>> No.18495958
File: 25 KB, 429x410, 1511626678195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't a book for me, it was just accepting that women are a bunch of cells with funni chemicals that happened to be different than men. Maybe try getting a women friend with the express intention of not trying to get in their pants and just enjoy prying at each others likes and dislikes.

>> No.18495959

How come so many Jewish women are lesbians and feminists?
I don't have any specific data here but I suspect that Jews are vastly overrepresented in the lesbian and feminist populations. That is what I suspect. Do you think so, anons?

>> No.18495961

>Go pros were really cool when they came out.

Pretty crazy what GoPros and then similar cameras did for vlogging to be honest. I know not all vloggers use them but it certainly played some role in turning YouTube into the type of behemoth website it is today. An underratedly influential tech IMO.

>> No.18495966

Sorry but no. What you have duty towards and what duty entails matters.

>> No.18495969

i actually have autism so yes

>> No.18495974

>try getting a women friend with the express intention of not trying to get in their pants and just enjoy prying at each others likes and dislikes.
I used to had a friend like that and she was the most annoying and self entitled piece of fat shit I ever known.
I cut her out of my life desu.
>just accepting that women are a bunch of cells with funni chemicals that happened to be different than men
This is true tho

>> No.18495976

What's do you eat for breakfast?

>> No.18495978

no no that's too much common sense, you can't expect adequate human behavior from autists on 4chan

>> No.18495989

black coffee with no sugar. i don't have breakfast, first meal i have is lunch. usually a sandwich

>> No.18495997

I have never been friends with a female. I have never really had a real conversation with a female desu except for my mom I suppose. They just have never been a big part of my life. They are sort of alien to me.
I don't hate them. I'm basically just indifferent to them I guess you could say.

>> No.18496010

Haha, I take a caffeine pill and water and don't eat till lunch.

I wish this were satire but I really fucking hate coffee. Tea is way better but I'm addicted to caffeine.

>> No.18496021

I will add however, before some moron asks, yes obviously I have done basic talking to them like saying "Thanks" to the cashier at the store, or telling a waitress what I want to eat at a restaurant.
Of course I have done stuff like that.
What I mean is that I have never had a substantial conversation with a female or any kind of relationship with one.

>> No.18496024

no contact, dumbass

>> No.18496046

How old are you anon?

>> No.18496051


>> No.18496075

you're talking to females regularly on this site

>> No.18496077

Dante ate eggs. You can't be the new guy

>> No.18496078

Is this Asha Logos guy a real third positionist/fascist? Or is this just a tranny freaking out and tossing out slurs because he felt offended?

>> No.18496081

Women don't exist on the internet

>> No.18496086

Did you go to an all boys school or something?

>> No.18496093

Asha Logos is based and completely reasonable. That anon is just some tranny marxist.

>> No.18496102

No. Regular schools. I just always ignored females unless I had to work with them for a group project or something like that.
It wasn't really that I made a conscious effort to ignore them. That is just how it went. Becoming friends with them never really came up.

>> No.18496129

Also there were a few Staceys in high school who had a crush on me but I always just sort of brushed them off and didn't really care and just made jokes about it with my friend.

>> No.18496132

I miss 2017 when this type of commentary was going mainstream

>> No.18496197

Asha Logos is a billion times better, smarter, more truthful, and more based than that lukewarm fag Jordan Peterson.

>> No.18496218

Bros......... I am feeling........ Its a fucking torrent.......

>> No.18496260
File: 27 KB, 352x482, 1584453115118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wasting the best years of my life

>> No.18496265

Good post

>> No.18496308

Just don’t let a capitalist get the rest of it

I know. Easier said than done.

>> No.18496318

No it isn’t

>> No.18496326
File: 2.29 MB, 720x1276, 1624214718708.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been long possessed with the fantasy of learning a foreign language to escape to another land.
This fantasy has been destroyed.
I am an utter failure in this country, and it was a delusion to expect another nation to immigrate a man with nothing to offer.

>> No.18496338

That the first anon to respond to you would call the other a “tranny and Marxist” shows that this asha is a fascist of some sort

>> No.18496345

I wasn't talking about Peterson

>> No.18496355

Insane that a person could think of Asha Logos as evil.
Mainstream society is literally enabling and normalizing pedos right now. Literal pedos. And terrorists of all kinds.
But you see a video of someone calling for a return to sanity and traditional values and you call him evil. You people are sick and vile and insane.

>> No.18496360

Yeah I was just making a point. Also >>18496355
Anyone who would call this evil has a completely upside down worldview.

>> No.18496368

>Mainstream society is literally enabling and normalizing pedos right now
Post examples or take your meds

>> No.18496374

>best years of my life
They happen whenever they happen. Reject the cult of youth worship.

>> No.18496376

You want to go to China? Just go. Nothing like throwing yourself into a place to make you learn the language

>> No.18496378

Are you seriously ignorant or are you just gaslighting? It is all over the place. Twitter protects them. They ban anyone farther to the right than milquetoast centrism, but they protect pedos. The LGBT movement is accepting them and supporting them now.
It's on netflix. Literal pedo crap is on netflix and people were all ok with that apparently because netflix is still doing fine, no signs of getting cancelled as far as I am aware.

>> No.18496387

Why the nazi symbol at the start of that video?

>> No.18496389

Everyone behind the queer theory and gender theory stuff is/was an outspoken pedo defender and enabler. This is a fact. You can look it up yourself.

>> No.18496395

Explain why you think pedos are ok.

>> No.18496401

Yes, but please don’t demonize regular homosexuals.
There’s evidently more pedos on 4chan (loli threads a regular feature on /b/)

>> No.18496406

>Yes, but please don’t demonize regular homosexuals.
Then they should stop acting demonic.

>> No.18496418

The most insane and evil stuff you can think of is being overtly celebrated by the LGBT community. Stuff with literal children. They don't even try to hide it anymore.

>> No.18496425

>Stuff with literal children.
Oh and animals too

>> No.18496428

You’re shooting darts at someone with a simple question. I am not a pedo. I have zero tolerance for them.( I hate the ruling elites and can tell Biden is one) This video “A Call for New Culture Creators has a nazi symbol at the start. Why? (Currently listening to music

>> No.18496436

Nah, I just thought the webm was interesting.
You can't just 'go' to places, though.
If you live in the first world and don't have a college degree, it is actually difficult to emigrate from your country to another developed one.

>> No.18496437

Schizo, please schiz somewhere else. This is a literature board

>> No.18496439

Post real examples instead of this "google it bro" bullshit

>> No.18496443

I don't know what is the nazi symbol you are talking about but he is not doing anything bad like calling for violence or anything evil like that like the left does. He is not supporting violence. Quite the opposite. He is encouraging people to break away from this society as much as they can and form their own communities.

>> No.18496452

You didn't even hear about the pedo movie on netflix last year?
I think you are trolling.

>> No.18496458


>> No.18496485

There are several examples shown in the Asha Logos video like at 24:01 for instance.

>> No.18496503

I’ve never tried it. I’d like to live on Faroe for a while. And Norway.
So just go through the steps. Follow your dreams

>> No.18496533
File: 92 KB, 553x803, 8C0A73DE-BCB2-494A-B7EE-D40F1AB0B0BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds reasonable on the surface. We get a lot of weird ideas come through here though. Hope he isn’t some proto- eco fascist

>> No.18496546

Write it man.

>> No.18496554

In the past year I came up with a concept for a novel about an Asian immigrant worker turned gunslinger on the run after murdering a railroad boss. It was supposed to be a synthesis of US history, Cormac McCarthy's Westerns, railroads, the egomaniacal Ames Brothers, and wanting to explore that from an Asian perspective (being Asian myself).
Well, it turns out my idea was not as original as I thought. Earlier this month, a book called The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu was published. I have mixed emotions. Happy, since the idea was successfully executed by an Asian brother and saw the light of day. Sad, because I wanted to be the one to tell the story and now any attempt will be seen as a follow up.
On the bright side, I have a few other story ideas that I am equally passionate about and would like to explore, and I don't necessarily think that someone else having told the story should prevent me from taking my own stab at it later on, especially when it was something we both came to on our own.

>> No.18496565
File: 44 KB, 600x535, 1615771695985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody says that I have a weird accent and they think I am Russian or Bosnian or Serbian or some type of Eastern European even though I am an American raised by normal midwestern American parents.

>> No.18496578 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 2908x1920, 1624246618200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been having mini panic attacks recently where it feels like I possesed memories that don't belong to me and when I try pinpoint when in my lie I did this the anxiety kicks in. Its quite a strange feeling.
I also feel like an aliens amongs human sometimes, though this isn't something new; It's a feeling that has been following me ever since I fell into the pit of depression.

Despite all this, this is the best I have felt in the last 8 years of my life. I'm aiming for even better day, I just need to keep doing my best

>> No.18496623

I feel I've wasted my life.
I've never had the drive for living I see in other people. I just drifted along, hiding myself in my world, books and the internet. I've never put any effort into anything, either because I was scared to try or to fail or even of other people or because I was being lazy or even undecided about what I wanted of my future. I've wasted so much time and so many opportunities and now i'm starting to realize how fucked I truly am and I'm starting to pay the price.
I'm 23 years old and I've barely left my room in all these years. I read about all kinds of things, history, math, physics, music, cinema, even was hooked on linguistics for some time. Yet I'm so immature and inexperienced, all I have are images, shadows cast upon the wall of a cave I could leave, but was so scared and deep into an inertia to stay.
I've never had a gf (or a bf), never had a "proper" job (I help my mother's sewing business since I my teenage years and had some informal work here or there, but that's it), I managed to get some friends in high school, though I lost contact with them and some now in college, but I feel so out of synchrony with them. They all have a life going for them, good jobs, girlfriends, other friends and a future while I'm stuck. All things I tried to do, with exception of college, failed somehow. I've never taken a truly good decision in my entire life.
The last straw three weeks ago when i failed to submit my graduation thesis and lost this semester. I needed a professor to supervise me and I just couldn't send the email. I kept thinking of how crap the idea was or how they would laugh of it and the fear of failure and judgement took hold of me. It is also the reason I haven't gotten an intership yet. I kept pushing my problems instead of solving them for too long.
I'm stuck in my childhood and teenage years. I haven't grown up a bit since then. I stil afraid of other people because of problems with my body (which also I kept dragging them along instead of solving them), I'm stil resented by my father going absent after he realized I was never going to be this super soccer player he wanted and stil fear I'm never good enough at anything because of that, and I'm stil riddled with all these fears and anxieties my mother imprinted on me because of her mental problems (though I don't blame her so much, she suffered a lot in her life and had good reasons to have so many problems). I'm so scared of everything and everyone and I keep running away, I've never learned to deal and to face my demons.
Since high school I have this urge to leave this house and take risks into the world and I kept putting that aside. I need to do just. Get out, find some place to live, sacrifice myself, lose weight, start exercising myself, get a job and get a life. I'll always be a child here. I'm tired of being scared and wasting my life.
Maybe it will all go wrong and I'll fail miserably, but at least I'll get some scars and grow up.

>> No.18496632
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I've decided to quit porn as I feel its negatively affected my life and has fueled my addiction to technology from tonight on wards I'll be sleeping earlier and be reading more books as opposed to staring blankly at a screen, I'll also sleep on the floor for a month so I stop associating being in bed with wanting to fap

>> No.18496657

Sorry for this wall of text of some pathetic loser talking about his shit life. I just had to put some things out.

>> No.18496661

When I was younger I had mini panic attacks worrying about my future. Felt better for many years (Epicurus) and then started feeling these strange deja vu moments, though they were false memories. It’s just creatively kicking in. Enjoy them don’t panic over it. Glad you’re doing fine now.

>> No.18496683

I've been released of the mental grasp that the woman I desired for months had on me. I'm going to see her within the week. I've found out that she's moving away, likely never to return (at least not to the margins of my life) within a month. Should I even bother pursuing her, or do I let her pass me by and into my possible future regret?

>> No.18496702

You're a step ahead since you already know your problems anon. It's cliche but the first step to change is understanding the issue.

>> No.18496704
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America is dying of the cultural and social equivalent of AIDS, and these """conservative""' boomer talking heads seem to really care about is the GDP, economic growth, the market, their pensions.
What good are they? What are they even trying to conserve anymore?
It's so pathetic.

>> No.18496773

Hmm. First of all, you seem really hard on yourself. I have a pretty strong inner critical voice, too, and I've learned over time that letting it run amok without challenging it or being aware of when you're caught in it can make it much harder to change your life. So to help you counteract your default negative state, which is presently coloring your perception of reality, I just want to say that I truly believe you deserve compassion. Yes, I have no idea who you are as a person, but regardless of who you are or what you've done, I know you are a living breathing person with memories, joys, pains, and you deserve compassion. Try to feel this compassion towards yourself. You might recoil at the idea but honestly you can't move forward in life until you replace the self-pity with compassion.

You're not perfect, or where you want to be, or maybe like me you might think you're on the wrong timeline, but it's okay. Don't feel like you have to bear this whole burden on your shoulders. Just write down a few things you want to change in your life, and work on them over an extended period of time. Doesn't have to be lots of things, just one or two or three or five (whatever you're comfortable with). But carve out some time each to focus on doing them, slowly. If you're like me, then you'll set up these grandiose plans to completely change your lifestyle, and then inevitably end up failing and become disappointed and going back to square one. Just take your time with it, and keep a journal to record the course of events throughout the day to get to where you want to be. I find that in hopeless times, appealing to a higher power helps. I grew up atheist, but I think we need to appeal to something outside our limited selves, regardless of what it is, to overcome significant challenges. I hope this will help, honestly I'm still going through it myself, so in a way you've helped me organize my thoughts for what I need to do too.

>> No.18496807

I'm getting so good at wasting time. I can literally hit the fast forward button and do nothing for an entire day, I barely feel time passing.

>> No.18496812

fren. we will usher in the monarchy one day. trust.

>> No.18496815

And me and my posse will enjoy hanging the lot of you. Trus

>> No.18496826

You are wrong about everything and you better figure that out sooner rather than later.
This is not about what you find fashionable or cringe or cool or edgy.
It is about TRUTH. I wouldn't expect you to know a lot about that but you better start learning.

>> No.18496830

when did my life become so empty? I used to be a passionate person but I haven't truly felt myself dedicated to something in such a long time

I'm wondering if my soul will ever come back

>> No.18496832

responding to >>18496815
by the way

>> No.18496834

You just have to keep whining and not doing anything or trying to learn or improve. That's the key. Your soul will come back in due time if you stick to this.

>> No.18496880

All you atheists who think you're so smart and educated, I could beat every single one of you in a debate, hands down. You don't even know the first thing about metaphysics. You don't even realize how hypocritical, logically inconsistent, and self-refuting your whole worldview is.

>> No.18496924

Thank you for the advice.

>> No.18496960

it would be easier if I knew what I needed to do to grow. I've tried a number of things to make me feel the way I did in the past, but they never work and I can feel my desire to try diminishing

>> No.18496965

Laughing now. Thanks, retroboy

>> No.18496987
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My brother said he might be immortal, but there's only one way to find out. WTF. What do I do?

>> No.18497009

Tell him to not be such a dumb goober

>> No.18497016

she's married you seething incel

>> No.18497088

i am so fucking stressed but i can't stop procrastinating, i get angry at everything, can't stand talking to people anymore without getting angry at nothing
i really am depressed, should have fucking done something before it got this bad

i am so fucking bored holy shit please please help i have a test today and i can't even open the uni site to look at my points. i didn't do shit this semester and i bet i failed almost everything AGAIN

>> No.18497176 [DELETED] 

Nazi symbol
Some bs about mind joining spirit
>hierarchies are celestial
No, they fucking are not
>in hell all are equal
There’s no such place
That hogwash line about the tricking those who don’t believe in him.
>we are told all things are equal
No, you fucking ass wipe! You get this wrong on purpose every fucking day
This goes on for over an hour? It’s 100% schizo shit and you should be ashamed watching it

>> No.18497186

Nazi symbol
Some bs about mind joining spirit
>hierarchies are celestial
No, they fucking are not
>in hell all are equal
There’s no such place
That hogwash line about the devil tricking those who don’t believe in him.
>we are told all things are equal
No, you fucking ass wipe! You get this wrong on purpose every fucking day
This goes on for over an hour? It’s 100% schizo shit and you should be ashamed watching it

>> No.18497204
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how do you explain this?

>> No.18497218

The Catholic bishops moving against Biden is going to end extremely badly... for Biden, that is. Crossing the Church directly never winds up ending well for the person or nation doing the crossing. Ask the Soviet Union.

>> No.18497226

It's not.

>> No.18497237
File: 1.48 MB, 2054x967, E10ED572-433C-4CC1-97C7-7DD5AFAC29EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is

>> No.18497299
File: 3.05 MB, 2500x1598, F697ACE2-6968-4F34-BA31-ECFF1ABB5135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread >>18497297

>> No.18498461

What do I read from Jung if I'm not interested in mystic nonsense?