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File: 168 KB, 1937x680, english 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18460342 No.18460342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of US English education

>> No.18460353

Is this real? This can't be real.
>t. septuagenarian

>> No.18460355

This was mostly fine until it got to "long ass announcement".

>> No.18460357

Man I cannot wait for the University ponzi to collapse.

>> No.18460359

I have not had one writing class that did not make us talk about black people

>> No.18460364

>meme SJW topic
>discord tranny
>phony use of ebonics

>> No.18460367

>The bulk of our class, however, will be discussion held over Discord.
Absolute kek. I hope you are dropping the class, op.

>> No.18460373


>> No.18460380

Racism is low hanging fruit in literature. So many books explore power dynamics that can be loosely transposed over the idea of racism that you could build a Michael Jackson homunculus from it. It's so pervasive, why are people shocked that racism is a central theme? It's literally easy to get points for racism across an enormous range of texts in different applications.

>> No.18460383

Fucking kek. Literal clown school.

>> No.18460388

this is what you prediabetic slackers get for coasting through highschool and watching twitch instead of doing homework, your 3.3 gpa gets you into the in state university where you get psychologically tortured for your failures

>> No.18460391

I think you just have a bad teach bro. Better luck next time. Kek at doing it over discord, any professional uses zoom or google. Jeez

>> No.18460395

You're deluded if you think Ivy is any better.

>> No.18460396

This. Do it OP

>> No.18460397

This, this is basically a 101 topic for a 101 class, though the teacher is pretty clearly unprofessional considering they use fucking discord

>> No.18460398


>> No.18460404

It’s definitely real. At least it’s only concurrently about systemic racism. Mine was entirely and overtly about systemic racism. It contained no ebonics though.

>> No.18460411

Post it OP you rapscallion

>> No.18460413

Enrollments are down by double digit percentages in the US if that makes you feel better

t. Just left an academic conference

>> No.18460414

They could instead obsess over the religious implications of texts or anything else. They choose to focus on this

>> No.18460415
File: 657 KB, 828x1563, discord raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't me, it was a thread on /pol/ yesterday and they got the discord shut down

>> No.18460418

Do Americans really pay for this shit? kek all this wasted time and money just to write thousands of words about niggers. Peak comedy.

>> No.18460426

>burgers pay tens of thousands of dollars to get doctored on "racism" by retarded white women using ebonics through discord.

>> No.18460430

That seems lovely. We all could do with a bit more introspection vis a vis pseudotheological concepts. Hopefully, some of the oppressor students will have already internalized doubts regarding their place in the pecking order (reduced standing as a consequence of obvious privilege per the incentive structure allowing them to pursue education). Only when they decloset as Trans (capital T for minority status) will they regain their rank. It's an easy way to game the system, but few people will "cotton on" (see: Mercurius Elencticus, 1648; doubly ironic due to the AAVE).

>> No.18460447

The most offensive part of that program.

>> No.18460469

The worst part is "getting you to be more skeptical of the world we inhabit". Schools were originally conceived to trasmit the truth to young individuals, now they teach you to cover your eyes and not see the truth. America was a mistake.


>> No.18460471

>critical thinking


>> No.18460496

Correct. At decent conferences, ivy shitters get laughed at if they aren't cream rising above the garbage. Their laughable level of jewish nepotism means more talented people end up going elsewhere.

>> No.18460516
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>> No.18460526
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>critical thinking
>agree with me on some hypermoralized political doctrine
Sounds like a very easy A. This is a core curriculum class I presume? Just pick a book and pretend you are reading it as someone with a chip on zheis shoulder so large you can see inside zhuom.

>> No.18460535

Why is feminism so omnipresent on college? Is there some kind of a feminist mafia?

>> No.18460545

But it's not about getting them to be more skeptical, it's about forcing them to recite the major dogma accepted by literally every institution in America. Imagine tackling "systemic racism" skeptically and arguing that it's entirely a cope for race achievement gaps and the complete failure of the 60s civil rights reforms to make black Americans somewhat closer to whites.

>> No.18460546

I went to undergrad and got a liberal arts degree in 09-13 at a state school, I don't remember EVER having any of this race and feminism bullshit in ANY class.

>> No.18460549

Valerie Solanas - SCUM Manifesto (1967); very influential. Give it a read.

>> No.18460563

I wonder if Chinese humanities classes are different, or if they just replace "racism" with "Xi Jinping thought" and call it a day

>> No.18460565
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So this is muh schedule. Thoughts?

>> No.18460571

>it's about forcing them to recite the major dogma accepted by literally every institution in America
except for
>the entire justice system
>talk radio
>The Supreme Court
>every corporation aside from the PR department
>public education

>> No.18460594

I don't follow what point you're making. All of that is very much pro-Black people.

>> No.18460602


>> No.18460604

you sure you're not in a critical theory class?

>> No.18460610


>Encourage critical thinking, but narrow it to conform to a certain view
>Sorry for long ass announcement, literally 9 sentences in an english literature class

Holy fuck.

>> No.18460614

Why the hell would you attend this shit

>> No.18460616

>the entire justice system
>talk radio
I think even the most right-wing "conservative talk radio" types still revere Martin Luther King, so not really...
>The Supreme Court
Ah yes, the Supreme Court that gave us "Sometimes, to treat people equally, we must treat them differently".
>every corporation aside from the PR department
Every major corporation has affirmative action now lol
>public education
A lot of black-majority districts now have more per pupil spending than white middle class districts and they still perform abysmally.

Reminder that there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for racial equality of ability in academics.

>> No.18460619

I've never taken a writing class in university, can anyone confirm whether this is true or if he's just being /pol/

>> No.18460621

You might as well say the rump of the republican party
>Public education
>The entire justice system
Maybe a couple trump judges. Republican judges usually cuck after they get comfortable. Soros is doing a good job placing a DA in every major city. Prison screws hardly count.

>> No.18460629

Xi Jinping Thought is less dumb than Martin Luther King Thought, which is still not as bad as the trajectory we're on towards Ibram Kendi Thought.

>> No.18460632

Can't you just ask your teacher why other topics won't be included or suggest including them? Do you already have such a fucking totalitarian mentality in the US that doing such a thing would make you a thoughtcriminal?

>> No.18460635

What about students who are neither white nor black? Asians and Hispanics aren't oppressors, I think anyway, so isn't all this systemic racism by whites against blacks irrelevant to them

>> No.18460642


They care only about blacks since they made them pick cotton

>> No.18460653

Odd, you'd think there'd be some recourse to historical texts (i.e. Douglas, Du Bois) or evaluative material (i.e. Hobsbawm, Wood); I'm not familiar with Kendi, but Hannah-Jones isn't a reputable scholar. If you were teaching, wouldn't you want formative texts and field documents first and foremost, that way students have some sort of historical grounding to whatever narrative the class might approach?

>> No.18460676

Haven't you heard, whites are the only evil race. It's everyone vs. the evil whites, apparently. I refuse to buy into it because I'm white, I love all my fellow people as a Christian should, and all this critical race theory crap just makes interacting with black people incredibly awkward; so I try to go about without pretension.

>> No.18460678

Yea because this is a summer course to get a credit out of the way. This is a class for literal retards and people who want to get out of college in the shortest amount of time (nonretards). But yea cool picture and post

>> No.18460679

black + white = black
asian + white = white
hispanic + white = white

Only blacks are relevant as an ethnoweapon.

>> No.18460691

>systematic racism paper
okay fine whatever
>the bulk of our class will be discussion held over discord

>> No.18460696

At least in my experience, this is partly op's fault for picking this professor. In the uni I went to, every major had to take intro to rhetoric and writing, English 101. But they let you pick the professors because there were 10 different professors for it, and each professor listed a different topic that the class was going to explore. Now if OP's uni works in a similar fashion, then they knowingly chose this topic. When I took English 101, I took a rhetoric and composition course focused on superheroes as cultural phenomena instead of other options .

>> No.18460711

it's mandatory to transfer to literally any public university

>> No.18460713

English is a gen ed

>> No.18460714

Sounds like cope to me.
If a college accepts this kind of behavior it’s only a matter of time until it becomes the standard.
Paying for this shit is beyond cucked.

>> No.18460729

In my experience, my professors didn't outright say what the class would cover before signing up, but would send an e-mail like OP's in the first week saying what the class would cover. You then had until a certain day (usually a week or 2 later) to decide to either stay in the course or drop it.

>> No.18460730

The OP is an absolute retard for posting the Discord link to /pol/ and having the poltards raid it. Now he's gonna get buckbroken and expelled

>> No.18460737

And to think, back in the olden days, uni students would be learning ancient Greek and Latin and studying Aristotle and shiiet. What happened?

>> No.18460738

Mine were all pretty bad, yeah. Not all of them made us talk about black people but most of them did. All of them made us talk about some sort of progressive idea. T25 Uni. USA.

>> No.18460740

I did my Freshman Engl 101 class in Texas back in 2014 and the prof was an old autist breaking down the etymologies of words in poems. Crazy how much can change in 7 years.

>> No.18460743

They can't prove it was OP unless he outted himself. English intro classes probably have over 30 students, maybe even 50

>> No.18460761

They'll identify him by finding who the whitest malest student in the course is

>> No.18460768

Communist infiltration of the education system back around the 1960s.

>> No.18460773

Better off looking for the edgy latino kid

>> No.18460775

I went to Penn State 14-18 and I didn't deal with any of this shit. There were definitely some left wing teachers in the humanity's classes but they generally tried to keep their politics out of the actual class as they should have. Certain departments like economics, political science, and some STEM classes even had some clearly right wing professors.

>> No.18460777


>> No.18460780

This has nothing to do with communism

>> No.18460797
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>the leftist OSS partisans who funded anti-fascist French and Austrian intellectuals to create the New Left weren't literal Leninists so you can't call them communist

>> No.18460800

Yes it does you commie plebs

>> No.18460809

Jokes on you shit head, you shouldn't be calling Leninists communists anyway.

>> No.18460815


>the entire justice system
which has allowed for the bail of literal criminals, turning away from rampant vigilante-ism (on both sides), and has essentially succumbed to the chaotic laissez-faire "justice" which allows them to ignore literal crime for the sake of sustaining power. They are already under the thumb of hyper-neoliberal menticide and threats. Rape of The Mind is a great book to actually read and not just watch a YT video on.

>talk radio
if you're trying to say that the presence of Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones is the reason why things are shit / need to change, you're really overestimating the minority of people who can barely put on their pants, much less construct effective revolution (which they CAN'T, obviously - especially in comparison to the Howard Zinn foundation).

Plus, who tf sees talk radio as an American institution? wtf?

>The Supreme Court
yes i understand the whole Kavanaugh thing was big sad for you, get over it and get a more well-read opinion

>every corporation aside from the PR department
holy moly, a corporation using PR to give an ideological appearance, while keeping its powerful grip on the economic slavery it subjects upon all people of a certain economic class, regardless of race? It is almost like performative politics, which these hacks and ideologues profess, is an ineffective way to do ANYTHING except give students reasons to brag about their moral and intellectual superiority

>public education
Literally just look up the Howard Zinn foundation and how they've infiltrated the narrative of every school with high college acceptance rates. You are not paying attention and it shows.

>> No.18460825
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wooow yea its so funny how intelligent educated people are drawn to certain philosophical conclusions that fly in the face of your backwards reactionary idiocy

>> No.18460828
File: 24 KB, 360x366, 1462342059782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they called themselves communist, their enemies called themselves communist, everyone with any authority today calls them communist, they derived their theories from Marx, but I say they're not communist so they're not
Please, tell me more about how everyone is wrong and you are right.

>> No.18460833


Kys dilate rope etc.

>> No.18460838

>responding to obvious bait
you've already lost

>> No.18460840

you cant call them communists because they tried communism and it failed because of the blatant glaring flaws of the ideology so thats not real communism its something different real communism has never been tried

>> No.18460849

The New Left as a whole espouses backwards reactionary (as in, reacting to Fascism) idiocy that makes claims directly opposed to reality.

>> No.18460852

Communists are people who are attempting to actualize communism. They tried to create the post-capitalist communist state, they are communists.

>> No.18460868

At this point I pretty much assume China is going to be where most of human knowledge will survive as the West collapses, so their education system is what matters.

>> No.18460877

First, fake.

Second, this person has autism. The fact that they use Discord and use spanish at the end of their email, which is not long at all, is definitive proof of this.

Third, it would be amazing to be "skeptical" about all this professors claims about racism. I would love being in this class.

>> No.18460881

Please tell me this isn't real

>> No.18460888

America will collapse eventually but Europe will probably truck on just fine once France finalizes its pivot towards opposing woke leftism as American cultural imperialism.

>> No.18460896

>Third, it would be amazing to be "skeptical" about all this professors claims about racism. I would love being in this class.
Sounds like a great way to fail a class that you need credit in.

>> No.18460902

Europe is unironically more screwed than America. I'd take our problems over climate refugees, wokeism, and Islamist conflict.

>> No.18460908

First, the teacher is Spanish, his name is Martinez. That's why he uses Spanish at the end of his email

Second, have you ever met an autistic person who is pro-Black? I haven't. That's a normie phenomenon

>> No.18460916

Drop this shit. Why are people PAYING to be indoctrinated?

>> No.18460923

Imagine being this delusional

>> No.18460927

maybe the original OP was a literal retard in high school. Everyone I know took AP Literature, got a 4 or 5 on the exam, and which fulfills the college English requirement

>> No.18460930

>america is not ground zero for woke ideology and a decade away from being taken over by latino and pajeet refugees

>> No.18460933

Most trans people are autistic, and a lot of them are pro black.

>> No.18460937

>ground zero for woke ideology
That would be France. We might have perfected it, but woke ideology is a European invention.

>a decade away from being taken over by latino and pajeet refugees
I'd take both of them over Arabs.

>> No.18460944

>it's all a corporate facade
If it were why alienate 40% of their customers?

>> No.18460946

meh at least Mexicans are aspirationally white and have jobs

>> No.18460948

Many black people are anti-trans though.

>> No.18460952

It depends on what professor you take. Some of them push the propaganda heavily and others don't.
>Okay class this week we're going to talk about the tragedy of George Floyd and the oppression of minorities by systematic white racism

>> No.18460958

The Arabs are coming for you whether you want to or not. After they destroy Europe they're coming for you. We need to be united in our fight against Islamism.

>> No.18460962


This guy? You really shouldn't put this identifying info on 4chan dude, someone is gonna email your prof and you could get kicked out if they find it is you.
Delete the thread now and don't post identifying information again.

>> No.18460963

Using ratemyprofessor helps weed out the crazy shitlibs. People on there will usually be honest if the women professor hates white men and stuff like that.

>> No.18460965

They're liberalizing though. Look at even Saudi Arabia. Letting women drive now, it's all down hill from there.

>> No.18460967

Hispanics have always existed in the US. Muslims are a recent phenomenon in Yurop.

>> No.18460971

This is why you don't take non-stem degrees lol I only had one class that had this pozzed stuff in it

>> No.18460977

Muslims were in Iberia like 1000 years ago

>> No.18460987

>modern education
What a massive waste of time and money.

>> No.18461001

It doesn't matter where it was invented, America is the exporter of it. What you're saying is like saying "well technically Marx was a German" as Red Army tanks roll through your village. America pushes faggotry as a matter of foreign policy, our government buildings are draped rainbow flags, our military is actively attempting to filter out people who don't support this stuff. We fund NGOs to push this shit in Europe so that it makes them more weak and pliable to our demands. This whole "the native people of your country are evil oppressors" line of thinking is very clearly springing out of the Anglosphere. While Biden sucks nigger dick celebrating Juneteenth the French government is passing legislation to stop universities from teaching that the French people are privileged oppressors.

>I'd take both of them over Arabs.
At least Europeans know that Arabs are their enemies. Nobody in America will ever had the balls to talk about sending our Third Worlders back. This country is the reason for the West's ills and the sooner it falls apart the better.

Good for them, but I don't want to live in Guatemala nor a country full of Guatemalans.

Hispanics have never been viewed as equally American to white Anglos, it was one of the primary arguments against annexing all of Mexico after the Mexican-American War.

>> No.18461007

What piece of shit college does this retard go to? I went to one of the colleges that had big anti-racist protests back in 2016 and majored in English and fucking Communications. The worst "woke" shit I experienced was:
>Had one Comm. class where we spent a couple lecture sessions talking about privilege and intersectionality
>Had to take a minority lit class that was about Caribbean lit but it was just reading novels and I don't remember the teacher placing an emphasis on race

>> No.18461009

>Good for them, but I don't want to live in Guatemala nor a country full of Guatemalans.
I'm just saying it could be worse. It's not like immigration will be allowed to stop, let alone be reversed. It's too important to try to keep the state pension system propped up even though third world immigration is objectively not working.

>> No.18461012

or it's about women

>> No.18461014

Are we talking actual Trans (real dysphoria/noncongruence)? If so, ASD is typical; however, the sharp uptick in announced Trans identity we see today is really a status term secondary to Borderline Personality Disorder (hence the associated self-harming behaviors) and Ego-Dystonic Sex Orientation. Higher-functioning ASD may express or advocate for racial prosociality that they themselves would likely be unable to enact. Mid-to-Lower Functioning ASD would express clear ingroup/outgroup preferences that appear incredibly prejudicial. It's just a matter of degree, really.

>> No.18461019
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>discord trannies literal offering an English class about racism

>> No.18461027

My point is that the West as a whole is finished, and that China is where knowledge of the humanities will survive. Thus, it is very important to know how they teach the humanities.

Give me a source for this French backlash. I'm sorry, but I see Whites as a utterly tamed race, I can't imagine them fighting this at all.

>> No.18461030

>long ass
What in the fuck?

>> No.18461045

the zoomer attention span is truly scary

>> No.18461046

>China is where knowledge of the humanities will survive
Oh yes, absolutely. Which is why I fear for the future of the human race.

>> No.18461058

Hispanics have always been an outsider culture, but nevertheless, they have always been there. In recent decades however, Hispanics in the US have slowly started to become part of the burgerised monoculture. Some generations don't even speak Spanish. The original Americans, of course, will always be Anglo.

>> No.18461065

>China is where knowledge of the humanities will survive
top kek

>> No.18461077

I don't see how it could be worse, this is the worst possible way to go about it. Muslims are retarded enough to spur people to action against them. Nobody is going to be spurred to action against Pajeets and Pablos, yet in 50 years time the country will be full of cartel violence and ruled by a curry-demon merchant class. Someone who declares themself your enemy is much easier to justify fighting than someone who buys your house from under you.

It's been in the news for a few months. There was also that letter by the retired French generals urging the government to get things under control before they do, followed by a similar letter anonymously signed by active duty officers. If you don't even follow news there how can you claim to know it's doomed?

They'll be no more "American" in the Anglo sense than blacks are.

>> No.18461081

It's odd too, because that announcement isn't very long... and according to >>18460565
he's requiring them to read a book like The New Jim Crow (around 300 pages) in 3 days, but apologizes for a 3 paragraph announcement?

>> No.18461106

>There was also that letter by the retired French generals urging the government to get things under control before they do, followed by a similar letter anonymously signed by active duty officers
A spergout by a bunch of boomers is not really a prelude to major changes.

>If you don't even follow news there how can you claim to know it's doomed?
I do keep up with the news coming from there (admittedly from Anglo-American sources), and nothing seems to indicate any real backlash. Sure, football clubs didn't kneel, but that's hardly a major revolt against woke ideology.

>> No.18461110

>Before we get into the weeds
implies this is the introduction to the statement. F
Post the rest OP

>> No.18461113

guess which race makes up most of prisoners
>Every major corporation has affirmative action now lol
for PR purposes
>A lot of black-majority districts now have more per pupil spending than white middle class districts and they still perform abysmally.
Yeah because spending on schools won't fix a kid's broken family life
>>Public education
unless things changed that much in the past few years american schools use history class as military propaganda

>> No.18461127

Imagine fighting for le black ppl in the current year lmao. They are spitting in your face you retard

>> No.18461133

>They'll be no more "American" in the Anglo sense than blacks are.
I don't know. Many are already considered American and no one bats an eye, especially in the South West. It all depends if they're recent immigrants or americanised citizens. I'm not sure you understand modern US but it's not the 19th century anymore.

>> No.18461139

>guess which race makes up most of prisoners
Blacks commit many more crimes per capita than nonblacks at all socioeconomic strata, of course they're going to be in jail more.
>for PR purposes
No. It's about compliance with Civil Rights Law as interpreted by the executive branch.
>Yeah because spending on schools won't fix a kid's broken family life
At what point do we just accept that blacks basically need babysitting as a collective lol

>> No.18461155

@ 18mins
They say that a zoomer's attention span is about 8 seconds

>> No.18461182

>Plus, who tf sees talk radio as an American institution? wtf?
They’ve so thoroughly conquered almost every aspect of American life that they have to grasp at straws.
Also, saying that it’s limited to PR departments is silly. Major companies have faced massive pressure from their employees to move in these directions because doing that was just as much of a part of the training the received from universities as learning to code or whatever, and any company in charge of managing large-scale have done whatever is in their power to move those social spaces to the left and transform them into engines hitch push society as a whole further left. Just because a corporation at donate to. Some politician who happens to hold an anti-gay stance doesn’t change the the fact that their day to day operations work to advance that clause and others, and to pretend that endorsement of certain things by some of the most powerful entities in the country has no impact on broader society as a whole is delusional.

>> No.18461184

The first letter was followed by a second letter signed by thousands of active duty officers anonymously echoing the same exact thing, also published in Valeurs Actuelles. The French government also announced an investigation into the spreading of American wokeism in their universities. Not to mention that Le Pen is now polling above Macron in the first round of 2022, which itself shows that there is widespread dissatisfaction with how things are going among normal people (although frankly I think Le Pen is too much of a retard to really change anything)

I have lived in the US all my life. Latinos just turn into Spanglish chollos "joking" about how gringos are living on Mexican land so we should adopt their shitty culture. And if you argue with them about that they throw a nigger-tier chimp out.

>> No.18461199

Gaslighting is all that these types have, since their theory never could have predicted woke capital, they deny the reality of it instead of trying to come up with new theory.

>> No.18461227

>Imagine fighting for le black ppl in the current year lmao
they're hot and make good music, justifies their existence IMO

>> No.18461228

Those guys sound 2nd gen, before any major Americanisation occurs. Their children will be full burgers.

>> No.18461243

>they're hot
Buck breaker detected. How many bucks have you broken, pal?

>> No.18461248

There kids file into a distinct chollo culture that could be said to be as "American" as blacks are.

>> No.18461255

he goes to a community college

>> No.18461277

See, here's the thing. Maybe 40 years ago, you would have been right. And that was a good thing, because it allowed for a sort of national unity to form. This ensured national stability. For some god-forsaken reason, the powers that be have decided to promote ethnic tensions and division. This has eroded the ability of the US to take in immigrants while still maintaining a stable nation. I don't see this ending well. I see it as one of the greatest threats to the long-term survival of the USA, behind only climate change.

>> No.18461278

Yeah, but it’s just frustrating to deal. You can show them example after example of these things happening, of the direct relationship of these events to our educational institutions, people within corporate and educational institutions both trying to destroy their opposition, etc. and they still pretend that nothing is there. I’m just tired of it. If they want to bitch about American society being being controlled (or at the very lease heavily influenced to the point that they determine the borders of the Overton window) by unelected members of academic institutions which vet and train all of our government officials and educated laborers. How can a society be “democratic” when such a thing exists?

>> No.18461279

the women I mean

>> No.18461283

at my uni all the sections were listed in the course catalog with topics of focus
Looking at intro comp courses on there now, there's topics of:
- writing theory
- The dark side of immigration
- the rhetoric of money, cost, and value
- cults and propaganda
- writing in the age of AI
- Global challenges: population, poverty, and environment
- american food culture
- sacred spaces/monster theory
- crime punishment
- propaganda
-rhetoric of humor and comedy
- rhetoric of walking
- hardships of the body

With a list like this, I could easily pick the interesting from the indoctrinating

>> No.18461288

>sexualized dance music made to appeal to the lowest common denominator is worth destroying civilization for
Whites are a uniquely depraved and vile people for sure.

>> No.18461294

Alright, how many doe have you broken, pal?

>> No.18461307

>when niggerworship and love for the BBC become mandated by the state
Burgermutts eternally btfo

>> No.18461310

If anyone wants course descriptions on these, I got those too

>> No.18461314
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>> No.18461321

Skeptical means attacking the phantasm of white America while ignoring the actual corporate power structures in place. Basically boomer-hating.

>> No.18461324

the doe broke me...

>> No.18461329
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top zozzle
the absolute state of education in Biden's america

>> No.18461331

What's the Rhetoric of Humor and Comedy?

>> No.18461333

I think you're maybe looking at it wrong. The data doesn't seem to suggest universities are leftist brainwashing camps, when you control for other liberalizing factors they seem to have little to no effect at all. What we're seeing is more likely a result of social media.

>> No.18461336

You almost got me until
>lo siento
You overplayed

>> No.18461346

>it's not the 19th century anymore
Try 1970s or even 80s. Shit is accelerating fast. Let's not pretend we're pining for the Middle Ages here.

>> No.18461353
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>> No.18461359

>Amy Schumer. Robin Williams. Louis C.K. Aziz Ansari. These comedians have all come to fame by providing people with one of the pleasures of life: humor and comedy. But to what end do people use humor? Why does jest have such an impact on humanity and how can understanding that help us? This course allows students to investigate humor, comedy, and laughter through a variety of academic lenses. Students research and analyze topics such as political satire, popular cartoons, stand-up routines, comedians, ethnic and cultural humor, sit-coms, YouTube antics, humor and yoga, bloopers, vaudeville, The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, The Daily Show, film, video, comic books, and more.

>> No.18461369

i can already tell this was written by a w*m*n

>> No.18461381

>China is where knowledge of the humanities will survive

>> No.18461391

Very poorly worded. Writes like a retard. Systematic racism is creative writing since it isn’t real. And what is with the lo siento? Must be a gay latino teacher

>> No.18461393

Wow. That's awful. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.18461402

actually it was a Chicano man

>> No.18461412

Huh my intro writing class was just philosophy and science around free will.

>> No.18461476

i just checked and couldn't find any evidence to support that claim

>> No.18461497

Updated figures from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (NSCRC) show that overall college enrollment fell to 16.9 million students this spring, down more than 600,000 students from a year ago. That one-year decline of 3.5% is the largest spring semester enrollment decrease since 2011, according to the final spring report by the NSCRC released today.

The decrease was accounted for entirely by a 4.9% drop in undergraduate students, amounting to 727,000 fewer students. In fact, enrollment of graduate students increased by a healthy 4.6%, the equivalent of 124,000 more students.

> However, increases in STEM enrollment
Among large major fields (at least 100,000 students) at four-year institutions, psychology and computer sciences showed the largest increases, at +4.8% and +3%, respectively.

By contrast, several of the large majors saw decreases of 5% or more, including English (10.2%), communications and journalism (8.7%), physical sciences (7.6%), liberal arts and sciences/general studies and humanities (7.4%), and multidisciplinary studies (5%).

For two-year college majors with more than 100,000 students, the largest enrollment decreases were in visual and performing arts (18.1%), security and protective services (16.7%), multi/interdisciplinary studies (14.1%), and liberal arts and general studies (13.8%).

>> No.18461552

nice, well thank you for finding that
though, i don't really believe this indicates people are turning away from academia or meme degrees
there was the (((pandemic))) which would be a reason for people to wait a year or skip a semester
additionally, increase in grad school is definitely bad, because at that point it's terminal (t., has masters and PhD)
plus lots of potential meme degrees in english, comms and journalism, liberal arts, humanities, multidisciplinary studies.

and then damn, the two-year colleges with 18% increase in visual and performing arts, wew

yeah, i wouldn't consider this evidence of a dying academe. i would actually say otherwise - that it's flourishing as means of whatever euphemism for "indoctrination" you choose

>> No.18461585
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Yeah they definitely won't find anon by picking out the whitest guy in class.

>> No.18461615

>*hey guys i'm a based and redpilled Christian*
>my Christian university forced me to go to Africa for 3 months to do charity or missionary work... Christianity has been subverted!
This is what happens when you're a zoomer that converted to Christianity over random tradlarpers on twitter posting pictures of cathedrals and crusaders.

>> No.18461685

the whitest kid in the class is probably a member of his local DSA chapter, better off looking for unsuspecting Mexicans or Arabs

>> No.18461702

I live in a country that has very heavily religious-based laws and education system and the similarity between our education and this shit is so obvious

>> No.18461816

>the two-year colleges with 18% increase in visual and performing arts
it was a decrease...

>> No.18461836

oh nice, thanks
i'm retarded
this is the level of reading comprehension you can expect from "elite" graduate education lmfao

>> No.18461858

Nothing to see here guys. Just a purely isolated phenomenon; a small minority of particularly vocal people; no broader institutional causes or societal ramifications whatsoever. Go back to sleep.

>> No.18461873
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Are those “Christian” colleges even accredited, aside from outliers like Liberty or Colgate? I heard that their “degrees” are only good for cottage Christian industries, like working at Hobby Lobby or doing missionary work.

Pic related, a guy who got a degree from a Christian university

>> No.18461956

>The data doesn't seem to suggest universities are leftist brainwashing camps
What data is there to support this claim. Academia and institutions dependent on have a vested interest ion denying it, so they can't really be trusted, and I don't think any other organization is capable of producing that kind of data. Now there is ample evidence which indicates
The rhetoric which has been advanced on social media has is derived from academia. What's happened is that the upwardly mobile people who are trained by academia and their allies have come to dominate social media, and this is because of the way that academia has allowed the left to dominate the workforce of the corporations that manage these spaces. Social media itself is downstream from academia, so to make the claim you did without understanding the impact social media without looking at the influence academia has over it is either dishonest or naive.

>> No.18462022

You can deny the source but I think it's more likely the activists come first, then the academics intellectualize it, then the activists appeal to academic jargon to seem like the smart, educated ones. White privilege theory was around in activist circles long before the famous essay.

>> No.18462035

Where do you think activists come from

>> No.18462040

>The bulk of our class, however, will be discussion held over Discord.
Bet you they have a channel devoted for LBTQ kids to dump porn of Astolfo then promptly get bullied in school for it.

>> No.18462050
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Mix of psychology, trauma, genuine empathy, and perhaps a further confluence of other factors. I'm not entirely sure desu. But first year undergrads are already little leftoid shits, are they not?

>> No.18462072

They've already spent 12 years in state education by then

>> No.18462085

That could be it. But it's just not likely the colleges, believe it or not. I'm just trying to get an accurate picture of what we're up against here.

>> No.18462101

The colleges write the public school curriculum. They determine what policy experts say

>> No.18462110

We literally don't teach either the English language or English literature

>> No.18462121

Any day now

>> No.18462127

True but if they were so influential we'd have seen much more significant movement on climate change. Business interests hold far more sway on policy, there's good data on that too. Now business is getting woke too of course, but by what mechanism? Are CEO's really consulting deconstructionist lit?

>> No.18462150

This can’t be real. I refuse to believe it.
If it is, just write the word “nigger” 3,000 times

>> No.18462155

It would be better to stay in and document it while also standing up for the white race

>> No.18462159

This is legit.
The op who updated this put the discord code on /pol/ and we raided it.