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18433549 No.18433549 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here smoke a tobaco pipe while reading?

>> No.18433583


>> No.18433585

unless you read outside I really see no way of smoking while reading given how many smoking restrictions we have nowadays

>> No.18433607

Sometimes, but more often I smoke a pipe and think on stuff before going inside to read or write while I'm still buzzed.

>> No.18433615

Was walking through the town the other day and a man passed me smoking a pipe. I use an ecig but the smell coming from the smoke was incredible. Nothing like a cigarette.

>> No.18433618

I tried to pick up pipes but they're genuinely a bitch to light and keep lit properly. Both my grandpas are dead so there isn't anyone I know who could teach me in person :(

>> No.18433775

No, only weed

>> No.18434010

Just part of pipes. Pack them well, get a good cadence puffing away, be prepared to relight every now and again.

>> No.18434317

No. I snort snuff instead.

>> No.18434533
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I smoked a bowl once when I was reading a chapter of Two Towers. Incidentally, it was the one where Merry and Pippen find Sauramon's pipe weed stach.

>> No.18434607

Lovely anecdote, thanks for sharing anon

>> No.18434642

Yes, I've been smoking pipes for over 20 years. You want a pipe made of briar, meerschaum, clay, or corn cob; budget permitting. The most lit tobaccos are latakia mixtures such as Westminster by GL Pease or Squadron Leader by Samuel Gawith.

>> No.18435388

Not in Italy they don't

>> No.18435552
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I might need to smoke something harder in order to attend the online Tolkien Seminar this year.

>> No.18435578

Are they really that difficult to keep lit and enjoy ? Id like to get into tobacco but im curious if I should just do cigars like im familiar with.

>> No.18435645

It takes a few years to get really good at packing and puffing so you don't need to relight a lot, but it's worth the effort. I love cigars too, but they're too strong to smoke often, plus a major time commitment. A literate gentleman should appreciate both, while shunning the vulgar cigarette habit.

>> No.18435681

Sweet, ill grab a pipe. Thanks.

>> No.18435706

pipes smell amazing

>> No.18435899

No because I don't larp as someone I'm not and tobacco is bad for you

>> No.18435955
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I smoked tobacco pipe once
I asked my grandpa to make me a tobacco blend suitable for me
It was very good

I miss you grandpa. I wish I could have told you goodbye before you were gone.
I know that in some of those dozens of boxes of books you left me there's an original Mein Kampf. Danke Schoen.

>> No.18435965

I sniff your mom's anus if that counts

>> No.18435991

God this board is filled with degenerates. Enjoy your well-deserved lung cancer.

>> No.18435994
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I only smoke while watching anime or reading manga. It's just a ritual I have.

The only ''book"' I read is the bible and I don't want to get it smokey.

>> No.18436000

I guess you live far from any factory, city, do not use a car (or motorbike) and do not buy furniture?

>> No.18436001

Can you even buy this in the USA? I’ve never seen it

>> No.18436003

May he rest in peace.

>> No.18436010

>he didn't read Gen 1:29

>> No.18436013

bitch ass faggot

>> No.18436018
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just smoke a couple times a week, not a big deal

>> No.18436047

>I guess you live far from any factory, city
Yes, actually
>do not use a car (or motorbike) and do not buy furniture?
No, but those things aren't entirely pointless and easily dispensable like smoking.

>> No.18436048
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Thank you.
I feel somewhat bad thinking he was buried alone. Me, sis, and my mother (his daughter) could not attend his funeral. I cried about that. His wife (my grandma) spent her last years with us, in a foreign country (for her) and was buried here.

>> No.18436064
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Ahhh, so you think that car pollution does not give you cancer. Ok.

>> No.18436080

What book is that, anon?

>> No.18436084

Where did I say that?

>> No.18436111

It's not a book, it's a Wehrpass. Basically military documents.

Interestingly, in the "Kenntisse in Fremd-Sprachen" there's "Franz. Engl. Italienish. Hebraisch"

Tbh my grandpa was not a soldier, he was too young. He still was in HJ and similar stuff

>> No.18436120


Wrong. The most lit tobaccos are Navy Flake Virginias.

>> No.18436126

Checked, and fucking cool anon.
My Great Grandfather was a tank commander for the Italian army in the Second World War.
He got hit with an anti-tank round, though, so I never got the chance to meet him :/

>> No.18436159

My great-grandfather died on the Eastern front, away from his family, in a frozen wasteland. My grandmother grew up without a father, grew up with bombs exploding over her head.

That family, in countless others, were ripped apart because of degenerate fucking tryhards like yourself and the fucking retards you admire. Neck yourself.

>> No.18436160

RSI o Regio Esercito?
Sono Italiano anch'io ;)

>> No.18436163

I just drank a nip of Evan Williams while reading ama

>> No.18436203

From my understand Royal Army.
And sorry anon, I don't speak Italian.
My family grew up in an area where being Italian was a bad thing, so my grandparents tried not to speak Italian and cause me to get harassed like they did.
Canada isn't all sunshine and rainbows like they'd like you believe

>> No.18436210

Point out EXACTLY where I said I'm a Nazi.
In fact, my grandpa had to change name and nationality.
He was just a kid (about 13) when the Third Reich fell. But he was a very smart guy. He kept all the stuff as an historical document.

You can't possibly imagine how intelligent my grandpa was. He worked as manager in IT in the 70s. He spoke Turkish, self taught, as his fifth language. He had a collection of Roman coins. He visited Iran in the 70s. He was writing books about German folklore. He draw by hand landscapes of cities. He had epistolary relationships with people inventing crosswords. He came up with the longest conceivable word in German language.

>> No.18436212

What's so important you want to live past your 60s so badly

>> No.18436214

Oh, I didn't know there was anti-Italian sentiment in Canada. But I could have imagined that.

>> No.18436230

I don't have any expectation of living that long. My priority is not engaging in behavior that needlessly harms others.

>> No.18436250

The 50's was a really rough time for Italians because of the war. It was tragic, because a lot of my family spoke only Italian, and I couldn't take to them on account of the language barrier. They've passed away, so now I'll never be able to have full conversations with them. :/

>> No.18436259

*Talk to to them

>> No.18436269
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i dont smoke but i do have some of my best thoughts driving at night packing a nice fat Copenhagen Long Cut

>> No.18436271

They stopped selling snuff in the US years ago, but I still order it from MrSnuff in England. Ships here with no problems.

>> No.18436293

Those are great too, but I don't recommend them to beginners. Trickier to both prepare and puff.

>> No.18436396
File: 252 KB, 1200x859, plebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistic rambling about a unrelated issue vaguely related to the topic
>Retarded spacing
Yep, this is a Reddit Moment

>> No.18436407

Do you have any Cigar recommendations?

>> No.18436469

Shamelessly bumping this comfy thread

>> No.18436560

>I know that in some of those dozens of boxes of books you left me there's an original Mein Kampf. Danke Schoen.

you're either massively autistic thinking this doesn't scream dogwhistle or a backtracking pussy on top of everything I already described. If it's the latter, still, neck yourself.

If it's the former, good luck

>> No.18436574
File: 141 KB, 717x880, Go Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Reddit Moment. You're just full of them, aren't you?

>> No.18436581

I don't give a shit about your formatting conventions, you stupid fucking monkey.

>> No.18436595
File: 99 KB, 565x500, gobackfagbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I give more of a shit of your autistic ramblings and grandstanding in an otherwise chill thread.
Now take a long walk down a short pier, fag bag.

>> No.18436618

I don't care what you give a shit about. Die.

>> No.18436632

No (You) for you. Go be a nigger elsewhere.
You're doing nothing but showing your infantile nature.
Anyways, does anyone have a book recommendation for Neophytes in the world of Tobacco?

>> No.18436638

>while reading ama
Reading what?

>> No.18436643

>You're doing nothing but showing your infantile nature.

you talk like a faggot

>> No.18436696


Victor Sinclair 55.

>> No.18436698

>implying a pipe smoker inhales

>> No.18436700
File: 14 KB, 300x300, lol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seriously calling me a faggot after your little shit flinging session ITT?
Oh that's fucking rich

>> No.18436707

Are you still here anon?
I'd like to talk more

>> No.18436721

>muh dogwhistles
nice crystal ball faggot. who needs a dogwhistle on an anonymous forum anyway? go back to tumblr or whatever fag pit you crawled out of

>> No.18436779

>grew up in an area where being Italian was a bad thing,
Fuck me, I need to move to Canada. You Italian diaspora are the worst people on earth.

Nobody cares.

>> No.18436815
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Stay classy.

>> No.18438286

i want to try it, since it seems like a better alternative to my cigarette addiction
what tobacco and pipe should i start with, pipefags?

>> No.18438302
File: 75 KB, 1440x1080, osakabait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18438427

Where do you live that you're not allowed to smoke in your own house?

>> No.18438443

I use trinity blue velvet tobacco, which has a chocolate-cinnamon flavour. It's very unique for tobacco because it doesn't leave a completely awful smell behind (you'll still be able to tell it's tobacco though). It's just more like incense.
As for pipes, just start with a cheap corn cob pipe to get the hang of it.

>> No.18438451

Oh, and the thing I forgot when I started was to get a small pipe cleaning multitool. There should be a small spade-like tool, a pipe-rod and a flat compactor for compacting the tobacco when filling the bowl.

>> No.18438452

He lives in an apartment because he's a europeon

>> No.18438458

If you have a store that sells pipes and pipe tobacco you can try just asking for advice. The store I go to is very helpful, they got me set up and gave me tips and stuff and helped pick tobacco.
If you want to order off the internet just get something simple to start and a cheap pipe, just look at a description of different types of tobacco and start with something that sounds like you'd like. You'll probably quickly upgrade but you'll make a better choice after you have some experience.

>> No.18438463

Oh, sorry. I thought this was a thread for men, not apartment dwellers.

>> No.18438475

No, I don't pay the tobacco jew for the privilege of dying.

>> No.18438484

We're all going to die fren. Make peace with it.

>> No.18438522

Your risk depends on how much you smoke. If you're worried just do it occasionally. It's a nice relaxing activity. It's like a lot of things in life, do it responsibly and not to excess.

>> No.18438549


>> No.18438553

Or just not do it at all. I take my suffering raw, no need for crutches

>> No.18438566

Its not that addictive people just have addictive personalities. I smoked once a day without a problem, when I lived with family my stress levels rose and went to 2-4 a day. Moved out and my stress levels went so low I stopped smoking, been 2 months since I went cold turkey. Will I smoke again? Maybe. I like the idea of having uninterrupted moments to myself with tobacco. Point is unless you have something really important to do past your 60s I dont see why life has to be a marathon and even if it is I wouldn’t enjoy being an old man it sounds like hell the older you get til you can’t remember anything anymore. If you don’t agree just dont smoke but the graveyard doesn’t care what you have in the end and we will go there

>> No.18438596

I had a pipe but lost it unfortunately, it was a cool dr grabow one too. Anyway I want to get another one and try again since cigs last wayyyy to short and American Spirits are expensive. Whats some good beginner tobacco? Last time I tried it was hell because the tobacco wasn’t beginner friendly and I didnt have a pipe lighter that worked so I had to use matches and I got nothing at all. I hear Half and Half is alright

>> No.18438622

You will regret this outlook later, there is much about life you can't anticipate until it hits you. There will come a time when you would give the world for one more day with your wife, children, grandchildren. I know someone who discovered his life's mission at 53 years old and needs every minute he can get to complete it.

>> No.18438647

I live every day under the assumption that I could be dead tomorrow. These "life purposes" are all silly delusions. What matters is focus, concentration and meditation, and always remaining centered and aware.

>> No.18438668

Coyote Stories by Mourning Dove. It's a collection of Salish just-so stories focusing on the ubiquitous Native trickster, Coyote.

>> No.18438670

smokers are losers.

>> No.18438721

The Gentle Art of Smoking by Alfred Dunhill is the coziest book on pipes ever. Dunhill pretty much invented modern tobacco blending.

>> No.18438770

and yet you're on 4chan. probably a weedfag too

>> No.18438779

good thing i'm a puffer

>> No.18439031

Yes, sometimes, though usually when I'm smoking my pipe I'll just be listening to music and musing on various thoughts. It's very comfy.

>> No.18439049

This is fine, but bad advice for a novice who is going to be turned off by latakia. For someone just starting out I would recommend a corn cob pipe and a Virginia/burley blend, possibly aromatic. That will smoke easier and milder than a meerschaum and a latakia, for instance, and cobs are cheap, easy to get started and keep lit, and don't require seasoning the way briars or other hardwoods do.

>> No.18439069

Lung cancer isn't an issue for pipe smokers. In theory mouth cancer might be, but it's still vanishingly rare - you might double your chances of getting it if you are a on everyday smoker, but that's going from a 1 out of 1000 chance to a 1 out of 500. For an occasional smoker the risk is statistically insignificant.

And the one large study on lifespans and longevity of various smokers and nonsmokers actually found that pipe smokers on average live *longer* than nonsmokers.

>> No.18439112

what the other anon said, I dont live like this. Like I said if you disagree dont do it, we're clearly not the types to care even if we did sire children but I know some people are so it matters. We revel in the fact that life is full of uncertainty im not trying to be nihilistic just embracing what life is, if I end up having kids im sure i'll love them but when its time for me to go its time for me to go I wont cling onto anything. if I dont have kids I wont cling onto friends or family, when its time to go its time to go.

>> No.18439123

i keep forgetting his name but there was an aussie that made books discussing this, and his studies were supported by doctors who disagreed with the new conclusion that smoking causes lung cancer because it couldn't be replicated but was furthered because anti tobacco was used ironically for more corporate greed. Just stop fucking listening to doctors like they're priests, most doctors I've talked to dont give a shit if you smoke unless its a pack a day

>> No.18439158

Of course I do. The pipe I use is ludicrously big, but folks still dig it.

>> No.18439325

Lol what a faggot glad he died

>> No.18439508
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I don't smoke pipe tobacco but sometimes I'll light a cigar while I read.

>> No.18439577

>I tried to pick up pipes but they're genuinely a bitch to light and keep lit properly. Both my grandpas are dead so there isn't anyone I know who could teach me in person :(
Watch youtube vids on pipe smoking. I watched a bunch of videos before picking up a tobacco pipe for the first time last year and have never had a problem lighting it or keeping it lit. I recommend Muttonchop Piper.

>> No.18439600

>God this board is filled with degenerates. Enjoy your well-deserved lung cancer.

>pipe smoking
>lung cancer

>> No.18439630

I'll check it out Anon