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18428425 No.18428425 [Reply] [Original]

Was gifted a copy of "the basic writings of Martin Heidegger". I have no fucking idea what he is talking about but I am intrigued. The first section in the book is the introduction to being and Time. Anyone here care to shed some light on Heidegger or have any recommendations for resources?

>> No.18428470
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Heidegger sucks and is vastly overrated. He had ONE good point about the question of being itself and never stopped milking it. However his further claim that being (and not becoming, mind you) appears as unconcealing then hiding again as a kind of event is just nonsense, equivalent to his infamous "Nichts nichtet". The entire ontological structure of Dasein is made up, and he himself later scraps most of it, even though it's still considered his magnum opus. He just baldly asserts and rarely argues.

Then, because Hitler failed, he had defeated Hegel so philosophy was over, and cybernetics was gaining steam, his solution to the coming rape of technoscience was to do nothing and wait for fucking Zeus or Odin to save us. Great advice retard.

>> No.18428540

Don’t read an English translation and you should probably understand

”Being beings”, “The Being of being is not a being” and other phrases in English obscures the meaning


>> No.18428555
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>> No.18428597

What am I coping with, exactly? Heidegger retreated into a rather mystical romantic-"poetic" engagement with life and advised others do the same. If anything that's a cope for his absolute impotence in the face of Planetary Technology.

>> No.18428706

Read Self-Assertion and Introduction to Metaphysics

There you have an ”active” Heidegger who revolves his thought around polemos, auseinandersetzung, conflict

The whole ”just let everything be”/poetic mode is misinterpreted in a way that doesn’t even come close to what Heidegger means with poetic dwelling and ”gelassenheit”, it’s an active effort in both cases

>> No.18428734

I'm sure he speaks of an active effort to till the fields as an authentic volkisch peasant maybe, but I'm talking about his later interview where he very explicitly says there is nothing left to do w/r/t the coming dystopia, especially not in thought.

>> No.18428743

>his solution to the coming rape of technoscience was to do nothing and wait for fucking Zeus or Odin to save us
Really? I need to read Heidegger.

>> No.18428776

He specifically said
>Heidegger: If I may answer briefly, and perhaps clumsily, but after long reflection: philosophy will be unable to effect any immediate change in the current state of the world. This is true not only of philosophy but of all purely human reflection and endeavor. Only a god can save us. The only possibility available to us is that by thinknig and poetizing we prepare a readiness for the appearance of a god, or for the absence of a god in [our] decline, insofar as in view of the absent god we are in a state of decline.

>> No.18428876
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I wonder if this is worth reading. I have no idea who the author is.