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File: 226 KB, 810x555, Burgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18415611 No.18415611 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone working on more BugerPunk? I'm going to be living in a hotel off and on until the end of the month and am in writing in my spare time.

>That night the thunderstorm comes early and he decides he’s had enough of microwaved Ramen, canned green beans, and tap water from the bathroom sink. He ducks out with his copy of Hegel’s “Reason in History” from the Library of Liberal Arts published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc. a subsidiary of Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc. In less than 30 paces he’s under the awning of the Waffle House. He snakes around to the front entrance just a full deluge is unleashed. Inside the construction two groups of construction workers are eating. One group has bright orange t-shirts and raggedy air about them. They look thin and mismatched even with their orange shirts that say their specialty. They at a booth furthest from the door. Another group as at one of the counters. They are wearing neon green shirts and are better fed the crew in orange. They are very well matched, almost in concert with each other, like they are all one person. There is a young black girl in not much clothing who is dripping from the rain holding her phone and seems anxious. A young black man in a hat, apron, and wearing a blue disposable mask walks up to the counter just as Vic is sitting down. He says something. Vic can’t hear for sure what he says, it sounds apologetic. Without hearing him, Vic says “It’s okay, I’m in no hurry”. He sits down and the waiter nods back. Vic takes a closer look around. There are only about 6 booths and four of them have dirty dishes on them, one of them has the team in orange, and the last one has a plastic chain across it. At the stove is another black. Him and the waiter are the only ones working.
They clear out and after making good progress on the little paperback Vic is delighted when the waiter comes over and asks for his order. “Two cheeseburgers, with pickles and onions, and Sprite”.
The food arrives and it is exactly as Vic dreamed. Hot, greasy, compact, a little crispy, a little sour. Just right. He’s alone with the two workers. The cook is a little ticked off, cheap dirty Mexicans not tipping and leaving a mountain of dirty dishes, “cheap mothafuckas”. The waiter is kind, maybe too kind for this world. If he’s a simpleton, his kindness hides it. Vic stares at the tile wall ahead and to his right. He doesn’t want to read, or look, he just wants to stare and be thought of as a simpleton. For these brief moments he is lost in the simple pleasures of being a greasy stain in a greasy stain. He is bound to that greasy counter and a king of infinite burgers. There is no complexity no justice no truth. There are only the simple pleasures of a hot tasty meal someone else prepared.

>> No.18415865


>> No.18415967

Read David Foster Wallace

>> No.18417157

Is burgerpunk is a fancy new sincerity?

>> No.18417922

>When your sense of aesthetics revolves around roadway signs for chain restaurants

>> No.18417940
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Describe this image in your finest prose

>> No.18418206
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Europe pretends to hate American fast food, and yet they are the fastest growing restaurants by far.

God damn I love being an American.

>> No.18418260

I haven’t written much Burgerpunk recently but I did put some stuff up on royal road a while back. My perspective shifted from parody of cyberpunk to the nightmare of Americana realism. When I finally sit down to write again, it’ll be a white noise, except painful and honest instead of ironic and meta postmodernism.

>> No.18418404


And here's that old /lit/ project. https://burgerpunk.github.io/

>> No.18419272
File: 136 KB, 1200x675, C4A0CDE8-B4BC-4C8F-AACD-BE3E8C498BEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this burger punk?

>> No.18419481

Nah, we love it, some, particularily the french, have very high moral regard of food. I once went to Texas by myself so I could eat real American food. I miss it very much. Denmark has absolute shit tier fast food and road restaurant service. There is a steak house at literally ever intersection in Texas. God I fucking miss it bros

>> No.18419686
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>> No.18419700
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For feeding burger.

>> No.18419706
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>> No.18419839

It really isn't hard to smoke your own meats and make your own breakfast tacos brah.

>> No.18419844

This says a lot about society

>> No.18419880

eating american fast foods is an experience. if i will ever go to USA my first stop will be mcd's just to check if it actually tastes different

>> No.18419881
File: 159 KB, 960x757, r960-649c91b11637498c5a455da364f92fd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ OKC meet up when?

>> No.18419895

Japan does the same thing. If you ever browse Jap Twitter, like a third of their fucking posts are food selfies of McDonald's meals, not even joking.

>> No.18421090

>Curse onto thee eternal flame broiled bastards! He who strikes at my forefathers' franchise shall die a thousand deaths before I add 1 cent to my dollar menu! Ye who dare to dream to have it your way shall never make up your mind and starve slowly and painfully! Let thy assistant regional manager know that we shall not take our voluntary corporate designated 10 minute breaks until vengeance is ours!!!

I like it but is it autobiographical? I think what is special about BurgerPunk is the autobiographical/Gonzo aspect of sincere mediocrity; a protected plastic existence and experiencing the desires, dreams, and tragedies of the players in that world. But maybe that's the fluid nature of this internet shitpost genre and what makes it exciting/gay.

>> No.18421189

There are definitely parts that are from a very special place. Certain absurd things couldn’t be made up. Some are obviously exaggerations.

>> No.18421230

I would trim some of the descriptions of the customers, otherwise I enjoyed it, especially the part with the muttering black guy.

>> No.18421281

2016-2020 really was a special time huh. I think we'll be looking back on it for years.

>> No.18421298

Kek nice

>> No.18421625

That’s what I’m talking about

>> No.18421721

At last, McDonald's had flame broiled beef. But like so many other American dreams, it was just out of reach. With the exit closed due to the inferno, Pablo sat in his certified pre-owned car, like everyone else caught in traffic. Wasn't there a Wendy's at the next rest stop? Or had that wonderfully smelling, blazing McDonald's put them under during the pandemic, discounting like they were the ones going out of business? It didn't really matter. A greasy bag of yesterday's Burger King crumpled under the passenger seat probably had a few fries if he really needed his fix. Even more sirens were blaring by the time he was biting into them. Eating fries by the dashboard light, he savored every morsel. It would take months before another fast food chain could do enough market research to decide to open up along his commute.

>> No.18421834

>Pablo sat in his certified pre-owned car, like everyone else caught in traffic.
>Pablo sat in a line in front of the light. The cars in front of him weren't moving. He wondered how many cycles of lights he would have to sit through before he got through the intersection. He slowly inched forward in the line, occasionally looking down at the suspicious stains in the furry cloth around the floormat. Stains that must have been left by the previous owner. Pablo never bothered to clean the car since he bought it. Why would he? Nobody really owned anything in this country. Soon, he would look out the window of his apartment and not see the familiar sight of ghetto kids looking through his car windows, but a swarthy man in a tow truck pulling his car away. He was shaken from his trance by a car horn behind him. Several cars had moved up, and Pablo hadn't moved at all. About 10 cars in the lane next to theirs had taken the gap in traffic to move into the turn lane, preventing Pablo from moving at all.
There. Turned one vague line into an entire paragraph.

>> No.18421866

I'm working on a novel which was initially burgerpunk-inspired, has morphed into something fairly different. Like a psychological horror sci fi mix between the shining and alien but with long haul truckers.
Getting a couple months off next spring I plan to finish or at least put a decent dent into it.

>> No.18421895

The mental picture your description gives me is just hilarious.

>> No.18421911

Billy Mays truly lived the BurgerPunk lifestyle. I think John Daly is the best example of a living BurgerPunk

>> No.18421929

>He slowly inched forward in the line, occasionally looking down at the suspicious stains in the furry cloth around the floormat. Stains that must have been left by the previous owner. Pablo never bothered to clean the car since he bought it. Why would he? Nobody really owned anything in this country.
That's a really great way to capture the feel of certified pre-owned vehicles. I kneel

>> No.18421944

what exactly is burger punk?

>> No.18422005
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this guy reminds me of daly

>> No.18422032
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A reluctant breeze swept the asphalt, carrying the steady thrum of interstate traffic, gasoline fumes, and an empty Cheetos bag with it. The full moon hung low in the sky, partially obscured by murky cloud cover. Its light fell in hazy rays to the minimall below, mingling with the harsh fluoresence of street lamps and flickering, bright neon. The occasional pair of headlights meandered about an enormous parking lot, going about some unknown shady business. The indistinct bass of reggaeton and rap music could be heard from behind tinted glass, rising and falling as the cars passed. The gaudy orange glow of the El Hermanos sign illuminated us, promising tacos and margaritas to hungry highway passerbyes.
"Yo, hit this." He passed me the blunt, cherry tip blazing. I stared for a moment. "Yo it's burning dude, you want it or not?" I took it from his hand, sucked the already soggy end of it and held my breath as I passed it to my right. Tyler took it from my hand as I exhaled and felt the familiar tingle crawl up my skin, up my spinal cord, into my brain behind my eyes. My eyelids briefly shut together, phantom shapes playing in the darkness. Jose smiled his ratty smile, flashing his missing teeth. "Yeahhh, that's the good shit. Got it from my uncle, shit's medicinal. Yo they grow that shit for the dispensaries". I nodded, scanned the parking lot again. I could feel the coagulated grease caked onto my face and staining my chef's pants, the acrid stink of old cooking oil and burning marijuana filling my nostrils. Tyler exhaled a whole cloud all at once and started hacking, one hand on his knee, the other holding up the pot cigar. I took it from his hand while he wretched melodramatically. Tyler was the type always trying to call extra attention to himself.
"Did we lock up?" I glanced to Tyler, stealing a second hit off the blunt before passing it to Jose. The end was already damp from everyone's collected spittle.
"Nah dude, Hamdi's still in there tossin' drinks back with that new waitress, he's tryna get in that. He'll prolly give us free drinks from the bar, want one?"
I didn't answer. The wind blew, scattering orange debris from the tip of the blunt across the cracked sidewalk. I put my hands in my pockets and weighed the options. If I went inside now, I'd be here another hour of bullshitting at least. I had a box of Franzia in the car anyway, I could easily make it through the night. I didn't like Hamdi. I didn't really like Tyler or Jose either. In fact I hated everything about this job. I didn't want to think about customers or managers or tacos or microwaves anymore.
Jose started patting down his pants and shirt, pretending to look for the pack of cigarettes I knew he didn't have. "Ah shit, yo can I bum a smoke from you dude real quick?" Every fuckin night with this guy.

>> No.18422042

"Hey I'll see you guys tomorrow alright? Don't forget to lock up, I don't need Eva up in my shit, she's been extra bitchy lately." I started towards my car, the solitary old green Pontiac sitting quietly under a flickering, moth-swarmed streetlamp. Jose's pleas for a cigarette faded behind me as I strode across the cracked, buckled pavement. She unlocked and opened with a familiar *click*, *kerchunk*. I swiped trash aside from the seat and console. Wendy's bags and receipts and Gatorade bottles cascaded onto the passenger side floor and I drove off towards home.
Fire inched ever closer to the butt of my cigarette as I smoked it, ashing out the window while John Denver crowed from my speakers, serenading the vacant highway. Streetlights and lane markers flashed by. I drove slowly, lazily. I was almost as reluctant to go home as I'd been to leave it that morning. The commute was the best part of my day anyway. There's something soothing about that transitory state, of being neither here nor there. Even if you have a destination in mind, you can just change your mind and go somewhere else, or even turn around completely. That sublime inbetweenness that demands no commitment. With a car, you can go anywhere you want.
The highway managed to be at once riddled with potholes and cracks and while eternally under repair. Orange cones dotted the sides, many were overturned and spilled onto the pavement or leaving against the sound barriers. My old Pontiac groaned and squealed coming off the exit.

>> No.18422299


>> No.18422307

It was very entertaining.
What shale we amuse ourselves with this next 4 years ebin haxor bros?

>> No.18422311

Black lives matter.

>> No.18422481

>calls antifa pussies for wearing masks
>wears skull mask instead of the plain ones by antifa sois to look like a tough guy
Peak burgerpunk

>> No.18423367

It's not bad

>> No.18423595

Is IRL BugerPunk?

>> No.18424085


>> No.18424477

It does taste different, it's much better in Europe (I assume due to stricter food regulations?) and it's also different in South America

>> No.18424526

What is "-punk" about this exactly? This could be real life. Anyway it's pretty decent. At first I found the use of present tense unpleasant, but eventually a rhythm develops.

>Inside the construction
Just say "inside." Especially with the repetition of construction a few words later.

Also this.

>A reluctant breeze
Ugh. Tone it down, freshman.

>> No.18424970

>What is "-punk" about this exactly?
fuck off newfag

>> No.18424989

>A reluctant breeze swept the asphalt, carrying the steady thrum of interstate traffic, gasoline fumes, and an empty Cheetos bag with it

Anon is already annoyed at reluctant, but I want to believe the maximalist creed, so go for it. What I'm less sure about is the ending two words, which sort of spoil the Cheeots joke and just the rhythm in general. In the following sentences, the repetition of "the" starters goes on long enough to be noticeable, but not long enough to gain any sort of incantationary force.

>> No.18425112

burgerpunk has been described as the aesthetic reconciliation of the postmodernist individual recognizing the cognitive dissonance between the vast nature of corporate service-based globalization and the individualist nature of consumption forced upon them by the very nature and propaganda of their capitalist benefactors. The genre's backdrop explores the conflict between traditional american sensibilities inflated to a caricature by exaggerated use of freeway systems, suburban growth, and franchise based food products against the cynical nature of the average american blooming into a genuine need for individualized and personalized culture after slowly exchanging their ancestor's cultural heritage for their own force-fed culture of ease of access and frugality. Issues of hopelessness, automation, and complacency contrast the information provided through constant access to media and propagandized geopolitical news. The genre itself, becoming a meta commentary on other fantasy or science fiction based genres by using the actual occurring landscape as the basis for literary escape.

>> No.18425134

In the year 2005 the McDonald’s Corporation’s legal counsel sent a memo to the board, informing them of the current state of Supreme Court jurisprudence. The In-house counsel, having outsourced their actual work, spent their time crafting an argument that, because corporations had rights as regular persons, the McDonald’s corporation could run for president. It was put to a vote by the board and approved by the vast majority of shareholders that it would conduct a pilot test of running for president. The same memo provided that, because money was considered speech, they could, in fact, provide a free small drink with proof of voting for Mcdonald’s. The election of 2008 was by far the most one sided election in the history of the united states. Under the new Party, Mcdonald’s ushered in a new era of corporate control.

Leading to what is now known as…


>> No.18425167
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>Every fuckin night with this guy.
I felt this

>> No.18425225

Fucking based. I both miss and don't miss at all that after shift decision on whether to get shitfaced with coworkers or not. I felt this in my soul. This is what I wish my burgerpunk felt more like.