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18393890 No.18393890 [Reply] [Original]

I realize the reading ive done until this day has been merely an act of skimming my eyes over lines of text. Now that I can actually read where should I start?

>> No.18393899

Wow anon you sound just like me! I use to have trouble doing all the rows and rows of basic arithmetic practice the teachers wanted me to do at school, but then the school counselor got me on Ritalin(TM) and boy that sure has helped! Its helped me focus much better and I now do all of my homework instead of those stupid drawings I used to be interested in (the drawings annoyed Miss Barker, but now she tells me I'm a good student all the time). I use to want to be an artist but now I think Ill follow my passion for actuarial sciences into university - theres always gonna be someone who needs their car insured. trust the system bros it works out great.

>> No.18393939

what you're talking about is definitely real. And yet, if it helped OP do what he himself wants to do (not what the system wants him to do), shouldn't that be celebrated?

>> No.18394086

I understand what you are insinuating but my inability to focus has distanced me from even the things i love(d) doing.

>> No.18394146

Do you know what kind of genres you like?
OFC I'm gonna reccomend my all time favorite in the form of The Count of Monte Christo but it's a pretty fuckin long read

>> No.18394157

Drugs should be avoided if they make you a bugman, but let OP use addy if it removes his bugman status.
Read books that are more discriptive.

>> No.18394209

At this point im feel like a clean slate, i feel like i can genuinely enjoy genres that i didnt care for previously, so anything. I tried reading the count of monte cristo in the past couldnt finish it, ill give a go at it now.

>> No.18394354

Flush that shot down the toilet right now I’m serious. It’s gonna fuck you up
In the long run. Guaranteed.

>> No.18394389


Enjoy the boost while it lasts.

>> No.18394413

Either lit top 100 (since we haven't created a start with the x or whatever yet for fiction)

Start with the greeks is a good option

Alternatively I recommend

These anons are retarded and watch too much yt but if you can I recommend trying to get ritalin instead. It's less strong more focus

>> No.18394415
File: 123 KB, 1200x844, eternal adhdoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon.
I have my final assessment tomorrow. Wish me luck
I fully understand the stigma with ADHD, with the big pharma cock suckers from the 1990-2010's miss diagnosing and getting kids hooked on what is essentially meth.
But understand Anon, ADHD is a very real and very serious mental illness.

>> No.18394515

Ive read only parts of Greek mhths and exerpts of pre socratics and plato/aristotles so now seems like a good time to try them again now that i have a fresh mind.

Good fucking luck i really hope all goes well for you, living with ADHD is like being half awake, except its lifelong if untreated; living with an engaged mind gives me new hope ive never had before.

>> No.18394576
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For the last month or two my adderall has actually been putting me to sleep.
The drowsiness is so powerful that nothing can keep me awake. I have had to take naps like an hour after drinking a Bang energy.
Feels bad man.

>> No.18394599

I took ritalin for a year straight and bits before and I've had no issues

>> No.18394611

Dont drink energy drinks or other acidic shit with adderall. Ive had that problem too since before i got prescriptions i need 1 or 2 energy drinks and coffee just to not fall asleep; had to quit eventually and painfully.

>> No.18394639

Welcome to the fold brother.
Since getting my ritalin it's like I can actually pursue my interests.

>> No.18395290

>Got diagnosed with ADHD, doc prescribed me adderall and now I can actually read


>> No.18397253

>now that I have abased myself, tell me what I should like
Culture of Critique
Turner Diaries
Mein Kampf

>> No.18397347

I definitely have adhd
But I am gonna just form a habit and try meditation fuck drugs bro I ain't talking that

>> No.18397399

I am 100% sure I have ADHD and it cripples my ability to do the things I want to do. I would absolutely try adderall or an equivalent, but bongland doctors refuse to prescribe it to me because i'm supposedly a functioning adult. What do I do?

>> No.18397411


>> No.18397432

mental illness is mostly a spook

>> No.18397433

The irony is that ADHD is more than likely something that stops people from getting into stuff like drawing. Drawing requires focus, and unless it triggers off that autistic hyperfocus you'll be making very slow progress.

Also, isn't it adderall that mainly turns people into machines, not ritalin?

>> No.18397451 [DELETED] 

If you want to draw try adderall.

>> No.18397455

I sometimes wonder if I had ADHD but then sometimes I'm ok with reading
Sometimes when I get obsessed with a text I'll read 200 pages a day but most of the time I can barely read 20, reading and then re-reading the page once I realise I have no clue what I just read

>> No.18397457

Meditation won't do shit for you. If you have real ADHD then it'll eventually grind you down, and you'll give in to taking the jew pills. Best way to minimise damage from side effects is to try coffee first, because it calms down alot of people who have ADHD. If coffee isn't effective or just makes you tired then you try using ritalin whenever you need it.

>> No.18397623

Go to mexico (or eastern euro) and ask for methylphenidate point blank. Don't dance around it, say you need methylphenidate for attention problems.

Can't get a passport? Use Silk Road but it's more expensive.

Avenue I haven't tried, they have online apps (like getcerebral, betterhelp) that you can use to see a psychiatrist who prescribes you meds. I don't know if uk has them or how this works but it's worth a shot. If not most countries are pretty straightforward no bs about it.

>> No.18397632

Every time someone brings up meds someone has to barge in and sperg about them turning people into zombies. I was kicking myself after actually seeing a psychiatrist because of how inconsequential most of the side effects were in return for the massive amount of control I gained over my life.

>> No.18397644

these cumstrings hate psychology and use the same npc arguments everytime
ignore em

>> No.18397669

That's psychiatry not psychology retard and psychiatry is a bit of a mess but pharmacological drugs have benefits and drawbacks. Ritalin is fine

>> No.18397711

Steps to cure "ADHD":
1) Stop drugging yourself with coffee or energy drinks.
2) Get good sleep.
3) Don't abandon anything you're not immediately good at, keep at it for a bit.
4) Stop dopamine-masturbating. Stop watching so many videos. You are watching too many and are drunk on them.
5) Put work before fun, that way you can have fun without feeling guilty.
6) Eat well, stay hidrated.
7) Understand your emotions and you will understand yourself, no longer frustrated by things you don't understand.
8) Yes you're lazy and retarded. Since you can't trust your own judgement, trust mine, and simply stop worrying about it.
9) Develop a good routine, that way you don't have to gather willpower to do stuff. If you always move at some speed, however small, it will be much easier to go fast than if you started from stillness.
10) Read your reminders retard.

>> No.18397734

Steps to curing anti-ADHD meds:
1. Try Ritalin or some med. It's life changing and extraordinarily helpful for anyone who has an issue focusing on a hard abstract task with intense focus for 3+ hours in a row.
2. Don't do it if you're a kid or have an "addiction problem".

>> No.18397853

How do you even focus on something for more than an hour in a row lol

>> No.18397855

This reminds me how the Indian slaves on the Spanish silver mines could somewhat survive the extremely ruthless slavery only by chewing on coca lives all day everyday.
If you need budget cocaine to survive your lifestyle, something is fucked up.

>> No.18397858

You don't. You work in ~30 min stretches with rest period in-between and switch tasks when bored to death.

>> No.18397878

I just drink soda and don't eat anything and I can study any new textbook for 3-4 hours pretty easily. I do smoke breaks only if I can't smoke and study at the same time. If it's very abstract work I can only squeeze out 30 minutes but I mean it's really abstract stuff and hard to rigorously check until I've actually got something going. So just cigarettes and soda. I don't chug the soda (drink a liter over the 6-12 hour study session).

>> No.18397901

>be celebrated

>> No.18397912

These posts are so cringe

>> No.18397932

Also keep notes. I get several good insights or avenues to try every day and it's good to put them somewhere.

>> No.18398008

didn't silk road get busted a while ago

>> No.18398038

It's come back in different iterations but you just check for which are running

They go off and on somewhat regularly so don't keep your money in there. You could find step by step instructions off youtube but idk any new ones.

>> No.18398106

>taking care of baseline health is cringe

>> No.18398564

doing all of that is made harder by having ADHD, you idiot. It's gonna be pulling teeth for as long as you're not medicated
>1) Stop drugging yourself with coffee or energy drinks
equivalent to 'stop taking sugar and it'll go away' type stuff parents tell each other; doesn't work. I've tried it
>2) Get good sleep.
time blindness, impulsiveness and hyperfocus can make it difficult
>3) Don't abandon anything you're not immediately good at, keep at it for a bit.
lower baseline dopamine levels make it harder to keep interest in activities that specifically aren't to your interest. that's what the stimulants are for; to get the dopamine back to average base level
>4) Stop dopamine-masturbating. Stop watching so many videos. You are watching too many and are drunk on them.
see above
>5) Put work before fun, that way you can have fun without feeling guilty.
see above
>6) Eat well, stay hidrated.
hyperfocus and time blindness make those harder to do
>7) Understand your emotions and you will understand yourself, no longer frustrated by things you don't understand.
poor emotional regulation is one of the signs of it, anon. yes, you can understand your emotions but when simple boredom can make one boil in anger, that's gonna need some extra help to work on
>8) Yes you're lazy and retarded. Since you can't trust your own judgement, trust mine, and simply stop worrying about it.
>trusting you of all people
>9) Develop a good routine, that way you don't have to gather willpower to do stuff. If you always move at some speed, however small, it will be much easier to go fast than if you started from stillness.
time blindness and lower baseline dopamine make it harder to keep to schedules
>10) Read your reminders retard.
doesn't stop me from ignoring them
If you've got a problem holding together your life, it makes sense you'd want to be able to get a clear head and working brain to be able to more easily tackle everything else. If ritalin works for them, it works
>taking care of your health is soulless
absolute state of /lit/

>> No.18398611

Only an ADHD loser would waste the time to write all this crap lmao. I bet you're on ritalin right now freak.

>> No.18398627
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The Agricultural revolution and its consequences was a disaster for the ADHD race

>> No.18398649

unmedicated actually, but thanks

>> No.18398674

Brits are a nation of farmers

>> No.18398716

Take your meds

>> No.18398954

This list also applies to Warriors/Soldiers/Combatants.
I believe that is why ADHD was passed down from our hunter gather days, as it was found quite useful in Wars.

>> No.18398965

Too bad it's useless today

>> No.18398971

Sam hyde wannabe

>> No.18398991
File: 188 KB, 1625x778, petro-dollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If current trends continue, maybe not...

>> No.18398992

Cringey chart. Patience is very important to a hunter. Communication among members of the hunting party was a main driver in the development of language. The ability to control the emotions is what makes a good hunter, not impulsively raging for no reason.

Just a bit cope for the adhd crowd - we wuz hunters!!

>> No.18399011

I'm not gonna read a /pol/ screenshot to understand the trends of society

>> No.18399015

>t. seething farmer

>> No.18399016
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Do so at your own peril

>> No.18399048

LOL, t.adhd mental case. Try to concentrate on getting rid of your stutter while the people without debilitating brain disorders go hunting.

>> No.18399062
File: 43 KB, 400x400, Necron's disaproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon you where talking to, but what sort of response is this?

>> No.18399141

Go check on the tomatoes and stop daydreaming

>> No.18399251

Wake up to my thread to see 0 (zero) recommendations thanks /lit/bros

>> No.18399366

Welcome to 4chan.
I'd be happy to here some too, considering I'm seeing a specialist to see whether or not I have ADHD. It's looking like I do.
I've heard good things about Ulysses, so I was planning on getting it to see for myself

>> No.18399406

Is this not you?

Read >>18394413

>> No.18399407

Checked. And I'm not lazy and retarded.
Those things is what I want to achieve. A healthy, well moderated life in which I can be free to reach my full potential.
I don't believe those are the cures for it though.

>> No.18399417

>doing all of that is made harder by having ADHD, you idiot. It's gonna be pulling teeth for as long as you're not medicated
Excuses, excuses....
We were all diagnosed with ADHD here. If I wanted, I could still go to the doctor get some Dexedrine or Ritalin. Some of us just have discipline and get their shit together.

>> No.18400336


> What do I do?

Lie. It's not difficult anon.

>> No.18400366


Faggot no matter what stinky little Timmy takes over time it's going to cause down regulation. Everyone who first takes Ritalin or Adderall as an adult feels like their ADHD is cured and they can read a book for 5 hours. You never get back to that point unless you take even more and then boom you've got a drug problem.

>> No.18400425

This is bait but yeah I've taken ritalin and literally never had to raise dosage. I actually lowered it from 10mg to 5mg because I just didn't need that much.

>> No.18400464


> This is bait but yeah I've taken ritalin and literally never had to raise dosage. I actually lowered it from 10mg to 5mg because I just didn't need that much.

You can take the same dose and still get a therapeutic effect but your first time taking it does not resemble your 300th time

>> No.18400536

I've taken it for a year. It's not a high, it just is therapeutic if focus is that

>> No.18400550

ADHD isn't a real thing. The reason why it appears you are 'cured' is because you are taking stimulants. I don't need to tell you that taking drugs over merely training your ability to hold attention is retarded. Especially when you haven't even tried.

>> No.18401032
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>ADHD isn't real.
It's real enough for me to get a tax break on it.
If those nigger loving leeches that make up the federal government are willing to take less money from me then it might be serious

>> No.18401400

How should one go about taking the recommended medication?
I don't want to become a robot or worst, get addicted to them

>> No.18401512

>It's real enough for me to get a tax break on it.
Wait what?
Is this true?

>> No.18401516

He’s probably a leaf

>> No.18401518

Take what you're prescribed and go lower if it's not light. It's not supposed to replace passion it just ties you in stronger.
This helps explain

>> No.18402127

Yeah, I'm a Leaf.
I was also surprised when I heard it.

>> No.18402147

What was your problem?

>> No.18402163

Hmmm so what's ADHD like? How do you know you have it? Is it one of those diseases only white people have?

>> No.18402182

Oh, and does anyone have one of the "Black Anon Here" images?

>> No.18402284

I have ADHD and struggle a great deal with it. Believe it or not (you probably won't), I am a smart person, a good speaker and a better writer. Ironically, I only read ~250WPM and often have the issue of reading and daydreaming, therefore retaining nothing. I have a really difficult time taking verbal instruction because I'm constantly analyzing my behavior, the other person's behavior, or thinking about something totally unrelated, and then give responses vague enough that no one knows I completely missed what they were talking about. Adderall didn't increase my reading speed much (although engagement and endurance are significantly improved), but it was truly life-changing for the latter issue.

>> No.18402288

How it's just basic common sense advice. If this sound "cringe" to you, you need to log off 4chan

>> No.18402300

Same. Really.
That is one of the reasons that it took so long for my ADHD to be recognized; I was always was smart enough to get by with my grades, and wasn't always "active" in the way you imagine someone with ADHD is.

>> No.18402740

Used to take ADHD meds.
It was cool because it made me feel high as fuck and cooming felt amazing. However, my shrink told me horror stories about people in their 40's who literally cant function without it, they try weening themselves off but they go into intense withdrawals. Its pretty tragic. So, i stopped taking them, which sucked for about 6 months afterwards because i was addicted to hell and even had dreams about finally being able to take them again.

Sure. They could help me read. They helped me focus in traffic. Being in a lecture didnt make my tears well up and nose start running from boredom. I could actually write long detailed sentences instead of the choppy ones i do now. I was on time to things, and had energy. But i decided in my heart it didnt want to be addicted to happy pills in my 40's, so i quit.

In actuality its not really that hard to do things if you do them right and actually have depth in what youre doing. This requires a lot of self understanding and trial and error, which im guessing most people who have ADHD cant handle (guess im just lucky?) but youll be better off.

So something to consider is that im pretty sure youre just addicted to feeling good. States of low energy are painful and depressing. Kinda sucks because actually developing a skill is painful and depressing. However, you can get used to it. This doesnt mean that the pain and depression will still be there, but they will take on new meaning. One of development and struggle. Kinda cool, and it makes you stick to it. But theres something else that causes you to stick through pain and depression.


Anything can be full of depth if you know enough of the details and context of what you want to learn. If you know the masters, the fools, the ins and outs, the journey and history of the craft. The skill of the job. The magic of it all.

Reading will be tough at first, but youre ultimately gathering information. When you binge youtube, thats the high you get, gathering info. Info increases depth too. Reading will be ESSENTIAL for you to stick to anything. Watching a 20 minute tutorial wont engulf your spirit as an essay written by one of the greats.

>> No.18402752


Take notes on what you read (Or watch, if its lectures). This is REQUIRED for DEPTH. This can be fun if you treat it like art and give it deeper meaning. Get a fountain pen (TWSBI Eco's are good). Get some ink (Noodler's is good if you want to support local business, in the U.S.). And get to writing. Watch some caligraphy videos. Watch some videos on peoples stationary. The more depth and meaning you YOURSELF put into it you will be glued for the rest of your life. Learning/Taking notes can instead go from a bland academic requirement to a full understanding of the universe. You will actually want to go to boring lectures and take long tedious notes.

Since im in uni i decided to go from Biology to Double Majoring in Physics and Mathematics. If it wasnt for my own search for depth within these foundations i wouldnt have switched. It just clicked that those things are worth studying for me. (I read a prelude to mathematics and a mathematicians apology.)

Only through study. /////STUDY.///// will you have enough fuel to push you through failures. If you have ADHD, really consider if youve been studying enough in whatever you want to do. Reading and Taking notes will help it stick forever.

>> No.18402809

Very insightful posts.

I think I have ADHD too but never went on meds, just learned to focus it across five thousand different projects and live like a fucking crazy wild man who is always doing something, picking up and dropping something else. The hard part is finding the right balance of discipline, like learning to deal with boredom and depression and finish projects and all that, and "beeing yourself," letting yourself be crazy ADHD picking up and dropping projects 3 times in a day.

If you do find that balance you can live a happy life. At least in my experience. That also requires learning how to get other people, colleagues and family members and partners, to tolerate and understand you, and reciprocally as I said with the balance thing, learning when you just have to man up and do things, or do them on time, even though it's "not in your nature" to do so.

Too much manning up crushes you and makes you ashamed of what you are. Too little manning up makes you an entitled bitch who never grows and learns his true potential.

I also think you need to stick with this process at a meta level, many parallel processes in one giant overall process you won't see until later, over many years. Then you become a crazy productive person, if you're lucky, although I still have my ups and downs, my shit periods where I'm spinning my wheels.

I wish there were more info on this, long term therapies that focus on integrating "mental illness" into larger structures that channel their energies and potentials rather than seeing everything from this atemporal perspective of "am I happy TODAY? Can I go home and enjoy what all my peers enjoy NOW? If not, I need pills to 'fix' me."

Maybe you are just going through an inevitably painful growth process that will take years and there is no "fix" because nothing is broken. Maybe you, on the other end of this process, will live a much more fulfilled life and the gift you have been given, even though it will cause pain in the short term, will actually be the launching pad for much greater joy in the long term. We will never know, because a shrink forced pills down your throat assuming that "not likey rick and morty = not enough blue chemicals in your brain."

Another thing that's wrong with almost all of us because of this sick "everyone deserves to be happy all the time, also everybody is the same so happiness needs to be a strict input-output thing, universally agreed upon" culture of ours is that we aren't willing to suffer for what we love and care about. If you care about astronomy, learn astronomy inside and out, learn so much astronomy that you burst out of every formal institution designed to "teach astronomy," transcend your teachers, transcend the parameters of teaching itself, become the field of astronomy itself. That's what loving astronomy is. Not taking one class a week on it, on the regimen designed for mediocre people who barely care.

>> No.18402861

You're just a fucking retard. If they gave a normal person amphetamines he would outcompete your test tube retard brain.

>> No.18403141
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Congrats OP. You couldn't swim, and instead of, say, learning to swim, you diagnosed yourself with Chronic Drowning Syndrome and got a prescription for arm floaties like an impotent little faggot.

>> No.18403153
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>> No.18403179

>Szasz argued throughout his career that mental illness is a metaphor for human problems in living, and that mental illnesses are not "illnesses" in the sense that physical illnesses are; and that except for a few identifiable brain diseases, there are "neither biological or chemical tests nor biopsy or necropsy findings for verifying DSM diagnoses."[5]

>> No.18403408

Great choice, Ulysses filters most beginners

>> No.18403418

>only white people
then this thread shouldn't concern you

>> No.18403425
File: 44 KB, 427x430, solve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if you ever wanted to know why the democratic system and crowd opinions don't matter, Ulysses only scores .1 point better then my local McDonalds, with the book sitting at 3.7/5 and the Macca's sitting at a 3.6/5.
Fucking plebs

>> No.18403456

If the tradeoff is worth it to you, then simply take the drug. What the fuck is the point of your statement? Even if you want to rebrand ADHD as "retardation", if the benefits outweigh the side effects let the retards take it.

>> No.18403482

hmm, needs more steroids. Don't forget to subscribe to my cumroad y'all

>> No.18403550
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>1) Stop drugging yourself with coffee or energy drinks.
I drink an entire pot of black coffee every single day because I love the taste of coffee. I also have a hard time reading more than 20 pages in a sitting. Related?

>> No.18403551

>issue of reading and daydreaming
>I have a really difficult time taking verbal instruction
Industrial society has convinced you that something is wrong with you for being a human being and not a bugman.

>> No.18403587

>I only read ~250WPM and often have the issue of reading and daydreaming, therefore retaining nothing. I have a really difficult time taking verbal instruction because I'm constantly analyzing my behavior, the other person's behavior, or thinking about something totally unrelated, and then give responses vague enough that no one knows I completely missed what they were talking about.
Absolutely me to a tee. How do I go about getting Adderall?

>> No.18403590

Nah man, I know where you're coming from, but I'm not what you think. The point is that my rather abnormal lack of focus on a set task impedes my ability learn via certain mediums (particularly of verbal variety). Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be rid of my 'handicaps' thoughtlessly; I'm a creative type and I'm not sure that I'd have the same sort of originality or flexibility without my ADHD.

>> No.18403623

>just drink water, sleep and exercise bro
Gee thanks retard, I do all of these and I still have ADHD. There's always some dumbass like you every single time this topic comes up that thinks you can just cure it with good habits. What you fail to understand because you don't have ADHD is that the ADHD mind is cut out for different things. No amount of self-help will enable me to do monkey tasks like pay attention in a classroom for an hour straight

>> No.18403753

I just went to my physician. Honestly I try to take it only when I know I'll need it and it's been great that way.

>> No.18403769

Not that anon, but that's how I heard it best used.
Only when long periods of concentration are necessary.
My problem is that the effects of ADHD extend past those instances, especially with hygiene.

>> No.18403921

this is ruining my life frens
procrastination, daydreaming is what I do the whole day
there are no hobbies in my life
there is nothing deep about my existence
how the fuck do I fix this

>> No.18404413
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based and well put
too bad OP is now going to become dependent (a junkie) and will come up with any rationalization under the sun to justify his habit

>> No.18404461

>the honeymoon phase is over and the reality of drug use is setting in
babby's first drug?

>> No.18404483

You fucking retards you are born with ADHD 9/10 posters here are rationalizing their coombrain behavior that is the result of over stimulation, do yourselves and favor and stop using electrical devices other than basic stuff like fridge or oven (lights do not count stock up on candles)
for a week to a month and then tell me you have """""""ADHD"""""""

>> No.18404493

Start doing things and don't immediately stop doing them when they get hard.

>reeeee, it's difficult to concentrate, I'd rather stop doing this than discipline myself!

FUCK YOU, it's difficult to do deep and meaningful things for everyone - put in the work!

>> No.18404496

The only thing wrong with you is that you're weak.

>> No.18404640

>you are guilty because you don't consider what (((we))) serve you worthy of attention
>now get off the internet!

>> No.18404657

If you don't think it's worthy of attention don't do it.

>> No.18404971

>cut off the nose to spite the face

>> No.18405137

Okay, so you do want to do it then? Then do it.
You just sound like a junkie justifying their drug use.

>> No.18405252
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why the fuck does retarded spergs on this board somehow arrive at the conclusion that having a mental illness and not being a cowardly faggot are incompatible?
Mental illnesses do exist, they vary vrom type and severity, but 90% of people with mental illnesses are pussies who are too scared to do treatment (which most of the time stems from a lack of courage to fight fear, also being stupid and having no planning and foretough plays a role in it)

This board needs to stop being fucking retarded and think in such black and white terms.

Meds can be a good and idea and also a retarded idea depending on the situation. Giving SSRI's to depressed people is a fucking meme but giving them to people with OCD makes much more sense. Also they're supposed to be a temporary solution while you train yourself to handle the illness without meds. If you keep taking meds your whole life (with the exception of much more hardcore illnesses like Schizophrenia) you only have yourself to blame because you lacked the courage to face the fears caused by your illness

>> No.18405358

>90% of people with mental illnesses are pussies who are too scared to do treatment
Well, when i asked for a therapist to help with my PTSD and schizophrenia, they simply told me "we're not trained to deal with it". I'd love to move on past it and have some kind of life but unfortunately nobody gives a toss and i'm not well enough to work or afford private care. God bless the NHS. This is why I didn't clap for them.

>> No.18405372

Most psychs are glorified drug dealers for teenagers who have parents that can't be bothered to raise them. They're woefully under equipped to deal with anything serious.

>> No.18405380

as I said, Schizophrenia is another class of mental illness and it isn't your fault, its a terrible illness and I hope you get all the help you need
If you only had PTSD I would say you had to face that fear but since you also have schizophrenia its a much more complex situation

>> No.18405565

I understand how short-sighted it is to tell ADHD people to 'just focus', but as far as routinization goes, it is possible without any medication. My adhd is severe but i don't allow it to interfere with fundamental responsibilities. I just start by adding one habit at a time.

>> No.18405577

based pragmatic optimist

>> No.18405817

do what?

>> No.18405875

I went through a period of addie abuse. At first you feel superhuman, elevated energy and motivation and concentration. Minimal need for food and sleep. I'd write for 12 hours a day. After a while you get diminishing returns and you need it to just feel normal. If you go off it cold turkey you'll be forced to deal with what is effectively narcolepsy for three or so days, sleeping all day and then waking up just as tired as you were. Your mind feels like its steeped in viscous sludge , your thought is slowed and depression seeps in. You eat mounds of food. It generally sucks. However in my case I feel like shit all the time anyway but if your normal resting state is healthy you will notice the disruption more. But if you were already high functioning you wouldn't be dabbling in speed anyway.

>> No.18405974

I dont get it isn't reading just reading the words? You read the sentences and maybe visualize or connect and understand the stream of thought of the author or whatever he's trying to convey but these are done naturally when you read the words. Is there more to reading than this?

>> No.18405998

Yes so don't abuse drugs.
This is a good success story but don'tt take extended release and ritalin is fine

>> No.18406008


>> No.18406024

Isn't working out just picking up weights? If you pick up 50lbs one day can't you pick up 100lbs in a week?

I really don't get what the argument is against taking adhd meds for ppl medically diagnosed with adhd. It's always a mix of "do it yourself" which is absolutely ridiculous in medicine or druggies who equate smoking meth and snorting 5 times a regular prescription as the same as taking 5/10 mg of ritalin a day.

>> No.18406189

The problem isn't taking meds, the problem is psychiatrists always trying to pump you with higher doses when you're already doing progress with a lower dose. Follow your psychiatrist orders but be skeptical and at the end of the day always choose your better judgement above the psychiatrist

>> No.18406425

I'm the Anon you replied to. I think you make good points. Regarding point 1, how long did you try? I have drank a few cups of tea or coffee in my life, and I'm doing alright. I rarely eat sugar too.
I may have the problem of time-blindness, I solve it by offloading remembering stuff to my phone. Although of course if you just forget reading your notes then it's not going to work. And about the interest part, I think you have to force yourself to do it. If you really can't, and the earlier things don't help, then do use the medicine that helps, that's for sure.

>> No.18406435

A fucking leaf

>> No.18406460
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>> No.18406467

I'm still waiting for the Anon to make the thread, but why don't you come take a look at our /pkmg/(personal knowledge management general) autist thread? We discuss ways to integrate a shit ton of information in the most optimal way possible, and we'd very much like more people to join in to discuss

>> No.18406484

That would be nice

>> No.18406498

I spend my classes drawing and stuff, I only listen when something that matters is being explained. I'm not saying ADHD exists, but I feel like some symptoms might appear in people that don't actually have it. If you can do some of those, it should be good for you.

>> No.18406522

>Stop drugging yourself
The problems began long before and remain even after clearing your system
>Get good sleep
Easier said than done when your mind is racing
>Dont abandon anything you're not immediately good at
I'm good at everything, staying on top of it and keeping it in your thoughts is the hard part.
>Stop dopamine masturbating
Generally good advice but that assumes anything gives dopamine anyway
>Put work before fun
Even fun is work. Trying to do things out of order though brings you to THE WALL
>Eat well, stay hydrated
A nonissue
>Understand yourself
Ayy lmao
Maybe that works for you
>Develop a good routine
That's like telling a paraplegic that he just needs to walk if he wants to get up the stairs.
>Read your reminders retard
I can write a million reminders, but it does me no fucking good if I forget they exist.

>> No.18406528

*doesn't exist, sorry

>> No.18406540

The bible. Pay attention to Judas. Faggot.

>> No.18406562
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>intense focus for 3+ hours in a row.
i can't even get close to this, do i have it anons?

>> No.18406568

I don't know if it would work for you for example, but it's good to turn off screens and start slowing down before going to sleep.
Have you tried scheduling stuff? I have this widget on my phone where for example every two days I have to do some exercise and in the days in between I read. I also have my study scheduled in such a way. This way I don't have to think about anything. I wake up and I see the schedule that has been decided for the day. Zero mental work.
Of course it won't work if you can't even remember your reminders. Not even if you have them on the home screen of your phone?
Following your analogy the paraplegic still has working muscles but they aren't receiving any signal. If you offload remembering and add them little by little it might be like electrocuting the body to produce motion and maybe at some point getting over a step

>> No.18406577

>he can't focus for 12 hours

>> No.18406585

I just got prescribed ritalin on Friday and it's been a delight not to feel like I'm pulling teeth just to make myself do the dishes or laundry.

>> No.18406824
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>> No.18407006

>Meditation won't do shit for you.
t. Diagnosed with adhd. Meditate for atleast 2 hours every day, usually 3. Can now concentrate for much longer than the average normie.

>> No.18407074

And all it costs is three fucking hours a day

>> No.18407965

Meditation is great and all, but try balancing with all the other shit you need to do in a day.
Not dissuading you, or anyone else for that matter from Meditating, but it's not a catch all solution for everyone.

>> No.18408044

you can take drugs then retard
it'll save you 3 hours

>> No.18409223

I'll check this out anon.
Thank you

>> No.18409238


>> No.18410033

Honestly you'd probably see good results with like 30 minutes a day, but idk I'm I'm that guy and I don't meditate

>> No.18410078

are these steps before or after I lift, delete facebook, and get a lawyer?

>> No.18410114

>doc prescribed me adderall and now I can actually read
Do Americans really?

>> No.18410128


your mind lives in the brain
the brain is an organ
an organ that requires an equilibrium of hundreds of substances to function properly
through genetical mutations, improper nutrition, or even direct physical damage the equilibrium can be disrupted, sometimes permanently
therefore it could be restored by the right amount of the right substances or even surgery, depending on case

If only you had over 85 IQ you could realize all this instead of just sperging out

>> No.18410379

>amphetamines make you concentrate and give you energy
No way. Who knew.

>> No.18410958

Its real enough for me to get 1300 buckaroos extra a month

>> No.18411337


it seems to me like the ultimate giga god chad is a genius who is not mentally ill

>> No.18411406

You don't get it. With ADHD you have no hobbies, and having an interest in something means jackshit. Video games, movies, books, friends, work, etc. All of it is just white noise in the background. You are constantly tired and yawning, and no matter how much sleep you get you are always half-asleep. Coffee actually makes you more tired. Pornography becomes boring very quickly.

Nothing stimulates you, the world is just a constant dream that you cannot wake up from. You watch as everyone else does things effortlessly while you constantly trip over yourself. Women think you're a freak because they catch you staring at them, in fact you end up staring at lots of people as you try to find stimulation in the world. You disappoint everyone you know no matter how hard you try.

You end up spending upwards of several hours every day just pacing around in your apartment, daydreaming. As time goes on the ADHD grinds you down. You end up becoming bald because you are so constantly stressed about accomplishing the things everyone else does on autopilot. You don't ever commit suicide and accept death because you're so desperate to see a conclusion to all of your work. Inevitably, one day you start daydreaming in the middle of traffic and some faggot drives his car into you.

>> No.18411420

You should take breaks between your prescriptions anons. I’ll usually take a two week break between prescriptions. It seems somewhat counter-intuitive but I haven’t had to increase my dosage since I started taking it about one and half years ago. Also do you take it every day our do space it out?

>> No.18411554

Just a reminder that ADHD is a broad spectrum diagnosis that has risen in direct relation to the decline in individual happiness in society, and that they’re medicating you to force you to act like an NPC when you are (naturally, organically) rejecting the bullshit system they’ve put you in.

>I and two siblings all diagnosed with ADHD in our twenties
>older brother on adderall became an asshole, always launching into broad explanations for the stupidest shit, interrupts constantly argues with me and my parents constantly telling me I’m wrong for having separate opinions.
>constantly loses focus can’t keep him on one topic
>older sister starts taking Adderal
>same problems but even worse, same psych that prescribed convinces her she’s a trannie
>becomes a militant sjw, constantly calling me a bigot and nihilist because I don’t subscribe to retard internet ideologies
>constantly bringing up argument points and losing her shit when people interrupt, disagree
>meanwhile literally no difference in personal life of either, living spaces are still shit, their lives still characterized by chaos and disorder,

I took speed for a bit at a psychs request too, brought me up to a 4.0 gpa but made my heart feel like it was about to burst.

Honestly I’d rather self medicate as a lazy stoner than get hooked on meth, even a derivative substance. I’ve worked with meth heads, and I honestly see elements of the behavior in my siblings.

God I hate my family.

>> No.18411602

That sounds like you have a shithole family rather then ADHD being a factor.

>> No.18411664

This lmao

>> No.18411708

Well put. That is exactly how I feel.

>> No.18411714

Point is they were both diagnosed and medicated for ADHD neither saw any improvement in the behavior it was meant to address, instead it compounded into more / worse problems. Worst of all now they’re hooked and won’t even consider giving it up.
The danger with a broad spectrum diagnosis like adhd is that they ( the shrinks ) will tell just about anyone that they have ADHD based on the most cursory data. Blindly prescribing meth to treat what isn’t a mental illness but a type of person is counter productive and serves to create humans who are wholely reliant on pharma for their needs and well being. End result of ingestion of Ritalin or adderal is a high, pure and simple, even if that high is productive it’s still addictive and gives diminishing returns thus, in the long term, counter productive.
Agreed, I can’t stand them and we all had fucked childhoods so it’s likely that what you say is true, but I’m not the only one here with a shit family that’s made worse by over medication.
I should add that I’m the most successful of my siblings despite being a decade younger than them and never having medicated for more than a month.

>> No.18411841

Then that sounds like a case of a shithole shrink.
You're from the States, eh? Because in Canada, ADHD is treated very seriously and in order to receive a diagnosis you need to be first recommended by your doctor to a registered ADHD specialist and then go through an exhaustive period of consultations with multiple specialists, and after all that the specialists then would take their findings and do a long term assessment lasting weeks before giving a final verdict.
You could try an intervention with your siblings, but at this point they sound like they're too far gone to be properly helped.

>> No.18412398

I drink heaps of caffeine and read 40 pages an hour. You’re just lazy, and therefore illiterate, or not reading things that interest you.

>> No.18412417
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>venting about your family and life on 4chan
I feel only pity.

>> No.18412552

I am interested by many things, but I cannot act to fulfill those interests

>> No.18413588

Not even mad though, I used to be like you

>> No.18413705

I have ADHD and I can read for long periods of time just fine. Anyone else or am I the only one?

>> No.18413725

I was found to have ADHD in grad school. Her conclusion was that I had already built up adequate coping mechanisms, so there wasn't much point in medication.

>> No.18413763

what kind of coping mechanisms did you build up? Whats your field of study?

>> No.18413811

I do fidget a little while I read tho

>> No.18414454

ADHD was actually ridiculed as "not a real disease" until 1968. When pharmafags decided they wanted to sell some fake drugs, it started to appear in kids after the introduction of the prussian educational system, where even an adult when imprisoned will start to have problems with attention, let alone a damn child put in a desk and forced to listen to boring repetitive brainwashing for hours, in an age where he must play, discover, ask and be curious about the world. TV and video games also fuck a child brain, i've seen a redpill orginally posted by a peruvian anon, about Alpha waves and Beta waves fucking with the brain of a child and reducing his overall attention, wish I could find it. Unless you have the type of ADHD that makes you learn anything random at more speed than regular people you might just an unfocused and lazy lad, maybe with some trauma.

>> No.18415149

This is a preschooler's understanding of ADHD.
The symptoms extend far, far beyond the classroom into a person's day to day life

>> No.18416453


>> No.18417541

If ADHD isn't real why does Adderall make me relaxed and focused while it makes normies spazz out?

>> No.18418127

how do I know if I have ADHD if I can't see a doctor for it?

>> No.18418130

Well, it's like calling mild mental retardation a "disease." It's only half-correct.

>> No.18418205

Adderall withdrawal is a fucking meme. Try going through benzo withdrawals. Then you’ll see what it feels like to take a pill to literally feel normal.

>> No.18418312

>neither biological or chemical tests nor biopsy or necropsy findings for verifying DSM diagnoses
This is disingenuous. While there may be no physical markers, mental illnesses correlate pretty well with certain physical injures/disabilities in ones environment or person (See: concussions, chronic isolation, childhood abuse, obesity, hoarding) to name a few.

>> No.18418770
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So, I wanted to provide an update for you guys;
I have been formally diagnosed with ADHD today. It feels... weird. Simultaneously relieving and embarrassing is the best way I can put it.

>> No.18418982


>> No.18419849

Self tests are a good start

>> No.18420540

Unironically this

>> No.18420598

That sounds like depression m8.

>take notes
>but first get a fountain pen
>nay, not just any fountain pen, but THIS™ fountain pen - and don't forget your INK™

Do Americans really.
And good/meme calligraphy is irreconciliable with serious studying. This is why shorthand used to be a thing.

>> No.18421860


>> No.18421864

A lot of the symptoms of ADHD are similar to depression, especially in terms of hygiene, work ethic, energy and personal perception