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18371356 No.18371356 [Reply] [Original]

Speaking from a purely literary perspective, what criticisms would you level at Elliot's magnum opus?

>> No.18371430

I think structurally, the descent into pure madness was powerfully recorded and emphasized. He was a tortured soul, laid bare to the cruel realities of human sexuality, of which he had not but the most rudimentary understanding. I was disappointed, though, that he made no sustained journey into his probable pornography addiction and/or deviant self-arousal techniques. How does a coital-less monster-in-wait sate their yearning phallus and most bestial instinct? Elliott left much to be desired.

>> No.18371470

Good analysis. I suspect a bimbo fetish.

It's a shame later shooters didn't leave more about themselves. Tarrant's manifesto was pathetic.

>> No.18371546
File: 228 KB, 1400x2142, my_twisted_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a better version for ya

>> No.18371622

It's pathetic how a mere lack of sex with women drives weak men insane. As if there weren't more important things in life

>> No.18371709

Mere lack of sex with women DRIVES ALL MEN INSANE. They are wired that way: either to fuck and spread their seed or kill and die. Also, everything they do in life, is to ensure them being able to fuck and spread their seed. They do not do anything just for the sake of doing that thing. They do all for fucking.

>> No.18371724

This is what a disregard of spirituality for the last 150 years has done to the mind of the average man

>> No.18371728

Its cringe

>> No.18371739

Have you ever heard of "the sorrows of young Werther"?

>> No.18371745

Pretty much. Once people start accepting the idea that the only purpose life has is to reproduce, those who can't are in for emotional stress

>> No.18371753

his prose is maybe too powerful

>> No.18371764

>the only purpose life has is to reproduce
It's even worse, most people don't even pursue sex for the sake of reproduction anymore but for the sole sake of personal material pleasure. It's bad.

>> No.18371775

There is no force, such as spirituality, to change the mind of an average man.

>> No.18371824

Can Elliot ever be topped? Will he remain the most eloquent mass murderer?

Inb4 Kaczynski, he's too impersonal

>> No.18371892

If it wasn't cringe it wouldn't be an accurate depiction of his character. What is captivating about the book is being able to experience the character of a mass murderer incelibate.

>> No.18371894

I don't know shit about this nigga but wasn't he rich? Lots of money = possibility to do many things = improve yourself quick and to the max. Was he just dumb?

>> No.18371902

question...this would be his manifesto then? any place where i can find it?

>inb4 google it bitch

>> No.18371925

Is it true Ellen Page chose her tranny name to honor Mr Rodger?

>> No.18372042

he wasnt rich like RICH. he was a middle-class son raised by middle-class, average people. and thats the interesting part about it actually. he lived a normal life but was quite the silent kid at the end at the class, always trying to fit in, always laughed at. kinda like us, sir, that are browsing this board.

>> No.18372448

Yeah not deluding yourself tends to lay bare cold hard reality.

>> No.18372598

he clearly had an aversion to sexual matters. The way he handles the subject is much more tasteful and interesting than just literally saying what shit he jerked off to, who cares? I find more interesting how sexual desire is more like a terrible and ominous force that is slowly creeping into his life and consuming him
>One friend who I met through a chat room suddenly emailed me pictures of beautiful naked girls, telling me to “check this out”. When I looked at the pictures, I was shocked beyond words. I had never seen what beautiful girls looked like naked, and the sight filled me with strong and overwhelming emotions. I didn’t know what was happening to me. Was it the first inkling of sexual desire in my body? I was traumatized. My childhood was fading away. Ominous fear swept over me, and I stopped talking to that person.
>Not getting any sex is what will shape the very foundation of my miserable youth.
>Finding out about sex was just the beginning of my horrific downfall.
He literally describes how he cried when he saw porn for the first time, as if he saw something terrible that he never should have. If he talked about his porn and masturbating habits it would just undermine these themes that he was working with.

>> No.18372622

it's not a shame actually, since most of the shootings after Eliot were politcally motivated and would just would have shit about muh jews and muh immigrants or whatever. That's what makes My Twisted World so interesting and unique.

>> No.18372650
File: 100 KB, 648x405, b1fw05t4yw7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rodgers is the fulfillment of sincere literature. So sincere in fact that he died by what he wrote and thought. Truly a poete maudit of the modern era.

>> No.18372665

>I am a sick man... I am a spiteful man. I am a hapa. I think I hate women. However, I don't know beans about women...

>> No.18372666

he was rich when he was a kid, but his parents divorced and his father went bankrupt after a failed film production. his family probably had more money than the average middle class person, but he lived among rich people in California so he felt poor and was a constant source of anxiety for him because he thought that if he got rich he would have sex.
Some of the more humorous parts of the book are about his obsession with winning the lottery.

>> No.18372670

this is unironically the only important work of literature to have come out of America in the last 30 years.

>> No.18372682

you can find it literally just by googling, you braindead retard. How do you even function on a day to day basis?

>> No.18372690

my biggest problem is that the prose is fucking terrible. he at least seems to have proofread most of it, but the actual quality of writing is just not good. when you combine that with that very stereotypically adolescent tone, the actual process of reading his drivel is not enjoyable, and that's before you start to complain about the content itself. a lot can be forgiven with even passable prose. elliot was not a writer.

>> No.18372696
File: 9 KB, 196x266, Celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it unironically reminded me of Céline

>> No.18372757

>Life is only material

>> No.18372786

simmer down freud

>> No.18372797

>Mere lack of sex with women DRIVES ALL MEN INSANE. They are wired that way: either to fuck and spread their seed or kill and die.
You are literally a mental eunuch. If it wasnt that way, we as a species would simply stop reproducing and die. Imagine disregarding sex as trivial when its bedrock that makes everything else possible by enabling life

>> No.18372815
File: 123 KB, 540x810, tumblr_47c7a86c51d02709b0fab934fc40baab_23ec42b5_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on upcoming manga adaptation?

>> No.18372817

you need to work on your reading comprehension skills

>> No.18372818

Publish your own version, then.

>> No.18372837

Sorry, I am tired. Wanted to reply to anon up the reply chain but then I mixed the two up. Fuck I really need rest

>> No.18372838
File: 91 KB, 1024x708, 624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fully realizing these truths about the world, I have created the ultimate and perfect ideology of how a fair and pure world would work. In an ideal world, sexuality would not exist. It must be outlawed. In a world without sex, humanity will be pure and civilized. Men will grow up healthily, without having to worry about such a barbaric act. All men will grow up fair and equal, because no man will be able to experience the pleasures of sex while others are denied it. The human race will evolve to an entirely new level of civilization, completely devoid of all the impurity and degeneracy that exists today.

>In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves would have to be abolished. All women must be quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society. In order carry this out, there must exist a new and powerful type of government, under the control of one divine ruler, such as myself. The ruler that establishes this new order would have complete control over every aspect of society, in order to direct it towards a good and pure place. At the disposal of this government, there needs to be a highly trained army of fanatically loyal troops, in order to enforce such revolutionary laws.

>> No.18372904

greatest philosophical text since the republic

>> No.18372933

Not many. Its truly a masterpiece. A crazy good read.

>> No.18372954

Felt very much like a shoddy high school English essay, very poor prose.

>> No.18373051

Dare I say it?

>> No.18373279

he's right you know

>> No.18373371

Id put down my life in service to saint elliot.

>> No.18373392

The reason why he wants to abolish sex is because he couldn't get any. No deeper reason to it. If he had actually believed in purity he would have been contient with being continent, but he would rather shoot up a school before doing that.

>> No.18373426

no, he wants to abolish it because he finally grasped the true nature of women and sexual dynamics and how fucked up it all is

>> No.18373743

Here's another (You)

>> No.18373790

There are plenty of people who fuck who agree with him. (me)

>> No.18374274

what does this mean can someone please explain

>> No.18374300

Is it actually worth reading?

>> No.18374312

>Mere lack of sex with women DRIVES ALL MEN INSANE.

Lol have sex

>> No.18374333


>> No.18374477

Yes. Its a very good read. Unlike anything else I have ever read. I read it in 2015 or something when I was still in high school. I could not put it down and read the whole thing at once. Its both sad and super funny. He is a sperg. But you feel kinda sorry for him. Wanting something so bad and never getting it. He is the undisputed king of Incel lit. His family's connection to Hollywood plays into the work quite a bit. Its a window into the lives of Hollywood D listers as well. Its a comedy and a tragedy. It also dives into Incel ethics and philosophy(if you interested in that kind of thing). Its one of the 21st century's most groundbreaking and compelling pieces of literature. If it was a novel it would made the author millions. I'm surprised it haven't been published as a physical book. I don't think the owner of the copyright would take you to court over it(if such person exists to begin with). You could make some real money, real quick doing it.

>> No.18374601

neither are mass murderers

>> No.18374619

>The reason why he wants to abolish sex is because he couldn't get any.
Yes, he outlines the haves and have nots, and how it is a corrupting influence on both, they are reduced to either pigs satisfied or dissatisfied, mere swine in the end, contemptible species. He offers to rise above, rather than demanding his caste be satisfied.

>> No.18375134

Eliot wasn't really eloquent, his writing style is very repetitive and simple (not necessarily bad things). He also talks in a lot of cliches, a lot of which he got from playing too much world of warcraft.

>> No.18375152

Everybody is trying to be "ironic" these days, so doing or saying something sincerely is "rebellious". He says that the definition of being rebellious is taking risks, and the risk taken by people who speak sincerely are that they will be boring.

>> No.18375159

the work in itself doesn't really have much artistic value, it's only groundbreaking or important if you take into account how the story actually ends in real life. It's only Rodger's death that elevates it into a true work of art.

>> No.18375161

It actually wasn't well-written at all and I read it to just enjoy how idiotic he sounded. Funny thing is, the diary of a retarded narcissistic is the ultimate fulfillment of sincerity, for how little that actually is worth.

>> No.18375184

Kill yourself you stupid, lying cunt.

Kill yourself you stupid, lying cunt.

Kill yourself you stupid liar.

So here we go again, even on a board that is supposed to be populated by slightly more intelligent people than most other boards: people invalidating other people's comments with the most retarded lies, like some true normie shit. Kill yourselves, not being able to come up with any better, more believable lies to invalidate other people's comments.

Have you seen his handwritten journals btw? I have, but I won't tell where they are as you do not deserve it.

>> No.18375204

You have had sex though, right?

>> No.18375210

That's why there's new age shit for the people afraid of a scientific and industrial world's reversion back to the base meaninglessness. Perhaps all of religion was written by schizos. If they're all in psych wards, people may frighteningly need to find their own purpose; worldly and beyond.

>> No.18375225


I mean, if someone assumes that it can not be found by g'ing it, that does NOT denote any level of retardation. It's a manifesto by a mass murderer after all. If you call a person assuming that retard you are CLEARLY LYING.

Fed up with this shit now. Luckily, in the real life you can punch the liars in their face, if you wish.

>I'm surprised it haven't been published as a physical book.
It was self-published, back in 2017, but I guess it's not being sold anymore. Someone with talent in writing should rewrite it, not telling what it is based on, and yeah, it would be a new controversial story praised by the critics and made into an independent art movie.

>> No.18375229

That is not what you were insinuating.


>> No.18375251
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You can hardly even find sincerity here. All sincerity is met by one of thede seething fucks. This place isn't a bastion of rebellian against the nornalfags but is rather the ultimate conclusion of normalfaggotry

>> No.18375254

>He literally describes how he cried when he saw porn for the first time, as if he saw something terrible that he never should have
Many such cases. I have no doubt that early exposure to porn is the biggest factor contributing to how fucked up young people are

>> No.18375312

>the work in itself doesn't really have much artistic value
I disagree. If it was a novel it would still be a groundbreaking piece of literature. In both terms of structure and content. The first person autobiography/manifesto combo is pretty innovative(as far as I know). The incel subject is just the icing on the cake. As I said before if it was just a novel it would be an instant hit. The killings harm its popularity in my opinion. They put the work in the public eye sure. But any established author publishing it would have had the same effect. Maybe I'm wrong on the last two points. But the first two points stand. I dare you to refute them.

>> No.18375547

There's nothing groundbreaking about it, neither the structure (it's entirely linear, the most common structure possible), the prose, or even being incel lit. As for it being an autobiographical manifesto, you do realize one of the most famous books ever is exactly that? protip, it was written by Hitler.
The killings doesn't harm it's popularity, it's actually the entire reason why anyone even cares about it. Without the backstory tied to it, it's no different at all than any random collection of /r9k/ from a few years back.

>> No.18375550

I have never seen anything that was not material.

>> No.18375558

*/r9k/ posts

>> No.18375564

I like OP's version better, it humanizes him to see him as just an innocent child before he goes down the way he goes down instead of seeing him in his twisted, meme-y self right away, such as your pic.

OP's pic makes me remember that he probably wasn't born with a gun in his hand and hatred festering in his heart.

>> No.18375578
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He was too pure for this world (pbuh).

>> No.18375592

you are just a retard that got angry for being told the truth. It's retardation and it's laziness, google search bar is literally just right there on top of the screen. Your mommy probably cleans your ass when you shit, but we won't do that for you here.

>> No.18375612

Is there any book that is the opposite of My Twisted World?

ie, a half Asian boy who finds acceptance from both by whites and Asians and lives happily ever after with his 10/10 white? Asian? gf and has 3 white? Asian? children. What would even be a happy ending in this case

>> No.18376078

It was honestly quite upsetting reading his book and realising how many formative experiences we shared: moving at a young age (and "remembering" more of our childhoods before the trauma of discovering sex), a childhood spent playing video games (particularly WOW and Warcraft 3), even as a child yearning and desperately needing companionship from girls

thank god I got my bone smooched and no longer care haha

>> No.18376315
File: 57 KB, 960x640, elliot sister fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think the bits about him splashing drinks on people and spraying them with super soakers were real, or were they just delusional Batemanesque fabrications?

>> No.18376477
File: 25 KB, 500x500, concerned stork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey settle down there buddy.

>> No.18376482

>since most of the shootings after Eliot were politcally motivated
Not really, most shootings are niggers blowing each other away for drugs or trivial matters less than $100- oops, I mean because of how life is sacred and black lives matter

>> No.18376546
File: 96 KB, 669x294, elliot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love the part where he describes his sister getting banged
truly a peak /lit/ moment (see pic)

also why has no one linked it yet?

>> No.18376587

I visited UCSB for a week and I understand his madness to a small extent. Being a socially awkward hapa virgin in a place like that must be soul crushing. Its literally all stereotypical chads and stacies partying and having sex. Sex falls from the sky there. So living there and not getting it is double distressing. He should have went to UCI or UCSD with the other studious and low key asians

>> No.18376642 [DELETED] 


>> No.18376650

Don't know what this is refencing. I'm just a guy in california that has friends in all the UCs and spent time in them.
UCLA and UCD was my favorite. My UCB if it didn't exist in Berkeley(shithole)

>> No.18376913

>Tarrant's manifesto was pathetic.
Low IQ take

>> No.18376922

>greatest philosophical text since the republic
This is satire

>> No.18376934

The Republic wasn't satire. You're thinking of The Prince.

>> No.18376943

delightfully based take.

>> No.18377027

On the surface it's entertaining, but eerily so. The writing isn't anything incredible, but it's better than you might expect. On one hand it's funny to watch the world through his eyes because of how woefully inept he was. This was clearly the result of deep-seated mental issues (autism, narcissism, possible bipolar), NOT just le incel Hapa. On the other hand, it gets progressively more unsettling as you progress with the foreknowledge of how it ends. MTW is a uniquely rare read, as it gives you a window into the mind of a young man who becomes progressively more insane and eventually violent. I don't think it represents incels as a whole at all really because of how much ER's own problems led to his attack and death. He echos many complaints that incels usually have (in one form or another), but took a highly entitled, emotional stance on them as opposed to the usual self-hating pessimistic angle of most incels. I recommend you read it, it's fun.

>> No.18377034


>> No.18377132

How long is this book, can I read it on my iPad from DuckDuckGo?

>> No.18377153

His writing is terrible.

>> No.18377171

The only kino part of Tarrant’s manifesto is when he is visiting the cemetery in France and the parts about Ebba. The rest is pretty generic

>> No.18377322

see >>18376546

>> No.18377323
File: 63 KB, 1356x1200, cheating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tarrants manifesto was pathetic

>> No.18377369


>> No.18377376

He's a really good writer but the work is too autobiographical

>> No.18377385

As do all humans, Sigmund.

>> No.18377401

>sir Elliot filtering plebs in heaven
Holy based

>> No.18377439

It has become that

>> No.18377449

I just turned 22 yesterday haha

>> No.18378372

there is an mde sketch based on this

>> No.18378380

>2015 or something when I was still in high school

>> No.18378381


>> No.18378681

you can practically order sex online now just like a pizza or an amazon trinket. Elliot should have just waited a few years for technology to catch up to inceldom.

>> No.18378963

we are obviously talking about notorious mass shooters, numbnuts, not a random niggers killing each other for their next crack fix.
Examples, Brenton Tarrant, Dylan Roof, Patrick Crusius, the guy who shot up a gay club, etc.

>> No.18378982

That's something he would never had done. Paying for sex would have been an insult for him.

>> No.18379001

You just restated what he said

>> No.18379389

The only way to untwist this twisted world

>> No.18379722

Thanks boss. Will read this month. I love manifestos, having read Tarrants and Teds

>> No.18379733

He certainly set a high bar

>> No.18379810

Don't forget Breivik, argueably he's the best one

>> No.18379853

I dunno. When he devoted a large amount of his "manifesto" to talking about world of Warcraft it was pretty cringe.
He had all the attributes to become a chad, except half of his brain didn't evolve past the age of 12.

>> No.18379871

I think that future shooters are at an unfair disadvantage. In 2014, Elliot's manifesto could be widely shared, but by 2019, anyone sharing Tarrant's manifesto would be arrested. I think it was even jail time for those who lived in New Zealand. I doubt we'll be allowed to see manifestos anymore

>> No.18379874

> purely literary perspective

Is not a piece of literature.
Just because something is written in text or is in the form of a book didn't mean its literature.
The user manual for my car is 300 pages long. It's not a piece of literature.

>> No.18379954

>I formed an ideology in my head of how the world should work. I was fueled both by my desire to destroy all of the injustices of the world, and to exact revenge on everyone I envy and hate. I decided that my destiny in life is to rise to power so I can impose my ideology on the world and set everything right. I was only seventeen, I have plenty of time. I thought to myself. I spent all of my time studying in my room, reading books about history, politics, and sociology, trying to learn as much as I can. I became a new person, furiously driven by a goal. My torment would continue, but I had something to live for. I felt empowered.
>I began a daily routine of walking to Barnes & Noble in Calabasas every day, where I would spend hours reading books that ranged from biographies of powerful leaders, histories of significant periods, self-help books, philosophy and psychology texts, and historical fiction novels. I sometimes even spent entire days there, from the time it opened to the time it closed.
the supreme gentlemen is /lit/, well it's most likely larp considering all the time he spends talking about dinosaurs movies and WoW but never talks about any of the many book he supposedly read.
the manifesto almost reads like satire of the incel mindset, he straight up admits he formed his worldview around his lack of sex, is only what can be described as an entitiled brat in most of his childhood and beyond, everything he does is to be popular, etc. There even are secondary characters who are virgins but not bitter like him

>> No.18380056

/lit/ is particularly bad for this. Not for the lack of people willing to have sincere discussion but for the aggressiveness of the shitposters. It's why I tend to limit myself to mostly lurking.

>> No.18380097

is that world of warcraft thing true? What's with incel shooters and that game?

>> No.18380119

the complete lack of self awareness is what makes it so good. No pretensions whatsoever, a work of hyper sincerity that almost no writer at all could ever hope to emulate consciously as self-awareness is a distinct characterisitic of writers.

>> No.18380140

You can read it very easily, google shows the complete manifesto, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.18380167

It was incredibly milquetoast and vague. He just pointed out a few things that were true, said they were bad, and then gave no solution.
I agree with this take

>> No.18380180

of course this place can't be sincere, why would you or anyone expect that? The main aspect of this site is it's anonymity, anonymity inevitably breeds insincerity.

>> No.18380199

oh then I am a stupid, ignore me

>> No.18380296

>anonymity inevitably breeds insincerity.

>> No.18380331

On the contrary I am most sincere when anonymous. Many bad experiences as a kid have left me terrified of being open with people. I don't need to worry about the response to my openess here.

>> No.18380336


>> No.18380632

the fact that you need to hide behind anonymity makes you wholly insencere, that's the whole point. That's why someone like Rodgers is sincere, because he laid bare his soul with all it's humiliating, cringe,and horrible moments, and signed it with his name, and enacted what he believed in in real life. You on the other hand are not being open at all, you are hiding because you fear the response of other people.

>> No.18380638

just take a look at this site, that's all the proof you need. Sincerity here is the exception, not the norm.

>> No.18380718

Not in New Zeeland.

>> No.18380821

Thats what i said. I am insincere in person but sincere when anonymous

>> No.18380861

you are hiding because you fear being judged by other people, that's inherently insencere, fear of being genuine. You are being hypocritical, you basically have two personalities, you are duplicitous, that IS what you are saying, how is that sincere?

>> No.18380876

you are not even being you, because that real you only exists once you get rid of your identity.

>> No.18380934

I have the same personality in all cases. To some I hide it, to others I show it. I don't think being afraid to express myself is the same as being insincere. I'm not lying about anything

>> No.18380974

>I don't think being afraid to express myself is the same as being insincere
it amounts to the same. As I said, you can only be yourself when wearing a mask, which is literally the opposite of being sincere. It's not a matter of personality.

>> No.18380998

Well thats an interesting take then. Desu I've been thinking about that lately. I declared to myself just last week that I will start being sincere with people going forward, but I realized that I would be an extremely unpleasant person to be around. Half the time seething and the other half in anguish. I'm too old to be emo now. Maybe it's better to just keep lying.

>> No.18381064

You know, your rage would probably be less impotent if you weren't impotent

>> No.18381181

I think his fixation on sex and women was not the true item of his resentment. Rather, he suffered from a total alienation from society which he and many young men struggle to articulate. He just fixated on sexuality. Maybe it was because he was young. Maybe because that was object of obsession. But even if he achieved all he could possibly dream in terms of sex, he would still be alienated.
Arnold Toynbee would call this the "internal proletariat." The objects of their perceived alienation is not necessarily equal to the true cause of alienation, thus it comes in various forms. Compare Eliot to Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski. The latter I think was the closest to articulating his alienation.
This facet makes Eliot both a laughable yet begrudgingly relatable person to many young men here, which leads to a satirical appreciation of him. He comes off as an archetypal faggot, a true loser, primarily because of how he articulated his alienation through women. He was delusional, as the perpetual whiner seems to be. Yet, the feelings of alienation were not themselves nonsensical.

>> No.18381379


>> No.18381388

Why are so alienated bros. Do I do this to myself?

>> No.18381550

>Tarrant's manifesto was pathetic.
glownigers lack creativity after using all there ideas in making pop culture

>> No.18381796

i'm neet virgin and 22.

>> No.18381906

my nigga just vibing

>> No.18382046

He overwrites his entire manifesto, both in terms of verbose descriptive prose and also he tries to set a removed academic tone through using too many words. Do you admire someone for a prolix suicide note? Of course not, but as a last indulgent vestige it is perhaps excusable. Roger's dumbfuck ramblings, wherein he includes embarrassing anecdotes like spraying people with a super-soaker filled with orange juice in order to vent his incel rage and listening to his younger sister have sex while he's lamenting his own virginity, doesn't warrant the same indulgence. In practice, he was such a bitch that, despite the fact that he hated black people and was spiteful towards all women, half of his victims were asian cultural half-breeds like him. Hard to get more embarrassing than that.

>> No.18382157

holy basded