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18361492 No.18361492 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that modern public intellectuals are worthless parasites?

These people are completely disconnected from reality and common people, living in and preaching from their ivory towers and basically never contributing anything to society or suffering any consequences for being wrong. They are also extreme elitists with huge sense of self importance.

>> No.18361504

Only you consider them to be intellectuals.
To the common man, theyre literal who's.

>> No.18361508
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>steps out of his grave to go onto zoomer breadtuber podcast
>remember kids, vote for Joe Biden

>> No.18361517

honey, we have Joe Rogan scheduled next

>> No.18361530

they're not intellectuals, they're self-help gurus and opportunists.

>> No.18361632
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Peterstein is a deluded shabbos goyim gate keeper and I think he legitimately believes his own bullshit.

I have this thing where if anyone talks shit about Hitler I instantly discredit all their ideas in my mind as absolutely useless. There are very few exceptions in the case of maybe people providing raw data I can then use to support National Socialist Rhetoric.

The case remains is that ive learned to deeply distrust and investigate every internet celebrity perporting enlightened ideas or esotercism because if they dont come to the same conclusion that the world is a bad place because of jews+illuminati and they shit on Hitler they are ultimately stupid and havent done their research or they are deception agents for the system providing chicken scratch.

My basic idea is that the crisis of the modern world is entirely based on the fact the west believes in the lies of the jews and have demonzied their saviour turning WWII into a corrupted tree of death.

The entire crux of why the world is a shitty place is because the zionist jews are working to bring about their prophecy at the expense of everyone else and the entire philsopgy is based on a lie. Even if they create some sort of pseudo paradise of transhumanism it will really be a hell where people are unable to perceive the lie and the degeneracy because the truth will be entirely censored.

I mean when I read about Hyperborea and the Agarthian science I can scantly percieve how advanced we could become but we are living in the dark knight of the soul where humanity is living in terrible ignorance and slavery.

I genuinely think the Jews are a deranaged and evil people regardless of the illuminati they must be removed from power like Hitler did for humanity to ever have a chance. Its horrifying to comprehend that we might be in a timeline where good lost and we are really heading towards a nightmare abyss beyond comprehension because god allowed it to happen.

I mean this in the sense that in Miguel Serrano's Ultimate Avatar book he says the jews will worship AI as their messiah and use it along with robot blood to enslave humanity. He also said they used mass hypnosis to trick people into believing the lie of the holohoax. All of this is absolutely true and terrifying.


We need Hitler or some sort of saviour to come forth and save us from the Skynet demon. You have no idea how bad things really are.

>> No.18361665


>> No.18361698

The only thing more insufferable than them are America's lost children who turn to them out of desperation for a father figure.
I wouldn't mind the idiots of society so much if it weren't for their parrots who shriek at you the moment you so much as imply anything bad about them.

>> No.18361711

Peterson is even more insidious than Chomsky because he appeals to earnest conservatives while preaching ineffective strategies against the left

>> No.18361739

That's just the nature of conservatism itself.

>> No.18361750

Even most of the conservative apparatus is just as much of a con as the left at this point, no one gets any representation despite this so called democracy

>> No.18361756

What's scary is that Peterson is a hundred times the free thinker and dissident of almost any other professor.

>> No.18361788

Correct. Conservatism per se is a negative sum game for anyone who thinks they can "advance" the conservative agenda. Something that is inherently static can never be advanced.

>> No.18361794

Not really. He's still a boomer neoliberal puppet. Chasing fame from speaking out against something that has only been trending for less than a decade isn't dissenting. Especially not when he is still in support of globohomo corporations and limited workers rights.

>> No.18361796

I think Chomsky is good for raising awareness on issues but is ultimately a liberal, and maybe controlled opposition. I think Peterson is a fucking retard cuck.

>> No.18361805

That's the guy's point. It's scary because despite the fact that he is still not really challenging anything significant, he is still actually raising major points against intellectual staples that have become the norm (mainly gender equality, which is an obvious farce designed to lower labour value), as well as the commonly held belief that everyone in power is evil and manipulative.

>> No.18361810

>Real dissidence is Marxism!
Yeah, ok dude. How much trouble has any communism "dissident" professor gotten into for advocating your genocidal ideology, versus how much Peterson got into for saying there aren't 72 genders?
The fact that no one in power is threatened by you guys gives the lie to your entire ideology.

>> No.18361814

Thats not what I said, retard. Not even remotely what I meant either.

>> No.18361869

Except Peterson was a practicing clinical psychologist who worked with thousands of clients over a 30-year career. Say what you want about his public intellectual status, but he affected more direct person-to-person change for the better than most people on here ever will. (He was also a damn fine professor when it came to scheduling office time and meetings with him. He took that role very seriously (I was there). Discounting even his relationship with graduate students, he had a lot of personal impact by always being available to undergrads).

>> No.18361880

Your entire post was full of Marxist presuppositions from within Marxist frame. Don't try to pretend like it wasn't, and don't try to sneak Marxist frame onto your interlocutor like you guys always do. "Hey my fellow GLOBOHOMO haters, don't you just wish the corporations would stop forcing globohomo on us to prevent the worldwide proletarian revolution? Man the capitalist class sure comes up with all kinds of crazy ways to suppress the one true faith of Marxist-Leninism, huh?"

>> No.18361897

More bullshit. Don't put me into a shoebox you daft cunt.
Left or right, the public intellectuals are clowns put there for a purpose.
Peterson is not fighting against any establishment, he is just as much a tool for the globohomos than some cunt like kamala harris or whatever.
Just because I speak out against one idiot doesn't mean I'm in support of the other idiots.
Don't ever reply to my posts again you idpol brain rot dumb fuck.

>> No.18361939

Notice how he doesn't respond to a single thing I said.
You can always spot the covert Marxist by the use of terms like "neoliberal", "workers rights" and "idpol." They pretend to agree with you, while subtly shifting the conversation away to Marxism.

>> No.18361953
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>workers rights is immediately marxist now
tradcath niggers are technocrats larping as traditionalists

>> No.18361958

Notice how this anon keeps calling me a Marxist for absolutely zero reason other than I called Peterson out as being a kike puppet?
Marxists are more retarded than Peterson fanboys, but you are still one stupid brainwashed cunt.
Go slave away for some kike for 40 hours a week and don't complain because daddy Peterson the neoliberal boomer protestant puppet says it's the natural state of man.

>> No.18361962

What kind of things would his students meet him for?

>> No.18361999

Not "zero reason." How fucking stupid are you? I literally said Peterson was a puppet myself, so that's obviously not the reason. It is so weird how unable to read my posts you are.
I said you are a Marxist because you keep slipping in Marxist arguments, using Marxist shibboleths, and in general sounding like a Marxist. Are you NOT a communist/ socialist/ whatever, of any sort? Yes or no? At this point I am beginning to wonder if you are even human.

>> No.18362009

the only 'marxist' argument I could have made is saying that mega corporations don't care for workers rights.
which is a correct statement regardless of what type of politics one subscribes too.
are all the lads on pol shit posting about amazon cages also Marxists?
come on man

No I am not a socialist or marxist
I do not subscribe to any kind of politics
I hate politics. I just see shit as it is

>> No.18362026

It's funny, because Chomsky has a quote where he basically says the exact same thing as Kaczynski here.

>> No.18362032

I don't believe you, but whatever.

I imagine with some crucially different implications.

>> No.18362042

>When did you realize that modern public intellectuals are worthless parasites?
not long ago, t.bh. i thought that there were some valuable discussions to be had, but, as it turns out, it's too sanitised out there to actually foster any genuine debate. what we have now is just playing. i don't even think it has much to do with how disconnected they are from common people either

>> No.18362058

Top kek

>> No.18362138

Both of you just fuck off back to /pol. You sound like a schizophrenic arguing with himself.

You're both fucking pseuds.

>> No.18362139

wow. one decent and not uncommon thought in a trash treatise. apt description of peterson tho really.

>> No.18362155
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I do anon.
However, I don't believe that a Hitler like figure will rise up to prevent a collapse like we saw in this timeline in Germany.
The entire purpose of the establishment media, and by extension glowniggers, is to prevent such a figure from rising again, via indoctrination, online surveillance, honeypots, social pressure etc.
It will be through the collapse that this figure to rise and develop. Until then, he will lurk in the shadows, oblivious to the greatness that he has.

>> No.18362163
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Not the other anons, but found the shill.

>> No.18362268
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Here's a (you) for being correct.

>> No.18362301

Except they sound like a schizophrenic standing on a street corner, recounting an argument he had in 1987.

>> No.18362507

>These people are completely disconnected from reality and common people, living in and preaching from their ivory towers and basically never contributing anything to society or suffering any consequences for being wrong
>reality and common people
I suggest you end yourself for being a retard

>> No.18362512

They're all just trying to make some money off morons who give it to them. No shit.

>> No.18362530

I'm an ESL, but I thought it was obvious from the get-go that "public intellectual" is a political designation, not an intellectual one? You guys call researchers at universities "academics", or if they work in a practical field, like law or engineering, "professionals". "Intellectual", to my knowledge, never not meant, since the days of the creation of the term during the Dreyfus affair, anything else but an unorthodox crossover between lefty talking heads and journalism.

>> No.18362534

praise kek

>> No.18362545

Hitler is shit, Zionism is shit. What you gonna do now nigger?

>> No.18362548

yes anon
I lurk in the shadows
I am out there

>> No.18362554

He was an absolute mental retard who ruined Europe and made sure it will never be home to white people again in the next 1000 years. He should have listened to Mussolini.

>> No.18362565

Jews say this because as a racial group they have a pre-disposition to schizophrenia.

>> No.18362585
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beatings is what you deserve

>> No.18362623

At least Chomsky knows his stuff. Peterson does not even read. Which is weird case he is the guy that tells other people to do their homework, to be charitable to their opponents...etc, but he clearly has no idea what Marxism is, he has no idea what post modernism is, he has not read the scientific literature in regards to climate change. What a retard.

>> No.18362642

I remember when my history teacher during the classes on WWII talked about how nazi Germany and the Soviet union where awful places run by awful people but when he hit Mussolinis Italy he just said that it actually wasn't that bad of a place to live in and that it wasn't nearly as oppressive as the previous two. He even showed us different propaganda from each country and while the Nazi propaganda was all about the superiority of the aryan and the Soviet propaganda was all about how work sets you free or whatever the Italian propaganda was just about how cool Italy was and how they had nice beaches and cute women.

>> No.18362664

I assume it doesn’t apply to himself. He’s a faggot.

>> No.18362764

Mussolini didn't even want to start the war and all of his racial laws were given to appease germany, because they were the superior military force. Had there been no Hitler, we would be living now in comfy Futuristic Roman Empire

>> No.18362770

can we up the mimimum posting age on this board to 26 please?

>> No.18363024

>When did you realize that modern public intellectuals are worthless parasites?
this has literally ALWAYS been the case at any point in history

>> No.18363539
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what a fucking hack,

>> No.18363560

>When did you realize that modern public intellectuals are worthless parasites?
When Foucault raped Chomsky live on camera in a second language.

>> No.18364106

What's your point?

>> No.18364189

give me more

>> No.18364292

>tfw 25 years and 9 months old
So close

>> No.18364304
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Why do people think that this milquetoast, namby pamby liberal centrist is some kind of far right radical fascist or something?
He is the living embodiment of middle-of-the-road classical liberal boomerism.

>> No.18364334
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>this wimpy effeminate little faggot who can't go five minutes without crying thinks he can teach zoomers how to be real men

>> No.18364335

Anyone who goes against the narrative is a freaking nazi!!!

>> No.18364342

>I have this thing where if anyone talks shit about Hitler I instantly discredit all their ideas in my mind as absolutely useless.
incredibly based

>> No.18364346

>He is the living embodiment of middle-of-the-road classical liberal boomerism.
True, therefore the fact that he is so villified should tell you everything you need to know about our culture's decrepitude.

>> No.18364351
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He is literally the opposite of nazi. He works for the UN and Trilateral Commission and supports third world immigration into the west. He also hates white identity and nationalism. He spends half his time defending Jews and bashing anyone who mentions the JQ. He cries about evil postmodernist neo-nazi boogeymen in every video.

>> No.18364357

He is evil, but not for the reasons the leftoids say. See >>18364334

>> No.18364364

>Why do people think that this milquetoast, namby pamby liberal centrist is some kind of far right radical fascist or something?
NYT, VICE, Vox, student activists, university professors and administrators...

>> No.18364388
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I've never read anything by JBP and haven't watched any of his videos.
But culturally speaking, I think he'd make an interesting suicide.

>> No.18364556

It's all a farce, anon. Just theatrics to funnel the normies into a certain paradigm. In reality, Peterson is on the same side as the media, student activists, academia, etc.

>> No.18364578

He’s not a nazi just a deranged charlatan. This is the guy ranting about lobsters. His talks are all the same shit just an incoherent mix of neuroscience, spirituality, some bullshit about dominance or hierarchies being wired in the brain cuz “lobsters & shit”, and then a sprinkling of Nietzsche that he clearly barely understands.

>> No.18364584

Yes, but he goes against the narrative, ergo nazi. Idk if you have seen this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLnP0nJLl0E

>> No.18364614

Despite everything I can't help but like Jordan Peterstein

>> No.18364621


>> No.18364761
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>Jordan "I can't do it" Peterson
>Jordan "It depends on whacha mean by truth" Peterson
>Jordan "What do we mean by white?" Peterson
>Jordan "It's kind of like evidence" Peterson
>Jordan "Most of my friends are Jewish" Peterson
>Jordan "We should support Israel because they are a shining beacon of liberal democracy in the middle east" Peterson
>Jordan "no nations, only individuals" Peterson
What a fucking hack and a fraud
Did you know that he also supports feminism and pedos?

>> No.18364778
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In his self help guru books he says you should always tell the truth. But when the real questions come up he ALWAYS cucks out.

>> No.18364798

JP even agreed to use the tranny pronouns. He is a spineless worm and never stands his ground on anything.

>> No.18364809

I've known it for some time.

>> No.18364823

They are a joke. These debates are like listening to two dumb middle schoolers being retarded. And these are so-called "intellectuals".

>> No.18365011

Disgusting post. Neither of those people even remotely fit that discription. Let me guess, you're either some anarcho-cringefest chapo fan, or a schizo moldbug reader that's assblasted by the ethernal btfo delivered by these two to the extremists children on either side.

>> No.18365034

gatekeeping faggot

>> No.18365036

Around 2018

>> No.18365047

neoliberal tranny. You are as bad as the leftoids and marxists

>> No.18365063

You shouldn't project your boogeyman onto everything

>> No.18365071
File: 546 KB, 556x361, Capture_750135ac-5c83-4207-b32b-1f2a85be579c_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Marxists pretend to be against neoliberals when they are all on the same side and have the same agenda?

>> No.18365101

He's worse. He's winning. And will always be winning until the end.

>> No.18365140

No. You are just too stupid/ unwilling to hear the arguments.

>> No.18365158

You just sound retarded here. Like every hysterical lefty. I don't like Peterson but the things you are mentioning are very simple.

>> No.18365167

>this is the level of this board

>> No.18365172

Centrists and classical liberals are cowards with no balls and no spine. People like you have continuously ceded more and more ground to leftoids and progressives over the decades.

>> No.18365174

Not a projection. Obvious Marxist arguments. If someone is going around talking about global Jewry, the Elders of Zion, the holohoax etc and I call them a nazi, it is not "projection" even if they deny it. If someone is going around talking about class consciousness, proletarian revolution, etc they are a Marxist whether they admit it or not.

>> No.18365176

But it's true. You both ultimately want the political and social liberation of the individual. You both are Enlightenment fags.

>> No.18365179

Peterson's argument is that the mechanisms for heirarchy are ingrained in nature, they can even be found in lobsters, which are millions of years old. Lefties pretend/ refuse to understand this and say stupid shit about 'ranting about lobsters.' Which is what your post read like.

>> No.18365189

Not only that. Commies agree with or submit to every bit of SJW nonsense and every progressive axiom. They are functionally no different, except the commie has slightly worse economics.

>> No.18365200

This is a very one dimensional observation. I also read anons initial statement. It did not posess a single claim that is exclusive to marxists. He then goes on to deny marxism. Thats enough for me to not get caught up in a label game

>> No.18365211

Peterson is a lukewarm cuck and he couldn't even stand his ground on something as basic as the made up tranny pronouns. He agreed to use their dumb pronouns.
And he refuses to address the JQ and condemns anyone who mentions it. He is a coward and shill and a grifter.
He also supports feminism (just an older type of feminism and not the current kind) and he is a pedo enabler and a globalist.
Just admit that you people are retarded cucks.

>> No.18365213

It had obvious Marxist frame and axioms. That the neoliberal capitalist class made up globohomo to suppress worker's rights. That is Marxism 101 even if he is just a dupe who doesn't realize it. Every subsequent argument was the same.

>> No.18365217

Man the people in here really can't read at all.

>> No.18365219

>That is Marxism 101
It really isn't

>> No.18365243

Apparently YOU can't read if you think Juden Peterstein is a based conservative hero or something.

>> No.18365295

It's because he likes to imply radical positions only to then retreat from them without ever clarifying his actual position. Like he complains about not being allowed to hit women, so people get the idea he wants to hit women. (which he will then of course vehemently deny)

>> No.18365307

When did he complain that you are not allowed to hit w*men? That sounds way too based and redpilled to come from him.

>> No.18365381


>> No.18365445

He didn't say anything radical here. He didn't advocating beating w*men and he made sure to do his usual individualist argument about how "not all women are bad :)". All in all I think that was very safe, lukewarm, and cowardly.
Also, did you knowing that woman he is talking to in the video is a pedo enabler and a feminist? And JP agrees with her views by the way.

>> No.18365472

That's exactly what I'm saying, he's complaining about not being able to beat women, while being vague enough to retreat from it whenever he wants.

>> No.18365486

Very dishonest portrayal you are doing, and I say this as someone who thinks Peterstein is a fucking pseud hack fraud. He is just pointing out how it socially acceptable to hit men but not women and that gives women social power. You have to be a deranged leftoid faggy sissy boy to be offended by this.
As always, however, Peterson doesn't go far enough. He is a coward and a kosher shill!

>> No.18365519

So you think that men should be hit, but women should be coddled and never face any consequences?
Or do you just think that no one should ever be hit? What is your position here?

>> No.18365539

I don't think he really wants to or would ever hit women. He is a sissy bitch boy like you. He is just pointing out how men and women are treated differently.

>> No.18365546

I think the whole idea that communication is based on the ability to get violent is stupid. (Would you not have respected Steven Hawking, because he can't fight you?)
I don't think organizing protests against you is a valid reason for violence against people, no matter the gender and I'm sure the truth is neither does Peterson. If the person organizing that stuff was a man, do you think he'd walk up to him and start a physical fight? Of course not, he just wants to complain.

>> No.18365620
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They are like Mao's Students. Little more then Attack dogs enforcing their master's will.

>> No.18365640
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Modern secular liberals are literally gnostics and they don't even realize it.
They think they just have a neutral, unbiased, objective worldview. They couldn't be more wrong. They are not even aware of all the flawed presuppositions that their paradigm assumes. They see the world through a lens carefully crafted by the banking elite and secret society occultists that filtered them into a certain way of thinking.
I will give you a very simple and obvious example: trannies. It does not get more gnostic than this. Mutilating and destroying their physical body to become what they think they really are supposed to be on the inside. As if the soul and the body are completely separate and have nothing to do with each other. And in this modern world you are expected to be a tranny enabler or you will be cancelled. Gnosticism is the mandatory religion of global homos.

>> No.18365685

Cute kot

>> No.18365788
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>> No.18365800

>the things you are mentioning are very simple
I understand what he says, it's just that what he does say is incoherent. In particular the strange combination of evolutionary psychology &/or neuroscience with a vague spirituality that he never commits to.

He has no beliefs. Like any other charlatan at best you might get some vapid truisms out of him like "take responsibility for yourself" But you could find those in any garden variety pop self-help book.

>> No.18365886
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This desu! Peterson is 100% pseudo-intellectual gay cuck!
I think that Jay Dyer is too soft on Peterson but he still does a really good job of tearing apart Peterson's dumb, logically inconsistent, incoherent, midwit tier worldview.

>> No.18365911
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Peterson's philosophical knowledge and depth is babby tier. The guy is just a new age guru cashing in on an opportunity to take money from depressed zoomers.
The worst part is what an anxious, depressed, neurotic mess he is himself, crying all the time like a woman, and yet still having the nerve to pretend to teach zoomers how to be proper men.

>> No.18365950
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Disturbingly apt.
They are the perfect examples of the Hylic

>> No.18366040

Slippery slope is real.
They're even blatantly enabling pedos now.
In five years, conservacucks will be saying that they're ok with pedos and trannies, but it's just that bestiality movement that is taking it too far. And within another five years, they will have conceded to that too.

>> No.18366128

>earnest conservatives
Couldn't be farther from the truth.
He appealed to disenfranchised teenagers who got burnt out on the zoomer fantasy version of occupy, GamerGate, and then again on MAGAites. His claim to fame was literally a 10 minute clip on youtube where he "BTFO" some college kids in the most limp outrage that any respectable academic would never even humor, much less enable in a direct confrontation.

Then follows a series of other viral marketing videos where he similarly "BTFO" a myriad of irrelevant people meant to be stand-ins for the identarian left, championing the identitarian right with a twist of pseudo patriarchal wisdom. The "moderate" /pol/ crowd ate up all his platitudes and it got him a great book deal for bringing practically nothing new to, well, anything. He was a textbook con artist in a digital marketing age.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he and all the other so-called moderate right wing commentators or figures, a la Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Sam Harris et al, used the viral marketing craze of over-gratuitous 5 minute clips showing someone wash the floor with a complete nobody to indulge alt righters and incels in feeling some semblance or moral superiority while simultaneously bashing the moral grandstanding of their leftist counterparts. Complete ahistorical nonsense.

>> No.18366146

Disagree where this guy is coming from, but he makes some valid criticisms. In particular I thought this line was spot on:
>we've got this conflicting sort of mish mash of psychological analysis of the bible and lets find some archetypes in the bible but I'm also going to be a classical liberal. And if I debate Ben Shapiro I'm going to talk about how there's a kind of God out there.
Peterson is all over the place. It's like if you blended some Christianity, evo psych, and a dash of existentialism together. It makes no sense at all. It's especially ironic how he criticizes postmodernism all the time while fanboying Nietzsche the guy who often described as the founder of postmodernism.

>> No.18366150
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I can't wait for the collapse.
I'm sick of this shit.
As a great man once said;
>"Capitalism and Bolshevism are two sides of the same international Jewish Coin."
The hard truth is, there's nothing left to conserve.

>> No.18366171

Yeah you are basically correct, except you got a couple of details wrong. Peterson is not identitarian right, not even moderately. Half of his con is bitching out strongly AGAINST any type of right wing identitarianism, white nationalism, etc.
The only identitarian thing about him is he supports Israel.
And the other thing is /pol/ hates Jordan Peterson. For the reasons I just described.

>> No.18366189

Nietzsche had some extremely valid points on combating the creeping nihilistic hell scape that he foresaw.
I wouldn't call him the founder of postmodernism. More so the first man to write about it's effects and how to content with them.

>> No.18366201
File: 663 KB, 1594x1518, Yidmann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people on /pol/ who remotely like Peterson are the "Two more weeks before the God Emperor Trump saves us" faggots.

>> No.18366209

>The hard truth is, there's nothing left to conserve.
Not only is that true, but conservatives have never conserved anything. Neoconservatives are at least blatant in their reactionary dogma, the new "sincere" alt-right don't even have an identity to conserve so they have to resort to this absurd, performative, constantly forming identity where identification is both everything and nothing to them. And this only benefits the conmen who make money giving $2 fatherly(tm) advice wrapped in outdated sensationalist polemics.

>> No.18366222
File: 20 KB, 500x500, tired1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hit the nail on the head.
It's all so tiresome

>> No.18366247
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Cuckservatives are part of the (((dialectic))) just like the libshits and marxoids.

>> No.18366260
File: 117 KB, 613x821, burger conservatism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People already saw this same thing in the 1800s. Just change a little bit of the terminology and this could have been written today.

>> No.18366297
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You will notice, anons, that in all those debate videos between Jordan Peterson and some generic nobody SJW, Peterson never ONCE even hinted at the idea that MAYBE people people shouldn't be allowed to be trannies and that traditional gender roles are good and natural and just part of biological reality. NO, nothing lile that. His "argument" was simply that tranny pronouns should not be enforced by law.
You see, this is the con game he plays. By making the discussion about mandatory pronouns, he has already conceded that these perverts have the rights as individuals to be trannies if they want to. He has shifted the discussion to a place that is safe and kosher and not too edgy.

>> No.18366299

I can say with all the displeasure that I can recall a time on /pol/ where Peterson was the hot new thing. Everyone was sucking him off because he seemed to have the courage, as an academic, to stand up for campus shenanigans that was popular at the time. I don't recall the other dude's name, the guy who got kicked out of his own lecture hall by some black students protesting whiteness, but it made the news and was one of many similar stories at the time.
They got on a bunch of podcasts, made entire careers out of being pariahs in predominately leftist academia, and for that alone /pol/ was ready to buy their bullshit, wholesale.
It was only later when they "sobered up" that they found out Jordan Peterson, in fact, was not a nazi nor was he a big fan of Adolf Hitler, so they dropped his ass for the next conman, and then the next, and then Trump, and we're still seeing the effects of this disenfranchisement to this day.

None of these people will ever concede that they ever supported Peterson or that they once thought Ben Shapiro was the foremost rightwing orator, but luckily we have all the evidence we need in archival form, and every one of those insufferable viral videos.

>> No.18366357

Maybe "postmodernism" was a bit vague on my part. Many later postmodern philosophers certainly drew from Nietzsche quite a lot. Like later postmodern philosophers Nietzsche was a perspectivalist, skeptical of any universal truth that exists outside of perspective. The exploration of how language and power determine meaning is also similar to Nietzsche.

>> No.18366429

>He was an absolute mental retard who ruined Europe and made sure it will never be home to white people again in the next 1000 years. He should have listened to Mussolini.
Listened to him about what?

>> No.18366695
File: 173 KB, 700x827, Wojak1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I initially did. Back when I was a bright eyed nu-conservative coming from a aggressively liberal household.
To say my views have changed since then is a understatement.
Understood. That makes more sense then.

>> No.18366704

holy fuck do you people not understand pragmatism?

>> No.18366834

That looks a lot like my cat, I think she is norwegian

>> No.18367039

They look like the wood elves of cats!