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/lit/ - Literature

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18341606 No.18341606 [Reply] [Original]

What a colossal pile of shit.
Completely irredeemable, not a single good poem in here that works beyond buk's tortured chad fantasy alter ego.

>> No.18341617

the talmud

>> No.18341642


>> No.18341779

Any Brazilian regional novel (i.e., ''let's talk about poor idiots from the back ass of nowhere and how landowners are evil'') is the worst book anyone's ever read.

>> No.18342432

jews bad

>> No.18342689
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>> No.18342731

Definitely Romans in the bible

>> No.18343940

>landowners are evil
Ok, this is based

>> No.18344205

yeah, it would be better if he wrote all the same poems but from the perspective of a dickless academic, like philip larkin

>> No.18344624

damn, too much soul for you to handle?

>> No.18344643

Unironically yes. Larkin was hysterical and refused to self pity despite his despair at being an old man.
Buk's poetry is a million branched doodoo cope tree from a seed of daddy issues.

>> No.18344712

I agree and I like a bunch of bukowskis other stuff. The rooming house madrigals and burning in water drowning in flame are way better. His fiction tends to be better than his poetry (except for women. Same tone as dog from hell)

>> No.18344858
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Frankly a miserable, dry book with nothing but boring anecdotes from a shitty life. While I did feel for the main character's struggle, the vast majority of the content of this book was not emotionally relevant, but rather the minutiae of his daily life. I suppose this is to educate us more fortunate folks on every single detail of what it's like to grow up as an illiterate immigrant, but instead it simply hindered the flow of the story and made it feel very mundane.

>> No.18344890
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One of the worst pseudo-profound books ever written. It's literally video game tier.

>> No.18344978

Anyone else forced to read this in school?

>> No.18344986

>landowners are evil
but they actually are

>> No.18344987
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forgot to include image. I went to an inner city school and the reading list they provided turned me off to literature altogether until recently.

>> No.18345084

these are bots. Most likely programmed to respond with some stupid remark upon being called out. Watch and see

>> No.18345118

definitely, i made a mistake and had to post a second time with image yet somehow it knew what book I was talking about?

>> No.18345121

A book written by my proffesor in uni about digital marketing. By all means and standards it was a bad book.

>> No.18345162

Ethan Frome
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Hannibal Rising
Jude the Obscure
The Res Badge of Courage
A Separate Peace
Read that in high school. Utter tripe. I had to read another book from her in college, Woman Hollering. Thank God it had Spark Notes online.

>> No.18345670
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>> No.18345729

Whatever. All those novels are filled with clichés. They add nothing. Even if everything in Marx were correct, 99% of Marxist literature would still be superfluous repetition. It's also a perfect ingredient for rich vs. poor 19th century melodrama, as well as an excuse for bad writing (''b-but people talk that way in real life, bro, I swear I could have written better if I wanted!").
Also, don't mistake landowners in South America with millionaire apartment-owners in Manhattan. Most landowners here are probably not much richer than you, and some are likely poorer. They're often just farmers who saved money, or their heirs, although there are some old barons too, from families that became rich during colonial and imperial times (and who are usually friends with the state and vote for left-wing parties who favor protectionism, funnily enough).

>> No.18346106
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if i were filtered as hard as u, op, the last thing i would do is make a public proclamation about it to let the world know not only how stupid u are, but u also in fact have no soul

>> No.18346223

Lmao bukowskifags have to meme in response to any criticism of the pseud king. Tell me what is actually good about love is a dog from hell and i'll suck your dick.

>> No.18346229

Why do these kind of fags even define as "scientific" and "objective" and why is it good?

>> No.18346234

u wish

>> No.18346241

You can't defend him because he is indefensible.

>> No.18346376

Not me, but some of his shit is unironically funny. It's also nice to have someone who speaks for the slums as an honest sleaze and isn't just LARPing it (like the beats).

I also liked the stuff he wrote after he became famous and well-known (Slouching Towards Nirvana). "Who the fuck are these people and why is being recognized/comfortable so fucking boring."

You can say what you want about literary quality and the fact his takes are shallow. But it's confessional poetry and he's upfront and honest about everything. That's the point.

>> No.18346393

P.S. I don't want you to suck my dick (so don't try). Maybe just stretch out and suck your own instead (you an even talk to yourself about how shitty Bukowski is and how smart you are for figuring that out while you do it)

>> No.18346440

I enjoyed this blog post on Bukowsky:

>Bukowski would seem to be the antithesis of everything I enjoy in poetry, but not wholly so. I would put it this way: I don’t go to Bukowski for his way with language. Bukowski writes lineated prose, but so do the vast majority of contemporary poets. What I love about Bukowski is that he has something to say and he’s a story teller. He’s a narrative poet in a sea of poets whose poems are the poems of affect—having neither narrative nor having anything to say.

Here’s the full post (by the way, this guy has some great posts on Shakespeare, metaphors, blank verse, imagery, and other subjects):


>> No.18346645


I'm pretty sure you are talking about my great-great uncle. Can you give the name(s) of the author(s) you are refering to?

>> No.18347264

i think bukowski was nothing if not up front about his problems with his father, that's basically what "ham on rye" is about

>> No.18347795

Jorge Amado, G. Ramos, and many others, up to this day. Who's your great-great uncle?

>> No.18347936

If i should view it as confessional poetry (which i probably shouldn't since the whole chinasky persona exists, but maybe buk only erects it to shield himself from criticism) then the problem becomes the content. If i'm to believe LIADFH is bukowski then why should i wade through the pedophilia poems, ubiquitous and distractingly terrible line breaks, and "o well, i'm just so terrible you gotta love me" attitude that bleeds through almost every poem here?
If it is confessional poetry it's wallowing poetry, poetry that reinforces the speaker's self pity rather than creating somebody new and better out of it.
If it isn't and it's a character, then it's a poorly constructed fantasy who i can neither empathize with or care for in any way.
Not to mention this is filler: the poetry collection.

>> No.18348254
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>If i should view it as confessional poetry (which i probably shouldn't since the whole chinasky persona exists
Stopped reading right there because you're a pseud and don't know what constitutes confessional poetry as a genre. Learn more, post less.


>> No.18348281

Atlas Shrugged
El Club de los Abandonados

>> No.18348295

Yawn. Who cares, go jerk off to buk jerking off at teens he couldn't molest

>> No.18348319
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Dont do it
>what the fuck was that ending

>> No.18348326

Her arm and body looks like a limp dick with balls

>> No.18348338
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>Yawn. Who cares, go jerk off to buk jerking off at teens he couldn't molest
Go read.

>> No.18348342

The exact same ending as Norwegian Wood (but way less satisfying because Sputnik Sweetheart sucked).

>> No.18348352

>shit taste in poetry

>> No.18348388

at least norwegian wood ends with toru getting a slice of that milf action

>> No.18348412

You're the pseud who had to have Bukowski explained to you (I don't think you're ready for better stuff). Start with the Wikipedia article.

Read. Seethe. Read.

>> No.18348417

>shit taste in poesy

>> No.18348420

The moral of Norwegian Wood: if you hang around with crazy girls long enough you're bound to get laid (but it probably isn't worth it).

>> No.18348422


>> No.18348425

Teacher used to spend entire classes reading John Livingston's Seagull. Let's just say that there's a reason kids get turned off from literature.

>> No.18348676
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>> No.18349081
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Piece of shit

>> No.18349156
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Dumb favelaposter did not read his school books, learn to understand your culture before posting your opinions

>> No.18349206

god, i was thinking about this book the other day. had an english teacher who was obsessed with it and i still have no idea why. all i remember is how much it annoyed me when jonathan kept calling sullivan "sully" even though sullivan never gave him permission to do so