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18328594 No.18328594 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?

What book does explore this phenomenon?

>> No.18328598

I always thought manchild was lack of independencr

>> No.18328607

They are just having fun anon
If you are ranking people based on what they do in their free time and superiority takes over yourself because you read muh Philosophy, then you are the manchild for havjng this worldview

>> No.18328648
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Go ask /pol/

>> No.18328657

low social success > escapism into fantasy worlds > stunted psychological growth

There you go OP

>> No.18328666

You have an extremely modern presupposition that anyone is entitled to behave in whichever way one wants provided he doesn't criticize anyone else's choices.

This was supposed to be a freedom of conscience ethics that went rogue by prioritizing individuals above the societies that create, educate and nourish them, which leads to said societies deteriorating into an atomised mess, the unity being split into small collectives that can't compete with actually dead-serious, intolerant and authoritarian collectives given free reign over that mess. Leading to communism-nazism-neoliberalism-whatever ism du jour.

Basically, individualism equals totalitarianism. When societal cohesion deteriorates enough for most people to become isolated micro-communities or worse still a mass of loners, those that maintain their cohesion with most ferocity are given free real estate to impose it in the most direct and inhumane ways possible.

>> No.18328695

Hey thats the big tit amerimutt

>> No.18328707

What a faggot

>> No.18328722

Nothing new, people only grow up as much as they have to.

>> No.18328723

Infantilized consumers end up consuming more and thus making more profit. It's also interesting that childhood seems to be ending earlier and earlier while adults remain teenagers until they reach their 30s.

>> No.18328809

I don’t want to over-analyse what is basically just people with gay hobbies but I guess I will.

We live in possibly the most emasculated society to ever exist. This is not to say it is women’s fault but our leaders have absolutely zero use for masculinity anymore. From birth we are taught subservience and to always turn inwards in looking for problems. How can men ‘assess themselves’ and determine what they need to do better to embrace emasculated norms. All men have an inclination of this, some try to put forward a fake, manufactured and ultimately sterile masculinity as you will find in many gyms. Others (like man children) will just completely accept the status qou. In short, Masculinity needs SPACE to thrive. Not necessarily actual physical space but an environment which fosters healthy discovery of true masculinity.

Yes, I’m basically re-iterating what BAP said, because he’s right

>> No.18328968

There is nothing inherently good in masculinity.

>> No.18329015

These people are wholly dependent on their first world existence.
Fat disgusting fuck.

>> No.18329023

Masculinity is the only inherent good, actually. It is the single arbiter of virtue in this forsaken World.

>> No.18329024

What causes that red discolouring around the chap's mouth? I believe I've seen it more than once on reclusive dorks.

>> No.18329036

Men literally forged the world as we know it in to existence. Men are creaters, warriors and the main driving force of history. Young men, for time immortal have changed history, conquered land and delivered riches to their societies. Masculine energy is the motion of history

>> No.18329146


And yet, Satan, these dorks go out and have fun with friends, and you don't.

>> No.18329153
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I sometimes think this when I go past the Warhammer shop and see all the smelly neckbeards inside playing with their hammies. At least they have each other..

>> No.18329162

I think their brain chemistry got altered by vaccination. (Unironically)

>> No.18329263

Masculine is opposed to feminine; masculinity is to be regarded by itself: it's not a relative term.

There have been, I would say, no societies in which a feminine perspective is superior to that of a masculine one; yet there are a great many instances of where a superfluity of masculinity has retarded advancement; Rome, for instance.

>> No.18329269

I play vidya to talk to friends and shoot the crap for a while.

>> No.18329290

God, imagine the smell. The gasmask girl says it all.

>> No.18329308

>behind a gas mask but still lacks the confidence to look at the camera

>> No.18329333
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>another seething pseud thread

>> No.18329345

All those wires give me anxiety. To answer your question, I think the way society has “grown” over the past 100 years has basically given less responsibility to men and the acceleration of the lack of testosterone in the modern male has a large part to play in this too. Nostalgia for childhood things and the lack of direction causes them to carry on playing their video games, watching their marvel flicks and reading their genre fiction, they’re escapists who are too weak for real life

>> No.18329346
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>/pol/ is more diverse than the pro-diversity ideologues that despise them
Gets me every time.

>> No.18329347
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He looks like he's rethinking his life choices. That aside, I don't think such things make men manchildren; it's their attitudes that do. I read a little genre fiction, play vidya, watch Star Wars, but I don't watch anime or cosplay; this is because it makes me happy, it brings me comfort and reminds me of a simpler time. But I'm not a fucking faggot about it. And, because I'm not a fucking faggot about my hobbies, I'm not a manchild.

>> No.18329359

Obsession with "maturity" is retarded and the mark of a weakling. Stopping yourself from enjoying things because they're not "adult" enough is more pathetic than the most stunted manchild

>> No.18329363


>> No.18329380

“Television is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome.”
- T.S. Eliot

A complain T.S. Eliot had about modern society was how people seem to exist to be entertained, to forget themselves, to be lost in time. This is no hedonism, however, as this is no pleasure, but both the absence of pleasure, pain, and thought — like the activity of our thoughts when watching television.
Now the capital lives on entertainment, and there is hardly anything beyond this. It is not only acceptable to make use of entertainment all the time, but it is expected, and you will be consider weird for not engaging in the same entertaining activities. This is promoted through the media, by those who control it — buy our products, cheaply produced, but with excellent profit.
You cannot exist IN society, without becoming a manchildren, in one way or another.
But, it is ultimately good to remember that whether you're in one side or another, it's not trivial if one is objectively better. People may dislike "manchildren" for philosophical reasons, as much because they represent a culture in which they wish to participate but can't, so willingly reject it and call it evil.

>> No.18329389
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>> No.18330039

"Manchildren" are just a bogeyman that people deploy when they need to denounce something but have no arguments. They don't actually exist.

>> No.18330049

>1 white person
Checks out

>> No.18330056

>t. manchild

>> No.18330068


>> No.18330076

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.18330077
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>NOOOO you cant criticize someone who has fun

>> No.18330083

>They don't actually exist.
Look at OP’s pic, you've already been refuted

>> No.18330089

You can but it's pointless
You're just seething at someone who doesn't care or know you exist

>> No.18330102

should i read this?

>> No.18330112

You've been refuted by the fact that people continuously invoke "manchildren" when they have to attack something but lack any arguments.

>> No.18330113
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Several reasons I’m sure, but mostly they stem back to capitalism

>> No.18330117

No one knew who the painter was until his seething became louder and louder

>> No.18330125

Manchildren don't drive society into the ground through cunning schemes involving usury so your analogy falls flat

>> No.18330145

>Men are creaters

>> No.18330200

>muh capitalizm
fuck off faggot problem is letting subhuman trash like you exist if we killed all of the degenerates and faggots, your communist utopia would actually be viable

>> No.18330486

>Uuuh, let p-people enjoy t-things, Chud!

>> No.18330517

>written stuttering to make a "point"

>> No.18330708

I would ask what the point of masculinity is in the modern world. Other than completely artificial circumstances like professional sports and bodybuilding, it's main use is in low-prestige jobs involving schlepping heavy objects from point A to point B. Even in war the primary roles are requiring less and less physical strength and courage as the years go by, and what will become of men when we have robots to move our furniture for us?

>> No.18330714

From the fact that men were important in the past, it doesn't follow that they are important now.

>> No.18330716

Who's the semen demon with scoliosis in bottom left?

All people are children until faced with mortality.

>> No.18330720

>it's main use is in low-prestige jobs involving schlepping
Ask me how I know you're Jewish. Go back to watching BBC hypno, sissy

>> No.18330722

I hate to break it to you, but I'm not Jewish. You don't need to be Jewish to use Yiddish loanwords.

>> No.18330740

>masculinity is having big muscles
Part of the reason there is a "crisis of masculinity" is that basically nobody, for or against, has anything but the most superficial idea of what it is

>> No.18330744

Oy vey I am not Jewish, this nose is large for it is fortuitous to catch air; this hair is curled for it is grand for keeping the hair warm; these lips are full for it is to taste life; these eyes are beady for counting co-- counting children at play!

>> No.18330746

OK, what is the point of men then? This should be a thing that men do better than women, and ideally not some accidental circumstance like they know the names of more professional footballers.

>> No.18330758

Very funny, but no I'm not Jewish.

>> No.18330763

Ok (((merchant))).

>> No.18330767

>Why do they read genre fiction
Their choice is YA fiction or MFA fiction. Guess which one is more enjoyable.

>> No.18330797

>What is the point of men
Pretty much everything that involves creating, analyzing or optimizing. From political, to scientific to technologic and creative endeavors. Women make up a minority that very rarely produces anything worthwhile.

>> No.18330810

Lack of meaningful identity and purpose, IMO. From their perspective what does the adult world have to offer that isn't tedious and painful? A lot of people don't want kids, don't like or care about work, and don't have a group or whatever to subsume into.*

I don't think it's that different from aimless young dudes being sucked into hate movements. It's just that in this case it's entertainment.

Did I use subsume properly? English isn't my first language. Thanks!

>> No.18330869

I can accept that, but most men aren't creating anything worthwhile, meanwhile women perform better in school, are less likely to break the law or behave dangerously or irresponsibly, and are more motivated in the workplace.

>> No.18330888

The word "virtue" is literally built from the word "vir", meaning "man/male"

>> No.18330899

completely external locus of control. All feelings of unhappiness are created by the system, all feelings of happiness must be provided by the system. You often see people who aren't manchildren playing videogames or watching anime or reading the odd genre fiction, but not only do they make it less of their personality (because their locus is more internal and can define themselves better without relying on escapist hobbies) the material they choose is usually something more stimulating for them, giving them new ideas or chances to reflect. The average manchild will never experience this, it will go right over their head as to them it's all media for pure consumption.

>> No.18331013

School doesn't mean anything. Women are less likely to break the law because they there's less pressure on them to be providers. I don't know how you can say women don't act irresponsibly. They never had many responsibilities, as once again, most of them would get passed on to men, and the ones that they did today most of them shirk.

>> No.18331054

>politics, science, technology
fields all populated by betas like in OPs pic. even people like Elon Musk admit to playing much Vidya games and liking memes.

>> No.18331067

Sure, you can criticize people and judge whether they’re living a worthwhile life or not. But frankly I don’t see much of a difference in value between someone who spends all their time consooming anime and genre fiction and someone who consooms philosophy and “””literary fiction””” (a great deal of which is as vapid and pointless as any work of genre fiction, and less fun to read too).

>> No.18331079

I never argued against against video games or memes.

>> No.18331089

If that lard beast got down to 90lbs the gas mask would be really sexy

>> No.18331091

Polly the projecting parrot! You want a cracker?

>> No.18331105

To give just one example, women violate traffic law less and get into fewer accidents than men. What does this have to do with them not being providers or not having responsibilities?

>> No.18331151

>women violate traffic law less and get into fewer accidents than men
I refuse to believe this. Women are notoriously shitty drivers for a reason. What you meant to say is that women get into more minor accidents and men get into more fatal ones. A point that must be mentioned, i guess we have to blame testosterone and that men are more likely to do dangerous things to act cool. Because if you're not cool than you're a fucking beta square and no woman wants to fuck you.

>> No.18331229

We could pick at this all day long and never come to a concrete conclusion. The disparity you're probably seeing between men and women are the fundamental differences between automatic processes that are defined in part by gender. Someone hypothesized that women are inclined to "tend and befriend" reflexively. I don't suppose it's going too far to posit that from this fairly base automatic system a logical tree can be grown, from which a predisposition towards social success is grown. I make this postulation based on the idea that these automatic processes do tend to govern regular processes, an example would be irrational social anxiety. Anecdotally, most of the women I know tend towards conformity. That tendency to conformity is *perhaps* why you see more women behaving in accordance with custom (good grades) and law (fewer traffic accidents). I can't speak to motivation, obviously that garners the illusion of social success. I believe the only measure in work is competence, which I've seen to be on equal measure with men, generally, but not as a rule and depends on context.

>> No.18331338

True, only children want to seem like an adult. But that doesn't mean bunch of adults acting like teenagers is good.

>> No.18331371

Wtf is genre fiction

>> No.18332573

Good post, anon.

>> No.18332581

Star Trek is cool, it's so laden with ideology and theatrical contrivances that it becomes really stylistically unique.

>> No.18332604

leftism prove me wrong

>> No.18332633

until you need to move a couch

>> No.18332697

Turns out you’re wrong.
Stupid liberal

>> No.18332727

>not to say that it's women's fault
White knight simp much?

>> No.18332755

The massive popularity of Nietzsche explains it all. Here you have an author who is a complete loser in real life yet he dreams of blond beasts, the super-man, being a sage, being an expert on women etc. Well, it's exactly the same with manchildren: they trade fantasies for reality.

>> No.18332783

Overworked / ill parents, poor nutrition and exercise, and plain bad genes cause this. Any "hobbies" they indulge in is an escape from the boredom and hopelessness of their lives.

>> No.18332792

Nietzsche has zero to do with any of this. Stop using him as a scapegoat for modernism in general, especially since he himself was a major critic of it.

>> No.18332800

What other option is there for a lot of men? First world society in particular doesn't offer many avenues. It used to be that if you were a bachelor, you could go into the world and build experience, maybe travel around and discover yourself. But what is there nowadays? You can't just go to the docks and work on a boat, or go into the countryside and join up with a company on the frontier. Modern work is very specialized, and most work in first world countries involve degrading service jobs.

So most men would rather just play with toys. A dude who lives in say, New York, has the same opportunities in New York as he does in California or Seattle. Sure, he can work out and try to better himself, but to what end?

>> No.18332811

Oooh, there's a cutie

>> No.18332844
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Based gasmask fetishizing anon

>> No.18333347

>Waiting for permission

You missed the boat.

>> No.18333604
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Post moar

>> No.18333645

in the heart of every anarchist there is a little boy who wants to be a woman.

>> No.18333649

>faggot tells you how to be a real man
You're unironically better off reading BAP

>> No.18333694

Yes, yes, of course, anon.

>> No.18333724
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>> No.18334153

>are less likely to break the (((law))) or behave (((dangerously))) or (((irresponsibly)))
yes, they are indeed terribly dangerous to the law. best get rid of them. except (((us))) ofcourse, otherwise who will set and enforce the laws? :^)

>> No.18334174

shes a 1/10 goblina. forgot her name but she ewhored on youtube making protrump videos

>> No.18334184

It's because of all the plastic in our food and water

>> No.18334187

they still look better and more healthy though

>> No.18334209
File: 883 KB, 950x841, Brittany-Venti-Sexually-Assaulted-e1547764127381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britnney Venti is sexier than a troon like you can ever hope to be

>> No.18334215

just today i saw this woman on lev and jules break the rules podcast. never seen her before. strange!

>> No.18334220

Are Jews mutts? Why are they like that?

>> No.18334263

You are right anon. Any books to get to that conclusion anon?

>> No.18334266

Her face is a 2/10

>> No.18334289
File: 411 KB, 1366x2048, CCAFAAD0-6D5D-497A-8DA1-9A1320805EDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her face

>> No.18334329

You're either gay or jealous

>> No.18334338

oh fuck off midwit

>> No.18334339

They all have the same physiognomical markers and body type. This is a primarily biological phenomenon and can likely be explained by a degenerative lack of selective pressure in modern human populations, ie. dysgenics

>> No.18334618

>Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
Because they think it's fun? Who cares. You sound like someone who consumes literature only for the sake of presuming himself superior to others. Imagine thinking you're better than someone for reading someone else's works of literary fiction and poetry. Top kek, as they say.

>> No.18334985

Bro the white nationalists aren't going to show up lol

>> No.18335092

The Malaise of Modernity lectures by Charles Taylor drive the point home. This is a fantastic example of what is basically relevant Continental philosophy delivered in a straight, lucid and coherent way, it is also barely 100 pages long.
I sometimes think the whole reason Canada existed in history was to produce Charles Taylor.

>> No.18335100

>says the manchild browsing 4chan
A thread died for this. Get a life.

>> No.18335175

>Did I use subsume properly? English isn't my first language. Thanks!
Not quite. Instead of:
>or whatever to subsume into
You probably should have written:
>or whatever to be subsumed by
Hope this helps anon

>> No.18335179

Masculinity is a paradox, almost quantum, in how it is achieved, let alone define. Err would I say it is not a trait so much as an action, for in trying to put force into form you miss the point. It is a thing learned in childhood and passed down from a father to his son. One generation of ill or absent fathers, and no cultural force to pick up the slack, and the whole thing becomes endangered. In trying to copy this where there is now a void you are on poor footing, and with each word you fall into confusion. Until we are here, and as things shall be, worsening.
In short? The Boomers and, to a more obscure degree, the WASPs and Jews have fucked us all before we even started.
Came here to post this initialy. Primo taste, Anon

>> No.18335227

Free time does not exist

>> No.18335240

t. retard confusing generic "men" with masculine "men"

>> No.18335253

>Oy vey
Jew detected

>> No.18335281

>MUST WARN ROOM. JEW. DE—TECT—ED *pant pant wheeze*

>> No.18335285

checked and based

>> No.18335310

>capitalism capitalism capitalism
If the sun disappeared you people would blame it on capitalism

>> No.18335316

To clarify, I don't think capitalism is a perfect or even the best system, but it is not the primary cause for the majority of societal trends

>> No.18335365

why is is so fucking nightand day. the /pol/ one looks like actually slightly nerdy people. the manchildren look like a gaggle of short bus spuds.

>> No.18335369

i don’t appreciate women for their bodies or personalities. but for their gasmasks. they are objects to me.

>> No.18335426

ofcourse inbreeding

>> No.18335440

>You can't just go to the docks and work on a boat
You can, though.

>> No.18335469

And skilled manual labor like forestry, welding, mechanical maintenance, etc, still exist, and are by and large still wholly masculine fields. There has certainly been a decline of masculinity, but if we seek so to shall we find.

>> No.18335484

This. Underrated post.

>> No.18335509

I wish I had friends like that

>> No.18335513
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deja vu
i saw that post already, with same pic

>> No.18335593

This entire website is a case study for manchildren. Every single board, with /fit/ being the worst

>> No.18335621
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Men have the power to overthrow the global system of power and must therefor be psychologically attacked from birth relentlessly.

Carl Jung and the psychology of the manchild (9min academy of ideas video)

>> No.18335642

Young men are used by older men to change history.

>> No.18335667
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Any videos on academic topics under an hour are for manchilds retard

>> No.18335727

There is a bomb that is ticking, its all around us. Its effect will be worse than an atom bomb. You cant shame the blast that will eventually tear the world apart. Neglect is the worst type of abuse.

>> No.18335784
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>> No.18336015
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What happens if more than 80% of fighting aged males wont find a mate and you add in relentless immigration. For now the blast is being kept at bay by vidya porn. Think.

>> No.18336019

>faggot not knowing the single best youtube channel in existence

>> No.18336059

All of the above.

A lot of people in this thread attribute this infantilism to declining masculinity but in my mind this is just one symptom of a larger epidemic which affects men and women equally.

I know a guy who would fit right into OP’s pic. He’s a 21 year old virgin who games almost all day every day while chatting to strangers on Discord. In the couple of years I’ve known him I’ve never once seen him eat any fruit or vegetables, just fast food. He never exercises. When I talk to him I’ll sometimes mention how I feel guilty and depressed when I waste my time, how I want to get better at making sacrifices for the long term, and it doesn’t resonate with him at all. He seemingly enjoys how he lives, and has the view that you’re not wasting time if you’re enjoying it. I think he’s so busy distracting himself with entertainment that he doesn’t give himself the chance to introspect about his role in society. Perhaps he lacks the capacity to do so. Maybe he’s knowingly resigned himself to an identity which most of his fellow men and women find contemptible because the joy he gets from playing video games outweighs any other consideration. He laughs more than I do, and while he games and chats with strangers he’s evidently having a lot of fun. Moment to moment I think he enjoys life more than I do even though from the outside he’s lived a comparatively empty life.

>> No.18336097

>/pol/ infografics

>> No.18336111

If I turn up to a 'meetup' and there's literally nobody worth smashing, I just walk out. I have a highly efficient penis.

>> No.18336117

Lmao maybe it is if you're sub average iq trash

>> No.18336127

Neither. You have low standards.

>> No.18336135

theyre all so fucking ugly

>> No.18336153

Name a bigger brained channel than AOI.

>> No.18336169

They literally look the same, just more girls in OP

>> No.18336172
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Why do you think the word incel became so popular. You can avert your eyes all you want, it wont change reality. Ignorance is not bliss, future pain and suffering.

>> No.18336181

It's their level. The problem occurs when they don't move on when the time is right.

>> No.18336188

Sometimes it is not escape in a fantasy world, it is literally their perception of reality this fantasy world. Dishonest artists and authors who exploit this vunerability and do not help them seek the trush are amoral in the very least.

>> No.18336239

Philosophy overdose

>> No.18336244

based coping virgin pretending he's going to lead a #epic gamer revolution LOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.18336248


you mean contemporary
Modernism is the total opposite of that, modernism believes in absolute truth and values

>> No.18336257

The word incel became popular because it is communicates a real phenomena. i.e. rightoid virgins are an interesting phenomena of the last 20 years

>> No.18336259


>> No.18336270

Yes, 100%.
If you can't see the correlation it is because you are deep into the cope.

>> No.18336272


>> No.18336293

Incels generally hate women because they blame women for their own personal failings.
This often leads them to look to the past and the gender dynamics of old to try and justify their world views.

Right wing social views argue that women should return to their previously held positions socially. One of the biggest being enforced sexual chastity, which is often done through traditionalism.

There is a direct pipeline from being an angry virgin to being a traditionalist / fascist.

>> No.18336294

Most of the incels in that popular meme were registered democrats though

>> No.18336317

Do you have any evidence or is this just empty speculation? I could similarly speculate that leftists and progressives would tend towards being virgins because of the increasing tendency for progressive ideologies to make women more promiscuous and less selective in their mates, thus making leftism a logical choice for virgins who want to get laid (not to mention how easy leftie women are if you just pretend to be interested in Marxism/etc.)

>> No.18336329

And its not even a new phenomenon. Schopenhauer was saying the same about people in his era. These people were playing cards instead of videogames and going out to drink until they drop. They always neglected the cultivation of mind and body for the sake of pleasure and fun.
I'm not implying fun is something to be avoided of course, but one must have balance. Fun and pleasure should not be the goal of life.

>> No.18336337

Lmao the cope levels are off the charts. There are dozens of studies that show that conservatives have less sex, and right wing extremists being by far the biggest group of virgins at age 30

>> No.18336352

Cite them then, that's what I asked for.

>> No.18336372

Why doesnt she have the asbestos filter attached

>> No.18336377

And dozens of studies which state the opposite. Studies like this aren't to be trusted, mate. These are influenced by the researcher's political beliefs, left or right.

>> No.18336387

Evidence based in spending time on 4chan/thatotherchan, watching gamergate and studying the traditionalist / schizos blogfags round the net.
But if you google incel and alt right you will get plenty of results

>> No.18336396

21 years old is practically a child.

>> No.18336435

So you haven nothing except belief.

>> No.18336451

Wow that video was actually very good, thanks for sharing

>> No.18336477

How does the guy without gf get cuckolded.

>> No.18336560
File: 316 KB, 462x509, Jack_Donovan_with_Vajra_-_2021-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol what is this

>> No.18336562

Jack Donovan somehow manages to be WAY more gay than the sissy Homos he denigrates.

>> No.18336593
File: 76 KB, 480x480, 7d0674e01114ea0f7458d9024fef7921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real. Hes just a typical leather club homo, getting off on his absurd fetish costume

>> No.18336790

alexander the great had won his first four battles at or before that age

>> No.18336885

R8 this post mate.

>> No.18336904

why would i not care how the people in my society behave

>> No.18336910

And Caesar was crying about that fact at 35.

>> No.18336912


>> No.18337093

she's indeed a 1/10 and i'm a man, not a tranny like yourself, so stop proyecting

>> No.18337151

Having abstract fun. Life is about the community where each is assigned his role befitting his or her age, status and abilities.
Children are expected to obey their elders for their own good, but are also expected to play, pretend and try out, thus learning
As they age, they leave behind the child toys and take on new roles, rights and obligations, to the children as well as to the elders.

If a boy does not become a man, he is a fuck up. If boys do not become men, the society is somehow fucked up. Western society is obviously fucked up. What is not obvious is why exactly is there such an obscene atomization, algorithmization and disenfranchisement going on. Manchildren, robbed of their political and societal rights and obligations as grown men citizens in exchange for faux-childhood, are a symptom.

This shit has been gradually growing on since the XVII century, it is modern alright. Rousseau Granted it got way overblown in the early XXI century in the more affluent parts of the globe, but the seeds were planted already then.

>> No.18337291


>> No.18337393

/pol/ is Bolivia Central, puro bolita jijiodeputa

>> No.18337426

>manufactured and ultimately sterile masculinity as you will find in many gyms

>> No.18337512

>He never exercises. When I talk to him I’ll sometimes mention how I feel guilty and depressed when I waste my time, how I want to get better at making sacrifices for the long term, and it doesn’t resonate with him at all. He seemingly enjoys how he lives, and has the view that you’re not wasting time if you’re enjoying it. I think he’s so busy distracting himself with entertainment that he doesn’t give himself the chance to introspect about his role in society. Perhaps he lacks the capacity to do so


>> No.18337570

who wants to tell him?

>> No.18337574

I unintentionally found this guy’s Etsy page once. He had an extensive wishlist of bronze eagle statuettes and candleholders

>> No.18337615

>Everything i don't understand is genetic
Modern genetics is mainly a way to demoralize society and sell many fancy drugs.

>> No.18337632

I think this is one of the first threads where I agree with the /pol/fags.
>conditioned to be individualistic and the center of the world
>reinforced by the mass media they consume
>define themselves by media they consume instead of the relationships they have or the skills they have culminated
>escapism from the results of these societal blights lead to obesity, selfishness, autistic obsession over things
>simulacra all around me
>corporate systems and structures replace any sense of real community and artificially construct relationships between those that share the same consuming media hobbies
>no one feels the threat of a sword to their throat
>no one feels the love of a beautiful woman who waved all day
>no one feels the love of children after work
>no one feels the comradery of gardening with the neighbors and making a large meal together as a group made of smaller groups
>each one either took a car (fuck cars) or is such a sad sack of shit they don't even own a car (what a loser)
>can't succeed in the awful hellworld we live in, but perpetuates escapism instead of doing anything about it
I hate it here. Is this why DFW roped?

>> No.18337672

how can your writing be strong if you are not?

>> No.18338556

It is. But not living with your parents, but more slavishly dependent on authorities to tell you how to live.


>> No.18338609

im thinking slight based and it oddly makes sense pilled.

>> No.18338675

watching movies and anime, playing video games is just exploring and living
in virtual worlds, because there is nothing left to explore and discover on planet earth amymore and living here is dull and boring experience

>> No.18338683

I deliberately started watching star trek ironically, to keep myself grounded in my origins and true sense of self as a weak bugman nerd from a weak suburban bugman family, because my overarching life project right now is crafting a new identity entirely divorced from the internet, from intellectualism (or pseudointellectualism), from intentionality, from overthinking, from neuroticism, narcissism, and from self-isolation. because I'm in such foreign waters, star trek is a comfy familiar anchor

>> No.18338702

Star trek is cringe, it is a leftist shit show disguised as scifi and I am talking about early startrek(s), the new shaniqa trek is abosulety trash tier

>> No.18338719

seek out islands of brutish people. they exist in certain jobs and places: in their worlds where everything is just so free and unplanned you'll think of it as savage. the culture shock will make you even WANT to return to your world of overthinking nihilists and happy fuzzy suburbanity and clean spaces and irony and insincerity and stilted cautiousness.

>> No.18338746

well yeah obviously. but it's charming for that liberal optimism so characteristic of scifi that's basically disappeared in the real world

trek humans invoke god during important events. sisko "may god help us all" (not the prophets or whatever). the thing that makes humans unique in trek among all aliens is that they are monotheists, and their god is utterly intangible and impossible. the federation may be communist or it may be the bourgeois world-republic envisioned by 18th and 19th century humanists, however you want to frame it, it at least is definitely a manifestation of christian eschatological destiny; "paradise on earth" as they refer to verbatim multiple times, a return to an ancient sinless state of being, a proper utopia.

>> No.18338762
File: 429 KB, 1200x800, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her face is a 2/10

>> No.18338769

that's because you're a manchild

>> No.18338782

i bought a pack of the first ten star trek movies on an itunes sale for like $30 cuz i thought it would be comfy to nostalgia it up on some 90s picard shit, but i still have not watched a single one

>> No.18338843

I really don't care about any of that, when I watch scifi it is too escape, I can even deal with some not too obvious sjw and leftist ideas, I can accept them in fantasy world and ignore, but new startrek is literally throwing faggots in your face, that was just disgusting and definitely not charming in any way

>> No.18338860

This. enslaving and conquering anyone is not in realistic chance anymore. At least let me simulate it and gain virtual experience from it before I do the real thing.

>> No.18338893

I prefer stargate

>> No.18338953

Please, tell me where these brutish people are.

>> No.18338995

Well, that's because newtrek is neoliberal corporately fueled garbage meant to extract profit from people like OP. There's a reason they didn't remake ds9 or tng. There's a reason we got time traveling mushrooms and robot picard. They don't want actual examinations of future political issues rooted in technology and human nature. They just want action based exploitive 3d bullshit they can couch in SJW rhetoric. The problem isn't star trek being SJW shit, it's always been about kissing black girls and fucking trannies. The problem is that it's now a non issue used to deflect criticism.

>> No.18339041

>There's a reason we got time traveling mushrooms and robot picard. They don't want actual examinations of future political issues rooted in technology and human nature. They just want action based exploitive 3d bullshit they can couch in SJW rhetoric
Thats all true, but realistically tng was unwatchable, it may have catered to audience at that particular time when scifi was at it's infancy but in reality it was not scifi show but as you said a show that mainly examined various issues and what not, in was set in scifi universe but that universe was of extremely poor quality (I am not talking about visual effects or old sets), ds9 was almost the same, and voyager actually felt like it was passable

>> No.18339048

What do you want science fiction to be like then if it is not an examination of society through characters use and adaption to technology?

>> No.18339082

Glad you liked it m8. Every single vid on that channel is like this.

>> No.18339087

moving companies go work at one

>> No.18339115

Mystery, horror, action, adventure, thiller, detective stories, police procedural etc set in scifi setting with some side element in a story or plot regarding "examination of society through characters use and adaption to technology"

>> No.18339152
File: 1.64 MB, 2810x3368, 09b622e870c0a849d5a838b668260a13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing to explore
Wrong. The last and frontier is within yourself. Start to look inside and the real ride begins! That is, if you can handle it, kid.

>> No.18339196

what do you mean? I looked and didn't find anything. what did you find? Or is it more like faith? Have faith and believe that there is something only to never find anything

>> No.18339252
File: 136 KB, 1094x1165, 1588701743555_elizabeth_debicki_megastacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you did not find anything you did not look at all. This stuff is hard to put into words, you either get it or you dont, yet.
Maybe take some lsd and wander into nature. Or take a ton of ketamine until you fall into the k-hole and see what is there. Or just take a ukelele into your hand and see what happens. What made all the greats in history was their journey within.

>> No.18339302

No fuck that I am not taking drugs, why don't you tell me what you found inside yourself because clearly you know what you are talking about

>> No.18339370
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, 7325BA32A3DF41779D91285759E8E856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldnt get it. Take some some lsd or shrooms nigga. Drugs..coffee is a drug, might as well take something mind expanding. Lsd is a lot closer to a medicine than a fucking drug. Ask someone who took it

>> No.18339408

Nobody can do shit nowadays without some periscopic asshole judging them at every point.

I'm sure these same high-and-mighty "protectors of society" were judged and now pass it onto to others due to their insecurity. All those (You)s aren't coming from a place of happiness

>> No.18339412

I don't subscribe to the whole loss of "masculinity" aspect but I think a big reason is a pornography. For a lot of men, losing your virginity, seeing a girl naked is something to work towards, to learn and eventually succeed at. Pornography subverts that by showing someone the most intense, in your face sexuality that is entirely virtual, so young men get their rocks off, and fall back into the ease of just getting by without trying hard.

I don't mean to undermine the aspect of consumer culture etc but I think porn has had a huge impact on the development of individuals socially and romantically.

>> No.18339630

You sound like a total faggot

>> No.18339805

No, you do. You modern loving kike faggot.

>> No.18340113

bolivia central es /int/. solo los marrones y sojeros "live laugh love travel" van ahí
En /pol/ tenés dos tipos de personas, los que les hacen bullying en el colegio (en general marrones) y los viejos boomer esquizos que los banean de facebook.

>> No.18340403

watching pornography is cucking yourself because you're watching another man perform the act. Even if no one but the women is involved, you're not the one experiencing the act and so it becomes the equivalent of a man jerking himself off in the bushes to a woman bathing in a lake.

>> No.18340602

Wow, I can hardly believe it.

>> No.18340745

Ugly ~> Socially neglected ~> social activities are neglected in place of personal activities ~> deeprooted anxiety from being socially neglected means you wont want to do social things, making you incapable of getting a job, holding conversations, etc.

>> No.18341334

>I play vidya to talk to friends and shoot the crap for a while.
Yeah I treat ir as virtual darts at a pub with my friends. Something to do with your hands that requires a bit of skill while you’re just kind of bullshitting and hanging out with the boys. If video games are anything other than that you need to reevaluate your life.

>> No.18341366


>> No.18341576

>Something to do with your hands
>that requires a bit of skill
>while you’re just kind of bullshitting and
>hanging out
>with the boys

>> No.18341597

I don't read genre fiction but I like video games. Nothing wrong with enjoying a modern medium

>> No.18341630

They're just doing stuff they like. It's really not that complicated. Some people like the societal validation of being le 1950s man, and some people just like Pokémon.

>> No.18341641

A whole lot of assumptions with zero substance in this post.

>> No.18341649

My favorite part was when he talked about how big, juicy, sexy, meaty, bikers are the ideal man (to him).

>> No.18341683

The average man didn't go on a boat and "find himself" throughout most of history.

>> No.18341809
File: 1.64 MB, 4267x2244, 1619827941050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pretty big man child. I'm horribly anxious, can't hold conversations, love Sci fi and fantasy, still a virgin. Pic related is all the posters I have in my room. I've been in therapy for about a decade and while I've made huge improvements I'm still scared shitless of talking to women. I don't have a lot going for me but my managers and customers at work like me a lot.

>> No.18341861

You work on it, so you will probably make it.

>> No.18343282

It's low IQ and being ugly leading to no succes, status, sex and thus escapism.>>18328594

>> No.18345462

Speaking without speaking again eh Satan?

>> No.18345704
File: 275 KB, 970x580, 1584092096214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedo scare during the 2000's makes parents afraid of letting their kids go out to the streets and socialize on their own
>they simply park them in front of gayming, cartoons and edgy websites like this one all day
>wound up socially inept at school because most of them haven't develop any real interesting qualities or hobbies and they got all their social cues from the internet
>either stay NEETs refreshing imageboards all day because they never developed enough initiative to get a job, or become basedboys with no higher purpose in life than buying more escapistic media
Many such cases!

>> No.18345717

the most unattractive thing about her is her mixed race complexion, but she is not a bad looking woman

>> No.18346289

Does this shit make you feel important or something? Who is this for?